🇨🇦2 DAYS on the Canada's $3,000 First Class Train | Rocky Mountaineer Gold Leaf |Vancouver→Banff

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h a little salad many many tiny layers so when the Wildfire comes through it just burns off the first few layers and the left of is left unharmed and there's also natural [Music] oil [Applause] e [Music] uh make sure you have everything that is valuable and medication everything you need on board on the train because you don't have access to your luggage anymore you will see some of them owning cam okay thank you for choosing us how are you tday the all team culinary and forward to welcoming you on board very shortly my name is Rose Adams and the train manager for those of you headed to and L Louise and of course this evening for those of you that are headed to jper okay we're all ready oh [Applause] oh how much just confirm a and yeah got it all right perfect welcome good morning he great sweater thank [Music] you was in you want to get so I was excited [Music] well7 and then switching on to the Thompson river which brings us into the Thompson plateau and that semi a uh desert I mentioned we also be going through Hell's Gate so we'll be going through hell and back together which is pretty exciting and we're going to see where the Thompson and the Fraser rivers meet to uh to create that Confluence as we call it so lots in store for you now a couple things just kind of get you all situated while you were uh getting used to everything here and put it over your lap if you all want to practice that you'll be doing that a lot over the next two days I promise you that uh the dining room is about half the size so we will be picking our favorites to eat today so everone on your best behavior we like big smiles it's always good are you happy with how we do have I got double yes really yeah WM could get anything for a my there whated control [Music] they not I [Music] just juice and [Music] [Music] salty I got it got [Music] [Music] for [Applause] had b or whatever we missed [Applause] [Music] it houses I heard about they putting out wildfires for past over the past Century which these areas are uh it's not part of their natural ecosystem so typically when fires come in is it easier for the trees come up but they also need this heat to release their seeds so their bark is even espcially kind of designed by Nature it's made up of many many tiny layers so when the wildf comes through it just burns off the first few layers and the left is left on armed there's also natural oils in the bark as well be say a rusty nail a Statue of Liberty when those metals they do Rust they change colors so we will be seeing some of those colors throughout our time with thto it's really good um yeah that one's kind of closer to Riverside [Music] Park rappers are so high and so dangerous they're at a five or a six so definitely for those uh those fear riters out there but there's pretty funny names to so great I [Music] can actually you're right just here you can see these old structures by the The riverset Edge there so the Jazz for train tomorrow morning will go into that direction they follow the North Thompson River as their first River we will be going into that direction tomorrow morning and follow the South Thompson River as the wheelchair locks and everything but stabiliz there we go there are now C is also the transportation center there are three major highways that cross through camos there is the Trans Canada number one where it starts at St John's on the East Coast [Applause] [Music] you [Music] important enough um hello can you hear me yes oh we have our small Mighty wave up team here on the right hand side and thank you all for your timely efforts 6:43 so we're leaving here 17 minutes ahead of schedule that's pretty amazing [Music] oh yeah perfect there two going in these directions so we are on the south Clon River and over on the right hand side that's side Parks if anybody went to the music last night that's where that would have been anyone go for the beach they were talking station and now a restaurant [Music] working hard so have [Music] something right here [Music] around for no reason and that is because the Canadian Pacific Railroad was essentially what kind of uh spurred Canada to join together and create the country that we now know is Canada back in the day at about in the late 1800s there there was uh there was quite a bit of movement happening here in North America politically so America the same year that Canada became a country in 18 1967 without BC he wanted to see it from C to shimmering SE in his words so back in 1971 BC joined on with that promise of building a railroad across the entire country and connecting all of [Music] Canada already anytime yeah sometimes Drive I went to Europe this summer but that was the first time from your mov he was a very famous and I'm sitting in the do [Music] [Music] [Music] then all right so here we are as promis another one of my favorite bodies of water the kicking horse River and uh you will notice a little bit kind of gray looking but as we Traverse along it it's going to get more and more blue as we go in especially at the headwaters uh so we are literally traveling the entire length of the river it does flow into the Columbia River there uh but as we get a little bit further a little bit closer to the head and they then set up Spur Line so you can kind of picture like runaway Lanes on a highway for all those big transport trucks that's essentially what they had they had three of these going off the main the main track here here now have [Music] your all right we are here on this first here [Music] [Music] now so he's he's gotten quite famous for himself here in the area so we are only a few miles away from Lake Louise so that's uh coming up and we can look out for some glaciers here in the area it's going to be coming into view Lake Lou also home to the lake I highly recommend you check out Lake L Mountain Resort and it's similar to that snow that that Billy was mentioning it's just a fantastic quality of snow and plenty of it as well the time that I came seeing here it was- 22° C it was extremely cold but it still this uh this station that we're pulling up to here it was originally a Schoolhouse and it lived a very glorious few years is a very nice shed and now it is the Lake Louise station and uh there's a restaurant there so pretty fun stuff and Lake Louise was [Music] named all right well [Music] now once again thank you all so much we hope you had a good time always was memorable to you all I take care thank you so [Music] muching [Music] terrible enjoy the rest of your time in Canada oh awesome thank you very much you guys thank you spe
Channel: Kuga's Travel
Views: 1,317,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: France, Belgium, Netherlands, Norway, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe, USA, yt:cc=on, japan, train, vancouver, banff, rocky mountaineer, first class, luxury, ロッキーマウンテニア, カナダ, 列車, 鉄道, Kuga's travel, kugaくが, solo solo, スーツ, 西園寺
Id: zdsJoOitR4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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