Across Canada on the iconic SLEEPER TRAIN

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portion of this video is brought to you by ag1 the rest of it is four days on a train I think it's beautiful at 96 hours on board this non-stop train from Vancouver to Toronto is a world's second longest trainer it's the Via Rail Canadian I'm Mike welcome to Downey live as we take the Via Rail Canadian across Canada and we're starting at Pacific Central Station it's a modest station but a good starting point wow all right let's check in let's go grab our tickets a quick check-in at the counter and I have two tickets here because I'm riding with Seb local tick tocker Instagram fan so we're gonna go have some fun on a train yeah first time on the Canadian Train here oh this is a long one you know how long it is right a couple days uh I hope you packed more underwear and then we're off to the lounge I've never been in the lounge before just on time for my announcement yeah great we're boarding may I have your attention please pray number two with stops at kamloots Jasper Edmonton Saskatoon Winnipeg and Toronto isn't already performing [Music] here we go we saw the lounge barely even the lounge has a patio out here you see this stainless steel stallion is our ride for the next four and a half days sitting at 12 cars long today I just say I'm amazed at how clean this is considering these trains are 60 plus years old looks good except you're from Germany yes how do these trains look compared to trains in Germany way longer and different colors but they look shiny for sure do you have these in Germany we don't have these no because we don't have so much scenery there you're gonna like those the Dome car is my favorite who's better here we go so this welcome aboard the board all right we've booked ourselves a sleeper plus cabinet what do you think we have two seats and this will convert down into a bed and this will fold down into a bed so we'll have bunk beds oh that's cool we'll have to decide tonight who gets top bunk who gets bottom Buck you make rock paper scissors yeah we'll do that later we have a sink which is also a little bit of a table storage up there fan in case it gets hot oh bathroom just a toilet there must be some shower on the hallway because I can't imagine not showering for four days yeah we're gonna watch that so this is it this is our bedroom for the next four nights cool comfortable yes super good okay let's now get out of the room and go explore the train is this we have a doorbell now as we get rolling I want to thank the sponsor of this portion of the video ag1 as it says right on the packaging it's a comprehensive and convenient daily nutrition honestly when I'm traveling sometimes it's difficult to get all the nutrition I need so I trust ag1 to make sure my body guess what it needs it's made with 75 whole food ingredients like vitamins minerals and adaptogens and it's a really easy daily habit simply one scoop of ag1 eight ounces of water Shake there you go and it has energy supporting ingredients like vitamin B12 as well as performance and Recovery support including magnesium and superfoods the best part for me is it comes in these easy to use travel packs and considering how many healthy ingredients are in it I'm always surprised at how good it actually tastes you want to try this seb's gonna try it for the first time that's pretty good I didn't expect it to tastes so good he's not getting paid to say that either if you want to give it a try go to to get started and get a free one-year supply of vitamin D3 and K2 for immunity support and five travel packs thank you HD1 for sponsoring this portion of the video let's go see this train there are a number of other sleeper cabin cars but there are some other cars that will be spending more time in so this is Dome car we'll call it number one it's has like a cafe Zone down here it's quite nice has a dome upstairs there's always coffee in here always tables and chairs to hang out play games whatever you'd like or we want the other one you really got to keep going back through the dining car which we'll come back to for dinner this is it the Chateau car Chateau dollar this is The Prestige Sleeper Car and it feels different the lighting is softer it has soft padded walls so it sounds different and we're still in the station but we're about to leave so I think there's a little something for us mimosas a mimosa said oh that sounds good do they do that in Germany no no there's a lounge down here but we're gonna see if there's seats still up there cheers cheers and this is the Dome car at the back of the train where we'll likely be spending most of our time I think this yeah it's great oh look at that we're now moving just in time so settle in for the next four days Jesus this is the beautiful part about riding a train is that you're on the train seeing Canada it's not about getting to Toronto fast yeah the way is the experience yeah and does it ever