The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man: Back on the Gravy Train (S1, E2) | Full Episode | History

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<i>male narrator: Deep in the heart</i> <i>of the Louisiana bayou...</i> [birds squawking] <i>Lurks a man like no other.</i> - Here we go! [grunts] His head just come off. That is crazy. [laughs] <i>narrator: They call him the Swamp Man.</i> [gunshot] [engine revs] - Whoa, whoa, whoa! <i>narrator: After a couple tough years</i> <i>seeing his empire crumble...</i> - I don't think you're gonna get it, man. <i>narrator: And his beloved pirate ship sink...</i> - Get out the way! <i>narrator: He came roaring back</i> <i>to lend his neighbors a helping hand</i> <i>when they needed it most.</i> - Oh, he does it! Some fun [bleep]. We got to go back to work now, baby. <i>narrator: Now he's got a new protégé...</i> - Got that done! <i>narrator: And a new mission.</i> - Whoo! [laughing] <i>narrator: Helping others while helping himself.</i> - Well, we'd give you a big deposit. - Oh, we need that bad! <i>narrator: And these boys have something</i> <i>up their sleeve...</i> - Don't forget to bring the money. <i>narrator: Destined to make Shelby smile.</i> - Boy, we eating fish today. <i>narrator: Looks like the Swamp Man's back in business.</i> [crunching] - Might make a bunch of money today. <i>narrator: In a style all his own.</i> - [shouts] [splashing] - Shelby! Oh, my gosh! <i>♪ ♪</i> <i>narrator: In the swamp,</i> <i>you can go from prince to pauper</i> <i>quicker than two shakes of a gator's tail.</i> - Oh, yeah. Most people got kids, gotta take care of them. Gotta take care of Willy. Gotta brush his teeth. You know, you gotta have clean teeth, man, 'cause your teeth will be rotting out, man. Your hygiene should be good. Make you heart better and everything. <i>narrator: And for Shelby...</i> - Look at that boy, he's so pretty. <i>narrator: That means slim pickings at the landing.</i> - You go rinse your mouth out. <i>narrator: Why, he's even down to his last toothbrush.</i> - [spits] Man. [explosions] <i>narrator: There was a time</i> <i>when the Swamp Man had it all.</i> - Thank God I'm alive! [laughs] <i>narrator: His empire was thriving.</i> - 200,000 more feet! If I can get them logs like that, man, and that much of it, it make me a damn millionaire, quick. <i>narrator: And he had enough money to burn a wet mule.</i> - Ahh! That's what I'm talking about! [dog whining] [dog whining] <i>narrator: But now...</i> <i>if a trip around the world cost a dollar,</i> <i>Shelby couldn't get past the county line.</i> - Shelby! <i>narrator: But 'round these parts, you never know</i> <i>when an opportunity's gonna come a-calling.</i> - You out here? - Shelby! - Who is it? What's going on? - What you doing? - I was trying to catch a fish but my rod broke. What y'all up to, son? - Shelby had been downriver for a couple years now. We heard he's back. It's really exciting for us, 'cause we're in such desperate need of some good wood right now. - We heard you been downriver. We been looking for you. - Shut up, Bedico! - We're from Southern Wood. Uh, we got a shop down the road, not too far from here. You got any logs? - Yep, I got a few, man. I got some right there. Got two. - Yeah, we need a few more than that. We're coming to talk to Shelby about a pretty big order we have we need to get pretty quick. Some of these logs have to be pretty big. We got a huge order we're trying to get filled up. - [blows nose] - And we've been going through several different log guys, and nobody can do what we need to do. - Well, how much is it? - We need to get at least 10,000 board feet of sinker cypress. Is that something you think you can do? - [laughs] Well, how much money y'all got down? You put any money down? - Well, we'd give you a big deposit. - Well, let me have it! - Well, we need to see some logs first. - How soon do you need it? - How soon can you get it? - Well, hell, I ain't psychic yet. As soon as I get it, I get it. I mean, as fast as I can get it, man-- - I mean, we need a tight rush, you know. We got to get this thing processed. - [bleep] right, man. Oh, we need that bad! What's your name again? - Steve. - Mother[bleep]. Oh, man. That sounds good, man. - Good. <i>Pretty exciting...