The Secret Garden | WildBrain Cartoon Movies

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The Secret Garden (1993)

A young British girl born and reared in India loses her neglectful parents in an earthquake. She is returned to England to live at her uncle's castle. Her uncle is very distant due to the loss of his wife ten years before. Neglected once again, she begins exploring the estate and discovers a garden that has been locked and neglected. Aided by one of the servants' boys, she begins restoring the garden, and eventually discovers some other secrets of the manor.

Drama | Family | Fantasy
102 min
Director: Agnieszka Holland
Stars: Kate Maberly, Heydon Prowse, Andrew Knott
Rating: 74% with 679 votes

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is this the last house to close up today afraid not still got the lennox place i wonder why captain linux didn't clear out his family when the cholera took hold but i thought he didn't know better yeah his wife refused to leave pretty thing but stubborn pray she'd miss a dinner party can you imagine we call over about nobody's left then don't think so just have to close up the place now somebody come here at once i command someone to help me or i'll scream where is everybody stale lazy servants mother father why do they always leave me alone what are you doing in my house your house yes i am mary lennox captain lennox's daughter i can't believe it she's actually been forgotten i have not been forgotten find my servants find my parents poor kid there's nobody left to find love the servants have all fled listen missy your parents died from the cholera and carried away in the night they can't be dead who will take care of me don't you worry love we'll find your home home now i can hardly hear the word and to think of all the times i've heard [Music] his head i don't want to hear it please don't get my hopes up [Music] [Applause] [Music] other people say as long as i'm alone [Music] well mary i suppose i should tell you something about your uncle's house misselthwaite manor is a queer place very gloomy it's 600 years old on the edge of a moor there are over a hundred rooms though most of them are shut up and locked mrs medlock if i want to know anything i'll ask my aunt your aunt has been dead for 10 years 10 years and your uncle's not fond of children [Music] home home is a memory of a bed where i woke and found the final [Music] please page get my hopes up [Music] hurry up look sharp though we haven't got all day [Music] [Music] my [Music] missile plate impressive don't you think [Music] well here we are follow me i'll show you to your room [Music] come on [Music] this is good talk good evening is everything going well as well as we could hope thank you very much mr medlock good night [Music] why didn't my uncle say hello that wasn't your uncle archibald that was dr craven his brother when shall i meet my uncle then your uncle does not wish to see you and my job is to make sure he's not disturbed and that he doesn't see what he doesn't want to see [Music] well here you are this room is where you'll live and you must keep to it i will do as i like you will do as the master wishes i'll have your supper sent up to you don't bother i'm not hungry a horrible place this is [Music] [Applause] [Music] i wish i were back in india i wish i were anywhere but here good morning miss mary time to rise and shine poor dear you must have been tired falling asleep in your traveling clothes who are you hi martha did you sleep well dear of course not this is the noisiest house i've ever been in i the winds make a terrible uproar at night watering round the house and squalling in all the nooks and crannies it's a wonder anyone gets any sleep at all are you going to be my servant oh i do bits and bobs of housework and i'm to keep an eye on you but you shouldn't need much waiting on then who's going to dress me can't you dress yourself it's not a question of it's a question of won't it's just not the custom in india strange customs in india things are much stranger here well here in yorkshire is the custom for children to put on their own clothes i you'll have the knack of it in no time [Music] most pathetic excuse for a garden i've ever seen hey why'd you do that don't you dare let that happen again stop tormenting poor creatures that never caused you any harm who are you to tell me what to do um ben weather stuff i see to the gardens then why are all the gardens dead you would have been fired in india if the gardens look like this gardens aren't dead lasts it's just winter soon it'll be spring you'll see green crocuses and daffodils will push up through this very soil where will i find them maybe if you didn't throw sticks at robin he'd be your friend and sure i don't need any help and i don't need any friends suit yourself we're a good bit alike we too we're both sour as we look and got the same nasty tempers fancy such insolence from a garner um that's very rude cat you mustn't do that i see you've met darjeeling whose cat is this she used to be your aunt lillian's cat but for years she's belonged to no one belong to no one then she shall belong to me what is that noise it's only the uh wind dear drink your teeth i'm finished with my tea it's not only the wind [Music] uh i'm your cypress or eyes i'm going back to my room oh then dear you needn't do that and if here i took there and you'll be as right as rain i've brought something for you what is that for for not got skipping ropes in india [Music] just watch me i'll show you how it's done you're talking your dress and your goals [Music] when i was 12 i could skip to a hundred of course i was in practice then and not so fat i'm going to skip to a hundred perhaps on the more you'll meet my brother dicken he