I got paid to go to heck

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all right hello there welcome back to another video this one is a little bit different it's a game that you may not know that i have quite a lot of background uh on first and foremost i want to say this video is sponsored however don't tell anybody this but they're paying me money to play a game that i have over a hundred hours on on pc but today we're gonna be playing monster train first class this just came out on the nintendo switch and i have to say that uh if i hadn't been given a free copy of the game i most certainly would be buying it myself it's available for uh pre-order purchase right now includes the full base game and then also the last of any dlc uh which has a lot like more content in it i can see from experience the um we'll get into some of the changes a little bit later on but it basically doubles the number of uh characters you can play as with the starting clans it's got free updates but yeah i i'm really excited to show you this here i have quite a bit of experience with it that being said if you're a monster trained player you had no idea was coming to switch uh but you do play monster train on pc you are going to i'm gonna make some mistakes here buddy so the first things first in the game is that you have to pick a starting clan so your primary clan at the beginning you only start with a hell horned in the awoken then you get uh the melting actually maybe i won't spoil it never mind i'm not going to spoil it uh but with the starting clans as well you also get a second champion when you level that clan up to level five but each one has their kind of own little spin on things so you have to start a primary clan and then you have your support uh clan that backs you up and basically gives you some of the utility spells from that particular faction so for instance the hell horned they very much revolve around uh damage which could be either in the form of rage multi striking doing a lot of damage or armor they like to armor up they don't necessarily heal a whole lot whereas the awoken are very much revolved around spikes they're evolved around maybe some sweeping they're revolved around healing rejuvenation and like healing your characters back up so of this clan has a lot of tankers in it a lot of big beefy boys and that's not to say that there's not some big beefy boys in the awoken as well uh and the sorry and the hell horned but regardless we're gonna just go with like the most base thing ever which is what i would recommend you probably start with if you want to have some fun and that is hellhorn primary awoken second i'm ready to depart once you get like your first run out of the way and this is gonna be my first proper run on the switch you uh can unlock like uh covenants which is like uh where i'll like it goes all the way up to level 25 but it's basically increasingly difficult levels of ascension that you can go up and it gives you extra rules you have to follow this game has like an insane number of like uh replayability on it which is why i've got over 100 hours on it even if you're not doing the covenants it has an option of like mutation mutators or like you can download challenges you can play challenges there's leaderboards for all the challenges it is like very good and then as you level up every uh faction you unlock cards for them you unlock spells for them you unlock artifacts there's a lot okay there's a lot so basically the the plot of the game is we are a bunch of demon boys trying to get into the the ninth circle of hell we're just trying to get home and a bunch of angel people are trying to stop us from doing that first things first we need to pick our uh we need to pick our artifact now sketches of salvation is not great you start the battle with summoning four random units from your deck on the metal four this can go horribly so i'm not sure if it's [Laughter] but also it can overflow like we'll get into the mechanics of the game a little bit later but um grants plus four armor each time is applied oh you know what let's go chaos mode screw it why not we're gonna make this fun for sure this is covenant zero so we're gonna just make it as fun as we can um armor 10 multi strike one i do like a bit of multi strike that being said we don't have i think we can start with with sleepless 10. so multi-strike is whenever your character attacks attacks more than once uh slay is it whenever it deals the killing blow to an enemy it gains like that particular effect there's a bunch of keywords if you've played uh hearthstone or any games like that keywords you'll probably be able to at first glance figure out what exactly it is that's going on here so there's trials and every so you basically do eight levels and then you complete the run but then there's trials for each level there is so much to explain i'm i am losing my mind here there are trials that you can do where it will make that particular fight more difficult but then you get a bigger reward for doing it so they enter with spikes three it's level one i'm pretty sure we can handle that we're just gonna get a bunch of uh units on the middle four i'm pretty sure nothing is gonna pass that by however this is what i mean because it doesn't actually give you your hero which is your main your hornbreaker prince who's like your main unit that you start with uh he hasn't really