The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man: King of the Swamp (S1, E3) | Full Episode | History

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<i>male narrator: Deep in the heart of</i> <i>the Louisiana bayou...</i> [bird calls] <i>...lives a man who's become a legend.</i> <i>- Here we go!</i> <i>narrator: And his name is Shelby the Swamp Man.</i> [gunshot] <i>- [laughs] Here we go!</i> <i>[country music]</i> <i>narrator: After a tough few years,</i> <i>where he done near lost everything,</i> <i>even his beloved pirate ship...</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> [engine revs] - Get out the way! <i>narrator: He came back to help his neighbors</i> <i>and help himself along the way.</i> - Oh, he does it! <i>narrator: Now, he's looking</i> <i>to get back on top for good.</i> - This is my daddy's gun. [gunshot] <i>narrator: And he's bringing his protégé, Angela,</i> <i>and a whole new generation along with him.</i> [engine revs] - Here we go now, junior! <i>narrator: Ain't no doubt the Swamp Man's on a mission.</i> - Woo-hoo! If that rope breaks, this [bleep]'s flipping. <i>narrator: And he'll do whatever it takes...</i> - Whoo! <i>narrator: To try and pull it off.</i> [engine clanks] [loud sputtering] <i>- Oh, here we go!</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>[cheerful bluegrass music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: Dawn breaks on the Louisiana bayou.</i> <i>And the critters ain't the only thing stirring.</i> <i>- Here we go, Paw Paw!</i> <i>narrator: Shelby Stanga is getting</i> <i>an early start on the day.</i> - Got a lot of hard work in front of me. I gotta make sure I'm in the best shape I can be. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: While doing good deeds...</i> - Get out the way! [crashing] <i>narrator: He's acquired a few</i> <i>bumps and bruises along the way.</i> [fire roars] - Ugh--damn! Oh, yeah. Oh, here we go! [coughing] <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: So this morning,</i> <i>he's looking to the swamp's backyard</i> <i>to find what he needs</i> <i>to fix himself up good.</i> [engine roaring] Mama, Papa taught me there's medicine for everything in the swamp. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> Gotta bunch of cuts, hurt like hell, but that damned pine oil does the trick. It makes the soreness go out. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: Now, Shelby's always had medical issues,</i> <i>just like you and me.</i> <i>[upbeat rock music]</i> - Them mosquitoes in here bad, and them women police give me some DEET mosquito spray, I was in my drawers, and I sprayed it on my begonias and the meat fell off. [laughs] Oh, my God! - Oh my God! - Don't ever put no DEET on your begonias. Hey, that sure ain't a good thing! <i>narrator: And the Swamp Man's got a way of finding cures</i> <i>for what ails him.</i> - All right, I got it on there, buddy. - Tie it on back of this son of a bitch right here. - All right. - Go ahead. - All right. - You ready? - Yeah. - Go ahead. Ahh! [moans] - [chuckles] <i>[cheerful bluegrass music]</i> - Damn. Here's that damn pine tar. <i>narrator: And today, Shelby's taking a page</i> <i>out of the Stanga family medical book.</i> - It's already starting to come out. See that juice? <i>narrator: Using a remedy</i> <i>that's been passed down</i> <i>through the generations.</i> - That make that son of a bitch get healed fast, that sap. <i>♪ ♪</i> My momma used to show me how to do this. When I was itty-bitty, she used to put it on me. The soft kind. Oh, money's no good here, boy. Now I'm good as new. Brand-new Swamp Man. <i>♪ ♪</i> Go back to work now, man, be feeling better in no time. <i>Here we go, Paw Paw!</i> <i>narrator: The Swamp Man's back</i> <i>to tip-top shape.</i> <i>And he's gonna need to be,</i> <i>'cause he's got a heap</i> <i>of work ahead of him.</i> <i>Last week...</i> - We're from Southern Wood. We got a shop down the road not too far from here. <i>narrator: Shelby scored a golden opportunity</i> <i>to help himself and the next generation.</i> - We got a huge order we've been trying to get filled. - Oh, we need that and bad, huh? <i>[upbeat country rock music]</i> <i>narrator: Landing a big order</i> <i>with a couple of newcomers</i> <i>in the wood business.</i> - Whoo! It's raining logs! - Whoo! How'd you like that, Paw Paw? - Oh my gosh. <i>narrator: Now the Swamp Man's already</i> <i>banked some monster logs.</i> - [laughs] Where's my guns at? <i>narrator: But with only a few days left</i> <i>before the order's due,</i> <i>he's still a little cypress shy.</i> - Come on, Angie! <i>narrator: But Shelby's got a honey hole in mind</i> <i>where folks with an ounce of sense</i> <i>wouldn't dare to tread.