The Rich Get Richer In Tarkov

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know if you're going fully kitted out I'm gonna go fully get it up - I told you I was fully kitted yes you don't have a helmet you should have armor this is a helmet [ __ ] a gate that's never [ __ ] dust-covered this is a helmet didn't do you see it it has like the cool years on it this is kitted out for me - I can't afford to lose my stuff it's all hard-earned so you boy [ __ ] ain't harder [Music] they wipe the whole surface except for who except for you because they start all right you should be a beer or should I be you sick you should be a beer you goddamn right on my bear baby they're boys so wait hotter no there's nothing in it no no I'm just kidding I'm [ __ ] rich like an idiot now wait you get the factory key from the start oh my god you know you're not even playing the game we're talking about such a big part of the game is lost to you nah the part about running around with axes trying to kill AI why would I do that that sounds like some poor man [ __ ] oh hey gap or man to you oh [ __ ] dude yo my guy's got a [ __ ] cigarette in his mouth all right where you at I'm at I'm at a bleeping forklift oh hey I'm right around the corner let's try to make some noise on this store it's easier for you to stand like on this little corner I like pixels taken I'm pixel peeking the other door right now [ __ ] tits Oh make some noise get your ass in you what is coming yep that's a scab guy hey is that another guy kind I I came inside some we didn't mati Nadia's a little [ __ ] yeah I'm closing this door we go the other one so do you get cool goggles yeah those dude you're [ __ ] killing it right now yeah your guys my god you're making a lot of weird oh yeah there's a guy right here alright I am at a I'm I am I am a tunnel but with barrel barrel tunnel cursor is that you walking out there know what I am NOT outside no I'm standing completely still here boy I just saw a guy like walk right past the door here they gave me one frightened wait you're not oh are you looting something to give a duffel I have duffel yeah I'm looting okay you said you're inside I was like dude that guy just walked by my door and it's like I'm inside and I walked out I almost [ __ ] beaned you right in the back of the head no sprint up here oh don't they stole this way and then you go straight for office is that you oh I shot you not [ __ ] everywhere oh my there's all sorts of guns get out of here okay you tested our luck if that guy was dressed exactly like you I didn't know which one was which Oh hula-hula scared Pulis scared voila that's my waist oh my god I'm like [ __ ] is this assassins creed I didn't think it was assassin's creed now my guys [ __ ] disabled he won't get his fat ass over the railing get over there [Music] I killed a man that had a quick Kevin Spacey's gay with a whole bunch of years ago he quartered some boy I'm deeply sorry for the allegations or whatever but yet ingane out how many dudes do you think have fisted him scary voice hey Sam yeah I heard you're doing a solo masturbation video on muscle can you watch me for a second that was more powerful than I could ever it much you can live your life two ways you can vape hard or you can hardly vape you know what I'm saying the army a check can we get on top of the [ __ ] I see you guys what are you doing you see that [ __ ] Assassin's Creed should say you [ __ ] abandon once I got dude I have some making Jacques now Sam can you be one of those stereotypical hyper beast vloggers hey what's up guys Sam here come back at it again with another [ __ ] high-speed vlog if this video can get 5 likes I won't rape the [ __ ] out of my [ __ ] dog you hear me you [ __ ] supreme gang out PP 91 what are these mags to this sort of people ooh I made you say PP I've all got all this [ __ ] I hate except for one thing she does that every year she got like [ __ ] Milk Duds and then are like I know exactly what bags she got she got like the reject bag where it's it's like Three Musketeers mounds Fifth Avenue's holy yeah alright Dominic it yeah it's a shitty one those single-syllable are you more of a right to extort left foot external guy okay well I'd say left Twix you have to be a edgy enough if you untie Roenick lee eat right - it's your [ __ ] garbage human every time I see our rights like some eyeball I laugh and then eat it finish it this [ __ ] car kit there's another one around here - watch it oh here yeah that you know he just ran up on us like a Kenyan did it die though yeah I put it on it like lights up the front this is too spooky dude I can't have this on I'm sorry ah ah everywhere I look it's oh I appreciate you guys being so patient love's gone I was on vacation to Maine and if you follow me on instagram you'll see all the [ __ ] pictures and everything else posting quite quite than me me I'm trying to be more active on Instagram than Twitter I feel like the days of me getting banned on Twitter are very close as there is some [ __ ] high speed not okay with Terms of Service kind of jokes I'm doing on there so I've kind of be shifting more towards Instagram so if you have one follow me at [ __ ] whatever my stupid handle is for that and the whole streaming thing let's back up here the back up here okay so originally I had this like this schedule of Monday Wednesday and Friday but the problem is is like I'm trying to put more time into videos and so if I streamed on Friday I didn't have time to make a video on Friday and and then when Monday came around I would have to stream again so I wouldn't have a video so it'd be like five days without a video and I want my videos to be a little bit more frequent so and I think what I'm gonna do is instead of like Monday Wednesday Friday for streaming I think I'm gonna start to schedule a Tuesday and Thursday of streaming and then I can work on Monday because let's be honest let's be honest videos are the better content over streaming so I'm gonna be working primarily on videos and streaming on Tuesdays and Thursdays starting next week like I should promise you I am just I'm I just I'm having a lot of fun editing right now I'm gonna in this video on a low note check this [ __ ] out yeah yo you ready for me to hardscope this vape do it every day we straight foil it from God they may know [Music] [Music]
Channel: General Sam
Views: 622,803
Rating: 4.8831124 out of 5
Id: uqQ3ZMzr9tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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