"None of These Things Move Me" with Jentezen Franklin

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the following program is sponsored by friends and partners of Kingdom connection hello and welcome to Kingdom connection each week we received thousands of prayer requests at the ministry and we know many of our viewers are facing difficult circumstances some of you have health related issues maybe you have troubles in your marriage some of you are facing business problems and many times when God doesn't move immediately we think that he's given up on us but today dad teaches us that with faith and determination you can see God move your mountain I want you to go with me to the book of Acts chapter 20 he says in Acts chapter 20 and verse 22 and see now I go bound in the spirit to Jerusalem not knowing the things that will happen to me there except the Holy Spirit testifies in every city that chains and tribulations await me verse 20 for this is so powerful but none of these things move me I know Chains and tribulation and suffering is waiting for me where I'm headed but none of these things move me nor do I count my life dear to myself so that I may finish my race with joy in the ministry which I have received from the Lord Jesus to testify to the gospel of the grace of God I'm going to finish my race with joy none of these things move me these are the words of a man who was determined to do what God had called him to do Webster defines the word determination as being to reach a decision about something to have one's mind made up to become unwavering in one's actions listen and attitudes I am I have determined I have determination I will not waver in my actions or my attitude desperation produces desire desire produces determination and determination produces your destiny I think of rispa one of the concubines of king psalm and how that she had us chopped to two sons that were hanged by the gibbehhh' nights and she spread a call on a rock for three months she lived there and she beat the cackles she kicked the jackals away and beat the beat the fowl of the air off of the corpses of her children and they were dead but she was so determined to save her family and her sons were dead if she was that determined to kick the jackals and beat the fowl off of her dead children how much more should we be determined to see all of our children saved and free and in the plan and purpose of God she had a determination about her family and she held to it and the word reached the king please understand if you're full of determination you can get the attention of the king it is determination that reaches the attention of the king when you have the spirit that is determined to live for God determined to do what God has called you to do and even though you're facing things and going through things you don't waver your determination is said this is a powerful thing most men fail not because of lack of opportunity not because of lack of education or lack of talent but because of lack of determination Napoleon said determination makes you invisible invincible he said that determination meaning trying and trying and trying and trying again and again and again and again makes you uncomfortable Babe Ruth the famous baseball player said it is impossible to defeat someone who refuses to quit that's why you pray one more time that's why you dream one more time that's why you try one more time that's why you ask one more time Ludwig Beethoven was 5 years of age when he played the violin masterfully by the age of 13 this prodigy in music was an accomplished pianist by the age of 20 he had studied under Mozart and Haydn he had written nine symphonies and many musical music chamber music at the age of 20 he began losing his hearing by the age 50 he was completely stoned death he could hear nothing and he was determined to get the music out that was in him even though he was totally deaf and what he did was he solved the legs of his piano off and laid the piano on the floor and laid on the floor with it so he could feel the vibration of his music and wrote his greatest symphonies when he was stoned death through sheer determination one day they heard him pounding with his fists and aggravation and frustration on the keyboard and he screamed out these words I will take life by the throat I will not let life defeat me I will win so it is in our lives when we face all kinds of struggles and all kinds of challenges but you have to understand that you only get strength in struggle you only get advance from adversity and you change the level of your determination when you hit rough times and if you don't change the level of your determination then you will give up and walk away from what God intended you to have you have to at times take life by the throat I will I'll take this sickness that has come by the throat I'll take this challenge against my family by the throat we need to quit whining and feeling sorry for ourselves and having pity parties and we need to stir up something in us called a divine determination that says I take life by the throat whatever comes at me none of these things move me I'm going to do what God said I could do David lost his family lost his home lost his resources at a place called Zen glad and he went and said God what shall I do and God said pursue pursue the supernatural pursue restoration pursue them Occulus if God tells you to go after it's because he plans on you getting it he doesn't tell you to go after and pursue if he doesn't plan on you making it so he can just tease you with failure God has told some of you to pursue a dream to pursue deliverance for your children to pursue a breakthrough in your life to pursue things that are that are greater than your even thinking you're capable of doing and the word of the Lord to you is pursue the miraculous pursue the supernatural pursue and you shall doubtless God said recover it all the Bible said when he got and pursued and found the enemy they were having a party with his stuff they were drinking and playing and having a party having a big party with all of the stuff they had stolen from him you know the enemy doesn't care as long as you play Church that doesn't scare the devil he has a party but when you decide to pursue when you get determined and you say I'm going to take life by the throat this attack against me and my family my business I'm not going to just lay here and take it I am determined that none of these things move me I know God said I'm going to do some things and I'm going to do it that's what it takes it takes that kind of divine determination Jacob had that determination the Bible said that he wanted a blessing he wasn't in line for he wasn't the most qualified he wasn't the most talented he was not the most good best looking but he was the most determined and he wrestled listen to this determination he wrestled with an angel until the breaking of the day and as soon as he started wrestling with the angel the Bible said the angel at the beginning of the wrestling match reached over and