</i> - Angie, you ever shot any guns before? - Uh-uh. - Why not? - To get that wood I need, we gotta go to the gator nesting spot. I call it "Alligator Alley." <i>It's a dangerous place, junior.</i> [gator thrashes] <i>narrator: Now the Swamp Man knows</i> <i>a thing or two about gators.</i> <i>And he's tangled with them</i> <i>on more than a few occasions.</i> - Watch him, Chad! - Ahh! <i>- Gators know when their damn food's around.</i> <i>They can smell it.</i> I just want them to know that the food is the fish, not me. Ow! Put one in it. [gun clicks] <i>narrator: So he's gonna teach</i> <i>his young protégé, Angela,</i> <i>how to provide some added protection</i> <i>for when they go downriver.</i> - Okay. [gunshot] <i>[dramatic music]</i> - I barely know anything about guns. And Shelby was basically born with one in his hand. <i>♪ ♪</i> [gunshot] - Boy, that's a good one, Paw Paw. All right, you ready to shoot some targets, man? - Yeah! <i>Shelby's like a gun master</i> so it's kind of intimidating. I just hope I can measure up to his standards. - Well, all right, we're gonna try this one right here, look at here. .44 Magnum. This is my daddy's gun. Get up on that log so you hit the height. Let's see how she does. Is she Annie Oakley, or is she just Annie? <i>[suspenseful music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - Good thing-- Good thing we wasn't in the war! We'd have been dead a long time ago. [laughs] [gunshot] - Whoa! - You got it? - Dang, that's got a kick on it! Whew! - Shoot it! [gunshot] - Don't shoot it from the hip, baby. There ain't no sights on that gun. [harmonica music] [gunshot] Oh, [bleep]! <i>♪ ♪</i> Oh my God. <i>narrator: Angela with a pistol</i> <i>is proving to be about as useful</i> <i>as a steering wheel on a mule.</i> [gunshot] - Too close. I don't like it. - Did you get it? - No, I hit--you see that big hole in front of me? - Yeah. - That's what I hit. <i>This is humiliating</i> and kind of embarrassing. [gunshot] - You're definitely missing it! - I'm not very good at it. <i>- That girl couldn't hit the side</i> of a damn barn door with a cannon. Let me show you this other gun right here. This is the gun my grandpa daddy gave me when I was a little-bitty child, children child, when I couldn't even walk. I was just crawling, still sucking on a cow's titty. <i>narrator: But nobody thought following</i> <i>in the Swamp Man's footsteps would be easy.</i> - It's a 12-guage. <i>[country music]</i> [shotgun blasts] <i>narrator: So Shelby's bringing out a rifle</i> <i>that might be a tad easier to steady.</i> [cocks gun] - Here, shoot it one time. You ready? - Yeah. <i>♪ ♪</i> - Push the safety in. <i>♪ ♪</i> And hold it tight to your shoulder. - Put it on your shoulder now. Go ahead. [shotgun blasts] - [bleep] - [chuckles] <i>♪ ♪</i> [shotgun blasts] - Whoo! - Y'all getting better. It's that Toni Roni, junior! Now this one here, this is a Rossi .44 Magnum. - Okay. - Always on safety. - Okay. - There you go. See if you--get up where I did teach you. <i>♪ ♪</i> [shotgun blasts] - [bleep]! - You doing good, junior. I'm gonna let you shoot at me. Load it up and let them have it. [gunshot blasts] - Whoo! <i>narrator: Now this young logger</i> <i>may not be the next Dirty Harry...</i> [shotgun blasts] [blast ricochets] - Oh, here we go! [gunshots blasting] <i>♪ ♪</i> - Whoo! <i>Narrator: But thanks to the Swamp Man,</i> <i>she's got one more skill under her belt</i> <i>and she's ready for Alligator Alley.</i> - We gotta get in the water and swim with the gators. Here we go! Oh! Give me the bullets! That's how it's done! <i>narrator: In the Louisiana Bayou...</i> - We're gonna go and I'm gonna show you how to find them logs, Angela. It's under that mud. <i>narrator: Shelby's closing in</i> <i>on an order that could</i> <i>put him on easy street,</i> <i>and bring a young company</i> <i>to the big time.</i> - I know they're counting on me. I could use that paycheck too. I'm gonna have to shoot the alligators of your ass, man, 'cause where we're going, there's plenty of alligators. <i>narrator: But for this next batch of logs,</i> <i>he and his protégé will be heading</i> <i>straight into the gator's den.</i> - Here we go, let's watch it! - Whoo! - Stay away, gators! [laughs] <i>narrator: While Shelby and Angela</i> <i>head out for Alligator Alley,</i> <i>over at Southern Wood...</i> - Our one year anniversary's coming up, and we're talking about throwing a little party. - How many people you think? - Maybe 30 or so. - This'll be a lot of fun. <i>narrator: While they're waiting on Shelby,</i> <i>the next generation of wood builders</i> <i>are coming up on their first year in business.</i> <i>And they want to do everything they can</i> <i>to stick around for a whole lot longer.</i> <i>- We decided as a</i> one-year anniversary give back party to throw this big swamp feast with local foods caught from the area. <i>Your nutria, your alligator,</i> <i>redfish, alligator gar,</i> <i>crabs.