</i> Shelby agreed to pull these logs for us, and get this order. But I'm a little worried, 'cause he hasn't been doing this for the last two years. I just hope he can pull it off. - Thank you. - Don't forget to bring the money. - Absolutely. - You take credit card, right? - No, we don't take no [bleep] credit cards. - Why not? - [laughs] Take the cash, and cash. Come on, Bedico. Get on the boat. <i>narrator: Looks like Shelby just scored an opportunity</i> <i>to help others and help himself.</i> - Man, this order's real important. It's either make 'em or break 'em. We gotta come through for 'em. And that paycheck's gonna be really nice. Here we go! <i>- Money's back in business!</i> <i>[laughs]</i> [engine revs] Get out the way! <i>narrator: With the chance to throw a lifeline</i> <i>to a young company</i> <i>and line the pockets of his daisy dukes,</i> <i>Shelby ain't wasting no time.</i> [engine roaring] - This damn order ain't gonna be easy, but it's been a long time since I did some serious logging. <i>But I'm gonna get it done.</i> Oh, boy! <i>narrator: On the Swamp Man's first mission back...</i> - [screams] <i>narrator: New protégé Angela</i> <i>got her feet wet and then some.</i> - [laughs] <i>narrator: Now, with Angela out fixing up the barge,</i> <i>it's master carver Tracy's turn</i> <i>in the hot seat.</i> - Yee-haw! <i>narrator: And the Swamp Man's headed straight</i> <i>for a favorite hunting ground.</i> <i>narrator: A bend in the river</i> <i>known as Cotter's Cove.</i> - Here we go, Paw Paw! Gonna get it now! Here we go! <i>narrator: Now, back when Shelby</i> <i>was king of the swamp...</i> - Oh, yes! - Oh, yeah! <i>narrator: Cotter's Cove was the</i> <i>Swamp Man's lucky horseshoe.</i> - Oh, look at the log up in there! <i>narrator: Cypress would wash up on the banks.</i> - Here we go! Whoa! <i>narrator: And it was loaded</i> <i>with all the treasure a man could hope for.</i> [engine revs] [dog barking] - You hearing that, do you? Let's see what that is. <i>narrator: But now, thanks to the summer floods...</i> - Bunch of junk. <i>narrator: It looks like the bayou's</i> <i>done flushed its toilet</i> <i>on his beloved hunting hole.</i> - Oh, man. Look at this [bleep]. [flies buzzing] Way up there on the bank, man. <i>narrator: But Shelby's like a hound dog.</i> - See that thing sideways? <i>narrator: And even through a mound of garbage,</i> <i>he can sniff out the bone he's looking for.</i> - That's cypress, ain't it? - Looks like cypress to me. - That's a big, pretty one! That's what we need. <i>narrator: To most folks,</i> <i>it may look like the only thing worth snagging here</i> <i>is the high-dollar cypress.</i> [flies buzzing] - There's some good stuff out there. - I know, I want to get that tire. <i>narrator: But to Shelby...</i> - Get me that basketball there. <i>narrator: It's like Santa done come early.</i> - Oh, hey, don't fall down in that, man. Wow, some of this stuff is good pickings, Paw Paw. Some of this is coming home with me. <i>narrator: Now, just 'cause the Swamp Man's</i> <i>hunting wood for the boys,</i> <i>don't mean he can't score some goodies for himself.</i> - Bedico, got you a ball, man. Lookit, there's your ball. <i>narrator: 'Cause you never know what might</i> <i>come in handy in a pinch.</i> - What is that? - [laughs] Oh, I ain't gonna tell you what I thought that was. - Ain't that some [bleep], boy? Some good [bleep] too. Get that tire. It'll fit my trailer. You get that there garbage can. - All right, that garbage can? - Good junk. - We need that. - Damn right, it's a good one. - Yeah. <i>narrator: With the swamp shopping spree done...</i> - That's a big dude right there. - That's a big log. <i>narrator: Shelby's got his eyes squarely on the prize.</i> <i>- There's a great log in there,</i> but it's surrounded by tons of junk. If we could tie this damn thing to it, we'll get it, junior. <i>narrator: But the only path to get it</i> <i>is right through the gutter.