The Saga of Delarius - 2 - A Baldur's Gate 3 Adventure

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hello everybody and welcome back to The Saga of delarios this is delarius we need to go talk to some Druids about some stuff also sorry for the delay had a few work emails that I had to answer real quick that like just popped up always fun hey I didn't realize my vitilago uh spots showed up on my torso too people have a word benevolent burden his confidence is an asset his pursuit of Valor so much um you just start conversations like that you look so unusual get Yankee are rare in these parts well you presume a little much I know of giftyanki but I've never met one they would have cut you from navel to Nick you are no less alien to me than I am to you I know of your kind but I do not often encounter them that large fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake is is it that big isn't that large could like so much of this world and it's undisciplined people oh shoot my notifications ain't on uh needo Beano net obino thank you so much for gifting five Subs to the community welcome to the land of maniacs and happy anniversary you lucky lucky five people gifted us up by the very very generous net obino and camcaster 13th of the 10 months of support happy anniversary to you much love guys do you know much about mind flesh I understand much beyond your comprehension okay to the point that I know the cure for our Condition it's imperative we locate a crash energy well to observe more and question less Fair yeah hello bear I'm not allowed to pet the bear the bear is her sentient being my good friend hello Kate's just now know when the Goblins came you saw them up close few questions hey Lanny there's no my interest solo snake thank you for the hundred Bitties and big piglet think of the 33 months happy anniversary thank you kindly for the random reminder dude ask your questions Glory nothing how would you describe that particular batch of goblins size nature distinguishing qualities you search your mind successfully recalling various details of goblin Behavior I did history uh common variety goblins led by a Lasher flanked by booyas hi a scanner after my own heart and albino think of the Thousand Bitties that damn much love I'm not unfamiliar with their kind certainly shocking little creatures aren't they most accounts allow Ed I myself plan to record the world's most extensive catalog of their means and habits a blue ocean of information I dare say no I have a few more questions if you don't mind and the dragon they had marching in the rear was it of the brass or silver variety I must have missed that one I think there's been a misunderstanding what do you want exactly my friend not a jot more or less question then you'll be quite free I should create a command for uh dolorious when they fell upon the gate try to remember that one uh did the attackers rally to the absolute I don't think so they I was concentrated on not dying really well this does complicate things again well never mind I've interrogated one a captive In This Very Camp She reports they've abandoned their God maglavia in favor of someone called the absolute interesting Goblin Superstition not worth the ink in parchment ah but his Superstition all these goblins are informed by a kind of strategy anathema to their kind I for what intend to get to the bottom of it I Was preparing to head to their Camp as we speak in fact the if you'll excuse me I ought not adorable okay best of luck never you mind who needs Mercy when you have a quick turn and an invisibility potion stashed in your back pocket until we meet again okay then interesting sort it is I wonder if that's a person pig or just a pig pig a big bear its name is Tuffet can I pet Tuff it carefully nudge the Bear's flank and uh oh but maybe uh oh nah foreign this is awkward attacking it would not be good in a druid area and I don't think any of these people can speak with animals so away we go hold on where is it I'm supposed to go there right I think I'm not being told no hello snakey a thief a poison threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out the rest um uh what's the girl's actual name girl I'm not up to date on all of the then steals moving around the idol in wrath look her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless I'm Tila come cougar we took back the idol surely do it um this sounds dangerous but also the most fun foreign I am first Druid now I will take control and prove my authority ah you're that [ __ ] you've proven your Authority now prove your mercy Fair words take to the others word of my grace if to me bless you what thank you Koga Master Holston Carlson isn't here keep his name off your tongue lest Tila pierce it Okay this [ __ ] all the rats have names I wonder if they're all Druids so that lady a little much that snake is fickle a tragedy prevented she seems dangerous well seen well spotted we've let a snake replace our leader why who's your real leader Master housing perhaps Goblin called perhaps dead he'd said mistress korga back in line hold her to task stop this damn ritual Moore will die if the right is finished so many more sent into a world gone mad I'm in need of a Healer badly like many you seek Hal sins craft but you'd have to settle for Nettie find her further in the cave a gift is great too you can trust her sounds like halson might be a better bet where's he the adventurers say they lost track of him in a temple to the West that I could track him myself but I cannot leave with Koga doing as she Wills if no one's looking for house and I could do it would you would give anything to see house in return home I'd like more a solid offer than anything our need is great I will open the treasures of this Grove to you even if the circle forbids it housing is an elf with the presence of a bear he left West with the adventurers you won't mistake the first Druid for anyone else come silver stay close so you have a big exclamation mark over your head why I was in pain before yes just an old wound that hurts me from time to time nothing to be concerned about I don't believe you it's nothing to do with the tadpoles at least it's just something I have to live with how badly does it hurt quite a lot if I'm being honest but it always passes quickly so I can manage all right then why are you scared of dogs maybe if you can don't make me face any more of them at least not alone I mean I haven't made you face any so far one just kind of showed up and you weren't the one dealing with it so everyone's got their own fears I won't judge yours really some might think it makes me a liability oh it does [ __ ] about you let's see somebody further in the cave to talk