Testing out New Reptile Food Products!

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look at all that good stuff come on look at  all that good stuff get in there let's see oh   yes she likes it they'll tell you what they  like and that's what this experiment's all   about come here young lady would you like some  fluka River shrimp you live in a river you're   a river type and a royal river tour of them  get on over there oh look at those fish going   crazy you scare me when you walk backwards boy  let's run let's see if you can run backwards ah   I got super worm all right let's see what Inky  does oh there it is got your treats [Music]   you happy campers out there your support makes  a real difference in our efforts here at Camp   Kennedy this week's shout out goes to Marcus Clan  thank you for all you do and for loving reptiles   what's going on everyone hanging out here  beautiful day at the camp you got the pond   behind me and behind that are the black throat  monitors also got a box I got a box for my friends   at Fluker so we're gonna try out some of this new  new stuff they got but they got calcium fortified   bearded dragon treats when I don't have any  bearded dragons but now you know they are serving   them up in these really cool new packages but  they also have fortified meal worms with calcium   that's pretty good all right and uh what else do  we have I used this earlier I I kind of I used it   guess what tortoises loved it so what they have  is for tortoise is really cool dehydrated uh it's   dehydrated dried green beans turnip greens cabbage  dried carrots dried green peas dried dandelion   grease dried zucchini dried apples dried bananas  dried calcium carbonate just add a little water   the tortoises loved it um all right so here's what  we got we got insect mix I want to try this out   let's see they got these bigger containers usually  they're much smaller containers but now we've got   a big container with mealworms and  roaches and gourmetics it is Gourmet   but you know we let's I'm going for it people  well we got a little of that let's do a little of   that and uh let's have some fun here I think the  black throats are gonna like this stuff let's be   making a salad we're making a black throat salad  and we're gonna add yeah calcium fortified worms   very good we got roaches in there I just want to  show you guys what else we're going to need those   we also have for the turtles this is really handy  if you don't want to buy a whole can of the shrimp   they have these River shrimp and they're packaged  like this so you could just basically rip it open   okay and you pull it out it's got a nice little  tab right here open that up and we'll just walk   over here and see I know uh here's our big  Badger lady come here young lady would you   like some fluka River shrimp you live in a river  you're a river Terrapin a royal River Terrapin   get on over there come on use that sniffer oh  look at those fish going crazy here she goes   what do you think um she's swimming through  it to be honest these guys are a little bit   more purple for us uh so no problem I'd say the uh  the fish the fish like it you the fish are happy   all right no big deal oh look at this got freeze  dry super worms so a lot of new stuff coming out   we also have some super worms I want to add these  to our little mix these are uh in the can so let's   see Dragon salad yeah Isn't that cool let's see  what the black throats will do and then we'll   go over and we'll see if just couple hangers on  there okay we got them then we'll go see what Inky   thinks of this food now these guys ate two days  ago and one of them ate a massive rat so who's   hoping who do you almost win this right you almost  went swimming buddy you got one eye in the back of   your head when you're walking backwards dude all  right look at this beautiful Regal lizards look   at them lounging you see how fat that one is up  there look how fat it is it a full rat I couldn't   get it away from it here guys are you interested  in this let's see oh you look like you're ready   for another meal go ahead oh look at all that good  stuff come on look at all that good stuff for you   get in there let's see oh yes she likes it very  good boy likes it how cool is that so yeah we'll   just go ahead and let them Chow Down and they'll  pick out what they like they got the super worms   again what I like about the way they're packaging  these animals now is I don't have to worry   about keeping the crickets alive or keeping the  mealworms or super worms alive for me it's a pain   in the neck so I like that they're now packaging  them they're fresh and um you know they still   have soft bodied and stuff so that's pretty good  man I'm liking it and clearly she's really into   those super worms huh yeah that is so I wonder if  that's because they're on top or whether she she   does seem to just be picking them out yeah it's  really