get boring for you or because you did it so much no as we pull out of Vancouver we roll through some industrial parts of town pass some Freight yards before we arrive at the Fraser River which we have to cross and this is a great example of the beauty of the Dome car being able to see above the train as well as above you in in all directions which is only enhanced when crossing a bridge like this and from now until basically when we arrive in Jasper we'll be following this River sort of snaking our way up upriver into the Rocky Mountains now as we get further out of town the scenery gets more rural more green rolling past farmlands as we make our way towards the mountains now the group on board today is a quiet group but something tells me that will change by day three together oh and look at that we're crossing the Fraser River again so we've come to a stop on this bridge because it is a station and our train is so long we don't fit in the small station this is our first stop on this trip and we're already 30 minutes late it's gonna be a fun trip oh yeah oh yeah 30 minutes delayed may not seem like much now but if these delays continue to happen across all four days of our trip well you can see how it could add up to hours of delays by the time of our arrival so I'll be keeping you updated on our progress as we move across the country speaking of progress it seems like we've already made it to the famous Fraser Canyon it's the narrowest and steepest section of track in the country which also means we'll have a few tunnels now most people Rave about the Rocky Mountains but in fact I think this might be one of my favorite segments of this train route what does Seb think it's beautiful so far well we have an hour until dinner gonna recommend we go get a drink sure that's it if you like dark beer they have a fantastic dark beer okay I'll try that okay cheers and what will be interesting to see is how seven I get along he's a fellow Creator living in Vancouver and we've only met three times we seem to get along a train with a beer yeah it's a good day sharing a tight room together for four nights can change things pretty quickly now he's German not Canadian so I thought I'd give them the full Canada experience by bringing them along on this train and we'll see what he thinks all right dinner time oh you can smell it oh this smells good yeah welcome the dining car this is our dining room tonight in our view look at the uh white linen tablecloth look how many how much Cutlery there is crazy I didn't expect that two forks two spoons two nines so the menu changes every single night so if you see something on the menu that you want to have and you think oh maybe tomorrow night it won't be offered tomorrow night so always get what you want and there's always a red meat option a chicken option a fish option and a vegetarian option and then there's always a rice and a potato or vegetables so a lot to choose from can't decide like it all sounds good what do you think did you did you expect just like a cafe and it's like you're getting a full dining area yeah I didn't expect that one this is much better yeah this is like a fine dining restaurant yeah with a moving view cheers fellas pleasure to meet you dinner has arrived and everyone is impressed yes please [Music] very nice to meet you so I got the Lamb with bok choy carrots and mashed potatoes and maple chicken right Maple Dijon chicken looks so good this is meal one of 12. oh yeah yeah that's really all we have to do lots to eat wow wow good thank you and Justin our first meal we're already making friends [Music] all right back to the Dome oh that was good I normally don't eat dessert at all when you're on the train you have to eat the dessert when you're on the train I know the sun is set and we're just enjoying the evening yeah we spend the rest of the evening in the dome car peacefully sitting in the darkness until well where the last one's up huh should we call it a night yeah I'm sorry let's go where is everyone I guess it is bedtime yeah it's late as an update it's 10 30 p.m and we are back on schedule we've made up time so we'll see how we do in the morning yeah that's yeah that's a train he's not drunk that's when we discovered our room has been converted to sleeping oh oh they made our beds oh look at this a little chocolate on her pillow so comfy do you want top or do you want bottom prefer I prefer top sure all right now I guess we get ready for bed all right um which brings us to a totally different landscape where are we I don't know it seems like somewhere with snow we're in the Rocky Mountains oh yeah I can't believe it's still winter here yeah we are an hour and 10 minutes behind schedule so get used to that we've been stopped here in Blue River for a while we're not going anywhere breakfast is first come first serve should we go to breakfast while we're not moving yeah breakfast has five options including pancakes the chef's omelet and a vegan