How to piss off a Londoner (as a tourist)

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- Hello from London. Now listen, tourists, we love you, we really do. But we have developed some unwritten rules in this city that help to keep us all moving fast and going in the right direction. And if you don't know about these unwritten rules, then you might end up pissing off some of the Londoners here. But the good news is, once you know them, then you're good to go. You'll get along with everyone and have an amazing trip in the city. So we're gonna talk you through the things you should know so you don't piss off any Londoners. Let's go. Okay, let's talk about the Tube. Now, us Londoners use the Tube day in and day out and in this city we love efficiency. We have places to go and people to see. So we've kind of created some unwritten rules in the city to make sure everyone's moving as quickly as we can. So the first thing that you should know is that when you go into a Tube station and you're getting up to the ticket barriers where you're gonna pay, you wanna have your payment method ready to go for when it's your turn. Londoners tell me all the time how annoyed they get when they're behind somebody going up to the barriers and then as soon as it's their turn, they're like, going around trying to find their phone or their Oyster card or whatever and it holds everybody up behind them. Honestly, like the more efficient I glide through that day, it just like, makes me happier. So definitely make sure you do that as well. Another big one with Londoners is what you do on an escalator. So the rule of thumb here is that if you do not wanna walk down the escalator and you wanna stand, then you stand on the right. So remember that, stand on the right and then if you do wanna walk down, then you're gonna go on the left side and you're gonna walk and make sure you're doing it at a good pace because we like to glide down those escalators. If you don't, you'll definitely get someone coming up behind you very quickly and being like," Excuse me," and you'll need to shuffle to the side. One that you'll find is a rule around the world but that we're really committed to in this city is that if you're waiting to get onto the Tube, once the door's open for a carriage, let everybody else get off of the carriage first before you try to shuffle your way onto it. It just makes it easier. Also, it's kind of rude to just hop on as people are still trying to get off. When you get on the Tube, you will see these seats that are labelled "priority seats". These are for people who are not able to stand, who might be pregnant or have some kind of disability and basically just need to be able to sit down comfortably when the Tube is moving. So try to avoid sitting in those seats. If you do sit in one of those seats, just keep an eye out for anybody that might get on that looks like they need to sit down or if they have one of these badges on that says they're pregnant or has a hidden disability or just looks like they need to sit down and you can offer them your seat. In fact, any seat that you're sitting in, it doesn't have to be priority one, it's nice to do that if you can. Now, if you have a bag with you, if you can make sure you put it on your lap, don't put it on one of the seats next to you so that somebody else can sit there. And if you're standing and you have a backpack on, make sure you take the backpack off and put it between your legs because otherwise, you will basically be smacking people in the face with your backpack, which is really annoying and uncomfortable. So just keep it between your legs so that everyone can squish in and not be smashing their face into your bag. And finally, when you get onto a carriage, if it's busy, make sure that you don't crowd around the door. Move down into the middle of the carriage more, which means that more people can get on and they don't have to wait for the next train. We just get people moving to where they need to go faster. By the way, if it's your first time visiting London, which if you're watching this video, it probably is, we have a special freebie for you. It's called our London 101 Guide, which has everything you need to know before you come to the city for the first time. And you can get that, again, completely for free by clicking the link down in the description box of the video. Okay, go get that and then we're gonna get right back into the video. Okay, let's talk about money. You'll notice when you get to London that Londoners love efficiency and that's why you'll often see us paying for things with contactless cards or with Apple Pay or Google Pay and rarely with cash, even if the place does accept cash. So if you're able to pay with a contactless payment, then definitely go for that 'cause that means that everyone behind you won't have to queue for as long but if you only have cash, that's fine too. Also, if you go someplace and you see something listed in pounds, as it will be because we are in England, don't ask the staff what that is in whatever your local currency is. They don't know. And also currency fluctuates constantly. So that's kind of a weird question to ask somebody in the country that they live in. Just have an app on your phone so you always know what the conversion is. And finally, if you come to London and think it's expensive, don't complain about it to Londoners. We know it's expensive. We live this every single moment of our