talks to the animals and they talk to him some say he's an animal charmer there are no animal charmers except in india of course come along darjeeling come along then darjeeling darjeeling won't go out she's strictly a house cat a house cat you're just a scaredy cat one two three four oh [Music] no flowers yet mary hello robin [Music] where are you going i can't climb that wall [Music] there has to be a door around here somewhere there's no way in [Music] [Applause] 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 [Music] it's here spring is here i must tell ben [Music] need any help no i don't need any help [Music] you must be taken and you must be mistress murray pleased to meet you did you really throw a stick at robin how'd you know about that you are an animal charmer anybody can understand the animals if they really want to he likes you do you know what's behind the walls nobody knows what's behind the walls no one's been allowed inside being locked up for ten whole years i wonder why let's come back tomorrow and find a way in i must get in there we aren't supposed to but all right i better get back it's getting late nice to meet you tomorrow then [Music] dickens wonderful i thought you two would hit it off robin talks to me you know ticking you all about the stick i threw [Music] mary you must go to your room and clean yourself up the master wants to see you [Music] come on i'll help you get ready [Music] don't be afraid i'm your uncle archibald i'm not frightened are you well yes i'm sorry for your loss child i know how you must feel it doesn't matter you know i almost forgot you were here i intended to send you a governess or a nurse but uh i forgot i don't need anyone to take care of me please don't make me have a governess i'm i'm just getting used to it here you're trembling oh don't be so frightened you may do what you like really of course a child like you couldn't do any harm is there anything you want i mean toys books dolls might i have a bit of earth to grow things in someone i cherished very much loved the earth and things that grow was that my aunt lillian yes yes it was well mary i'm traveling to scotland tonight on business i'll be gone a considerable time while i'm gone mrs medlock will be in charge yes sir [Music] goodbye goodbye mary [Music] i wonder what that noise is it certainly doesn't sound like any wind i ever heard before i'm going to find out what that is once and for all [Music] you deserve to be in charge here at misselthwaite your brother doesn't appreciate it for heaven's sake he's hardly ever here yes well that is true don't forget this i've put in a few extra pounds from the household account i know what a time you've had of it good night mrs medlock good night dr craven mary legends what are you doing out of your room [Music] oh stop it let go of me look [Music] you were told to keep to your room you have defied my orders and that is something i will not allow [Music] i'm supposed to meet dicken today what am i going to do [Music] don't go please do you want me to follow you [Music] wait don't go so fast [Music] thank you aren't you coming [Music] dicken i'm too late if only you could talk to me like you talked to dicken maybe then you could tell me where the key is i don't understand [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] all the mysteries of nature are clear if you listen to the meaning not the word every nay every winnie every howl every bleat a [Music] not [Music] can you help me do you know where the key is in the hollow between the branches of the tree here it is i found it yes you found it [Music] [Applause] [Music] a guard a secret garden still it is i must be the first person who's been in here for years this used to be the loveliest spot in all of england is that why you wanted to show it to me oh yes you see i remember it the way it was it must have been beautiful once what are you two up to [Music] [Music] you do remind me of your aunt lillian what was she like the prettiest kindest lass ever to grace the manner [Music] oh robin look at these little things it's like magic i must tell dickens a garden of my very own [Music] dicken dicken i have a wonderful surprise whoa bath follow me it's just mistress murray i found the way into the garden come on i'll show you let's go i've climbed that tree for years it's a wonder i've never found it before well i was waiting to tell the right person yes he was waiting for me it was magic that told him it was me well blow me down you've learned robin yes i have she wants to see the garden do you think we should go in there after all it is locked uncle archboard said i could have any piece of earth i like and i like this one after all nobody's using it it's a queer pretty place almost like a dream [Music] a body might think this was dead but i don't believe it is not down to the roots how do you know see that it's wick as uri i'm glad it's wick what's wick wick that's yorkshire it means it's got life in it well then i want them all to be wick with a little tending by summer they'll be fountains of roses why who did this i did they were so little and they looked as if they couldn't breathe a gardener come to done better he there will be a sight there's a lot of work to do here i can dig and pull up weeds whatever needs to be done hey i wouldn't want to make it all clipped and and span it's nice like this with things running wild swinging and catching all of each other yes it will be a magical garden oh i wish you'd been there it once was a beautiful garden you've been in the garden mary you can understand me yeah the garden's mouth is so full of fabulous smells but it's so dangerous out there [Music] that's not just the wind wuthering it's different it sounds like someone's crying you know every inch