scramble I will also have the chef's omelet please yeah yeah thank you very much of course you're so smiley in the morning that's great as we eat breakfast we rapidly approach the edge of the Rocky Mountains where I have a little plant up my sleeve for sep he just doesn't know it yet so we just crossed through the first of three time zones on this trip and we're approaching our second province wow welcome to Alberta we're coming up to Jasper which is a national park it's our next station and we're gonna have a whole hour there so I think we're gonna get off and go see the town ready I'm excited yeah ready to try your first beaver tail what's that again yeah exactly we just pulled in to Jasper station it's in a national park thanks Dion we'll be back before 12 30. you got it this is a crew change and a refuel stop so we got an hour here there are two things we have to do here that are very Canadian he's not so we're gonna show him it's not often we can get out and walk when taking the train so we're gonna make the most of this hour we have in town welcome to the world famous Beaver tails it's time for your first one Sebastian okay they look good let's do a picture oh yeah that's what we want right there a Canadian classic so for those of you that don't know beavertail is a pastry and the classic is covered in cinnamon and sugar give it a go okay that's so good that's so good uh are you sharing or yeah look at that look at this sugar Sparkle hmm it's so light and crispy yet doughy all right we have one more stop beaver tail success oh yeah huge success next stop Jasper Brewing oh yeah nice Mountain views here Mountain views and some of the freshest coldest water in Canada oh that sounds good which makes for very good beer Cheers Cheers some see this as just a train trip I always see it as an adventure it's what you make of it we have one hour we're all smiles wow I'm now that have a beer there you go all smiles and of course a poutine such a Canadian day exactly we're on the Canadian yeah all right back to the train just in time we're back just in time for lunch so it's back up to the Dome car as we leave to see seb's favorite section of track from this trip the Rocky Mountains keep your eyes peeled for spotting wildlife so Sebastian did you feel more Canadian absolutely after that beaver tail poutine Rocky Mountains and beer in one day oh yeah that's life on the train we're only 10 minutes outside of Jasper and it feels totally different there's no snow and it's just huge rivers and lakes we're cruising through a valley carved by glaciers hundreds of thousands of years ago and it has Seb constantly taking video and photos that was it and just when you think it can't get any better we're headed into a tunnel I think Sev is enjoying this train trip oh yeah I love the Canadian one with that we got the shot the weather is changing means it's time for lunch chicken pot pie you got the smoked salmon flatbread it's really good oh wow dessert no no dessert things were full well there's always room for ice cream okay I'll do I'll do chocolate ice cream thanks so we've been stopped for a while the thing is when you're stopped there's nothing to look at and we're stopped somewhere where there's no service there's not even anything to do which means the only thing left to do take a nap it's a busy schedule on board all right see you in a bit yeah as we nap the train continues to make progress until we wake up to a PA announcement what what did what was she saying uh lunch is on the way I thought we had lunch I'm too tired we haven't done much today this is a beauty of riding the train the whole lake is still frozen this is April is it dinner time it's 702. nobody called us might be dinner time let's go check what do we have on the menu this evening beef tenderloin trout fillet chicken with pesto cream broccoli stir-fry I already know what I'm getting we're now coming into the city of Edmonton so our views are a lot more warehouses and industrial areas while we enjoy dinner asparagus potatoes and when you're in Alberta you get the beef tenderloin you have chicken yeah I guess I didn't know that Alberta is known for beef it's like it's your first time here looks like we've arrived in Edmonton should we go see the station welcome to Edmonton home of the Oilers and oil I like to get off the train at every opportunity I can as you can see the station here isn't much or near anything I've seen nothing but fences this is also a crew change spot nice to meet you oh that was only 500 steps oh well we got to do that a lot more maybe sooner I think we got to get back on this calls for a beer the last two Fort Gary's cheers again sure it seems like Seb and I are getting along a little better than I thought this evening we continue east past all the refineries and Freight yards until again we're the last ones up all right the official update is it's midnight and we are two hours behind schedule I I don't know where everyone else has