The Rise & Fall of Allison Mack | NXIVM Documentary

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happening tomorrow sentencing day for disgraced upstate new york self-improvement guru keith ranieri the nexium founder had followers that included actors and millionaires actress alison mack is out on bail after facing a judge in brooklyn prosecutors say she recruited women into a sex trafficking sorority disguised as a women's empowerment group [Music] founded in albany in 1998 nexium offered self-help corsets for thousands of dollars it expanded across the country to mexico and canada in 2015 a secret female-only society was added called dos or the vow with masters and slaves [Music] at the top of dos prosecutors say actress alison mack if convicted both he and matt could face up to life in prison [Music] [Music] alison mack was born to american parents in 1982 in west germany her father was an opera singer and her mother a school teacher after her father finished performing in germany they moved to long beach california where alison began acting at only four years old in the 90s she starred on tv shows besides prominent actors like eugene levy and at age 14 she guest starred on seventh heaven a popular show where the actress jessica beal got her start alison played a treble student at school who needed crisis intervention on seventh heaven but she wasn't just on tv alison appeared in movies like a private matter with [ __ ] spacek unlikely angel with dolly parton and she was in the sequel to honey i shrunk the kids titled honey we shrunk ourselves starring rick moranis and a young mila kunis but alison's biggest role came at age 18 when she was cast as chloe sullivan in a superhero series called smallville smallville was a tv show about the early adventures of kryptonian clark kent played by tom welling and follows him as he learns about his developing superpowers allison's character chloe was one of clark kent's closest friends who provided operational support to clark and their team of heroes chloe's superpowers were empathic healing and super intelligence alison once described chloe sullivan's power as quote the ability to heal others by taking their pain and making it her own unquote in videos on her youtube channel alison would tell fans how the smallville set had something they jokingly referred to as the alley board it was a board allison stood on when next to her co-star tom welling that gave her about three to four inches of height being as alison is only 5'5 and welling is nearly a foot taller than her standing at 6'3 allison starred on smallville from 2001 to 2011 and the show's success heightened her career she was nominated twice for best supporting actress on television and earned two teen choice awards for best sidekick right here beside second year in a row tca winner choice sidekick alison mack all the fans that voted for me for the teen choice thank you so much it is so lovely we are all the way up here in vancouver and stuck in a sound stage the majority of the year so the fact that we get to hear the applause through the award shows is so cool and feels so good so i don't know all actors want to be loved and this is just such a lovely way of feeling that kind of warm embrace from your fans so i really appreciate it alison allegedly amassed a net worth of seven million dollars and was featured annually at comic-con and made media appearances often but as alison mack played the audience favorite and superman sidekick little did she know that one day she would become the sidekick to one of the most nefarious cult leaders in u.s history a man named keith renery while alison starred in smallville her personal life was heating up as well in the early 2000s she had a long relationship with the actor chad krauschuk but by this point alison had already been involved with a self-help group called nexium for eight years allison was introduced to nexium in 2006 by her smallville co-star kristin crook smallville was filmed in vancouver canada and vancouver was also home to one of nexium's headquarters keith renery learned through the grapevine that allison would be attending a nexium workshop that would last an entire weekend knowing who she was keith put out orders to have his most successful wealthiest and highest ranking members fly their private plane to this intensive and never leave allison's side their goal to charm alice and mack and make her first intensive special called experts would later call this love bombing love bombing is when someone overwhelms you with loving words actions and behavior but unlike real love that comes with no strings attached love bombing is a manipulation technique used to win over your trust and affection in order to get you to do something for reasons unknown alison wasn't happy with her tv acting career and according to nexium insiders she asked keith to make her a great actress again alison had no idea that at only 23 years old the darkest chapter of her life was about to begin nexium touted itself as a non-traditional company that taught ethics human potential and professional development nexium offered courses that told members it could give them the keys to higher consciousness nexium claimed that celebrities like rosario dawson jennifer aniston and gerard butler took their courses and even the son of a former mexican president was a well-known member nexium was founded by a man named keith renery a man who described himself as a genius and former child prodigy his followers believed he would change the world and that through his teachings he could cure all of society's problems keith claimed he was so intelligent the government considered him a threat and some of his followers believed he could even cure scoliosis diabetes and tourette's some believed his energy was so powerful he could impact the weather keith renery claimed to have begun speaking in full sentences at the age of 1 reading at the age of 2 and honed the skills of a concert pianist by age 12. keith bragged that he had an iq of 240 and was in the guinness book of world records for being the smartest man alive he asked