The Saw King

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sup YouTube kind of a cool day today I'm going to take my little daughter who just turned 4 it's her birthday today I'm going to take her with me she loves going with me wherever I go who is that man Wow she's just just really great partner over here coming anyway I'm gonna go up the road about an hour to Myrtle Creek where live the saw King in person world renowned for modifying these chainsaws everyone welcome shop Talk we're looking at August's ms200 tea chainsaw top panel chainsaw it had some engine issues all their shaders have birthday and then I'm going to have I'm going to pick up a couple Huskies friend of mine James Cabral really my first like YouTube buddy that I made years ago [Music] he has two Huskies modified and he wants me to experience that and me being uh I'm talking to my camera see say hi we are I'm going to pick up these two saws and tusky saws and put them through the paces here for a week or two maybe more how no James and I'm going to drop off this 88 to get it fixed well it's not it's not broken I don't know if you can see it it's really really cool actually it's brand new I'm going to have it popped up modified and then I'm also going to have this new this is a new 460 I know they don't make them anymore but this one's new I I got it from a friend of mine who bought it - barely used it like not even never even filed a chain really good shape like like perfect new and I'm going to have it modified - and hopped up to be more like this one this is a oh four six from back in the mid-90s 97 or something like that and it has 210 pounds of compression we call it xcalibur and there's a big story behind that some of you guys know it evidently someone had traded it for a tattoo and I want that side be more like it so we'll pick up James's saws rims on there in fact for getting back to 3/8 if he wants he may decide he wants it set up for a Godwin season hang out with the birthday girl ah and drop off an 880 and a46 penises August 10 keep calling for rich right you're right pretty good James filming them saws are done okay I Drive up there like right now and pick them up and drop off my 88 and 460 and I wonder if I could get like two minutes of camera time with you yeah I just want to for my channel I just want to kind of tell them you know go over what we might be doing and right before we do it and then later I'll do a follow-up when I pick it up and then all then I'll test them out it'll be kind of fun haha you got you got to tell me all that on camera just save it it'll be organic alright thanks but [Music] my GoPro camera died halfway through recording that conversation with rich so yeah rich is expecting us we're going to show up we are going to show up and we're going to drop off some saws and pick up some saws and it's just a glorious day right why is today's special you don't know raise your hand if it's your birthday we're going to Merrill Creek what happened in place what nothing I said it's the happening place no yeah but it has a chainsaw place no I sign [Music] flowers water about the trees trees don't need water whether the trees drink here trees drink juice that cloud juice yeah you know where I got the llama yeah we're out of a claw machine that's right ever since I got that Vermeer I've become really good at operating a claw yeah talking and rich what are we going to do Oh expansion chamber you want to build expansion chamber on it yeah if I can use still use it as a work saw we'll see we'll see it kind of gets in the way of course but nothing else we can do a modified exhaust on it we're going to take the cylinder off I got a machinist going to do the decking and then we're going to port it and change the timing on it and make it a very high-performance train song cool so and what about same on this one name on this guy we won't probably we're not gonna do the expansion chamber course you may get a really good works out to our news all I need to do is make giant stump cuts with this okay all right what we'll see we'll see you can't get that on there and to greet that into it and get that you on for you how about a full wrap oh yeah should be no problem okay on there good big spikes already looks good all right be a great saw for tell them real quick what port and polish means we take Scylla off we get a deck which is shaving the deck of it to increase the compression ratio then we go into the transfers and the intake and exhaust ports enhance them to the maximum we make it flow better that's what we do cool all right talking about the saws that I'm picking up for game these are games and they were modified West Coast build on both of them they've done some trick chains on them that is a 3/8 low-profile chisel chain sylvie ground with by zoe rider very fast cutting this one has a eight to sprawl get to speed up the chain and just makes it a very fun very fast chain saw same on this 346 it's got the special chain on it and it's been ported kicked and they're just fun to run so these house keys are souped up oh yeah most everyone yes most definitely [Laughter] yeah you guys oh great hate to take time out for a chainsaw well we're having a baby but this is a very special saw right oh yes it is very high performance yeah here oh wow yeah another good you want to Pinklon here it is I'm taking three Huskies home sharper there to report down [Music] I think she'll be okay without food safety sis yeah you never know she's got the saw we're driving back I'm feeling a little bit lighter than usual and I'm like where's my wallet I look around I can't find it sure enough I call them first thing rich says you left your billfold so now we got to go back it's probably some kind of sign when you leave your wallet at the saw shop it kind of is some kind of poetic