interesting you know but they'll tell you   what they like and that's what this experiment's  all about I just love the fact that Fluker allows   me to test these new products you know um it's  a lot of fun being a part of that process so   obviously our carnivorous lizards love to eat  insects of any kind look at your Brave look at   how Brave mad's becoming oh she got some locusts  on that one that's pretty cool now I keep saying   she because I don't know I just feel like it's a  gal somebody's got the someone else is interesting   let's see that wasn't enough that rat three days  ago now it's just insane we'll put that right away   but these monitors are much more active than other  lizards and yeah oh you're getting getting whacked   but yeah they're they're hysterical man oh look  he's gonna go in he's I think he's gonna go in his   house or nope nope that tongue's telling him that  there's some food over here let's see what happens   holy belly on that guy that's crazy isn't that  crazy they're so much smaller and I just can't   believe oh how fast they've grown well just how  much she expanded I can't believe that well that's   what's interesting about monitors you look at a  Komodo dragon they'll Gorge themselves and their   stomachs can extend so many times uh the size of  what they're eating it's it's really incredible   but look at this these guys are loving this huh  this is pretty cool yeah they're they're just   gonna pick away at those mealworms and super  worms and the cool thing is is their calcium   fortified also so I know they're getting a lot of  nutrients in there you know this is a great treat   for these lizards obviously they're getting other  uh prey items whole prey items but it's good that   they get a little of that uh chiting from time to  time and we've got the duvia roaches are in that   mix as well as are some locusts so these guys  are getting a really nice meal um that I think   they're they're clearly enjoying it so that's oh  absolutely and they're not even they're not even   paying attention to me I'm only like a foot away  right yeah they're getting way more habituated in   fact what was interesting is the other day they  were so excited about eating they jumped out they   literally were on the ground but I didn't even  stress out because they're so food motivated that   I was able to lower them back up into the cage  without picking them up without picking one off   so that was pretty neat oh that one got a nice  roach in there cool now he's looking at me like   your finger looks really tasty but not as tasty as  a fluke or super worm so do you know how fluker's   calcium supports them well I'm imagining what  they do is they're probably uh gut loading these   animals uh but that's a great question man in  fact you know what I'm gonna ask them right away it's inside on the counter where I just bandaged up my finger from  grabbing a piece of bamboo in the last video relax relax check it out you answer the phone and everything  I love it Hey listen I what's up Waco hey can I   you're gonna be on my video talking to me I'm  feeding um I'm gonna put you on speakerphone   I'm gonna go ahead and uh get you on here  okay you don't mind being on a video do you   you're gonna love it you're gonna love it hold on  we go all right so guys I'm here at Waco and Waco   we're feeding the black dragons or excuse me the  black throat monitors your new insect blend and   um they're loving it they're eating things  yeah they're feeding them the insect blend   um we're feeding them also the calcium enriched  mealworms um how are you guys enriching those   mealworms are they gut loaded or what are you  doing to make them enriched uh actually they're   uh they're covered with a little bit of a calcium  carbonate right before that they're uh they're   dried oh very cool man we were you know Matt had  a great question he was asking how you in fact do   that so the calcium carbonate they're coated with  it right before they're dried out yeah so far so   good bud we're gonna go bring this meal over to  our black dragon and see how it likes it but it's   a great treat and I love the portion sizes uh the  tortoises really enjoyed the um the Tortoise diet   when you rehydrate it they really went to town on  it awesome that sounds good man all right buddy I   appreciate it man and thanks for everything you  guys are doing for us over here hey anytime let   us know whatever you need all right buddy I'll  take what I need is come back to Louisiana and   get some crawdads with you boys all right man  we'll talk to you soon tell everyone I said hello yeah so that's really cool man um yeah let's save  some for the rest of them uh let's bring this meal   I know you're go ahead get a couple more all right  oh they like drinking the water oh yeah the liquid   the liquid that came out that was what made  it look Gourmet yes that was The Gourmet soupy   all right we don't have much time left