his nexium followers to call him vanguard a name he picked up from one of his favorite arcade games as a kid in which the character of the vanguard increased in power at the destruction of his enemies [Music] keith told everyone he was a scientist and philosopher and said he had three graduate degrees keith also claimed nexium's courses were better than getting an mba something he didn't have [Music] the truth is keith did play piano and he played piano well but he was only in the 1989 australian edition of the guinness book of world records and it's reported the iq test he took was non-standard unmonitored and taken at home keith also tied for that title with other individuals his college transcripts that were later revealed showed keith was on academic probation and his grade point average was a low 2.2 to draw people into nexium keith told people quote there's no problem with the planet it's the stuff we do you will become that which you want to see in the world unquote keith made people think they were in full control of their lives and that anyone who wanted to complain about problems in their life was what he called being at cause being at cause was something keith taught claiming that people are responsible for everything in their lives all successes and failures all feelings and reactions keith taught that a person cannot blame anyone or anything for their suffering and that there are no victims only people who have attached negative meaning to an event person or thing basically it's a fancy way to victim blame stating that a victim is partially or fully responsible for the actions of offenders keith told those who took his courses that nexium could save the world by training people to become ethical leaders and that he could enlighten people to have more control and understanding about who they really were thus creating a better world keith claimed he was celibate like a monk but this would turn out to be anything but true at best keith was a life coach with wild marketing claims at worst he was a con man and a sadist designing a cult and psychologically breaking down his followers while indoctrinating them through his programs say these food bars are really tasty i didn't know amway makes food products amway offers over 350 different nutrition personal care home care and houseware products they're more than just a soap company well how come you know so much about amway i have my own amway business how you mean you're leaving me no my husband and i are building financial independence as part-time amway distributors five minutes mr hall is that opportunity knocking discover today's amway after college a young keith renery joined the multi-level marketing company amway keith later put his amway knowledge to use by creating his own mlm company called consumers byline which sold discounted groceries and supplements consumers byline generated revenue up to 33 million dollars a year before being shut down in 1997 for operating as a pyramid scheme keith and his then girlfriend tony had a vitamin shop and it was tony who first met nancy salzman nancy said she was a hypnosis expert and could help tony with her life but tony asked nancy for help with her boyfriend keith stating he had grandiose ideas and his hours were becoming erratic again nancy listened and said quote oh that's easy i can help you he's a sociopath unquote keith and nancy met and four days later nancy with glazed over eyes told tony quote you don't know who he is unquote only one year later keith and nancy launched nexium in a court deposition from november of 2000 nancy salzman claimed to not only teach hypnosis but nlp nlp stands for neuro-linguistic programming and it's meant to influence human behavior through touch tone and hand movements nlp is what tony robbins claims to use as many other self-help gurus do too you may have heard about nlp online as it's used by many in the life coaching community and in the past nlp has been used by pickup artists and con men that does not mean everyone who uses nlp is a bad person but some bad people have used nlp including keith renery and nancy salzman tony robbins claims he studied nlp under a man named john grinder the founder of neuro-linguistic programming it's john grinder's teachings that nancy salzman claimed in a court deposition to have used on everyone she claimed to help when nancy was asked in her deposition how she performs nlp techniques she said quote by talking to the person it's a talking type of therapy that acts as a conscious and unconscious process it's a model for human behavior change unquote in this deposition nancy admitted to only having worked for one year as a registered nurse as she was studying and teaching hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming full-time the father of nlp john grinder wrote in his 1979 book that nlp will quote get you almost everything unquote but many licensed counselors and psychologists consider nlp to be nothing more than pseudoscience and a tool used for manipulation together keith and nancy designed all of nexium's courses courses known as esp which stood for executive success programs one five-day esp intensive could cost new students ten thousand dollars and it wasn't abnormal for each daily session to last 13 hours from the very first esp class new recruits were told they were going to get uncomfortable and that they needed to get out of their comfort zones students were then taught how to bow when entering a session space and how to shake hands differently nancy salzman would come on video in these introductory classes and talk about limiting beliefs and she would tell new recruits that there will be a part of their brain that will try and reject what they're learning and feeling but nancy assured them that was normal she basically said just go with it after nancy was done speaking on video to these new recruits the nexium coaches facilitating the esp would ask students to write down what they called a personal emotions inventory where they attempted to open students up to suggestability by giving them a worksheet with intrusive questions questions