The Saving Truth

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you got to be so strong in what you believe that the devil in hell gets bothered because you gonna show up on Sunday morning if the Lord can't depend on but one shout let that shout come from you for a preach a minute about a saving truth the saving truth there are a lot of things that are true that do not save Jesus Christ is not one of the ways to God Jesus is the only way Jesus is not a part of the truth he is the truth Jesus is not someone you add to make your life richer Jesus is life he said I am is come that you might have life and have it more abundantly I am the door of the sheepfold if you come in any other way you come in as a thief and a robber I am The Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the Sheep I am the resurrection and the life he that believeth in me though he were dead yet shall he live again and he that lives and believes in Me shall never die I am the way the truth and the life I am the bread of life I am the water of life he is the fountain from which all else flows he is the root out of which all else grows he has nothing without him everything is about him in him we live we move and we have our being Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever there is none like him he's in a class all by himself the more I call the sweeter it sign Jesus early in the morning Jesus at noon day Jesus in the midnight hour there's power in that man that strength in that name there's joy has oh there's peace there's deliverance in the name of Jesus we who live here in Houston may or may not be aware that this weekend is Gay Pride lesbians and gays bisexuals and transsexuals of marching with rainbow flag in hand down in the streets of Houston being led by the mayor of the city but the truth is is a sin and an abomination before God and I am not ashamed of the gospel I'm not embarrassed to tell the truth because the gospel is the power of God unto salvation or just legalized gay marriage help me preach if you can the President of the United States has given his approval to marriage between two men or two women but the Bible says it's an abomination in the sight of God and until the church sounds the trumpet and preaches the gospel with power and conviction people will call what is wrong right I wish I had some noise that was a time when the church had a moral standard and the people of the church were not ashamed to stand on the Word of God but we want to accommodate this culture in which we live so that we can go on all in order to get along but I want to stand on the truth of the word if I got to stand by myself there is no other name never got a witness given among men whereby we must be saved except the name Jesus I want you to stop being embarrassed to talk about Jesus I want you to quit backing up when people start criticizing the church and criticizing Jesus and say anything and it makes sense for you to go to church stand up and declare who you believe in Paul said I know in whom I have believed I was ahead of everyone and I am persuaded the he's able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day I want to share with you first of all the Gospels power for our gospel did not come inward only but also in power Dunamis from which we get our English word dynamite the gospel has explosive power power to Buster what's wrong power to destroy what's false I wish I had a witness here and and we many of us have been to Calvary for pardon but we haven't been the Pentecost for power and so we're kind of timid and sheepish about what we believe because we don't really know if it's true or not but the reason I preach with power is because I know he was born of a virgin that does historical evidence that that's biblical evidence to prove that he was born in Bethlehem reared in nazareth baptized in the Jordan before miracles in a desert place heal the sick raise the dead gave sight to the blind may the lame walk cured a woman with an issue of blood died weren't driving got a barely weren't sending my see that at the right hand of God with power coming back again in his glory I believe that talked Richard with power I mentioned this I mentioned this when I was preaching a few months ago at wheal Avenue Reverend Al Sharpton had his National Action Network in New York City Manhattan and President Obama was there and he he gave a speech but Bill Cosby was the keynote speaker and at the end of the other of the service there was going to be an awards ceremony for for the Martin Luther King award or the I have a dream award and it so happened that my friend roommate a roommate Pastor Ralph West was to receive the award the first recipient of the I have a dream award his name was going to be called after Bill Cosby did his keynote address and Bill Cosby made his address and he went on a rant about the church he start talking about with Jesus people the Muslims Bill Cosby said is doing a better job than the Jesus people the church the Bill Cosby said was obsolete then and had run its course because you Jesus people are not doing anything he went on and on to criticized the preacher and to criticize the obsolescence of the church and and the negligence of the church and how the church was of no use in society today and he just so happened at Ralph West pastor at the church without walls