got anything to uh defend him because he's got very little hp so the way the game works the basic gameplay look that you're going to be playing under is uh you have three floors of a train all right four floors of the train the bottom three floors you can place units you can cast spells you have to basically stop these angel like messengers or god or whatever have you from rising up every turn to the top where the pyre is and then destroying the power if your power is destroyed the train stops and you lose but throughout the course of the game you're going to be getting a deck uh and it is is one of the best deck builder games that i've played it is certainly up there uh as far as it goes there is just too much to explain here but we have our fireballs here so i'm gonna actually like send this off a little bit we haven't really got anything to play since we have like a lot of mana that we can use here so we're gonna use our torch to take out one of these little fairies they're gonna give us a little bit of x a little bit of hp as well and this oh he's got spikes i forgot oh wait no that's really bad because everybody's gonna get taken out on the thingy four hold on a minute right we need to hold on a minute heal him up a little bit you should be he's still gone okay that's terrible this is awful already oh dear not not already not a big fan of the the artifact that i chose to start i chose myself to start the game with that being said oh dear oh dear my my hero i've is a horrible mistake here i've made like a possibly the worst mistake see if i just like backed up okay you know what we're gonna have to you know what we're gonna have to we're gonna have to hope for the best here i if i pull a fireball on the next four we should be fine he's got one hp i guess it's still fine yeah yeah we're good here don't worry about it easily done first circle hell has been taken care of so we get our gold we also get to pick between a couple of units for a draft so we can increase the the the number of cards in our deck so we got ritual battle which is uh rage 10 so race 10 like basically extra 20 damage you're going to be dealing and then it decreases every turn so you get two damage for every stack of rage that you have you've got your welder help or welder helper which is really hard to say with a scottish accent which are imps amps are basically characters you just drop down all that they need to be used for is the the effect that they have on their card so weld airport welder helper it's basically just meant to be spawned so that you can drop some armor on to somebody and then you can get rid of them just they can be used to tank a little bit they can be used to buff up somebody at the front if you have a little bit of space at the back it's it's absolutely perfect vent as well as an x card which means the the number of mana that you have will be translated into how much damage is dealt i'm gonna go for ritual about because i have a good game plan for how i want my hero to be rocking and rolling here as well as that uh these are gonna be the awoken cards so these are all gonna be like support like draw more heal more all that kind of stuff so i'm kind of tempted to between restoration detonation so restore 10 health to a friendly unit deal damage to the front enemy unit equal to five times the amount healed or what would sap i i think honestly some of the awoken cards that i want to pick up they start with a bit more hp so i'm going to use that because i want to get them to fill i want to get into film so there's a couple of things i definitely recall missing in that last one so i'm going to try my best to get back into that but first we're going to hit up one of the shops so before the next battle we get to pick a pathway either left or right and then on either path there is like certain rewards you can pick so on the left there was uh unit upgrades on the right there's a magic upgrade shop that you can do to buy uh like enchantments for your spells so for instance this one will reduce the mana cost of one of my spells by one i really want to put it on the one that gives me like uh a bunch of freaking damage that being said though double stack and it costs one more i can put it back up to three and it'll give me 40 damn you know what i'm just gonna do it we're gonna get a bit wet and well with this one for sure now uh we get to pick an awkward unit i'm hoping for i there we go that's the kind of boy that i'm looking for sweep would be great the awoken hole is good not necessarily the one that i want but he is a chunky chunky kind of guy um it doesn't look like he's got much hp but when you summon him he gains 60 max hp so that means that like the awoken sorry the the restoration detonation that we picked up is going to be perfect for him because he doesn't go up to like 75 hp he just has that hp that you can then start healing him up and then every single time that he gets a little bit healing he gets more at hp he gets more damage he becomes stronger but he's like a good frontline tank for sure a good base level there's there's another one that has spikes on them that basically reflect damage and i kind of wish i got that one but it doesn't matter now we're going to turn on this again uh wait i got the the the the artifact this thing is that puts them on the middle i don't want oh okay it's fine we'll figure it out don't put my big boy in the