"The Second Coming of Jesus" | Pastor Steve Gaines

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take your bibles and i'm so happy to say this and turn to revelation 19 verse 11. i've been waiting on this for 30 weeks and i'm excited about preaching to you today i think it's really neat that the lord did this on our anniversary date i didn't plan that only the lord could do that and i really appreciate the fact that we're talking on the 30th sermon on the second coming of jesus christ i want to make an announcement today jesus is coming back jesus is coming back hallelujah praise the lord and i told you i was going to shout and i'll do that all right any day jesus could come back for his church in the rapture for his church in the rapture the bible says in first thessalonians 4 verses 16 and 17 for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trumpet of god and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain will be caught up the word caught up in the latin is repeal and it means to be snatched away to be raptured to be caught up and that's where we get that phrase rapture then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so we shall always be with the lord now what's going to happen at the rapture well we don't have to wonder jesus is coming back and the bible says in luke 17 verses 34 through 36 jesus said i tell you on that night there will be two in one bed one will be taken and the other will be left can you imagine a man who loves jesus and a wife that has not gotten to that place in her life and all of a sudden she hears a rustle in the bed she says well maybe he's gone to the restroom or whatever maybe he's just gotten up for a while and nothing and she looks around and he's gone he's left the house what's happened jesus came in the rapture and she's been left behind to go through the great tribulation can you imagine having a little baby i believe that before they reached the age of understanding and they're not a i don't believe they're accountable if you can't understand if you're a baby you can't even understand concepts i believe you go to be with the lord jesus at the rapture and so i believe when a baby dies they immediately go to be with the lord and i believe that that they're going to be babies that are going to be missing moms are going to walk in there and the baby's gone what's happened the rapture the rapture one will be in the bed one will be taken one will be left two will be in the bed and then can you imagine what it's going to be like it says two will be in a working environment it says therefore there are two women will be grinding in the same place verse 35 one will be taken the other will be left can you imagine being on a production line and you've been working next to somebody during the day and all of a sudden they're gone where did they go did they taking a break what's going on no they've been caught up and then jesus said in verse 36 of luke 17 two men will be in the field one will be taken one will be left can you imagine some farmers out there and the guy driving the tractor he's just gone all of a sudden did he fall under the tractor did he get run over by the plow or what's going on why is the tractor just going on down there and going off into the ditch why because of the rapture can you imagine what it would be like to be in an airplane and you're going along and all of a sudden your pilot who is saved is gone and the plane's just going wherever and what's going on he was saved you were not the rapture it's going to be one of the most incredible days in all of history jesus is coming for his church in the rapture there's going to be a shout he said that he said the savior himself will descend with a shout there's going to be an archangel that's going to sound a trumpet of god and then the saints are going to be separated from this world the dead in christ are going to rise first today would have been my mother's 93rd birthday my mother is with the lord jesus she died 10 years ago this november the 15th she's been with the lord almost a decade and her body is in dyersburg but her soul and spirit are with the lord jesus but on that day she's going to rise in the rapture before i do before donna does because god is going to honor those and pull their bodies out of the grave ain't no grave going to hold that body down and the bible says that they're going to be reunited that resurrection body is going to be reunited with their soul and spirit and thus she will ever be with the lord every time i go to her and daddy's grave i realize they're coming out they're coming out they're not going to be there much longer those bodies are coming out and then after the dead in christ will rise first then we are alive and remain will be caught up to meet the lord in the air then after that that initiates seven years of great tribulation unprecedented devastation that jesus called the great tribulation in matthew chapter 24 and from heaven the lord jesus is going to pour forth wrath seven seals of judgment seven trumpets of judgment seven bowls of judgment ending with the destruction of this worldly babylonian empire this evil world system that is anti-jesus anti-god anti-bible anti-truth anti-church anti-christian billions of people are going to be killed on this earth during the great tribulation yet the gospel says the the bible says that the gospel will be preached during the great tribulation and millions of people will be saved one of the greatest if not the greatest revival ever to hit the world will be during the great tribulations 144 000 jewish christians with the christ mark not the the beast mark but the christ mark not the antichrist mark not the mark of the beast but the mark of the savior jesus and they're going to preach and nobody's going to be able to touch them you can't stop them you can't turn