</i> - Man, that's a stinkin' son of a bitch. Oh, man. I just need some help! [laughs] <i>narrator: But if the gutter's the only way</i> <i>to get a high-priced log,</i> <i>then it's time to do some swimming.</i> - Ha! Here we go! Whoa! - Shelby, oh, my gosh. - Oh, bunch of good [bleep] here! - Ew! [bubbling] - Sometimes you gotta swim through junk to get to treasure, no matter how smelly, nasty, and disgusting, get in the crack of your ass. [grunts] Oh, boy! Here we go. <i>narrator: The monster log's tied off.</i> <i>Now it's just a quick trip back to the boat.</i> - Mm-mm. Ahh! [splashing] <i>narrator: With two laps</i> <i>through the cesspool behind him...</i> - We gotta pull that log out of that mud. <i>narrator: Question is,</i> <i>will the mud give up its treasure,</i> <i>or will the mission be trashed?</i> - We might make a bunch of money today. Buy us a box of toothpicks. [engine revving] - Come on, Paw Paw, let's go! <i>narrator: Shelby's looking to fill an order</i> <i>for some young guns</i> <i>and get back on the gravy train.</i> [engine roaring] - It breaking loose? - Yeah, it's breaking loose! <i>narrator: But right now...</i> - Move, Bedico! <i>narrator: Things are getting so messy,</i> <i>the Swamp Man's more nervous than a long-tailed cat</i> <i>in a room full of rocking chairs.</i> - Come on, man. - Bedico! [crashing] - Whoa! Bedico! You all right? [dog barking] There you go. That's my little man. Poor puppy. Only true child I got. You're lucky. It's enough to knock your damn eyeball out. - Yep. - Scared the hell out of me. Man, almost took out my damn puppy dog, man. I need some help here, junior. <i>narrator: Bedico may be safely in tow,</i> <i>but the prize log sure ain't.</i> - All right, I'm about to turn the boat. You get that big rope on it, <i>narrator: Now, there's a saying down in the swamp:</i> <i>"If at first you don't succeed..."</i> - Want me to do it? - Yeah, go ahead. <i>narrator: "Send your assistant into the garbage next time."</i> - I don't know. Swimming through garbage is not my cup of tea. But you suck it up and roll with it. [splashing] That is so [bleep]. - [laughs] Boy, you look where you're at now. Oh, ho! Yeah, tie-tie it right there. - Ow! I mean, there's no telling what's in that water. There could be snakes... Oh, uh-uh! Parasites... Ew! - Ha ha! Here we go! <i>- Whatever.</i> We gotta get it done, so that's what we do, you know? - Pull underneath the log. - Ew! I'm sorry. - Sorry's too late. That's it, that's it. Now, get your ass in the boat and let's get out of here. Come on! - Oh! Mother[bleep]! - Oh, ho! Here we go! [laughs] - After this, I'm definitely gonna have to have a bubble bath. With lots of bubbles. <i>narrator: With the big-dollar cypress on the line...</i> - Move, Bedico! Come on! <i>narrator: It's time to see if the jet boat can reel it in.</i> - Here we go, Paw Paw! <i>narrator: And haul it on home.</i> - Come on! [engine revving] We'll get it now! [rope straining] Oh-ee. - There we go, Paw Paw! - Oh, man! - Whoo! - Oh, we're in a high tax bracket now, baby. - I tell you what! - Got him back now! Got a good log now, Paw Paw, we off and running now. <i>narrator: The prize log's on its way,</i> <i>but Shelby still has a long way to go</i> <i>till this order's in the bag.</i> - Oh, ho, baby! [bird calls] <i>narrator: And the Swamp Man better get a move on,</i> <i>'cause upriver...</i> - I just hope the legend of Shelby's true and he can get these logs for us. <i>narrator: The boys from Southern Wood</i> <i>are getting antsy waiting on Shelby</i> <i>to come through with all the timber.</i> - Well, where we gonna put it? - Well, we just gotta make a little room. <i>narrator: The young guns have been in business</i> <i>a little under a year.</i> - Our business specializes in antique, reclaimed wood and sinker cypress. <i>narrator: And it hasn't always been easy.</i> <i>But now they've got a golden opportunity,</i> <i>and they're counting on Shelby</i> <i>to get them to the big time.</i> - We've gotta make one bar top <i>for their flagship location</i> <i>of this new restaurant,</i> and if we get this right, and they're happy with us, there's 35 more to follow. This could be huge, this is the kind of thing that could keep our shop running for the next couple years. <i>- It all ties back into Shelby.