gone but we're the only ones up again yeah we've had a good time stop for bed but let's skip the Bedtime stuff and cut straight to tomorrow morning it's now 6 30 in the morning and we've now entered our third Province Saskatchewan it's exciting I know I've been here I love Saskatchewan I think it's beautiful I really like it it doesn't matter which way you look it's golden fields and blue sky I mean I think it helps that it's day three and this is the first bit of sunshine we've gotten makes me like this province even more I mean the Prairies really are a lot of flat the only thing that sticks out are the grain elevators anyhow time for breakfast thank you and after breakfast is our next stop ladies and gentlemen I'd like to welcome you to Saskatoon we have 30 minutes here let's go for a walk it's brighter yeah this is great this is the station it's pretty cute in its own way it's like it's quaint very Saskatchewan spacious right functional if we go outside we are in the middle of an industrial area not much here all right time to board with the train refueled and ready to go [Music] oh here we go that's us it's our signal now I realize we've been on here for two days and there's something we haven't done yet and I think Sev and I both agree we both need to what do I smell do I smell so we both need to shower so shower kit for you oh one shower kit for me so there's two towels there is uh shampoo and there's soap and you can use this as a shower cap perfect at the end of the haul is the shower room surprisingly big make sure that's locked so there's a little changing area in here another shower of course is right here that's pretty spacious as well the shower worried me at first but like an old diesel truck getting started it just needed some time oh some good hot water that's very good [Music] feeling so much better so now that we're all cleaned up we're ready for another two days on board oh a new man here showering on a train is a good feeling it is like weird like you're showering on a train I've never had that before it's so cool well you haven't missed much while you were showering still flat Still Still flat so a fresh cup of coffee and we're back to our sitting spot watching the barns bison grain elevators and even abandoned tractors Roll by oh there are a lot of grain elevators now honestly while they're just big industrial buildings they are beautiful in their own way and then we had our moment of excitement oh we've got a corner coming up not many corners in Saskatchewan of course we fall back into our routine what do we have today oh I know what new one yeah what do you think I'm gonna get Ginger Beef and rice yeah 100 I know you so well we're getting to know each other this is great and I regret nothing it was delicious and it's no longer flat which means we've just crossed into Manitoba here we go Province number four or five they call the Coppell Valley the feature of the day today so for the rest of today we continue to make our way across Manitoba towards our next crew change stop of Winnipeg but first it's time for another meal where is everybody a nice Manitoba View I'm rip oh tonight's the night wow thank you that looks good yeah Bon Appetit thank you all right everybody got the same thing the prayers to me really are a beautiful part of Canada that you should see at least once in your life even Sebastian is starting to appreciate it okay I'm happy let's go to bed this that's a prairie Sunset land of the living Skies here we are now I believe it that the Prairies have tonight's sunset you believe it yeah I know it's so nice I told you once Darkness Falls we start to see lights of civilization oh we're arriving at Winnipeg we have a one hour stop refueling crew change here Seb are you with me do you want to go into town yes I will we have an hour okay uh grab a jacket yeah oh this isn't for you yeah nice to meet you Dion how long do we have here one hour we'll be back in one hour I can think of one place near the train station that might be open where are we going where you'll see okay uh but take a look enjoy the station while you're here that's the nicest station I've seen since Vancouver yeah well then you're really gonna like what's Behind These doors okay that's nice this is Winnipeg Union Station where we're getting them one station at a time it's really nice it's beautiful if you like this you're gonna love where I'm taking you I have been here before Oh my gosh so if you walk out of the Winnipeg Union Station across the street and on the left is the Fort Gary hotel ah yeah here we are this is the hotel are you gonna stay here tonight or this feels a little too fancy for us but they'll let us in don't worry Fort Gary hotel is a historic site built by the grand trunk Railway we're traveling by Rail and it is one of the iconic hotels built in the Chateau style so that is so recognizable across Canada so I might need to do my buttons up it's very fancy I figured in Jasper we were