The Second Coming of Jesus Christ | Jeremiah Johnson | The Altar Global

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] it has been such an incredible journey i know for me you know because i travel we've ministered this month in colorado arizona and alabama i'm constantly on the front lines seeing revival break out and so many times i'm i'm probably more encouraged than a lot of people because i'm actively seeing miracles salvation deliverance and we could have still stayed in florida and seen that the reason why we handed over our church that we planted and left everything is because the lord called us to the charlotte region and so um there's a little bit of a more of a grit a little bit more of a tenacity to want to see god move in this region and so we just want to thank those of you who have partnered with us to see god move i'm grateful for him moving all over but i believe that this region is right for revival and in fact i believe that we're desperate for revival right now and so i want to thank you in fact if you're from the charlotte region here would you stand if you're from the charlotte region just want to see all right let's give these guys a round of applause all right you guys can be seated and then if you're not from the charlotte region could you stand i think we might have more from not than here let's give them a round of applause thank you for coming hallelujah well tonight i'm going to be preaching on the second coming of jesus christ surprise we began in january and every month i am addressing a different topic a different subject uh in the line of the end times the bride and the bridegroom and i'm learning a lot i'm learning by interacting with individuals by uh just receiving emails and just a lot of a lot of different commentary and this month i thought that i would take some time to address some questions that we were constantly sent you know some people just flat out say i don't want jesus to come back that is a recurring message we get so if you've never heard that it's out there and it's loud we have no interest in jesus coming back and so when you begin to dialogue with individuals about why that is it's actually very interesting to hear their responses and so i'm not sure how many questions you might have about the second coming of jesus christ and of course i can only do so much in 30 to 40 minutes but i just wanted to touch on it a little bit tonight if i can bring clarity to anyone that has confusion or just anyone that might just still be curious about what what this is all about that was our prayer as a leadership team going into tonight i believe i'm here even if it's just for one person to try to persuade you through the word of god and the power of the holy spirit why being positioned for these last days is so important so bow your heads with me i'm just going to ask the holy spirit to do what he does and i'll try to follow him father thank you for tonight thank you that no one is here by mistake or coincidence lord i pray that everyone here would feel that that they are not here by mistake or coincidence lord you drew us here and god i'm just asking that you would encourage us that you would comfort us that you would strengthen us in the mighty name of jesus and everybody said amen if you look on your screen i want to ask the team just to throw up slide one i want to pose this question before us and uh if you want to screenshot it you want to just write it down or you just want to look at it this is where i'm going to launch off tonight and we've talked about this over the months if this is the first time i'll just uh just you know accelerate you here's the question if longing for the appearing of jesus christ was normative wasn't abnormal it was normative in the first century church then what keeps believers today from desiring his second coming and studying the scriptures concerning it so as we've been preaching here some of you have come down to the altars and said i have never heard one message on the return of jesus christ never we've also had some older individuals that have said i grew up on that preaching go back 20 30 40 50 years it was normal to hear messages that jesus is coming and you need to get your life right we need to have oil or intimacy in our lamps and so i believe a great starting point is we have to go back to the word of god it doesn't matter what the culture is doing it doesn't matter what the latest fads or trend what we're doing here is pop said this isn't a trend this isn't a fad this is eternal this is something that has been on god's heart for all of eternity and so i'll start out again i'll just be brief acts 3 19. i want to give you a couple of scriptures just to meditate on acts 3 19 peter and john have just healed the crippled beggar and the most bible say peter's second sermon so we know that pentecost was 50 days after christ rose from the dead approximately and all of a sudden we're in acts 3 and peter begins to preach repentance so that times of refreshing might come who's ever heard that repent so times of refreshing and then the next line in verse 21 and 22 is so that jesus might come back i've never heard anybody preach that the whole we preach repentance that times of refreshing might come but they don't ever finish it so that jesus might come back so remember though he hadn't been gone that long like he had just ascended but peter already in the first century church he's preaching repentance he's preaching refreshing and he is connecting it to so jesus might come back titus 2 11. another one we're familiar with for the grace of god that brings salvation this won't be on the screen has appeared to all men teaching us to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts that we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present