The SECRET INVASION Avengers Movie We Never Got to See

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As far as I’ve noticed, when Screen Crush and Austin Burke hated this show, you know things have gone bad

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Equal-Doc6047 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

He made good points about the MCU needing an Avengers film before Kang Dynasty, the possible core team members haven't even interacted with each other on screen yet, Sam will most likely be the leader but I don't see how he's gonna round up Shuri in Africa, Carol in space, Jennifer in Los Angeles etc. He doesn't even know Jennifer exists, like how will all these characters come together? Nick Fury rounded them up for the first Avengers movie, but that's coz he knew all of them personally and Thor later joined. Who is there to round up a team now? Especially when everyone is so so far apart.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/zoecornelia πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Secret Invasion should have been 3-5 separate but connected tv shows and 2+ movies.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Larmefaux πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 17 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ryan hits some really good points here and basically has one simple fix to make the ending of Phase 4 awesome. It won't happen but I sure wish it would/ would've.

Anyway really fun to think of what could've been/ will be.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1OptimisticPrime πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 16 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
what if the ones closest to us the ones we've trusted our whole lives were someone else entirely what if they weren't even human Scrolls hey welcome back screen Crush I'm Ryan Airy so what if secret invasion was actually Avengers 5. this is a story that would have been the perfect Avengers movie after end game now the reaction to secret Invasion wasn't great for so many reasons the biggest letdown though is how one of the coolest Concepts from the comics was adapted secret invasion is one of the best crossover events in Marvel Comics and it's a story that's fitting to a big screen crossover event so we came up with how secret Invasion should have been done in the MCU and an Avengers 5 movie in Phase 4 would have fixed so many things for the entire Multiverse Saga Fury why haven't you called any of your special friends down we can't keep depending on these superheroes to swoop in and save our asses oh what all right so we all know that secret invasion was really disappointing so I'm not going to pile on too much we've done that enough in past videos instead let's start by explaining why secret Invasion should have been an Avengers movie the comics version of secret invasion was about the Scrolls invading Earth what makes it so unique is the reveal that the Scrolls had shape-shifted into so many Heroes but the really massive twist is that some Heroes were replaced years before the event so that's like Rarity resist cross in Civil War right yeah well they tried to do the scroll twist with Roadie in the show but they messed it up the reveal feels so empty and sloppy some damn sloppy work anyways the Scrolls were a huge threat so all of the Marvel heroes had to join forces to defeat them so you can see why secret Invasion would have worked so much better as an Avengers movie the MCU making a small scale show that feels cheap and insignificant ultimately feels like such a waste of this fantastic story and there are some good adaptations of the story The Animated show Avengers Earth's Mightiest Heroes did the story really well in fact they even did some things better than the comics if you lied to The Avengers to the whole world all using my face and Agents of Shield already made a much better version of secret Invasion on television the fourth season deals with characters being replaced by imposters now while it's robots and not Scrolls the concept is still the same there is that intense paranoia character as we know and love might have been replaced take for example one of the best scenes of the Season Fitz and Simmons a couple who are in love can't trust each other because they believe that the other might be an imposter one of us this is exactly the kind of scene that would have saved secret Invasion this is the staple of the body snatcher concept somebody in this Camp ain't what he appears to be right now that maybe one or two of us by Spring it could be all of us so how do we know who's human but this kind of thing is pretty much non-existent in the mcu's secret Invasion I mean for a show with shape shifters at no point is Fury or anyone else even suspect that the person they're talking with might be an imposter and this brings us to why we needed an Avengers movie in phase four hey why are you wearing that headband you gotta get to a montage or something welcome close after this video I'm gonna go work out is that why you're drinking