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the Savoy Hotel has taken the biggest gamble in its 120 year history ladies and gentlemen the Savoy closed for three long years in one of the most expensive refurbishments in hotel history 600 new staff have been given a crash course in five-star service in just a matter of weeks because a drop your head down the MS but now ready or not The Savoy must finally open its doors the anxiety I think would be the overriding sense at this point in time the pressure is on as the new staff must cope with the demands of a royal visit and the arrival of the sepoys new owner who's about to find out just what you get two hundred and twenty million pounds raw highness nice to see you again with you welcome back or what any no my apologies for this week just cleaning air this evening sir I think was wrong you all night looking for a job cost me by the way and I have no intention of losing my reputation over any of you mr. welcome to the Savoy it's the 9th of October 2010 there's just one day to go before the Savoy's much-anticipated reopening from its closure to its relaunch the success of the new Savoy rests squarely on the shoulders of general manager Kieran McDonald alright right how do you feel seriously I mean this is a genuine question it's a bit uncomfortable to be honest to me okay well we'll address that this will be the toughest week of his career it's not just the reopening of the first and grandest of London's great hotels this is the return of a British institution well honestly think you all look first-class and the eyes of the world will be upon them when the doors open there's not a lot you can do outside of all the planning that you've done already that's a scariest bit because of course the reality is the expectation is perfection day one when we open the doors across its 12 floors its 268 rooms it's 38 river suites its new fine dining restaurant and lavish Beauford bar everything must be flawless all available rooms are booked for the opening with guests paying from 350 up to ten thousand pounds an army of Staff has been sent to check and double-check every single room they're signed off by a front of house manager ally almond this is one of my favorite rooms just cause of the entrance nice big living room yes it's great that is if we don't have any water in this room there is vodka though my caffeine is it you know we literally have what is it 15 16 hours now to finish it's inside a way to finish this entire thing off yeah it is yeah what's written on new page my new money the time frame and it's not just the rooms that need a last-minute polish having had only six weeks training on-site from tomorrow the Savoy's new staff will be serving some of the most discerning and demanding visitors in London the Savoy's band of 26 Butler's are about to be unleashed on the paying public when you press a shirt you should always give it rest yes time the butler service has not been seen at the Savoy for 30 years the man responsible for bringing it back is head butler Shonda buran I don't know you're pinchy you could pinch that me of course but you can pinch the cloth try that I'm not expecting to do just like that because there's quite a bit how to serve your morning tea how to present the newspaper how to press a shirt how to fall something how to run a bath or what about if somebody else you take their dog for a walk there's a lot you will be able to on these shirts and press with your eyes closed by the end of this time we're going to do anything for anybody as long as it's legal that's my scope what I don't understand is this hand year Oliver did you watch these hands get your hand off that chair please because your hand press fires this is a lovely sweet let me start my artist deserves it once the butler's have done their uniforms Sean's right-hand man Andrew Dixon decides to test them with a little roleplay I would love some coffee darling what are you - can we get some you're certainly sir you like a glass of champagne done should i cancel their coffee and perhaps get a beer we order some coffee Jimmy did okay then let's have a bottle of champagne and a tender macaroon and a macaroon sir you were very very very patient because you can get carried away like that for a long yeah you will also guys get the guests that do come in that actually live through people like us their Butler's and service staff they're used to having people attached to them 24/7 and they don't know how to do anything you know heaven forbid if that PA goes sick for a day and a half what on earth do I do not every staff meeting is announced with a fanfare but this is the last time that all be together before the hotel opens this this is a really historic occasion for us all and over the last number of weeks we've all been working very very hard to get us ready for 10-10-10 pep talk over there's nothing left for Karen to do except take a deep breath tomorrow is the start of a brand new future for the Savoy and that's very very exciting very very exciting it's very relaxed for a man that's about to reopen thus avoid anything you think this is relaxed the big day has arrived just a year and a half late and only 120 million pounds over budget the Savoy is finally ready to open its doors yeah for hours it's been a long night making sure everything is ready and now six weeks of intensive training in the art of five-star service are about to be put to the test that's important that all foreign office colleagues coordinate to the butler's so the butler can be positioned on the elevator closest to where that room will be there is a butler not there for any one reason which they would never be Shaun has promised me