The Rock Iguanas are getting New ROOMMATES!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] some giant animals trying to break in I think a good area for these guys to go is in with the Cubans they're a lot faster than you think aren't they way faster way faster man isn't it cool Motor Inn sincerely thank all of you happy campers out there your support makes a real difference in our efforts here at Camp Kenneth this week's special shout out goes to Kyle Priebe thank you for all you do YouTube and for loving reptiles oh yeah dude we got some hard rabbits living around here hard rabbits dude what'd you call it a Wilderness rabbit like he was sitting there talking Maps talking about the road I don't know man the rabbits around here just got a hard look to it I was like yeah dude because they live amongst death at any moment alligators snakes uh but today we're gonna not talk about any uh carnivorous Critters we're actually gonna come hang out with Guapo and Lola uh and the Cuban which are Cuban Rock iguanas I want to check in on their enclosure I want to do a little work I got to clean out their water bowl even though water flows into it uh freshly every day I want to just clean it out because what we're going to do is we're gonna go grab the juvenile red foots that Matt and I uh made that Zoo Med modified uh cage well I'll show you what's been going on with that in the meantime okay there's Guapo over there I was like where's Guapo everyone is just kind of waking up right now I don't know if anyone's in the mood for banana but oh okay yeah she is uh I now guys normally if we did this later in the day Guapo would be up my leg and chest trying to get to this banana for whatever reason man iguanas go I don't know what the term is bananas for bananas uh perhaps it's like candy okay it's like iguana iguana crack I guess is that bad taste I mean I'll say that I don't know these days people are so sensitive anyway they it's like candy okay they love it but apparently it's a little early in the day and so uh they're not as excited as they normally would be I'll go ahead and leave that there I wonder if Guapo would be different since he's been laying in that little Sun for for a tad bit uh watch my head there we go hey guap are you in the mood yeah so Guapo oh yeah say Guapo see look at this a lot different come on what's on there did I not watch it do you not like the peel what's going on it's not his brand it's not his brand Chiquita baby everyone loves Chiquita hold on let's hook it up like this let's let's do it you wanted to peel don't you come on come on what he's got to do is he's gotta take a lick come on man Guapo oh he's going into his trance oh I'm sorry Guapo I don't know I'm Gonna Leave it right there isn't it so cool so I love these guys man they're absolutely um my favorite lizards I love cyclora uh I think they're brilliant um I've had this guy now since August of 2004. so that's incredible to have had an animal that long 19 years got him as a baby and guess what they can live 60 years so it is possible that this animal will outlive me which I think is fantastic and all cyclore as you can see there's petro and Petra behind me uh they live fairly long time so they're 60 50 60 years is pretty good now this enclosure originally was slinkies this used to be a watering hole um I never liked it because I designed it poorly I was not a very good Mason and Walter would always collect so what I did was I chopped a bunch of big holes in it so no longer holds water and we filled it up and of course it is now the rock iguana Plateau if you will um so I had the Chinese box turtles in here we built this Causeway that they could climb up and utilize the plateau in the lower section well right now what I want to do is I'm going to spray uh this out a little bit we're gonna get rid of some of the algae in there so just stay right there we're gonna just I can't believe they haven't touched the bananas yeah well like I said it's early in the day so as we know reptiles are ectotherms and you see how she's positioned she's waiting for the sun to come from behind that cloud over the trees and she's going to get full exposure to the sunlight also a lot of people don't know this uh that are just kind of you know lay people when it comes to uh lizards you could feel her she feels cool uh but she's very dark at the moment oh look he's eating his banana there he goes he's a good boy oh yeah he got the whole thing he got the whole thing so basically uh she's darkened up because when the sun does come out she's going to absorb all that heat and darker colors pull in heat easier we just got done feeding him a little Fluker tortoise uh Buffet blend which these iguanas like as well and they knocked a few of it into here so simply it's a very rudimentary cleaning I do here I just kind of spray out as much as I can as I said this is a timer there's always water going to this every morning it overflows for about 10 minutes but I just kind of wanted to break up some of the algae that's in here so I was really happy that you could believe it or not this is my first Aquascape Pond what I'd like to do is really get a filter on these bio Falls I think that would be even better so all I do though is it looks good I spray it out pull out any algae and then let the water overflow it's easier in some ponds than others what do you think [Music] now I'm just going to let it overflow a bit really wasn't that dirty to be honest I'm logged back over here it's where the log lives we'll just let that overflow I was thinking you know I don't know Bob eventually I think oh by the way we added this this little hide here inside their hide because now these two don't fight anymore it's really really cool I just use visual barriers if you guys remember she was always beating up guapa but they've been doing so well now I'm very excited and it was since I just added this little cover one goes in there one stays outside but they both go in their hide every night so it's little things like that that you can do to kind of help combat any kind of combat issues you may have between your animals but what's neat is now that they're getting along better they're utilizing the whole environment