green water no this is not green water it's my daily dietary supplement called ag1 they're the sponsor of this video so I've been drinking ag1 for about a year now and it's become a really important part of my daily routine oh that's it too well this is what we call a foundational nutrition drink it is the best way to make sure that you get all the vitamins and minerals that you need throughout the entire day it has 75 different ingredients including vitamins minerals superfoods probiotics and adaptogens that is why this is the best nutritional drink I've ever used for workout recovery I 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link in the description to get started on your first purchase of ag-1 now back to what I was saying now I understand why Marvel wants their Avengers movies to be these huge crossover events but by the time Avengers Kang Dynasty comes out it'll have been seven years since end game seven years this is the same time gap between the first Avengers and end game it's been 84 years and it's more than just a long way there's a bigger problem we don't know who the new Avengers even are is there even a team or is it just an army of Heroes now what is the dynamic between these Heroes who's the Tony of The Saga who's the Steve can these Heroes coexist as a team in a world that has lost half the original Avengers we didn't even ever see Sam Wilson's Captain America Captain Marvel series Black Panther and Spider-Man interacting fighting on the same Battlefield does not count we need at least one or two Avengers movies before Kang Dynasty in secret Wars because the way Marvel is doing it now the new Avengers will assemble for the first time in a huge crossover event with dozens of other Heroes and probably a bunch of nostalgic characters from The Multiverse okay oh oh hello hello what are you what are you guys doing here The Whole World's Gonna oh you're just gonna sit there this eliminates the concept of a team of Heroes it's another portal scene but this time like with the Multiverse The Avengers are so much more than just team up movies they Define the themes and the stories for each Saga they are integral for the overall story of each face these are the heroes that the entire Saga is revolving around the current Saga feels so disjointed the stories and heroes feel disconnected there are no major events that tie everything together so yes I did this to EU exactly you're so right high five the MCU kind of feels like the DC EU right now so they need to do more Avengers movies that's it yes and here's exactly how they should have done it this is where the fun begins let's start with the legacy of the Avengers after end game one of my confusions with phase four is why the Avengers are no longer a team sure Tony and Natasha are dead and Steve is an old guy Hawkeyes retired mostly and Hulk is kind of there bruh and Thor is like off in space doing soul searching but there are tons of other Heroes who are technically Avengers so why did none of them Step Up the implication is that without the core 6 there is no glue to keep the Avengers active so they just scattered back to solo heroics that's fine but the heroes must know the value of having a team so here's my in-universe explanation for what happened after Tony's death he created protocols for the continuation of the Avengers Roadie was tasked by his best friend to oversee Tony's plans but then the Scrolls invaded and Roadie was replaced by a scroll in this version he was not a Scrolls in Civil War this happened after end game the Scrolls used the blip as a cover for their Invasion there was so much chaos and all that confusion who could tell if someone was replaced by shape shifters now I know that one of the great things about the comic story is that some Heroes were Scrolls for years but I don't think this translates to the MCU it creates unnecessary retcons and it ruins great moments like these scroll Roadie used his authority to ensure that the heroes remain divided he claimed that with so many Godlike Heroes and without the sokovia Accords they must hold themselves accountable and only assemble when the world truly needs them throughout phase four there will be hints and breadcrumbs setting up the Scrolls for example the plot of wakanda forever will have a small change where the war between wakanda and talocon starts because of some information that Everett Ross gives Ramona but Ross was replaced and the Scrolls wanted to start a war between wakanda and talocon to weaken both Nations and now Ross has shorey's full Trust the infiltration has begun the final show before secret Invasion will be the Nick Fury show I would call it Fury agent of shield or simply Fury it will serve as a direct Prelude to The skrull's Invasion the show will be a buddy cop spy Thriller with Fury and Talos going after a rogue Shield agent this is someone from Fury's past an agent of Fury mentored personally but the twist is that the agent is a scroll so here's the backstory for secret Invasion which the show will slowly reveal after the events of Captain Marvel Carol