touched the hollow of his thigh that is the socket where your leg and your hip bone connect and he disconnected his leg from his hip bone can you imagine the pain and that's where most of us quit and give up but the thing that I want you to see about Jacob is he wrestled in his pain the rest of the night he was so determined that he went from fighting to clinging when he couldn't fight anymore he cleaned hold of that angel and wouldn't let him go in the Angels get off on me freak what's wrong with you and finally that the angel looks at him and says will you relax a little bit I hurt you I thought you would quit when it got painful but I believe you're clinging if you will go from fighting to clinging he said I will not let you go until I get blessed that's what it takes you better listen to me teenager life ain't gonna give you anything people aren't gonna do anything for you but if you have a determination you may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer you may not have what everybody else has going for but if you have a determination you'll get it and you'll bring it home and you'll stand in it and you'll say look what the Lord has done none of these things move me his legs out of socket but he's determined to be blessed he's hanging on I'm in pain but I'm hanging on I'm suffering I'm frustrated but I'm hanging on this is how you do it life doesn't give any free cards to anybody you got resistance you got adversity you got problems coming at you you need a new level of determination that comes only from grabbing hold of Jesus and clinging to it and saying I won't let you go until you bless me failure shall not overtake you as long as you're determined to succeed the Book of Jeremiah is a picture of divine determination the clay was marred in the Potters hand but God is determined to finish what he started in your life he's determined to bring out of your pain and out of your out of your out of your sin and out of you background and out of your mess he's determined to bring a vessel of Honor and he will not give up on you and you may get smashed down and you may have to go back on the wheel and it may feel like your life is going around in circles and you're not getting anywhere but I promise you you have a God who has divine determination and he's gonna finish what he started in the story of the unjust judge in Luke chapter 18 the woman who kept coming and the Bible said she came continually and the unjust judge said I'm not going to give you what you want but she said over and over and over avenge me of my adversary avenge me of my adversary she had a determination and finally the judge said I'm telling you that normally I wouldn't do this but this woman because of her continual coming she's so determined she's gonna make me go on Prozac if I can't get her to leave me alone so give her what she wants I'm saying to you that our God is not the unjust judge and he's not holding back and he's not stingy with his blessings he just wants somebody to get determined enough to push through the headwinds and say god I know you can bless somebody like me use somebody like me open opportunities for somebody like me I'm yours I love Caleb the Bible said that came up in Joshua when when they were ready that possessed the promised land Moses sent them in with ten spies and they came back with a good report saying we're well able to take the land but 10 of the spies said there's Giants there we can't do it I'm going to tell you what had to be frustration is they missed the Promised Land for the next 40 years they're marching in circles in the desert on a death march because God said I'll let that whole generation die out and I'll let a new generation be born out in the wilderness and they will in half what you could have had because you were not determined to do what I told you to do and every day for 40 years I can see Caleb walking in the Death March and one dies and another dies and another dies two and a half million over 40 years died out and finally the last one dies and now he was 40 when he started but are 45 now he's now he's 85 years old and the Bible said Caleb crosses over the Jordan with the children of Israel and Joshua and Joshua was handing out real estate and property and inheritance to different tribes and families and up steps an old man with a cane in his hand he says give me this mountain 40 years ago I saw a mountain my eyes saw it and all these years I've been determined while I was March and I'm gonna get that mountain I'm gonna get that mountain I watched all these people die out and I am more determined to have it now and he said now there's Giants on that mountain he said if those Christians couldn't keep me from my blessing for 40 years of wilderness marching in a death march there's no way a Giants going to stop me give me my mountain and you know what he got it he got it somebody needs to cry out today give me my Mountain give me my Mountain I don't care how much time has elapsed I don't care how long it's been you if you quit and you give up then that's what you will have but there comes a time when you have to go to another level in your determination that when life hits you you stand up and you say give me this mountain give me this mountain the syrophoenician woman cried after them the disciple said send her away she crieth after us she said my daughter is sick I need a healing and they said go away and she bypassed them and went to Jesus and even jesus said to her a powerful statement you're in the wrong dispensation the blessing the bread is-is-is for the israelites you you don't understand healing is the children's bread the Bible said that she said yes Lord listen to this determination but even the dogs lick up the crumbs under the table I could almost hear Jesus look at her and say oh my who let the dogs out something's about to change the kingdom is going to the dogs the big shots are sitting around and they're not asking for anything but here's a woman willing to crawl under the table she's got such determination that she says if I can just get a crumb if I can just I don't have to have the whole loaf just give me a crumb and I know it'll be enough to do what I need she received a long-distance miracle for her child your children may not be here but while you're in this room right now if your faith can go to another level of determination you can send a long-distance miracle to your child wherever your child is they may be a million miles away from God but that doesn't mean the Holy Spirit can't walk into the bedroom into the bar into wherever they are and set them free you can get a long-distance miracle her son her daughter was a long ways away but Jesus said o woman great is thy faith be it unto you even as you have said God healed her daughter that very moment her determination listened received a declaration o woman great is thy faith be it unto thee Churchill said success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm Edison said I have not failed I learned 10,000 ways that don't work we are not to let