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tiarra del Fuego an 18,000 square mile island on the edge of the world tiarra del Fuego is littered with different types of ecosystems with unstable weather Antarctic Waters and Peete bogs that can swallow men whole every inch of terrain is potentially deadly this is a land of extremes we're at the tail end of planet Earth it's cold it's wet it's windy strike one strike two strike three you're out this sparsely inhabited environment lures Hunters tracking small game in the traditional way people come to Argentina to black powder hunt the problem with that is adrenaline takes your body over takes your mind over and you make mistakes in the thick of the hunt here one full step can spell disaster if you get injured or lost in an area like this it's a setup for death lost and bleeding at the bottom of the earth a scenario Dave Canterbury and Cody lundine will take to the extreme by self-inflicting a wound and using a radical cure I'm going to slice my arm open so that it will bleed we're going to pour black powder into that wound and then we're going to set it on fire let's get her done what we're doing should not be done at home fire in the [Music] hole that's a tangled mess out here isn't it all these blown down trees it's crazy it's crazy with ways to hurt yourself Cody lundine and Dave Canterbury pick up we're to two lost Hunters left off in a beach tree Forest that's been battered by heavy winds careful man the first step take stock of any gear that might Aid survival I got a backpack here D oh look at here man rifle all right Cody so what we got here is a flint lock muzzle loader got hunt with these a lot Dave is an army trained sniper with Decades of firearms experience including black powder rifles throughout the United States there are a couple million black powder Hunters so it's very much more traditional way of hunting than a modern firearm is and that's why so many people do it muzzle loading rifles don't use typical bullets they ignite loose black powder to fire a projectile it's basically a handheld Cannon I mean you got a cannon Barrel that you're shoving powder into muzzle loading is about going back back in time and replacing Gear with skill and I like that that's what I'm all about Dave's partner Cody is a primitive living skills expert who teaches his students how to survive using only what they find out in the wilderness we have camouflaged rain here for the Torso area a bottle with I'm assuming is that some sort of liquid it's like water to me they're real Hunters it'd be moonshine down where you come from a bunch of line let good strong stuff obviously cordage has a million uses right yep we have a compass we got a Powder Horn with a built-in measure as it got powder in it's the question oh yeah full of powder so if this caught a spark how much Devastation would this thing do holding it right there it probably kill me and you both okay that's it man DAV Cody will use what resources they have to take on the role of two lost Hunters who've fallen down a Ravine and that includes their injury you know in this scenario one of the hunters is cut so that's exactly what I'm going to do I'm going to lacerate my arm where it would have been if somebody had have fallen taken a tumble down the hill most likely and we've got some things in this kit that we can use to address that in a survival scenario erations can be dealt with in a variety of ways if the bleeding cannot be stopped burning the wound shut or cauterizing it can be the difference between life and death we do have the ability to cariz that wound because we have black powder when you cariz that wound basically what you're doing is you are burning all of those capillaries so that they no longer can excrete blood and I know that this is a feasible and viable way to stop bleeding in an absolute emergency situation cauterization dates all the way back to the ancient Greeks who would use heated metal and boiling oil to close life-threatening wounds what do you think of that idea I think we have the acutrans to do it I think you have the balls to do it what Dave is willing to do it goes without saying it should not be done at home I have accepted this because cauterization has been done for centuries I'm doing this because I trust you as much as I trust myself before Dave Cuts himself they need to get a fire started Cody's going to build a fire and prep that ahead of time so that when we get black powder poured into that wound all we have to do is touch it with the fire and it will immediately combust average annual humidity in Tiara del Fuego is around 75% cauterizing Dave's wound requires making fire with damp wood I'm looking for tender kindling and fuel unia a lyan that grows on tree bark thrives in these cool moist conditions taking a stick just run it up and down the tree is an easy way to collect volumes of this fairly quickly and you can see what there's no shortage of this stuff around here this uzia old man's beard is not really good when there's moisture in the air it absorbs moisture but I'm going to put this in my shorts I'm going to use my body heat as I'm walking around to start pre-drying out this Tinder a spark can be created by detonating the gunpowder inside the rifle and shooting it into Tinder I have my cotton bandana that I can use because it's cotton it will catch fire when it's coming out of the end of the barrel and will hold a spark or hold an ember and that's what I want to give Cody so that when he brings a nice Tinder bundle over here he has a steady Ember he can use to start that fire we want to shove this all the way down to compact out powder against the bottom of the gun now Cody can fire the gun Cody look like you got some stuff huh yeah did you Jack that up is ready to go it's ready to go all right brother ready to rock I see it burning bum all right what do you need man I'll probably be good here I'm going to bring this right down here it's coming yeah wait starting a fire is the first step next comes inflicting a wound and igniting gunpowder to seal it shut you know you read about stuff like this in books oh it can be done oh it can be done but you never see anybody do it and until you've actually done it even on a small scale you can't really teach someone what it really feels like and what it takes to get through it but at the same time I'm nervously hesitant about it what if I cut myself too deep and I hit you know something important you know if I would happen to cut a tendon or a vein somewhere I didn't realize was there not a physiologist I don't know anything about exactly where veins are at there's several stories of mountain men or soldiers that lost a limb and took that stump to stop the bleeding and rammed it right into the side of a wood stove like a sizzling say now his wound is not going to be life-threatening we wouldn't need to cauterize that but if he's willing to do that as an educational Venture have you done this before absolutely not I sure as hell haven't you ready yep I feel like I'm cocked and locked I'm ready to rock give me a knife all right brother what you got for me there I have a very very sharp knife right here God get the in there that's good that's good enough that'll bleed it's wide open Let it bleed everyone knows if you pour salt into an open wound it hurts like hell we're going to pour black powder with the main ingredient of salt peter into an open wound and then we're going to set it on fire sphagnum Moss is an abundant local resource that will help protect Dave's arm from Powder burn clean stes down you see the hole yep I do all right so I want you to walk me through this I'm ready to sprinkle that in there and light it off get in let's get it done man black powder Burns at over 2,000 de and combusts in less than a tenth of a second how much of this do you want in just pour it just pour it I'll tell you when it stop this isn't exactly a comforting moment the best case scenario is we have a perfectly sealed wound on Dave's arm the worst case scenario is we have Mount St Helens erupting from Dave's arm we create a bigger wound and he never speaks to me again I just want to get up here and tap it make it nice and neat well s like so get some on here all right get the damn fire okay hey Dave ready fire in the hole here to demonstrate the age-old technique of cauterizing a wound Dave's filled a self-inflicted cut with gunpowder all right get the damn fire we're going to use black powder cauterization only as a lesson in this situation and I would never ever recommend anyone do this come on [Music] though gunpowder creates thousands of degrees of Flesh searing heat it will only ignite under the right circumstances what when you open up your body there's liquid inside and that liquid comes out little more if liquid gets on to that black powder we can't light it all right let's get her done okay fire in the hole go all right man don't touch it I'm not going to touch it at all to completely stop the bleeding the entire wound has to be seared shut blood's still coming back you're calling the shots okay all right get some more powder out of that thing do it [Music] again down toward the end right in there yeah all right lay it on there get it on there there you yeah okay all right it's not bleeding now that's all I'm worried about all right brother good job thanks man Pump It Up I've got a pretty high tolerance for pain in general but when you actually set yourself on fire it almost felt like somebody shot me in the arm man right now it's pretty intense it hurts like hell so we need to dress that Now cover it with something it's in a vulnerable state if he bumps it it's going to hurt I don't want him to bust it open okay just go ahead and kind of hold that there for me I'm going to put the compression up here that's fine got it that not too tight no it's fine is that spum wet when you get a third degree burn and you put a dry dressing on it when you peel it off you're going to pull off skin so you have to have something that's wet well it's moist cuz it's vagnas but it's not soing is that too tight down here how does it feel feels like I just lit my arm on fire yeah crank it down brother appreciate it thanks man I sure as hell have never dumped black powder in someone's open wound and let it on fire I'm going to have to deal with that injury and Dave and this is the beginning of the trip in a survival situation involving an injury finding rescue is even more urgent and in remote areas like Tiera del Fuego coastline is usually a reliable gateway to civilization there's known shipping channels in southern terter del Fuego and the coastline is a Hot Pocket anyway for civilization so we're going to head there get contact with the ship cruising through that channel South is straight through here let's do [Music] it oh oh wow that's a bunch of water brother the mountain runoff was a sure bet wasn't it because of the water that we have coming off these glaciers and these mountain peaks there's going to be Mountain runoff everywhere we look there's no doubt my mind is drinkable water I haven't seen any animals around here so I'm not worried about it being you know ate up with cryptos spum or gerardia at this point I would say that this stuff is glacial runoff it'll be clean water I don't imagine there's going to be a shortage of these runoffs I agree so I'll fill it up and we rock and roll all right ready when you are okay what I do worry about in this area is the constant wet and the constant weather changes so close to the South Pole and subject to Antarctic wind patterns Springtime in Tiara del Fuego is plagued by erratic weather Argentina your weather baffles Me [Music] Argentina cloudy sunny cloudy Sunny rainy cloudy Sunny changes on a dime that's for [Music] sure now it's raining it's not rain buddy that's sleep it's bouncing off my jacket dude that's sleep okay so it happens to be icing on us you know it's icing on the cake right there you go man yeah look at this blue sky and sun we just got hail on you know just a little bit of rain too you can see coming down just crazy it's nuts this weather's weird I don't understand it I'm concerned about the weather extremes cuz whenever you have cold and wet and you throw in the wind you have the number one way to die in the outdoors and it's called hypothermia weather isn't the only threat in this unique ecosystem there are almost 200 square miles of Swampy Peak bog on the island of tiarra del Fuego at these big giant freaking sponges of spagna moss though man look at that yeah it's like mountains of big old butt cheeks this already feels a little bit unstable Peete bogs form in Wetland areas with poor drainage got some goo pits starting to happen over here they collect centuries of decaying organic matter forming deep layers of dangerously spongy Earth so we need to cross this thing it's the only thing standing between us and where we need to go so we're going to have to find a place to cross it crossing the B is the fastest route to the coast the narrowest point is kind of right in front of us it's getting spongier by the minute so dude you got to try walking on this stuff Barefoot tell you what it's like walking on a big Sumptuous butt I haven't walked on too many butts to know what that feels like well it feels like this we don't know what kind of sles holes the bog has it's like this whole area is rigged with landmines and we have to avoid those landmines and we can't really see them bog holes appear to be filled with soil but are mostly water and Peete making them dangerous traps almost like quicksand I just want to see what we're kind of getting into [Music] here I'd say we want to kind of avoid these yeah it's like almost crou de still kind of go in here pull me out yeah jeez Louise wow looks like baby running down your leg that that's a scary situation yeah you pilot you got here with both feet man you'd be in trouble just a few years ago in southern Argentina two Hunters relocated to a bog area like this and sunk up to almost their necks and both died so we have to watch ourselves it's like the moon out here isn't it yeah it's weird wow awesome there's multiple things you can do with bone bones were used for tools for thousands and thousands of years you know I can use these things for anything from an all to do repairs with on my equipment or I can make trap triggers out of these things anything that you can find as a resource that you can use later you should always pick it up that bog is a torture Fest it's cold it's wet it's windy it's not a place you want to hang out the bugs of Tiara del Fuego are fed by glacial runoff forming a web of icy streams along along their surface threatening to cut off the most direct route out pretty bad news over here [Music] man this sucks huh yeah we ain't going to have a choice but to cross this the term self-rescue is a simple concept escape death by finding civilization that sucks huh yeah there's enough of a current where I'm concerned even if a frigid glacial river is blocking the path to the coast all right man the woods is right there this is the only thing is standing in between us and the woods so all we got to do is cross that and we're home free I just want to get it over with cuz I don't like freezing I'm going to guess the temperature right now to be about 45° hypothermia becomes an issue very quickly body heat is lost faster in water than an open air game plan for getting across here I mean obviously I'm going to get rid of these clothes we got room in that backpack yeah but we shouldn't have all the eggs in one basket if I try to keep the clothing dry and you keep that gun dry absolutely so you have the access to make fire and I have the clothing okay and let's get this over with in a cold water immersion