middle please they put my big guy in the middle um right so the one thing that i forgot to mention in the last uh run by the way in the last like fight was that there's little pips above our train stores here so you can see there's like little yellow dots those little yellow dots actually indicate the capacity of that four so you can only have as many pips filled as there is like space to have pips so our hero is worth two pips so we put him down there and then we've got two out of the five pips filled uh with that artifact that we got you can we can overfill it and you can in certain circumstances overfill it if your character has like a summon or if it's like certain characters that hatch different creatures or they split into different things it can be very useful in this situation though i'm not loving it because i don't have anything to uh oh no this is the worst enchantment well okay we're we're screwed um we are we're pretty dunzo here i have to say um this is uh really really bad i cannot do anything here like even a little bit i should have put him on the bottom but he would have got taken out anyway okay um so yeah the reason why that's happening this is an incredibly awkward situation to be in um we have ended up in a place wherein there's a enchanters that are they have an ability that allows them to skip fours so they got haste on them and unless we can get rid of that one in the back they're gonna skip the middle four and go the top which usually isn't that big of a deal unless you have an artifact which drops basically all the units that would be used to tank uh they they just completely ignore them all together now i think we could probably maybe still survive however um we're not gonna i um just just do that just do that i don't i don't even think i'm gonna get through this wait no yep no we're good we're good barely but we're there wow i okay okay maybe we'll be careful with the trials from everyone maybe we'll be careful with the trials fledging him okay you know what we picked that up we get some extra rage uh vane grasp i'm definitely thinking might be uh you know what actually would sap i like that a lot uh okay yeah we actually got our third thorn hollow i'm hoping that they don't put both on the same floor that's all i can really say if they both get spawned on that four i'm gonna be very sad so we're gonna go into the left path we're gonna because there's a herzl's horde which allows us to pick up a free artifact before the before each battle set power health to 50 if this reduces power health gain three for each one hell fast now that's technically a heel but i'm gonna go for the plus three magic perks it means there are rejuvenations you're gonna be doing a bit more honestly i'm gonna get another thornhole i need to get like some not being spawned in the middle four if they all get spawned in the metal four i'm having a bad time now these are one of the random events and you know what we'll take we'll take it get the good old wingmaker there's random events that can allow you to get like certain items or certain like uh monsters or artifacts whatever um i don't think i've seen them all though but they're like they can be good they can be bad but we're going to get on to the next one here this i don't believe has a trial because it's actually like a main boss so oh that's that's very good that is actually very spicy um you know what i'm just gonna put them on the top floor here i probably shouldn't but like at the same time like you know [Laughter] so these guys actually start with them rage on the bottom four so like i would rather not put stuff on the bottom because once they go up to the next four they're gonna lose a bunch of the rage and they're gonna end up being um much easier to take out much easier kill so i think i'm gonna put the the wormwood sap on this i don't think there's any reason to put my other thorn boy like really in danger here i'm not gonna put him on the bottom the chances are there's not much gonna happen here so there's also like um speed settings you can have on the game so i've been kind of flying through it because i've uh i accidentally put it to like the max you can slow it down a little bit so you can actually see what's happening i really want to get some heels on her man up here top and also i don't wanna i don't i don't i know that that the hammer isn't necessarily something that's gonna like disappear from my deck but i want to try not using it this time around because i've had that uh that like random event before and i'm just curious here so with the flying bosses you can still hit them even though they're not technically like part of the battle although that this one it does do a bit of damage but usually like you get to a certain point where they start climbing up themselves even though this one's going up and down it will eventually start at the bottom and move up but uh hold on we're gonna we're gonna just try and we're gonna toast we're gonna actually you know what we heal you up a little bit that's fine we want to just try and ensure that we have like a really solid uh a really solid metal four are really solid top for the very least all right so now we're relentless that's pretty solid we can give that we can you know what we can we can do that and i think i'm gonna boost the the the health of the our thorn boy at the top here the bottom four is doomed let's be honest