such as what's the thing you most regret in life what was the most positive relationship in your life and their questions went on what was the most negative relationship in your life describe the situation and even what do you most regret in your life and who do you love most this was an attempt to get new students to be vulnerable and share deep things that they might normally reserve and keep to themselves with the nexium teachers it was on this fateful night in 2006 in a vancouver hotel while taking her first esp that keith's inner circle honed in on alison mack during her first meeting like pray nancy offered to fly allison on their private plane to new york to meet the vanguard something that wasn't done regularly as new members didn't get to meet keith until completing at least one 16-day intensive at a cost of 7 500 but if there's one thing cult leaders love it's a high-ranking member with celebrity status who will cast them and their organization into a new spotlight and this is how alison became keith's prized recruit hi um welcome to my blog ready and begin the very thought of you [Music] and i forget to do the little ordinary things that everyone ought to do i'm living in a kind of daydream i'm happy as a king and foolish though it may seem to me alison's first meeting with keith was during one of his late night volleyball games which he played often with nexium members several times a week from midnight to 7am keith was also known to wake members up in the middle of the night to take long walks with him where they would talk about whatever keith had in mind these late night walks and games were done in an effort to sleep deprived members and lessen their critical thinking abilities and it was easy to do often because keith and a large group of nexium members lived in a suburb in upstate new york called clifton park and many of them even lived together getting to go on a midnight walk with keith was considered an honor nexi members were amazed at how little keith slept and yet still managed to be so productive they claimed this had to do with his high intelligence but unbeknownst to most of them this was a lie as keith was well taken care of during the day by hordes of women in his inner circle who did his errands laundry and cooked his food so he could rest while he made them adhere to a strict 500 calorie a day diet [Music] alison decided to work with keith because she wanted to improve her acting in many of her videos on youtube allison tells her audience how art is her sole passion in life and in their first meeting shown here keith asked allison why art is important to her an exhausted alison ponders his question and then tells keith that so much of who she is is wrapped up in art and that film and art brings her so much bliss and joy keith tells her quote you know you can practice generating an extreme feeling of joy over anything unquote he goes on to tell her how nexium has courses that can help her generate that feeling anytime she wants and for the first time but certainly not the last keith dismisses alison's love of art and tells her quote what if artistic endeavors were really bogus what if art is just an excuse for those who couldn't do unquote keith goes on to tell allison that her most exciting feelings should be independent of art and if she feels art is necessary to bring her joy then that in itself is a self-condemnation it's obvious allison starts to get confused and she nervously laughs and then begins to cry keith asks her why she's crying and she responds quote because it's pointing at something i've never thought about and a part of me is kind of freaked out about accepting this i'm used to that self-condemnation i'm comfortable with that if i let go of that belief then i have to trust that i will be capable of giving myself that feeling and i don't necessarily trust that right now and so that's scary because i want that feeling unquote and as they leave each other keith asks allison do you hug to which she replied quote i hug and i kiss keith the pretend celibate monk was known for kissing all female nexium members on the lips with every hello and goodbye but it was alison who initiated this first kiss before she was even a member when i first came to esp i had on the surface something that seemed to be like the perfect life for a pretty good life like superficially materialistically i was very successful i had the job i had the dog i had the car i had the boyfriend i had the blah blah blah blah blah blah blah the clothes everything that i thought i needed in order to be okay and yet i couldn't stand to be with my family for more than two hours at a time and the idea of being honest with even my best friend was something that was so far outside the realm of possibility that i just kind of thought you always lived your life inauthentically and when i came to esp and i started to do the work in the goals lab do the work in the classes i started to transform in a way that i never expected like i literally didn't know that you could spend time with someone and not be nervous i literally didn't know that it was possible to have a week with your family where you didn't feel like leaving i just thought that that wasn't really possible i thought it happened in the movies and now that's my life that's my reality i have an experience of my family that is nothing but joy and it's it's astounding to say allison dived head first into nexium would be an understatement alison took as many courses as she could and began moving up the ranks just how it's difficult to move up and rank in a multi-level marketing company aka a pyramid scheme it was difficult to rank up in nexium that's because nexium was a multi-level marketing company with keith as its ceo nexium's ranking system was called the stripe path and to move up the strike path you had to do three things continue shelling out thousands of dollars to study nexium's curriculum recruit others and get rid of your disintegrations the rank of proctor was the first paid rank in nexium this rank along with the rank of senior proctor was where higher ranking members would