you'd want to put all the clothes you possibly have on to act as literally a wet suit or take your clothes off and you keep them dry I'm opting for trying to keep everything dry in the situation we don't know how deep it is we can try to assess the speed of the current but happens you know I'll go in first I'm going to head for the trees okay I'm going to go balls out running cuz my body is going to be all chilled down okay man this is a get her done moment buddy if one of us loses our footing something called a dive reflex if a human body submerge and very cold water instinctively it takes a breath if you do that underwater you do something called drown 50° water can kill kill in less than an hour 30° water can kill in just minutes you still see it's good still good it's going to get deeper it's going to get deeper watch up [Music] F bumped up metabolic heat movement generates heat I almost dropped that pack I slipped but the best way to prevent hypothermia in 40° temperatures is with [Music] fire tell me you're ready I'm ready there you go there's your action you know when you're in a survival situation with two people you got to play on each other's strengths and you got to help each other through weaknesses I know once I give Cody line an ember there's going to be a fire he's the freaking medicine man when it comes to fire see if I can find some drywood hold on B so we're here on the other side of whatever river that was I mean the weather today if that's indicative of anything like what it does at night we need some kind of solid shelter I mean there's not a shortage of stuff to build a shelter with out here I might try to opt for something that gives us full cover from the top and then Turn You Loose for the hunt it sounds good man shelter keeps the body warm but so does food I'll probably head down this way what are you going for Beaver okay my location is that way over those trees okay the southern tip of Argentina is less than 500 miles from Antarctica the average annual temperature here is just 41° the South Pole is just a jog away from where we are right now and night is approaching anyone in the situation out here is looking at some pretty Fierce cold nights so shelter is key for centuries the native Ona Indians survived Tira del Fuego and the brutal cold by building well- insulated shelters the on Indians built a conical type structure I would call it a Wiki up so we're going to Wiki Up it but it's going to be the bomb out here in a region it's known for being very very fickle the foundation of a wik up is a sturdy tripod check that out I mean it's fairly good to go and the more spider legs I add the stronger it's going to be once base poles are in place that's heavy C the structure can be braced against heavy Wind by weaving in branches like making a basket so I'm going to start with the big end place it in weave it around anything I'm doing now just creates a stronger structure they can blow like out here now and I don't really care this thing ain't going anywhere a warm shelter conserves energy by preventing shivering a major calorie expenditure but just walking burns up to 90 calories per hour and the only way to replace them is with food this is fresh Beaver sign the North American Beaver is an invasive species now one of the most common animals found in Tiara del Fuego in the 1940s the North American Beaver was brought here by the Argentinian government to promote a fur trade in this area and 50 years later there were 100,000 beaver in this area because they don't have natural Predators here this is what I'm looking for this is fresh cut right here you see that's even still wet which means this probably less than 24 hours old old think I see a beaver over here man dual survivals art of self-reliance hey Dave you're probably familiar with this chickweed oh yeah we got that a chickweed is an annual herb that thrives in diverse climates worldwide chickweed is a known pain Rel I'm just going to didd the chickweed on my Aboriginal mortar and pestl the more understanding you can have the floor in your area the better odds you have for survival knowledge is power and it's very lightweight I'm so good to you Sierra del Fuego is home to an invasive Beaver population an invaluable food source in a survival scenario I see a beaver over here man it's not moving though something's not right oh that thing's dead I can see it's bloated that's going to stink yeah that dude's been dead for a while which means it's probably no good for meat just split it open and find out what we got first thing I'm checking is I want to see how it smells when I open the gut cavity it's pretty foul my problem with meat on animals that you find dead is you really don't know if that meat's good or not some people say that you can shake the carcass and if the meat doesn't fall off it's good bullcrap he died from something and it wasn't because some Predator killed him because he was a whole animal and I didn't kill him I only trust meat that I kill even a rotting carcass can serve a survival purpose see that little glandular action there doesn't have any real smell to it it's more of a uh oil gland it's a good resource to have to keep your stuff from rusting I want to go ahead and get this rifle cleaned up and wipe my knife down and clean up my metal implements so that they don't rust in this weather dense with Fallen trees and covered in a blanket of sphagnum moss the forests of Southern Argentina are a virtual Warehouse of building material and look at this massive tree if I get under here see that whole thing wiggle this is like a roofing chin right here I lived in a brush shelter for 2 years that's one of my fores you got to use what you have in the area this is like this is almost sexual look at that look at that this fagn mamos absorbs water before it leaks and in the meantime it has lots of dead air space which is going to keep the fire's heat within the shelter [Music] longer without ammunition for a hunt trapping is the next best option I'm going to set a trap in this area because the chews on this side are feeding chews they're eating that inner bark off that beach tree is falling over right there so if they're coming up here to feed they're going to be coming back forth a lot I'm going to try to set a Deadfall trap with a toggle trigger it's a little bit laborious but it's just basically a heavy log with a spike on the top of it and when the beaver steps on it it trips the trigger at the top and The Deadfall Falls the trigger system on a Deadfall trap relies on tension and balance one faulty measurement and it won't work I had to get this up higher we got to build a new frame it's not high enough G straight trees in this country do they whoa what I wouldn't give for an axe right now to cut the tree down that I want instead of playing around with all [Music] these St you serious are you serious holy back to the Drone board insulation keeps the cocoa hot it keeps the Kool-Aid cold so pieces of bark cool pieces of vagnas both insulate I'm frosting the cake with this gorgeous lime frosting it's just like a nice blanket this is my wik up a lot of effort I think it'll be worth it put up 10 of these that's a good primitive retirement plan back in Action here to ensure that a Deadfall trap will kill the crushing weight has to be around five times as heavy as the prey when I'm done with this trap it' probably kill a human if it crawled underneath it adding a spike is good insurance the whole Dead Fall is supported by this toggle against this branch is pressed inside here he comes down through here it doesn't matter where he's coming or going bang dead Beaver wow they went 4 Ines in the ground badass death death to the Titans beavers are a nocturnal animal so there's no sense coming back here till tomorrow morning what's up man see I've been wasting time while I've been gone huh it's not as elaborate as it looks the poles are pretty far spaced you know and there's gaps but it's it's all the time and energy I have dude you better get some sleep tonight that's all I got to say holy cow man that shelter's awesome there's no doubt about it there's a I don't think there's any way I could have done that well I struck out on the food scene brother feel like I didn't do a whole hell of a lot compared to this tell you the truth man dude you know as well as I do you go out with a rifle and people come back skunked it's a tough game out here here but I got a trap out there hunting for me right now while I'm relaxing in the wiki with [Music] Cody got to tell you about 95 in here this place is nice dude no doubt about it so you lived in one of these things huh I did I lived in a wik up for 2 years going to college it was the late ' 80s the main reason I lived in the woods in a brush shelter is cuz I was broke the other part of it was wouldn't this be cool but it was rough I spent a lot of time alone let me put it that way I didn't have a lot of friends and obviously I was single not too many women want to go to your brush shelter and hang out right you know you didn't have like a disco Tech ball hanging from the ceiling man where you could bring in the babes no I should have that might have helped next next reaching the end of the world doesn't mean the Journey's over what do you think I think it's still a long way down and an open wound has consequences of its own he put black powder on his arm and lit it on fire I'm looking for any obvious signs of infection that's what takes people out extreme temperatures cause the body to burn more calories in a region where the climate is in a constant state of flux finding food is the key ke to staying alive I need to go check these traps out here see if there's anything in them only shot I got right now yeah such is life that's why they call it trapping not killing so going to set this bad boy off and move on [Music] zero notada nothing I didn't expect but it was worth a shot stuff happens you're damn right it's worth a shot um I'm ready to cruise I mean know there's going to be times in any survival situation that you're going to get frustrated with the way things are way things are going but sometimes you just got to suck it up and move on abandoning shelter is a Gamble that could end in hypothermia and death muddy muddy but even in the most Barren of Landscapes finding a coastline can be the best way back to civilization all cultures revolve around water any Coastline areas that you can find are the best places to go even if the journey is treacherous it's slick out here it's especially slick with bare feet both of us have fallowing them a little bit here and there already no that's slippery watch out Dave there's some pockets in here even in the midst of an arduous Trek basic health has to be a priority especially when there's a fresh injury to contend with he put black powder on his arm and lit it on fire get it on there there and I want to look at that wound I want to check that at least two or three times a day to make sure it's not having an infection or some other weird stuff left untreated a local infection can turn into sepsis a systemic blood infection that can lead to massive organ failure and eventually death what I'm looking for in the wound is point tenderness Dave is a pretty tough guy he's not going to give it up easy so I might poke at that wound and look at his face when he doesn't know I'm going to hit it to check for a Grimace I'm going to look for any obvious redness or swelling around there we can deal with a localized infection we can't deal with a systemic blood infection not bleeding so no it's sealed up don't spread it what do you think B I think we should just keep it dry yeah I think and drink this and let me get a fresh piece of spum you know there's some powder residue around the wound nothing to be worried about it just looks like an open gash it's been completely burnt shut there's no liquid coming out of it there's no blood coming out of it it's going to leave a mark there's no question about that what I want to do is change out his dressing I don't want that dirty bandan on that open wound I'm just going to take some of these long hairs here okay and just lay them over you know so it's barely there y I'm not Wilderness medicine certified like Cody is I just fly by the seat of my pants Cody's mentality of move slow watch what you're doing think about everything you know that helps me out because that's not my way of doing things what do you think you want more or is that I think you're all right man too tight no pain is weakness leaving the body Dave exactly all right man I'm ready to move when you are what about the compass are we still heading kind of in the the right direction we're in good shape man we're heading in a Southern Direction so okay hey man hey man come here look you're here ooh all right Ocean View awesome but that's that's the best thing I've seen all day besides your smiling face I see a whole lot of empty water what do you think I just hope you don't run into like a 60ft cliff or something time and time again in a survival situation people have thought they were rescued only to find out that they weren't so just because you come to an area that's positive for your potential rescue don't ever let down your guard cuz you're not home yet what do you think I it's still a long way down now [Music] what just about anywhere in the world the best hope for rescue is on a coastline what do you think I think it's still a long way down but finding it is only the first step the next signal for rescue for first thing I want to do man is get some wood and build a fire we got a full view over there full view over there so let's set a maen fire pit right here let's get some wood then brother we're going to attract as much attention as possible using fire in as many ways as possible for the resources that we have here to work with there we go this will be our main fire I want to build a fire there build a fire there and not light it yet we're GNA have Three Fires equally spaced and three is that universal sign of distress I'm going to go out and scavenge around see what I can find on this beach what I'd like to do is make some torches of spagnos or old man's be okay I'll be right back okay what I want is a green stick I don't want my stick to burn I want the torch to burn on the end I'm going to take my knife and split that probably about right there my plan now that I split this stick is to take some spagnas or old man's beard that's dry put it in here like a chopstick action light them up and wave them like hell you're walking down this beach I'm Scavenging I'm looking for stuff that Cody and I can use as a resource I found a piece of foam material some kind of packing material probably I also found some cardboard that was dry sure would have had that 5 minutes ago you know if our fire fails for some reason or goes out at least we we have that ignition source and quick burning paper got these small shellfish everywhere out here you'd think because you're around a tidal area and that there's plenty of food there's also red tide red tide is an algal bloom that can cause paralytic shellfish poisoning symptoms occur in as little as 30 minutes and can lead to respiratory paralysis and death so the general rule of thumb to be safe is anything that's not below the sand should not eat this is above the sand Lin scown on the side of the Rocks it's better to be safe than sorry because if you take a chance and eat it it can't kill you Scavenging for food is a priority in any survival situation and fungus is one of the most abundant organisms on the planet this is Indian bread it's also called Darwin's fungus in 1832 on the HMS Beagle Sir Charles Darwin himself was cruising through here and gather this from chuo the native peoples would take this