them off you can't harm them they will be under the protection of almighty god and those 144 thousand jewish christians will preach all over the world moses and elijah type figures will preach those two guys will preach from jerusalem an angel will be flying in the air proclaiming the gospel wherever it is not gone people will be getting saved and they'll be sharing the gospels or millions of people getting saved but most of the people that get saved will be killed and martyred for their faith during the great tribulation and during this time antichrist is going to arise he's going to help israel rebuild the temple on the temple mount and that is going to take some doing he must be some kind of smooth talking person the devil's going to use him and jerusalem will again become a capital of jewish worship in the sense of literally sacrificing animals there on the temple mount where right now an islamic temple is the dome of the rock that's where it's going to be somehow that's going to be moved out and they're going to be worshipping yahweh jehovah not jesus and midway during the great tribulation the antichrist is going to take everything over and he's even going to take that temple and move all the jewish people out and demand to be worshipped himself and that's what daniel called and jesus called the abomination of desolation and he will say you can only worship me now and you can only transact any type of business through the mark of the beast he's going to take over religion and the economy and for the last three and a half years of the great tribulation he's going to rule the world and if you refuse the evil mark of the beast you're going to be hunted down and killed antichrist will then summon all the leaders of the world the kings of the world and the armies of the world and bring them to the valley of armageddon and when he does heaven is going to open up and jesus is going to come down and jesus will be crowned king of kings and lord of lords oh jesus is coming back he's coming back look there in revelation 19 verse 11. and i saw heaven open you know good things are about to happen when a text starts like that i saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he who set upon it is called faithful and true how many of you can say i'm a satisfied customer jesus is faithful and true amen we're not always faithful and true to him but praise god he's always faithful and true to us the bible says and in righteousness he judges and wages war his eyes are a flame of fire on his head are many diadems he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself he's clothed with the robe dipped in blood his name is called the word of god and the armies which are in heaven clothed in fine linen white and clean we're following him on white horses from his mouth comes a sharp sword so that with it he may strike down the nations and he will rule them with the rod of iron and he treads the winepress of the fierce wrath of god the almighty and on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written say it with me church read it from the screen king of kings and lord of lords then i saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried out with a loud boy saying to all the birds which fly in mid heaven come assemble for the great supper of god so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders and the flesh of mighty men and the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men both free men and slaves and small and great and i saw the beast that's the antichrist and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war with him jesus who set on the horse and against his army and the beast was seized and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped his image these two were thrown alive in the lake of fire which burns with brimstone and the rest were killed with the sword which came from the mouth of him who set on the horse and all the birds were filled with their flesh this is the word of the lord first thing is this the second coming at his second coming of jesus christ the earth will witness the king of kings what kind of king will he be when he comes back first of all jesus at his second coming will be the divine king look at verse 11 the first part of verse 11 and i saw heaven open and behold a white horse he who set on it is called faithful and true john the beloved john the last of the apostles 90 some odd years old imprisoned on the island of patmos working during the day to hew out rocks for rome to build more buildings that they didn't need at night he would come back he'd lie down in his cave after eating a meager meal and he would have visions of the revelation of jesus christ and he saw heaven opened and indeed heaven unveiled and he saw king jesus the divine king he was writing behold when you see the word behold it means look this is something glorious this is something other earthly behold a king he said i saw a white horse white horses were ridden only by emperors only by men who were in charge of their armies generals always someone in authority if you were on a white horse and oh the divine son of god indeed he had all authority he had said just before he gave the great commission at the very end of matthew's gospel jesus said in matthew 18 28 verse 18 jesus came up and spoke to them saying all authority not some all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth look at me the devil doesn't have all authority jesus has all authority you don't have all authority jesus has all authority why do we pray in the name of jesus because when we pray in the name of jesus we tap into the one who has all authority and when you pray you need to pray in the authority of the lord jesus christ he said all authority has been given to me in heaven and earth people say well why should i listen to you share the gospel