to is that you yeah that's Nettie I see you just give me a moment how are you with tadpoles yay burb no what was it you needed I'm looking for Nettie you found her but I still don't know what she can do for you healing as soon as possible come here here no good way of putting this I have a tadpole in my head phone the very same what other kinds are there it's not like frog hopped in my eye that's follow me I might be able to help yes we need to be quick this way ooh fancy door oh this boat's poorly this one had the same problem as you attacked us in the woods together with some goblins tadpole crawled out of his head soon after is everyone being captured by mind flares these days it is odd how many people have run into that that seems to be the case rather too common as of late at least that's what Master halson suspected a pity you got me instead of him he understands these things story though still we have options I just have to jam this stick in your eyes let's see what we can do it's that plant will it help she shifts on easily hesitating something's off first things first tell me about your church have you noticed anything strange happening are you going to kill me or try to it might what aren't you telling me I'm telling you everything I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happen to you I can merge Minds with anyone else that's infected victims victims and identify each other was desperate to find where all this was happening and a mind flare ship I was kidnapped and infected a mind flare ship person was sure look what's that sound so I'll be straight with you dangerous transform here we're all dead but you seem like a good soul you deserve a chance to save yourself right this is a vial of wyvern poison cool swear to me you'll swallowed if you feel any symptoms I thought you could cure me what about that branch of yours does The Last Resort in case I couldn't trust you ah I don't have a pool only a way out I'm sorry but I had to be sure you weren't a threat before I told you everything cool do I have your word or not yeah sure I'll take some free poison swear it ah I swear I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here you know I've spent my life treating full and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more Master Houston and I were trying downright mind flayer pandemic trying to figure out what the door's opening again changing perfectly normal chaotic Queen Stephanie thank you so much for the sub hope you enjoy the emotes the ad free experience and one of the most wonderful communities on the face of the internet welcome to the lanamaniacs greatly appreciate the support what do you mean should be changing mind flayers reproduce by infecting 's parasite and gruesome the victim transforms and a new mind flare is born I mean I should have known I didn't know that it's different to anything in our records cool it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet anyhow cool that's good news you said you were tracking other victims did they change hard to say but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old Temple of soluna and I've no idea why when Master halson heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot whatever he found there he didn't make it back heading to the West got it hey Lanny the thing is I've sent Birds to find him the place is rotten with goblins none of us can even get close you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their person if you can find halson and get him out of there we can discover what he learned and perhaps he can save your life how's that sound pretty good pretty good I can't make any promises this is like nothing we've seen before but I know this for sure Master halson is the only one close to understanding these things he's your best bet to survive otherwise that vials your only option all right then I'll find him thank you it would mean everything to the groom to me I wish I could tell you more but only those adventurers know what happened out there all I can say for sure is they all went to the old Temple of saloon and master halson didn't make it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your oath right oh H Virgil 4-H there we go uh thank you so much for the 18 months of support happy anniversary to you that's a quick draft something in that vessel take a closer look which vessel what vessel I'm not allowed to rob a corpse now huh [Music] yeah whatever hello exhausted bird the bird's eyes are glassy it it's breathing weak on the table with the bottles foreign well I have a jar of tentacles now meditating in the forest and Eddie and I am ambushed by a pack of goblins led by a drow they had no choice but to defend ourselves uh it's not extraordinary a rather disturbing part on the drow's death parasitic creature emerged from the corpse attempted to escape I managed to capture it and to have host Cadet uh cadaver here in my study I've told no one of my fears Nettie suspects but not knows better than to ask I will investigate further upon informing the others cargo will demand answers I don't yet have I had better record any further findings in a separate volume and keep them upon my person less prying eyes jump to the wrong conclusion whoa Houston must be massive look at the size of the dude's pipe [Music] well I guess I'll go look for the guy now I have very little desire to talk to her level five man I remember like killing her in the beta with Quinn and Stefan right before we accidentally blew ourselves up with barrels oh hey the Bear's gone nope still there wow can you find like anywhere else to sit all right there's still a bunch of children hiding down there foreign to fit inside now but do have is there a sort button this oh it's just an illusion spell but it is shapeshift Dead uh shape shift make me a masculine gnome because that's tiny ah now we go yes I'm in ah no need what was this tiny lamp light no I don't care about Zaki I don't care about selfie Maul well look to visit my kids say you've been busy since you got here you saved Arabella from The Druids don't know what those bosses would have done you're welcome I'm sorry I wasn't ready for tiny pink nipples you're running all these schemes and swindles risky you know saving Hideout when we get to Baldur's Gate why dealing is wrong from me it is ah [ __ ] it I want to invest in the newest Thieves Guild on the sword Coast won't turn down free money I've got operating costs you wouldn't believe come see me in the city sometime huh I'll repay this and send some somehow I don't believe you Maybe hold on it's better to be cautious I guess they noticed can't use that right now the [ __ ] I can't we got [ __ ] [ __ ] is the entrance ah there