before it matures too much and eat it that's the reference Indian bread the inside's kind of like tapioca pudding the outside's a little bit like corn it's mildly sweet mostly it's just no taste I just need to find some Indian peanut butter and jelly I'm all set what's happening there a scrima sticks just got some Greenwood and just split them to make torches cool it also has some goodies they kind of look and feel like testicles but they're not check that out good stuff man you like it oh yeah this is lyen this is like a fungus almost like eating a nice sauteed mushroom but you liking the lyan I'm I'm liking the lyan you know the Indian bread that Cody got is calories it's food that's just the way it is those things have more of a protein and meat value you than rabbit food like head lettuce and tomatoes have so I'll eat that kind of stuff all day every day here I don't need all that man I have more in my pants keep some bowls for yourself [Music] [Music] bro that's awesome that's where the boat will come from a little lepon will come and bring a boat this way to pick us both up in time for dinner sounds good to me not my [Music] words a damn wind man I know it's cold a no question about that temperature dropped 20° probably since we got here the more it does get dark the more that darkness is our Ally as far as visibility because we're dealing with fire blowing through firewood quick man Dave Dave a boat there there it is see the light here they come Cody here they come awesome great job man hidden above the clouds in the Steep mountains of Panama lies a high altitude cloud Forest you know the environment here is very beautiful there's everything from orchids to bermad it's almost Jurassic looking out here it's very prehistoric the only thing this place is missing is some big freaky dinosaurs and pterodactyls flying around home to more biodiversity than any other country in Central America biologists and ecotourists brave this dense jungle for a glimpse of the rare Wildlife if a biolog just comes out here some po Dexter looking Bookworm from the University he's never had any survival training all he's worried about is the bugs that he's studying he's relying on battery operated equipment to navigate and he loses that equipment he's just asking to die getting lost here can turn a simple scientific Expedition into a struggle for survival if someone was caught out in the cloud forest unprepared the chances are very high that you will die stranded in the High Altitude cloud forest experts in survival training Cody lundine and Dave Canterbury will show exactly what it takes to make it out of this Panama Wilderness alive it is very very cold everything's wet slick muddy and orientering forget it this is one hell of a jungle and she's a jungler rip your face off and put it back on a different way [Music] [Music] this is some badass jungle right here buddy wet gnarly nasty I thought you likeed jungle I love the jungle I don't love being in the jungle not prepared for the jungle there's a difference I like diving too but I don't like doing it without a SCUBA tank well it keeps raining you will be diving you're probably right an army trained sniper who served in Central America Dave Canterbury is no stranger to the Jungle but not one like this I've been in quite a few jungles jungles but I've never been in a jungle that was this thick this cold and this wet all the time at this altitude this is Mile High stuff you're in an area that's vulnerable to hypothermia it's raining all the time my experience in an area like this is limited his partner Cody lundine has taught survival skills in the Arizona high desert for two decades it's like walking through a bunch of string beans or something but this environment at 8,000 ft above sea level isn't anything like the Southwest it's cold and it's wet and it's windy I'm seeing my breath right now but to Gnarly Madden Roots right here man Dave has vastly more experience than I do in the jungle but still this is a different jungle than he's used to so it's going to be a challenge for both of us be careful man I stepped right in the hole right [Music] there well it looks like this is where he ended up well I can already tell you this guy's a diam stuck him shy in the mud in this survival scenario Cody and Dave only have the basic gear that a biologist would carry on a quick jungle Recon a poncho it's pretty clean to me man got a hood on it a specimen jar it's like a bug collection jar with a bug hanging from a piece of cotton and a lighter tell me the thing Flames up nope nothing to be in a situation where there's two guys in a harsh jungle and no way to make fire sucks so that's what we've got man well it is what it is right yeah getting late in the day we probably got to find someplace to shelter in and hunker down before nightfall comes I mean it's a jungle what this hypothermia is a danger there's no question about that's a Twist to this cloud forest in a high elevation Forest the temperature can drop below 30° to make matters worse the dense canopy blocks most sunlight and traps moisture you can just see the water moving through the air you know coming off the trees in the Mist in a situation like this your first priority is to stay dry if you get soak and wet out here and it becomes Nightfall and it gets cold up here in high elevation you're dead from hypothermia priority has to be shelter cuz night's coming which way you head I'm going to head this way okay just remember to hoop all right hoop this isn't a hot human environment out here this is cold right now that's hard for me to touch my thumb to my finger that's not a good sign so we need to deal with shelter and then I need to try to deal with fire these are like the skyscrapers of the cloud forest these big oak trees are so high and we're at such an elevation here that they actually scour the clouds and they suck water literally out of the clouds and bring it down to terraferma squish squish squish this is actually water pooling between my toes down here look at that poor place to shelter down here so we need to move [Music] on now these giant ferns has the fiddle heads on it they're edible so if I take one of these and bust off that piece it's kind of like kind of asparagus type flavor pretty good I mean not all ferns are edible you want to be careful but the giant Fern here in Panama is I'm going to bring this back one to Deo so it's finger food for the trail you know there's no ideal shelter location it's going to be bone dry out here it's not going to happen that's why it's a rainforest it's a matter of finding Dyer not dry most of the time this spot right here is not too bad it's wet just like everything else out here but it's also very well protected all the way around most of these orchids are growing on this outside of the tree that means that's where the rain's coming from rain's not coming in over here as much we might be able to build something right here to get us up off the ground at least get us off this moisture I've got some strong vines in here that I can use to tie with there's some great big PMR right back here and that's going to give me the resources I need for roof material so everything's in one condensed area and that's what I'm looking for hey come here Cody have a look at this man come here and have a look at this okay you I don't know if Cody's going to like this shelter spot or not cuz it's kind of wet but I know how cold it's going to get up here at night so you got to protect yourself from the elements hey what's up man want a Fiddle Head dude yeah sure it's not bacon but it's something you know I understand dude what I'm picturing is basically a dome of Palm leaves over top of this just to hunker down out of the wind this is definitely the lesser of the eils that I've seen out here we're in the middle of a cloud forest with Jack for gear there is no ideal ideal is leaving in a jet plane with a martini you know I'll start Gathering some materials for the shelter if you want to start working on the fire yeah cuz I have some ideas this lost person out here what they did have are two elements of potential ignition that Zippo lighter it does have some heat value in the spark and there's ether alcohol in that kill jar that'll take that spark and make a fire okay yeah there's some strong smell in there there's a reason that bug is dead everything's going to be wet that's pretty much a given look at the moisture that's coming out of that thing it's just dripping wet but I know that if I do get heat it's going to take a lot less to dry out this twig and get it to burn than and it is this twig to get it to burn so right now all I'm trying to do is get a floor in here I want to make sure that I get us up off the sweat ground that's what's important you know if you're in this situation and you can't build fire you can't get dry you can't get out of the elements then you're taking a chance on dying in the night right now what we got is we got a platform that keeps us up off the ground now I want overhead covers not raining yet but it could any minute if Cody get us a fire we can have that heat rolling in there we'll be toasty dog most people fix site on lighting the the fire but fire needs to be built fire goes up heat goes up so I'm trying to make some sort of a shape that allows me to get my Primo stuff to be hit first by whatever flame I have God willing coming off that cotton ball this is a dry ER it's only moist not totally sod and wet things are looking up looking for chaos fire demands organized chaos so here we go if I can get that cotton ball to light it'll burn one time I don't know what else we could do out here with this spk if this thing doesn't [Music] light we need to dry out all this stuff here here and it's not going to go easy come on baby we're not out of the woods yet open it up a little bit give it some air give it some air may we can hear the moisture evaporate off a lot of this is steam stuff trying to dry out come on now come on now I don't know if it's going to if it's going to take I'm starting to lose my flame this stuff is just so wet it's so wet come on this is too wet guys sorry and so it goes never go into a cloud forest without a 20-minute road flare Cody yeah man I'm right here what's going on man I failed I uh didn't make fire looks like it's going to be a cold night the temperature is probably 50° or below right now this is one of the worst situations you could possibly be in cold and wet is an equation for death period I failed at fire my fragile meil ego has a scratch in it for sure I didn't have enough heat so I blew it you're shaking pretty bad man I'm sitting here freezing my off shivering is the body's natural way of generating heat it is also the first sign of hypothermia do some squats for 5 minutes Dave what's at stake now is staying dry and keeping as warm as possible we're going to suffer from heat loss from this ground being wet I'll use this poncho on the ground just something we can sit on this halfway dry well hold on a sec if we put that Poncho down there we will destroy it cuz that's a cheap Poncho I thought we were going to put the Poncho to keep the rain off well that was my original plan but thought we going have fire at that point I [Music] I well I've choked on that so things cuz a fire would have dried that out a little bit in there it's not going to happen now obviously I understand it's wet you can tell things are getting cranky we need to try to pull together and do something before it gets dark all right well let's just get it done whatever we're going to do then so since that's static you tie yours first I was just going to do exactly and then we can the vines will give us some reach over on this end I'm feeling lack of motor dexterity in my fingers a waterproof cover diverts rainfall from above nice while several layers of Dead Leaves prevent heat loss to The Damp ground look at this little hobbit hole what do you think man this is it huh yeah if two people were in this situation you're each other's heat Source you're trying to have the shelter to contain body heat it's the best we can do yeah one thing good about this Poncho is it collected a lot of water you just going to Doggy down it oh yeah but it's drinkable water free Willie kind of beetles that nasty come here boy we just need to get out of this environment that's the primary thing Cody and Dave have one goal descend from Panama's cold wet cloud forest but first exploit the area for its natural resources I hate to cut this Poncho in half I'm going to try to rig something with some leaves something down and dirty and we can save this piece of gear Dave and I have one Poncho between us and we're both not really small dudes I'm just going to go about 50 yards up there all right man I'll get this bad boy tore down so I'm going to use whatever I can find out here to mimic what that Poncho does to try to keep my body dry like the indigenous people's did around here try to make some sort of panaman Poncho these are called rooster tails to the native folks here cuz that's what they look like and I like these cuz they have a lot of surface area look at this just keeps coming coming and coming and coming long piece of cord so here's my pallet there are my paints so now as the jungle music edges to a crescendo I will start my improvised Panamanian Poncho what I'm going to do is take some of these leaves and I'm just going to layer those like fish scales just one after the other and have a lot of overlap the multiple layers around the body serve a dual function provide cover from the rain and cons serve precious body heat essentially I'm Mak it a shelter I can wear cuz my number one concern out here other than being injured is hypothermia so if nothing else it'll look really [ __ ] in Jungle fashion that's kind of like Flintstone esque you know kind of early Fred you know maybe late Barney so now that I have that last leaf on there I think I'm going to call that good [Music] what do you think it's not exactly prom night but I think it's good to go take my wrap wrap it up hey Cody Cody Cody I see your orange shirt man what are you up to check out this suit dude holy cow Dude Looks Like a grass skirt you going to do a hoola dance for me no cuz that might excite you it probably would man obviously it's going to shed some water but it's going to keep your core warm too man I mean there a lot of insulated value there awesome so everything's cool there yeah we're ready to rock where damn till we find some water okay you know High out itude scenario Survival Code says to head downhill that going be Point yeah go ahead man I'll follow you that way I'm going your speed where the rain runoff leads to streams then rivers and eventually civilization definitely some gnly terrain doubt about that be nice if it was actually finished out here this I'm just going to head for that tree the only flat ground I see is right ahead of me it's steep is it it is steep wow this doesn't look good what do you see man it looks really steep all I see is a cliff this is a death trap it's 50 60t vertical drop but this might be the best option we got but it's a task easier said than done there's Cliffs all the way around us but this Ficus tree's Got Roots going straight down to the bottom man it's got handh holds all the way down we either go back up into the cloud forest and find another way around which in my opinion is not an option we need to take advantage of Mother Nature's ladder right here it looks really steep it's just Plum vertical I see a little bit of roots but I don't see anything beyond that this place sucks as far as the way down I don't like it at all we seem to have an array of tree roots to hold on to but no it looks damn near vertical so I don't know what else to do we're running