</i> - First thing we thought was to get Shelby to get a lot of this stuff for us. But we've got him so busy pulling these logs. - You know, this is very important we get what we need. - You know, we're doing this for a lot of local guys that help us out with stuff, so we want all this stuff to be local food, you know, maybe even stuff we catch. - Crabs, crawfish. Nutria may be a little difficult. But if I start working on it now, we can make it happen. - Well, let's get going on it. - One year anniversary. - Well, that's gonna be fun. - Yeah, it'll be good. - I'm excited. <i>narrator: Shelby sure enough can't help</i> <i>with the hunting right now.</i> <i>But one of his most trusted assistants can.</i> - I'm pumped! <i>My name is Lauren Luke,</i> <i>and I love to hunt and fish.</i> I've known Shelby for a few years now. <i>Shelby's very busy right now</i> <i>with his logging order</i> so I'm fulfilling the food order for Southern Wood's anniversary party. [fan roars] <i>[upbeat bluegrass music]</i> <i>narrator: Now, there ain't no hunting or fishing</i> <i>this gal can't do.</i> - Ay-yi-yi-yi-yah! <i>narrator: And she's learned a thing or two</i> <i>from the Swamp Man himself.</i> <i>And Shelby sure enough is proud of his student.</i> <i>- That girl's good, junior. She don't look like it,</i> <i>'cause she got them painted toenails,</i> but she don't care. She get out barefooted just like me. - All right, we're gonna try this other spot over here, it's a point. - All right, I'm ready. <i>[funky country music]</i> <i>narrator: With Shelby out logging,</i> <i>Lauren's taking the lead.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>And today, that means finding nutria,</i> <i>a delicacy down in the bayou.</i> - When the airboat is on land, what we're trying to do there is flush them out of their holes <i>so we can get a clear shot.</i> <i>narrator: These wily varmints</i> <i>ain't easy to catch.</i> <i>But for Miss Luke, there ain't nothing to it,</i> <i>but to do it.</i> [shotgun blasts] - Get him! - Shoot him! - He's right there. Right there, get him! [shotgun blasts] - Got it? - Yeah. - [bleep] right! Oh yeah, now we don't even have to gut him! [laughter] Yes! Yes! I show up, and I brought my .20-gauge Beretta A400 shotgun. And I got the nutria. <i>[country rock music]</i> - There's trails everywhere through here. - There's a trail right here. <i>narrator: Whether by sea or by land,</i> <i>nothing's stopping</i> <i>this young hunter.</i> <i>And those nutria</i> <i>best be on high alert.</i> - Did you see him? He's over there. He went that way! Do--do you see him? [gunshot blasts] <i>♪ ♪</i> - I see something. - Get him! He's going your way! [shotgun blasts twice] - Did I get him? Did I get him? Did I get him? All right. <i>narrator: Now, there's a saying in the swamp:</i> <i>when you get hot, you get cooking.</i> - It's a nice one. - It's a big one. <i>narrator: And right about now,</i> <i>you can already start smelling the grub on the grill.</i> - All right, y'all, let's go get some more. <i>Southern Wood is gonna be real happy with us.</i> <i>[laughs]</i> <i>narrator: While Lauren's looking to</i> <i>fill up the menu for the feast...</i> - Here we go! <i>narrator: Shelby and Angela are out</i> <i>trying to fill the big log order.</i> <i>But the wood he needs</i> <i>is guarded by gators.</i> Angela got her lesson. She's on alligator watch now. <i>[dramatic music]</i> Is it on fire? - Safety. - Okay. - Okay. <i>narrator: Now, Shelby done prepped his protégé</i> <i>for Alligator Alley,</i> <i>but when you start seeing and hearing</i> <i>them 10 and 20-footers...</i> <i>[ominous banjo music]</i> <i>It'll put you on edge lickety-split.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - You look that side, I'll look this side. - Kay, sounds good. What was that? - Alligator. <i>♪ ♪</i> Oh, it's a big son of a bitch, ain't it? <i>♪ ♪</i> - This is not good. <i>♪ ♪</i> - This is where we're gonna start. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>We need specialty stuff for this order, man.</i> But you don't find it laying on the shore. <i>narrator: The Swamp Man's looking</i> <i>for specialty wood:</i> <i>ornamental pieces for the bar tops.</i> - Y'all ready? - Oh, yeah, I'm ready. Let's do it. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: But in the swamp,</i> <i>ain't nothing come easy.</i> <i>So to get them, they'll have to get a little wet.</i> - We gotta get in the water, and swim with the gators. Here we go! <i>♪ ♪</i> Ha! <i>narrator: Now, an old swamp trick</i> <i>is to use your feet to find</i> <i>the logs on the river bottom.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - Here's one. <i>narrator: And Shelby's a master at it.