Rocky Mountaineer Train 2023 (48hrs on Canada's MOST LUXURIOUS train)

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This is the Rocky Mountaineer, Canada's most  luxurious train it is currently 7 A.M and we   have two gold leaf tickets to ride arguably one  of the best trains in the world as we spend the   next 48 hours in luxury we're going to show you  what it's like from start to finish Normally   trains are all about getting from point A to  point B but the Rocky Mountaineer is all about   the journey this scenic train has a viewing  platform, restaurants with executive chefs   and of course the iconic panoramic domed windows  that stretch all the way to the ceiling so over   the next two days we will be riding East from  Vancouver to Banff on what the Rocky Mountaineer   calls are their most historic Route first  Passage West welcome to the rocky Mountaineer This is so fancy they have their  own private train station in   Vancouver it's like an airport lounge  that's coffee heaps of people, chairs welcome on board the world class Rocky  Mountaineer we are very excited to welcome   you on for here this morning Welcome  to our first train departure of 2023. first impressions of the train its just  absolutely incredible like mind-blowing   even though you see so many pictures and  videos we have watched probably every   single YouTube video on the Rocky Mountaineer. Corey mentioned we're kicking our day off with   our coffee tea and pastry service if you would  like to take out your table trays as we make   our way through with the cart here we've also  got green tea or peppermint tea as an alternate   option to our black tea blend as well we haven't  even left the station but this is like luxury   I finally get to say the  favorite words and we're off.  Now as we back our way out of the Vancouver  station here and do get underway with our   journey our very first Wildlife sighting is  going to be on the right hand side of the   train and that's all of our station staff the  train is out of a nice hibernation here been   dozing for the winter time now if you do see  any Wildlife what I do ask of you ladies and   gentlemen call it out so there we'd be saying  like humans on the right you don't need to call   out every person that you see but let's say we  do get lucky enough to see a deer or possibly   some bighorn sheep tomorrow as we start climbing  into the mountains I've got my fingers crossed for   uh perhaps some larger mammals as well but we'll  see if they're waking up from their hibernation.   They just made an announcement that he is  hoping we will see potentially Bears tomorrow we still had a few animals   to checkoff of our list and that might happen  would just be like it's so much more special,   morning amazing thank you all right this isn't even breakfast this is just  pre-breakfast breakfast that's like welcome drinks   welcome pastries we actually already had welcome  drinks at the station that's how you know it's   five class, five class? five star one really cool  thing is that the Rocky Mountain gives you a whole   bunch of literature on board including their own  newspaper in here is a map showing where we will   be going from Vancouver to Banff and along it puts  little mile markers so if you're looking outside   and you see like 147 you know to look for 147 on  the map and you'll know where we are apparently   we're about to pass Frasier River swing bridge one  other really cool thing that I don't think I was   expecting is good morning everybody make a bunch  of 'hello' announcements 'how's everyone doing' it it's so fancy we've come  downstairs for breakfast and it   is a white linnen tablecloth and like a full menu how are you meant to choose I've talked about  eggs benedict for ages but looking at this menu   like it all looks good everything looks really  good okay we'll begin with a mixed fruit plates   with honey and garnished that is some fresh fruit  scrambled eggs and extra hash browns with yours we are not gonna go hungry on this trip,  breakfast is incredible and huge it started   with amazing seasonal fruit mixed pastries  and then I had the best scrambled eggs I   have had in a long time and Jordan had  this Smoky eggs benedict which looked   incredible I'm happy. We've just come back  to our seats and now there's a drinks menu   like a full-on drinks menu with every option  you could possibly want including cocktails I don't know how we got so lucky when we were  looking at the weather in Google like two days ago   it's supposed to be rainy and cloudy all day  but the first like five hours of this trip   sun shining the greenest grass I've ever seen  in my life mountain tops in the background it is   incredible we only had breakfast and its still  sitting in my belly salty and sweet snacks   right and I'm pretty sure they're coming around  with fresh fruit too it's like you never have a   chance to be hungry. The service on board is on  another level they're all so nice probably spicy   it's not something we're used to.'This is the last  little bit of harrison lake it's a really popular   spot for Vancouverites to come and drive out  for the weekend that's a beautiful camping spot   so right after we passed Harrison