why do you think christianity is any more important than anybody else because jesus has authorized us that's why we have authority that comes from him first peter 3 22 now christ has gone to heaven he's seated in the place of honor next to god that's the right hand of god the place of honor and authority and favor and all the angels and all the authorities and all the powers accept his authority jesus is 100 man 100 god simultaneously he is the perfect god man he's just as much man as if he were not god he's just as much god as if he were not man the perfect god-man at the beginning of revelation we saw jesus in this elevated divine setting in revelation 1 verse 12 and follow me look on the screen and you can follow then i turned to see the voice that was speaking with me and having turned i saw seven golden lamp stands and in the middle of the lampstands the lampstands were the local churches in the middle of the church you won't know where jesus is he's with his people he's with his church in the middle of the lamp stands i saw one like a son of man clothed in a robe reaching to the feet and girded across his chest with a golden sash his head and his hair were white like white wool that talks about his eternality like snow and his eyes were like a flame of fire that talks about his omniscience he knows everything he can see everything his feet were like burnished bronze that's his stability when it has been made to glow in a furnace and his voice was like the sound of many waters he's the commander and he gives forth a commanding challenge and command in his right hand he held seven stars and out of his mouth came a sharp two-edged sword that's the word of god and his face was like the sun shining in its strength that's the holiness of jesus when i saw him john said i fell at his feet like a dead man and he placed his right hand on me that's the hand of honor saying do not be afraid i'm the first i'm the last i am the alpha i'm the omega i'm the beginning i'm the end and the living one and i was dead but behold there it is again behold i'm alive forevermore he didn't just rise from the dead he rose to the dead never to die again the only one ever to do that thus far and i have the keys i like to be around the guy with the keys they can get in when nobody else can get in man i have the keys to death and to hell are hades now that is what john saw he saw the divine faithful and true king of kings and lord of lords jesus is the divine king and he's coming back to this earth he's not only the divine king he's also the judicial king look at verse the last part of verse 11. and in righteousness he judges and wages war well i'm so grateful that god is a god of grace aren't you but the same god who forgives is also the god who judges in wrath judges in wrath when jesus came to the earth the first time he came to bring salvation he saved in jericho a man named zacchaeus and after he did it he said in luke 19 10 for the son of man has come why did you come jesus to seek and to save that which was lost and then to another man that was lost who was a seeker nicodemus he said for god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth him should not perish but have everlasting life but right after he said that in john 3 17 he said for god did not send the son into the world to judge the world that is the first time i came i didn't come to judge the world but that the world might be saved through him oh at his first coming he came to bring salvation but look at me that's not what he's coming for in his second coming in his second coming he will bring judgment to the world and he will be the judicial king and he will judge the world in righteousness that means he will not be a corrupt judge you will not be able to buy him out or to pay him off and to get whatever you want out of him no he will judge sinners justly and wage war righteously and by the way do you know who's going to stand before him you everybody and me oh we won't we're christians we're not going to stand before the judge paul wrote to christians in rome and in corinth and said yes he took your judgment upon him when he died on the cross you're forgiven but for rewards you're going to stand before the lord and answer for every word you've spoken and every action you've done the bible says in romans 14 10 but you why do you judge your brother are you again why do you regard your brother with contempt boy we ought to put that on social media amen you take a cheap shot at people on social media and many people do it why why do you judge your brother again why do you regard your brother with contempt for we will all everybody say all we will all stand before the judgment seat of god he's talking to christians he's writing to christians christians will stand before the judgment seat of god he also said to second corinthians 5 10 to the corinthian church for we must all there it is again appear before the judgment seat of christ so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in his body according to what he's done whether good or bad revelation 22 verse 12 jesus said behold i'm coming quickly and my reward is with me my reward is with you that's what it's about with christians to render to every man according to what he's done when you get saved you're going to heaven but some will have more rewards than others and that will all be determined when you stand before jesus and he reviews your life the supreme court of the united states is not the supreme court jesus is jesus is and his second coming he's coming back as the judicial king he's also coming as the all-knowing king look at verse 12 his eyes are a flame of fire what does that mean he can see right through you have you ever met somebody that you just feel like they're looking right through you i mean you've got your kind of facade on you got your mask