</i> We have to have him pull this wood. If he doesn't get what we need, <i>we're not gonna get this job.</i> <i>narrator: In the meantime,</i> <i>just like the Swamp Man,</i> <i>the young company's trying to put dollars</i> <i>in their pockets any way they can.</i> - We could get rid of your pecan tree here you've been hanging onto for the last year. You've been saying you're gonna do something with it, you just keep moving it around. I've got several guys that have asked about pecan chips for smoking and barbecuing with. <i>narrator: The chips could bring in</i> <i>some much needed cash.</i> - How are you gonna turn these hard logs into chips? <i>narrator: But pecan wood is tougher than a $2 steak,</i> <i>and slicing it down to chips</i> <i>is easier said than done.</i> - We've had a lot of trouble with processing this wood. It's hard on the saws, it's not an easy wood to work with. - You know, I've actually got a pretty good idea how we can do it and not even have to move it. - How? - You'll like it, and you'll see. <i>narrator: Now, in the swamp,</i> <i>there's an easy way to do things</i> <i>and a loud way to do things.</i> <i>And sometimes,</i> <i>they're one and the same.</i> - Let's blow it up. - I like that idea. [explosions] <i>narrator: The boys are taking a page</i> <i>out of Shelby's playbook.</i> - Here we go! [explosions] <i>narrator: Now, in the wood business,</i> <i>explosives can be handy problem solvers.</i> [explosions] <i>And it makes like every day is the Fourth of July.</i> - I'm pretty good with the explosives. We can just take these things and blow them up. We're ready to go. - I'm a little worried. Do we have enough? - I think it's probably more than enough. - All right, let's do it. - Let's get the battery, and uh-- I'll let you have the honors. - Awesome. How far you think we need to go? - I mean, I'd say, you know, 20 feet. That's about far enough. - Are you sure we're far enough away? - I mean... - You don't think we should go back a little bit further? - Okay. - All right. That makes me happy. - If you're scared or anything-- - Well, I mean, it is explosives! [bird calls] So all I have to do is touch this wire to that one. - That's it. - Are you sure this is gonna work? - Yep, and we'll have chips all over this place. - All right, here we go. One... Two... Three. [e- One...s] Two... Three. [explosions] Whoo-hoo! Holy cow! Oh, God. Well, that didn't do [bleep]. - I mean, I know pecan is hard, but... God, it didn't do anything! Well... We're gonna have to get a little more serious about this. - [bleep]! <i>narrator: So far, in the battle of the chips,</i> <i>it's the logs, one,</i> <i>Southern Wood, nothing.</i> - This is why I don't like pecan! - Me neither, dude. <i>narrator: While the boys go back to the drawing board...</i> <i>Downriver...</i> - Here we go, Paw Paw! [bird calls] <i>narrator: Shelby's headed home</i> <i>after his first day on the new job.</i> - We're off and running now! <i>narrator: But there's trouble</i> <i>on the home front.</i> - Damn Winnebago, or some kind of damn thing. Leave for one day, come back, there's more junk. Angela! - What? - Where you at? - Here! - Well, they got a mild function over here something going on don't look worth a [bleep] to me. What the hell is that doing up here on my property? Huh? It looks like a damn junkyard. Pull up, and there's a damn RV sitting on my land like a big pile of junk. Do you remember what I told you about people dropping [bleep] off here? - The gate was wide open. I didn't--I thought you left the gate open. - Ain't this some [bleep]. You can't even get your work done, man, they got you-- dropping junk off. [creaking] They think it's a damn dump! Might look like a dump, but it ain't! You know that? <i>narrator: While Shelby was living off the grid,</i> <i>the locals made his land</i> <i>into a friendly, neighborhood garbage dump.</i> <i>And some folks haven't stopped yet.</i> - I'm gonna take the stuff that's good off of it. As long as you leave stuff on my land, I'm taking the stuff. [muttering] <i>narrator: Now, this may look like a 5-ton rust bucket.