out of options to get down though man maybe we go find some Vines somewhere in case we fall or slip or something yeah I saw some stuff not too far back I just got a good 25 ft cordage right there that gets us is halfway home this big one right here might be enough to hold us I don't know it took everything I could do to pull it out of the tree so I mean I was hanging on 200 lbs a couple times bouncing up down to get it out of there well I want to test it out so I'm just going to put a strangle knot in it and tighten it up on itself like this and it ain't going anywhere easy choke up and lean into that tree whoa all right well I ain't going to hold 400 lb that's obvious cuz you jerked it right huh well what happens when you fall Dave well you shouldn't fall well I guess you might fall you're right it's a jerk you know then we're going to have to try something else we have a lot of these we could just do a braid or something I'd say if anybody's an expert at Braden the guy with the golden locks would be that guy so I've done it a few times yeah so all we're doing is taking marginal Vines and grouping them up into a formidable rank of different fibers that hopefully will have some tensil strength to get this job done I went this way on the first Vine so I'm going to go this way on the other Vine and make x's alone these things might be brittle but there's power in numbers I'm thinking maybe if we wrap the end of this thing down around your waist so you've got at least a safety net and then you can free climb okay Cody's not real happy about hanging off vertical surfaces dangling off of something you know is not his cup of tea we got this one lbby then we should put a loop in the other end yeah I think we probably should and if he starts to slip or if he needs help he can holler up and I can put tension on that rope around the tree to make sure he doesn't fall all the way to the bottom one more half it buddy and let's cut this excess off and we're rocking we need to do this as safely and slowly as possible to make sure that we both get down here in one piece and I want to definitely make sure that Cody's comfortable with the situation before we even start because the less comfortable you are in a situation the more apt you are to make mistakes if I hear your screen obviously I'm going to pull it tight okay the universal sign of distress exactly okay bro I'm very aware of the fact that the Vine I had in my hand before is snapped my main thing is to free climb as carefully as I can slow good take up a foot got it do little bit of rope okay stop okay I'm down okay man I'm going to cut a tree off up here to get a good anchor okay Cody I'm coming down okay three points of contact is what I want all the time so that rope gives me that third point point or that fourth point my foot slips off I've got that rope to grab on [Music] to left or right the little tree where you're at go to the left of it the one right crawling up your go left of the tree go right of the tree that's a tremendous help coming down because I don't have to bend over and look as much where I'm [Music] going other left it's not a comfortable feeling to see a partner up in the air on the edge of a cliff you okay you want them down safe div you okay right in the balls dude I just took it right in the sack you're not singing soprano soprano no it wasn't quite that bad it was a package teaser [Music] man holy cow okay that's hard on Old Man Dave and Cody's risky descent gets them further down the mountain but there's still in the middle of over 800 square miles of uninhabited tropical forest the main thing that you have to navigate in an area like this is downhill is going to lead somewhere usually toward water toward civilization doesn't even look jungly down there this place you I can tell from my feet it's still damp but it's not like the whole place has been under the ocean for a month it almost looks like an Eastern Woodlands deciduous forest at 5,000 ft above sea level the cloud forest gives way to drier ground and a new ecosystem what's that over there look at that with brand new risks oh wow dude that's a ferti man now there's one bad snake it's like a cotton mouth on Viagra right there dude the deadliest snake in Panama the fair Del Lance has hinged fangs that inject twice the amount of Venom needed to kill a fully grown human that's probably responsible for more deaths by poison snake bite in Central America and any other easy easy easy easy Big Boy he'll put a strike on anything look at the Diamond Head on that thing I mean you can just tell he's action that's all Ste it okay so we're out of the cold and into the snakes then I guess I would say you're right great hold on a sec that's water man I hear there's water down there in this drainage that's not the wind we have water look at that that's nice isn't it that looks good man that big clearing up there well hell that's the first open piece of land we' seen exactly this is probably a good spot to try to find some resources around here river is usually lead to civilization but with night approaching food and shelter take priority if you want to hit shelter man I'm going to go check out the river see if I can exploit some resources out here I'm going to stick to the meadow it's the first open ground I've seen since we got here I'm looking for anything I can find that might burn that cracks what I'm looking for the size of this pile of flood debris right here man from when this Rivers got real high and washed all this stuff down the Panama cloud forest gets 30 ft of rain per year making the jungle lower elevations susceptible to flash floods there's a burlap bag over here hanging off this stuff that's trash deposited down through here on this flash flood and I can see some crates from fruit that's resources that are not out here there civilization that's washed down from but could be 10 miles this wire is a huge resource sharpen that up down here on one of these rocks you got a fish hook bleach says this is poison big skull and crossbones on here smells like paint thinner this is an awesome find I'm going to protect this with my life right now this ripped up bag right here ain't good for much of anything but it will sh some water I got an idea for that Cody's going to love this without a food source finding a natural shelter versus building one saves precious calories this is kind of the thing I'm looking for it already has a natural shelter right there I'm always looking for something that Mother Nature has already constructed but not right here you know but this is not a this is not a good place here there's over 100 species of bats in Panama alone but only ones like this the classic vampire bat you can tell it's a vampire bat cuz when it hangs it kind of hangs like this you know it doesn't hang like the classic Count Dracula what they do is obviously they suck the blood of the host they have an anti-coagulant called draculin which is in their saliva that anticoagulant causes the victim to bleed and they lap up the blood even more kind of freaky is they come to their prey they fly in then they land then they crawl on all fours and sneak up to get up to that victim to bite and they usually crawl up the leg and head to the neck of the victim it's just it's just kind of sleazy usually it's a single host they return two night after night but now there's two new hosts in the area one named Dave and one named Cody they're silent their bite is painless Dave and I could both end up in a pool of our own blood you know I'm not really it's just uh it's not a real good situation I'm not I'm going to NX this area dual survivals art of self-reliance all of these bmad live up in the trees and because they don't have Roots they have to collect the water you can see how much water comes out of that romads can grow over 10 ft high and hold up to 2 gallons of water runs right down these cup-shaped leaves and into the plant itself and you can get that out of there with a bamboo straw that's dirty water but it's drinkable water the rain forests of Panama span nearly 10 million acres and are home to over 10,000 species of Flora and Fauna but with abundant Wildlife comes the threat of predators whenever I approach a shelter like this I'm going to do it with caution you just kind of make a little bit of Racket this is perfect habitat for a snake it'll bum me out if they're in there but this is their home not mine this is a perfect area if I clean it out so if I can come to a place that's already home with the mint on the pillow and not have to do anything then why in the hell wouldn't I stay there Cody where you at man I'm here what's going on brother what the hell are you wearing what's with the Oompa Loompa thing hey man I want to get to protect my core temperature I'm tired of being wet I've been wet long enough there's a big pile of flood debris over there man are you saying there's human debris over there yeah I got a bunch of it this is what you're really going to like it's definitely bleach cool Dave that's a hell of a find this is the CPE to gr man toxico smells like paint thinner to me I got an idea we might have sure flame again we'll see yeah you know this looks good man that's definitely uh dry that's for sure man it's drer if you work on that fire the main thing on my agenda now is water all right man so we meet back here then yeah here so I've got this spent lighter in here that doesn't have any fluid in it I've got this bottle of paint thinner or at least a little bit of it I'm going to try to use this just like a normal lighter I'm going to pull the guts out of it and this cotton batting inside here should absorb this paint thinner just like it would lighter fluid at least that's My Hope look at that that's what I'm talking about now we're ready to rock and [Music] roll wherever there's human trash like that and a drainage I'm thinking diarrhea and dissenter the toilet could be that Creek so now we have a way to disinfect that know people think oh if you gather water right below those Rapids over there it's going to be cleaner you know viruses paroa bacteria and parasites they don't give a damn if the water's ired or not so that's a myth I'm going to point the opening of the bottle Downstream point it Upstream you're going to get floaters in there point it Downstream better water Clarity chlorine bleach is the common name for sodium hypochloride a chemical compound used since the 18th century as a disinfectant what I want is four drops of bleach per quart or liter I've got a gallon of water which is four quarts so 4 * 4 is 16 I want 16 drops to fall in this bottle so how I'm going to try to control that is put this leaf in here hold it with a twig so it kind of slows down down the drops 12 13 14 15 16 I'm going to wait a half an hour for the bleach to do its killing of the waterborne pathogens that are in the water this stuff here in a survival situation especially urban survival scenario multiple uses clean up after a dead body disinfect a place to go to the bathroom disinfect your water all for two or three bucks a gallon of household bleach it's almost worth its weight in gold like some sort of animal hole there and I don't know and I'm not from Panama but that's really fresh Earth I'm from Badger country that's almost a badger size hole that thing's almost like a football hey Deo yeah what's up this the animal dig right there it's real fresh I don't know what the hell it is it's hard to say but I mean not a lot of animals dig tunnels underground like that down South we take a blend in Stick just start shoving it in the trench whatever's in there it's food and anybody in this situation needs to put calories in their belly to keep feeding that furnace so they can keep their body's core temperature in check you want to make a couple poles will I watch give me a second man okay so what our plan is I'm going to take Progressive sticks and poke them into the ground further and further and further until I found him grab him by the tail with both hands and pull him out alive he movement all right man so you're the Kill Zone ideally you ready yeah man I'm just going to start working over that area work it in there you go good man who it's a stick Cody freaked me out brother I don't feel anything moving you might not be in there just watch n there's movement there's something in there you got something moving something right under my stick I'm touching him right now okay I don't want it to come out this way cuz we don't know what it is careful man you don't know what the hell that is that's what I'm looking for to see what it is oh yep ah oh it's an armadilla I can see a shell just barely there's his tail right there he's trying to go the other way now he's digging he's digging down he's going straight under the ground I got a tail in my hand he's digging he's going straight under the ground you get him with one hand that's what I'm trying to do man they buggy not going to hurt you any survival situation you take what you can get did you get her done got her done brother it's actually quite a bit of meat on this dude I mean look at the hams on that dude look at that was freaky it's like a wall hanging that was crazy isn't it it's like a shield armadillo actually means little armored one in Spanish I thought this was pretty small Critter but it's like a b ger the thing is bread to dig so when you dig you build muscle so essentially it's a bicep covered with armor [Music] plating it looks pretty well cooked man what do you think you're the armadillo guy okay man ready for some Dilla what part is this it's a leg got to kind of break it out of there M damn look at you go picky eater look at you go hey when it comes to meat buddy I don't pick I eat tastes a little bit like chicken to me yeah it's kind of chickeny Rabbid I mean chickeny Rabb chickeny Rabbid yeah or Rabbid chickeny Rabbid chickeny you hear that man Hower monkeys are going nuts there's one right there in that tree a't that cool yeah they're checking us out man wow [Music] they don't need armadillo do [Music] [Music] they [Music] hey right up here's where that trash is at [Music] man I mean obviously that's human debris agricultural debris leads me to think Upstream might be the way to go but Common Sense tells me Downstream is the way to go I'm looking at how little that bleach bottle is beat up that thing W that chlorine fresh well I can't argue with the fact that the trash tells me upstream's a way to go we can head up and at least go see that saddle there if we at least approach that saddle and maybe get Advantage if we don't find anything we turn around let's do it get thick in here again hey look at that look what's stretching across there see it yeah it's a water Piper going downhill this way hey Cody there's a road right here good job here Northern Baja Mexico mountainous desert and it's hard the Salt Flats hundreds of miles of Salt Flat and desert this saline Earth is so inhospitable hardly anything can live here but the open terrain attracts thousands of off-road racers in their Quest For unobstructed Speed they all pump to go out to the desert and do some riding you take that last chug of water you get on that bike and you start ripping riding miles into the open Terrain in 120° heat can turn an adrenaline fix into a state of deadly Exile now you've just killed yourself because you're walking in a hot sun asking to cook within hours you're being heated up by the sun you're being heated up by the ground there ain't no water to drink here dehydration and heat stroke can kill in just hours alone in the Baja desert this is the scenario Cody lundine and Dave Canterbury are tackling headon to show what it takes to make it out alive this is a land of nothing but death it's not a place you want to raise the kids it's a