Perfect Scotch Egg | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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an egg pressure test has the top seven placing  to replicate the perfect Scotch egg taya's hands   have seized up under the pressure wire may  and sprays enough but she's determined to   keep cooking I am using that the palms of my  hands and I'm trying to pack it as best as I   can without the use of my fingers just calm down  just calm down [Music] the idea of getting it into   a hot fryer to seal that outer crust keep those  wonderful juices in from that sausage meat Kris   panning up the crumbs is super important  man the tension in this kitchen is intense [Music] listen to it in here you can hear a  pin drop they are focused somebody's going   home today so everybody wants to put their  best effort forward I can't open anything five four three two bring it darling all right home cooks please  bring your Scotch eggs to the front I'm   panicking because I don't want to lose this  challenge I'm panicking because I don't want   to cook again that's super frustrating because  I know how to cook a scotch egg hey Barry chef   any Scottish people in your family Barry  with a name like Madonna ki yeah there's   a couple my grandpa mechanic he could never  get me to wear a kilt but he got me to make   a scotch egg we noticed that your egg was in the  longest do you think he could be overcooked I'm   hoping it's not over you can often tell a good  scotch egg by the weight a good even ratio of   meat to the egg is important but what's even more  important is the cook on that egg yes chef [Music] what do you think I'm pretty happy with that if  I was in your shoes I'd be pretty happy with that   looks like a pretty even coating of the sausage  grind around it let's give it a taste [Music] good and crispy I love that combination of  that perfectly cooked egg that is still nice   and warm with that crispy outer crust  great job thanks Barry Thank You chef   it's perfectly cooked I want to eat it  [Music] are you feeling feeling really   upset right now because I thought I would  kill this one and I don't know what happened   my hands just seized up despite all that  difficulty you got it on the plate crisp   it sounds great to me already how long  did you cook your egg for 10 minutes the egg is slightly under but look at the  sausage it's perfectly ground it's even the sausage surrounding that egg is absolutely  delicious this is really awesome I am hoping   and praying that my flavors are enough to  get me out the gallery Aaron chef Alvin I   love surprises you like surprises a little  less when I'm on this side of the surprise   chef I hope it's a good surprise I hope  so too like what's inside crackerjack box look at that one minute 30 seconds more that would  be a home run sausage very very even coat [Music] very very crispy seasoning perfect  Scotch eggs I lock this one down   there is a lot riding on this Scotch egg  because this is my compact dish Alice   are you feeling nervous it's a little  irregular in shape not as smooth around   that EGIS I think it could have been I  think it's a little on the darker side it's a little under also see the  sausage meat a little uneven here   and it's just starting to pull away from the egg flavor overall is good but the egg is  underdone a little irregular in shape thank you honey hi chef Outland the colors by  nice maybe a slightly dark but shape   nice and brown you know the magic  it's gonna show when I saw into this there it goes let's see a minute or two  under-seasoning just right but you know   they bite into this scotch egg you can  see by all the crumbling around your   sausage meat that starts to fall apart it's not  saying firm so I don't get that crunch I want bread chef Connie Oh nice crunch unfortunately your eggs undercooked you didn't hit  that sweet spot one egg one minute and you can see   here Miranda it's stick here it's thin here and  there's another big problem where the sausage is   thin it's overcooked that's not good [Music] I  think for the most part I'm technically strong I   definitely feel that I'm one of the frontrunners  in the pack what I'm very concerned actually is   how big the rig is that could be to to too much  meat or you know it didn't bind and it start to   define cocconi egg slightly on and the gun time  sausage it's not that even you nailed over your   flavor but the technical aspect that may cost  you was a difficult challenge there's a lot   of technical mistakes I'm not happy I'm mad at  myself right now I think my odds are pretty slim   I'm hoping I did enough to get myself to the next  level the biggest challenge for this group was   cooking that egg well done I'm very upset that  my egg didn't turn out I absolutely don't want   to be in that head-to-head competition it turns  out that this deceptively simple pub snack is   packed with technical challenges only one of you  managed to overcome them all berry congratulations very good you safe from elimination now make your   way on up to the highlands of the gallery  of their young body I may be on your way going up to the gallery this is a fun  fun walk top of the world no one else   matched Barry's success but two home  cooks gained a slight edge thanks to   their tastes and textures Aaron and  taya you're safe congratulations [Applause] thank you Sam I lock this one down the   rest of the days of spectator sport I am  so happy I do not have to kick [Music]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 6,903,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, Michael Bonacini, cooking show, egg perfection, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef world, pressure test, scotch egg
Id: RTYBSoIl0jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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