setback steal our determination to live for God try one more time get up one more time be determined boy I I just marvel at how quick we fold and how easy people break down and abandon their dreams because they were rejected or they didn't make the team or they didn't get the scholarship or this didn't happen or they got fired or something happened that really messed them up and they just throw in the towel so quick you have no idea what it takes to be what God has called you to be we'll have to have a steel like determination in your soul that looks at life and takes it by the throat and says I'm not a victim I'm not somebody that just has to have a pity party all the time but I'm taking this thing by the throat choke it he was crippled and totally paralyzed from his waist down then he became the President of the United States FDR at 19 months she was deaf dumb and blind from a disease but she did not let it stop her Helen Keller he was so severely burned that doctor said he would never walk but in 1934 a new world record was set in running by Glenn Cunningham they were born black in a racist society Booker T Washington Martin Luther King jr. they had a determination to do what God had called them to do his parents survived the Holocaust he was born paralysed from his waist down but he became the world's greatest violin played player he saw Perlman they told him that he was slow and somewhat his name was Albert Einstein don't you let the devil in the world tell you you can't make it and you can't do it none of these things move me none of these things move me you don't have to be pretty you don't have to be the smartest you don't have to be the talented that one you don't have to be the most gifted one but you do have to have a determination that when you get knocked down you get back up and you go right back at it and your grab life by the throat and you say none of these things move me I will get my family to heaven I will do what God has called me to do I will see that bless I will be blessed like Jacob like the syrophoenician woman I will get the crumbs under the table because all it takes is determination I wish somebody'd let the dogs out at free chapel I think God's so sick and tired of people who don't want anything who come to church bless me if you want to bless me I really don't care I don't really need you know why you don't need anything cuz you're living less than what God when you're really living where God wants you to live you have to get up every day and pray God I need you today lord have mercy where am I gonna get the money lord I need you that's a sign you're walking by faith I'm determined anybody determined I'm gonna tell you something when you get determined to live for Jesus no temptation can take you out no devil can take you out peer pressure can't take you when you determine you can live it on a college campus when you're determined you can live it in the middle of hail when you're determined you can be the only one in your family that ever lives for Jesus but when you're determined you can do it none of these things none of these things move me hallelujah clap your hands and praise God come on shout I am determined shout I will not quit I will not give up I will not back up I will not throw in the town there's no quit in me I am determined say it none of these things none of these things all these setbacks none of them none of these things move me now isn't the time to give up on your dreams now is the time to say none of these things move me if today's message has impacted you we love to hear about it just call the number on the screen and let us know what God is doing in your life as we enter into the Easter season we want to invite you to visit one of our campuses either here in Georgia or Orange County California and be a part of the special services that we have planned you can go online for service times and more information we've also prepared a special Easter DVD set entitled Kingdom Come with two very unique Easter messages preached by dad right here at free Chapel there'll be a blessing to you as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this year this month you can receive kingdom come for your gift of any amount thank you so much for watching today your prayers and your support help us preach the good news and it only happens because people like you help us go into all the world thank you for watching and we look forward to seeing you next time right here on Kingdom connection you you taking bolita a problem lunatic invocation blue iris adding a bigger air malgré OTA bacio necklace Kunekune PA baan jetblue a motel plan NIC I nearly Glee's you saw people that not only were starving we saw people who were severely injured many of them children I just can't imagine those being my kids from a personal standpoint it has blessed us beyond belief not only with our walk with Christ but with knowing that people who are hurting and less fortunate us are now able to enjoy meals and other things that we take for granted here in the United States now we're giving them an opportunity to go into the marketplace to create a way to earn a living for them and their family in the future generations of Haitians the people here in this whole area the lives to be changed from poverty to prosperity and of course the market were producing income for the families and for the children which is food for life Maldonado Khalid ib'n Zhu Ben you please - yo voy avec de si oven mitt invite Steve lonegan floor loogies a day it's a beautiful thing that God has provided he gave him food to start clothes to wear now he's giving him a facility for which they can earn a living join Jetson Franklin for for 2014 in the Gwinnett arena June 26 through the 28th with special guests he'll songs young and free planet shakers Matt Redman Israel Houghton and Micah Massey and the free chapel band and special guest speakers Chad Beach Lisa Bevere John Gray Reggie dabs and Jensen Franklin register now and be a part of this life-changing event with breathtaking worship powerful teaching as well as lifelong connections with thousands of new friends for 2014 this June and the Gwinnett arena register online at ford conference org life is real vivid alive beating breathing it happens behind closed doors and out in front there's joy there's laughter chaos lifelong friendships are forged love is found moments cherished and never forgotten life is a gift and together we are real family real friends real people experiencing real life is free travel this program has been brought to you by the friends and partners of Jenson franklin media ministries for more information on this broadcast or for additional resources go online at Jensen Franklin dot o-r-g
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
Views: 55,017
Rating: 4.8527918 out of 5
Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Kingdom Connection, Free Chapel, TV, Ministry
Id: xZ6oTIOs2c0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 04 2014
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