</i> - Come here, come here, put your foot on there. Right here. Jump on it. See it bout-- - Oh, I see that. - Jump on it? - See it? So it's gotta at least be eight-foot long. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. [low growling] - Yeah. <i>[suspenseful music]</i> - Yeah. <i>♪ ♪</i> They got a noise, them alligators, make a sound like this: [gulping noise] When I hear that damn sound, it's time to get the [bleep] out of the water, for damn sure. This is [bleep] [bleep]. Come here. Let me show you something. Two alligators been laying up there on the bank. - Let me see, that's all this-- that's foot tracks, and it's-- that's where alligators been laying. All right, let's go and see if we can find this other log, and see if we can pick it up. <i>narrator: Now, when you come a-knocking</i> <i>on a gator's front door,</i> <i>you best hope he ain't home,</i> <i>'cause they don't take kindly to trespassers.</i> <i>[ominous music]</i> - That's the end of it? - Yep. - Pretty long. - Let me get it. - All right. - I'm gonna pull it. Ahh! - The hook on this one... <i>♪ ♪</i> [chuckles] <i>♪ ♪</i> Where you at? ♪ ♪ Shelby? Whoa, [bleep]! You scared the hell out of me! [laughs] - That might be too much in the mud. - Well, that's not good. - I went down to get that log, and Angela thought a alligator got me. <i>Spooked the hell out of her.</i> Yeah, Alligator Alley does that to folks. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: Now, there's an old expression in the swamp...</i> [low growling] - You hear that? - Yeah. <i>narrator: If at first you don't succeed,</i> <i>pray them gators stay away a little longer.</i> - It's quiet out there, man. It's too quiet. <i>♪ ♪</i> One thing you don't want to hear in Alligator Alley is nothing. [low growling] <i>♪ ♪</i> Ah! God! [grunts] A limb got tripped on one of my toenails, and pulled it backwards. - Oh, man! Ooh. - Aw, mother... <i>I've been using my feet for years to find logs.</i> That [bleep] ain't easy, man, tear your damn toenails off. [groans] - Ick! - Is that me or a worm? - It's part of your dead skin from when your toe got... [bleep]! My God! - Boy, I'll tell you, man. Oh, man! - [grunts] Found one. - Did you? - Found something. - Pick it up and see. - I don't know--I can't. That's--it's too big. It's right here, right where I'm standing. <i>[soft dramatic music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> [yelps] - Whoa, God! - [laughs] - Son of a bitch! You scared the [bleep] out of me! <i>- Yeah, that girl's good, junior.</i> Man, she's already finding logs with her feet. - [laughs] - Is it pretty? - Yes, it's pretty. <i>narrator: Now, the alley may have gators,</i> <i>but once you work your way past them,</i> <i>it's also got plenty of prime logs for the picking.</i> - Oh, man! - Nice! - That's it, junior. God damn, load it in. <i>♪ ♪</i> Go back to land now! Get in. <i>Man, we found a bunch of them down here.</i> We got all the special wood we need. <i>Well, I'm close on this order, man.</i> - Let's go, Shelby! - You got that one. <i>narrator: Shelby's getting closer</i> <i>to filling the order for Southern Wood.</i> <i>- Here we go! - Whoo!</i> <i>narrator: But the young company's still</i> <i>looking to fill the menu for their big feast.</i> - Oh, here comes another one! <i>narrator: Now, if you're looking for</i> <i>grub straight from the swamp...</i> [snake hissing] - [shouts] [shotgun blasts] <i>narrator: There's plenty of</i> <i>critters to choose from.</i> - Right in the lip. <i>narrator: But one dish you gotta serve up</i> <i>is Shelby's favorite:</i> <i>alligator gar.</i> <i>This ain't no ordinary fish.</i> - He's got scales like bone on the outside of his damn hide. And he's got damn teeth like a alligator. <i>They got a alligator mouth.</i> They get up 17, 18-foot long. They're good eating, though. <i>narrator: They're mean and ornery</i> <i>and tough to snag.</i> <i>And the Swamp Man's pal Lauren</i> <i>is just the gal to get them.</i> - I'm excited, let's do this. <i>- She's tough. Don't let her fool your ass.</i> <i>She's raised in these swamps.</i> <i>She's been down here since she was two years old.</i> [spits] She's good as gold. [engine puttering] <i>narrator: Now, these alligator gar,</i> <i>they like to hunt their prey at night.</i> <i>So that's the best time to try and snatch them.</i> <i>narrator: But Lauren ain't using no rod and reel.</i> <i>She's going full-blown Robin Hood,</i> <i>using a bow and arrow to catch these swamp monsters.</i> - I'm pretty confident we're gonna get lots of fish. When I'm standing on the front of the boat, I'm gonna look in the water, <i>and I'm going to look for mud clouds</i> <i>to see where the fish had just come from.