place you bury the kids welcome to the Salt Flats [Music] I'm I'm sweating just walking I am too I am too I live in the high desert I've lived there for many many years but Dave doesn't like the desert so I don't think he's going to be a happy camper this place sucks man I I don't even know why anybody want to drive across the whatever this is my kind of survival put me in a swamp put me in a jungle put me in a forest that's where I want to be water is a big word to me water is my favorite word this vast dried up Salt Lake is in the middle of a desert on Mexico's Baja Peninsula because this is a Salt Flat it's super punishing even for me its high saline content prohibits virtually all life from plants and animals to microorganisms and look at this stuff even if it rained out here we're still because it's going to fall down here dissolve all this salt and it's basically like drinking ocean water plus you know you've been to a salt flap before no Dave Kenbury has 20 years of military and Wilderness training but if there's one place he avoids it's the desert you know I've never been a Salt Flat before and this place is like devastating to me this ain't Ohio so this white stuff is all salt that's the sodium yeah his partner Cody lundine is one of America's top desert survival trainers I've been through lots of salt flas and I know that people that get stuck in them typically die unless it's a third- party rescue there's no resources for survival out here unless you brought them with you Cody and Dave will show what it takes to survive a breakdown using only what a typical off-road biker would have with him look like we have a motorcycle care package up here a helmet might be a good container at some point a tar it's like we have some desert shelter so probably a motorcycle cover goggles a plastic bag a newspaper a can of soda you don't Hydrate with soda pop it's full of sugar and a jug of the most vital desert resource ooh AGA but not enough of it this isn't hardly anything as far as water in the situation you can sweat four quarts an hour out here and we have 2/3 of a quart of water between two full grown men that lid good and tight man as tight as these cheap milk jugs can be you know self-rescue is the key to this game but the whole time you're losing water and all of a sudden you start going into heavy duty signs of dehydration and hypothermia hypothermia occurs when the body exceeds 100° triggering vital organs to begin shutting down my main thing is to get our bodies out of this sun right now I'm not seeing a whole lot of options what I have right now my main thing for survival in this air dry environment is what I'm wearing it's my clothing just simple clothing keeps you shaded from the sun and it has your sweat evaporate in a much less accelerated rate loose clothing creates a layer of insulating air trapping sweat slowing dehydration and cooling the body any water I do lose I'm going to try to recycle it back it's a water game out here and the only water I see right now is in this body you look like some kind of goat herder it's basic desert survival stuff here let me see your hat I'll do you a favor you want me to on your rag too I know I don't want you on my rag you don't want me to on that too I my hat brother it don't need to be on I'm doing you a favor you don't want me to on your head no I really don't tell you truth you don't know what you're missing oh I know what I'm missing smelling your urine for the next 3 [Music] hours right now the only water out here you're looking at it this is Cody water and that's all I have now I can ring off some of this into your hat you're sure though right I'm positive brother okay what are friends for there's a lot of capillary beds close to the skin in the scalp and that's where 50% of heat gain can happen in a desert survival situation like this this is water near my skin my head is cold do I want to wrap something around my face that I just in and smell that what is the give and take it at okay yeah my head gets cool and now I puke my guts out so I just lost all the hydration I had in my body just trying to cool my head down no thanks it doesn't smell smell it no thanks brother psychological disgust has killed a lot of people I have a lot more experience than Dave in desert stuff and he can choose to use that that experience or not you know you can lead a horse to water but you can't always make a drink bottom line is I'm living and if he wants to tag along that's cool dude when I start on something I wrap around my body it's time to get out of this place know what I'm saying I'm ready when you are man you pick the direction yeah the direction is pretty much going to be that way Lu and roll a mountain range is the best shot at a new ecosystem and a chance at Water our objective is to head that saddle cuz it seems to be the closest thing to get off of the Salt Flat but with no trees for scale distance is impossible to gauge we see what looks like it's more resources in the distance I can see mountains they look like they're right over there but right over there could be 20 km for all I [Music] know desert hiking means accounting for the rule of thirds something that appears to be 5 m away is really three times further look at the dust devils blowing out over there yeah tucked between two mountain ranges the Salt Flat can become a fierce wind tunnel clocking hot air and sand gusts up to 100 mph this wind is out of control you're getting sand blown in my eyeballs the Salt Flat changes all the time go some dead Cal all of a sudden you got 30 40 knot winds out here well look at you I believe you called me a goat hurder so what is this the Star Wars look this is uh keeping the dust out of your mouth look the wind's picking up now get my ear my mouth the total pain in the ass wind not only makes walking less efficient it evaporates sweat causing the body to produce more This breeze it's pulling water from our body a lot faster than if it wasn't here so we've got to get out of this area with no cover what we want is shelter and Water Shelter and water and more shelter and [Music] water so which one do you want to pick let's try this one and see if we can just pop it over [Music] this so there's our shade pocket you can see right here so basically Sun comes out we're just going to hang out as best we can you know it is what it is so the bottom line is we agree to wait until dark grip in the desert it's good to travel at night because you alleviate all that heat problem and sun and dehydration that you've got to worry about let's just stick out here and tell really bad jokes and wait till it gets cooler sit here and wait it out okay okay look off in the distance you can see mountains but hell be 20 M away for all we know so we'll start walking this thing at night and we'll see if we get there by morning coming up on his own turf this is what the coyotes do Cody puts Dave on edge there's no guarantee you tell me man you're the desert God just because I'm not from the desert doesn't mean I'm a I know how to survive so he focused is on a high calorie kill best case scenario I bring back some meat to the fire while Dave sets out to prove his worth I don't have a solid combustion device by making fire I'm hoping it comes out clear and it's not with his own urine oh [Music] no well the sun's going down behind the mountains over here so we we should start kicking it now what do you think yeah walking at night in the Baja desert can be disorienting and dangerous it calls for a good light source and steady visual bearing we've got a full moon phase right now which is going to light this place up like early morning dawn all night long the saddle is perfectly illumined by the moon and as long as Dave and I follow the saddle silhouette we're on the road to better hunting grounds even if the moon is hidden usually the stars are out and here's my friend Polaris I know you know all about Celestial navigation by you know the North Star and I was going to show you this trick I'm old Marine buddy of mine taught me how to navigate if you can't see the North Star for some reason yeah lay it on me turn this light on for a minute the fact of the matter is that if you navigate by the north star and the North Star alone sometimes you can be hosed because there can be cloud cover that North Star is not visible but there's you know thousands and thousands of other stars out there so what you do is find any Star except the North Star cuz the Northstar is stationary in the sky that's why you use it for navigation all the other stars move throughout the night you just take a stick that's got a fork in it almost like a gun sight and I've got one that's fairly Sharp I'm just going to put one stick in the ground then I'm going to take the other stick and I'm going to put it behind it and I want to adjust it to where when I look at that it's like a gun sight and I'm looking through the V to that star so what the star is right in the crotch up right exactly what we're going to do is I'm just going to sit here you know for a few minutes long enough for the start a move and the way this works is if you have a regular Compass it goes north east South and West and I just write the word lur underneath it and then if I wait 15 or 20 minutes and I look back at my Gun Site again if my star has moved left then I'm facing north if my star moved left and up then I'm facing Northeast if my star moved right and up I'm facing Southeast right and down Southwest just correlates to these letters well that's trippy it's just uh another skill to put under the belt you know and you can't have too many of those you ready to split then yeah man let's rock bro let's do it you know the only thing I'm worried about out at night that is the more we move and the more we talk like I'm doing right now the more I'm losing my hydration in normal conditions the body produces about a liter of saliva a day and like sweat every drop lost to evaporation has to be replaced what is that reflection look at that Dave C that light on water in the middle of nowhere what do you think about all that I think it's great I wish we could drink it water that falls on a salt bed starts to absorb saline immediately making the water undrinkable we just found a whole boatload of water here in the Salt Flats but it's full of sodium so we really can't do anything with it now normal body saline is less than 1% this is at least 2 2.5 in my mind human kidneys can't process any more salt creating a toxic buildup in the blood sucking hydration from the body cells if we drank this stuff we' dehydrate literally from the inside out so we're both going to play the violin and walk away because the sodium in this is high enough it's not worth it that but out here even undrinkable water could be a sign of a new ecosystem maybe we were're approaching the other edge of the range or maybe monkeys are going to fly to my any moment and we're just happen to be in the middle of the Salt Flat there's water here God knows why but we can't use it so we got a motor on high and dry you ready Rockman yeah but there's no telling if the mountain is 5 m away or 15 getting to the Mountain's Resources by Dawn means keeping a straight path I was just thinking something kind of funny is fact that you're right-handed and I'm left-handed I just W almost walked into you right there keeps us from experiencing lateral drift research has shown that hikers without a visual bearing or Compass drift to one side over time possibly because they favor a dominant leg they tend to step heavier here on that foot and eventually they walk in circles I'm going to continually walk into you because I'm left-handed you're going to continually walk toward me cuz you're right-handed we're going to keep each other straight it's like Lon Shirley exactly who do you want to be I want you to be Shirley so I can fantasize schlam schlamazel I know Dave hates the desert with a passion but I think he's digging desert night walking and he'll hate it again tomorrow [Music] less than an hour before Dawn temperatures are already on the rise triggering sweating and more loss of fluids I'm seeing Green Man what do you think that looks like a good sign to me man anything green out here besides a dollar bill is a good sign almost makes me want to weep but I'm not going to cuz I lose water water and this this is my friend salt Cedar this is like shaking hands with a friend of mean so it's a good sign that's Boogie on the Salt Flats of northern Mexico are surrounded by Mountain Desert vegetation indicates the possibility of water but conifers like the salt Cedar don't need much to survive you know slowly we made our way out of the Salt Flat Came Upon some different Terrain scrubby stuff then the junipers and the pinions and pretty much clear up here into the Pine Oak Forest at this point in time let's walk up this flood zone right through [Music] here I mean I'm looking at this wash I'm looking at all the flood debris and look at these stains from water lines when this used to be in its Heyday it seems like it's getting more intense as far as potential water so this looks pretty good Dave this place is pretty choked with Willows Willows are leafy deciduous trees that require abundant groundwater to survive from what I'm seeing now there's no water in the desert a freshwater source is often hidden arid Mountain Earth quickly absorbs any rainwater forming a grid of underground streams or a royos I live in a Royal country uh there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles of royos all throughout the Southwest the trick is finding them yeah do see pretty well we came up over that little draw and it's very very moist on the surface there 75,000 nerve endings make the Barefoot hyper sensitive to the slightest moisture there's no guarantee but I it's worth doing a pilot hole in here this is what the coyotes do so if you you see any dig holes coyotes have a lot better sniffers than we do so I follow them a lot in the desert I follow their lead there's no guarantees in a desert that there's going to be water where you go doesn't matter what the vegetation looks like doesn't mean anything in the desert they're can be place you think there's water and there's nothing so we're down what at least about 16 in now still going in the increasing morning Heat every move is a loss of valuable fluids how far would you dig down before you say and this could be the first of many digs in order to find water in the hot Barren desert the risk of dehydration out here is very high I'm just hoping we can find some water we can [Music] drink in the Arid Baja desert desert dehydration can kill in hours unless you find a freshwater Source a lot wetter yeah oh boy Bingo there's water look at that there's a few inches of standing water down there just don't collapse it I'm going to dig it a little bit more so if I take this and soak some of that up once's we finally arrived at what we thought was an area that there would be a water source and Cody sees an area of wet ground and starts digging like a gopher in there and all of a sudden whack we got a spring of water this is just like huge huge score a huge score now as far as disinfecting this water I'm looking at a sand filter as far as I can see and this place is out in the middle of nowhere drink I would drink it I just drank it out of my scarf so I I feel pretty good about that in this location I think we should find some place that'll work as a base camp I don't think there's any reason we need to be more than 100 yards away from this water yeah I agree with that let's do it man once you have found out water source that water source becomes your world you want to camp near that water source eat near that water source trap hunt everything revolves around that water source