earn commissions on whoever they recruited as well as whoever their recruits recruited and so on down the pyramid but annexia member couldn't become a senior proctor without first spending around 1 million on nexium's teachings only one rank past senior proctor was the rank of counselor but members couldn't earn that blue sash rank without first investing around 5 million dollars in nexium before somebody was able to reach the first paid rank of proctor where they got to be taught by keith directly members were made to watch many movies about people who are proud to die for their beliefs and sacrifice themselves for a greater cause in 2010 alison mack made the public announcement she was leaving smallville as a series regular but out of respect to her loyal fans alison stated she would come back for several episodes in the final season to tie up her character's legacy properly alison didn't give a reason for leaving smallville but in 2012 she auditioned for a show called wilfred starring elijah wood allison received a recurring role on season 2 of wilfred and played the quirky girlfriend in a 2012 interview about wilfred with tv guide allison said quote i took a year to kind of decide whether or not acting was something i wanted to do anymore and kind of figure out what path i wanted to take and where i was going unquote wilfred would be the last tv role alison would have ending in 2014. by this time alison had been involved with nexium for eight years nexium had many different companies under its umbrella and keith created a company called the source the source was an acting group and he told allison he wanted her to lead it alison then became an acting coach under nexium's umbrella and she even recruited some of her acting students into nexium through the source allison also joined another nexium company called jeunesse so before jeunesse i had tons of people around me all the time i've always been a people person people used to come visit me at my house and say they were going to camp allison because it was like it was a party everywhere i went it was a party um but i felt very lonely and i didn't understand why that didn't make sense to me and i imagined the idea of like finding the most wonderful husband and then feeling intimate and you know finding that one best friend and then feeling like at ease in my relationships at least with just one person i was just looking for one person and i didn't understand why i couldn't get that you know i was so good with people i was so good in a living room but i was so bad at intimacy the format that the jeunesse tracks offers with the men and the women and then this consolidated very intense structure where you are just diving into yourself and understanding how you relate to other people helped me to reveal all of these areas of insecurity areas of just really basic confusion or lack of attention like things that i had just never thought about or looked at in myself the genes tracks helped me open up and see so that i could start to build a relationship with me and start to be honest with me and then practice being honest with all the people in the tracks with me and then that expanded out and out and out into the rest of my life and now i have the most beautiful friendships with people that go so far beyond anything i could have imagined and i have the most awesome experience with my family and i can say with total truth that i look at men now and i'm not trying to find a future husband and that is very freeing jeunesse was a women's group with a curriculum for female empowerment that taught people to quote inherit their birthright unquote jeunesse claimed to help women understand what it meant to be a woman in a man's world with emphasis on relationships and sexuality but under the surface of this group with a feminist facade jeunesse was anything but empowering keith had members of jeunesse meet with the men's group and do exercises together where keith would teach jeunesse members how hard it was to be a man and how women were to blame for how they treated men and tempted them sexually keith also taught jeunesse and the men's group about open relationships keith believed that men were really polyamorous while women were monogamous keith made these two groups perform militant exercises such as push-ups planks and members weren't allowed to eat drink or use the restroom without permission keith called these character building exercises female members who talked back or raised objections with the curriculum were humiliated and made to wear masks a costume with cow utters and one woman even had to wear a jock strap it was around this time that alison attempted to recruit emma watson by tagging her in a few tweets calling jeunesse a human development and women's movement and implying that emma watson's humanitarian work would fit in well with the women's group only a few years before that allison attempted to reach out to kelly clarkson in 2013. allison had been a nexia member for five years at that point but neither ever responded to her tweets former friends of allison began to notice her behavior change a former castmate of allison's name michael rosenbaum recalled on his podcast of a strange incident he had with her while allison was a nexium michael played lex luthor on smallville and although he and allison were friends on set behind the scenes he hadn't seen her in quite some time michael said a few years after smallville ended alison let him know she was in the area and wanted to stop by his place he hadn't seen alison in years and said she walked into his house like she owned the place and he instantly recognized alison was a different person alison walked in with a couple friends michael didn't know they all said hi and then alison and her friends walked into his kitchen not sure what they were doing michael followed them in the kitchen where they began opening his cabinets took his pots and pans out and began cooking michael was stunned and asked what they were doing to which allison replied we're hungry we're hungry michael said after a little while he felt uncomfortable and said