age how many have heard that it's like you know some of the hyper grace stuff you're like wait a minute wait a minute salvation is not so that you can just keep sinning and ask god for forgiveness actually titus 2 says that the grace of god has come to empower holy living amen but again they don't read the next verse looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great god and savior jesus christ did you just see again in acts 3 we don't connect it to his return and then again when people preach grace of god messages unto holiness we also have to connect it to longing and yearning for his glorious appearance so first century church the return of the lord is known as the blessed hope it's something that they yearn for they long for they talked about are you tracking with me ii timothy 4 8 finally there is a crown of righteousness laid up for me which the lord the righteous judge will give to me paul is saying and not to me but to also those who have loved my appearing there is a literal crown of righteousness available for all believers who love and long for the appearing of jesus christ i'm trying to help us to get to the bottom of this question if longing and yearning for jesus to return was normal in the first century church what has happened especially in america that either people have never heard the message or it's been 30 or 40 years what if this is not a fad it's not a trend it's not a new movement what if we're actually just aligning ourselves with what it actually means to be a christian i hope that challenge it challenges me because the looks that you get you might i heard a guy he's like i'm trying to tell people what we're doing over there at the refuge like we're preaching on the they're talking about jesus coming and the guy says why in the world would you go to that i've read this quote numerous times from wayne grudem who is a well-known bible scholar he says this to the degree that we long for the return of christ is a measure of our spiritual condition now the degree to which we yearn for the return of christ is a measure of our spiritual condition now notice church attendance wasn't in there notice tithing wasn't in there you know we have that rap sheet of like what it means to be a sold out christian they tithe they go to church on sunday doesn't say any of that the measure of our spiritual condition is are you in tune with an eternal cry that god put on the inside of you that says come lord jesus all right it gets even crazier some of you are ready to tap out like i got you a chokehold are you ready can i do one more i'm just preaching the bible you ready i know we don't like to do that these days because it offends people but i'm more concerned about where you're going to spend eternity than offending you now it's called love second corinthians 5. all right it's about to get lit crazy get ready for we know that if our earthly house this tent is destroyed we have a building from god not made with hands eternal in the heavens for in this we groan earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven what in the world we were singing tonight something like awaken the groan people like what is what is that all right everybody just pinch yourself it's a tent paul was in touch with the groan not for a tent but his resurrected body and you don't get your resurrected body until jesus comes back i've been in rooms where people are under a spirit of groan and travail for revival i've been stuck to carpets we travailed in arizona last weekend for three hours had to be carried out of the sanctuary i know that place of deep travail and longing the lord said to me one day even if all the bodies are healed even if all the blind eyes see even if the dead are raised so many of us we're believing for that lord i mean we want to see your kingdom come we want to see your will be done here's a revelation even if we saw with our human eyes all of that we would still not be satisfied because we would still be groaning for our resurrected bodies so here's the revelation there's actually a greater groan than a groan for revival there's actually a groan to meet him face to face many of you know i just completed a book called the altar preparing for the return of christ and i've been working on a phrase called bridal revival because i believe there's a difference between revival that oftentimes seeks to meet temporary needs and then there is bridal revival where people get in tune with what i'm talking about they get marked and gripped with and for eternity how many you ladies have had a baby before i watched my wife do it four times i almost missed one of them just get tired watching you you want to go eat you know honey i've been closed right i've been let me in i'm telling you she's about to have the baby did it take some pushing and some laboring and some pain to burp that baby there's joy on the other side though right like instant it's going to be worth it i just folks i really believe i i i feel it by heart i'm just you know i'm not only trying to talk people out of you know three songs and a nice message christianity but in some places i literally feel like i'm trying to talk people even out of settling for revival like i literally believe we are supposed to be inviting a generation into an eternal storyline that is so much bigger than me and my and a 9 to 5 and 401k and i'm good with god because i found a good church or even hey and we're we're in revival and people are being saved and trust me i'm no expert on any of this i'm just preaching the bible all right how am i doing is that a good intro i just want to just lay this out there it was normative in the new testament church for them to yearn and ache and long for his return god is going to kiss this generation with