</i> <i>narrator: But everyone knows</i> <i>the Swamp Man has a knack</i> <i>for turning trash into treasure.</i> <i>narrator: So Shelby will put the order on a brief hold</i> <i>as he raids his shiny new piggybank.</i> - One of them good ones there, Paw Paw. Already get in a high tax bracket, already, man. <i>narrator: And he's gonna crack it open</i> <i>and take every last penny.</i> - A TV plugged into a cigarette lighter. Never seen one of them before. A cigarette lighter TV! I got my own TV! What is this thing? [rattling] Oh, man! A bed! Oh, ho! Here we go! What the hell? Charcoal, lighter fluid for charcoal. Boy, this sumbitch like a gold mine! I mean, tony rony! [clattering] You see anything you want, put it in your pocket. [dog barking] - Where you at? - Look, this thing's worth a bunch of money on the damn eBay! - I used to have one of those! - Here. - Holy crap! - Put that outside, man. That's gonna be 500 smackaronies. - Good God, we used to play this at my grandma's house all the time. - This is valuable stuff! This might be better than logging! This is better than winning "The Price Is Right." Here. <i>[cash register ringing]</i> Here. You can have some kids. - Yep. - Better than going to Walmart with Bob Barker. I don't know what that is. I've never seen one of them. I don't know what that is. What is that? - That's a poppin' plate! - What does that mean? - You stick your plates up here. Like this. - Ha! Oh, man, I gotta have that. Take that off! Take that off! - Yeah. That is cool! - Oh, man! Lookit here. Uh-huh. Man, that's $400 or $500 there, man. <i>[cash register rings]</i> <i>narrator: The broke-down RV's</i> <i>turned out to be a cash cow.</i> <i>[cow mooing]</i> <i>And Shelby's milking it for all it's worth.</i> - I got everything I need out of it. Ain't nothing left. We doing good now! [laughs] <i>narrator: Slowly but surely,</i> <i>the Swamp Man's getting back on track.</i> - In that high tax bracket! [laughs] Here we go! <i>narrator: While Shelby counts his pennies...</i> [dog barks] <i>Back at Southern Wood...</i> - I got one more trick up my sleeve, and then I'm done with this. - Well, what's that gonna be? - We can just go a lot bigger. - Fine with me. <i>narrator: The boys are still trying</i> <i>to break their piggybank open</i> <i>by turning stubborn pecan logs</i> <i>into chips.</i> - How much bigger can we go? That was, like, 100 pounds, wasn't it? - We can get a lot bigger. - All right, let's do it. - We doubled it up. Try it again. <i>narrator: Now, in the swamp,</i> <i>you don't go home till you go big</i> <i>at least twice.</i> <i>And for these boys,</i> <i>it sure ain't quitting time yet.</i> - This is gonna work. 100%. - How much more we got on there? - At least double. - All right, let's do it. - Five, four, three, two, one... [explosions] - Whoo! Holy cow! - Are you joking? - Man, this didn't do a damn thing. Nothing happened, man. - The explosion didn't work. The wood's too hard. The whole point of the explosives were to make [bleep] chips out of them and you didn't even make bark out of it. <i>narrator: The get-rich-quick scheme blew up in their faces.</i> - That wood is hard! <i>narrator: So while they're counting on Shelby--</i> - Get your chainsaw, buddy. - Oh my God. <i>narrator: They'll just have to make chips</i> <i>the old-fashioned way.</i> <i>- We got a little work to do. - Yeah.</i> <i>narrator: In the Louisiana swamp...</i> - Where you at? Get on up out the house! I'm hungry! Can't help it! [engine putters] Must be starving too. Man! <i>narrator: It's getting late.</i> <i>And after a hard day's work,</i> <i>Shelby's stomach is making more noise</i> <i>than a gator in heat.</i> - This better eat right. <i>narrator: Now, when you're trying to make ends meet...</i> [splashes] <i>The last thing you want to worry about</i> <i>is where your next meal's gonna come from.</i> - Mama taught me how to hunt, man, and track, and Daddy taught me how to fish. <i>narrator: But luckily for the Swamp Man,</i> <i>that's never been a problem.</i> - Here we go! [splashes] <i>narrator: No one knows more about rustlin' up food</i> <i>in the bayou than Shelby.