symbol of where your money goes Hawaiian I left it I set it down to chop that that husky out of the box all right you like it go right all right thank you thank you pretty good little soft that we got there okay we're back at the ranch this is what they call a top saw pre-need tool it's got everything for still and husky all in one spot I wanted to take a minute and answer the question just take me a second to answer this question that I didn't want to take time to answer by a print we have walnut that the customer wants us to remove given that it is one of two that I know of in our town I'm kind of reluctant to remove the tree I have met with her a couple times explaining that to prune the tree is the best option and some good health just half a dozen dead limbs - that are sizable that need to be removed to ensure integrity of the crown ensure that's a word that I don't use when it sounds too much like saying the word safe which is another word I don't use I know that if I can't convince her someone else will come in and grant her which is just trying to keep a clear mind and do the right thing any input on your part would be huge thank you this is Corey chase I don't have I'm not super sensitive about Samia trees and property and I occasionally am annoyed when somebody thinks they have to cut down a tree they're afraid of it when I don't when I'm not afraid of it and I'm just I just think that they're being dumb and that's a harsh word but anyway I explained to them that they don't have to do it but if ultimately they want to then I'm the guy really I mean it's like it's there's also like little old ladies will you could convince them that the tree is okay that a little bit of pruning a wind thinning whatever it takes and weight reduction but if those will old ladies app see after you leave and day goes into week goes into month the same germ that make them afraid of it to begin with is going to come back and they're just not going to be at peace until it's gone and so if you think it's that kind of scenario where it's their property this is my this is my opinion their property and they're not at peace enough in here to listen to the expert to sort of just let it go just relax and say hey life's got calculated risk and the expert says that my chances are pretty good here if they're not able to do that if they're just kind of not able like a squirrel cross on the road they can't make up their mind then they're better off having a cut-down just for their own peace that's my opinion and if that's the case then I'll do it yeah both the crews back just wanted to answer that I'm going to test these saws here in a minute both these Huskies on a piece of wood in the back of my trailer we're going to we're going to test the 346 XP first you heard what rich said about the bar chain and on this one he's got a different sprocket and you heard what he said about how he Tunes up the motors both of these saws are built they're not stock so we'll try the 346 XP first Oh all that was the first time I ever ran that saw I don't know if I've ever run stock one either but definitely got her done yeah let's do another one [Music] did I say 562 anything what is it James I don't know all the husky numbers it's unmarked no not that one definitely bad to the bone 562 XP so now we'll try the 562 XP that first one [Music] that is cool I wasn't expecting that to sound like so this next one 14 inches ha Bowman is bowling ball just for fun I'll go ahead and cut right through this knot [Music] Oh and my full rap handlebar is coming up Sutton it's kind of hampering me I don't usually like hearing chainsaws without my hearing protection it's just really annoying yeah yeah take off here bro [Music] hahaha Bertie Damon was running the black 200t the one the top rich rich hopped up my 200t the black saw Damien was using it today after months with a stock 201 what are your thoughts it's the best top panel thought of ever been my yeah I was it was nice it's like butter on every cut it doesn't matter what you're cutting either it's yeah something you got to be careful he called me during the day and he was like something something something all he wants is a 200 now something something yeah but the world talks and you can't oh yeah the world is a terrible place because you can't just go buy them and and you can get a 201 and mod that but a 201 the tank is too small still sorry it's way too small husky 540 guys decent saw tank gas tank too small my only complaint really about it so 200 has a big tank and they got it right it got it right and then like Obama or somebody ruined everything right wasn't that what happened I don't remember who did it it so bother blame him it was Obama or it was whoever you don't like they ruined it Louie yeah maybe Trump baby Trump ruin that nobody knows maybe Asian me we like it bring it back make the term saw great again 15-inch up to the outside of the bark so you'll have to go yeah wrap around and get that spot that's the tips not yeah try not to I'm trying to BA get down the yeah you know right there in that perfect Arbor yeah I've got it a couple times with a couple of those cuts I've loved it up it's really easy to get excited with this thing I know you're right I'll take more non-stop [Music] that's yeah you kept it rip the whole time that was out on there and then let's cut one on my iPhone for James and I'll send it home ready James this is for you buddy [Music] [Music] you get at it how's it feel like it doesn't stop yeah [Music] oh good I don't know yeah yeah yes
Channel: August Hunicke
Views: 63,666
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Id: Na31BRWsMvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 15sec (1335 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2017
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