of mistlethwaite can you help me find out what's making that noise you don't want to find that noise you do know something show me if i must [Music] i need a candle i don't follow me [Music] oh wow [Music] darjeeling oh sorry those rats were as big as poodles what a scaredy cat you can't leave me alone i don't know how to get back don't worry we're almost there [Music] we're here [Music] the coast is clear let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we go i'm right behind you [Music] who are you are you a ghost no are you i am colin craven who are you i'm mary lennox from india mr craven is my uncle he's my father your father nobody told me uncle archbald had a son that's because i won't let them everyone in misselthwaite must do as i say because i'm ill if i grow up i'll probably be a hunchback like my father but no one believes i shall live to grow up what a strange house this is everything is locked up and kept secret no wonder you cry i do not you do too i know because you keep me up i really wish you wouldn't make such a fuss what's this nothing leave it alone i said leave it alone i don't want to see it if you tell me why you keep it covered i'll tell you a secret i've never had a secret it's a picture of my mother my father hates me because she died when i was born my parents died in an epidemic in india oh you're all alone as well i have a garden a secret garden it's a wondrous place tell me all about it robin lives there and the crocuses are coming up and by summer they're going to be lots and lots of roses it will be as beautiful as the gardens in india india my father brought me something from india once it's very handsome oh mary i want to see the garden ever so badly why don't you come with me i can't i can't walk dicken could push a wheelchair dicken martha's brother he's the only other person who knows about the garden good and he shall push my wheelchair and we can go to the garden just the three of us uh oh i better get back to my room before mrs medlock catches me i'll come back tomorrow i promise [Music] just dream about the garden [Music] i want to go outside now no not now my boy i don't think that's the best thing for you right now i am not your boy and they don't care what you think i if you go outside you'll catch your death if i'm not going to live anyway what difference does it make i i i tell you what my lad a journey outside is out of the question today but i leave a prescription for you with mrs medlock and we'll see how you are in a week hmm what could possibly have got into that boy i can't imagine his going out would hurt anything in fact there's always the chance he could make him feel better precisely the problem better double the prescription doctor do you think that's why is look what a tantrum he just threw the child is out of control right you are be careful with this it's strong than he's used to please let it still be there please [Music] it's even prettier than before yeah i've brought these tools let me show you how to use them [Music] right that's right murray the earth has got to breathe digging do you know about colin what does that know about him well i've met him he can't walk he's afraid he might be a hunchback if he grows up and he thinks his father hates him do you think his father hates him no and he ought to think like that no lad could get well with thoughts like those if he were out here with us he'd be watching for butts to break on the rose bushes not thinking dreary thoughts i believe you're right [Music] i don't know about that there's something you ought to know ten years ago mr craven was happier than he'd ever been in his life they had spent a hundred other days just like this one [Music] he asked miss craven to go inside but she loved that garden so then something terrible happened colin was born later that day lillian was determined to see that child into the world but she died soon afterward poor wretched mr craven only came to the garden once after that to lock it up forever [Music] robin don't you see colin must come here the fall killed his mother and he thinks his birth did i'm sure learning the truth would heal him most of all i think you're right murray besides i think miss lillian would have liked for him to know this garden [Music] get away from me [Music] and you'll feel better no i won't what do you think you're doing not talking to you what are you doing here you have disobeyed me again go to your room we must leave master colin to rest i want mary to stay i want you to go medlock everyone must do as i say very well master colin you tell me what you're screaming about this instant stop you stop stop i can scream louder and longer than you you you you didn't come to see me today that's right i was outside with dicken you promised to come see me you promised i didn't see what time you might not see dicken anymore you will only see me i'll see dick and all i want he's the finest boy i've ever met if i stop seeing anyone it will be you oh go ahead scream till you're blue there's nothing wrong with you it's just hysterics and temper just hysterics hysterics hysterics felt a lump on my back it started i'm going to end up just like my father i'll wager there's nothing the matter with your back here let me have a look there's not a single lump here but i felt it all you feels backbone lumps and you can only feel them because you're so thin i've got backbone lumps and they used to stick out too until i got fatter do you think i could live to grow up if you stop by you're screaming and get some fresh air i don't see why you shouldn't live to be a hundred do you think so would you tell me about your day please how was the garden oh colin you wouldn't believe how fast it's growing did you tell dick and about me yes he said he'd