we go there we go I'm back can't get there what do you mean it's a [ __ ] ladder hey [ __ ] move out of the way okay she's the one in the way repositioning the rest I'm just not gonna follow is why aren't they following sort of a button I need to press okay now we head Westward where's this door lead to secluded Chambers for these people I heard what happened thank you for protecting the child if The Druids are this far gone then it's not just goblins we have to fear so we can risk violence here or face it for certain on the road quite the choice isn't it yes can you delay the ritual you saw what they were willing to do to a child Just For Trying it's korger's influence without her twisting things I believe The Druids might see sense oh to get rid of her hello sword but I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it but The Druids would Slaughter us we'd have to get close to Korger within Striking Distance I can't manage that but they've already let you pass once I'm not exactly a murderer for hire it doesn't sit well with me either but to get these people to safety there's nothing I won't do doesn't you sit well with me either but 20 bucks is 20 bucks God won't sway you there's nothing more to discuss no sir but if there's a clear path past those goblins they'll find it yes blood of Omega think of the 13 months of prime support happy anniversary to you quack indeed [Music] you what are you doing I'm only gonna ask you one more time boy [Music] I never seen it before how do you know it's ugly keep quiet and watch you bloody well knew it What's Happening Here time for chaos no idea man just started attacking the boy child and you you had this coming boom oh God beaten thanks to you but at least I got my locket back and he shook on my locking back from my cow my face got nothing to say to you I already left hey a traitor refugees adventurers no one in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins most Brave of you is there anything you need act fast if you do the ritual will be complete before too long a ritual what ritual you were talking about I still not really paying attention to exactly what it is I forgot you're a blowing the few days hence this Grove will be completely concealed by thorny Vines none will be able to enter or leave a drastic measure but more monsters seem to terrorize this region every day all right that is pretty drastic so what are you selling just some bits and Bobs I no longer need oh do I have any Bobs that I need or bits to 15 AC and her armor is better than his [ __ ] all right I can get a Starion and upgrade that's for short rest you regain a level one spell slot when you land a critical hit with the spell thief dragon's grasp uh burned alive deals an additional one through four slashing damage to burning targets all right would need to light people on fire I'm not a above that missile snaring if you uh you can intercept missiles from a ranged weapon attack reducing their damage by 1d10 plus your Dex modifier once again probably something pretty good for a Starion also very expensive see what I have to sell though all of these gems I don't really have use for an ink pot ow skulls go for one gold a pop you need to collect more skulls silver band leathered boots leathered gloves leather armor leather armor leather armor padded armor a simple robe another one of those foreign saving throws interesting for a leather helmet an ignoble hat plenty of weapons I can't use [Music] thank you should probably keep the soul coin all right let's see what you got here all of that makes up for these potentially foreign throwing boost the wearer grants 1d4 bonus to throw damage area of illmat Arrow of illmatter prevent Target from Gaining hit points Arrow of roaring Thunder I like that it looks like a firework oh it is a firework hmm still debating this stuff hold on what's your armor like right now no no no no no yeah I'll lose four gold in the exchange I don't care can she even trade does she even have money like is she allowed to have money yeah I'm sure that's fine Sylvanas guide your path I already checked that way we need to go out through the gate and head West end their misery myself calm yourself the survivors not soldiers apparently that's how I feel distinction hey thank you all right hold on inventory give to a Starion [Music] it's time for Lana maniacs and our ball used to the max somebody's got your facts your sub so now relax We're Lana Maniacs I'd say Mr Bad takes thank you for gifting five Subs to the community welcome to the land of maniacs and happy anniversary you lucky lucky five people gift a sub by the very very generous Mr Bad takes hmm free exsanguinated boar it looks healthy the pig's dead my friend hey Lanny come on we'll never fix these brain worms if we stop and walk at every piece of carrion you find I want to examine its corpse yes make the basis stay with the 40 months of support happy anniversary waiting on the PS5 version went to buy the other day didn't realize until after my purchase it was a pre-order ah the ball seems to be fresh only a few hours dead Examining The Corpse you see two small puncture wounds in its neck uh is it dead enough for you looks like somebody drank it yeah we're going to go with persuasion these marks are strange do you recognize them Woody baby let's go I it's been drained of blood with wounds in its neck it's been killed by a vampire I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to worry you they are ferocious creatures but don't worry I'll keep watch tonight we won't have to worry about nocturnal visitors now please let's go okay have we discussed the fact that you're out during the daylight it's just it's a little weird oh that's an interesting sight novice of the absolute man I got a lot of info from these people just from existing so the snake think of the 100 bitties you can't die he is the day Walker what's fat girl doing down there flesh within new stairs in response interesting he might be a Healer bright he might be a bandit I could be both right the injured man locks eyes with you a familiar squirming chairs in your head oh your minds intertwine you see his siblings andrick and Brenna new recruits yours to Shepherd mind to Shepherd you say he he true soul he will he he alrighty then please he's with the absolute now you're you're a true soul Edwin a brother he was chosen like you do you have orders for us we were reporting to Edwin right I [Music] what happened to your brother exactly we were looking for fugitives survivors from the crashed farther west of here but instead of them Edwin found an oil bear an angry one we managed to drag him away but the beast's claws had already done their work I told Edward not to look