a spirit of love's sickness where we will do for love what we would never do for religious duty and obligation but let me try to talk to some of the questions that that are out there so let's go to number one what what's a first reason why people might not be connecting to this number one misconception there's misconception that's out in the body of christ that says studying the end times will distract us from fulfilling the great commission so in a lot of my interactions with people they say something like well why would i want jesus to come back because a lot of people that i know aren't saved i think that's a legitimate question we know if he's split the sky tonight we've got friends we've got family the bible clearly says in the book of timothy jesus christ is going to judge the living and the dead every man every woman will give an account so let me hit you with the truth here we go next slide here's what i would say to this rebuttal what do you mean jesus is coming back i i here the truth is that sound doctrine always promotes biblical action a correct view of the end times will always lead us to a passion for souls so here's what i mean what i mean is when we're preaching jesus is coming i'm not picturing it's getting really bad out there i'm not talking about escapism theology where we're just overwhelmed with how evil the world is and oh jesus come back and rapture me out of here when i'm talking about jesus christ is coming when i'm talking to people about that it releases an urgency and a sobriety and enthusiasm within me hey we've got to get into the harvest fields we've got to position ourselves to win souls for the lord so is that helpful a correct view of the end times will always promote biblical action beware of doctrine that is attempting to alleviate believers from their personal responsibility to partner with the gospel one more time it's called false grace beware of doctrine that's being preached in american churches every single sunday that seeks to alleviate believers from their responsibility to partner with the gospel if jesus christ is returning an alarm must be sounding i'm not talking about hiding in the church closet i'm talking about getting rowdy and the harvest fields for the lord amen all right who's with me if he's coming again we've got work to do hello it it's a lot more than a i made it to the 9 a.m on sunday i i i believe the lord that's why we're doing the school we we've got to get messengers in every sphere of society we literally have to infiltrate the education system the government system all the mountains that are out there we've got to put crosses on the top and invite men to come and know the saving knowledge of jesus christ as i was thinking about this this week i was reminded of the story of john harper many of you have never heard of him but he was a preacher who died when the titanic sank many of you think of leonardo dicaprio i think was his name and we've all seen the movie and you know it was it was a number one seller in the day that it came out but i know that there's this feeling that's out there and and because i minister around the united states it can be overwhelming to people how evil society is becoming when they start hearing about laws being legislated that's introducing children to you know what all sorts of things it's hard for people to grasp and at times i've i've felt to myself like the world feels like titanic it feels like we're sinking and the truth is we are sinking we are sinking further into the depravity of humanity and i want to use the story of john harper tonight to perhaps inspire us as a man knew that death was certain as we know that many are going to perish but god would desire that none would perish what might you and i do so john harper boarded the titanic with his sister and his six-year-old daughter he was on his way to preach at moody church in chicago which is a prestigious church back in the day and now it says that his preaching style was suited for an evangelist he was great and he was the commentary says he was a great open-air preacher and he could always command large audiences he could deal with all kinds of interruptions and his grasp and intelligent understanding of the bible enabled him to be successful when the titanic hit the iceberg mr harper successfully led his daughter and sister to a lifeboat being a widower he may have not been allowed to join them but instead forsook his own rescue choosing to provide the masses with one more opportunity to know christ harper ran person to person on the boat as it sank passionately telling others about christ as the water began to sink the unsinkable ship harper was heard shouting women children and the unsaved into the lifeboats lock in here with me rebuffed by a certain man at the offer of salvation harper gave him his own life vest saying you need this more than i do up until the last moment on the ship harper pleaded with people to give their life to jesus the ship disappeared beneath the deep frigid waters leaving hundreds floundering in the wake with no realistic chance for rescue harper struggled through hyper hypothermia to swim to as many people as he could still sharing the gospel harper would lose his battle with hypothermia but not before giving many people one last glorious gospel witness four years after the tragedy at a titanic's survivor meeting in canada one survivor recounted his interaction with harper in the middle of the icy waters of the atlantic he testified he was clinging to ship debris when harper swam up to him twice challenging him to accept a biblical invitation to believe in the lord jesus christ and you shall be saved he rejected the offer once yet given the second chance and with miles of water beneath his feet the man gave his life to