be happy to push your wheelchair to the garden can't go to the garden why not dr craven and mrs medlock won't let me go out i thought everybody has to do as you say we're going out and we want to be left alone medlock master colin you mustn't forget that you're a very sick boy that is precisely what i must forget come on mary come on dicken we're off that girl is trouble she's a bad influence on colin can't you see she's undermining our positions [Music] you take the chair mary well i get on with things here it's wonderful to think i never knew it was here and it's only spring just imagine what it will look like in full bloom i can imagine a garden full of sunlight streaming down nourishing even the tiniest buds as they spring up from the ground they'll be higher synthetic we'll watch it as it grows spring will have brought us a rain cloud nature's great big watering can can you imagine us pruning the leaves till my face is roasted flowers come alive flourish and survive out from under the heaviest [Music] color will be seen red and blue and green we'll be turning up every last storm [Music] growing growing what are you scallywags doing in garden who are you get out this is mrs craven's garden nobody's allowed to go inside nobody you're master colin of course i'm master colin who else would i be i knew your mother what's that been doing with the self hiding out and letting people think you're a half witch and a i'm not a half wit and i can walk if i want to [Music] i knew he shouldn't be in here colin are you all right just shaking he'll be right as rain in a minute or two don't worry mary i'll be all right i'm so glad right then clear out the lot of you now see here oh ben we love the garden so see how we're tending it aunt lillian would have liked the garden to be brought back to life i just know it i that she would have i want to help in the garden i'll work on it every day oh she'll get stronger and stronger look ben he can do it he can do what he can i shall make my father proud of me i will learn to walk it will be a surprise and no one must say anything about it ah you'll make a man yet god bless thee did you see how flushed master colin was when he came home yesterday i certainly did he seems to be getting more and more difficult and louder too before that wretched mary came to mistlethwaite everything was fine just fine she's upsetting colin and ruining my plans i had everything under control till now but what can we do here you must write to your brother we will simply have to have the girl sent away is that necessary she's just a young girl after all if we are to keep control of missile freight we can't tolerate any change in the order of things you wouldn't want those shortages in the house accounts to be discovered would you certainly not certainly not there's no question about it dr craven we have to do this well if you think so dear archibald i'm writing to you all on a matter of great urgency how does that sound keep writing miss mary has discovered master colin her bad influence is putting him in great danger i got it she has enticed him on outings that are pushing his frail little body beyond its limits who knows what danger might beset him what dire consequences might befall him to what depths his illness might progress really medlock don't you think that's laying it on a bit thick therefore in the best interests of the boy i recommend that miss mary be sent away upon your reply we will find an appropriate boarding school oh don't be so glam colin we may not be able to go out today but i've got a surprise for you a surprise what sort of surprise did you know mistlethwade has a hundred rooms mary mary no [Music] this is what i wanted you to see it's your father's study [Music] look marry elephants just like the one father gave me that's where my elephant belongs [Music] never seen her smile before [Music] mary now it almost seems that she's smiling at me do you think she could be i'm so glad i found you what's the matter mrs medlock's trying to get your uncle to send you away [Music] i overheard that old witch and dr craven writing a letter to master archibald they wrote that you're a bad influence on colin they said you're making him sicker i that's nonsense i don't think so and i don't think mr craven will either calling adores miss mary the children get on so well together if there's one thing i dislike more than difficult little girls it's meddling housemate but mrs med i think eve's dropping an insubordination of sufficient grounds for dismissal pack your things you can't sack martha i shall tell my uncle about your lies and wickedness i've had enough of you merry lennox let go let's go mary mary [Music] perhaps now you'll think twice before causing more trouble [Music] help let me out help [Music] now what shall i do why do you look so glum another cat got your cream mrs medlock is sending me away i'd scratch her eyes out but she's too scary if there were only some way for me to contact uncle archibald i know he wouldn't send me away think what we could really use is a carrier pigeon a delicious pigeon that's it what you're brilliant robin can take a message to uncle archibald [Music] oh it's no use i've gotten too big oh well that's that maybe not you must do me a favor anything just ask go to the garden and get robin you're the only one who can save us outside not this old cat it's out of the question not possible i i don't go outside it's dangerous out there storms and lightning there's no lightning now come on darjeeling we're all afraid of things muster your courage what courage think of poor colin you must be brave i'll do my best [Music] thank you darjeeling thank you go to robin and tell him to come here and hurry when this is over i better get a coat full of cream [Music] robin