was the first to receive his award after Bill Cosby diss the church when Bill got through dissing the church and Spike Lee was cheering Bill Cosby on because he was dissing the black preacher and and how ignorant the black church he is but that noise that rattling the preacher makes at the end of the sermon and it just so happened that ralph was getting his award right after bill got through dissing the church and you know Ralph with you know how cool Ralph is Ralph had his speech already written he had written it out and got some pH D's in his church to check it out to make sure he had all the right words because the president was going to be there and Spike Lee and Bill Cosby and Denzel Washington and and samuel l.jackson told him would ever get Awards and Ralph want to make sure his speech was tight but when Bill got through dis in the church he put his speech on the side and you know how true Ralphy is Ralph still that face and I listened comment let me tell you something doc I've been listening to you for the last 30 minutes running down the church I love the chair I love the Lord I am where I am because of the Lord and I don't appreciate you dissing mature and then Ralph went on to homolytically explain and hermeneutical II break down how powerful the church is and before you know it Ralph said Denzel Washington said sad doctor then samuel l.jackson jumped up and said godfrey back because Negroes triad dignified and sophisticated but when you get right down to it it was nobody but the Lord that helped you gradually from grammar Mensa before we let you get in the University of Houston God sir to the tears you have I got a witness here before he let you went downtown it was the black church who gave you your sense of some botanist cuz the black preacher preached the gospel with power you believed that sup I told you about Jesus when you get in trouble you better know how to call Jesus but when your back is up against the wall come on talk back to me here when the lawyer said I can't take your case and the doctor said I've done all I can do you better know how to call on the name Jesus when your children break your heart and you've done all you can the teacher was right you better know how to call on the name of Jesus when you get all and can't Hollis see them all and somebody got to bring you everywhere you want to go you better learn how to say gee laughs that's power in the gospel our gospel didn't come and word only but in power in power and in the Holy Ghost don't don't be scared of that word don't be scared of that person because the only way you can do what you do all the way you can work in faith and labor in love and be patient in home it's to have the Holy Ghost have a god a witness here he didn't come to make us tongue tacos and holy dances he came to make us walk right he came to hold us when the enemy is assailing us have a got a witness here he came to help you keep your tongue before you say the wrong thing he came to fight your battles and all you got to do is keep still he came to magnify the name of Jesus to give you power in your testimony deliver me deliver me from a Christian who is all words words are not enough but no no you need power need to back up your words with Holy Ghost some of y'all come to quiet about they which means I might need to spend another minute on that the Holy Ghost comes to empower us to do what it is the Lord has called us to do we cannot do the Lord's enablement without the Lord's empowerment and the empowerment that gives us enablement comes from the Holy Ghost have a got a witness here he makes us love our enemies he makes us treat our neighbors right he makes our speech she makes our conversation he makes I want my testimony not better than anybody else but different from everybody how the gospel is not only in power but it's in a person I'm not talking about Jesus now look at verse number 6 and you became followers of us and of the Lord having received the word in much affliction with joy of a holy spirit so that you became example that the power got to live in you so that the people see not only Jesus but you too let me see if I can make this mixing Lazarus had been dead for day am i right about that and the Bible says that Jesus went to the grave of Lazarus and told lazarus to come forth Lazarus came out of the grave jesus said loose him and let it go Martha took his grave clothes folded them neatly and put them in a chest of drawers because she knew that she would have to use them again because Jesus just resuscitated Lazarus somebody who helped me appreciate a man so after the resuscitation they went to the home of Mary and Martha and Lazarus and Lazarus was seated at the table with Jesus and the Bible says the crowds came not just to see Jesus but to see Lazarus also who he had raised from the dead and when for come here on Sunday morning on it on ever see is two things one who can save sinners and that's Jesus and a sinner that's been saved and that's me and you ready to see a change in your walk a change in your testimony a change in your witness because you have been imbued with power brothers and sisters I think I think what we need more than Women's Day and men's day and youth day and Russia's big and church anniversary and pastors anniversary is a time when people get serious enough to pray God's in down power that