Lake here  we are going to see the tilby general store   out to our left hand side as well so  it is just a quick flash here but it   will be coming out momentarily if you  wanted to have those cameras ready' the first stand still we've had we've come to  a complete stop next to a gorgeous River to let   another train pass there's a bit of congestion  up ahead so so we're about halfway to Kamloops   the lunch menu is huge and I'm stuck on  what to get again I'm tossing up between   the crispy skin steelhead which has gnocchi  or the Triple A Grade steak because I would   never buy that somewhere and even though I don't  typically like seafood too much Dungeness crab   ravioli sounds just too good to say no to so  I'm gonna be brave and I'm gonna get Seafood I was going to recommend mine getting the  Dungeness crab ravioli when you're here   but I just tried some of the Emilys  steak equally as incredible whichever   one you get you're in for a treat I feel  like they can't really do anything wrong it's amazing we just passed through what Frasier the  Explorer coined as Hell's Gate which was   the toughest part that he was going through  while he was canoeing down the river apparently   when they came through or when they were  doing renovations here they messed it up   so much that the salmon couldn't get upstream  and they built little fish ladders in so they   could get back Upstream after took 20 years of  research to figure out how to do it it's so cool 'we are approaching a really important river along   our journey today for quite a  large portion of our morning' There's honestly stuff to look at at every  turn they keep you occupied for the entire   time there's no spare minutes at all you're  either eating amazing food drinking cocktails   somehow looking out the window it just  incredible views or learning cool facts   about where you're passing through but time is  going so quickly it's somehow already 3 30 P.M   but I think now we've got just sitting in our  seat looking at the sights until we get to a   halfway point in Kamloops maybe another drink  or two good I think we have been so caught up   with just experiencing this first day on  the Rocky Mountaineer there are so many   things we wanted to do we wanted to give  a full tour of like our seating situation   because it is incredible we wanted to show  you the toilets and things like that but   we've just been like enjoying living it up so  all of that stuff will probably come tomorrow 'I don't think anyone's home but  uh it's a pretty sizable nest,   we're also getting a view on the  left hand side of another of those   trains and Corey was mentioning that  directional running of both companies' As if today it couldn't get better we are getting  served a wine and cheese course there's chefs   downstairs are cutting up some cheese for us now  and they bring into an option of a red or a white   one or a non-alcoholic beverage what a way to  end this day it has.. oohh another nest, that's   a eagle nest because it's in a dead tree I learnt  that today I'm distracted now well we pretty much   thought the day was over we thought the next thing  was really getting into Kamloops and going to a   hotel but to be surprised with the wine and cheese  no complaints here, that's awesome, ooo smudgy. I'm very distracted 'coming up, so this ones out of the okanagon  valley as well as our other wines on board   it pairs really nicely with the brie'  'It meets at Kamloops lake' 'Look at   his big horns' 'We are seeing on the left  here some big horn sheep, four of them!'   Wow 'but they are now part of our just shy of 100  pieces of equipment Fleet Kamloops destination   team started to wave Us in on the right hand side  next to these motor coaches as well' so efficient   before you even hop off the train you have your  key card into your hotel room which you're already   checked into and your bags are already in like  we don't have to touch our luggage this entire   trip they took it from us at the station and  we're not going to get back until we're in Banff   well we get it back tonight but then they take  it to Banff for us and then we get in the Banff   we have taken quite a few trains in our time  traveling and they're either normally getting   us from A to B or it's a sleeper train where  you get woken up in the middle of the night to   go through passport control where the Rocky  Mountaineer differs is that it's a daylight   only train so even though our trip doesn't end  until tomorrow night we are hopping off and   going to a hotel room to sleep tonight so the  way we think it works is you are assigned one   of the four or five hotels right here in Banff  but the rocky Mountaineers partners with and   we got the Hilton it's pretty nice  perfect you're on number four yes yes we had every intention of going out  and exploring Kamloops tonight but   to be honest even though all we've done is  sit in a chair and either eat or listen or   watch today we are exhausted and we have not  stayed in a hotel this nice for a long long   time so instead I think a nice hot long  shower and bed sounds amazing also cookie we got cookie cookie hello Yesterday turned into more of our first  impressions or reactions to the