on and yet you say that person's looking right through me look at me i don't know about people doing that but i know this jesus can do that he can look right through your little pretense on the outside his eyes are a flame of fire on his head are many diadems he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself let's talk about that phrase just a moment his eyes are a flame of fire it refers to the fact that he knows everything because he sees everything when i was growing up just north of here in dyersburg i used to listen to country music that's that's not any kind of news flash to you i know you already know that if you've ever heard me preach much and i listen to a man named charlie rich i believe he was out of memphis i'm not sure but he had a song called no one knows what goes on behind closed doors i got news for you charlie you're wrong jesus knows shut the door you can't lock jesus out you say i'll just i'll just mute him you can't mute jesus well i'll just unfollow him you can't unfollow jesus you can't ban jesus jesus goes where jesus wants to go and jesus knows everything about you did you hear what i said jesus knows every thought you think you say uh-oh right but he still loves you he doesn't love your sin but he knows you look at me you don't even know yourself you think you know yourself you don't know yourself well if i know myself you don't well if i know my heart you don't jeremiah said nobody can know the human heart except god god knows you inside out jesus knows you inside out he's the all-knowing god his eyes are like a flame of fire what did the psalmist say in psalm 139 oh lord you've examined my heart you know everything about me you know when i sit down when i stand up when you sat down while ago jesus knew it when you stood up while ago if you did jesus knew it you know my thoughts even when i'm far away you see me when i travel when i rest at home you know everything i do you know what i'm going to say even before i say it lord how many of you wish you could know what you were going to say before you know it amen jesus already knows you know what i'm going to say even before i say it lord you go before me and you follow me that is you're out there in front of me you're with me and you're behind me you place your hand a blessing on my head such knowledge is too wonderful for me too great for me to understand i can never escape from your spirit i can never get away from your presence if i go up to heaven you are there if i go down to the grave you are there if i ride the wings of the morning if i dwell by the farthest oceans even there your hand will guide me and your strength will support me i could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night but even in darkness i cannot hide from you to you the night shines as bright as day darkness and light are the same to you now these words i'm about to read to you are why i will never vote for anybody that is for abortion ever never ever never ever never why because these verses prove that life begins at conception listen to this he's talking to god you made all the delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb thank you for making me so wonderfully complex your workmanship is marvelous how well i know it you watched me as i was being formed in utter seclusion as i was woven together in the dark of the womb you saw me before i was born before i was born i was a somebody not just a mass of flesh not just an attachment to a woman no i was an individual and you saw me and then he says watch this you saw my future every day of my life was recorded in your book every moment was laid out before a single day had passed look at me jesus knows you better than anybody knows you he knows your past present and future he knows your thoughts your words and your deeds he knows you're good you're bad and you're ugly he knows you fully we're all sinners nobody can stand the full light of day if look at me there's not a person in this room there's not before you get all high and mighty about how bad somebody else is there's not a person in this room that would want all of your thoughts put on these screens right here there's not one person in this room that would want all of your thoughts put on this screen am i right not one of you but god knows every thought you've ever had god knows every action you've ever done but look at me the good thing is that's why he sent jesus to die for your sins and he did he died for every sinful thought action whatever word you spoke even the ones you muttered you thought nobody heard jesus heard it i want to say this to you the only one that knows everything about you is the one who loves you most jesus christ is coming as the all-knowing king he's also coming as the conquering king look at verse 13 he is clothed with a robe dipped in blood where'd that blood come from and his name is called the word of god at his second coming he's coming with a robe dipped in blood not his own blood not blood that is redemptive not blood that came from the cross but the blood that comes from his enemies when he conquers them as the conquering king his name is called the word of god he is a combative conquering warrior who comes with the strong word of god and he's coming back with an army look at verse 14 the armies which are in heaven clothed in fine linen white and clean we're following him on white horses who are they first of all they are all the redeemed of all the ages you and i if you know the lord you're going to be part of that army you're coming back now we're not going to be armed the only one that's going to be armed in this army is the lord jesus christ and the only armament that he's going to have is the sword of the spirit which is the word of god we'll see that in a moment but also not just with the saints who are coming back all the saints of all