in that cave it was filthy with oil Bear Tracks I see uh I'm looking for a druid halcin I don't know any Druids all right well owl bear gotta go find him an Avenger brother what is killed edawin it's an enemy of the absolute you're right sir the Beast must be destroyed yup the cave is just ahead it was too much for us before but but if you could help us true so we may stand a chance yep that's that's one problem that'll solve itself oh yes to you okay new feeling oh okay craves why let it host's memories go to waste tadpole has absorbed it all experience could nourish you strengthen me it could I'm gonna go with wisdom on this one I think oh well win some you lose something impulsion takes over your action give me a brain worm that's right come to Papa all the Eldritch power is mine om nom nom right up the butt ah he tickles as soon as they need to fine parasites an open coffin nothing to be concerned about I'm sure hey what are you doing out here yep go get it bring me a Ted that stench dead Albert parade No Doubt it's it's huge I I'm not sure I can do this well you're going to power courses through you Authority interesting I'm going to try to enact my will barely made it but we got there of course Trestle something stirs deep within you hungry and alert taking something you'll never get back I wonder what that was it's just an animal and we have the absolute on our side for Edwin foreign Dash and I can't shoot anything from here so oh we could do a real Dash too huh let's find some gray survival is all that matters breathe deep and move Target must be humanoid boo foreign [Music] all right I should be nigh untouchable right now [Music] I wasn't I was not thank you why are you attacking the baby thank you good stab a Starion quickly time for a new approach breathing despite everything evocation spell huh how long have I had that okay six to 23 damage it's a lot of [ __ ] damage [Music] guiding Bolt disadvantage what oh Target's too close Okay uh uh cancel that um yeah cure wounds not enough oh it's a touch spell oh [ __ ] if I cure wounds healing word and then we Bonk acid baby you use your tiny claws does it you're pathetic [Music] stop killing the baby the big one is over there whatever yes big stab arms of Hadar well it's saved I can only use that once per short rest noted Bonk yeah of course the baby's frightened you threw acid on it and you beat it with a cudgel I hope it decides what to do soon [Music] oh wait superiority die foreign so I'm going to go ahead and uh let's see he's just a regular attack will be fine here are you [ __ ] kidding me you were worthless okay what's this and we got him from you to his dead mother oh no we got him a single strike will end his suffering stop oh no oh it's so sad it's just gonna starve to death though hold on a second here do I have the twitch thing set up I thought I did yeah I have the thing enabled but I guess it's just not popping up here hold on hey Lanny twitch integration how do I get the twitch extension download install activate it says layer one done okay it should be on now hold on let me get my thingies back up top there we go so it should be working now in theory bottom left for ah here we go your call chat you are the uh you are the hive mind that is linked to my brain ah there it goes okay I see a lot of people voting to let the creature starve to death alrighty I you know what let it not be said that democracy hasn't taken its course she heard it hurts but she approves of uh Mercy you watch speechless as the Cub begins to eat his mother but now I don't get the meat Cub has a fighting chance now that we've just prolonged the misery steel presence the Cub continues to Gorge himself on his dead mother okay well you know what might not starve to death so there's that definitely don't need this though baby bear don't need no competition the pork loin it's a little Snake Slayer think of other Bitties nature can be so beautiful it can and what are we foreign [Music] I'll take that and I'll read this maybe it'll tell me what I'm looking for okay can't read I cannot read oh wait my two devotees haven't followed me that Varian think of the hundred bitties would not even dwarfed it as a shaft for the spear Im so her what now seems you found your fugitive or me you that means I have to stop you well that's embarrassing isn't it uh where are my yes what is that where where did all of my where did my menu go it's a bug reload okay how far back do I have to go pretty far save and reload oh well be more specific next time sorry all I saw was common bug reload yes you said save and reload other people were just saying reload oh well if not dead album pray No Doubt as the symbol glows power courses through you Authority do the same thing I did last time of course truthful something's dead you're right foreign go get him oh Alabama went first this time oh [ __ ] you yeah that'll save you just like old times ahead mirror image [Music] I wish I could see what my AC is foreign you coward [Music] nice Grit I'm gonna try out my weapon first it's not very strong Flame [Music] it's saved uh I guess it's a dexterous bear taking position laughs good job coward the baby's coming I'm gonna move over here and we're gonna hide I will attempt arms of head are it is obviously strong ER just shove the [ __ ] baby no uh hi you missed idiot cup looks from you all right single strike we'll stick with the uh we'll stick with the uh watch Canon of what you guys went for all right that or we've just prolonged its misery course what you got headless skeleton Oak fathers Embrace I missed that last time a delicious owl bear egg these are supposed to be worth a fortune let's see if I can see what all those saves were last time I went down here in a statue it is stinking cave hardly a place of honor we're a bunch of idiots oh all right I will save here now let's see about what I chose to do last time I can't believe we survived um sir what now seems you found your fugitive me what you but that means I have to stop you for the absolute [Music] coming action hi do it my way thank you so much for peace Eldritch blast your sister's dead Fury [Music] Jesus what a dick oh oh God I got him now let's see what he had a long sword and chainmail and Brina thank you let it not be said we did not leave the owl child with something to eat that'll keep him going for you know like a couple days right foreign so good aren't you worried your kind will punish you for consorting with us my name is Chucky and my kin will understand my need for cells help you but only if I wisp wisp weed ooh a ruptured mind player very little there party mind flare vessel if it's occupant survived then nowhere to be seen belladon perhaps they