Cutting 2x6s with the woodmizer LT 15 Go sawmill.

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howdy folks welcome back to the mountain a lot of you been asking about the sawmill you want to see you a video of the sawmill so today we're gonna give you just that those of you that watch the build a video on the woodshed you saw that I it's a little shy on two by four so today we're gonna cut up a couple logs we're gonna go ahead and make up my two by sixes rather not two by fours and I also got to make some strapping for the roof so we'll go ahead and do that the sawmill hasn't been run yet this season yet so we gotta put a blade on it get it ready and fire it up and then we'll load it up so hang on and here we go alright here we are this is the wood visor lt15 it's a fully manual saw some sawmill which is all we really need cuz we just bought it to build our own outbuildings so first thing we got to do we got to put a new blade on going here on the wheels first thing you need to do is you got to open up your blade this is a bit of a trick in by itself because as you can see the bleeds coil we have to uncoil it without cutting ourselves so you may want to take a step back there uncoil this there's different ways of doing it I just do it this way people actually been known just to throw it on the ground so there we go some coil wheels like that turn here we go now we're gonna come back and set the tension on the blade it's pretty simple this handle right here we look that up it's got a cam since it's the tension I got a little guide back here to check the tension it looks good we won't get into that go ahead and close the doors up we'll fire it up and run it for a second and that way we'll see if the tension is good I closed the doors just in case some something is off on the guide and we don't want the blade to complain out door closes we'll go ahead and fire this up hopefully she fires right up [Music] [Applause] [Music] alright that's enough to make sure that the bleeds tracking good you don't want the blade coming off as we're trying to cut along you track it by the distance that sticks out from the wheels this actually looks really good good now next thing we want to do since we haven't run it yet this is just automatic transmission fluid you want to make sure to lube up the bearings and the guide automatic transmission fluid on there keeps the sawdust so it doesn't gum up everything nice you want to put some along the track all right now we'll go ahead and run the head up and down the track a couple times now with a sawmill there's either push manually or you can take this crank all right so now we're gonna go ahead and load up a log [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] go ahead and clamp it up now where the blade first cuts in the bark it's probably going to cut about here I just want to make sure the side and 13 that happens is there it's only about a half an inch difference well it's a full inch but on each side happen is I'm not going to bother to raise this one up but let's go ahead and take our first cut yeah [Music] [Applause] water and lubrication it often helps build [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh my god this is the first time anybody has ever seen inside of this tree and you can see the drains pretty good we got a couple of black knots here those are just from older branches from back when the tree was younger that have since died but that's not a big deal we're gonna go ahead and clip this 180 and cut the other side of it [Music] [Music] now before we go too far with this we notice these stops are a little high push them down a little bit because we don't want to hit them with the blade really does a number on the blade one low enough is that first one low enough [Music] [Music] turning it the only thing I want to I want to check make sure that it's 90 degrees from this face to this space so I take my square just means that my stops or 90 degrees [Music] so we're dig now we go ahead and cut you're known as I have a lot of bark on this side so I'm gonna take it down another inch and then we'll do another one this particular part here we're going to save because we can edge it and take off this bark and probably get a 1x4 out of it so we're gonna save this 10 inch white board [Music] [Music] so we'll get five two-by-sixes under this plants with news easel guys [Music] [Music] all right so as you can see bark over here that comes in about six inches so I'm gonna cut this down for six six inches then I can flip it I can get five [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] leave the six inches we're gonna keep these boards once again this one here is a little thick this is like an inch and a quarter I didn't want to use a 2 by 6 although I could have but this is some really nice lumber here as you can see this Green Onyx pieces we're gonna keep this one with these now what we're gonna do this is now six inches by 10 inches so we can now think ahead 10 inches yep so now we can get 5 2 by 6 is out of this every rotation of my dial is 2 inches so when I could do half of one that's one inch if I do a full [Music] so do have a guy here I could go down ten inches or what I like to a lot of times I just lower my blade down til it just kisses the wood look at that right at ten inches where it should be so what I can do I can do a full rotation and I'm down two inches so now when I cut this I will have a two by six both [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] I just want to get these out of my way because on the next cut I'm gonna be even with them all I just don't want the blade to hit once I just cut once again you do a full turn for two inches [Music] so there you go folks there's how we use our sawmill to make lumber here up on the mountain these are just two by sixes to finish off with the woodshed we are gonna be making more buildings hopefully in the era - we're gonna make a bar and we'll cut it all with this puppy right here none of the good goes - none of the wood goes goes to waste the stuff I threw over there the stuff that we're not going to be cutting the boards from we burn that both in our fire pit when you make a maple syrup we can even use it in the wood stove in the house once it's dry so other than that um that's how we do it up here on the mountain this videos a little long I understand but everybody wanted to see the sawmill there you go that's how I use it other than that folks have a great night don't forget to hit the subscribe button and ring the bell and we'll see you later god bless
Channel: Gagnons Mountain Homestead
Views: 375,402
Rating: 4.7621951 out of 5
Id: xv_xWR-KFb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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