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it is 65 pounds oh my gosh guys yum it's very nice isn't it [Music] guys I feel so Christmassy now this is crazy and it's a Saturday wanna know what London's like a Saturday before Christmas aren't you please I'm filming this and you don't have to come here but I'm just gonna grab my Christmas present I'm joking I don't even wear a watch I couldn't care less to wear a fancy watch but anyway let me show you Harvey Nics we are going to Harrod's don't you worry for afternoon tea but I'm here a little bit early and I'm gonna have a quick look at the windows of Harvey nics it is a beautiful Saturday it's currently zero degrees it was -5 last night I know that's probably not cold for many people that is cold for London and actually by the time I've uploaded this it's apparently meant to snow next week we shall see oh that drain we wizz past it the other day in a taxi but look at the Mandarin Oriental look at the beautiful Christmas decorations yes this is a very very busy road but as we look across I think i passed here a few times they've got a little sparkly glitter sequin vibe going on behind the bus thank you oh here comes another one oh how cold would it be to sit on the top there is no one on the top I don't blame them oh and Burberry I've got a few little stars can you see those just waiting for the road oh we can cross now these decorations will be very very different to Harrods look at these can I touch them yeah they're like do they do that yeah it's like on a little plastic thing can you see that and they wiggle and Sparkle in the wind it's a very basic technique I do quite like that but the windows you're not going to see them too well they tend to just be fashion Windows yeah and then they'll have kind of the Departments of some of the brands called out in the corner yeah a lot of the sales have started early I noticed this in selfridges the other day actually I was just doing some of my own shopping a lot of it was already 50 to well 40 50 off but look at the trees yes everyone is gone for like a real Disco theme this year I mean as I pan back it's a jazzy number isn't it bit much for the Christmas party over the top we have got oh I love it I like the little tube things they come a little bit closer I haven't seen those anywhere quite a good idea aren't they I'm sure they look wonderful at night but yeah um I'm surprised it's not crazy busy it's crazy traffic some fancy clothing but yeah a little sparkly oh no they have a casualty it's a little bit calmer wait till we get to Harrods guys it's gonna be hilarious but I really like these bows aren't they pretty pretty random thing to mention but the electric the e-bikes of the Santander ones they're the ones that are dark they are so good I've been using them so much going to work going to meet my friends I usually have my helmet with me as well yeah I was gonna cycle today it was a bit cold and I don't gloves but I need to get like warmer gloves so yeah maybe I need to get some later I would say this does remind me a little bit of Debenhams I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate me saying that [Music] if you do want to see a full tour of Harvey Nichols I did want only a couple of months ago so I will link that link and one of those squares at the end but let's not get hit by the mega boss oh Heathrow old fire engine how cute is that maybe it broke down maybe they're just taking it somewhere but yes I'm heading on to Harrod's afternoon tea time no I am not showing you the food hall or any other sections apart from afternoon tea if you want to see the rest of harrods guys I've already done two Vlogs in it I've done all the outside decorations keep plugging my own channel and my content aren't I on these videos apologies but yeah if you want to go and see those check those out after I actually came to this afternoon tea last year oh gosh I can't remember with my sister and my niece so I'm interested to see the difference it is 65 pounds at least when we booked it was 65 pounds so it's gone up three pounds in the last year which I don't think is too bad but anyway let's head on in I'm freezing oh my fingers are cold busy busy busy thank you oh my gosh guys I'm like queuing to get on the escalator I'm just going to scoot in but I'm ready for a cup of tea I love the decorations we have made it and yes I'm probably showing similar things to the last year wow I'm really pleased to see they have this gorgeous display which I do remember and they have got a lot of the Christmas items up here so you can grab stuff seems like well are these just display I'm sure you could just take them but we've got a champagne the full range of tea coffee hot chocolate yeah it can be down in the food Hall my friends just came from there and they did say it was something short of carnage let's be honest but we have got this kind of divider area just hiding the afternoon tea this is a very very relaxed one so this is where the Harrods afternoon tea is its absolutely stunning in the tea rooms it's actually quite busy already it's only quarter past 12 and let me just show show you looks stunning doesn't