christ then as harper succumbed to his watery grave this new believer was rescued by a returning lifeboat as he concluded his remarks in canada the meeting of the survivors he said i am the last convert of john harper his brother george wrote of him after his death my beloved brother was a mighty man in prayer he was a master of this holy art i have been with him in prayer again and again with his whole frame shaking like an aspen leaf so earnest was he in the pleadings with god for a perishing world little wonder hard hearts were broken and stubborn wills subdued on that great night he died a fellow evangelist w d dunn gave this report of john harper i can say that no pastor no teacher nor evangelist ever moved my inner being more than the pleading and preaching of john harper he was always on fire for god and souls how often i heard him say when lying on his face before god with deep sweating o god give me souls or i die i pray that god would raise up some john harper's and charlotte and in every nation i pray that god would raise up john harper's in afghanistan the titanic is sinking we live in a world drowning in deception and darkness he could have just got on the lifeboat see that lifeboat in that church carnival ship it beckons many in this hour doesn't it come on let's come on to the cruise ship christianity come do sunday church people are dying all around us this coveted pandemic isn't it wild more suicide more fear the devil so loud and the church so silent now is the time now is the time to arise and shine now is the time to say no to comfort and convenience into an american dream now is the time to say yes to a god dream now is the time to make sacrifices now is the time to be inconvenienced now is the time to go all in i truly believe we're living in a day and age where there's no more room for defense riders you are either part of the harlot bride or you are part of the consecrated bride as i told our staff you are either twerking or you are travailing you are either playing or you are praying i just think that this middle ground this apathetic complacent hangout christianity is not only being exposed but it is so far you know it's it's this generations already tried normal church and they're not into it i mean i loved tonight i loved watching your faces like where's the words and he's just banging on these drums and people are like what is this this is radical this is creative this is innovative this is not about us and me and my and getting entertained this is connecting with heaven getting rooted and grounded in him being prepared to give a witness when i'm called on and again i'm not talking about the preachers you are a preacher hallelujah jesus we want you to come back and while he's on his way may we be found in the harvest fields hallelujah all right how we doing we do one more i've got a bunch all right how about deception again we're going after this question if it was normal back then why isn't it normal now misconception people think if you believe you want him to come back you don't care about souls that's completely opposite of what we're talking about in fact we care more about souls than most people ever will it's why we want him to come back deception jesus told us not to be overly concerned with the end times you hear people tongue-in-cheek well even jesus doesn't know when he's coming back you ever heard people quote you that scripture we don't know when no one knows when and we're using again it's like one of my pet peeves where we either take scripture out of context where you don't finish the scripture let's look at the bible you get give me one minute all right they're going to use this passage matthew 24. i'm going to read 36 through 37 i believe it's on the screen perfect but of that day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven but my father only but as the days of noah were so also will be the coming of the son of man be watch therefore watch therefore that's where people they just all right no one knows jesus doesn't know only fathers do whatever you want live your life cruise ship christianity we're good watch therefore for you do not know the hour next slide here's my rebuttal in its proper context jesus is actually pointing to the fact that because we do not know the hour of his return it should produce a watchful spirit because because not because we don't know we can just grow apathetic and complacent no because we don't know it invites us to be watchmen on the wall because we don't know it invites us to participate that i'm telling you that passage in timothy a crown of righteousness awaits those who yearn and long for his coming hallelujah an active posture of discerning the times and the seasons let me say something real quickly when we fail to accurately interpret the signs of the times it will always lead to a culture of prayerlessness where's the prayer in the church they do not understand the times and the seasons in which we're living covet hit we don't have church okay we'll well we'll just get back to it when it's over how many there so many chur they're just trying to get back to whatever that they were doing pre-panda and anyone that has a prophetic bone in their body an alarm is going off in their spirits saying wait a minute wait a minute did we learn anything 911 in america here comes afghanistan have we learned anything in 10 years this business as usual religious routine is totally out of touch and therefore a culture of prayerlessness a watching and again i'm not talking about fear there is a difference between being on the alert and being fearful when i think about jesus returning i get excited not terrified because i've made myself aware of the end game which is why people need to be taught the eternal storyline not the american