in a bit of a rush and went to a brewery so we have to upscale it a bit and we are at the famous oval Room Lounge and it I think it's beautiful yes you made a good choice made a good choice yeah it's nice thank you very much cheers well that's nice yeah yeah Winnipeg is considered the heart of Canada it's pretty much the halfway point across this huge country we made it back thought I got my ticket yeah we made it back at home that way yeah and that was our short and sweet time in Winnipeg see you again Winnipeg we're going to bed tomorrow morning we wake up in Ontario breakfast oh yeah how'd you sleep very good I also slept very well so this is our fifth Province but still just our fourth of five days in fact we'll be on Ontario this large Province for a day and a half Ontario is famous for its Lakes currently they're still frozen so this calls for a coffee and back to the Dome car day four Province five time zone three coming up since Ontario is a much more forested Province it's hard to see much of the scenery at times with the trees blocking your view but there are a number of towns that we go through that are acquainted and very Canadian and the views open up every time we pass along a lake lunch time the excitement of the day really is to find out what's on the menu Seb got the Falafel well I went for the beef burger they really haven't gotten a meal wrong yet welcome and oh no there's dessert the weather changed a bit this afternoon but we still take every opportunity to step off the train when we can horn pain it's uh clearly not as glamorous as last night's Winnipeg Union Station gravel as a station platform no cover no benches I mean it's basically a parking lot but the station is really important to this community gives access to the small towns in Northern Ontario and the rest of Canada huh I did not know that I always like learning fun facts they have a public library hardware store CN rail yard I guess that was it yeah should we walk back yeah you saw everything next up dinner yeah looking forward to it that's all we look forward to yeah Seb don't forget tonight is the last dinner so we promised people we would dress up in our nicest shirts okay I will my best I didn't know we were dressing up either but this is the best I've got all right let's go all right the final supper yeah oh sorry I didn't you said you'd wear your best shirt that's my best shirt oh it looks good you look great yeah thanks Steen and Robert hello again welcome to the the Last Supper vegetable lasagna Chicken Florentine potato crusted Cod or pork tenderloin it's day four and we're all getting to know each other and having fun okay [Applause] real trip you will not go hungry if you take this train well that was delicious time to head back to the Dome car for our final Sunset oh yeah it's so cool and blue tonight oh yeah we'll drink yeah Cheers Cheers we spending the rest of the evening up here chatting with our new friends that we've made over the last four days so true so true oh yeah don't you know another fun night off to bed it feels like we're sneaking back into the house or something like everyone be quiet ah good morning last day and here we are on day five our final day on this trip and it feels like the last day sunshine to warm us up in the dome car the snow is melted and it feels like spring as we continue East towards the end of this trip I can see why they call this Cottage Country here in Canada these calm Lakes are the perfect place for economics lakes on the left and the right don't know where to look but the lakes and Cottages quickly turn to homes and suburban sprawl and traffic as we start to see our final destination Toronto in the distance this is the final stretch and the Dome car is full of people here to spend the arrival together and this is it the final Corner we finally see the famous CN Tower with Toronto Union Station just below it that's it Seth we made it your first time your furthest East ever in Canada yes your first time on a train across Canada and on the second longest train in Canada no the longest the second longest in the world there you go wow this has been a remarkable four nights and five days 96 hours on board this train the Canadian and best of all whether you believe this or not we've arrived early wow I can't believe it that sounds so staged it's true I'm shocked we made up a lot of ground and uh well done VIA Rail this was a great trip I truly believe everyone needs to travel across Canada by train at some point but just like that our trip has come to an end in Toronto that's it for today I don't know where I'm going next but I know I want you there with me I'll see you next week
Channel: DownieLive
Views: 553,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: downielive, downie live, Via Rail, via Rail Canada, Canada train, train canada, trains, train
Id: 6zFpUiaV_Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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