it yeah they've got a few more tables than I think they had last time if I remember rightly and this some gorgeous gorgeous Christmas tree oh my gosh I love it there's a few little presents underneath and yeah it's all carpeted so it's a pretty calm environment as I pan past I'm sure people won't mind me filming them a little bit this room is absolutely gorgeous look at the ceiling and no it's not too loud I did get comments last year that it sounded loud and we do have the digital art yeah if you've watched last year's from Dominic Harris and they're like Interactive she says yeah they oh it's so cool we've got a few of them on the outside it keeps the kids occupied yeah I've not been to the Garden Terrace we'll have to check that out at some point it looks like a little kind of Conservatory I'm trying to see if we can see it later but there is a piano there The Pianist no doubt will be playing later so they do have some Christmasy music in the background it's very nice isn't that [Music] I feel like we have like the best seat and I'm here with all my friends Luke you're gonna recognize all these guys Rich Karen and Rachel so this is our festive sorry Luke I can't quite get you in there tradition yeah so we've got a really nice table here look at this and we've got a nice little booth I'm feeling festive are we hungry I'm starving I'm here for my interview Luke looks like he's being interviewed ha presenting I'm hoping the lighting is okay but we've got this little kind of like leathery menu oh The Pianist is playing it's like a really nice as I say temperature volume let me zoom in it's very good like I said it's really chill in here so let me show you the menu quickly so yeah we're in the Harrod's tea room is a little bit about the history you know what it's really tricky lighting in here to get everything in focus if you want champagne it's 16 oh that's prosseco 16 pounds onwards lots of different fancies obviously extra and you can get cocktails as well there we go champagne and that's pretty reasonable it's pretty normal for for places like this or hotels and then some extra drinks soft drinks gin I'm hoping that's coming out but I always find one when I've been here to get everything in focus is a bit tricky this is the festive afternoon tea is 65 pounds and I'm not going to read them all out but a huge selection of different sandwiches everything is refillable I mean within reason Patisserie selection the cakes here were amazing and they're all Christmas themed definitely make sure you leave room I think last year we didn't and then the fresh baked scones scones however you want to say it um there is plain and also raisin and you can also take I think all the cakes and these ones home I think last year though they're a bit funny about us taking sandwiches because they need you refrigerating they also have a vegan afternoon tea it's the same price yeah so a few great selections if you want to kind of go down that route especially with the sandwiches it's good to see that they've got that and then I'm gonna quickly show you the tea and of course there are pages and pages of teas I'm gonna try and go for something a bit more adventurous what should we pick and I like all the illustrations how cute they are they're really fancy it's 65 pound supplement for the carat leaf tea and uh Luke was actually just looking oh if I can get it seriously the lighting is really struggling sorry it was the Hawaiian black tea the 40 pounds extra I don't think I can do that oh my gosh so Luke's actually gone for the vegetarian one was in presenting vegetarianism oh my gosh I think he's going to talk through what they are exactly similar to last two years cucumber and goats cheese then we have the salmon on tomato bread in the middle we have the turkey they are the one with the sage we go follow we have the cheddar cheese croquette to finish with the eggs on the top then error ok so you can try a couple of teas and then try another one later on I've gone for the 49 blend which looks like it's an anniversary one and quite a few people on the table actually have picked the afternoon Special Blend as well but yeah loads to pick from these are going down really well the Christmas sandwich is amazing and this chox bun thing is very interesting I do quite like that yeah trying to Pace myself with all the cakes how was the vegetarian I feel like people are going to ask pomegranate seeds it wasn't so good the other ones were amazing if we walk up to the top tier now don't actually remember what they were but that looks really good that one there I think it's like a banoffee I think that's right that's a raspberry yummy and this was right thank you yeah as I was saying you can get your refills and they bring like a whole new tray how often you can also refills I always get comments from people within reason I mean we've been here I've been here like half an hour and they were like do it anymore like if you want to just get loads of the egg or the I don't know the salmon like they can do that so yeah but you've got to be hungry when you come here okay the color's gone a bit yellow but this is so good look it's like a little