so that you can hydrate as much as humanly possible until you decide to try to affect self-rescue almost as critical as water in desert survival is defending against the cold nights our next priority is going to be shelter and fire because this will protect us in the elements and protect our core temperature without proper gear protection from dropping nighttime temperatures has to come from the landscape itself L sweet Oaks up here looks like there's a lot of Duff and vegetation up here tons of pine needles we could pull over if we need to I'd want to be kind of up on these benches here in the evening when it really matters this is pretty much full sun here there's a lot of flat surface area look at all this my God I think this is just the perfect area the only thing that I'm worried about is the prevailing wind it seems to be in our face Cody and I scouted an area to make base camp proximal to the Water Source the spot that Cody chose the prevailing winds were blowing right into that area we're in the mountains so God knows where the winds are really going to be coming from anyway and what do you think it's just a big problem all the way around as far as I see it I see several opportunities here let's just walk around at least take a look if we don't like it we come back here that's fine with me I mean it's just it's it's a great location you know Dave wanted to see if we can find a better place yeah let's just kind of take a look through here and see what we got and so be it but it's problematic in the mountains wherever you are cuz there's no general direction ction of the wind even if there is the mountains spin that that's just kind of how it is out [Music] here what do you think man I mean I like the resources here I like the fact that it's blocked from the wind here I mean I see a lot of firewood potential I'd probably stretch out going my legs downhill right here have the protection of this rock we got plenty of pine needles over here I don't think it matters you this place could be great now and suck later and that place could be great now and suck later you know this is it a slope but if you don't mind a slope there's times that I think Cody gets a little stubborn about the way he wants to do things and how he thinks things should happen and I want to make him understand that just because I'm not from the desert doesn't mean I'm a I know how to survive you tell me man you're the desert God I think they're they're similar enough I'm fine with that you know escaping the wind is only half the battle When the Sun Goes Down temperatures plummet into the 40s so we need to prioritize out what's going on for the night in addition to shelter the battle against hypothermia is best fought with fire and food and in four or five hours that Sun's going to be pretty deep and its Survival Code to divvy up tasks in case one fails to deliver I'll try to get it just an initial fire and then you can take a Recon for better resources more food things like [Music] that while Dave sets his sight on making fire and shelter Cody focuses on Food calorie intake triggers the body to turn fuel into energy increasing body temperature so I'm ready to do just a Recon of the area I want to see what's around to hunt and gather cuz right now as far as I'm concerned it's calorie time I'm reconning everything is there plants we can use for survival out here here's a typical pinion Pine crack open this little membrane it's that hides the actual nut meat itself and this one is good harvesting pine nuts is kind of like a box of chocolates you never know what you're going to get but there's a classic pine nut good protein good fat good carbohydrate so they're a hell of a survival food and doesn't have fur and four legs and Dave knows that but bottom line is it's something to eat a cup of desert pine nuts contains about 14 g of protein but meat packs twice that per serving if you can get it that squirrel action that pine cones obviously been chewed to death by [Music] something woodpeckers come up here they drill all these holes and then they stick food out let's go for holes here there's a bunch of bunny Poopers and now where's the critters if I can whip up some sort of snare it looks like there's a a way right through here they're busting or all along this Edge there's something called a Mojave scissors snare perfect for rabbits it was used by the people in the southwestern us and here in Baja so it's a Southwestern trap I'm going to try it out and we'll see what happens the scissor snare is a complex trap made from simple wooden sticks assembling it takes rope so this is agave it's a very common plant here in the Southwest Native Americans mind Agave for its tough stiff fiber ideal for making twine and cordage right off the bat if you look under what is the actual skin of the leaf of the Agave there's the fiber it already has some fluidity to it this epidermis layer the skin of the Agave should come right off so there's the base of that leaf look at that amazing fiber and at this point I can start making some string I'm going to take a little bit of this fiber little bit of spit I'll kind of bind those together and if I roll them both away from me and then spin them up from the top you can see already I have a little bit of string made there but there's some tensil strength so there you go so my job is to start the fire that's my number one priority right now is to get a fire started I've got an idea of how to do that using the Sun what I don't have is I don't have a solid combustion device I don't have a magnifying glass I don't have a parabolic lens of any kind I have a plastic bag in if I fill that plastic bag with water and balloon it into you know a round shape it will act very much like a magnifying glass when pointed at the sun filtering the sun's Rays through clear liquid focuses heat carrying photons into a single hot spot that will hopefully ignite the problem is right now I don't have any good water to use that's clear the stuff we've been collecting looks like mud water the next best thing recycled water so my idea is to urinate in the only bag that we have that's clear plastic hopefully it will start a fire I'm hoping it comes out clear and it's not oh no dehydration can turn urine cloudy and dark you can see how yellow this urine is that's lack of hydration that may be a problem for me this gives me a pretty nice brace right here Tinder bundles right here ready to go this may take some doing may take some playing with the sun is strongest directly overhead at midday day as evening approaches light must travel through more atmosphere before reaching the Earth losing its potency I got to find just the exact right position of this thing to get that sun the most intense it's not quite as easy as a magnifying glass that's for sure it ain't too combustible looking to [Music] me I have a bunch that agabi cordage so so now I need pretty long straight strong sticks so I'm going to go to my buddy Willow just a few feet of cordage and sticks makes a spring-loaded trap shaped like a nutcracker the scissor snare anchor sticks secure the snare into the ground while the cord tethers to a spring pole I'm going to hold this and let this go you can see Wham that has a lot of pull power a second cord compresses the spring to a baited trigger stick so here's a piece of prickly pear fruit this is the bunny food or hopefully the animal's going to head towards me down the run when the animal takes the bait the spring releases a deadly choke hold set the trigger off bam traps take time and their success rate is unpredictable to get results the best hunters set out many there's rabbits here the worst case scenario is I don't get any food but I have remediate fuel to get us going in the form of pinion pine nuts best case scenario I bring back some meat to the [Music] fire in the Baja desert mountains Dave Canterbury gets creative with his own urine to build fire there's the right angle right there a vital resource when battling hypothermic temperatures okay here it comes this exactly what I want that's catching it on [Music] fire all right we got fire now we got Flame now I just got to carry over to where Cody's at we'll be good to go all right man comes fire how'd you get that burning stick out of the fire brother as evening nears Desert Winds pick up threatening to dissipate he heat from Open Flame so my next objective here is to get something set up for a shelter tonight is going to keep us warm the best way to combat plummeting temperatures trap the fire's heat you want me to build a fence up here on top somewhere I think if if you have some ideas to reflect fire go for it you know cuz it's going to be colder than hell right I'll get some grub okay I'll start working on this fence up here Okie do heat flows naturally from warmer to cooler space Dave's plan is to build a simple reflecting fence to prevent heat loss I'm looking for some of this Willow make fencing material with what I want are the green poles like this because they're very bendable and supple it's easy to pound on it'll go right into the [Music] ground I got plenty of building materials over here now I'm going to cut a few sticks put them two by two by two interweave some Willows in there and make a fence in front of this rock the fence will reflect the fire's Heat and the heat will reflect right back off that rock onto my [Music] body shelter and fire will keep the body warm but food generates heat from the inside so there's several species of choya I don't know what species this is but we're going to try to bake this many cacti can cause anaphylactic shock ranging from a simple infection to death but the choya cactus is abundant edible and rich in vitamin C calcium even protein it is a vegetable that's why Dave will Rebel but it's so easy to gather and so easy to cook why [Music] not just putting in a final Post in the middle of this fence and all I'm really doing is trying to set up a row of staggered stakes and weave material in and out of them to create a very simple very effective fence the 10x2 curved fence provides double heat protection green leafy insulation blocks heat from dissipating and the round shape reflects it back inward we'll have our fire right here in the middle Cody right here is curved like a parabola to reflect that fire straight into where Cody I are at I'll build a big Pine STW bed right there and we'll be comfy and cozy no matter how cold it gets tonight Mo Bueno once we have a base camp set up we have shelter the next priority has to be food because we know that we have to have those calories in our body to do any more traveling and that's the only way we can affect self rescue so Dave I brought you some vegetables I know you'll be thrilled about that Dave doesn't like vegetables I know that you know so this is a veggie Feast for now so it is what it is you can just hear that Southwestern Sizzle choya spines are highly toxic and must be burned off kind of open it up it's the pulp on the inside oh God Heaven show you Heaven it's like okra slimy satisfying green just like Mom used to make dinner is [Music] served it's been cooked to Perfection by the way what do you think besides the cactus spine in my lip now you want the truth it'll go away sure I think chya Cactus suck that's that's what I think doesn't have fur on it brother so what do you think man uh what's our plan for tomorrow we can't just sit here and hang out you know we could wait for Armageddon we could wait for the rebirth of Elvis you know I just see us traveling as much as I fear leaving that water source I got to tell you dude I really hope your traps pay off we're going to need to put some calories in our body from someplace to make a self-rescue journey because without that you're just in the wind you're burning calories that you can't replace so you put them in your body first and then you travel there's some really good juicy stuff that this desert's providing us and I mean the failure rate with trapping is high that's why Trappers had a large amount of traps but it's to keep morale up you know there's a huge aspect of survival psychology where the little things like Dave might have some sort of thing that he likes that isn't necessary for survival but it makes him happy it's worth it you know it's why you have the kid bring along the teddy bear right if that little girl can be calm with that teddy bear then you bring the damn teddy bear to dinner if that meat keeps the blood pressure down it's worth it and we'll hope for the best there ain't no guarantee I'm going to wander over and check those traps I set out we want meat in the situation if we can get it for anyone searching for a way out of the desert the key to escape is plenty of fuel for the road I'm going to work on something here that we can stuff in our bellies in case those traps don't have anything in them okay this is a really good resource right here I can see lots and lots I these small Acorn called sweet acorns and they're fairly edible without the leeching process most acorns have to be washed of their tannin a poisonous skin between the shell and nut but the white oak tree produces a smaller tannin-free sweet Acorn safe for eating you know I'd like to get uh 100 or 200 of these to make a decent meal with enough protein to sustain me until I find some meat okay so I've got these acorns and I need to separate the husks from the actual seeds so to do that I'm just going to crush them up the inner meat is edible but the shells aren't an old camping trick is to use water to separate the two I'm going to take the mush and basically pour it into the helmet and the husks will float on top of the water and the meat of the nut will go to the bottom sift the shells out like this turn the water off basically that's Native American peanut butter Bingo look at that that's the kill right there huge score and I don't particularly like killing things I appreciate the fact that we can eat meat this morning but I'm never really jumping up and down cuz I've killed something you're not going to believe this but look oh man it's a rabbit nice job that rabbit is a huge score for us that's a whole lot different than eating 3 or 400 acorns you okay with dealing with this alone heck yeah dude matter of fact get out of my kitchen get out of my kitchen I'll be right back all right Bud one real good thing thing about rabbit is they're very thin skinned animals and you really could almost process one of these by just taking a sharp stick like this one and poking a hole in the fur just like that you really don't have to have a knife per se once you rip a hole in the back of the fur it's pretty much that simple this little juicy morsel attached to the lungs is the heart I always eat the heart of any animal that I kill this is Cody's kill Cody gets the heart I got some rabbit ready yeah here's the heart for you brother oh wow your heart your kill damn great rabbit see you got a full jug of water that's a good thing we're going to gather the resources that we we have we're going to take what meat we have left we're going to take the nut meal and we're going to take as much water as we can possibly carry and we're hauling ass a rabbit pine nuts and a few hundred acorns is a good start toward fighting the calorie game perfect okay man let's do it but a gallon of water will only ward off dehydration for 2 days or less for anyone in this situation their biggest concerns will be leaving a known water source and essentially going into the unknown leaving water behind breaks Survival Code but it could be the only way back to civilization what are your options setting up camp having kids and playing Tarzan it ain't going to happen to find signs of life Dave and Cody get out of the brush and go high for a clear view you have to go to