robin wake up [Music] robin please it's darjeeling [Music] you haven't been out of the house for for years no i haven't have i well we all get over things you haven't seen any lightning have you why are you here mary needs you she's in trouble go quickly [Music] oh thank goodness you're here what's the matter ass you once told me you know where my uncle stays in scotland you must take a message to him here i've written a letter [Music] scotland [Music] wait a second wait just a second [Music] colin needs you come at once flies you've never flown before robin it's ever so urgent yes if you please mom i'm here for murray and colin the children are staying in today master colin's not feeling well but yesterday today the children are not going out [Music] what could the matter be yesterday colin seemed weak as you are i where's mary i want to see mary not today master colin you're far too agitated [Music] if you calm down i know you will feel better here drink this no i won't i don't want your powders and potions i want to see mary and if you don't let me i'll have you sacked we'll see about that [Music] listen to the child his face is red his body's hot he won't stop screaming if he doesn't explode i will sounds like you need the rest more than young colin don't you understand anything you fool that child is getting better and better every day a bit of good luck oh good doctoring if colin becomes healthy then you will never be master of mistletoe we must control that boy yes i suppose you're right perhaps just a little elixir to suit his nerves i'll dip into the household funds and see if i can thank you in an appropriate way thank you mrs medlock that will be most appreciated so [Music] [Music] let me out you'll pay for this someone help [Music] look mother i can almost walk i can keep watch from here [Music] who is it who's there [Music] have you noticed how quiet it is why it's so quiet you could hear a mouse drop don't like it not a bit i have to get out of here somehow something terrible may have happened to colin i know where she keeps her keys please try and get them hurry how do i always get myself into these things because i am the bravest one of all oh dicken what are you doing here i got worried where have you been i've been left here alone and i haven't seen mary for two days i have to get you out of here be careful mrs medlock this is potent stuff too much could prove fatal this is the maximum dosage i'll go up and take a look at him before i leave ah seems that i've left my stethoscope in the carriage plummet you in colleen's room man certainly dr craven if you like one two three as i count to ten my final patience is wearing thin i'm sick and tired of this [Music] till now i think i've been too polite to claim what's new me is my right and fine night [Music] and when the deed is over and done i will have fought this battle and one and i'll be right where i have deserved to be for so long when this man and his wretched boy are thrown aside like a broken toy i will enjoy that the manna will be mine the manner will be mine [Music] hurry it's worse than you thought medlock's trying to poison colin oh no oh quick hide [Music] mary mary we've gotta hurry let's go what's going on i don't have time to explain we've gotta hurry [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know who's behind this we've got to find him [Music] dicken you go and fetch help colin and i will wait in the garden we'll be safe there [Music] where could they have gone could they be down there they wouldn't be down there their garden's dead locked up forever now we've got them it's magnificent more beautiful than we ever dreamed you thought you could hide in mrs craven's garden did you for a long time now you have defied me mary lennox no more you leave her alone medvek my father your father what your father cares nothing for you he wouldn't care if you lived or died that's why he's never here that's not true there you go defying me again i am in charge of mistletoe and soon i will be in charge of mistletoe manor forever more is that so mrs medlock father uncle archibald robin found you archibald we have a serious problem this willful child is ruining everything she's put poor call in a terrible risk and and and yes yes we have a very serious problem that's not true don't believe them father it was mary who helped me get well mary in the garden [Music] there's magic in this garden i can see that colin i can see that perfectly well i trusted and listened to you both but mr craven you exploited my grief and came between me and my child now archibald surely you can't think i had anything to do with this you should have known better no i should have known better get out of my sight the both of you leave it once but i'm sure the constable will want to have a word with you [Music] so this was the piece of earth you wanted so badly it looks so sad and lonely it will never be sad again you've worked wonders in here are we going to stay together now father you me and mary yes call him you me and mary home now i can finally say the word and to think of all the times it made me cry home home is a very special bird who [Music] i have seen my wishes coming true loving you has shown my future's right here with you cookie jar [Music]
Channel: WildBrain Cartoon Movies
Views: 3,754,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildbrain, wildbraincartoonmovies, cartoon, movies, cartoon movies, cartoons movies, cartoon movies best, cartoon movies hd, cartoon movies kids, cartoon movies english, cartoon movies animated, cartoon movies for free
Id: 81SbCR6p3Z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 41sec (4121 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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