dream all right how we doing but man aren't some of those people annoying i get caleb it's hard for me man it's like this woke culture they hacked it from the body because we were two steps behind it's like antifa they rose in the streets because the church didn't it's like these counterfeit movements it's like the devil seems to be one step ahead of the church because we refuse to be watchful i was like you know woke culture they hacked that from a bride who's supposed to be awake yearning and longing for the return of her king yearning and longing for a harvest of souls but when you when you choose to wake up and get alert and then you're constantly around people who are just doing the american church thing it's tough it is really tough to swim upstream and have a watchful prophetic spirit when a domineering american culture is saying peace peace when there is no peace when you get hooked up to the holy spirit oh he begins to reveal things what happens next you gotta find your tribe folks that's why you're here tonight you found your tribe there's just yeah i got to go to work yeah there's certain things you'll just have to endure because we're i tell people we're the earth is not our home it's our hotel this earth is not our home it's our hotel we're just passing through baby you get people it's just like the american dream they live they glorify and the temporary lord's saying i want to put a watchful spirit on you tonight i want to mantle you with the spirit of intercession i want to mark you for the salvation of israel i want to light you up if we could just get youth and young adults in this reality stop doing video games and pizza you know why there's no junior holy ghost because there's no junior devil and this big big bad wolf i asked people how did satan go from a snake in the book of genesis to a dragon in the book of revelation you ready we fed him [Music] how is the devil becoming so big we are feeding him junk food called christian entertainment oh man i know there's parents in here you're burdened for your kids and i'm just telling you churchy youth group is not going to cut it we are in an all-out war in america and god is going to come for an end-time remnant an army a consecrated bride who's been mantled with a watchful spirit hallelujah how we doing i got two more can we get through them number three accusation ii peter 3 1-4 beloved i now write to you that you may know to be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandment of us the apostles of our lord knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days walking according to their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming as i've allowed the lord to probe me i want to challenge you that mocking spirit is inside of you there is a mocking spirit in parts of us that mocks his return and doubts if he'll ever come again you know how they know that's true because i'd have to answer this question if jesus came back tonight if knowing he would come back tonight would change anything about my lifestyle i have a scoffing spirit if i proclaim to you tonight he's coming back at midnight if you would do anything different in your lifestyle somewhere there's a mocking spirit inside of you that does not believe he's coming again there's a false doctrine in america called full preterism p r e t e r i s m it is being peddled by major movements in america false apostles are claiming jesus has already come again big names best-selling authors are telling people he's already come again in the form of pentecost there is a scoffing mocking spirit my rebuttal to that is well well i guess i shouldn't say that publicly never mind it was going to be good i guess i'll just sum it up of if he's already come again is this it good grief i'm gonna get to point four and bring it home so i'm gonna dig deeper at this full preterism but i wanna sound the alarm i wanna warn you there are people in the body of christ who are preaching full preterism jesus has already come again it's a scoffing mocking spirit it's a spirit of accusation accusing the promises of god beyond the alert number four humanism this is the one that i run into the most humanism an obsession with the temporary that devalues eternity this is the essence of the american gospel we try to get people to buy into if you accept jesus christ he's going to bless you with x y and z and so we have taught people to settle in and to become addicted to temporary things i always tell people what you want to grow you feed and what you want to die you starve if jesus christ is returning if we're going to be marked for eternity we have to get practical if jesus christ is returning and i'll use money for an example because we're in america if jesus christ is returning i have to give an answer for how i'm spending my money if jesus christ is returning i have to give an answer to how i'm treating my wife i believe the more practical we can get in the last days the more fruit it will bear in this generation i appreciate the endless studies of the book of revelation and the fighting about pre-trib post-trib and mid-trip and what's the bowls and what's the seals i see little fruit in this generation from an obsession with that i'm not saying there's not room for it i'm not saying some aren't called to that but i believe that there's a humanistic temporary what's me and mine that's robbing a generation of getting practical and asking jesus to make what he's given us every day of eternal value for the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine doesn't say they won't listen to it once or twice but they won't endure but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers having itching ears and they shall turn away their ears from the truth we need truth speakers in this generation