were trying to free you a vain notion I am one of many and will not be a burden to my queen West Baldur's Gate East El Toro well I wanna Head West anyway burlap potatoes that's money a hammer and 13 gold how about that look at all these food stuffs these idiot goblins forgot laughs yeah how would you punish someone who wronged you wrong me how to say murder killing is good it calls the weak three eights theft would be paid for painfully 100 times over well it's not very good stash silver necklace whoa this bird shits gold maybe this bird does too gross that just leads right back down to the owl bear your sour faces hey Lanny is there no what up think of the 70. months of support put in there or is there with my mighty mask of shape-shifting I can become a tiny person [Music] oh it's just another way into the owl bear cave fascinating that dog's name is scratch and that's gomwick how do I know their names hello scratch pet the boy [Music] wait where's my guidance all right fingers crossed [ __ ] you split the party again I didn't try to oh we're gonna have to try our best at intimidating the dog oh see there it was it would have allowed me but it doesn't matter Pat him he's a good book who's your good boy who's your good boy he whines but remains rooted by The Corpse's side we're friends now it's okay blush caps Tanner's Delight fish and a rod and another fish and another fish a berry bush raspberries I wonder how I keep getting degrouped you and lays down please don't remind me you keep your guard up with her note I'm right here yeah apparently not very well if we can see them is there a better way in Maybe fun I fight to win not to make spectacular what a waste what do you mean can't reach destination a sweetheart perhaps not what in particular the city is a veritable feast you must be eager to get back then just quick ideas sketched out that's a goblin up there have a step forward right they went through this place pretty quick there's skeletons already it needs more work I'm fortunate for his tongue he didn't you Snoopy where you ate or a be friend I have to take that nose good luck I have three but you feel nothing in response you were a lithid power is beyond reach until you rest Goblin can't have that heart of a yeah I figured let's go I Am The Mastermind I'm here to see fezzic correct is it a windmill mucking about wouldn't try again if I were you by the way there's a dead bug bear back there just so you know where's the windmill ah there's a lot of them we go here another little birdie wanting to fly those wings some more and I'll feed you a worm and you hope you got a stomach for rights confidence the hell's are you doing aha I rephrase that why cause it makes me laugh it's a legit reason it does look funny I'll admit mind if I stay and watch a while unless you want to join him up there how about this you pay a toll and go on as you like or else you fly tough it out a thousand but you feel nothing in response you're a lifted power is beyond reach until you rest detective thoughts with bonus thank you my brains guys please stop back seating when I want you to backseat I'll click the little button it's a coin I think your price is absurd and you know it you wanna go fine the price just doubled how do you like that there you go now clear off if I see you here again no price will save you you think you think oh these guys are big tastes like chicken no chicken dice log fish gentlemen design yourselves is quarrel sounds are faced besides tastes like pork surprises this I like love Brothers Nokia I avoid yet another tiefling prize fortune favors our bellies stranger be you friend or food the Mark is her measure shows the brand of the absolute let's go with deception cause technically I am three plus two Plus 1d4 just don't roll a one got it how regrettable that your meat must go unsaved food not food friend we've made a friend you're quite articulate ogre am I not astonishing a robust diet makes for a shrewd mind you see I am a gourmand and you a delicacy or I so lucky well thank you I guess I've noticed you don't bear brand of yours of no use for the absolute or any God I follow two masters only gluttony and greed the Goblins understand my appetites they say my Hunger for gold and the rest say my Hunger for me to Goblin give gold we check brand good deal no talk bomp you should be fighting for me I am by all accounts a student of higher Commerce and station I like him I have a lot of meat I'll pay you in the flesh of the Fallen you'll have your fill that's pretty good oh well let's see what we get [ __ ] yourself so close I'll try again actually got it that time and I'll burn to my aching belly we have a DIY tasty kibble take my boat home one blow and the crowd will quite with my family name use it when the need arises and never a moment before took care everyone Olga eats them well spoken indeed ogre kill everyone around Fair Deal I've seen few other ogres in these parts we follow the sense of blood and gold to all lands fertile friend this land proves particularly fruitful all right then we will keep close when you already found the whole home and away they go what is that that's a good question tarnish the locket rope great Club I suppose I could have used that to I don't know lure the ogres into a trap or maybe smash them with it I like the fact that I don't immediately have to kill these goblins I I did kill a bug bear of theirs though like just kind of caught him sleeping just assumed you needed to die foreign season only see the play that sent it El torell's everlight theater into chaos the sharp tongue traveling troop presents the Folly and the fall tragedy in four parts uh part one of Lost nephril uh nephoryl the great Wizarding Empire in Humanity's age of Wonder part two of The Great Mage karsus his brief and terrible godhood and the ruin he wrote part three of netheral's fall a thousand years of shade and Char's subversion part 4 of netheral's return and its shadow falling upon the land penned by the great bod bargain FEG the Folly in the fall tells the true story of the flying nethery City thultanthar and its dramatic return to thousands of years in Exile blah blah blah blah blah neat dog oh yeah they [ __ ] this place up you guys can move faster you know I guess I'm just at a casual walk right now [Music] it's time for Atlanta maniacs and our ball used to the max some fun he's got your backs your subs so now relax We're Lana Maniacs you got a queen Stephanie thank you so much for gifting five Subs the community welcome to the land of maniacs and happy anniversary you lucky lucky five people gifted sub by the very very generous chaotic Queen Stephanie nothing what nothing bottle rack apparently all the bottles are