</i> <i>[country rock music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - What--oh--right--[bleep]! Sorry! If you see a big, big, big one like that, you're probably only gonna get a quick shot on him. [engine revs] Gar fish coming at you! You shot low and to the left of him. - [bleep]! <i>♪ ♪</i> - It may seem easy to just be able to pick which fish you want, and draw back the bow, and hit it, but it takes a lot more patience and skill than you think. - A gar fish! Shoot him right there, big one! Hurry up, there you go, it's a little bit low. Ooh, [bleep], sorry. Reel it up. - Damn, that was a nice gar. <i>narrator: Now, these gar might be big, but they're fast.</i> <i>And trying to pin them with an arrow</i> <i>is like trying to grab a greased-up hog</i> <i>with both hands tied behind your back.</i> - Here we go! Right there! Left, left, left! <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: And it ain't coming easy.</i> - I don't have time to be missing fish like this. <i>♪ ♪</i> Son of a bitch. <i>I've got a reputation to uphold.</i> And so far, I am not delivering on that whatsoever. <i>[forlorn harmonica music]</i> It's super important that I get every one of these fish, because I really want to come through for the guys at Southern Wood. <i>narrator: Now so far, she ain't</i> <i>hit the alligator gar target yet.</i> - It's getting a little murky, huh? <i>narrator: And if she don't turn it around soon,</i> <i>plates could be looking</i> <i>a mite bit sparse for the cookout.</i> - Right there right there, red. Get 'em, girl. Lower, lower, lower,<i> ♪ ♪</i>nail him! Bam! Got him, girl! I told you! Perfect! That's crazy! Good shot! - Yes! - There you go. - Good shot, girl. - Thank you. - All right, come on. Look, see him right there? Nailed him! <i>[cheerful harmonica music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> You got another one! Lauren, you keep shooting like that, you gonna be able to feed the whole village over there. - I'm gonna try. - Hey, right there. Lauren, straight in the front. <i>narrator: Lauren's hitting bull's-eyes left and right.</i> - Oh, you nailed him! - Oh, yes! <i>narrator: And the boat's filling up with gar</i> <i>taller than a warthog's ear.</i> - We are killing it tonight. Oh, yeah! - Look at that big red right there. - Nice, nice. - Almost a full red. Got a couple spots on him. <i>[upbeat banjo music]</i> - I told you fishing was my favorite. <i>narrator: This gal's coming through</i> <i>for the Southern Wood boys.</i> <i>And she's proven she's gonna be a force</i> <i>as a hunter for years to come.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>[bow thwacks] Yes!</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> [rooster crows] <i>narrator: As dawn breaks on the bayou...</i> <i>[upbeat country music]</i> <i>At Shelby's Landing, the Swamp Man's</i> <i>finishing up the final pieces</i> <i>for Southern Wood.</i> - [whistles] - Shelby! [chainsaw buzzing] <i>narrator: And with only two days until the order's due,</i> <i>it's just in the nick of time.</i> - What y'all doing? - Hey. You working on our order? - Yeah, I'm cutting it up into little pieces. [laughter] What's going on with the order? - We're gonna need a little more than we were thinking. <i>narrator: But no good deed goes unpunished.</i> <i>And these boys just put the squeeze on the Swamp Man.</i> - That's gonna be a bad malfunction there, junior. - If we could, we'd like to get some sinker that has that really good wash in it. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Damn. It just got tougher, man. It's not the easiest damned thing to find, man. - Is that something you think you can do? - Yeah, that sounds good, man. We can do that. I'm gonna have to get on it, though, man. - All right, well, let's get it going, and we'll get you some money. - Let me get started on it. - All right? - All right, man. Good seeing y'all too, man. - All right. Good to see you. <i>narrator: Now with this last cypress Shelby needs,</i> <i>it's a big and heavy log.</i> - What the [bleep] I got myself into now? Here we go, junior! Man. Lord have mercy. <i>narrator: And with the clock a-ticking,</i> <i>he's gotta swing for the fences.</i> - Oh, bet there's some good [bleep] here, boy. <i>narrator: Sometimes when life throws you a curve...</i> - We gonna get them logs, junior. <i>narrator: You just dig in at the plate.</i> <i>- Now I can juice up my jet boat,</i> add some horsepower to that son of a bitch. <i>narrator: So to try and pull it off...</i> - Come on, Angie! <i>narrator: The Swamp Man's upgrading</i> <i>the engine in his crown jewel...</i> - Put it on that hitch! <i>narrator: His jet boat.</i> - I can't wait to get it in the boat and run it. It'd pull them logs, have more power. It'll be like a wrecker. <i>narrator: With the added horsepower...</i> <i>narrator: Shelby will be ready to go toe-to-toe</i> <i>with any size log he finds.