helped the skrulls search for a new Homeworld but there were no safe worlds for the shape-shifting aliens Carol couldn't play chaperone for years so she and fury went with a less desirable solution integrating the Scrolls into other alien civilizations on several different planets and here the story tackles the complicated issue of immigrants and displaced people the show kind of touched on it but then they sort of made the refugees into evil terrorists not great Bob so in our version Fury used the skrulls who lived on earth as his spies however Talos objected to Fury using the Scrolls too much because he wanted his people to have a new start on Earth he didn't want his people to be defined by their ability to shape-shift Fury sent is that after what happened with Hydra and Winter Soldier he took drastic measures to protect the world and one of them was using some Scrolls as spies and assassins one of these spies was gravic the rogue agent and then the snap happened and fury and Talos were dusted for five years during that time graphic and other radical Scrolls took that opportunity to infiltrate Humanity but they don't want Earth they want its resources not the conventional kind they want the superpowers of the heroes they want the tech from wakanda they want to create super skrills and then take their Vengeance against the cree Empire because they believe that only once the cree are decimated the Scrolls will finally be free free to take over the cree's Empire and have many many safe worlds I have brought peace freedom justice and security to my new Empire now Fury senses a plot by the Scrolls to take over a sense of plot to destroy the Jedi but he doesn't call The Avengers right away he wants to keep it a secret it's his mess and he wants to protect the good squirrels like Talos from prosecution now at the same time the paranoia kicks in and fury cannot trust anyone everybody can be a shapeshifter he can't even trust Maria Hill and here's the thing she was replaced by a scroll and she's actually Leading The Invasion From The Sword space station the show ends with hills sending the call to all scroll operatives at the next phase of the invasion has begun and that gets us to Avengers 5 secret Invasion the first half of the movie focuses on two factors the Scrolls created a machine that will allow them to replicate superpowers the second story is about the new Avengers meeting and reacting to the Skrill Invasion now early in the movie we could see the new Captain America Sam Wilson on a mission he fights a group of terrorists or something like that Nick Fury shows up and kills one of them and the body transforms into a scroll course and this shatters everything look on your trust and trust nobody Nick explains to Sam what's going on and urges him to assemble the Avengers all right you just said Fury didn't want anybody to know did you forget that that you said that did you forget you said that wow who said this is the real Nick Fury wait where you caught him Nick not Fury and then that means yes this is an imposter nobody calls me Nick the real Fury is in hiding the Scrolls want all of the Avengers in one place so they can copy their abilities Sam brings the heroes together as he steps up as a new team leader now I don't think that the new Avengers need to be bloated with too many Heroes it's a team not an army the members of The New Avengers are Captain America Captain Marvel Spider-Man black panther Ant-Man wasp Shang Chi and She-Hulk but right about Thor and Dr Strange where's Rhonda and vision Daredevil Ms Marvel well Thor is off world with love and he should be part of the cosmic Avengers Doctor Strange is off to another Universe dealing with incursions and he should deal with the Multiverse and Wanda she's kind of dead is she there okay she'll be back but this is too soon and white vision is way too confused to be part of the team I request elaboration Daredevil is a street level hero who only appeared in shows so far I actually think that those street level heroes can end up forming their own team on the TV side now as for Miss Marvel Kamal is the best but I don't think she should join the Avengers at least not yet I like the idea of her and Carol meeting for the first time in the Marvels and this way their meeting might be more meaningful we're a team no no no we're not we're not a team and I also think that Ms Marvel should join the Young Avengers Professor Hulk War Machine Bucky and even Hawkeye are in the movie and they would be part of the team as well but those are the eight new Avengers but here's a Twist two of these heroes are Scrolls you already know Roadie is one of them hakka ah there's no way a scroll could replicate his skills yeah no the second scroll is hope so this creates a fun Dynamic when Scott realizes the woman he loves had been replaced anyways this brings us to the second part of the movie The Avengers who are still not fully formed by this point are working on Tech that will detect the Scrolls but there is immediate paranoia among the team everyone is on edge because anybody to be a