but you all you get for like stopping on the bottom four is like a little bit extra um like points so i mean at this point i'm forgoing that i'm just trying to keep out i'm just trying to stay out here so our damage prediction is saying that we're gonna beat it anyway we don't have to hit it with a fireball but i'm gonna do it nonetheless because it makes me feel good about myself right all right third four done so after you complete like the third the sixth and then i think that's it actually uh you get a choice of like three different crystals so let's have a look at our draft here we've got reinforced consume double the amount of armor on a unit we are not really running an armor build here so i don't really think that's going to be beneficial apply 10 hp and spikes 3 for a 3 cost card not that great however channel song consume draw a unit and apply plus 20 damage plus 20 hp and it costs zero um it's a pretty solid card and i'm gonna take it um husk hermit horned warrior branded warrior we got multi-strike which is like really good but he's squishy we got sweet butcher attacks all enemy units and he's a little bit beefy and then we have rage which means that every time that he kills something he gets stronger which makes killing things easier and then he gets stronger and it's a it's a freaking uh endless cycle of like taking things out uh i'm kind you know what i think i'm gonna go horned warrior because if we can have him spawn near the back on the middle floor if we can just get that rng working for us somehow i'd love it so now we get our major enhancement for beating the third floor which is going to be the filter mars which gives us plus one mana uh also increases our powers damage in hp there's also a plus one draw or plus one capacity to h4 with the metal floor the way it is capacity is not going to be as valuable to us as it could be draw we have a couple of like three cost high cost cards so i'm gonna go for the plus one mana so that i can maybe use uh maybe use like a three-course card and then something else just just on the off chance just on the off chance now uh i think it's about time that we hit up uh first of all free money i think we helped the dark forge first we find out what upgrades we can possibly get i'm looking for multi-strike yes okay we have the multi-strike upgrade for hornbreaker prince which is going to give us armor and it's going to be against multi-strike once we hit twice so we do 50 damage but also every time we take something out we gain theoretically 20 extra damage and i think that like multi strike for the the the uh hellhorn is just like two pog now i'm gonna take this boy even though i know this is a bad idea but if he gets spawned on the metaphor then we're in business but we're in big business here uh that being said we can maybe give can we give is it worth getting something endless you know i really want to get rid of this imp i regret getting it because i feel like it's a waste at this point so i think actually what i'm gonna do in fact hold on i'm gonna purge a train store first i don't think i wanna do any further than that though oh wait i have two horn toes you know what maybe we just try and do some upgrading here because okay plus 10 damage for a guy with multi strike though that's fine i don't want to spend too much gold here because we've still got like half we're only halfway there all right we're not even halfway there we're like pushing up towards maybe almost being halfway there non-boss enemies get plus six damage that doesn't seem that bad i i like i think we have some tanky people and that that could be okay okay i mean we'll find out right so thorn i know all my tanks are there oh my god oh my god um you know what we're gonna have to use you as a tank i'm afraid uh this is horrible this is like the worst thing and there are they're still like enchanted as well which is even worse oh dear god uh we you know what we can fireball them that we can fireball them that will stall them a little bit just just get out of here um and you know what while we're doing that why don't we give you this at least heal you up somewhat right i think we still take out we lose a little bit of money because our little fairy is escaping at the back but despite that right as long as i can pull like one fireball per turn then i can ensure that they're gonna have to like work their way up through the uh the middle floor which is i've had to get two like trains two situations and and the four that we've played where they have like haste and i hate it i hate it like so much uh i don't think channel song is going to be that valuable it's going to give us like a freaking like wait there's four available wait how many minutes how many uh draw pile train steward what i have in there four available oh wait i could have gotten him that wouldn't have been like ideal but still it would have been something uh that being said 85 damage per attack any attacks twice on my champion is like it's kind of like strong so like i'm i'm i'm okay with that for sure that being said i think we need to make sure that our uh our top boy is like healed up a little bit here uh there's a lot riding on that particular floor so you know what why don't we put you down there why don't we put you down there you might get to do 10 damage to the enemy to the enemy champion i'm not like making any guarantees here but i'd say you have a as