a higher vantage point maybe there's like a whole family camping heads up Dave baby rattlesnake wow hey looks just like the Rock and there he [Music] goes let's take a better look up here if you're stuck in a real survival situation and you don't know where you're at then you need to find some sign of life and that's where you need to go is that dust way out there in the distance you see that it looks like it's moving you think that's a vehicle that's a vehicle on a road way out there just because someone sees a road in the distance doesn't mean that you can't expect someone to drive down that road every hour or every day or every week looks like we can go down that little range there this is getting pretty uh different out here bro yeah it's getting drier it's getting lower cow cattle country well there's cattle there's Cowboys sooner or later look at this Dave oh this is good stuff right here saw cut wood somebody's out here collecting firewood that's excellent look at that that this is it mask vehicle Wyoming home to some of the steepest and most remote tracts of the Rocky Mountains some of these Peaks reach 11,000 ft get up to 30 ft of snow a year and lie miles from civilization exactly what Backcountry enthusiasts live for this is this is a huge winter Recreation Area a lot of people come for snowshoeing they come for skiing they come for snowmobiling and I usually come unprepared it is beautiful terrain and also deadly the most destructive force these adventurers face is an avalanche you're just cruising along enjoying your thing and all of a sudden bang the whole s the mountain starts to shift avalan the snow comes rolling down up to 200 mph you're buried alive it becomes an instantaneous survival situation if you're lucky enough to live through an avalance you better have the skills and knowledge it takes to survive the rest of this scenario because you're in trouble armed with only what's left of an avalanche victim's gear Dave cbury and Cody Lund show what it takes to survive in the cold harsh Rocky Mountains do not screw around in Wyoming winter Wilderness you will not make it out alive it'll chew you up and spit your ass [Music] out bu of gear down here Cody in the United States an average of 30 people a year die in Avalanches those who are lucky enough to survive typically lose valuable gear chances are most of your equipment is going to be buried and you're instantaneously put into a survival situation now you have to survive by your widths and make your way down a mountain it could take you days to get out of here days the cold here is vicious you can be dead in a matter of hours Cody lundine has Decades of survival experience in the desert but his training began in this brutal landscape I'm a desert boy but I grew up in Wyoming there is a reason I moved and it's called winter what are you guessing temperature wise zero Jing from the ice hanging off my eyebrows Dave Canterbury is a woodland expert from the flat plateaus of Eastern Ohio we're at 11,000 ft I live at less than 3,000 ft I'm not acclimated to this it's very difficult to breathe up here there's a number of ways to meet your maker right here hypothermia is number one that's know she look intact yeah there's high altitude sickness dehydration dangers of avalanches and the everpresent frostbite so whatever cards you're dealing out you better have a stack deck when you come to Wyoming in the winter time thermometer on this backpack there says you are screwed I knew it actually says about 3° together Dave and Cody will show how to escape one of North America's most unforgiving winter environments using just one pair of snowshoes one ski pole and some leftover gear some my wad of orange paracord here looks like there's a roll of white cordage over here tube of lip bomb take some of that right now plastic what used to be beef jerky bag twoo M you got to be kidding to matches paper matches notoriously suck there's only two of them the temperatures here in Wyoming can be 25 below zero so with even a 5 mph wind you're looking at 35 below zero beyond that human flesh freezes so what does it say for two gring gos walking around with two matches it doesn't bode very well we could have found maybe a down sleeping bag or a parka or something of some True Value what we have in this situation it's not a lot what do you think we're losing light here in the dead of winter Wyoming receives just over 8 hours of sunlight a day as the sun drops temperatures plummet and it becomes harder to hunt for shelter we both know we need to go low this sucks up here it's a totally exposed Ridge and it's an avalanche Danger on top of that this is a death zone we need to get down to the trees the trees are natural Windbreak you know we need get where there's resources it's totally unpredictable here you okay man yeah I'd rather be in deep snow than well you got your wish cuz here's the edge of the beach right here out there's the ocean that's some damn deep snow yeah look at that elephant hole right there how deep it is you can see the sun is heated up that rock that big pit around it what scares the hell out of me that could be 8 or 10t deep I don't know man there's just no other route than just beelining to those trees let's do it I can take a little bit of my weight with these snowshoes but not much W nice hole God knows how tall these trees are hang on a minute I about got a pine tree Ina there it's really tough to move out here the snow's deep I got a pine tree right at my rear end when you sink to your ways in snow that's getting your clothes but in moisture and cold is a huge killer hypothermia occurs when the body's core drops below 95° leading to loss of coordination confusion and ultimately death our strategy to get to the deep snow is I'm going to go first cuz I weigh the most I have the Pack on and I'm going to purposely Force more more weight down to try to create an area for Dave where he doesn't sink as much so would you consider those shoes Cody those shoes yeah don't dream I'm only doing this for you Dave oh okay my feet are used to being cold mind you Cody doesn't wear shoes or long pants no matter what the conditions one way I adjust the cold temperatures is acclimatization his philosophy is that he can strengthen his mitochondria the part of a cell that generates body heat to naturally resist lower temperatures I tend to not put on a lot of clothes in the winter time so my mitochondria can kick ass if you get into a situation like this where 6 ft of snow on the ground and you come out here and wool socks and shorts there's something wrong with your head I'm imagine having bare legs in freaking 4° it's going to be tough it's getting deeper here okay well I'm trying to put my feet right in your snow pack fact of the matter is I'm a little bit worried about him how's your legs feeling up there man my legs are fine but my knees knaps recall I'm just seeing if I can feel my knees here for most people early frostbite is marked by numbness and swelling if left exposed tissue slowly freezes to death do I recommend wearing shorts in a winter situation hell no but I'm not a normal person I have a higher acclimatization than most people do especially my [Music] legs oh Sun's going down we got to find some shelter so let's haul ass real sleep up here when you're on a daylight it really gets cold suck factor of 10 plus absolute hell you've got to find cover and get out of the elements my hands are freezing I don't know if we have enough fuel wood and shelter stuff to make a fire and shelter I mean especially in these conditions I either at 10,000 ft trees only appear in thin clusters limiting fire and shelter resources nightfalls and you don't have to cover you die of hypothermia in this depleted environment the best shelter is the snow itself that's a pretty wiing chunk of snow right there I mean we could tunnel in like a rat I can bu it no doubt about that put that up how tall are you we got a good 4T almost to right there it's either di or we look for another Drift But we're burning daylight yeah no let's go right here man okay all right well give me a snowshoe brother best we got I know a simple snow cave with a foot thick wall can maintain an above freezing interior regardless of outside air temperature it's going to be less cold inside one for our body heat being given off each one of us is putting off the equivalent to around 100 watt light bulb to that body heat is trapped newly fallen snow contains 90% air air is insulation three were eliminating any wind four were dealing with conduction from the ground so so let's say it's 10° out here it might only be 32 or 40 in there but that's a 25° difference based on simple physics it literally can save your life looking good man I'm start getting some Pine BS ready for you so you can line that when you get dug in okay so we want to sleep on something that's got insulated value what I want is these big heavy ones that have lots of needles on them you keep conduction from kicking our ass with the snow I'm starting to burrow in here so I Hollow it out get rid of the excess snow and then keep hollowing it out I want to keep it our sweet Parabola that gives us the inherent strength that we need to have this thing not collapse a half hour before Sunset temperatures hover just below zero once night falls the frigid air can drop another 20° it's just a lot of work and the temperatures here are so freaking cold coming up this freaks me out for Cody getting down means putting his life in Dave's cold hands are you sure about this trust me okay and trouble from above man could keep things from heating up I don't want snow to fall in the Striking surface heads up while signaling for rescue has D on thin ice you better think twice before you walk out of frozen lake if something does happen I'm going out there and doing whatever the hell I can to pull him out all right Co you got some Pine BS I'll start laying them out in the cold Baron Wyoming mountains surviving the night requires making the most of body heat I want to spend 3 or four weeks in a snow shelter absolutely not but it buys time to get to lower elevation with more resources to build a fire hopefully Cody's body Heat's got that thing like a furnace in there cuz I hate to say it but at this point I'm ready to snuggle coming in yeah come on in you know if you had to spend a rough night out here this is not too shabby but goals for tomorrow fire has to be the priority [Music] yeah to survive in the Mountain Wilderness long enough for rescue it's best to head downhill no matter what look at this Dave looks like some weather coming in huh yeah hold on here this doesn't look good at all what you got it's a flat out D there it's a cliff yeah it's a pretty healthy drop it's a cliff covered with ice then it just goes right into that as biting Rock we've come to a drop off here that seems to be a waterfall area there's lots of sharp Rock there's lots of ice ice is basically Rock it's not like it's a cushy experience no I agree look at all that heavy Forest down there though what's down below us right now that we have to get to is better resources better shelter more wood to burn we've got ability to then melt water and not have to dig snow caves anymore also the lower elevation we get the more animals are going to be there there's less chance of hypothermia down there I mean put it all together what do you think that looks looks some good resources down there yeah but resources down there don't mean anything if you break a leg on this what concerns me about this whole area is ice and rock will literally break bones rip layers of muscle off your body that's a long way down you don't want to go backwards do you I'm not sure what in the hell good that's going to do I don't either I think we're just going to have to Recon around this bowl and see what the safe rout down is if there is one okay this doesn't look too ugly right here man I see about a 5060 ft drop then below that looks like just a slope of snow but that first part of it is Rock ice and it's vertical right all right just douche that ski pole man too dangerous trying to take that thing down let's see what we've even got for cordage to play with the bottom line of the situation is we've got to descend we've got limited equipment to do that with so what are you thinking well I'm not real happy with trying to trust 550 cord I mean look at this freaking train wre cordage we got here the potential dangers are that we don't have any kind of a shock absorbing device like a fishing rod paracord is a static line you don't bounce up and down on a static line without breaking it this is not the safe thing in the world to be doing but in a survival situation if you have no choice you have to figure something out I'm going to take it around the tree up here and I'll double it through like this so you got the actual strength of both ropes on the tree doubling up the Rope increases its load capacity from 550 lb to 1100 and then I'll just tie hand holds in it every so many feet so that you can use those to climb down oh man this freaks me out how am I going to you know this is a serious fine and complex motor skill I mean look at that there's just super duper variables here I understand that man if you're not comfortable with this then we need to figure out a different way we have to make sure that it's safe for both people that are in the scenario me and Cody because if one person's not comfortable doing something they make mistakes when you make mistakes you get killed till he's comfortable with it we're not going to do anything the only other thing we can do is wrap it around your torso and I can lower you down and you just have to trust me not to drop you you know I trust Dave implicitly he's done a lot of rope work I don't trust the parachute cord we'll wrap that loop around your body and just tie a decent knot in there you know he's just going to have to put the trust in the Paracord and me belaying him once we get him down I'll do a different type of repelling system on myself so that I can retrieve the Rope we don't lose the Cs all right bro we ain't getting any younger and it's snowing like a Dave is fairly Fearless about stuff like this you know so he's good to go but I don't like having my body hang over an edge you know what's under that snow is it sharp Rock we're nowhere in a frozen waterfall if that cord AB braids enough on that sharp Rock it's breaking and then I'm falling so um put that one on for size we got a bow line out in here it's tight you're not going anywhere not going to get any tighter on you you're not going to come out of it it's going to lip look right into your armpits okay okay lowering a body along a fixed line requires constant attension from the topside partner and when freezing temperatures inhibit fine motor skills Dave will have to hold on Against All Odds or his partner will fall I don't know if I do fall it's going to be quite a shock I'll be buried dude you're you're not going to yank me off of here all right you okay Dave he he's real cold that's all right go you got me yeah man trust me you got me yeah man trust me okay what you all right I've just broke through here the only thing between Cody and Dave and better survival resources is a 50ft waterfall of ice give me some more I need more rope more rope y all right I'm going to take the loop off okay okay okay it's free set down the snowshoes [Music] okay can you reach those no they're off the line how close are they to you they're not if it's not hypothermia if it's not frostbite if it's not Avalanches it's how the hell do we walk if we lose our snowshoes can you reach that yeah I'm going to come right to you to get the snowshoes okay I'm going to take this rope and wrap it around this tree so we can retrieve it