bauble eek as well I'm gonna dig into a little with this chocolate log the gold leaf on the side and we've just got some scones scones all nice and warm in there I'm literally barricaded in by these [Music] I'm going to talk dress code very quickly so the dress code here says no like it says no sportswear no trainers I'll be honest with you I think about 25 percent of the people are actually wearing trainers obviously they don't they're not gonna like kick you out but it's quite nice to wear something a little bit smarter but yeah the black jeans I don't think anyone's in a hoodie have we seen anyone in a hoodie we've seen one person in a hoodie I mean there's lots of trainers yeah lots of trainers but I'm very quickly see as I said this is 65 pounds I always get comments about other ones I've not been supposedly to Claridge is when I looked I think it's 84 pounds and obviously you need to add 15 service charge that doesn't include a lot of champagne most champagne to see is like 15 to 20 22 pounds for the rose one in most places and what was the other ones because it's a Savoy which I have been to literally just plugging my Channel all the time which I did go to couple of years ago that is yeah again a really premium one so this one is kind of in between some of the cheaper hotels and the higher end ones so 65 pounds as you see a lot of food Ambiance is really nice some of these are the same as last year should we see what this is oh what is that let's give it a go just going with the yellows yeah this is like a really nice let me pick this up it's like a really nice little like strawberry something or other very very nice and I'm going to try this gorgeous chox bun one and yeah we cleared the top shelf okay so we actually they give you boxes and you get a little Harrod's bag as well so yeah just order more and you can take it to go is everyone got there to-go boxes yeah mine is full we are sharing but its full yeah this is not like a normal thing for UK places where you get boxes for later heading off now it was very nice quick review we're just comparing this to fortnum and its a bit of a mixed bag between us I think some of us prefer Harrods some of us prefer fortnams I would say look I'm going to criticize it there is a doorway and constant flow people walking through the room which I'm going to be honest with you does take away from like the specialness of it which I'll show you in a second so yeah I would say if you're coming ask not to be sat on that walkway which we're not but it is a bit bizarre with people just generally walking through and staring everyone so it looks like this behind me is not like a permanent wall so hopefully fingers crossed they do change this I think it still feels a little bit like it's under construction but it was also very generous with all of the food yes you can ask for extra they just need to time it with the kitchen so they might say like oh do you mind waiting a bit for another tray of cakes for example but yes we had a couple of teas each lots of cakes lots of filled goodie bags doggy bags you should say to go and yeah generally really good service they don't rush you we've been here for a couple of hours it's not too loud the piano I think is really nice so yeah if you want one that's maybe you'll see a bit more money it comes to like 73 pounds each with the service you've added yeah I would recommend so yeah there is a constant flow oh gosh people are going to criticize me here's a moment where there's no one but yeah it's a bit of a crazy walkway along here we made it outside we did get a bit lost didn't we a little bit yeah we lost half of it we were like where's Luke I feel like the fragrance area kind of messed up our like it's not visual where are we all got a bit lost spritz with perfume as we walked through well we definitely enjoyed the afternoon tea I'll get you all guys in shot what would you rate it out of ten I like to do ratings out of 10. eight and a half yeah id give it 8 8.25 oh very specific April yeah I agree with around the eight to eight point two five but yeah I'd recommend anyway guys Merry Christmas thanks for watching and you're vlogging this aren't you yeah yeah go and watch Karen B's Channel and go and watch L and R dreaming Luke and Rich for some fun what have you got coming Florida yeah waltdisney world I'll link their channels below so definitely go and check those guys out and I'll see you in the next video Merry Christmas Merry Christmas [Music]
Channel: Hannah Ricketts
Views: 235,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things to do in london, free things to do in london, london, london tourist, london guide, london tour, london parks, london tips, travel guide london, tourist, london vlog, anglophenia, anglophile, travel vlog, travel day, uk food, uk vlog, London 4k, London travel, London street, moving to london, London walking tour, uk vlogs, London walk, London vlog, vlog, 2022 london, vlogmas 2022, christmas market, Christmas in london, christmas decorations, vlogmas, christmas, festive
Id: yAJ2a_TAI2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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