in every sphere of society we need people that love one another enough to confront and speak the truth in love would you stand with me tonight have the team come up i want to ask the holy spirit as we close tonight to minister to places in our hearts that are still asking questions maybe you're here tonight and you're saying man i've got a scoffing mocking spirit brother i have no urgency i need a spirit of sobriety i need a watchful spirit holy spirit we ask that you would come now all over this room just gonna wait on him 30 seconds i want you to open up your mouth and talk to him search us and know us o god god mark a generation tonight for eternity god release a groan in this place just hear this god i'm sorry sorry for the thing i've made it it's an invitation to come up higher tonight to position ourselves for souls i wonder how many of us are ready to let the lifeboat pass us by i feel the spirit of the lord here tonight some of you yeah you're right that path and that choice would be a lot more comfortable would make a lot more sense [Music] that's the holy spirit right now [Music] what is that good thing that's not a god thing [Music] i hear the spirit of the lord saying i'm calling you out you [Music] i'm calling you out now [Music] god i pray in the name of jesus that every restraint would be broken i see literally exit doors being shut plan b being trashed [Music] it's not about i'm afraid something bad's gonna happen i better do it it's out of a love and a desire to take up your cross and follow the lord it's pure it's right [Music] if you're ready to let that lifeboat pass i don't know what the comfort what the convenience if you know the lord is saying let it go i want you to come down to the altar right now i want to pray for you you're making a choice lord i here's the convenience here's the comfort i'm willing to position myself though it might be hard and uncomfortable willing to position myself for souls for your kingdom to be marked for eternity [Music] come on don't go religious on me again i want to encourage you pray open up your mouth say god you can have it all [Music] right so the spirit of the lord is saying stop taking holy things and trying to place it on unholy things not here to negotiate with you i'm not here to barter [Music] go ahead cut those straps cut those ties [Music] i want to pray for another group you recognize that signs of the times it's a issachar anointing they knew what israel must do that prophetic spirit that watchful spirit if you feel like that's you tonight god wants to mantle you i want you to come down to the front i feel like there's an intercessory anointing here a watchman anointing that god wants to touch you come on down there's plenty of space in these altars i feel like the lord is saying there's grace for the midnight oil [Music] if you're standing in the crowd would you just reach your hands up here i want everybody to participate if you're looking down here would you just fix your gaze on someone down here and begin to pray for them [Music] your thoughts are higher we just go ahead and give up our opinions our agenda how we think our life our marriage our family our plan of destiny lord we just tonight just throw it in the fire [Music] somebody has money in some kind of investment and i feel from the spirit of the lord you'll have to ask him if this is you but there's some money there's some funds that are being stored up for something temporary that you are going to sow right into the harvest fields [Music] lord i've got i have supernatural faith coming on me tonight lord i'm just asking [Music] that what we're believing you for is too small what we're asking you for is as far i feel like the lord is saying that you're not even close i want to raise your expectation i want to raise the standard [Music] come and have it all come and have it all gone [Music] hey it's jeremiah johnson i want to thank you so much for joining us at the altar global a growing movement of christians who have a burden a desire for the return of jesus christ and the preparation of the bride for that glorious day i want to pray for you today i know that you have needs desires things in your life that you're hoping believing that god would answer but before we do that i want to just extend an opportunity to you to partner with the altar global in your prayers your financial support god is gathering a remnant of folks who just have a desire to partner with us on a monthly basis or maybe you're even watching today and you just want to sow a one-time seed i want to let you know as the founder of this movement we're going to take the money the prayers that you sow today and sow them right back into the kingdom of god we're seeing souls save the church come alive like never before missionaries church planters being revived because of what god is doing you're going to see a number pop on your screen you can text to give you can even click on the link in the comment section and there'll be an opportunity for you to give there so let's pray today father thank you for those watching today lord thank you for the ministry of the holy spirit that is participating even with the bride saying come lord jesus lord i ask that you and meet every need today lord i pray for breakthrough i pray for salvation for lost loved ones god we believe that we are living in the greatest days that we have ever known in the name of jesus amen thank you so much for joining us today stay tuned for another episode bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: The Altar Global
Views: 1,352
Rating: 4.9047618 out of 5
Id: Jh2lb59m6B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 1sec (3541 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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