empty okay hmm a wooden hatch a secret basement what's in this crate Breezy sandals there's an alchemist lived here yup and craft your own potions poisons and elixirs using Alchemy to gather ingredients to distill into extracts and experiment to brood wondrous creations yeah large bottle foreign I can't add that to my inventory I'm carrying too much weight that explains it all right who wants to be Lydia oh I can s uh does adding it to Wares lower my whatever Peerless Focus string to gain advantage on concentration saves and against being Charmed magic can't put up can't pick uh Magic can't put you to sleep or places effects of other distilled elixirs when drunk vlog patient blah blah blah something something yeah yeah hold on okay this guy would have something of value down here maybe in this desk nope that might be worth it thank you historian let me just yes that was worth a look foreign oh [ __ ] is this the vampire not vampire where's cutting action disengage [Music] and then hide where do I go from here well done that's what I got well death go get him this boat's poorly you guys hate radiant damage right yep missile snare good work historian [Music] fault let's move a subtle approach 84 percent 84 percent these boots have seen everything survival failed guess I'm dead ha now you're over there idiot what should I do apparently that dirt Mound is suspicious really sussy dirt man [Music] ah whatever foreign [Music] idiot oh this is suck On My Feet done Elder's Flex [ __ ] me turn into bone meal come on [ __ ] foreign and other gods uh God of wizards all who spend their whole lives learning grants the spell big and small Syria always learning Bane the Tyrant the black hand make strong rules the land praise to Praise by the harsh and cruel bashaba fourth your doom unless you chant her prayer okay you know that's typically not like good guy reading words probably don't want to open that casket as well wow they're all don't touch it also I got this dirt mat here and I have a shovel we found treasure I think yes Scroll of speak with dead Scroll of feather fall okay ornate mirror guidance didn't need it the magic is old and wavering but you recognize it thinking Vlog hiding some secret fascinating the face is crafted to be pleasing but the personality is just a reflection of the wizard that created it your name I am memnon Thrace step forward and declare yourself intimidating a mirror probably ain't gonna work so good thank you [ __ ] we're gonna phone a friend ah I'm leaning too that's the one I was gonna click for the record let's see what chat says oh Lord is coming you better believe those numbers are gonna start showing up okay feeling pretty confident in my answer oh oh all right Balsam Balsam ointment used it to clean a wound acceptable finally if you could see anything in me what would it be spelled rid me of the worm in my head okay see that one I just told the truth a very good question hit a fancy padded chair uh what looks to be a mammoth skull oh Mammoth skeleton even no uh giant sea creature bracers of Defense become the bulwark you gain plus two to armor uh to Armor class as long as you are not wearing armor or holding a shield oh that's actually very good for me foreign I crave blood you don't have any gloves let's get going give it to lizelle but he must have been hiding some things like before me very cool down here that that well I guess that's mine now hello Charmed person scorching Rey blindness chill bone and a giant stuffed bear Cave Bear killed and stuffed before its teeth were fully grown this skeleton has no bones meanwhile that bone is massive rusted iron gate you have within you oh Starion and guidance don't [ __ ] it up go work historian good there are traps about let's crack it open all right a story be good at this total bonus 8 to 11. good work historian now let's disarm that marble plate that it sits on there are trucks out good work a starry man Rogues are [ __ ] useful in this game I don't know if it's an actual gargoyle like if it's gonna come to life when I grab this thing or if it's just a statue that's meant to spit fire foreign ER eggs all right who wants to look at this let's go with me the book is locked tight with no visible Keyhole only an oval recess in the cover's mouth uh-huh you try to examine the book but the longer you stare the more those piercing amethyst eyes draw you in um book obvious never opens it deserves the Fate that befalls them I kinda love it don't you take a closer look I'll observe from back here heavy why didn't you let me carry it for you there's no way I'm leaving something like this behind at the very least It's gotta be worth a [ __ ] ton of money oh there's a lot of words tracking Travelers and people in the village uh Merchant arrives in moonhaven departs next day kalashite passes through not saying not saying nothing might fall familiar uh reports Apprentice disappeared near well we'll observe Smoke on the horizon raid that was right before the Goblins I'm guessing alchemical stick catches in Formula uh some are written plainly some in runes and scripts you barely recognize there are guides to transmuting metals and recipes for weapons of war but more than anything else the book is concerned with reanimating dead flesh all right yeah that that adds up this is this is all yeah uh Bros the reanimator but that's okay we got a sick ass book now simple toxin basic poison what a weird glitch well that was neat garbage foreign symbol on it so go for it a Starion and guidance nailed it good work historian haste Helm uh start of combat the wearer gains momentum was momentum for three turns Arrow of Fire see there's some ruins to the West I'm supposed to find those look ruiny then again this entire area looks pretty ruiny momentum grants a bit more movement ah oh hello another dirt man in that case I should give this to lizelle oh there yeah now you look ridiculous hyena here um I guess words gotten around that I've already talked to their people so they just ain't bothering me sun-lit wetlands hey actual people drop the yak hug just let her go please you there please I don't know what's come over these boys I just want to go home stop this we we won't ask again okay uh how about you all just calm down what's going on here don't trust a word out of her mouth our sister went to the hug and we ain't seen her since hand over harsh I don't know their sister I will gladly help you what I'll look for her though enough where is she [Music] tell the truth what'd you do you were supposed to rush to my defense law of God you are advice you ever darken my door you'd best have that head bowed and an apology at the ready bye bye now bloody health she just disappeared Fair ain't