</i> - When I get it going, that sumbitch'll get it going gone, man. I mean, that's how much you get it, man. [engine revs] [laughs] Here we go now, junior! Listen to that purr! [engine revs] Damned jet boat's going, here we go, junior! It's gotta be tested. - Let's test it. Let's do this. - Please, Lord Jesus, don't let us get hurt. <i>♪ ♪</i> Bedico, you better hold on too. [dog whines] [engine revving] Oh, here we go! [engine screaming] <i>[upbeat bluegrass music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - Whoo! [engine roars] <i>narrator: Shelby's jet boat</i> <i>was loaded with muscle before, but now...</i> - [laughs] - Yeah! <i>narrator: It's stronger than a whole acre field of garlic.</i> - That's a good boat, ain't it, Paw Paw? - Whew! - That's a fun boat, ain't it? - Yeah. <i>narrator: Now, the jet boat might have</i> <i>all the pulling power in the world,</i> <i>but if Shelby ain't got a log to pull,</i> <i>well, that'd be like using sunscreen on Christmas.</i> - Need a big log for the big order. <i>[upbeat banjo music]</i> That's a big one. - Look at that one. - Three of them. One, two, three-- There's four! <i>♪ ♪</i> And ain't none of them cypress. [distant growling] Man! <i>♪ ♪</i> Try it. <i>♪ ♪</i> We're looking for logs, not sticks. - [laughs] I know the difference. <i>♪ ♪</i> - Oh, look at the logs up in there! <i>narrator: Now, Shelby's list of secret spots</i> <i>have almost always hit the jackpot.</i> - Right in front of us. Oh, ho! Looking up in there. <i>narrator: But right now...</i> - Let me see? Nobody ain't gonna be looking for a damned holly tree. You're looking for cypress, man, look for cypress! <i>narrator: Shelby's striking out</i> <i>more than Casey at the bat.</i> - Man, oh, man, not looking good, junior. Feel anything? - Yeah! - You feel something? - Yep! I feel something! - Let's see what kind of log it is. It might be sinker, maybe if it's that big. If it's cypress-- can you break that off? <i>[country music]</i> That's pine, that's pine. That's a good log, but that ain't what we're looking for. <i>narrator: The clock's a-ticking.</i> <i>And if he don't find a log fast,</i> <i>the Swamp Man and the new company</i> <i>could be in a heap of trouble.</i> - I'm in a world of [bleep] now. [dog barking] <i>narrator: Deep in the Louisiana swamp...</i> - This is a cool spot right here. <i>narrator: On the hunt for one last giant log,</i> <i>Shelby's trying to get back on top</i> <i>and help the Southern Wood boys at the same time.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - You got it? - No. Can't find nothing. <i>narrator: But right about now,</i> <i>he couldn't find a porcupine in a sandbox.</i> <i>- Man, this order's real important to me.</i> I need one more big log, and I get my payday. If not, their company could go under. I got one more spot we can go look at. Come on! - Okay. - It's getting late. <i>narrator: The Swamp Man's run through just about</i> <i>every honey hole he knows, except for one.</i> - I'm gonna try a honey hole that I found sinkers in the past. <i>narrator: An old favorite nicknamed Kitty Corner,</i> <i>and he's hoping this cat's still got</i> <i>a ninth life left in her.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - I smell one right here. [engine grinds] You smell that? - What am I smelling? - Cypress. - Cypress? - [sniffing] - Sinker cypress? - Yeah, sinker cypress, man. [sniffing] [dog whines] Where's that son of a bitch at? I smell him. - [laughs] <i>Shelby says he can smell logs underwater.</i> How do you smell logs underwater? - [sniffing] <i>narrator: Round these parts, folks always say</i> <i>Shelby's got a nose like no other.</i> <i>And maybe that's truer than they think.</i> - [sniffs] <i>I been doing it so long, I can smell logs.</i> There's a odor them sinkers give off. Stink like hell, yeah, too. [engine rumbling] Smells like it's up in that hole there. <i>♪ ♪</i> People think I'm crazy, but it works, man. Log's right in there. There should be one right in there. <i>♪ ♪</i> - Oh, great. - I'm gonna see if Angie can find what I'm smelling down there. Oh, man! <i>[suspenseful music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> Is that a log? - Oh, yeah. - You found one, really? - Right here. - Don't lie to me. - No, I'm serious! - How big around is it? Can you go down, stick your arm around it? - [exhales] <i>♪ ♪</i> Whew! I knew it! <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: With an assist from the Swamp Man's snout...</i> - This thing must weigh three tons! - Oh my God! <i>narrator: Shelby's protégé might've done hit the jackpot.</i> - I knew this damned log was down there. It's a big son of a gun, junior. The son of a bitch is huge! <i>narrator: And the team is back in business.