rocky   Mountaineer and the plan today is to  sort of show you around and give you   a bit more information like what the seat  is like what the facilities on board are   like in case you're thinking of doing this  trip yourself now that we've been here for   a full day we feel like we're more of  an authority the weather this morning   is not as good as yesterday but hopefully it  clears up because today we are climbing into   the mountains and it should get really cold and  I'm pretty sure we're going to see it a bit and thank you very much before we even  start moving we've got breakfast   I don't think we need to show  you that again but same menu so downstairs in the dining room it's a capacity  of 36 which is half of what seats upstairs so if   upstairs is full there is two Dining  Services it is also beautiful down   here with massive windows on either  side and of course it's a white linen   tablecloth kind of service we're  gonna be getting used to this life now that breakfast over we thought we'd show  you what the seating is like in Gold Leaf   you have plenty of leg room and space for  your backpack underneath the chair in front a control panel which has everything you could  ever need to make this the comfiest journey ever   we have lumbar support in every direction possible  you have a little foot rest that comes up and down   and you can recline the seat into its shell so  you're not even interrupting the person behind you   my favorite feature about this little control  panel is this button right here in about a   minute or two my seat will be warming itself  it's so nice if you're planning on going down   into the viewing platform where it's freezing  cold because obviously it's open air just get   this pumped up before you head down and  you get to come back to the coziest seat   of course we have a little coat hanger a little  pouch to store some books or newspapers that kind   of thing definitely the best feature about gold  leaf is the huge huge Windows what's really cool   is that the top of it is like coated in this UV  filter kind of thing so even though the sun is   coming down on you you actually don't get too hot  or you don't feel like you're burning or anything   like that there's also lighting throughout and  all of the speakers were placed I think there's   a speaker at every set of chairs so anytime  there's an announcement for like elk on the   left elk on the left everyone hears that we will  run to the left a couple other things in the cabin   at the very front is sort of like the crew area  where they make your snacks and drinks during the   train journey there is an elevator as well as  a set of stairs and we have in between the two   seats two outlets and two USB ports so no matter  how many videos and photos you take on this trip   which is going to be a lot you're going to be able  to charge up right at your seat how cool is that honestly think Emily undersold the lumbar support  I have a pretty dodgy back for someone that's in   their 20s and it's incredible you can adjust  it up down how much it protrudes out and then   you get to heat it as well like it doesn't get  much better than that I've been so comfortable   on these chairs the entire time man in my 20s  says someone who turns 30 in like a couple of   months I'm in my 20s with gray hair so on the  gold leaf class there are 72 seats upstairs   where that differs with Silver Leaf is there's  only 50 down there and they don't get the second   level in the Gold Leaf ones we obviously are a  double decker Carriage which means we get to come   upstairs just for a couple of drinks and snacks  the restaurant car is downstairs of the snow   the restaurant car is downstairs Silverleaf is a  single Decker Carriage meaning that you eat and   do everything in your seat we also get access to  an exclusive open-air viewing platform downstairs   Silverleaf it doesn't look like they have one I  believe they potentially have one to sort of share   somewhere but it's not on each individual Carriage  like it is for Gold Leaf another difference is   that we do have more people but we also have more  stuff so there potentially is 72 people here if   it's Max Capacity but there's three staff upstairs  looking after you as well as some Two Chefs I   think downstairs two to three chefs whereas  Silverleaf you only have two to three staff   members that do the whole thing they would be so  busy running around looking after everyone one   thing they both have in common though is bathrooms  and we're going to show you what they're like now I can't say for sure because we haven't been  in the Silver Leaf but this is the amazing Gold   Leaf toilet and honestly they have been  spotlessly clean every time I've come in   here and it never smells either this is the  bigger of the two toilets in the goldleaf   carriage we have two hooks so you can hang  your bag of your coat if you need to toilet   paper soap water hand wash and like this  odor killer that works amazingly as well   as a beautiful little wallpaper and a mirror  with awesome lights on the side it's honestly   so clean and it smells really good even though  we've been on this training for two days now we've just started climbing into the