seen nothing like that before she could shoot fireworks out of her backside for all I care the hug has greener someone please tell me what's happening it's our sister Marina she's well she was in a bad way after her husband died it's not a same weird things like how she was gonna bring him back next thing she's gone looking for the hack of all the stupid things to do and we haven't seen her since and no good ever came from dealing with a hag none of this matter is all right we need to get her back and and you just I'll bring her home I've got a clue who you are I'm leaving Reno to you Joel oh well also Shadow heart doesn't want me doing that neither interesting huh best of luck to him I suppose they wanna go off and die like that what's in the wicker basket a chill runs up your spine you feel like you're being watched draw on your pact Empower your sight also guidance nailed it you blink and the Wilderness changes it's one stinking and Insidious assaults your senses yeah that's haglike pretty powerful hag too looks like a trap there yeah does it does it Shadow heart does that look like a trap did that look like a trap is that why you want to just go step on it yeah real just [ __ ] brilliant plan aggressive enough forward hello little red cap what's level four I'm a touch out of my depth here so is that a steak why is there just like a full dinner here good couldn't guard these nose from his fingers ahead we'll need a cover story oh [ __ ] I'm on fire my perception sucks okay my perception really sucks there's just another entrance to the putrid bog foreign be cautious hey starian you want you want to stop that one plus guidance I think I still make that yup amazing traps hell considerate guys please foreign [Music] why laughs into the Shadows oh not working or the shot oh there's another one up there what are you gonna do dumb dogs you can't climb can you can you bow oh no break stay focused no no no no no no no stay up there and cast you dummy well it's your fault now you're up there with the dogs let's have a little fun come on critical Stone she's getting [ __ ] up is that a it's a bonus action Okay cool so we can still kill I can't help but feel like delarius hasn't had a turn is he not in this it's illegally not allowed to fight [Music] good foreign oh it's because I'm hidden weirdos here goes nothing Welcome to the Madness chamber I don't know time for a new approach oh not as intended [Music] foreign she's still gonna have to move to do that man that's dumb Firebolt can you at least do that yeah you can do that [Music] enough space what do you mean she's in range that'll do drive him mad let's go oh those are hard to deal with funk y I mean cannot reach oh all right with haste oh wait I killed the gadgets up here why am I doing this oh I can attack the ladder well that was my trust [Music] struck with sword [Music] and then push yeah why do you like that apparently you don't get no [ __ ] warlock time Eldritch blast thank you what all right we got him good work team we went a long way around just to deal with that fight anyway good work everybody oh he had food oh wow why my stab I thought his name was turd for a second I used that second short rest enough sitting around let's go hurt someone and the drow you got it bless you blessed be the drow okay I'm curious looking at a future true Soul you are boss ragslin says I'm next in line clean off so much for the Flaming fish day you just started this conversation you saw a flaming fist where you ain't here we sat with snapping off heads in's nothing but a pile of Ash by now glorious I like the yeah yeah I bet it was huh bunch of prisoners got told to move eyes City Snopes mostly a flaming fist pile of smoking Corpses I have another way to moon rise you ain't know the Broken Road I'll tell you real slow like so you don't miss it no no no [Music] no yep that looks like a party thank you I believe my business carries me further that way I don't know it's hard to decide where to go sometimes I think we went the wrong way The Authority that this only infinitely stronger turned against you Shadow Escape free Direction there are three figures before you an armored male elf exuding power and command handsome younger man with a quick easy smile and a pale young woman with even paler eyes which one's which is the search for the prison and you will be worthy to stand beside them in my presence neat oh hey it's that thing is it working if I came from you pushing the voice away the [ __ ] would happen if she wasn't here oh no I lost the frill of my coat don't give me that look I don't know what just happened any more than you do we should keep going I feel like you know a little more than I do what is that thing I get it back to Boulder's Gate at any cost what aren't you telling me I suppose if we're to continue as well tell you I serve Shaw my home is a secret Cloister in Boulder's Gate a group of us were sent to retrieve the artifact now I'm the only one left can't afford to fail can't tell you anymore this Mission required utmost secrecy we all submitted to having our memory suppressed so that we can betray Shah's confidence if I reach my contact in the city I'll have my memories restored until then I have to guard the artifact with my life convenient you have the truth for all it's worth let's continue Heavens forbid World entitled to our secrets you would say that I don't care who you worship tell me about the artifact is not in my contact in the city I know those symbols get Yankee rooms ancient is lucky herself you stole that from my people yes and a lot of my people died in the process I won't fail them many bathrooms died to get this thing powerful artifact indeed to have caught the attention of so many not least the absolute itself the three figures in the vision The Chosen they're searching for it the cultists aid it will not be long before they find it before they find you you've evaded them so far thanks it seems to the artifact itself how long can such protection Last Shadow heart has made her position clear she will see that it is taken to its destination any cost no doubt the Geth Yankee will seek to reclaim that which is theirs do you still do not know what it even is keep the things safe seems we'll need it trust me okay but I'm feeling less Keen about walking into here now it seems like less of a good idea after my brain just got melted although if I were a betting boy I'd say that might be where our Druid is oh hey it's bolo that dude was just pissing we're at the trader I got [ __ ] to trade dude no you go something jingling in your pocket looking to spending yes oh he's got a decent amount of money his name is absolute I really have anybody in the party that would