</i> - [laughs] Oh, yeah, he's fresh. Ooh! You know that's gonna be good there, huh? <i>narrator: And he can turn just about anything</i> <i>into a gourmet meal.</i> - This is what you call sautéed frog. - Sautéed frogs. - Yep, with rosebud. Mm! Just the seasoning's come out here. You don't even have to go to the grocery store. <i>Can't get anything on my line.</i> <i>narrator: First up on the menu,</i> <i>the appetizer.</i> - Now, what in the hell? Looks like we're eating fish today! <i>narrator: And the fish is served</i> <i>just the way Shelby likes it...</i> - Come on there, junior. [crunching] <i>narrator: Raw and wriggling.</i> [spits] - Boy, these eyeballs are sweet. Good stuff there, boss. That's a nice one. Mmm. Mm! Mm-mm-mm. [crunching] Mm-hmm. <i>No ways of good eating them eyeballs.</i> And them fish eggs. That's some good [bleep], man. Sweet like candy. Let me get out of here. Big paddle. My daddy seen me paddling with this gun, he'd kill me. He'd beat me. You wouldn't even recognize me. Wouldn't he? [engine turns over] [hawks and spits] <i>narrator: Now, if you're gonna have fish...</i> <i>Well, you gotta pair it with some turtle.</i> [gunshot blasts] - Here we go! Well, we got that gold, didn't we, junior? Got that sucker. That's tony rony, that boy. Oh, he'll bite you too, man. This one will bite the [bleep] out of you. Look at how soft he is. Boy, we got something to eat now, Paw Paw. We got some turtle soup. Get you some of this, it don't cost a dime. <i>narrator: And no swamp feast is complete</i> <i>without the main course.</i> <i>And Shelby's got just the dish in mind.</i> - [imitating squirrels] [continues imitating squirrels] [squirrels barking] [continues imitating squirrels] [gunshot] There we go! We got him that time, junior. Right in the lip! He's lipless! <i>narrator: Now Chef Stanga's got everything</i> <i>he needs for a swamp feast.</i> - Come on, Bedico. <i>narrator: And he has his own way</i> <i>of preparing the grub.</i> - Once I clean the damn squirrel, I can give you something to eat. Cook that up, and it's better than a sirloin steak! It's good eating. You don't want-- Fido, here you go, man! <i>narrator: There's even enough for his pet gator.</i> - I'm gonna cook this squirrel on the fire. Wait for that fire to get ready. Old black powder trick, huh? <i>narrator: With his dinner deskinned</i> <i>and the water dog fed,</i> <i>it's time to fire up the grill.</i> - Here we go! <i>Shelby's fixing it up on the barbie.</i> - Come on, man. <i>narrator: But his oven's giving him a little trouble.</i> [fire whooshes]<i> [high-pitched ringing]</i> - Damn! [hacks] Son of a bitch, man. [coughs] Yeah-ho! Here we go! [coughs] We're ready now, junior! [dog groans] That's some bad [bleep], man. That's some dangerous [bleep]. <i>narrator: Now, it might not look</i> <i>like a five-star restaurant,</i> <i>but 'round these parts,</i> <i>Shelby's backyard kitchen</i> <i>can give anyone a run for their money.</i> <i>And tonight, charred squirrel never tasted so good.</i> - Gotta cool him off, there. I don't wanna burn my tongue. Hoo! Look at that squirrel. [chuckles] Mm-mm. Oh, yeah! Look at that. Just right. There ain't nothing better than a meal you got off the land and cooked up yourself. That tastes good. <i>narrator: And with the big mission</i> <i>coming up in the morning...</i> - Mm-mm-mm. <i>narrator: He'll need every ounce of energy</i> <i>his dinner gives him.</i> - I love it out here, it's home, junior. <i>narrator: As dawn breaks on the bayou...</i> - Come on, Tracy! <i>narrator: Shelby's hoping to swat</i> <i>two flies with one hand.</i> - You ready to go? Where the hell you at? <i>narrator: Looking to help fill the order</i> <i>for the boys at Southern Wood,</i> <i>and bank a big paycheck for himself too.</i> - Make sure you got drawers on too! We got a good log now, Paw Paw. <i>narrator: Yesterday, his old standby,</i> <i>Cotter's Cove, got him one log.</i> - Oh! <i>narrator: And a whole heap of trash.</i> - Come on, Bedico! Get on the boat! [dog whines] That's one big-ass damn order, man. I wonder what [bleep] I got myself into now. Here we go, junior! <i>narrator: So today, he's thinking big.