</i> - Oh, here we go! <i>narrator: While Shelby and Angela</i> <i>get to work prying out the monster log,</i> <i>over at Southern Wood,</i> <i>the big feast is just getting underway.</i> - Bye, fellas. - We gotta go check on that pig now. - It's been about 13 hours. <i>[country rock music]</i> <i>narrator: And the menu's looking like</i> <i>it was cooked up by the Swamp Man himself.</i> <i>- It's the big night.</i> <i>The swamp feast is finally here.</i> Lauren really came through for us. - Let's get those gar. We got the gar. We got the redfish. We got crabs, crawfish. What else we got? <i>- Nutria. - Nutria.</i> - This is the one that I shot, so let's see how this guy tastes. - Tastes really good. - Very nice. - Frogs legs, I mean this is what <i>this area holds.</i> <i>And it's awesome.</i> - Everything we got was gotten within 10, 15 miles of right here. - Look at that! She looks really good to me. <i>narrator: While Shelby's out trying</i> <i>to take everyone to the next level,</i> <i>the boys are hoping this bash</i> <i>helps their reputation around the bayou.</i> - I shot that gar... - She did. - With a bow and arrow! - That is some good stuff. - Hey, everybody, I just want to thank everybody for coming out to our first annual Swamp Feast. [cheers and applause] I just want to let everybody here know we appreciate everything y'all have done for us over the last year. You know, a big thanks to Shelby. You know, he's out there getting those logs for us. [cheers and applause] <i>Shelby couldn't be here tonight.</i> We really wish he could've been here. He absolutely would've loved this, <i>and eaten this up, 'cause this is his kind of food.</i> - Oh! I found a good one. - Oh, whoa. - A-ha! - But, you know, he's out there pulling that big order for us. If he doesn't get this big order, you know, we might not have a party next year. - There may be no year two for us. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>- Our business depends on him right now.</i> <i>narrator: The swamp feast may be a hit,</i> <i>but downriver...</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - Got it? - Barely. <i>narrator: Shelby and his protégés</i> <i>have the boys' monster cypress tied up.</i> - Get in. Man! <i>narrator: But they're struggling</i> <i>to get it off the muddy floor.</i> <i>- It ain't gonna be easy to get</i> this one out, it's way down in the mud. <i>narrator: Now, when it comes to breaking giant logs free,</i> <i>the Swamp Man's got plenty</i> <i>of tricks up his sleeve.</i> <i>Why, there's the swamp slingshot.</i> - You need to move a little bit. - Here we go, junior. Not far now, junior. <i>narrator: The backwoods yo-yo.</i> - Oh, come on, junior. <i>narrator: And of course, the bayou boogie.</i> - Boat's gotta go up and down at the same time! Oh, yeah. Oh! Oh! The son of a bitch is in the mud and stuff like mother duck. I weigh 200, what you weigh? 49? - 175. - [sighs] Then we got Bedico, about 400 or 500 more pounds on it. [dog whines] <i>narrator: For this one, the winner is</i> <i>the bayou boogie.</i> [boat rattling] <i>And they're gonna boogie so hard</i> <i>they're hoping it'll pop the tied-up log</i> <i>free from the mud.</i> - Come on, Paw Paw, let's go! Come on! Get it moving! <i>[cheerful bluegrass music]</i> <i>narrator: The log's still not budging from the bottom.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>So Shelby will try another dance move.</i> - Oh, yeah, oh! Here we go! One, two, three, go! <i>narrator: The backwater bend.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - Oh, yeah. - Oh, this is not around the mule here, junior. <i>♪ ♪</i> It's bubbling right here, now, yeah. Toni Roni that, junior. <i>narrator: The old soft shoe did the trick.</i> - Come back up here. <i>narrator: And the beast is loosened up good.</i> - Boy, that's a good one, Paw Paw. - This could be the one we was hoping for, man. <i>[easygoing banjo music]</i> Tighten it up. This is what came pulling out of that mud. <i>narrator: Now, he's gotta haul the three-ton log out.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> [engine revs] <i>♪ ♪</i> - Here we go, got it now, junior. [engine roars] [engine clanks] [loud sputtering] Oh! Oh, man! <i>[bluesy harmonica]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> Broke the damn winch, man. It's a serious malfunction now. [winch clanks] Oh, man! <i>narrator: One big log away from filling the order...</i> - Oh, no. I was hoping to pull that thing up, man. <i>narrator: Shelby might've fallen short.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - What the [bleep] am I gonna do? <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>Only got one more winch.</i> If this one breaks, we're gonna be hare lipped, coming home with nothing. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: The Swamp Man's toolbox</i> <i>is down to slim pickings.