The Russians Storm Stelmakhivka | Syrskyi Failed. Military Summary And Analysis For 2024.05.27

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hello my dear friends you're on the military of sumary Channel and this short video we're going to discuss the most important events that took place during the previous night of the local time we have a lots of very interesting updates so let's start if you remember yesterday we were talking about the video that was published by the let's say sources about some clashes along the border in Summa area and this video wasn't geolocated and today we got the first set slide pictures from the area for example in the vicinity of the village by the name of Alexandra iash we have fire anomaly and most likely those clashes were taking place in this area furthermore if you remember we were talking about the zief Tactical group and most likely the Russians either started the let's say something like reconnaissance along the border trying to find the weak points of Armed Force of Ukraine and most likely the Russians are going to attack exactly along this direction on alexand and then to zief is going to be the main Russian offensive Road on this area now let's move further we have inter anything from Li during the for previous night so let's move further very interesting details are coming from vchan the Russians managed to improve their positions towards in direction of the industrial Zone and as you can see this territory was captured by the Russians and we have the fpv drones and we have the videos published by the ukrainians of how they were droning the Russian forces in this part of of Chans which also confirm that the Russian control the territory so regarding the very loud updates low victories we see that the Russians are moving the clashes are very heavy but the Russians are forcing the ukrainians to fall back from the northern part of of Chans now let's move further to King's Direction Where We also have lots of very interesting updates and the most important update are coming from let's say North in kin area the Russians are saying that after the Russians establish complete control over kovka kovam they continue moving further to the West along the railways and now the Russians are trying to clear the railway station this is shaara railway station if the Russians are able to do this and if the Russians are able to establish control over this territory then they will be able to start offensive operation in the battle for stasova obviously this is going to happen very soon now let's move further to the south in direction of s mavka where the Russians also managed to improve their positions we have the video that was published by the Ukrainian sources of how they were trying to repel another Russian attack in direction of mifka if you remember according to different sources the Russians managed to establish control complete control of mesara a few days ago but just now we got the first G locations confirming that the Russians were attacking something like this so most likely the Russians enter and captured but for now we just have just J this gation as the most ocation of Russian progress furthermore other Russian sources are saying that the Russians managed to shorten the distance between the ukrainians and the Russian positions let's say for a minimal minimal value all over let's say with a broad front line for example currently according to the Russian sources they manag to concentrate Source forces along this line and let's say during the next few days or maybe today the Russians will start an offensive with a purpose to establish complete control over s mavka itself let's move further to the South we have let's activization of Russian forces in the vicinity of makeva uh for example the Ukrainian sources published the video of how the Russians were storming the Ukraine positions Within motorcycles bikes and as a result of those attacks most likely the Russians managed to improve their positions of course some bikers were damag and destroyed by the Ukrainian spots we see that the Russians are moving something like this and based on this let's see videos and based on these gations we can make a conclusion that the Russians are trying to go to the South with a purpose to get as close as possible to the main Supply Road between gka and MVA itself and after that Russians will be able to begin storming from the other side we see a significant number of Russian videos of let's say toam Trav strikes on Ukrainian positions so once again most likely the Russians are going to cross the river as well so to attack makfa from behind now let's move further to the house in direction of bag gorova and today after probably a week after the ministry of Defense of Russian Federation reported about complete control over the village we received the first gations confirming this for example on this video we can see the ukrainians Ukrainian drones who were hunting and attacking the Russian forces the Russian Flags inside of the village by the name of bilag gorova and this video confirms first of all the Russian presence in the area the Russian flag was gated here so of course we still haven't received any gations from the most western part of the village but most likely the village was captured by the Russians completely so we have the first gation the first confirmation so that's why we are going to keep the map as is now we are moving further we haven't received anything from chavar and kka but we have continue receiving significant number of updates from a a direction according to Ukrainian sources the Russians uh let's say after very short operational pause let's say renewed their offensive operation towards many towns and settlements and according to the ukrainians the Russians were attacking towards nov alexandraa but without almost significant let's say improvements the Russians tried to attack in direction of kalinov and as a result of sacked Russians captured additional true lines so this is the progress according to PR Ukrainian mapers deep State significant progress as you can see the Russians captured these intersections of the tree lines basically cut the territory in two parts furthermore the Russians were attacking towards thean positions in the stronghold to the north of so the Ukrainian sources published the video of how they were FP withdrawing the Russian forces in this area and the Russians were moving and managed to establish complete control over this intersection of the tree line let's say on the line between so and salvio as well so the Russians are moving and most likely during this week we're going to see first attempts how the Russians were trying to answer and to capture the village this Village let's say as a result of offensive operation and after that the Russians will move very fast further to the West in direction of yka and vas about the sou part the Russians continue bombing and attacking the UK positions preparing the foothold before further offensive operation on the line Simas so the situation let's say is very critical for the ukrainians we see that ukrainians can't slow down the Russians regarding the losses regarding the situation and grinding the Ukrainian possibilities n Pro Ukrainian mapers deep State confirmed complete control over the village as well so the Russians most likely will announce the complete control over the territory today I'm talking about the ministry of defense and the Russians started moving further to the West on korov along the railways in direction of g at least the Russians started declaring the territory with fpv drones and fpv drone bombing we haven't received anything from the line of Constantin ofka and no mova the previous 24 hours were completely silent about this area but the Russians managed to improve their positions further to the West let's say on the line between salota and vajana at least according to Pro ukrainians mapers deep State the Russian sources haven't reported anything about the progress we haven't received anything about toar as well as about star mayori and roina so the rest of the front line didn't brought us any didn't bring us any updates the Ukrainian sources published the video of results of Russian attack on another say m another Center in zapari Direction I'll remind you that during the previous let's say week the Russian destroyed something like this in in har area and today we got the video of results of strikes in zap paria but know it's not like a mle it's the Airfield it's the let's say the mall and the main building of the zapar roia Airfield furthermore we got for now unconfirmed reports that zilinski is going to dismiss Siri and he will be removed from his position very soon for now I'm not sure that this is going to happen very soon until at least the uh the first signs that ukrainians more or less are able to stabilize the front line because if they will dismiss Sirin will adapt someone else on his position it will not give 100% confirmation that ukrainians will be able to stabilize the front line with another Commander but with Siri at least they have chances because he got used to the situation anyway if he dismiss if zilinski dismiss Siri this is going to be another let's say wave escalation in the inner Ukrainian political conflict and that's it for the short video military sumary channel reminds you condemn any violence in the world thank you for watching subscribe to my channel put your likes join my patreon and have a good day bye-bye
Channel: Military Summary
Views: 189,844
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: war, war in ukraine, war in ukraine 2023, military map, map, map summary, map analysis, military map analysis, civil war, ukraine vs russia, russian war, conflict, war conflict, analysis map military, military summary, Bakhmut, Avdiivka, Uhledar, Vuhledar, Marinka
Id: vBK1vo4YSrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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