good a chance as anybody to to make that that play now we need to we need to toast you like immediately because i don't want you being here uh why don't we buff you up here as well we're gonna give you 30 spikes so every single time an enemy hits our thorn boy at the front takes they take 30 damage and then he gets to attack as well so like realistically we're looking really good here we're going to get rid of these um like scourge cards so if we don't play them at the end of a turn we end up taking extra damage and we don't want to be taking extra damage so it looks like we're actually going to be able to take out the champion on this this uh 4 probably just based on spikes i would say we don't really have anybody that's dealing damage but it's very much a case of the enemy champion just hitting himself and that's all there is to it sweet though we got a bunch of gold we can maybe go spending uh consume apply rage three i'm gonna take that zero cost card we can drop down our champion very pog also i'm gonna i'm you know what i'm gonna go for uh the sting card so like stings are basically zero cost cards they are used like very easily they do 10 damage but they also give you plus one draw in the next turn and i am like absolutely here for that for sure i think that was the best artifact that we probably could have picked there but uh yeah i think it's definitely a case of uh y'all you know what we should do hold on can we have we got oh we can't do it dude i hate it all right you know what we'll do hold over on this and then so hold over means when we play it we get it back we get it back the next turn so we're gonna make a zero cost you know what 20 magic power get me on one of these as well and consume but it's fine um so yeah hold over is that when you like play a card it will come back which oh it's the stealth guys dude it's a stealthy boys all right i'm not gonna turn trial on this time so these characters are these these these these particular monsters are coming in uh are gonna have some stealth on them and they are they do kind of will just a little bit no um arguably not ideal situation that i'm i'm dealing with right now but at the same time uh let's see here we're gonna drop that down we're gonna drop you down and then i'm just gonna try and heal up this this is pretty unfortuitous but we still have one tank that's around so like it definitely does mean we can still have our hero the top like having a meat shield in front of him so we're just gonna heal you up uh i'm gonna try and put something in front of you this time as well doesn't look like it's gonna help [Laughter] i would say it's not going to help too much so these are these all have harvest as well so harvest basically means if something um on the enemy side dies they get like slightly stronger so every time that we take one out that's why i didn't take out any in the bottom because i was like if i take one out they're going to be much stronger going into the next four and kind of like prefer that not to be the case if possible uh so you're actually going to be pretty much okay so we're just gonna we're gonna give that to you i don't really have much else to drop here or like realistically though metal four is still fine but middle still metal four is still pretty fine we took out all the ones that have harvest so we're not really sweating it too much right channel song that was what we had left uh all right we're gonna play a fledgling down here don't question my decision do not question my decision all right 25 hp give it to you give that to you start blasting these we only take like six damage and we take out everything on that four as well because so not not because of spikes i think we just actually do enough damage to dig out all right sir big boy smacks it oh yeah they've only got one hp yeah not easy easy peasy easy peasy easy done now we're gonna have a bunch more draw because the the the uh actually this yeah the stings from the last turn are doing business for us here that being said i may have made a actually no we didn't make a mistake we're actually okay i was like oh no i've started to proc uh harvest on those guys but it's not the biggest deal in the world i'd say all right 97 almost 100 damage ahead on my champion at the top this is like so perfect by the way we just need um we just need this metal for to be soaking as much damage as possible so the the boss on this one has uh stealth you cannot attack it until it attacks eight times itself so you need basically the first floor is a complete wash you just need to have enough to tank and have enough to block damage up until the point where uh the the the invisibility runs out so it's attacking i can't do anything it's taken out like half of my my middle four already before we're even allowed to hit it once but it's on like 13 hp so this is absolutely easy and it's absolutely taken care of so i mean we don't you know what just let it run easy done easy done okay we're we're coming up into like the end game now and we are actually suspiciously looking pretty good but i'm gonna go ahead and say that i actually will take the empish scholar you know what we got a bottom four that isn't doing much and i'm i'm tempted to say that it's worthwhile going for it that being said awaken three costs 33 health and apply regen three focus growth 20 hp draw two draw one i don't think i want it i might come to regret