the ages old new testament whatever all that believed in the messiah and they trusted in him and they repented of their sins and they received him as messiah older new testament they're coming back those that were saved during the great tribulation and were were killed and slaughtered during the great tribulation they're going to be taken up as well but look at me they're all coming back and then also the angels are coming back the angels are coming back all the angels the myriads of angels the ministering spirits sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation hebrews chapter 1 verse 14. and again the only one who's going to be armed is jesus look at verse 15 from his mouth comes a sharp sword so the wither he may strike down all the nations that str sharp sword we read about that way back in revelation chapter 1. i read it a moment ago in verse 16 in his right hand he held seven stars out of his mouth comes a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in his strength what is that two-edged sword it is the word of almighty god ephesians 6 17 and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of god and the writer of hebrews talked about it like it was a sword he said in hebrews 4 12 for the word of god is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit that is when it is proclaimed or when it is shared look at me a lost person does not have a defense they have a defense against your testimony they have a defense against your ideas but they don't have any defense with the word of god when you share the word of god it passes the devil can't stop it they can't stop it it pierces their heart like a sword that's why we don't just need to be preaching and teaching what we believe and what we think we need to preach and teach and explain and illustrate and apply the word of god if we would have 10 000 preachers in america from maine to florida to texas to california to washington and minnesota back to maine alaska and why they would just preach the word of god america would have revival within one year if we would have a ten thousand men that would do that get up and say thus saith the lord and let the lord look at me just turn it loose and let it do its work you don't have to defend the lion just turn it loose he'll defend himself amen and you don't have to defend the word of god i hear all these people say we need to defend the word of god we need to proclaim the word of god it will defend itself it will defend itself it's the sword of the spirit jesus will defeat them with the sword of the spirit and the bible says when they see jesus they're going to bow philippians 2 9-11 this for this reason god highly exalted him jesus bestowed on him the name which is above every name so that the name of jesus every knee will bow of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every every tongue will confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father oh jesus you're the conquering king and he's also the all-powerful king look at verse 15. he will rule them with a rod of iron he's going to come back and he's going to start his millennial reign his 1 000 year reign we'll talk more about that next week one of these days jesus is going to reign all over the earth from jerusalem from his throne in jerusalem there will be no more human courts no more judges no more lawyers no more government no more senate no more house of representatives just jesus he'll be the only judge and the only king for a thousand years he will sovereignly rule and he will sovereignly reign the capital of the world will be jerusalem the court of the world will be jerusalem and if anybody disobeys him during that time that thousand years of peace there will be judgment from the lord jesus impartial fair there won't be any juries there won't be anything like that no judge he will be the only judge there and it will be fair it will be swift it will be severe he treads the wine press of the fierce wrath of god the almighty the bible says he's not coming back to take sides he's coming back to take over and he's going to rule with a rod of iron for a thousand years on this earth the all-powerful king and he's also the preeminent king look at verse 16. and on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written here it is king of kings lord of lords oh jesus is coming back and the earth will witness the king of kings but there's something else that's going to happen not only will the earth witness the king of kings the divine king the judicial king the all-knowing king the conquering king the all-powerful king the preeminent king not only is the earth going to witness the king of kings but at his second coming jesus will wage war the war of wars he will wage the war of war let's just quickly look at this war verses 17-21 first of all this war of all wars the battle of armageddon will be ordered by a commander of the war this is an angel look at verse 17 then i saw an angel standing in the sun and he cried out with a loud voice saying to all the birds which fly in mid heaven come assemble for the great supper of god again by means of a angelos a heavenly angel a messenger god sends forth this sovereign command and he's standing in the sun i got to tell you i've watched a few western movies in my life and they set these guys up when they're going to have a duel a lot of times they'll be walking up the street how many of you ever seen anything like that don't talk about and they got the sun right behind them and all you can see is their silhouette that's what it means that's exactly what not not that they have guns and not that they're western not that but when it says i saw him standing in the sun he's walking with the son behind he's standing there this angel and he's giving you can't see see anything but a silhouette but you know this is coming from almighty