</i> [dog barking] - I got a pretty good idea where I might find a bunch of good logs. <i>narrator: Heading to a bend downriver,</i> <i>hunting for a log raft</i> <i>rumored to have sunk over 100 years ago.</i> - Gonna get it now! <i>narrator: If his hunch is right,</i> <i>the haul will be massive.</i> <i>And he'll need something large and in charge</i> <i>to carry it home.</i> - Here we go, Bedico, you ready? <i>narrator: Now, there's only one tool</i> <i>in the Swamp Man's shed</i> <i>that fits that bill:</i> <i>his 40-ton Leviathan.</i> - Oh, man, that's a good machine there, junior! <i>narrator: Track hoe, barge,</i> <i>and paddle wheel, all rolled into one.</i> - Here we go! - Here we go! - Here we go. [barge horn blares] - Yee-haw! - How many RPMs is it? - 435 right now. <i>narrator: Now, when it comes to hauling</i> <i>a huge stack of logs,</i> <i>nothing beats the Leviathan.</i> - Leave the steering wheel straight, I'm gonna steer. - 10-4, boss daddy. <i>narrator: But when it comes to making</i> <i>hairpin turns on the river...</i> - I only got three rudders on the damn prop boat, so I gotta steer it with the excavator. <i>narrator: Well, that's a different story altogether.</i> - This ain't an easy place to get to. Some of them corners are awful tight. <i>narrator: And precision driving...</i> - Hold on! Oh-ho! <i>narrator: Well, that ain't never been</i> <i>the Swamp Man's strong suit.</i> - Turn! Turn, you son of a bitch! - Shelby! - Oh, [bleep]! We're gonna hit! [crashing] Thank God I ain't hit nothing yet. <i>narrator: And right now,</i> <i>getting the Leviathan through this spot</i> <i>would be like trying to thread a sewing needle</i> <i>with a side of bacon.</i> - It's not a walk in the park at all. But he knows all this area like the back of his hand. Like, he knows where every stump is. I feel safe with him. [clanging] Oh! Mother[bleep], what was that? What was that? - Oh-ho! Caught it right on the lip! - [imitates Shelby's grunting] - Hold on, Paw Paw, it's gonna get hairy up here. <i>narrator: Now, 'round this bend,</i> <i>things may get too close for comfort.</i> - This is the hardest part of the whole trip. It's way harder to get the paddle boat around here like this. <i>narrator: And it could put the squeeze on 'em.</i> - Hold on! Here we go. [chuckles] Get up on that, junior! [rumbling] Uh-oh. Ah! Watch it! <i>narrator: In the back waters of the bayou...</i> [engine revs] [rumbling] - Uh-oh. [whirring] Watch it! Oh-ho! Here we go! <i>narrator: The Swamp Man's up a creek</i> <i>with a 2-ton paddle.</i> - Oh my God! [rumbling] [whirring] Put it in neutral! - It is! - In neutral! - It is in neutral! [dog barking] - Boy, it's a malfunction! You got it in gear? - I'm not in gear! I'm going straight! - See if you can drive the mother[bleep]! [dog barking] - You told me to keep the mother[bleep] straight, Shelby! - You didn't hear me on the radio? - Nope! - Put it in gear and see if you can drive it! - Okay, no problem. [dog growling] Never a dull moment. I say that at least twice a day. - God have mercy. We ready there, junior? <i>narrator: After all the scrapes and scratches...</i> <i>narrator: Shelby's at the bend he pinned his hopes on,</i> <i>where legend has it,</i> <i>a log raft went down a century ago.</i> - We'll get these logs! It gonna be a hell of a spot, Paw Paw. Give it to me, give it to me, give it to me. <i>narrator: In the swamp,</i> <i>there's as many tall tales buzzing around</i> <i>as there are mosquitoes.</i> <i>So the only way to find out if this one's true...</i> - Let's get it! <i>narrator: Is to get diggin'.</i> - It'd be a damn crying shame to haul this damn beast out here, come home empty-handed. [rumbling] - Ooh. [rumbling] You feel that? - Like that. Feel the hit? What is that? Oh, that's cable from the big log! That's a raft! Oh-ho! There it is! [creaking] It was there! - Is that a piece of raft? - That's the raft! - Oh, boy. <i>narrator: Now, there's an old saying:</i> <i>Where there's smoke,</i> <i>there's fire.</i> <i>And right about now...</i> - So damn close, I can feel it! <i>narrator: Shelby's getting hot.