that but like i'm i'm just trying to think like can we afford more uh can we afford to use more uh larger cost cards so the hell vent is a is a thing where you can duplicate spells i'm very i think i'm going to duplicate my uh ritual of bell i think if i think that's gonna that that is like on track to make it unstoppable for on top potentially if we can get like that going you're looking kind of spiced here all right so these are all got spells showing on them so that means we can't really cast any spells on them doesn't mean that we can't cast spells on the ones in the back though um we do have enough mana to make this work actually as well so we're going to go for the awoken hole here and then i'm going to pop a ritual about on him so that is just gonna blast his uh his damage into the stratosphere and actually we get plus 10 for the sway on the statue as well the thing is with like running slay there's an argument to be made that it's actually better to have um you know it's better to have that that champion nearer the bottom and i would definitely say that that probably normally is the play having it at the top means that like you get the least amount of characters getting to the top even if a couple die on the way up it ends up being that you're losing out on like that extra damage but you know i i'm still remaining steadfast and the like i don't have a lot of options so we're gonna have to just make it work [Laughter] that being said though i'm kind of liking what i could potentially have on bot side here so we've got another multi-strike unit behind this big beefy 50 hp boy and like that's a luxury that we haven't necessarily had the chance to get up to this point so i'm gonna drop an impish scholar like in front of him to return a consume spell we get the whale wood sap we're going to pop that on you that's just going to keep ticking away i think i'm going to put some heels onto my my tank at the top here as well so um and you know what actually did they buff you know i mean maybe i missed that as well but it looks like uh is it every time i cast rejuvenate on top as well it actually it actually buffs the units there with it used to just be it was only that unit but even i guess like either in first class or in the uh the dlc or one of the patch notes or what have you they actually made it so this actually this character is a lot better now that i'm thinking about it right give me the one i want you gave me a fledgling amp i can't believe you would do this to me i hate it put him in the front yeah there there is like there is multiplayer in this game to an extent as well um you can like queue up with your friends also cross platform but basically the way it would work is that you uh run the same run with each other and it's very much like um a race i suppose like i used to do this with maisie uh just for fun of course with like the binding of isaac and um it would you'd go basically you get the exact same seats of a game and then it's basically just about like who makes decisions like what and i think that's something that like a lot of us are curious about when we play games like this like did i make the right choice or did i do a dumb thing [Laughter] and you you too can find out if you're a [ __ ] all right we actually got some swag on there i got to see if this if this uh effect fail comes to the top four they're done so like absolutely done so okay they're staying at the bottom that's unfortunate um oh you know what like i hate it can i can i i'm just gonna toast my own character here i bet friendly fire like never hurt anybody let's see put this up to the top uh why don't we heal you actually we're in a very good spot here we're in an incredibly good spot like i i'm not even sure uh you know it takes so much damage just from this four as well so we're gonna pop that we're gonna consume i think yeah we take them out on this four how about that easy peasy six four done after this four's done we get another upgrade as well so we can either have a capacity upgrade or more mana honestly i think that what we're the way that we have it despite it being a little bit chaotic it's working pretty well that is so like that is so perfect for the middle four that i am like but but wildwood tom so quick means that you attack before the enemy attacks usually the syntaxes enemy attacks then you attack but with that you go first but unleash the whale wood for our middle four with all the tanks on it is actually like maybe just too perfect cycle life plus 10 hp and three spikes like i am not like living for it dude i think i gotta go for that i think i have to like really i really think i have to i'm just gonna go with more mana we don't need more draw we've got stings to help with pool draw we don't need extra capacity because our mid floor is a mess so uh honestly i'm gonna go with the merchant of trinkets first i'm gonna pick that up why don't actually why don't we go with the dark forge first let's upgrade our champion one last time and see what we can pull out here uh so we can have another multi strike or sleigh plus 20. now this could be really bad if the enemy has uh spikes but it means that our damage output could be like incredible if we play it correctly uh merchant trunk is what do you have when you summon the second unit during a turn gain three spec okay stings caught and gave you plus 20 magic they get 20 magic i'm i'm here for