you would continue to the room to the suite well there will be allowed by the end of the evening it's quite emotional and because it's such a big occasion the bars the excitement this morning it feels like a hotel now I didn't if you asked me that yesterday I said no it didn't feel like but there's a great buzz in the horn people are excited for general manager Kieran McDonald today has been a long time coming full like an historic event Oh God absolutely oh gosh yes well how couldn't it yeah I know it's cool that moment you know just for everybody you see it you see it on all the team's faces and everybody associated with the Savoy um very special day for their first guests the hotel has lined up someone they think encapsulate the spirit of the new Savoy it's Stephen Fry determined to drag the hotel into the 21st century Kiran has asked him to be the first blogger in residence gosh anyway welcome thank you and selected to be mr. Frye's Jeeves is none other than head butler Shawn devaron this is actually called the blueness just to give you a little bit Direction waiting like I said oh you must be so excited you're finally at work well I certainly had withdrawn essentials to this yes that's right welcome to London home sir thank you I've got the kettle Boyd if you'd like this is lovely I settled slowly and a coffee will be gorgeous I have a long relationship with the Savoy actually from the very first it always to me had a sort of mystical magical quality and then my obsession grew with Oscar Wilde and Oscar's relationship with the Savoy is enormous I think it's really important for London to have its great hotels I think it attracts people it keeps keeps a huge amount of employment theaters all depend on having a hotel like it's right in the heart of the West End full of people who have come from all over the world and I can't I can't think that's a bad thing keeping Stephen Fry happy is one thing now they face the paying public welcome back thanks right let's try it's a couple of days only with returning guests are desperate to see what's left of the hotel they used to know with no check-in desk and a ban on luggage in the front hall a seamless Savoy experience depends on everything functioning perfectly behind the scenes working on it right now are they up okay yes we'll have a bigger futures blown to the down they're changing a fuse okay but outside in Savoy court the luggage lift has stopped working when I find out why the lift went down but it yeah right now we just gotta wait for them to fix it to ensure the new check-in system doesn't fall apart the porters have no choice but to take every piece of luggage on a 10-minute journey around the outside of the building for our team it's not nice for them to have the light bags all around and take these roundabout routes when we set a very strict standard of no luggage through the front hall people aren't paying a large amount of money to stay they don't expect this to happen but for the guests everything seems to be running smoothly a friend of mine used to earn this group of hotels and has been beautifully restored and it's one of the great institutions of London how do you like the dental hook bar now yes this is the victim as I was nightclub really good night self feeling isn't it right modern is the first duty of the new Savoy Butler is to meet and greet their guests on route to their 3,000 pounds plus sweet to help they've invested in a state-of-the-art communication system Nikolas Olivia sure sure sure I have no idea what's happening at this moment I can't get anybody from the coordinators so I'm going to count to 10 before I get downstairs before I take somebody's head off now it's not yours that can take my head off I don't mind I'm close by I want to know what's happening Joe because he met all these guests and that has but miss miss shut up one moment yeah I want you to find out who was being met and who hasn't been Matt please sure did you meet every one of your arrivals no not all of them why because nobody could get you I'm not going to say anything to you now but this you make sure that you meet everybody absolutely from telling you now Oh downstairs everything still appears effortless it was like being the air to tell them that this is how you fold a little by that there was such a lovely moment oh yeah I was so tough in the Beaufort bar one glass of champagne can set you back a mere 158 pounds but that doesn't seem to be putting anyone off I think it is genuinely truly that one of the most beautiful bars I've ever seen like really terribly impressed by the rooms and damn the hotel's been quite nice so far everything seems to be becoming again I think I might be I think I'm Kieran's all too aware that it's been far from perfect behind the scenes but if in doubt make another toast ladies and gentlemen I'd like us to raise our glasses and make a toast the toast is the Savoy the physical transformation hard as it was that's only one piece of the jigsaw and the much more difficult thing is to rekindle the spirit of the Savoy and to re-enter the London market to live up to the expectations but that tomorrow's another day I mean today is about enjoying it getting a real sense of satisfaction and pride all of the servos new staff are on a steep learning curve just six weeks ago trained actor ollie is odd knew nothing about being a butler now for the first time he'll be serving guests who've paid dearly for the privilege he's ready Jocelyn's is it for a jolly good nothing let me just tell you something vessel she should have heated your pots while your event Lancers uh-huh right which have done your graduate schools in the 45 degree angle 45 degree two pots of tea I