</i> - I think I might've found some damn sunken treasure. Come on, junior! [water rushing] - That must be a log right there! - There. There's my loot. [mechanical whirring] There it is! [laughs] Got that, son! Boy, that's a good one, Paw Paw! - That's a good one right there. Yee-haw! - We on top of it now, junior! It's only one log, but it's a damn good start. Let's see the rest of that raft, Paw Paw. [rumbling] Oh, here we go, junior! - Look at that one, baby! - Probably more down there. [rumbling] - Whoo, it's raining logs! - Whoo! Ho-ho! We got 'em--getting 'em now. - This is a gold mine right here, man. - I knew this damn raft was down here, man. There's a whole bunch of them here! Get it, go, go on now, Junior, with all the damn logs we got now. How's that, Paw Paw? - Oh, my gosh. <i>narrator: After two years on the sidelines,</i> <i>Shelby came back with empty pockets</i> <i>and a determination to fill them.</i> - Ah-ho! <i>narrator: And using every trick he knows,</i> <i>the Swamp Man's hustling his way</i> <i>right back onto the gravy train.</i> - [laughs] - My mama didn't raise no fool, and my daddy didn't raise no idiot. So here we go! [laughs] <i>narrator: But Shelby ain't just helping himself.</i> - Shelby! - What y'all doing? - Working on our order? - Yeah. I been gettin'--here's some logs right here I got for it. Look at them big ones. - That's nice. <i>narrator: Thanks to the Swamp Man,</i> <i>the boys at Southern Wood</i> <i>could be onto the big time.</i> - These logs are looking great, so far. - Primo logs. Great logs. - We just want to make sure you're good with this, and you got everything. - Damn right, I got it, man. - This is just, hopefully, the first of many. You know, if everything is this good or better moving forward-- - We're gonna be--sitting high. - Shelby's really gonna hit one out of the park for us. - Yeah. - Thank y'all, Steven, Dan. - See you. - Oh, here we go now! Oh my God, we gonna be good now. <i>narrator: As the day winds down,</i> <i>Shelby's got one last piece of business to tend to.</i> - Here we go! <i>narrator: That old piggy bank sitting on his landing...</i> <i>Well, the inside of it</i> <i>may have been fully raided...</i> - I'm gonna get rid of the three ton pile of junk in a hurry. <i>narrator: But it can still be turned</i> <i>into valuable scrap metal.</i> <i>And the Swamp Man knows just how to do it.</i> [crashing] - Whoo! - Get it, get it! Whoo-hoo! [crashing] - Time to make some money. Here we go! - Rip it apart! Shelby is [bleep] crazy! - Look at that one, Paw Paw! [laughs] He is definitely a wild man. But he always has fun with what he does. Good day right here, junior. Ho! Man we need some help. Yeah! [laughs] There it is. We knocked all the draining right off of it. [water running] Oh, there it is now, junior. Bald Man--Swamp Man remodeling business. Got a new business we're going in now. That was some funny [bleep], man. [laughs] [laughs] <i>narrator: The clock's a-ticking on Shelby.</i> - What's going on with the order? - We gonna need a little more than we were thinking. - Damn. <i>narrator: So, to help himself...</i> - That could juice up my jet boat. This my daddy's gun. [gunfire] - Whoa! <i>narrator: And a new generation to boot.</i> [engine revs] - Here we go now, junior! <i>narrator: The Swamp Man ain't holding nothing back.</i> - Whoo-hoo! - Mm! - You had a mosquito! Sorry! <i>narrator: And neither is his protégé.</i> - I oughta kill you! - [laughs]
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man, Back on the Gravy Train, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man season 1 epiosode 2, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man s1 e2, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man se1 e2, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Mans01 e02, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man1X2, full episode clips, The Return of Shelby the Swamp Man full episode, King of the Swamp, local swamp museum, king of swamp new episode
Id: LoEfEsrAOGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 40sec (2440 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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