I don't have to worry about Guapo losing a toe or anything which is kind of nice I'm going to go ahead and put this food over here because as they eat it'll just pour back into our water that we're trying to clear out there but yeah good stuff let's bring this over here she's going to go ahead and get all warmed up let's see what's going on with the blue iguanas they are called they're both she is very cold yeah she is it's she's the same temperature as the early morning can you get over here you're so fixated on her we got these two watch your step we got these two that are in need of a little attention I think these guys look brilliant but they're still absolute Maniacs um that's it's amazing you've gotten that close and that's only because it's probably early so amazing job buddy um yeah these guys are great but they are in fact not teaming up like my other two cyclo repair um it's just weird you know I'm always in here I'm always hanging out I think they look I love the way that male looks he's got that pale face the spines are coming in he's going to be a very good looking animal uh originally these animals came from uh Thai Park and they went to a gentleman named Dave Lachlan and then Dave gifted them to me um and they're just they're beautiful we've gotten babies out of her we're gonna get babies of her again remember a few weeks ago we made this whole area we kind of built this up look she dug in there she's already been digging she dug into this area too and you know it's odd this looks like it's actually been filled in a little bit look at this wait is that a that's one of our Culvers but no I don't see I scared you I scared man that's so awesome I'm an ass oh God no I don't feel any eggs in here but she has Doug so that's really exciting what I want to do is fill it back in maybe she'll dig again did that really scare you Matt no you jumped a little bit I'm a jerk anyway it's your birthday it's my birthday I'll allow it all right still my birthday it's not my birthday anymore anyway put some dirt put some dirt put some dirt up I love getting dirty okay all right you maniacs good seniors say hello to Inky just because we're here just because we're here we gotta show Inky she's not a cyclora but she is sexy look at that baby I love you hi Inky girl how you doing Inky you're getting big yes you are you're gonna come over and say hello I think you might she's always hungry and never full look at that lizard man that is the coolest lizard I can't wait till she's like full sized and we get to see her in a larger enclosure it's gonna be sweet I love it hey what's up kid let's see what kind of mood you're in you're gonna jump out on me I wonder if she's like my friend um I wonder if she knows the difference between my hands my hands in a rat this is trust please don't bite my hand please don't bite my hand she's gonna bite my hand off that's a hand that's a hand look at that she knows look at that guys and that's how you start to build trust with your slow sweep of the tail yeah but you know this is good once again let it taste my hand so she knows that that's me you're not supposed to taste you're not supposed to bite me you're supposed to taste me oh [Music] all right I'd say we passed what do you think I'd say let's not push our look let's not do it but that was cool well that's the way to do it that is the way to do it I like it she's a cool lizard very cool all right we're moving along let's go see that right now iguanas Rhino oh boy wait a minute we got a little bit of a flood over here I'd say we've uh I'd say it's overflowed right and just a little bit just a little bit it's out to the door so yeah yeah let's let's go ahead but that's all right spread it off my hands we got so much interesting stuff to do today the good news is beautiful eventually seep in and we'll be okay don't forget your banana lady yeah she's not in the mood for the banana oh maybe we'll give it let's give it to the Rhinos I'll bet you they want it let's spread the wealth thank you thank you yeah I actually have no bananas we Have No Bananas today just me hey all right let's go man oh look at these guys we're gonna we're gonna make like Quasimodo and we're gonna go into the uh Hunchback cave The Hunchback cage Yes siree say hello to the Cherry heads as we pass on by Hot Cherry heads oh you do it good to see you Cherry videos yeah we gotta upgrade this cage man good thing for me I I know a few people who happen to make cages all right customer care just how you doing uh anyway subtle subtle kind of very subtle right well you know what what can I do come here come here holy she jumped at me he jumped at you she jumped at me that was the fastest dude this is crazy I still can't believe the no slaps no tails no no just just excitement just just excited yep they will take a finger off though you got to be careful that was sick that was so cool wow these she got the peel right out of Petro's mouth so that's petro and that's Petra and these guys are my Rhino iguanas and the cool thing about Petra being hilarious uh is Petra's a multi-horned rhino iguana look at those horns she's got three four she's got six horn look at these two they like the peel this is how they should behave when there is a banana in proximity um they get so excited I love these guys man we get babies of them every year she'll be laying eggs very very soon probably in a Late July is when I always get eggs out of her um we get babies and She lays a lot of eggs She lays about 14 eggs and usually 13 of them hatch into healthy babies and uh by October we have a lot of babies and by November we're able to offer them up for sale uh but they are so great and these guys came to me from Dave Morningstar uh out there in Fort Myers area of Florida lots of beautiful animals and a really nice guy great family and I love these two they're just absolutely gorgeous and doing well um as long as you're providing all the cyclora with what they need warmth in the winter uh UV sunlight proper Foods um these guys are very Hardy and I have knockout wood little to no issues with them now I had a large female years ago named Azul she was huge she was like this big um and she did become egg bound she finally