something like yeah you guys might want to leave soon this made one of allison's friends violently angry and he started cursing at michael michael then told them all to quote get the [ __ ] out of my house unquote as he uncomfortably tells the story on his podcast michael says he remembered waiting for allison to jump in and apologize in an attempt to calm down the situation because that's something she normally would have done but she didn't and as they walked out of his house michael said it looked like they were in a zombie-like trance [Music] members of jeunesse and the men's group were given what was called readiness drills where keith or a higher ranking member would text a man or woman in these two groups and members had to immediately respond with ready these drills could take place at any time day or night if a member didn't respond or was late to reply they were forced to do self-punishment called penance bonnie peace a female member of jeunesse remembers her penance dictated she be forced to sleep on the floor at home for several nights while her husband slept in the bed bonnie was an actress who appeared in star wars episode 2 attack of the clones she and her husband had met inexium and bonnie became one of allison's closest friends together they performed in another nexium group called simply human which was a live theater group keith had alison lead but bonnie had had enough of keith renery and she knew she had to get out of nexium even though her husband a high-ranking member chose to stay in the organization at the time before defecting in 2017 and losing the only community she had known for several years bonnie recalls in the documentary the vow about being worried for the women in jeunesse because they were beginning to look unhealthy and she noticed allison's backbones were sticking out bonnie confronted alison about her concerns telling her she looked sick she knew allison wasn't eating and told allison she needed to start eating that's when allison replied quote well keith is measuring my calories he says as long as i'm having my period i'm fine unquote then alison told bonnie something truly disturbing alison told her she made a lifetime vow to keith a vow of devotion when bonnie officially left nexium and told keith she was leaving because she believed nexium was built on abuse obligation and coercion and that she could no longer support it the last thing keith said to her was quote you seem to have a commitment to being a victim unquote now one of allison's closest friends was leaving right when allison had made a lifetime vow what bonnie didn't know was all those years allison was leading simply human nexium's live theater group keith never paid allison like he said he would it was discovered in court documents that in 2016 allison reached out to keith via email asking him to be paid as she was going broke yes alison mack the beautiful and talented actress who quit her job and focused solely on nexium was now fully dependent on keith renery who refused to pay her until she delivered what he wanted most india oxenburg [Music] some former members of nexium recall allison being exuberantly happy at all times while others recall her being like a viper ready to strike at any minute now allison was about to strike at india i think is the most gratifying thing that i've ever done um it's the most challenging thing i've ever done because it consists of working with a group of people in a way that is totally interdependent meaning um we're all working together and no one is ever punished and no one is ever told that they're wrong or they're bad and the most important thing in working on jeunesse is the relationships in genesis and i'm not used to that i'm used to the objective being met i'm used to having like strict hard fast deadlines and lots of fear and punishment if i don't get it right and in working for jeunesse there isn't any of that so it it comes purely from a place of self-motivation and um self-direction and that is really difficult but i would say that working for jeunesse is the most satisfying and purposeful thing i've ever done behind the scenes of jeunesse keith had formed a private group called dos which meant master over slave women several women of keith's inner circle including allison were instructed to recruit other women usually from jeunesse and they were instructed to lie to their dos recruits and say that keith was not involved in any way with dos india recalls allison telling her about dos and saying it was quote women mentoring women in a very specialized deep way and that it would push you past the areas you hadn't yet allowed yourself to grow unquote india oxenberg is the daughter of hollywood actress katherine oxenburg and the granddaughter of royalty as her grandmother is princess elizabeth of yugoslavia at age 19 india had chosen nexium over college and over the years as india attempted to rank higher in nexium she used up her entire inheritance from her grandfather now in an effort to get paid what keith owed her allison recruited india into dos telling india it would help her rank higher in nexium how india so desperately wanted alison told her dos recruits that they had to make a lifetime commitment to das which included ultimate obedience to her when india asked what ultimate obedience meant and if she could still have a boyfriend alison replied you need to ask me permission to do anything in your life alison then told india the setup of dos was a master slave dynamic when india told allison that made her feel uncomfortable allison replied that was a totally normal reaction to have and to do it anyway because das was about pushing people outside of their comfort zones in an effort to help them grow alison told india if it made her feel better to look at it as a mentor-student relationship and promised india that she would always be there for her india had no idea keith was at the head of das exercises started off slow with new dos recruits like journaling their deepest fears every day and letting their master read them india said that alison was very interested in what made india most