we can go on the streets and people will see not just Jesus but I'll save testimony because it's easy to shout in church with all these foolish shouting you might as well come on talk back to the year but now earn you a job you ought to be so full of the Holy Ghost that they have to tell you you got the few got the cone give you that you got toner dime you got to remember you in the workplace you can't carry on like that because some of us know how to shout at other places other than linear old because sometimes God is good to you at the job and you can't wait for Sunday morning to get here to start praising him I wish I had a witness here I'm not talking to you who haven't experienced any breakthroughs who haven't experienced any miracles in your life but somebody didn't know that I'm talking about that God did something for you on Wednesday that surprised you God did something during the week on your job or at your house that you are not expecting and if you didn't shout right then you were going to explode well I mean let me just go on to preach about myself God's been good to me I said God's been good to me for the last few Sundays I couldn't even open my eyes because of this infection that I've been going and having going back and forth to the doctor with three times in one week go into the doctor not able to open my eyes but I prayed last night Lord I want to preach in the morning now if you're willing open my and when I got up this morning I couldn't see through this out last night but when I woke up this morning somewhere between when I fell asleep and when I woke up God did just what he said he would be is there anybody here knows that God will surprise you God will make away yes he will yes will yes he will yes he will I got one more thing to say here for from you the word of the Lord has sounded for your faith toward God has gone out so that we do not need to see anything forbade themselves declare concerning us what manner of entry we had to you and how you turn to God from idols to serve the living and the true God when you preach the gospel when you witness about your faith I need you I need you to be under no illusions sometimes even in truth even doing what's right situations can turn on you that there may be some people in here today believing it what's your draw in church and and come to know Jesus Christ your path will be smooth I need somebody to help me tell you that that's not so have a god of witnesses cuz into each life some rain is going to fall have a God a witness here just because you love people don't mean they're gonna love you back just because you're doing your best don't mean everybody's going to appreciate that I wish I had two or three more witnesses here but God if you belong to him you're safe in his hands and he won't let the devil do you any harm have a got a witness here God is a provider God is a protector but you've got to be a proclaimer I'm true now you got to tell it even when it's unpopular I wish I had some no is it you got to make your presence known even when folk get sick of you you've got to tell your story you've got to give your testimony because somebody is not gonna come to Christ unless you peel witness I wish I had one or two more believers here you got to be so strong in what you believe that the devil in hell gets bothered because you gonna show up on Sunday morning if the Lord can't depend on but one shout let that shout come from you if the Lord can depend on but one hallelujah let that hallelujah come from you I wish I had a witness here and listen now when you start really getting excited about the goodness of God people are gonna try to hush you up you remember what they did for that man who was on the highway begging he started saying Jesus son of David have mercy on me and the crowd says you be quiet but the Bible says he hollered all the more because when you want help from Jesus when you want to see Jesus badly enough you don't care what the crowd says I wish I had a believer here sometimes I think for criticize you because you make all that noise on the CD you make all that noise on the DVD they don't have to wonder who it is shouting they know it's because this is the same person every time and they're saying perhaps why will she shut up why don't he sit on some time thank you for tuning in to a call to Joy it is our prayer that the Word of God has brought joy strength and faith to your life we would love to have you as I guess that little glow of Missionary Baptist Church where we are exalting the Savior equipping the Saints and evangelizing the center for your convenience we have a 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. worship service every Sunday morning and 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights Lily Grove is located at seventy thirty forty Westar Street Houston Texas 77021 or feel free to visit our website at WWF until next week God has called us to a life of joy you
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 75,346
Rating: 4.7907543 out of 5
Keywords: Reverend, Terry, Anderson, Pastor, Lilly, Grove, Missionary, Baptist, Church, Houston, Texas, Call, To, Joy, Religion
Id: KlofvwoGePU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 21sec (1701 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2012
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