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the majority of us don't wake up in the morning throw off our covers and go I just can't wait to clean today and get right to work most of us wake up and throughout our morning routine we see little things that we need to do and tasks we need to take care of and remind ourselves we got to do it later and then when we finally have time to work on it we tend to default to I don't really want to do that I know on days particularly when my kids have been home all day by the time nap time rolls around my house can look like a tiny tornado went through it which technically tiny tornadoes did go through it and when I finally get them both to sleep the last thing I want to do is use my precious quiet time to clean up but as you guys have heard me preach about a million times it is always better to do little things throughout the day as opposed to letting things build up into a big giant task so today I'm going to give you my three best tips to get instant cleaning motivation so you can get those tasks tackled [Music] okay so step number one is you need to reason with yourself most of us when we are faced with a task that we need to complete that's like boring or like we don't really want to do you know typically cleaning tasks we tend to default to know right your brain will sort of be like I don't really want to do that but a very cool thing is you actually have control over the thoughts in your brain our thoughts are very very powerful but I think some of us don't always give ourselves enough credit because we're the ones who put the thoughts in there which means we have some control and some sway over the thoughts that are up there your brain actually has two different modes it has something called a direct mode and a default mode now your default mode is essentially for all the things that happen on autopilot to inhale to Blink to lift our coffee cup up to drink your default mode is there because you need it you can't be actively thinking about these things but something really interesting is your thoughts can actually end up in default mode as well they can end up on autopilot if you think the same thoughts over and over and over again it tells your body essentially to put this on autopilot so your brain will autopilot to that thought process so this means sometimes you need to change your thinking from default to direct now direct mode are things that you do consciously that you are making active choices or actions about so while your brain May default to know when they see a cleaning task that they don't want to do you need to change it you need to make that shift in your thinking in order to change it from the note to something else in the book the antidote happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking Oliver Berkman points out that we tend to phrase things in a limiting way we'll say I just can't clean right now or maybe we'll make an excuse like I'm too tired to do that but deep down what we really more often mean is I don't feel like doing these things so you need to make an active effort to change your thinking about it and the way that really works for me that I've shared in the past is to remind myself I'm never gonna feel like it the phrase I'm never gonna feel like it has really changed my life when it comes to developing positive habits often when we want to adopt a new habit we have to adopt some tasks or routines that we like don't necessarily default to um and so they're not going to feel natural to us and they're not something we want to do say for example you want to wake up earlier in the morning when your alarm goes off you're not gonna want to wake up right say you want to start working out when you get out of work you probably just want to go home you're not going to want to go to the gym so I kind of shift my thinking because I can't sit around and wait until I feel like doing something because I'm never gonna feel like it I will face one of these tasks in an easy way that I shift my thinking is they say Cali you're never gonna feel like it your brain has default to nope and it's going to default to nope in 20 minutes and in an hour and then tomorrow it's going to default to that you're never gonna feel like it so you need to do it right now if you can't just sit around and wait for motivation or divine intervention to to strike because it's never going to there is a really famous artist named Chuck Close and he says that inspiration is for amateurs the rest of us just show up and get to work and that's essentially what you need to do remember that you are in control instead of focusing on the mess or the amount of work you need to do focus on the fact that you're in control of this situation and you are the one who can make it better if you're overwhelmed and you don't know where to start start small with a single area or room that momentum will get you going which brings me to The Next Step quick break to tell you about the sponsor for today's video which is cook Unity they are the first ever Chef to Consumer platform essentially they work with a bunch of really talented chefs who create really delicious really Innovative meals that they cook for you in microchip kitchens not in some big huge warehouse and those are delivered directly to your doorstop doorstop doorstep is it a doorstop no it's a doorstep they arrive fully cooked so all you gotta do is warm them up let me tell you the four things that I love most about cook Unity One the meals are delicious hands down the best pre-cooked meals I've ever had this isn't some frozen entree it is restaurant quality the recipes are unique and Innovative and cover all Cuisine types and dietary needs for example here you see a mac and cheese that I got but it's not just mac and cheese no no no it is mac and cheese with pancetta peas pearled onions and gorgonzola created by Chef Chris Patel out of Brooklyn number two the subscription is super uh flexible it is a Weekly subscription but you can pause skip weeks or cancel at any time number three it is so stinking easy okay no chopping no prepping no mixing they arrive fully cooked and all you have to do is pop them into the oven for like 10 to 30 minutes and you are ready to go with a chef created meal and four I think the