wield this so IL if you must a new age as Dawning with confidence and Trust Mortals all pinders too quick should probably give that to a Starion all right I'll sell my Crocs Pro kill ER his name is draw rackson his voice absolute his troops will disarm you and draw you the truth laugh if you tell recoil if you must a new age is Dawning with covenants of trust Mountain's great Mortals all pinders too quick the true souls are coming the loudness awake wait a minute I should see about attaching this fake as a blade in the quarries Goblin Kind will it tease you and froak you when rented his name is have a rock and a ladle and a quill is shanties of the [ __ ] Queen a new age is Dawning with goblins a trust yeah dude can you shut up for a second I'm trying to do business over here quick the true souls are coming refined vaulting jump distance is increased by 1.5 meters plus one to acrobatics hide armor unuseful to me at the moment Nature's Vengeance when the wearer stands in certain surfaces such as fire and casts a spell that deals damage Target also suffers the surface's effects interesting gain proficiency with longbows and short bows uh where heals the targeted game three additional temporary hit points Neato War kick [Music] the truce I think you just want money hated see if he accepts this offer has been refused all right what about him [Music] do you do you truly [Music] and with that we have vision of the absolute uh uh absolute night blinds targets that flail a DEX fail a dexterity saving throw uh and Deals an additional two should I make that my packed weapon it's kind of cool [Music] the true souls are coming the loudness of wake he'll follow a trip it's a cool weapon so here would actually use it in the Quarry out here I'll give it to her because she seems like the only other person that might be able to like properly wield it yeah that looks cool on her new age is Dawning with complex [Music] there you go down the quick is that better for you that's gotta be better for you [Music] draw rexland short work of the inner keeper made oh I like that one plant to Ash the captives were many goblet kind had reduced them to cowering Phil fenney so raise it your goblets yeah that was a bad verse I I like the word Glide I don't know this language can you turn it question no but excuse me he has a fangirl [Music] don't ruin the show I am Patrol um [Music] okay wait wait it's all right slim we pay we come on pigeon thank you cage oh look what you've done yeah look what you did Astorian it's not fooled me two level two okay if something goes down here I might have to oh he got [ __ ] up if something goes down here I'm probably gonna have to summon ogres oh one of them's already here [Music] oh he's trying to protect me from being bored that's very kind [Music] so if I go to the doors he'd be I mean he's a guard let's see who we can talk to out here okay this is this is like a third person shooter hole out here you got it on the next ride what's crola about some all that and more and you're gonna need it mate this ain't your standard dungeon Dive Right peace this is chicken chasing oh [ __ ] only the greatest game since they said you just gotta chase the chicken round the course and through the posts but I'll do it quick and alone any of all mate step hellos time Runs Out yellows sounds easy it ain't better contenders and you've been breasted by the bird sounds fun show a bit of respects mate this is serious business yeah besides we go over Greece thanks before we begin okay we got the koi we got the Challenger [Music] move your eyes ah [Music] the chicken's head Bobs eyes darting around at the layering Goblin faces terrified yeah she would be [ __ ] it nah I don't think she's going for it sorry Camilla drinks from your office another layering face sent a Tormentor poor chicken all right just looking at my potions real quick Let's Get Down okay okay got him what do you want me to actually do here like hit it I'm very confused come here like was I supposed to attack it I told you it weren't as easy as it looks yeah apparently oh wow they have their own fandom for it okay what's going on over here what are you staring at your face on this wall you're just a freak ow es his fingers and some light comes out gotta gotta listen to Crush he gets mad if you don't mad fresh Diesel with me bearings Wicked him pictures humans haha oh he's got a fangirl too another pair for you rule the world just just scary face ah the mark glows but if you feel nothing in response your related power is beyond reach I have no need for it or maybe I do I don't [ __ ] know everyone says that and then they spin our faces but no more things are changing we got the absolute on our side now you better learn your place go on kiss more firm or I'll kick your head in on face 15 eh Advantage with dharmaturgy Hey where's my blessing did you not show up whatever I can't get double advantage that's some [ __ ] come on well we take our lumps you on your teeth knocked in you got nothing on me so kiss my boy not a chance my whole party didn't show up my face protects me I get a bad feeling what's going on okay whoa okay come on let's just it's a lot of things to focus on here let's go with arms of Hatter [Applause] shove d not bad what's the tip got to be said about wrestler who has the horn dick put that [ __ ] up Silo's world kind of movement what do you mean not enough movement oh hold on hold on well [ __ ] [Music] wow these guys are going like way out of random order huh Gallery is dead yeah hold up I kind of [ __ ] up huh I wonder where it's gonna start me yeah that would have been a tpk there were no ways around that come on show me where I am I see man the auto saving this sucks balls oh well either way it's getting late should have been a monk well that's what I got like the Thursday the Wednesday games for I do have a monk on Wednesdays but that's a group game speaking of which that's tomorrow which is what I'll be on doing tomorrow but for now uh I do gotta peace out for the night it is getting late so I hope you all have a fantastic evening thank you so much for popping in and hanging out we'll pick up with The Saga of delarios on Thursday so have a good night everybody and I'll catch you on the next one peace out
Channel: Lani Arcade
Views: 783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Warlock, Lanipator, Lani, TFS, Teamfourstar, team four star, baldurs gate, baldur's gate, bg3, bg, the saga of delarius, delarius, lanipator baldur's gate, lani arcade, stream, long play
Id: sXurnZ47OjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 11sec (10511 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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