came for an interview for to be a door host in the river restaurant eventually found myself talking to Sean and Andrew who convinced me to come over onto their side it's difficult to look glamorous isn't it when you're pushing every room service trolley just that slight bit as you try to say on that glamorous pushing this trolley is that you're trying to tell Ollie will be serving breakfast in one of the Suites but so far only half of the food has arrived it's ten minutes late which I don't particularly like a thing Tiny's good morning sir breakfast is just coming I just want to we have it all in readiness we're so bear with this I'm just so sorry please there's a young man coming that's what to bring this info oh that's okay but I promise I won't give you much longer sure thank you very much for your understanding thank you proves my point you know this is not good enough them you think you better manage this inside you know what you want me to Helen I think it should be fun no no don't think it should be fine and look at me straight me I do you think it's going to be fine of course good for you it's breakfast but you have you done one of these before never I've had I had breakfast and I'm very happy but you've had it but you're not having it at Savoy did you have breakfast at Savoy now I haven't what maybe we have to teach you how to breakfast it's my mother's extremely good average families you understand you have to convince me just because I like everyone taking your other table faster just like out there the popliteal is another one to parent all good right where should we set this out where would you like your trial that's some toast out anyways right come up with the newspapers and porch will be here in half an hour feel for your luck in tonight we'll have a lovely morning I'll see you before you go it is Nev and I'm going into someone's personal space I don't see you put in keep up this sense of you know this is the best you'll ever see this time the hotel may now be up and running but the Savoy experience is still a work in progress everything we've done we've tried to make it as perfect as possible and to get the basics right and then we're gonna add and add and add now good often member service good afternoon tell me about ads no services in our bus station okay Christopher are you paying are you giving services no not those that thank you it's the butler's clearly have some way to go to meet Shaun's exacting standards well I mentioned one thing to you what did I mention that I want you to work on my chickens chicken is an arrogance that I didn't like I think it's very important now for me to see each Butler and have a conversation with them I'm quite demanding I'm quite direct and it's not everybody's taste do I care not really what I say you'll always be late for your own funeral Oh a timekeeping yes no detail is too small for Shawn's keen eye I did but it was really quick Shawn it looks quick yeah sorry I don't mean to another year okay I'm sure we'll be better it will be better life or maybe after lunch Avicii Ali one I would depict as the typical English Butler he's got that style though when Oliver came to in his interview Oliver came in a suit with a bow tie tied by him and actually left that first impression I saw him across the room and he definitely could be a battle it's not just the butler's that need some work the 10,000 pounds a night royal suite isn't ready and its first guest Savoy owner Prince Alwaleed arrives in just a few days that's a 25,000 pound mattress three oh it is good sleep enough on a sherry thick Venice LOI across his gleaming new hotel he'll be expecting perfection from immaculate service to exquisite dining the river restaurant closed in 2004 and it's relaunch is crucial to the Savoy success service tonight the new staff will be facing a tough test to impress 80 of London's glitterati manager Stuart stand comb is overseeing the party people that are coming tonight of the sort of people who go to restaurants all over town speak to everybody all over town I mean I think it's important that these people see us in our best slide our best possible light so we didn't find Agins dis sight yeah tables done signed off okay next table Wow Elle Macpherson batgirls table do y'all agree Peter Mandelson we put him on that table no we don't put them that's the happy people the rich and famous have always flocked to the Savoy from film idols to world leaders from sports stars to royalty Kieran's hoping that the hotel will once again become a magnet for celebrities it's not necessarily with the money that they directly spend it's by the influence they have in attracting other people to the Savoy having celebrities in the hotel adds that theater adds that excitement you're coming here with a with an anticipation about who might you walk past or be in the lift with or maybe sit across the table from because there is actually something they should be the river runs from being Murphy's not give me any day the week that's fine you got to hurry up I've got a chrome eyes more fast shake one give me the big one Jason hey excuse me let's go imitate with the kitchen under pressure Kieran's leaving nothing to chance come on we're picking stuff up let's go guys it may have been stressful behind the scenes but it's all smiles out front very high-profile guests so there were two used to go into the best places having you know the best service and particularly the new team I don't think many of them have served people like that before but with the Savoy's new owner on his way Kieran knows there's no time to relax our opportunity with that first impression has been a great success tomorrow and beyond is another day