vulnerable including what she was uncomfortable with intimately alison referred to it as bonding but then tasks got more intense and alison told her slaves to restrict their calories to 500 a day for weight loss and called it a character building practice for self-restraint india recalls being told that if she didn't meet the weight requirement she would be forced to spend 30 days doing intense studying at one of nexium's headquarters then alison began to tell india her relationships to her family made her dependent so she needed to separate herself from them allison took it a step further and told india her relationship with her boyfriend was keeping her from being empowered and getting stronger and encouraged india to break up with him not long after allison ordered her slaves to start texting her good morning master and goodnight master every single day according to the documentary seduced allison texted one of her slaves saying quote practice this daily meditate on me my face my constellation embody me i will be in your heart forever unquote alison even told her slaves to figure out what would make life easier for her allison would say everything i do for you i do for your own benefit everything i have you do is for your own good allison constantly told her slaves that they needed to lean into fear and discomfort and that quote pushing past your comfort zone will make you stronger and more capable in all areas of your life unquote now there are many things youtube considers too graphic for creators to talk about without getting demonetized but i can tell you allison then told her slaves their next assignment was to seduce keith and gradually the assignments became more and more explicit eventually india moved in with alison and alison made india cook and clean for her and do her errands then alison started punishing her slaves making them do planks taking ice cold showers and standing barefoot in the snow at 3am it was a brutal lifestyle for these women who were not only taking nexium classes as students but teaching as nexium coaches and also being made to do all the slave tasks assigned to them by their masters in the secret society of dos one might ask okay but why would anyone put up with this behavior why not just leave these women couldn't just leave due to the private and disturbing information they handed over to their masters before joining dos sensitive information called collateral when nexium members were asked to join dos they were told they couldn't be given all the information about what daws entailed until they gave the person trying to recruit them something called collateral collateral could be things like credit card information private videos and photos and written notarized statements with damning information about their family members collateral also included rights to financial assets dos recruiters made it sound like this collateral was a joke that would never be seen by anyone else or really acted upon and was just a protective measure so no information about dos would ever be made public but they were secretly handing over every woman's collateral to keith [Music] in february of 2017 in a small courtroom with india as a witness alison married an actress named nikki klein nikki starred in the tv series battlestar galactica but quit the show to follow keith india said that nikki klein a canadian and a devout member of nexium who also recruited slaves for keith as a master needed a u.s green card as her visa was about to expire and keith instructed allison and nikki to marry so she could stay in the u.s nikki klein denies these allegations in march of 2017 allison told her slaves they were going to be branded the women were told by allison that it was part of being in the daw sorority and this was their way to be reminded of the most important relationship of their life what the women didn't know was that it was alison who came up with the idea of the brand after somebody in keith's inner circle suggested everyone get matching tattoos the women were told the brand would be a symbol that represented the four elements and allison had one of her slaves who was a doctor practice on oranges with a cauterizing pen in allison's bathroom [Music] india asked alison are you sure we have to do this to which allison replied yes the branding ceremony took place in allison's bedroom and as each woman was branded allison told the women to repeat the words feel the pain feel the love unquote each branding session lasted about 30 minutes everything came to a head only seven months later in october of 2017 when the new york times released a damning article with ex-nexium members who spoke out showing the brand and calling nexium a sex cult sarah edmondson one of nexium's defectors who also had been in dos did a tell-all for the article which included sharing how dos members had to give collateral sarah became outraged and left nexium when she found out that the brand on her hip wasn't a symbol of the elements but were keith's initials the symbol when turned another way also contained the initials of alison mack [Music] now [Music] a media firestorm was brewing keith and his inner circle attempted to deny the allegations and sue any defectors who spoke out but it was too late too much damning evidence had been released and after having ignored the requests of ex-members for years to step in and do something about nexium the fbi finally got involved and opened an investigation only one month after the new york times article was released keith fled to mexico in november of 2017. allison tried to lay low and hardly left her apartment india recalls allison becoming paranoid of people watching her or the media finding her by spring of 2018 lonely in a mexican villa that cost ten thousand dollars a week to rent keith had his inner circle of top dos women fly to mexico for what he called a re-commitment ceremony where they would partake in a group adult act if you know what i mean alison mack and nikki klein attended and it would be nikki who accidentally exposed keith's whereabouts alerting the fbi who had been privately monitoring her and