passed the eggs but when she passed the egg she had a prolapse of her fat bodies uh internally they came out of cloaca and there was absolutely nothing I could do to save her and it was a very devastating loss for me because Azul was extremely friendly lizard was beautiful uh very just gentle some animals just have a different kind of vibe and this animal was amazing but as you can see he's done with me uh he's out of here but the uh this girl here she's a sweetheart too but Azul had beautiful blue spikes and blue face uh and she was a rhino iguana just a really great animal so I love them both uh I love this species I think the cyclora are just magnificent magnificent animals and they tame up nicely and they become good captives now this enclosure guys I want to tear it down um oh watch your head dude better late than never yeah sorry uh but anyway this enclosure here I've mentioned it before recently that I want to tear it down I'd like to do another metal enclosure off of the existing metal structure um I think it would just be awesome uh and we'd have to do a little reconfigurating of the cyclora home which is what this is the iguana cage I suppose you can call it um yeah I'd like to do something different I'd like to you know kind of open this up uh all the wood is kind of being uh Rod it's rotting it's old wood so I know I keep talking about it but that's how it goes with me I start talking and talking and talking and talking and eventually things get done so uh yeah but you know what let's move on we have some little redfoot tortoises that we need to grab so let's go grab them and move them later do it yeah this cage is easy to bang their head in buddy not the first time won't be the last let's just go see what these little dudes are up to there's only three so we're going to pull them out I'll go this way all right so here's what's been happening it's underneath the mango tree I was looking I'm going what the hell's trying to look at this guys what's trying to break into my cage some giant animals trying to break in then I realized wait a minute look at this here's a rotten mango so the mangoes fall from extreme height bam and hit into this cage and that's what's causing the problem thankfully hasn't broken through to squish any of the Glorious Little Critters so let's get these guys out and we're going to put them into how many are in there there should be three I always see these two oh there's the third scared me bad in the corner yeah scared me but can you reach that one grab them all right nice work that's too cool all right so they're looking good these guys are shot them check them little baby red foots well these are more juvenile nowadays so these are some juvies and I'm just taking checking them for ticks I don't see any ticks which is nice but I think a good area for these guys to go is in with the Cubans with Lola and Grandpa yeah they'll be fun blowing Guapo will have something to look at these guys will have more space and it's not in any danger of being pelted with mangoes from Heaven which I think is good and to be honest that cage it served a purpose but I never really liked that location so uh it was a short-lived thing I'll probably pull it out of the ground now and trash it to be perfectly honest since it's been smashed up itself so what I'll do also is we're just going to place these guys right in here and let them figure out how to climb up and get out of this section but I think this is plenty of good space for these guys so it's a uh it's good I enjoy the multi-species exhibits and I think it's oh look at Miguel they're going right to cover that's what baby tortoises do they'll find a place to hide they get into the cover but they're a lot faster than you think aren't they way faster way faster man isn't it cool beer and a guy's a Motoring motor and isn't that song yeah what's the Press bear Adventure I don't know the words but I remember the song but he's motorized I'm motoring everything that matters yeah rock and roll never die yeah did I ever mention that I wanted to start a band called fertilance an 80s hair band a couple of problems with that it's not the 80s anymore don't get much hair and uh I don't think anyone listens to hair metal anymore oh well where are you docking rocking like talking all right here we go people uh yeah good stuff I wasn't allowed to listen to this stuff as a kid it was the devil music my mom wouldn't let me listen to it devil music okay anyway a few Ozzy Osbourne you know albums later and this is what you get and I'm just kidding uh but I did like I'm going on a tangent about 80s hair metal Rock right it's really weird I really didn't listen to it but I know a lot about it I guess it seeped in all right anyway we got Turtles and tortoises watch your step uh very good stuff and um I'm happy I'm happy with what we've done here for these Critters I think they're looking good I think we learned a little bit about the Cuban Rock wallet WAP away the banana the rhino blue iguanas looked at us nervously and we've given a new safe home to some very young I'm happy about this I'd say they worth remembering cleaned out the water as well trust me it'll get cleaner it doesn't look that clean but it is I promise guys thanks for watching today I really appreciate it and um do you have any cycloric Waters let me know in the comments below would you like one hey they're great as long as you got the right space the right attitude the right husband to reform I think you'll do well with them great animals thank you so much for watching you'll be seeing more of these guys because it is egg laying season in the next few weeks can't wait to share that with you guys take care thanks for watching I think I'm gonna go this way off camera right here I go [Music]
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 41,356
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, kenan, lola, guapo, beloved, Cuban, rock, iguanas, rock iguana, roommates, enclosure, juvenile, redfoot, redfoot tortoise, living, modified, ZooMed, cage, setup, outdoor, short, time, issue, find out, week
Id: W260WB3F6N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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