the pressure is gonna build it's been three weeks since the Savoy reopened after one of the most expensive hotel renovations in history and later tonight the man who footed the bill will be arriving to inspect his investment late Monday nights are all Highness Prince Alwaleed coming to stay with us for his first visit this is a rider or a resume of all the requirements that we have quite interesting as he's coming in his own 747 looks like he's laying there to get work at about 1:00 a.m. so I need to make sure that my team is here around 2:00 2:00 to 2:30 3 o'clock so we sit really for him which I'm sure they'll be excited about Prince Alwaleed is a man who knows what he likes the big thing here is the air conditioning has to be exactly 17 degrees Celsius exactly he eats between midnight and 3 o'clock in the morning no food made with butter melba toast the lavs melba toast not content with one royal family this week the Savoy will have two Prince Alwaleed with his sixty strong entourage and arriving to open the hotel officially Prince Charles guys put one excuse me if I catch you talking again and we could sell it up in your mouth I'm deadly serious because if anything goes wrong you all might be looking for a job you pass me by the way and I have no intention of losing my reputation over any of you you're listening these people have a house bigger than the Savoy I can tell you 375 room to be precise is one of their houses so are we out to impress very important the decorators may have finished in the Royal Suite but not everything's perfect they're becoming here later on this evening in the early hours so we'll all be ready and waiting still got a few things we've got to tweak and without a doubt there's a tremendous level of anxiety and you know mixed emotions in terms of excitement but I think anxiety I think would be the overriding sense at this point in time Shawn puts 25 years of butlering experience to good use coming up with an ingenious solution for the stain on the Royal carpet perfect you wouldn't even know those a stand now if he looks like it was meant to be I'm just down on the Savoy here dealing with the arrival of these cars it's all hands on deck for the princes arrival from finding space for his fleet of cars that have been shipped from Paris just making note the fact that Bentley is dinged already there's another boy too accommodating his sweet tooth even though he doesn't eat sugar we're gonna prep the special item for him sugar free sugar free macaroons sugar free chocolates and with sixty VIPs arriving at once the butler's must check that their sweets are perfect everything you go through like a fine toothed corner I don't want to see one thing on the place but and I want no lip from anybody this afternoon everything has to be and span and since when you become the interior designer listen I worked for Anushka hempel and Noah volunteers well I know it certainly wouldn't put a shower curtain up there anyway but no that's just me I'm sorry family that's just a bit garish it is most important that you keep women happy in life because the world was no putnis the boiled run much smoother when all the ladies are happy I don't buy telling him that Oh me hey Salvador's anything very exciting now today because now this is what you're talking about class people coming to stay and the bit of buzz it's been requested that the hotel's specialist entertainment channels be switched off for the princes entourage and the butler's are just double-checking Lexia I said hotels always have porn and they always entertain because I want someone phone down and said um excuse me do you have any more hardcore porn because this stuff isn't all of us I said I'm sorry I really don't know I haven't seen any of them but here we talked about what we do and we'd probably go out and would you would say we can get you so I go to service we winter strike when we say in particular that you want and we can get hold of it and bring it someone's bringing DVDs then to the remote I meant that this is someone time away from home and within those doors they can do or they want as long as it's legal um and I think you know and I think black Zilla v is a yeah it's definitely something which enriches people culturally the princes imminent arrival seems to be making some people just a little tense since when do I have to be pushing tables around your me to do well it doesn't matter I bet you in my ear I've got you in my face no because I didn't bring up you might see something else in your face in it how's the king should be done yet you know it's loving you know I know I don't know what's happening here since wake up get me plates get the kitchen sorted and restore it basically what I enjoy and want to see where I'm going to put this I just can't seem to get jobs travelberry I left it turned on another style I just much I are you getting lost my baby because I drop it in your head now in the middle everybody in the front hall for the arrival yeah as far as for our staff including luggage Porter's okay I don't want people scatter around face I'd like to have a line of luggage Porter's all together looking 100% clean cut and ready to go pick up the fruit and bring it over to him really son I just need to looks right to me doesn't look right anywhere I push us now I have a funny feeling distance better if I don't actually punch them to move their up bums that I'm a big trouble it's 1:00 a.m. and the Savoy's front of house manager Ali is at Gatwick Airport waiting to welcome the princes private jumbo jet all keys inside talk about it okay your highness and her Highness on the top for the staff it may have been a long day but it's about to get even longer