let's  get over to our girl Inky and see if she's as   excited about this stuff as you are Jesus dad you  scare me when you walk backwards boy holy smokes   let's run let's see if he can run backwards  don't do it I'm kidding come on some of that   again I'm an old man dude what are you doing we  got all kinds of things happening today so this   is really cool let's see and you guys are gonna  be psyched to see how big Inky got she's getting   massive I love her she's a good girl I'm so  glad every time I see her I'm so happy we got   her back from the bad people that tried  to take her watch her head there buddy hi Guapo hey you know what even though these guys  are herbivores every once in a while it's good to   give them a treat you want something get in oh  here comes Lola oh that's Lola come on come on   come on come on oh you like a super worm and  you know what guys it's okay these guys will   eat animal matter from time to time so it's no  big deal let's let him get a little treat man   we're spreading the wealth we got so much of  this good stuff I think he likes it I think he   likes it too that's clearly also very cool to  see him he just uses his tongue right he just   flicks his tongue come on buddy what are you  doing that's so awesome he's so chill with us   being right here too no he doesn't bother him  at all he is the most amazing lizard I have   him and Slinky I think are just incredible  but yeah oh look at look at this here comes so I'd say this is a success man these guys  are loving it um but you can see look at this   it got Locust right here as soon as I look  at her yeah you got Locust in there I mean   there's a whole bunch of good stuff in there and  like I said I was saying that even though these   guys are mostly herbivore they will use and eat  animal protein from time to time so I offer it   for them and it actually helps them especially  this time of year because the female is going   to be developing eggs so we want to make sure  that she's uh got the right nutrients in there   so a little extra protein and calcium is no big  deal for her come here okay watch this see this   I'll throw it right down on  the ground and she'll see it   she'll see it uh she'll walk right over  it right over it she's walking over it yeah go ahead wiggle it in front of her face  you hold it for her yeah yeah I'll do it   come here oh what's that girl there you go  good girl she's getting a little nibbles   look he even gotta he even got a grasshopper  man that's so cool oh look she got the other one   okay well let's go we're we're getting  down to the nitty-gritty I'll tell you what   there's some for you there's some for you how  awesome all right let's see what Inky does   Inky oh look at how beautiful Inky is all  right guys I have a feeling Inky is going   to be extremely motivated by this let's go ahead  Yankee come on I'll get it right over here look at   this get that flicker out come on look what I got  oh moving it back we want to move her over so you   can get an unfettered wow isn't that pretty slid  right now Isn't that cool yeah yeah she's cool   watch her use that tongue pull back a little  bit let her use her tongue to locate the food   oh there it is you got your treats I'd say today  was a resounding success my friends uh all of   our animals that eat vegetation and insects  are pretty happy so good stuff I'm loving   the fact that I have such a good partnership  with our friends at Fluker Farms thank you guys   uh this is making my animals extremely happy  and it's really cool to see them get so many   different prey items in their bellies because  I know that's going to make them very healthy   so oh sorry sweetheart that's what you want to  do no hesitation no no she gets she saw my hand   and uh it confused her but I got to be a little  careful with her because she's not quite Slinky   level yet but I love the fact that she doesn't  care I'm right here all right guys we're going to   leave you with our good girl eating the rest of  this amazing food check them out check them out   at fluker.com flukefarms.com alright guys thanks  so much let me know what you guys thought is this   something you guys would use I like the way they  portioned everything out just a simpler way to   get it done and it's easier than keeping these  insects alive which I'm no good at look at it [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kamp Kenan
Views: 32,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, sulcata tortoise, kenan harkin, camp kenan, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, vlog, learn, kachhua, caiman, gator, kenan, fluker's, sent, whole, bunch, products, food, food products, time, test, royal, river, terrapin, Aquascape, recreational, pond, crazy, black, throat, monitors, Guapo, Cuban, rock, Inky, dragon, meals, cuffaro
Id: i3b16m8HZ4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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