mountains  and now we are surrounded by snow but I think   it's going to get a whole lot thicker  really really quick oh it's flurrying down Obviously the service is five star the seats  are incredible the food is amazing but one of   the underrated things that people don't  really mention is how good it is to just   meet the other passengers in the crew we just  met a couple of Australians on the viewing   platform one of them is training to be one of  the managers in the Rocky Mountaineer it's just   been really nice it was so cold  out there though I'm so glad we   get to come back to heated seats  and a hot chocolate on the way I don't know if we already mentioned it but  because we've got not many people in the back   of the train here we've actually got two seats  on the left side and two seats on the right side   so whichever way the view  comes we get to run and see it   pretty lucky 'so as we mentioned when we  went through a rebel trails and as Tyler   was seeing as we're coming through the little  silhouette River here 40 feet of snow area   so just be really careful about the tracks  as well as the highway making sure that we're   protecting them in appropriate ways so a lot of  the times for us too often since we are a seasonal   operation here' one thing I forgot to point  out on the little seat tour is the tray tables We've come to a stop again this time amongst  the snow I think waiting for another train   crazy that this trip started in do they call  Vancouver a temperate rainforest? then we went   through like semi-arid desert kind of energy felt  like Texas and now we are literally surrounded by   snow I can 100% understand why this is the  most popular Rocky Mountaineer Route it's   beautiful Rocky Mountains once in a lifetime  thing I cant believe it's like the last day like a quarter left it's been so magical we are now in a section of the track that can  go up to 50 miles an hour and I can confirm   that that is fast what just happened because  as soon as I went outside I lost my beanie damn I'm so sad no one was out there  this year yeah just me by myself   no round trip back inside  but what do I do long gone but these views just keep getting better and  better we're like following mountaintops now   beanie-less, beanie-less heaven.  we just went past a river called   The Kicking horse river right and it  looks so nice Frozen on either side   and then flowing so clearly in between and you  just see the train snake through the canyon it's   so beautiful and I'm feeling especially grateful  because I knew that Silver Leaf had a viewing   platform but I didn't realize how much smaller it  was yeah like that exclusive viewing platform that   gold leaf has is a huge reason to upgrade yeah  like you just have uninterrupted views and no   reflection even when it sees people there you have  space and people clear out pretty quickly because   it's free the stuff we've learned on this trip  is just mind-blowing I now know the difference   between Osprey nest and eagle nest I know the  lifespan of big eyed salmon what are they called   I just know they had big eyes I know some  of Canada's history and I know all about   the highway one and the Canadian Rockies it is  just such an unexpected extra that I'm so pleased   with I didn't think we'd get this much history  or this much learning on board and I love it we didn't get it on camera  but we just saw a black bear that call was so late we are the last Carriage  on the train and it was passing us as the call   came through little surprise dinner in our seats  didn't expect it and that makes it so much better   'I said yesterday morning the first train of the  season is always one of my favorite ones I wasn't   lying I love getting to just lay my eyes once  more upon everything that we have been seen on   that first trip we got we kind of get to share  that that first time that you're seeing it the   excitement in your eyes around every bend and  turn of the train we are also seeing it for the   officially welcome to the town site of  Banff and welcome to the Rock Mountains' Cheers to the once in a lifetime experience  that was the Rocky Mountain last drink.   can't believ it's over and I can't  believe that we had the best crew   on board our little first trip of  the Season unfortunately Corie,   Tyler and Jarred I think it's all downhill from  here I think this was your peak of the season   maybe we should just come back on  board but you can have another Peak I'm worried we won't see a bear or moose heres a bear  oh yeah
Channel: Jordan and Emily
Views: 261,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocky mountaineer 2023, rocky mountaineer, rocky mountaineer vancouver to banff, Rocky Mountains, rocky mountaineer train, rocky mountain national park, luxury train vacations, rocky mountaineer goldleaf, vancouver train, luxury train, luxury train canada, most luxurious train, first passage to the west, rocky mountain train, Canada train travel, luxury train in canada, luxury train travel, rocky mountaineer silverleaf, Rocky mountaineer goldleaf service, travel couple
Id: zcj9h9rAiDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2023
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