god it's a glorious thing and the bible says he's crying out with a loud voice and you know he's talking to birds he's talking to the caring birds of prey he's talking to vultures and crows pause a minute i just want to tell you i hate crows if you've got a pet crow you are in trouble please don't tell me if you have a pet crow i don't like the way they cackle i don't like the way they look at you i don't like crows they're nasty just thought i'd share that with you buzzards eagles i like eagles osprey falcons i like falcons hawks they're okay kites i'm not talking about kites i'm talking about kites in the entire world all of them gonna be commanded to come to the valley of armageddon and you know what they'll obey they'll obey common assemble for the great supper of god the commander of the war of wars and then notice the devastation of the war of wars look at verse 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings and the flesh of commanders and the flesh of the mighty men and the flesh of the horses and of those who sit on them and the flesh of all men both free men and slaves and small and great commanders mighty men kings all they're going to come alongside the antichrist but they're going to be food for the carrion birds antichrist and his false prophet are about to die all men free men slaves small great flesh of horses those who sit upon them this is not a meal for people this is a meal of people and the people are not going to eat the birds are god will strike down the nations using the sword from his mouth every anti-christ and anti-christian warrior will die and be devoured the devastation of the war of wars and then notice the disparity of the war of wars you say what does disparity it's just an uneven deal it's kind of like when a third grade flag football team tries to take on the dallas cowboys no offense it might be cute but it would be disastrous if it was for real there's no chance there's no chance of them winning you can't beat the cowboys if you're just a little third grade flag football team well this army that's going to be the greatest army and man it kind has ever assembled is going to be like nothing compared to what's about to come through those clouds nothing i saw the beast that's the antichrist and the kings of the earth and their armies assembled to make war against him and who sat on the horse and against his army i'm going to read to you momentarily out of psalm 2 that i believe is talking about the battle of armageddon and the disparity of the two armies but here's how i think it goes i don't i can't quote this i just have to believe though that with my sanctified imagination it's going to be something like this antichrist who's full of the devil literally full of the devil is going to get all these worldly powers together and all these kings and get them in a room and he's going to talk to them he's going to have one really rally cry and he's going to be saying guys look we've we've made a lot of strides here we've gotten the the worship going right everybody's worshiping me and through me they're worshiping the devil on the mount of zion and and now all of that worship is going right and we've got the mark of the beast man the economy is booming and babylon is just going forth and we're seeing great things now look at me i i've got a little message jesus is coming back but we can beat him we don't have look you followed me this far follow me all the way through and he believes that he's somehow going to defeat the christ the antichrist does and somehow this smooth talking guy he he cons all these people and all these guys they're like a young football team getting fired up by a speech from a coach and they're ready to go out and they say yeah let's go the valley of armageddon yeah we're going to defeat jesus and they follow him down there he's got his army behind him millions of the greatest army ever in all the history of mankind spread out with their swords drawn looking up in the sky and all of a sudden the sky unfolds and jesus is on his white horse and every one of them says uh oh uh oh and the angels maybe they'll come first one angel in the old testament killed 185 000 bad guys and they're going to be tens of thousands times tens of thousands of angels come out and then here comes you and me amen we're going to be on a white horse you say i don't even like horses you'll like them that day amen and you'll be riding on your white horse and you nobody's armed but jesus nobody the the angels have swords but they're not drawn they said this is jesus fight this is not our fight man we're just following the lord and jesus is coming back and that sword of the spirit is coming out of his mouth and he's about to speak a word and look at me it's going to be a disparity it's going to be a mismatch whatever you want to call it antichrist is no no way he can be a conqueror of jesus look at verse 20 and the beast was seized what much of a battle was it the beast the antichrist was seized and with him the false prophet who performed the signs in his presence by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who worshipped him the bible says in isaiah 29 about verse 5 about this very time it says the multitudes of your enemies israel will become like fine dust the multitude of the ruthless ones like the chaff which blows away it will happen instantly and suddenly all of a sudden jesus i mean they've got this huge army out there he's been bragging about it no doubt all over the world there are cameras out there everybody's watching oh he's going to defeat the christ oh antichrist oh antichrist we worship you and all of a sudden jesus is going to come out and everybody will know uh oh the antichrist doesn't stand a chance and instantly and suddenly he's going to be destroyed now listen to the war of wars prophesied in psalm 2. why