lives. We walk outside and for breathing we are charged 15 pounds. So please keep that to yourself. We don't need to talk about it anymore than we are already dealing with it. One thing you should know about us Londoners, we walk fast and we know where we're going. So if you're on the pavement walking in front of us and you suddenly just stop short, you might have one of us bumping into you because we are walking fast and it's hard to just stop short at this crazy speed. So if you need to look on Google Maps and figure out where you're going or you just wanna look up or take a picture, that's completely fine but instead of stopping in the middle of the flow of traffic, just move to the side closer to a building or near something that people aren't gonna be walking past anyway. And do it there just so you don't obstruct that flow of traffic and everyone can get on their way at an insane speed. That being said, if you're also travelling in a group that's like three people or more, please do not all walk three in a line while going down the pavement. Usually that means that it takes up most of the pavement and people can't get around you. They will struggle to get by you if they're coming in the opposite direction, just kind of a pain. Try to stick to like two and two, or if it's really narrow, you might just need to kind of like, go one behind the other every once in a while. Just don't take up the whole pavement so no one else can get around. And listen, I know that you guys love the Beatles and you wanna come and see where they shot the iconic album cover here on Abbey Road. But the thing is, by law, if somebody is walking across it, the cars that are oncoming have to stop. So if a lot of tourists are in the crosswalk trying to take a photo or a video, it ends up creating a huge traffic jam for the locals in the area. And you could end up making somebody late to pick up their kid at one of the local schools. So if you do wanna take the photo, just be sure to try to do it when there's no oncoming traffic so you don't make somebody stop and cause a traffic jam. There you go. By the way, just to clarify, you can use that crosswalk to actually cross the road and have the car stop. Just don't stand in it trying to get a photo and hold everybody up for way too long but you can use it to cross, that's completely fine. You might notice a lot of street performers around London, especially in areas like Covent Garden and around here, which is the South Bank. Now, these street performers, they have to audition and also get a permit for them to be able to play or perform wherever you're seeing them. So if you stop and you watch for a bit, or especially if you get involved, please be sure that you leave them a donation. You can either leave some coins or some paper pounds or actually, most of the performers these days will have a little card machine so you can tap and donate that way. So not having cash is not an excuse, but yeah, that's how they make their money so be sure to leave a donation if you watch. One of the things I find kind of funny and interesting about British culture is how strict they are about their queues or their lines. Basically, you never, ever want to cut into the queue and jump ahead of anyone because people will not be happy. And even though London is filled with foreigners and people from all over the world, we still stick to that like crazy. So if you're in a queue for something here, make sure you do not accidentally jump the line or try to do it because people will not let it happen. If you see houses that you wanna take pictures or videos of, please be respectful of the people that live there. For example, everybody always wants to take pictures of the beautiful rainbow houses in Notting Hill and that's fine. Just be sure to keep your distance so you don't get any pictures of actual residents that live there and don't do things like going up on the stoop or going to the door because that is very invasive and I'm sure you wouldn't want somebody to do that to your home. So just be overall respectful of the people that live in these places. Don't criticise our food here in London. First of all, a Londoner will tell you how good the food is here, especially because we have world class international cuisine that you definitely have to try while you're here. But also you were definitely gonna be judged if you come here and you say you didn't think food was very good because we're gonna know that you just didn't try hard enough to go to some good places. And sorry, but that's on you. So make sure you're trying good spots. We literally talk about a million, so you have no excuse. Don't complain about the weather to us, we know. Still hot. All right, and now you know it all, you're gonna be golden. And if you want more tips for your trip to London, we have literally hundreds of other videos that you can watch and you can do so by clicking one of the boxes popping up around me.
Channel: Love and London
Views: 85,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: love and london, london, jess dante, jessica dante, visit london, london guide, london travel, londoners, local london, alternative guide to london, london culture, london dos and dont, london mistakes, london tourists, first time in london, london travel guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 45sec (585 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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