the other high-ranking dos women who were close to keith nicki had taken to instagram and posted a picture while in puerto vallarta a picture the fbi was able to geotag this led them straight to keith where the mexican federal police surrounded keith's villa with guns drawn and pointed at several members of keith's inner circle only to find the smartest man in the world the classical pianist and his holiness who could impact the weather the one and only vanguard hiding in a walk-in closet this video shows the exact moment alison watched keith be taken away by mexican police while nikki was the one recording let's go in the car we can we're going to follow them get out of the way huh lauren's coming let's go you guys [Music] allison fled back to new york and once again tried to lay low but on april 20th of 2018 fbi agents surrounded her apartment and arrested alison mack at allison's first hearing in a brooklyn courtroom she pled not guilty but she would later change her tune you see while allison was placed on house arrest and released on bail only to her parents who she had to live with alison asked india to pack up her apartment and place her items in storage something she may eventually have regretted doing because while packing up her apartment india came across flash drives full of photographs and video of keith with his inner circle of women including the moment when he instructed them how dos should be created and informed them they would become masters while he would be the grand master of dos also found on these flash drives was all the collateral spreadsheets and recordings from secret meetings it's believed that around 150 women were recruited into dos and it was later discovered keith planned to have his inner circle and the recruits recruit thousands of women who he planned to obtain collateral from he then wanted some of those women to run for different offices in government keith was a madman a user and a controller and he wanted to control the world india gave the flash drives to police and spent months with prosecutors going through hours and hours of the flash drive's content and identifying every detail for them which prosecutors ultimately used against keith in court where he pled not guilty nancy salzman the president of nexium who used nlp and hypnosis on every member was also arrested at her home police found hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash [Music] you know most men are from mars clark this morning smallville actress allison mack is making headlines but not for a new role for lawyers now working with federal prosecutors to cut a deal in a sex trafficking case according to court documents mack lured unsuspecting women into a secret sisterhood connected to a self-improvement organization known as nexia mack and her lawyers did not comment as she left court mack's lawyers are hoping to avoid a trial and earlier this month rene's lawyers denied he'd committed any crime if convicted both he and matt could face up to life in prison such a disturbing story yeah thanks morgan thank you allison later changed her tune and pled guilty to racketeering and racketeering conspiracy charges on june 30th of 2021 alison mack was sentenced to three years in prison it was recommended alison received anywhere from 14 to 17 years in prison but prosecutors asked the judge to give her below the recommended range because of what they called substantial assistance given to them by allison that helped convict keith allison told the court she now renounces keith renery and all his teachings the judge told allison he faulted her for using her celebrity status to recruit others for keith's twisted desires the judge went on to say quote you abused this position of power to persuade and pressure women to join dos you capitalized on your celebrity and these individuals eagerness to be close to you told them you were recruiting them for a women's empowerment sorority and misrepresented and obscured fundamental facts about the organization and the conditions of membership you told them that keith renery was not involved you did not tell them that they would be required to engage in sexual conduct you required your slaves to provide collateral both as a price of admission and on a continuing basis in order to ensure their obedience and secrecy you demanded that these women give you the keys to the most intimate personal and valuable parts of themselves so that you could maintain power over them and have leverage to direct them to do anything you wanted unquote the judge also told allison he didn't doubt she was also manipulated and felt captive by keith as well the problem right now with society is society doesn't is not self-reflective because we don't have a strong community structure a strong national structure and down to the strong family structure and individual structure these things are not reflective of really a specific type of morality you question most people and in some of uh our educational programs you know one of the modules is good and bad a lot of people say oh this is good this is bad but they don't have a real definition for it and when they're put to the task suddenly they realize well the reason why i think it's good is because i thought it was good and because i thought it was good i thought it was good and i was told it was good and i thought it was good but is it good i'm not sure it's good and if i'd heard that from someone else i might have been told it was bad and thought it was bad believe it was bad and then and we find that we have this programming and has nothing much to do with our experience in life other than it has been dictated to us society in itself if it continues the way it's going will end up where it's headed as i say and it's sort of uh almost as if we're along for the ride yeah but humans have the capacity to actually sit and think about where we want it to be think about how we would like it to change and that contemplation has to be something that becomes understood in society that family that people understand if families understand it communities understand it and that the different