shape-shifter the scrolls are here and they can look like anyone and fury thinks one of you has been replaced by one scroll Roadie then reveals that he has info about where the scrolls are located so most of the team goes on a mission while shuri hope and Bruce are working on the scroll detector scroll hope takes shuri and Bruce down this was all a trap the Scrolls need shuri's lab to finish their machine that replicates superpowers and right away they start making super Scrolls foreign leads the heroes to an ambush there's a battle but it's unlike anything we've seen in the MCU the Scrolls use their shape-shifting to mess with the heroes it's more of a horror scene than a fight The Avengers fight doppelgangers of their friends of people they know and love they even fight copies of themselves it is chaos nobody knows who's real and who's the Imposter that man's an imposter that man is the Imposter Scott fights a scroll who turns into hope and he cannot fight the woman he loves Peter must face a scroll in an Iron Man suit or who knows maybe it's a scroll who looks like the Green Goblin if that's like multiversely possible Carol sees a little scroll girl who blames her for her past sins when she was serving the cree Empire and how she abandoned the Scrolls and Sam finds himself fighting skrull Bucky who's wearing Steve's Captain America's suit this symbolizes Sam's inner self-doubt about wielding The Shield instead of Bucky the Scrolls defeat the new Avengers with paranoia guilt and doubt some heroes are captured and the Scrolls begin to copy their abilities the heroes who escaped start pointing guns at each other the paranoia kicks in and they are about to fight but then steps in and proves himself as the leader not letting the paranoia destroy the new Avengers nothing come between us nothing tears us apart later the heroes meet the real Fury who introduces them to Talos and other good Scrolls proving that not all of them are invading aliens and Talos helped free shuri in the real Hope from the Scrolls and with talos's help shuri and hope create a scroll detector it's me prove it you're a dick okay sir sure then hope are the new science Bros well more like science sisters this leads to the final battle where the new Avengers assembled to defeat the super skrulls these are the new Avengers for phase four in the end the heroes defeat the super skrulls and free the captured Heroes many scroll imposters are revealed but not all of them the new Avengers are established and now there is a team in the Multiverse Saga the scroll situation won't just fade away since there are many Scrolls who still need a safe world to call home and the Avengers won't repeat Fury's Mistakes by forgetting about them and there are still some bad Scrolls out there who now have super powers by The Avengers helping the Scrolls nefarious forces will use the situation to turn the public on the heroes Thunderbolt Ross will assemble the Thunderbolts to serve as Government approved Heroes so Phase 5 will adapt the story of dark rain from the comics and we already made a few videos about how that could happen all of it will lead to a clash between the Avengers and the Thunderbolts or the dark Avengers and this is something we've never seen in the MCU a team of Heroes fighting a team of villains and after that phase six will go all in with the Multiverse crisis and it ends with Avengers Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars the major difference is that this time there will be an established Avengers team that assembled in phase four so by the culmination of phase six it will actually feel like the characters had a full story over the course of the entire Saga and you know what maybe Marvel wasted secret Invasion but they can still do this story without the Scrolls or how would that even work well what if there's an Invasion From Another Universe where variants will infiltrate the universes by replacing heroes from Earth 616. I mean they all look the same usually maybe we should even Explore that idea in a future video [Music] anyways that's how we think secret Invasion should have been done in the MCU do you think it should have been the story of Avengers 5 and who do you think should be on the new Avengers team let us know your thoughts down in the comments below or at me on Twitter and if it's your first time here please subscribe smash that Bell for alerts for screen Crush I'm ryanairy [Music] [Music]
Channel: ScreenCrush
Views: 165,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: secret Invasion, screencrush, heavy spoilers, New rockstars, secret invasion trailer, secret invasion episode 6, secret Invasion avengers 5, avenegrs 5 phase 4, secret invasion episode 5, secret invasion intro, secret invasion review, secret invasion episode 4, secret invasion post credit scene, secret invasion episode 2, secret invasion episode 3, secret invasion reaction, secret invasion episode 1, secret invasion trailer reaction
Id: w3mAlC-a4Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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