The SAFEST & BEST Non Stick Pans...And Why To Avoid Teflon!

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flavor city family what is up it is art and bobby in the kitchen for a highly requested video for quite some time now a pan review specifically non-stick pan nonstick teflon versus non-stick ceramic um in addition to talking about the pros and cons of each since we got all the pans out i briefly want to touch on some really good talking points on cast iron on stainless steel on carbon steel and enameled cast iron pans a lot of good information here before we get rocking and rolling you know the drill like subscribe share all those things are gravy but there's a bell icon below the video enable all notifications because we literally have about six videos going live every single week including three live stream cooking demos you do not want to miss out okay i have in front of me a traditional teflon ptfe non-stick pan now a lot of people don't like to use non-stick anymore because they think there's health risk associated with it also in 2015 uh the other chemical that was prevalent in non-stick or teflon pans pfoas were deemed illegal so now the main teflon ingredient is ptfe let's just talk about performance for a second when you're talking about ceramic versus teflon non-stick teflon wins every time the performance of teflon is great the non-stick coating lasts longer meaning that yes even though it's teflon it will eventually wear down same thing with ceramic we also want to keep in mind the inside aluminum core good quality aluminum or non-stick pans are going to have a solid weighted relatively thick aluminum core the cheap ones will have thin ones you don't want that because they heat unevenly and you'll get hot spots now the reason why this performs so well is that the teflon or the ptfe is actually kind of like a plastic that's sprayed on here but it's very elastic when it heats up it expands and it actually retains the heat quite well preventing in any hot spots the thing is a lot of people out there don't like cooking with this because they think it has certain health reasons and i actually and one of the people that recently switched over to ceramic the reason why yes if you treat your non-stick pan 100 safe you're probably going to be okay but if you super heat the pan above 500 degrees toxic fumes do come out it happens to everyone i've had it on the burner where there's no oil in the pan i start to smell it that is toxic here and there is not going to hurt that much but also when you scratch the non-stick pan that's where bad things happen so whether you have non-stick teflon or non-stick ceramic always use silicone tools use wooden spoons don't use anything metal on there so if you have a pan that has a minor scrape here and there probably not the biggest deal in the world but i've been to a lot of people's houses where they have scrapes like nobody's business toss those out every time you heat and use the pan it's actually releasing chemicals into your pan so in an ideal world yes it's probably going to be safe but i just feel like we don't live in an ideal world you're probably going to super heat it by mistake here and there and you're probably going to scratch it up so i prefer not to use that i prefer this these are ceramic pans what's the difference the coating is actually made of ceramic which is derived from sand there's zero kind of toxic chemicals in here so even if you did superheat it it's not going to put any chemicals in the air and if you did scratch it there's no chemicals that could cause health issues like some of the teflon ones uh uh caused the thing is because it's ceramic and it's made from sand there's one interesting talking point i found here on um cooks illustrated they said that keep in mind that ceramic coatings are more likely to develop microscopic surface cracks than traditional teflon pans and that's a problem because the more cooking service blemishes the less non-stick is on the surface itself the less non-stick it is also the biggest knock again ceramic is that it doesn't have the durability of non-stick coating meaning it's going to wear out quicker than this and it is a harder more brittle surface so if you use something like metal and ship it that's going to affect the performance so once again please use something uh like a non-stick spatula a wooden spoon silicone something like that it's really important now get a pan that has a good solid aluminum core the cheap ones even though it might be a nice ceramic coating will be thin that heats up highly unevenly and that's really important with ceramic because unlike teflon these tend to run hot that's my main issue with ceramic pans is that when you cook something like medium high heat in a teflon if you do that in ceramic it's going to be super hot you're probably going to burn your food so i like cooking stuff in here that is relatively medium to low heat and foods that stick a lot so think like salmon fillets and eggs i really like to use the ceramic pan for that but keep in mind it does get tender tends to run hot so keep it under slightly lower heat than you would normally cook so it's not going to perform quite as well as teflon but for me that's okay for all the brands i love i'll leave links down below uh cook's illustrator really likes this guy and i've been testing it with eggs the last couple weeks this is the green pan valencia edition and it's pretty good it's a little lightweight for my liking i also like zwilling this is their white carrera but they do have a new one that i'm getting in the mail called the cfx and it's actually uh like three times longer durability of the non-stick coating higher heat resistance in the oven and more durable so it doesn't scratch under normal wear and tear this has a nice solid aluminum core also just if the pants too cheap to uh like to too cheap to be real or too good of a deal i wouldn't get it because you don't want that inconsistent heating so that's it for the non-stick pans i'll put my links down below just keep in mind no matter how good the pen is eventually you're going to have to replace it because the non-stick coating does go away and if you do have scratches like i said like many people's kitchens i've seen please replace it with a new pan now you might say bobby why bother even using non-stick at all use cast iron i love cast iron this is a lodge usa made 13-inch cast iron pan and this is a french stove 12-inch enameled cast iron