it now let me see friendly units game plus two on sleigh friendly units enter with armor five i am like i i i need to use or lose it here but like i think i'm okay i really hope that the next war has something for me to use on but still uh okay so this boss has trample on it trample is very much like if you play legendary interior it's like overpower um if you play uh imagine the gathering it's like trample uh which basically just means that the next uh if if it kills a unit the excess damage that was wasn't needed to take it out will be uh applied to the unit behind it all the way down until eventually there's no more damage left to spread out they got sweep on their their board as well so that is like something to worry about just a little bit dude i actually like i mean that's a really nice mid set up here but like i'm also kind of like jeez uh i was not expecting to be in like this particular situation where okay you know what we'll put the thorn boy down first we'll pop that there probably should have put him in the front but you know what we're just we're we're rolling with it here just ignore it i i think i got to get rid of my train stores actually i think train stewards are bad also i'm gonna get really ruined here so i just got ember drain cast on me which is horrible because it swept four units which means that uh emperor dream the way it works is if you get hit with it then you lose one mana for every unit that is uh affected by so four units on the med just got hit with it congratulations you're now four man it down for your next turn love it i don't love it i hate it uh you know what we're gonna take this one out with a little bit like a little fireball we can just blast a bunch of stings down here keep him healed up give him some spikes and you know what we have we've got a little bit of damage to put out here we're gonna get amber trained again which i like hate oh wait hold on a minute i need to heal i need to heal my uh malad i need to heal my lad my lads needs healed let me see here this thing is gonna like be taken out on its own okay you know what with a good channel song an impish scholar that has been buffed you know we're gonna put you back you still like do more damage than most of the things like than the other thing that's on bot here so it's not so bad we're kind of struggling with the emperor drain right now thankfully we just put a bunch of cards that cost zero so like it's not the end of the world but i'm kind of hating it right now it's making it like much harder for me to get that uh that rage going and stacking on top i don't think it's gonna cause like too much issue i still don't think that the boss is gonna be able to i forgot i had trample oh no uh okay maybe we put all of our egg you know what like for real oh we know that i am portraying ah no i don't need that in my life okay we're gonna use that this this will make him live for one more turn i think 25 damage then he heals will it make him throw him return i am not sure actually dude i did i don't am i able to do this oh it did work it didn't work it didn't work okay we got one more but it's going to quave an entire floor there okay i think we're okay ish okay yeah we can take this out we can take this out this is this is fine this is fine we're just gonna yeah okay we wet it right that was a little bit nerve-wracking because the amber train was really halting me from having enough mana to cast a ritual with like battle or whatever didn't like it that being said we can get another rage serum low cost stuff we love it uh you know actually i'll take the the extra draw for one i don't mind like spending a little bit of mana on draw as long as it's like fairly cheap but sometimes it's not cheap all right i'm gonna i'm gonna go right for the hell event if we're gonna do this we're gonna do this with with as much style as possible give me another ritual battle i know you hate it but i don't care all right let's purge some cards from our deck as well train stewards i can live without them like i could really very very comfortably live without them i i'm i'm not really that interested in them uh we could uh double stack that that'd be cool you know what we should do actually we should go to the the the trinket shop first and maybe see what there is uh at the start of your turn add the sting to your hand i will take that i do not mind that even a little bit um i think i don't think we need anything else here so i think we could actually spend probably the rest of our money this is the last four on uh making sure that you know we have everything in order here uh okay i'm i rerolled dude i'm so stupid i went to the boss oh i'm so stupid i missed clicked so many times there i'm so sorry i don't think i'll make that much difference but we'll see what happens what gets put on the middle here we can input the front that's horrible dude our multi strike gets really badly put to the the thingy there that's a rough one for sure uh we can pop you there though and you know what like you're gonna hate this but i'm gonna run it back anyway and we're gonna do that pop that one down uh you know what pop that there as well oh wait that's capacity i forgot actually yeah i should probably be using that one more uh okay so we're gonna pop you here you should be fine but do what do i want to do here i think i want to just give them more get even more we're doing 300 damage