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but let's talk about the mondo line first one would be the original dc mondo all of the mondos were created based off of modified d2o um that's where that's where all the dna come from over time different people tuned them differently and it's the terms called cut so so-and-so cut this one so so cut that one so all the different mondo models basically represent a different cut so the regular mondo is the first one we've done it's based off of one of my old favorite old calls um it's a little cleaner on top than the others it's got good range it's good and loose on the bottom it's something most folks will blow it and pub big tracks of public woods that's kind of where it made its claim to fame um as with all the mondos most folks probably buy them for their volume and breaking high duck ability however i think their strongest suit is in finishing does um nice easy and loose on the bottom you get that little light chatter just really easy little easy quacks or you can step it up good natural sound a lot of bass a lot of rattle carries well ducks hear it good um the other side of it is you can really push it and get a lot of volume out of it dc mondo if you're looking to go to a cut down style call and want to try one or you're an old hand and you want to put grandpa's heirloom p.s old up and not worry about losing it or breaking it or messing up give one of the mondo's a try you just may like it that was the dc mondo the dc mondo lt or as some people refer to it mondo lite um that was actually a bad term because it's not really lighter than the regular mondo it's just different it's a little bit looser but it's not lighter um it's just as loud just got as much wax as as the regular mondo a little more bass a little more rattle um again it's really good at breaking high ducts but it's really loose on the bottom again again it's probably strong suits um it's finishing ducks however most folks will think your strong suit is breaking high ducks um but again like the regular mondo it's easy you can just breathe on it i'm just exhaling once you get that you're on the road get some good natural quacks out of it um get that light chatter again some little mama hen clucks it's just got a lot of natural to it when you just want to hit it normal got some pop but yet you can control it if you want to push it you can kind of clean it up on top [Music] if you're an old ham blowing an oat are you looking for something new check out the dc mondo lt moving on the mondo line is the mondo la now the mondo la is again as in all the mondos its dna comes from a modified d2o now the la designation stands to us for either lower arkansas or louisiana it was really popular back in the day when folks was modifying oats or cutting oats back in the day they would cut the tone board off square to whereas a regular mondo has a rolled tone board um this is actually where the actual term cut down came from the tone board is cut down cut back underneath the reed and that i don't know exactly what all that does but but it does change the call song the mono la tends to be a little bassier than the rest of the line and more rattle all the way through his range so um the mondo la that there's a lot of hands that come around here that that's that's their thing they tried and true firm believers in the mondo la and again like the other mondos it's loose on the bottom good natural quiet um you can hit it easy you have base in there it's got a lot more bass in it you hit it hard [Music] here it's got a little more rattle on top and there's another level i can push it it's just got a lot to it a lot of power in the call breaking high ducts or finishing ducts being finicky late in the year it's good all the way around um it's got a little different feel and personality than the other two and again with all the mondos there's a little different learning curve once you get comfortable with it you'll love them um if you're looking for a good if you had your dads your granddad's old l.a cut old and you're looking for something you're not worried about not able to replace check out the mondo la a lot of guys over time liked a shorter barrel so we'd mess with back in the old messing days we would uh take and just hack a barrel off to the blue batter we had a couple of our good friends here like the shorter barrels with the mondo so we started making one so we got the mondo s the mondo lts and the mondo las a lot of folks think that the tone board is different and the insert is different absolutely not the only difference between a mondo and a mondo ls is the length of the barrel so you can see there's a little barrel length difference here try to move that up but there's actually no difference in in the insert stop or tone board nothing it's all the same but it does change the personality of the call when you put that stopper in a shorter barrel a lot of folks mistakenly think it's going to be easier to blow it's not necessarily easier the air gets there faster but you got to be on more on top of the call to control it also too if we are batch tuning an order of calls that are going for both regular length barrels and shorter barrels typically when you put them in the shorter barrel you need to come back and make another snip on the reed so it actually makes them a little harder to blow pressure wise we adjust that by shortening the reed and again a lot of people love them but you got to be more on top of it this is a the regular mondo s that area gets there faster and again you just got to be a little bit more on top of it again a lot of folks like it better um it's cool but it's all on what you want and what the ducks like so that's the mondo s again no different between a mondo s and a regular mondo except the length of the barrel going to be the same thing with the lt and i'm going to use the same barrel i just used so it's not to mess anything up so when you take the ltm piece put in a shorter barrel it doesn't necessarily make it easier it just makes it different so mondo lts [Music] so what you're getting there is with that longer barrel versus the shorter barrel is the longer barrel actually kind of builds in just a touch of back pressure um so it takes more air to fill up the barrel so that's kind of for lack of a better term building back pressure especially like blowing them a little easy feeds or something it makes the call a little looser on the bottom so i'm gonna do the same thing with the shorter barrel you hear it's not quite as clean i got to push it just a little bit more but that being said when you're really blowing loud and on top it makes the call really sharp lots of pop there and it's it'll be that way for each one of the shorts whether it be a regular short lt short or an la shore the mondo l-a-s again i'm back to using the same green barrel and you can see that it's quite a bit shorter i don't know if you can see that very well it's three quarters an inch shorter and and the same way with the mondo la compared to the regular mondo or the mondo lt is the shorter barrel creates there to get there faster and again you got to be on top of a little more you really notice that to me with the la's more so than the others you got to come back on you got to be more on the call really controlling your mechanics [Music] you can't hear it fall off there because i fell off too much and that's that's just you got to keep it in there [Music] the shorter barrel just changes the personality and aspects of the call when you blow it but there you go um there's all the mondos if you're looking to switch and try or try a cut down style call we would love for you to give one of our mondo's a try or the new rocking r
Channel: RNT Calls
Views: 5,710
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: rnt, duck, goose, waterfowl, mondo, jim ronquest, john stephens, shawn stahl, arkansas, stuttgart
Id: sXa6zMKlV94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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