ethical issues that come up are discussed i believe and i believe this for a while that's why we have a specific ethicist curriculum i think that being an ethicist will be as much of a foundation to society as being a business person during keith renery's trial sarah edmondson's branding video was leaked to the mexican press where keith had many well-established nexium contacts [Music] it's unclear who released the collateral and how but victims have stated they're very worried about where their own collateral might be and their worries are justified several members of keith's inner circle including alison's ex-wife nikki klein who she divorced in december of 2020 are still defenders of keith doss and at the time of this recording seemed to be in cult-like groups themselves [Music] along with a few other nexium members nikki klein spent an hour every night for 30 days straight dancing outside the prison where keith was being held before sentencing just so he could look down on them from his prison window in hopes to lift his spirits the nexium group claimed they were dancing outside the prison to support the black lives matter movement and prison reform but they were soon exposed we have a friend who is incarcerated here he's been here since march 2018. as you do with people that you've known for a long time you have inside jokes and one of my party tricks is doing a moonwalk so i did a moonwalk and a bunch of guys sort of banging on their windows um so we're like oh that that's probably fun for them to see it's probably not every day that they that they see that and um it evolved to turning on the car stereo and dancing you know i took classes for for many years with executive success programs which is affiliated with nexium i think what's really sad is that we're out here doing something really good that is helping a lot of people and people can't get past this idea that we were in something called a sex cult which i don't even know what that is i certainly was never part of a sex cult many women in nexium including alison and nikki allegedly were promised a baby by keith who never delivered in fact only two women have ever had a baby with key and one of those women went into hiding keith forced abortions on his inner circle but due to only being allowed to eat 500 calories a day one woman who had his baby didn't realize she was pregnant until she was already eight months along katherine oxenberg who in an attempt to save her daughter by using her celebrity to call out nexium and keith renery in multiple media appearances said her life has been threatened and she was told to never step foot in mexico [Music] this case set a precedent for coercive control in the united states coercive control is an act or pattern of assault threats humiliation and intimidation or other abuse that is used to harm punish or frighten a victim according to women's coercive control creates invisible chains and a sense of fear that pervades all elements of a victim's life at the time of this recording the u.s has no federal laws defining coercive control unlike other developed countries such as uk i remember watching an episode of scientology in the aftermath and hearing leah remini reveal that the church of scientology desperately wanted her to recruit other celebrities including her co-star kevin james who played the lead role on the show king of queens the church of scientology denies this and remini didn't feel comfortable recruiting james who was catholic but many castmates of smallville recall allison attempting to recruit them by inviting them to take nexium courses cults love to pursue people with fame money and or large networks as this helps legitimize their organization nexium called itself a self-help company and spoke to people's ideology that the world could be made a better place if they could first work on themselves allison joined nexium to become a better actress and find self-fulfillment but she became keith's prey twelve years later she left nexium with no career in debt as a victim and a perpetrator and in prison at her sentencing allison apologized to the people she harmed by her actions and said quote i am sorry to those of you that i brought into nexium i am sorry i ever exposed you to the nefarious and emotionally abusive schemes of a twisted man unquote [Music] this has been the rise and fall of alison mack [Music] [Music] nexium was a very large cult with a lot of different organizations and key players many that i didn't have the time to cover in this and if you're interested in a more detailed account of nexium including the shocking facts i couldn't discuss on youtube without getting demonetized i highly recommend the documentaries seduced which was co-produced by india oxenburg and gives her account of nexium as well as the lost women of nexium which features journalist frank parletto who was a former publicist for nexium this one was riveting and in true crime fashion i could not look away from the screen last but not least the vow which has a lot of private insider footage of nexium's day-to-day activities and events and features sarah edmondson bonnie peace as well as many other high-ranking members of nexium [Music] if you are a fan of cults scams and cautionary tales be sure to like and subscribe so more content like this is recommended to you until next time my name is josie thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next video [Music] i'm living in a kind of daydream i'm happy as a king and foolish though it may seem to me that's everything the mere idea of you longing here for you you'll never know how slow the moments go till i'm near to you i see your face in every flower your eyes and stars above it's just the thought of you the very thought of you my love [Music] so you
Views: 2,921,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NXIVM, allison mack, nicki clyne, sarah edmondson, a little bit culty, inside of you podcast, tony robbins, NLP, the vow, hbo, the lost women of nxivm
Id: SnyFxkXM8XA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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