48 Hours on Canada's Most Luxury Train - The Rocky Mountaineer from Vancouver to Banff

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we're mad and carla a canadian couple with two totally different backgrounds sharing our experience and advice about traveling in canada so follow along as we continue to explore the second largest country on earth [Music] oh my god i'm so excited i think this is our first train riding canada ever and what a way to kick off with the rocky mountaineer [Music] [Applause] so just kick things off we're having a danish with cinnamon infused whipped cream and how it usually works uh when the train is full of course is they give half the train will go downstairs to the cart to have breakfast while the other half waits and then they switch it up so what they're doing for us today is they're giving us all what you would be doing if you're waiting for breakfast so this is just a little appetizer but breakfast is next [Music] so in case you're wondering what trip we're on we're actually on the first passage to the west which is their flagship route for rocky mountaineer they actually have three routes they do in western canada but this one goes from vancouver to kamloops to lake louise and banff retracing the canadian pacific railway which is famous for uniting canada and joining british columbia to canada more than 125 years ago [Music] so now we're going to give you a little tour of the train we're in the gold leaf section which is the higher end option so this is the the buy level cart so we actually have the comfortable seating up top with the dome like windows which is really beautiful for admiring the view but we actually have the dining car below which is something you don't get if you opt for the silver leaf package and the seating is really great actually it's almost like being business class in an airplane maybe better actually because the seating is really comfortable lots of leg room you have your little table for when you want to have a drink or a snack but also really cool is these are heated seats so if you're a little chilly you can turn on the heat and you can even make it into a reclining position if you maybe want to relax or take a nap and now this is the dining rail car so this is where we have breakfast and lunch although you could come down here in the day if you wanted to but as you can see no one's here right now it's just set up for eating you still have nice views up everywhere outside and this is actually on the on the lower decks so like right below the seats above most likely on about the 20 hours you're gonna be on the train you're gonna visit the washroom so in case you're curious here they are so they have this fancy light to let you know if it's free or not now it's free [Music] and perhaps the coolest part of the train is the open deck where you can come out get some fresh air and really get the best views possible [Music] it's time to eat again now it's time for lunch so definitely if you like food this train ride is right for you and something that we have noticed is that they like to feature a lot of the local produce and local businesses a lot of the wines and beer are actually made in british columbia and i can also notice that some of the items in the menu are also local such as the pacific salmon the fraser valley chicken the shoe swab pork chops which i find very cool [Music] it's very good everything is so good [Music] so right now we've actually come to a stop as you can probably see out the window there's a cn trail going by and that's because we're actually going to be switching tracks or transitioning from the canadian pacific railway to the canadian national railway for our last journey to kamloops [Music] i feel like you pretty much touch this tree well we're getting very close to cantaloupes and this is actually kamloops lake [Music] it's 6 45 and we made it to our hotel for tonight at delta hotel and what a lovely day the scenery was beautiful lots of food and drinks the service was amazing they gave us so much information about the different viewpoints along the way yeah we were definitely spoiled i think for our first train ride in canada and we're actually feeling a little wobbly right now we call it train legs kind of similar to being on a boat so that's an interesting feeling to have but yeah we obviously don't have time to explore kamloops but we have been here before so if you want to learn more about that area just watch our video on kamloops and otherwise yeah we're just gonna freshen up go for dinner and get to bed early because part two of our train trip starts tomorrow [Music] we're back on the train again even earlier because today we're heading to the rocky mountains yes this is supposed to be the most scenic part of the trip i mean it's all scenic but this is i mean it's the rocky mountains pretty hard to beat but the train's actually going to be smaller today you won't notice that but it's going to be about half the size because half are splitting and going up to jasper on one of the other routes and then our half is going to bounce [Music] yesterday we were talking with a chef and he mentioned that these croissants are imported all the way from france i guess that's why they're so delicious so flaky and buttery now let's have more butter [Music] all the breakfast was delicious now i'm ready for a small nap and they even give you some blankets oh nice [Music] that was so sweet the lady that we just saw her name is dory and she comes out on her porch and waves to every single rocky mountaineer train [Music] since 1990 rocky mountaineer has been the only passenger train to travel this famous and historic canadian pacific line completed in 1885 this railway runs through beautiful and unforgiving terrain utilizing a variety of bridges and tunnels to connect british columbia with the rest of canada and allowing tourists to experience a trip like no other [Music] we just left field bc and we're going to be entering the famous spiral tunnels here pretty soon [Music] the spiral tunnels are one of the most unique features of the railway built in 1907 to cut the grade in half it travels through two mountains turning up to 290 degrees doubling back upon itself twice and emerging roughly 32 meters higher than when it entered the first mountain the whole thing is like a perfect maze [Music] even though we live here we don't get tired of this landscape it's about four everything has been so good the service has been great the views amazing the food very delicious we've been treated as royalty [Music] well we have arrived to the beautiful town of damn yeah if you've been watching us on youtube for a while you know we've been here many times but we never get tired of visiting because it's so beautiful yeah if you want to learn more about banff actually definitely check out our other videos we have winter videos summer videos lots of information on that so and of course if you like this video we hope it inspired you to take the rocky mountaineer through the rockies make sure you give us a thumbs up leave us a comment hit that subscribe button and if you want to learn more about the train trip just visit our website at mustucanada.com oh my god carla you have pieces of the danish in your hair and on your chin because it was very good and so flaky yeah it was like i did just a mist i don't know what she'd do without me just walking around with crumbs all over your face here too yeah but just the shirts okay you don't have long hair
Channel: Must Do Canada
Views: 343,749
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocky mountaineer, train travel, vancouver, banff, luxury train, rocky mountain train, kamloops, Canada train travel, trains in canada, luxury train in canada, luxury travel, rocky mountaineer train, rocky mountains, first passage to the west, rocky mountaineer goldleaf, british columbia, travel vlog, train journey, luxury train travel, canada vlog, canada rail, train, trains, vancouver train, bc train, dome car, dining car
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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