</i> <i>But he's got just enough left</i> <i>to tie the beast up.</i> - Get it, go, gone! <i>narrator: And 600 horses under the hood</i> <i>ready to try and bring her home.</i> [engine revving] - Here we go! [creaking] Gonna get it now! <i>♪ ♪</i> - Whoo! - Oh, whee! <i>♪ ♪</i> Get out ya house! [engine revs] Gonna get it now! <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> That's a good log there. We got a damn payday today, man. <i>narrator: The engine came through</i> <i>with flying colors.</i> Get your ass off the back. Come up here in front. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: But now, it's gotta survive</i> <i>dragging the monster log</i> <i>all the way back home.</i> - This [bleep] boat has got to stay level. - Okay. - If that rope breaks, this [bleep]'s flipping. <i>♪ ♪</i> Oh, God help me. Come on, junior. Come on, junior. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: Pulling a cypress this heavy</i> <i>is proving to be like trying to pull</i> <i>a 30-foot gator by the tail.</i> - Come on, baby. <i>narrator: And Shelby's moving at a snail's gallop.</i> <i>[country rock music]</i> <i>narrator: But with everything on the line</i> <i>for him and the boys,</i> <i>he'll go all night if he has to.</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> - Come on, junior. Oh, man. I don't know if we're gonna make it home! [laughs] Oh, [bleep]. Oh... - Come on, now. Come on, man. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: Finally...</i> - Oh, junior! <i>narrator: The landing's in sight.</i> <i>And the sweet smell of success</i> <i>is starting to fill the swamp.</i> - Well, we got it home without flipping the boat, Paw Paw. Oh, here we go! Now, we just gotta see how big this one is. <i>[dramatic music]</i> <i>♪ ♪</i> Oh, he got the log that time! <i>♪ ♪</i> - Oh my gosh! It's a nice log you got there, Paw Paw! <i>narrator: It ain't no doubt</i> <i>this one's one for the books</i> <i>and everything the boys needed.</i> - Well, we did good on that one, man. - [laughs] - That's a big one, junior. Big enough to fill the order. <i>narrator: The Swamp Man came through.</i> - Whoo-hoo! <i>narrator: And as for Angela,</i> <i>well, with all the skills she done learned,</i> <i>she'll be ready for anything</i> <i>the swamp throws at her.</i> - Pulling that log was like my swamp graduation. <i>This is a huge accomplishment for me.</i> <i>narrator: Now, filling this order</i> <i>will surely put the Swamp Man back on top.</i> - Boy, that's a good one, Paw Paw. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: But he ain't the only one</i> <i>who's gonna reap the benefits.</i> <i>At Southern Wood...</i> - This is what we're looking for. - Right. This is why we go to Shelby. <i>narrator: Thanks to the Swamp Man,</i> <i>the boys' future's looking bright as the Southern sun.</i> [saw grinding] - Shelby's come through. - Look at that. It's absolutely perfect. <i>narrator: And now, these boys are here to stay.</i> - This is gonna move us to the next level. <i>- It's gonna push us over the top.</i> - You're the only guy we thought could get it. Appreciate it. - [laughs] - Thank you. - You're welcome. - And that's why they call him the Swamp Man. - [laughs] <i>[cheerful banjo music]</i> <i>narrator: In the swamp, you don't want to just survive,</i> <i>you want to thrive.</i> <i>And now, thanks to Shelby,</i> <i>not only are his pockets overflowing,</i> <i>there's a whole new generation</i> <i>that'll be thriving too.</i> - Not too bad, Paw Paw. <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>Here we go!</i> <i>[laughs]</i> Oh, here we go! <i>narrator: Shelby not only helped himself</i> <i>and a new generation...</i> - It's a giant anchor! - This is the spot where Shelby found that anchor! - Okay. <i>narrator: He set off a treasure hunting frenzy.</i> - Let's go get it! <i>narrator: And two young guns are looking</i> <i>to follow in the Swamp Man's footsteps.</i> - Whoo-hoo! <i>narrator: Hunting for one of the bayou's biggest treasures.</i> <i>narrator: The lost loot of a train robbing legend.</i> - What is it? - I told you we'd find gold.
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man, King of the Swamp, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man season 1 epiosode 3, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man s1 e3, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man se1 e3, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Mans01 e03, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man1X3, full episode clips, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man full episode, local swamp museum, king of swamp new episode, watch full episode
Id: I8_z-rB1wps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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