actually does look better there hundred evening everything they look better dozen this is the ultimate test you're talking about the owner of the Savoy put an enormous amount of money so I think he's going to be he'll he'll want to have a reassurance that the finished result is something that he wants to have his name behind and proud of his name behalf now we were fast past relaxing this is there it's the period of alertness my guess to be honest is he's gonna want to look around to start and his entourage will follow him quite a lot the Royal Highness nice to see you again with to welcome back would any no indeed absolutely ready the art highness Kira McDonald welcome to the Savoy so you had a good journey in thank you for your patience the Prince wants to take a look at his shiny new 220 million pound hotel so the the Thames way here of course this is this is home of afternoon tea so this is a very traditional English tradition here the river restaurant that's our modern French restaurant I think Gary rush on has done a marvelous job isn't it gorgeous so we're now heading up to the American Bar which is I think one of the most famous bars in London our maid bar cooky is one member of the Savoy team who has looked after the prince before I think he loves it because it it's fairly efficient it reflects all the history and it's I've never really seen him very excited unfortunately for Kieran Prince Alwaleed wants to see every corner of the hotel my apologies for this week was cleaning air this evening sir didn't know that we would go on a hotel tour that would encompass the ballroom so yeah a little glitch but I'm not going to lose sleep on that although the prince has retired for the evening there's still lots of work for the Butler's and more than a hundred and seventy pieces of luggage to organize quite intense because we had them to move furniture around who didn't like you have to find white slippers get me my black and we find more closed rooms is there like a Java truck schedule these are the owner of the Savoy as your guest and you know with very very specific requirements and we have to deliver on that as well as the rest of the hotel get ready for the morning after so the next number of days is anything but relaxing it may have been a very late night but early next morning the staff are back attending to the princes very specific needs you can't sleep at any light any bit of light so on the phones you have a little red dot we had to cover that up make maintaining the temperature of the room at 17.5 he's a bit specialized we just basically have to make sure we've got all of the products that he wants he doesn't change his body clock so he has dinner at 3 in the morning and then breakfast when it gets up in all he gets up sort of like 2:00 in the afternoon okay so he stays on sound you time wherever he goes in the world just slightly odd I love it I love having that means the fourth richest man in the world obviously so that's why we do this but I don't work at Lloyds Bank because I want to meet people to give them their pension you know and deal with everyday people I do this because I want to deal with top top people like that I just think the fact that they're all here and that there is an entourage just for one man and that we've had all of these bags and all of this luggage coming in I don't think is the oldest thing ever it's really surreal being a butler is taking some getting used to for ollie I'm holding the biggest boa fruit in the world that's really funny I feel like I'm carrying the corpse of Carmen Miranda when I walk hard I literally walk around pretending over but for me I'm just going this is my job is managing literally when I go I think how about I do this you have to have quite camp walk we have to walk it can be very straight there's about the hand as well when you're doing like one of these just a slightly outward hand as you're working Trey's should never be carried below the shoulder if at all possible no matter what you're carrying plenty of and being about level but that's I think what they expect and what they what they want despite having booked out an entire floor of the hotel the Prince is using part of the public area as his living room for some of the new staff it's the first time they've had the pleasure of serving royalty I served him some tea and he just shouted at me it was caffeine free and that was it I'm still shaking from serving it scares me so much I thought celebrities were scary but the prince is a whole new level of scariness so I had like the shaky hand that's firing my teapot it's 2:00 a.m. and been the head concierge is in the middle of a 12-hour shift he's been responsible for taking care of all the princes plans which can be subject to change at a moment's notice His Royal Highness went to the bomb Brasserie we'd actually booked another restaurant on the Thames for him however at the last minute we decided that we wanted to curry so we bought the Bombay Brasserie and yeah we booked the Cineworld at Hut at Haymarket as well for the evening the whole thing when bought all the tickets and kept it open until whatever whatever the time it was 2 a.m. suspecting that the Prince might be partial to a late night walk Ben has come to meet him at the cinema how long would you like to work for so long as we are directly back to the hotel about 15 min here about 10 minutes so get it from here yes big delays just the top of the road thank you sir very good it would be rather embarrassing as the head concierge of the Savoy to be lost guys draw finder so I can assure you it's a real absolutely surreal walking around sort of past 5:00 in the morning so the traffic was stunned to to build