Morel Mushrooms Hunting (Beginner Tips)

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when we decided to do this show a long time ago I said that we're never gonna keep doing the same thing over and over it's all about doing different things and I'll tell you what we are on a hunt today that we've never done before but we're actually not using any kind of weapons we're actually going to be hunting for mushrooms and I don't know anything about hunting for mushrooms but I love to eat mushrooms I mean I just it's one of them kind of things where you know you're always looking at doing different things eating different things learning different things so when you don't know what to do you find somebody that does know a lot of all things and you know what this week we're very fortunate we have uncle Perry uncle Perry how's it going today you know what obviously you are a mushroom connoisseur here we are four years it's so what really kind of guy you in the mushroom picking you know I've been hearing more and more the last few years about all these mushrooms more and more people are getting into this and because they are so delicious but it's also a great way just to kind of get back out in the woods so you're not in the woods and spring and look for them there's they're real desirable or gourmet kind of they're they bring big money if you want to sell them but most we never sell them we just want to eat them I'm all for that big steak and put some morels on - hey I spend a lot of time in the woods Perry and I've never seen any mushrooms so I don't know how I'm not like not seeing them you know hey everybody hang on to your Heinie's we're gonna go mushroom picking [Music] we're gonna start walking into the woods what are we actually looking for I'll usually look for elm trees there's mushrooms growing a lot of different trees I guess apple trees and they say ash trees which a lot of them die the last couple years but maybe find some there but apples and apple trees and elm trees in the main trees or look at Wisconsin they grow on different trees like in Illinois you find them in cottonwood trees out west you find them over Aspen after fires go through it'll be a lot of rooms so different different areas different trees that grow back well how long does a tree have to be dead before we actually a mushroom starts growing and how it mean if you have trees that have been dead for three four or five years because they're still getting mushrooms underneath usually they don't produce anymore after that you want that first year with no buds on the tree at all anymore and the white bark kind of cracking off of it that's that's like a big plus if you see a tree like that that's what we kind of go for okay start there you know well we've got a bunch of the trees behind us that are dead so yeah I think we got a pretty good shot actually hopefully find it [Music] okay see registry those are two good that one might be good right there that that went over there to shaggy Barca you're right actually tree now so they're gonna grow they're gonna grow in here there it is man what look at Ali seriously this big one oh holy this one - how did they do suck that that's the thing you gotta keep on cuz I just saw this one and all sudden we were like well here's another here's another one go up dig their hole II can't woo this is cool big-time stop it no it's t-bones you almost stepped on those it's guilt no so now how would you actually pick up or take a little oh you tried to get them as long as you can good all that stem is good you know the whole you don't want to really pull them out and tear the roots of it there you go just like that kind of just give them a little twist look at the size of this is another another and fresh yes look at the enemy oh oh [Music] holy man I can't believe that awesome you see one and I'm like there's like they hide it yeah it's just like Olsen then they all appear [Music] oh I see something good at work look at that size on this one right here boo boo Perry clocks jackpot oh no I would oh here's another one right here now is there a certain point where you don't pick them because they're too smaller that's like telling a nice private land those are really good size but private land you can let them let them grow on and the right conditions they'll keep growing and spawn out and make it more here's one got one yeah nice just cuz they're more just that one just warm so far a good one too smaller with brush well we got a heck of a good start already I can tell you that the Perry yeah it's good that's probably a good meal right there oh yeah definitely four through I'm excited about cooking them up too so more okay let's keep going I don't want to stop now you just started hooked get the I port oh ye [Music] so Perry you're saying though this tree ahead of us is probably gonna be a prime tree yeah it's the white bark it looks awesome the Auburn thing's dead up on top it's a big tree might produce a lot you might find them all the load you never know holy so far I think we're doing pretty good right oh they're everywhere you are so right about this creeper oh my gosh I was like every place I look now I'm seeing them wow yeah here's one right here here's one right here told ya here's some more for here yup you were right 100% oh we can't oh here's another one right next to this one Perry yep oh look at the size of the head yeah this is awesome Perry let's talk a little bit about what the perfect conditions are for mushrooms and when you're looking for mushrooms what side of the tree would you typically start looking at we started in the early season you get up on the east east side of a ridge or something so the Sun hits in the morning and it warms that ground up and then those as it as a season progresses you're gonna be a more on the west side on the back side of hills because it gets warmer at that that stage of the spring and it warms that Hill up on that side and they're gonna start growing 50 degrees at night kind of that once you see that 50 at night 48 that's when they're gonna start growing you watch for crabapple trees when they blossom lilac lilac bushes when they will full bloom that's gonna be a sign that the five rooms it's warm enough then that the lilacs are blooming that that proves it this warm enough the grilled mushrooms and you like it when you get a mixture of rain and moisture yep you have a bad year you won't find any earlier okay hey Perry I see some more good trees up the hillside boy if we find one more tree like that last one this bag will be full gold hole that is it's like gold for sure Perry I agree with you look at all these mushrooms right here oh man oh man so what bag up well that's Hannah love my big look at this oh here's another one right it's Ulsan it's funny cuz Ulsan you just like start looking and get one in your hand your eyeballs are already moving on to the next search look at him all the way although oh I told you I was gonna go that way before [Music] this is insane mushrooms that's definitely [Music] hey hey I'll tell you what uncle Perry certainly was a learning curve this morning for me I learned a lot about the woods that I never knew anything about like I said earlier can't believe how many times in my life I have probably stepped over these mushrooms without even ever really recognizing what they were so now let's tell everybody what we're gonna do with them now we're gonna slice them in half and rinse them out real good put a little salt water on them so they get the bugs out and stuff and I'm gonna fry them up and make them yeah that's the part that I'm been waiting all morning for everybody hold onto your Heinie's let's move to the next process here so you actually cut them in half yeah you can see better yeah let's just pull all that whatever you gonna look a little clean yeah [Music] now that you've cleaned them all up and cut cut them up let's show everybody what the next process is and I saw that you drained all the water off yeah you want to get the water I'd always you got to cook all that extra moisture off and there'll be a lot of moisture when you start and they'll come up to a boil and you just keep on mix them around till the water is pretty much all cooked off and flip them over so they get cooked through and once they start popping I'll say that they're looking for moisture in it and then add a big chunk of butter and stir it around and get them a little bit Brown and little salt and pepper in game on but do not put the butter in right away no put the butter on to end okay all the juices are this buck cooked off now and they're just starting to pop a little bit you want to get all that and I'm gonna add a butter big chunk of butter who it is that time it is mushroom time I can smell them from all the way out there boy if the aroma and the host is boy them the last time I smelled something that good was ha the last time I was at a Jennifer Lopez concert whoo I'll tell you what Uncle Perry man they smell delicious I'm gonna grab a fork oh-oh-oh yeah mm-hmm I can understand why you were so picky when you were there anymore Sweden on me up man that is absolutely fantastic oh hey everybody hope you enjoyed our show this week we certainly are all about doing different things and speaking of doing different things make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel because we have hundreds of different videos out there of all different things that we do from hunting fishing mushroom picking magnet fishing it's just endless so join our youtube channel remember like I always say what a great day it is to be alive
Channel: Larry Smith Outdoors
Views: 241,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morel mushroom hunting, morel mushroom, how to find morel mushrooms, how to cook morel mushrooms, how to find wild mushrooms, wild mushroom hunting, morel, mushroom, hunting mushrooms, hiking, nature, how to cook and clean morel mushroom, cooking morel mushroom, cooking wild mushroom, how to find mushrooms
Id: Cddkj8JgISg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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