unity makes an amazing gift it's like one thing that I'm always thinking about when I'm eating it essentially you are giving them the gift of not having to cook or meal plan for an entire week to try out cook Unity for yourself or to gift it to somebody check out first copier click the link in my description box down below and you you can use my code but first coffee 50 to get 50 off your first order all right so once you've sort of shifted your thought process the next step is to get moving I always say that a body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest if you are sitting down and you are relaxing it's got going to be a lot harder to force yourself up to get going to start a task so this means for example like I said earlier maybe I just put my kids down for nap and I want to have some like relaxing time and I deserve it and I'm gonna have some relaxing time but I'm not going to relax first and then do tasks later I just put the kids down I've come downstairs I'm already on my feet I'm already in movement so I'm going to use that momentum to complete the cleaning task I need to do first and then I will sit down and relax because if I sit down and relax first it's going to be about a thousand times harder to force myself back up a body in motion is easier to keep in motion a body at rest is much harder to get into motion I think that we all know this is true have you ever told yourself you're gonna sit down for just 10 minutes and then it's like near impossible to get yourself up once you've done that right so use any momentum you have I used to do this before I had kids when I get would get home from work the first thing I want to do is obviously just like sit down and veg on the sofa for a half an hour but I would force myself to get tasks done immediately lots of times the first thing I did when I got home was to take my dogs for a walk I kept my body moving and that was a really positive movement and then when I came home my body was in motion and I had a lot more energy to tackle other tasks that I needed to do another trick that I really love especially if you find yourself are already sitting down and you're like uh how am I gonna like wheel myself into motion is start with just the first step stand up right and then I usually will put on some music um and you sort of like get your body moving a little bit lead a little task where you're like listening to some music and you're dancing around and now you've sort of got your body into motion it's going to be a lot easier continue to push that momentum so you really just gotta like complete that first step of like Get Up and then you'll find it's much easier to keep that motion and that momentum going my final tip goes off of number one but it's kind of like once you started cleaning it's to change your narrative about why you're cleaning and I heard cast from clutter bug talk about this Bunch but she essentially said to say to yourself that I deserve a clean home and I love this because I think it changes The Narrative of cleaning your house from a chore to something that's essentially self-care I've heard people use the um like the mindset ship of people saying I get to to get themselves to do tasks so um for example they might say you know I get to do the dishes because I'm lucky enough to have a family to feed and they eat food and now we have dirty dishes and I think that that's a really beautiful mindset I think you know being grateful and you know gratitude practice um can be extremely beneficial and I've talked about that before but I don't find it super motivating when you're looking for like that spark that motivation to get you going I don't always find it super motivating especially if the tasks seem super daunting or really really large and so that's that's why I love the I deserve to mindset right I deserve to have a clean kitchen to cook my dinner in tonight I deserve to have clean clothes in my drawer when I go to get ready tomorrow I always talk a lot about doing something tomorrow you will thank you for like putting your clothing out the night before so it's easier to get dressed in the morning or cleaning the kitchen sink at night so you walk down to a clean sink in the morning prepping food ahead of time so you don't have to do it during the dinner Time Rush making your bed in the morning so when you come home you're greeted with a clean bed these are acts of self love you do these things because you believe the future you deserves it you remind yourself that you're doing this as an act of service to yourself and personally My love language is acts of service so it's like the best um Act of self-love for myself is to do something for future me okay so let's review really quick number one is to change your thoughts you're never going to feel like it so you might as well do it now number two is to get yourself moving a body in motion tends to stay in motion a body at rest you'll stay and rest change the narrative you deserve to have a clean home change the narrative about what you are doing to switch it from a chore to an act of self-care all right my friends that does it for some tips that I use to get myself moving particularly to clean but I use them for other things um when I'm feeling just super unmotivated when I face something and I default to that nope I don't want to do it these are the three tips that I use that really really work well for me to get me moving I'm always glad that I did I never regret that I take a little bit of extra time to get a task done so I hope that this video helped you out as always thank you so much for stopping by and watching I hope you're having a fantastic day remember to be kind to yourself and to others and I will see you all in my next video
Channel: That Practical Mom
Views: 188,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cleaning motivation, how to get motivated to clean, speed cleaning, how to clean your room fast, cleaning hacks, home organization, 10 minute cleaning motivation, how to clean, how to, cleaning motivation 2022, dont want to clean, when you dont want to clean your room, motivation to clean house, motivation to clean your room
Id: PzWbIOcfBoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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