are the nations in an uproar and the people's devising a vain thing the kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take their counsel together against the lord and against his anointed that's his christ that's jesus saying let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their courts from us that's where i got my sanctified imagination while ago he who sits in the heavens laughs the lord scoffs at them then he will speak to them in his anger and terrify them in his fury saying but as for me i have installed my king that's jesus upon zion and that's jerusalem my holy mountain i will surely tell of the decree of the lord and he has said to me you are my son today i have begotten you ask of me i'll surely give the nations as your inheritance and the very ends of the earth is your possession you shall break them with a rod of iron you shall shatter them like earthenware now therefore o kings show some discernment take warning o judges of the earth worship the lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling do homage to the son that's jesus that he not become angry and you perish in the way for his wrath may soon be kindled how blessed are all who take refuge in him all these earthly armies of antichrist they won't stand a chance oh the disparity of this one the last thing is this the reckoning of this war it's going to be a reckoning there's going to be a reckoning in your life there's going to be a reckoning in this world look at me everybody's wondering when is justice going to be served when jesus comes back when is righteousness going to be prevailing when jesus comes back we can have all the powwows we want and i'm all for conversations and i'm all for trying to get people together but i got news for you it's not going to work completely until the lord jesus comes back until the righteous judge comes back until the king of peace comes back that's when righteousness and justice will come back the reckoning of the war look at verse 20 the mid part it says these two that is the beast the antichrist the false prophet were thrown alive into the lake of fire which burns with brimstone they won't even stand trial before god they'll just be doomed and sealed and they'll be cast body and soul into the lake of fire first mention of the lake of fire and revelation here is here and the next three times we read about it in the whole new testament is in revelation chapter 20. then john describes what will happen to the greatest military force mankind ever put together here it is verse 21. the rest were killed with the sword which came out of his mouth him who sat on the horse i don't know what he's going to say i can just remember i can't help but speak this dr roger just said i don't know what he's going to say i just think he's going to say drop dead whatever he says the whole army is going down just with a word from jesus and then all the birds will be filled with their flesh that's the war of all wars not because it's the most lengthy war but because it's the most consequential war because after that jesus will be crowned king of kings and lord of lords what side are you on what side are you on you say i'm neither well then you're on a side if you're not on look at me if you're not on jesus side if jesus is not on your side whichever way you want to say it you're either for him or you're against him you're either with him or you're opposing him you can't have it both ways look at me i'm all for you coming to church but you can't come in here and then live like the devil all week long and say you're on jesus side can't do it oh sure you'll send some i'm not saying you won't but you can't have it both ways he said well i'll just get a little jesus on sunday and then i'll go out and i'll get drunk and i'll be immoral and i'll do whatever i'll cheat and steal and everything else but i'm a christian now i prayed a long time ago and i got baptized and my grandmother was a christian look at me that won't cut it that won't cut it do you know the lord do you know him personally do you love him with all your heart soul mind and strength are you looking forward to him coming back we went to see some grandkids the other day when they found out we were in they started saying papa papa no no no they ran and they were just so happy look at me it's going to be a million times like that when jesus comes back when jesus comes back those who know him are going to say well praise the living god there he is hallelujah i've been worshiping you i've been praying to you i've been loving you i've been sharing you all these years i've been trying to follow you even when i messed up you forgave me oh jesus i have been wanting to see you all this time king of kings lord of lords i bow before you that's what's going to happen you ready for that let's bow our heads in prayer if you don't know the lord today i'm asking you to give your heart to jesus christ right now just pray and repent turn from your sin you do it on your own pray and say lord i repent i i turn from my sin lord i believe you died on the cross for me i believe you rose from the dead i believe you're alive come into my life save me lord jesus i receive you i surrender to you i want you to be my lord and my savior walk with me talk with me be my lord of lords my king of kings do it lord save me right now in jesus name oh jesus thank you that you're coming back in jesus name amen
Channel: Bellevue Baptist Church
Views: 3,390
Rating: 4.8333335 out of 5
Keywords: the second coming of Jesus, Bellevue Baptist Church, Steve Gaines, Pastor Steve Gains, Bellevue Memphis, Revelation, rapture, Bellvue, bellview, the great tribulation
Id: wSDEfQUXqbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 20sec (2900 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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