pan the thing is while these are great for a lot of foods i don't know about you i can't cook like a salmon fillet in here and i can't cook scrambled eggs because it's not quite as nonstick a surface as i would like now some people have pans that have been passed on from generations and it's super seasoned think like grandma was cooking bacon and lard in there maybe you can do it but i if i tried to cook scrambled eggs in there it would stick for sure so this is a great value it's 39 it's a large one i like it because it conducts the heat super well when it eventually gets hot and distributes that heat very evenly you can go from stove stovetop to oven it is fantastic for everything but uh very stickable foods like eggs and uh and fish but this is a stobe french cast iron enamel it's the same cast iron but it's enameled including on the inside so technically it's non-stick with that natural enameled surface and technically you could cook tomatoes in here i wouldn't cook anything acidic in this one because it has direct contact with the iron and if you're worried about getting too much iron from the food i wouldn't worry about that minimal minimal amounts of iron go in the food but for most people who need iron just have a regular you know kind of iron level that's not going to affect you this is way more expensive but i do love it and i do love the luck crusade enameled dutch ovens i know amazon and other ones have cheaper versions of this but this is honestly worth it it's expensive but it's a lifetime pan it's super easy to clean because of the enamel there and it just cooks the food so darn well so that's what i would look for for cast iron pans now the funny thing is this is a brand new addition that i'm not sure i'm going to keep yet this is called a black carbon steel pan art recommended it to me when i was doing research for this video it's carbon steel so when you eventually season it and cook with it it becomes very naturally non-stick i think art said that cooks illustrated said after they seasoned it and cooked with it it actually had more of a slick surface than a teflon non-stick pan which is totally crazy but here's the deal with these pans are a lot of work and very high maintenance so when you get it from amazon first you have to wash away the wax or the protective coating here and then art read this to me i swear i thought he was joking to season the pan you have to uh saute oil i think a third of a cup two thirds of a cup of salt and the skins of two potatoes on medium heat continually swirling in the pan you have to do that for about 15 minutes and if you want best results you got to empty that out and do it again so art was nice enough to offer he's going to do this for me if i want to keep the pan so if you guys want to see me experiment with this pan leave a comment down below art's volunteering this time i'm not sure it's for most home cooks because it's very very heavy it's kind of hard to jostle with but i love the fact that it's carbon steel um cook's also instead that uh it's seared steaks better than cast iron and it could be fun to play around with but you guys vote and art will decide and then last but not least i'm gonna start cooking more with this these are solid stainless steel pans this one's from allclad it's a little pricey but man the performance of this pan is great once again do not cook eggs in here do not cook stickable foods like salmon or fish in here unless you put a ton of oil in there or something you probably don't want to do what's cool about this is that it's two pieces of aluminum with two pieces of steel with aluminum in the center and all clad uses really thick high quality aluminum so this pan distributes the heat well and doesn't have hot spots i think this pan here is about 120 bucks and it comes with a lid i'll put the amazon link down below but it's really nice i think i'm only going to start using ceramic nonstick for foods like eggs and stickable foods because when i want to turn the heat up i don't want to worry about this pan getting super hot so i think that's it that's all of my recommendations i'll put links down below there's a couple ceramic ones i really like i'll put the link for the cooks illustrated top rated teflon pan it's made by oxo in case you want that too and all the links for these guys too but be safe know how to treat your pans oh also for seasoning cast iron pans like the lodge here's the deal i have a video back in the day but after you cook your food a lot of people say put salt in there and scrub it out that never works for me what i do is i put it in the sink under really hot water for about a minute and then i scrub it without soap i use the uh the bristle side of a brush and uh i scrub that out if it doesn't clean then i'll fill it up with a little bit of water and i'll simmer it for five minutes then i'll rub it out with some sponge with no soap again another tool i have that's amazing is this this is from it's called the cm scrubber it's basically like a chain link fence art what does it remind you of when i say that andre josh when i hit a home run i ring the field i hit it over truling fence actually reminds me more of chain mail from a knight what chain mail chain mail oh chain about that too yeah you scrub this out it gets all the food out there you just want to avoid putting soap in there because it's a bad idea so that's how i care for my pan so i hope that helped you guys a lot of information but primarily focused on the ceramic and the non-stick if that's what you're interested in any other reviews you want to see in the kitchen leave a comment down below uh art and i will see you very soon make sure you like subscribe and share two more videos going below us hashtag keep on cooking mad love peace later
Channel: FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Views: 459,261
Rating: 4.9091101 out of 5
Keywords: non stick pan, healthiest cookware, nonstick pans, non toxic cookware, are non stick pans safe, is teflon safe, non stick pans safe, non stick pans safe to use, safe non stick frying pans, cookware, teflon, pans, best cookware, non stick, nonstick, teflon pans, healthy cookware, best non toxic cookware set, equipment review, are nonstick pans safe, ceramic pans, ceramic pans vs nonstick, ceramic pans review, ceramic pans for cooking, ceramic cookware, flavcity, bobby parrish
Id: Vur9D8huJmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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