up and His Royal Highness isn't exactly used to traffic so you gotta make sure that he's okay so yeah it's been another exhausting day but the Savoy is longest week isn't over yet there's the small matter of the official opening with Prince Charles and the world's press it's november 2010 there boy the home of sweet romance the hotel is fully booked and its new owner seems happy with his 220 million pound investment what could possibly go wrong there seems to be a rather strange aroma in the air to the slight stench of fish is not awfully exciting to do not very advertising identical the smell has caught the attention of the royal party I know it's got something coming through the extractor knife in the restaurant this is a mystery that needs to be solved I think a stalker so I'm standing in the front hall with His Royal Highness actually in the adjacent room and his entourage are here the Savoy's head engineer is called on site immediately when the winds blow in the wrong way what we're getting is the smell of fish being drawn into the restaurant so um probably not too pleasant if you're about to go have a nice meal a very strong fish odor pervaded the whole public areas and you know you got this smell you know you can't go around with air fresheners the ventilation fans are turned off and the smell of fish is brought under control normal service can resume but looking after Prince Alwaleed and his entourage has been a testing experience for the Savoy staff we finished about 25 past 6:00 this morning and at that point of the morning I had two calls a day because I had been up then for 24 hours the novice band of Butler's have come a long way in just a matter of weeks and Shaun's in no doubt about who's come the furthest and I haven't seen Oliver this morning I think he's avoiding me so I need to get after him good morning Oliver Oliver yeah oh I didn't know you have my voice you didn't want to talk to me this morning looking up to get the higher three naked or fiction for it I'm sure you have I believe they're all asleep are they to the highest degree on your side I got a very bad sense this morning because I hadn't seen you I had withdrawal symptoms from Oliver good morning and showing you back in there Helen I have a great hopes for him I have a kind of a gushy feeling he's going to go places I could see him doing my job on whether I'll be about that forever like someone who is like someone like Sean and I do him I don't know literally and literally I don't know what I'm doing tomorrow and that's the whole point the fact that I became about there was by pure accident and chance and I was never expecting to do it so who knows what will happen next I do me and there's been two other jobs on that as all his shift finishes around the rest of the hotel the day is just beginning Prince Charles will officially open the hotel later today but the first guests verdicts are already in and they decidedly mixed goodbye we also disagree are honestly so disappointed I suddenly don't want to come back I first came here 60 years ago it's changed the river room now looks like time Amit's enjoys much better lovely star my smiling Bay also sign happy happy happy she's certainly changing to the old Savoy that's for sure I think I think is better than it was before better I'm very impressed equipped with a marble flooring I would only come back for one reason it wishes see you oh that's very nice of you thank you very much no no please go back here oh do you think it come on I see you thank you very much thank you feedback from the paying public is one thing but a positive response from the world's press will be vital and they're all here the Savoy has arrived back on the world stage nice very nice to see you again welcome back absolutely to close a hotel for the better part of three years in central London he's probably not for the faint-hearted so I can only congratulate Johannes and all your team for this remarkable transformation and nothing could give me greater pleasure than formally to declare the great Savoy Hotel once again open for business for Kieran the success of the new Savoy is far from secure we've got a very tough time ahead of us to ensure that you know once we get through the period of the initial interest in coming back to the Savoia coming to the story for the first time that I guess want to return to the long time coming took us a few years I think with the same light but now we got lights off where would you place the Savoy anything in the world da-da-da-dah really popped up the world the last three years have been a rollercoaster ride has been certainly you know some dark moments truthfully you couldn't pay me enough money to go through it again but we're through it now and we've got the the key things in place to really be back on the map and be once again one of the world's greatest hotels with a royal blessing and a happy owner the staff can finally get on with running the hotel we're here to wave off our prince and the princess at wish them on a sacred journey and looking forward to the next visit press speculation that the Savoy is once again up for sale has been strongly denied call the new primero atma silver impersonating the characters that made him a hit on Britain's Got Talent it's Paul Burling is tomorrow at 8:00 then some of the biggest names in British comedy are looking back on the year in the comedy annual 2010 beating it up and swinging on
Channel: bigjollie1
Views: 210,555
Rating: 4.769968 out of 5
Id: r5_jVMUi9HI
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Length: 46min 9sec (2769 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 24 2016
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