and this thing hasn't even like actually come to fight yet it hasn't even started it's it's a cent up the tower now we have that plus like three uh damage to magic abilities so i'm i'm gonna just go down the list here trying to sweep out things that need to get sweeped out we could yeah we can channel song it is like really solid and i'm here for it for sure but we can probably put you on the bottom you're gonna take a little bit of damage but uh you're gonna soften up some of these these units very nicely for us here we got a bunch of stings as well all right so let's do what we did before not that no we don't want to do that we don't want to heal uh no i made a mistake can we ignore that or right we're going to sting sting's doing a bunch sting's doing a bunch reach serum put it up there that was uh a bit of a mess click it was only a one mana misclick it wasn't the worst misclick of all time but still all right we got another ritual battle we love we love we love a ritual about i i'm i'm trying to i'm gonna try and crunch the numbers here but i would be willing to say that i i can save him actually okay you know what that's fair enough you know what i'm loving for it i yeah okay that's that's very solid like it like like uh yeah yeah you know what pop that there as well i was gonna say i don't think there's any way that i can save that demon on the bottom four but we managed to take out the multi it just makes it like a little bit cleaner and a little bit easier uh i think i can maybe take out the boss on this turn wait maybe give me one second here i think i can do it actually you're close 33 damage okay yeah the boss doesn't even have a chance to get to the top it doesn't even have a chance to start its ascent uh we're just gonna take out um everything cool good game and it's as easy as pie yeah the the horns are like a really simple really easy uh like and they work great with the awoken as well this is like the big this is the basics of monster train but there is so much more to it there's there's characters with like uh stuff like burnout where it's revolving around um they have a set they have an expiration date from when they summon uh they have like death rattles called extinguish there is like uh there's like frostbite there's incantation where you cast a spell and it makes things better there's like rally there's inspire it's there's a lot to do in this game there's a lot to play um so as you can see we're like leveling up the hellhorn right now impressive we got a sacrifice imp spell which is great for using amp decks i think the alternative for the hellhorn is the mother i believe the imp queen who summons a bunch of these things and that's like kind of her mechanic um our broken horn can serve mana between turns ember between turns and we're gonna oh we actually didn't level up that much i thought we had a pretty solid run as well um but yeah we also you also unlock it for your secondary uh clan as well and then you get to put one little pip in the book so that this is your level so there's a stitching guard the umbra and then the l2 remnant i won't go into too much detail about like what each one does but they're fantastic and all of them are like great in their own way some are harder than others so for sure um but then also you've got a whole book to fill out of all of the different achievements so you've got all the different combos of of clans that you can have so you've got we just did the hellhound awoken but then next to is hellhorn stygian hellhorn umbra hellhorn melting remnant and then all of that you're calling a whole other car collection but then you've also got the alternative character for that class and it's crazy there's so much about it but yeah monster train first class out on nintendo switch go pre-order or go pick it up now i'm not sure depending on the time uh when this is posted if it may actually already be out but you're gonna have a bla if you like roguelike deck builders or roguelike deck builders um you're you're gonna have a ton of fun if you like games like sweet aspire uh you will have a very familiar comfortable but also like it's it's it's just a great game 100 plus hours on easily and i could very comfortably see myself doing 100 more uh which i know that doesn't sound like a lot from like somebody who plays league of legends and it's like i have 10 000 hours on league legends but with the i don't get a chance to play like other games that aren't league so much so so 100 hours is incredibly impressive but it's also destroying to my my productivity so yeah pick up check it out uh it's worth it it's worth the money for sure it's worth the money have a fantastic day thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed please click like if you did enjoy as well and you're new to the channel please consider subscribing and i will see you all later [Music] you
Channel: RossBoomsocks
Views: 29,430
Rating: 4.9669423 out of 5
Keywords: Monster Train, Monster train first class, Monster train nintendo switch, Monster train switch worth it?, Monster train on switch, Monster train switch worth a buy, Monster train switch worth, Monster train switch gameplay, Monster train first class switch, Monster train gameplay
Id: CjLlVIZvkl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 10sec (2890 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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