I'm going to repel off of one strand of this rope instead of two you know I'm going to slide down as best I can but my whole weight is supported by that rope if it breaks Cody be waiting on me at the bottom okay Cody I'm coming down bro okay you got it yeah got it nice Dave excellent I got pants on let me break Trail for you this time hey Cody come here for a minute come right down here where I'm at buddy you're going to when you see this dude look at that Rushing Water right into that big ice cap Creeks running right there yeah going straight down we got an area right here where the rivers come down and frozen underground and now it's spitting out out right here going straight into a big ice bubble holy if we go too much further over we would go into the ice bubble from hell can you imagine that dude come over the top of that and be stuck in that ice cave with no way out just a few feet of snow cover make it impossible to gauge where Solid Ground ends and thin ice a top frigid water begins giant freaking Man Trap of Doom so I'm just going to kind of try Traverse sideways as best I can to get over by that tree line come on buddy I'm working on it don't slide down to that creek bottom pretty sure the best routes over here we're in this conif for Country at 9,000 ft Pine forests become more dense and Rich with survival resources I think we should focus on shelter and fire oh we've gone out of the fire into the frying pan so to speak Dave and I wanted to drop elevation because it's going to be inherently warmer that's kind of a double-edged sword CU now the snow is denser it has more moisture inherently to it it's not easily wiped off moisture and cold is a huge killer the only way to deal with that is to have fire to dry that out looking spot there huh yeah my thought is to put a lean to shelter in these trees here and the fire out here I like the spot that I found for several reasons it's fairly flat but has two trees ready to a lean to situation right now fire has to be the priority so I probably should get some bigger stuff cuz you're going to collect Kling yeah I'll get some fuel cuz you know we're going to need boatloads maybe even shiploads maybe there's a lot of snow on these trees out here obviously this is a non-wind blown area that's why we picked it because it's better protection but with that comes every time you rattle one of these trees to knock a branch off of it you see what just happened all I do is touch that tree and this is what happens when I walk through the woods I'm looking for a lot of things I'm looking for Tinder and kindling and looking for resin maybe some old man's beard look at all those beautiful dead branches down there they're inherently dry because they're protected by this entire tree and check out this look at that resin highly combustible stuff and there's the old man's beard so everything is in one package and of course the ignition source is those matches we only have two of them this stuff here is all dead so what I really want to do is just walk through here anything that breaks off easy I'm going to take whoa holy crap you got a good bundle of Tinder there okay I'm going to hog in here go ahead bro okay I'm going to build a fire right here I'm not going to light it yet I'm going to build it big difference the chances of lighting a fire with just two paper matches are slim but a large Tinder tent maximizes flammable surface area and cover from falling snow I'm always worried about what I'm building now getting wet I'm looking at these big chunkers here they could ruin my party you know so hopefully I'll have enough heat base here where it won't be an issue by the time that thing starts to fall the ignition Source I have here sucks I've got about 5 to 7 Seconds worth of heat in a paper match to ignite Tinder in the winter a match needs to burn as long as possible I have a bunch of scraps of wool from my wrap and I have lip balm and I'm going to take a piece of lip balm gu it into this wool and and then I'm going to light this lip balb is a petroleum based fuel source combined with a wick like wool it can keep a flame burning for up to a minute or more if wind or moisture don't put it out this is fuel here that I'm dealing with and I don't want that to happen so I better shut up here and get started I have my matches and I don't want snow to fall in the Striking service next my reaction at this point is Cody discovers they may not be alone I'm in Grizzly and wolf country this is someone's dinner you get cocky out here you can get eaten in the freezing snow drenched Rocky Mountains getting fire with just two matches is a long shot I'm gonna take this match and I'm gon to split it to get two tries and I'm taking these wool fibers with my petroleum lip balm and I'm going to light this wool isn't lighting come [Music] on I'm not taking any chances yet a lot of that steam so I'm going to lump that up up now we just need a lot more fuel heads up uh-oh that's going to give us a lot of heat man yeah the way we can minimize the amount of firewood we have to burn is to deal with some shelter yeah if we can trap that heat with some sort of lean to under the natural shelter already yeah I we need a reflector back there's no doubt I'll make a building material run okay that sounds good man I'm just building a simple lean to type structure that will reflect this fire back down on us once we're inside of it you have to be very careful how many calories and how much energy you expend because if you can't replace that with food and hydration then you're going to go into a deficit and it will end up killing [Music] you I like these dead snags they're going to be easy to deal with I'm pulling it right out of the ground it's a readymade pole for shelter you don't need to cut it you don't need to screw with it pull it out of the snow it's ready to rock and roll so we're going to be looking for a lot of these Cody's got a beautiful fire built here but the worst thing I could do covered in snow like this is to go stand next to that fire and think oh how sweet this is because all the snow's going to melt my clothes are going to get wet as soon as that happens I'm screwed hypothermic set him very quickly hey man I got us some shelter stuff here that's a serious score right there brother bows is the key now huh like a jigsaw puzzle just got to figure out where everything fits the best utilize it what you got there's a couple ways to gather bows obviously you have a an axe or a knife is one way but if I go to this B right over here and just kind of pull it back on itself and it shears right off no knife no axe no fuss no mus here's a big pile of bows okay everything needs to be slow and deliberate in an environment like this the more you hurry the more you sweat and once you start to sweat then your clothes become wet on the inside and that's a huge problem as soon as you feel your stuff start to get hot and you to start shedding layers as soon as you think you're cold again you need to put them back on it all right so all I want to do right now is get this structure closed in with pine BS I'm working from the bottom up so it's almost like a layer of singles on a house that would repel anything that would come down and then I'm going to putut Pine BS in there Pine bows will keep you from losing heat through convection on that snow there's nothing complicated about it man it's just a simple Mountain Man lean to Choppers lived in these things for eons what's the temp where you're sitting there maintaining about 65° right now where I'm sitting I thought you might have some milk and cookies back here waiting for me if it was feasible I would have done it for you bro I know you would I guarantee you our next priority at this level is to melt as much snow as we can to get hydrated we have the plastic bag now we have fire we can melt snow at will basically beyond that we need to scope this area out Scout for more resources and possibly [Music] food out here it becomes more important that you find calories than in a tropical scenario because you're going to burn calories faster trying to maintain body heat you need food maybe Snowshoe here or here there are little morsels running around Scavenging for food in the snow is a game of Risk versus reward calories spent trekking often exceed any gained if I can make a second set of snowshoes Cody's not going to have to break my trail which is going to make us both more effective out here really what I'm looking for is just something that's flexible and green and a pine like this is just about [Music] Perfect all right let's make some snowshoes and the reason I'm shaving this one side off of this thing is because I want these two basically to marry up like this okay now we start to get the Snowshoe shape here by putting a crossmember in here this wood is so cold it don't even want to bend my daddy always said when you get mad you stop then you start again when you're not mad anymore and I'm hot and I'm sweating and I can't take off too many more clothes here without being naked all right you little come here yeah that's what I'm saying okay we got the hard part done now and the rest of it I can do sitting on my ass and serving calories in a situation like this you might think that snowshoes are something more of a convenience but in the end it will save you calories and energy even though it's taking calories and energy now to manufacture them okay now basically all I'm doing is braid these three pieces of cords together to make a set of bindings just like a woman would be braid her hair or Cody would braid his hair one down and one to go wait a minute my reaction at this point is it's either a very big deer or probably a smaller elk but it's been heavily ravaged by something Wyoming is home to nearly 100,000 elk something killed this besides a popular choice for hunters those elk also feed a large population of predators like coyotes wolves and bears I'm not in Kansas here I'm not the top of the food chain here I'm just this little white dude on snowshoes and waste deep snow grizzly bears in the middle of a long meal often rest nearby before returning to finish their feast know this is someone's dinner and they could still be in the area and I'm not taking that for granted you get cocky out here you can get eaten I think there is potential food value here but when I see that dead body I want to be very very cautious in Rocky Mountain Grizzly country getting too close to a fresh kill could mean becoming the next prey in a winter or cold weather survival situation food jumps the priority so I'm willing to gamble a little bit more cuz I haven't seen any recent activity of any large carnivore in the area I see some rabbit tracks and that's about it that's the stomach what I don't feel good about is how did this animal die is it predation is it disease a found carcass could be a gold mine of food potential but only if it's not diseased the height is off the body the head is off the base of the neck here those are all just bone fragments like an explosion frankly it looks like it's been blown out by a gunshot my bet is this was killed by a human they got the choic of meats like pigs and left the rest very wasteful far out in the wilderness signs of human presence may not be recent a carcus left in Nature's Subzero Meat Locker can lie preserved for months just because there's a PO animal here doesn't mean anyone's anywhere near Wyoming's a massive State and when you poach typically you poach way way into the Wilderness the other aspect that concerns me is we have to think about that rabies coin even a disease-free poach can be contaminated after death by scavengers with rabies any parts even possibly exposed to an animal saliva are off limits I'm going for stuff that has been messed with by animals whatsoever if I take a couple of these four legs there's a lot of bone marrow that hasn't been disturbed by anything bone marrow is dense in proteins and fats the other thing I'm thinking about this tongue is hermetically sealed inside this head so it's safe and you can eat the [Music] tongue that head's pretty Frozen that tongue doesn't want to come easy the whole thing is it's like a solid block of ice I'm not going to spend a whole lot more time here I've got what I think's important the tongue the bones to eat the marrow out of and the hide can be used for natural insulation I'll pro and con it with my partner and if we agree on it we'll keep it if not we'll throw it out anything suspected of disease should be discarded rancid meat can contaminate a campsite and attract Predators I got a fur hat the hell you got did you do kill an elk no someone did and then scatter aved by what some sort of canines got tongue meat two four legs a hide and a partridge in a parat tree okay my biggest concern would be the rabies with the thing being scavenged by canines but the tongue was solidified with in the head hermetically sealed nothing had chewed on it I had to work to get that tongue out right um if we cook it good you know it's probably going to be good and I brought back the four legs cuz we can just crack the bone and try to get whatever marrow out we can the two things that I don't eat out of animals no matter how they die unless I'm just dying is the brain in the bone marrow cuz that's where disease is likely to be generated from Anthrax and ho and mouth right do you want me to just put these four legs to the side I can throw that height over the fuel pile and start uh making it up yeah you just got to make sure that you don't touch your eyes or anything because rabies you can transmit it through your eyes very easily too stuff's throwing out pretty good look like the chasms of hell this fire isn't it it's good to be home man Snow's deep out there got your feet doing there good they're doing [Music] great you didn't just drink the water water out of your socks why would you do that cuz it's like tea o to Cody you want some no thanks man there's plenty of water around for me not to have to suck my socks suck my socks suck my socks that's a good one C's sucking the juice out of his socks not sure I understand that methodology we're surrounded by snow we got water in a bag I'm an opportunist Dave and I'm taking an opportunity to dry my socks and hydrate at the same time yeah me too man here's my opportunity I have three socks on there's no way in hell there's any like foot schug on that sock I can tell you right now you sweat a hell of a lot through your feet with three layers of wool socks on somewhere on the line there's some tow jamming them bad boys now if it was your sock talk about foot and mouth disease 5 or 10 minutes we get probably be mwing down on that front one when it comes to meat that you find in the wild you cook it until it's a brick 99% of the time you're going to be pretty safe want me to slice the piece off yeah that front piece looks like it might be pretty close to being done I mean the one that's black yeah awesome my man M it's delicious that is good to me it tastes like a chicken gizard and I can eat gizzards by the pound I'd take that elk tongue dip it in some ranch dressing oh man and just tear it up ni finger looking good man mhm fny when you're miserable tastes so much better no kidding dual survival's art of self-reliance when there's no food in sight mining tree bark can buy you a few calories there's three things going on here one there's the exterior bark there's the Heartwood and there's the living cambium layer right there the edible cambium layer packs starch and sugar in every bitter bite it kind of sucks it's a food of Last Resort that's what the Don party did it's better if it's dried and even [Music] boiled walking on top of the snow is definitely a blessing right now with these snowshoes you know right now I'm on a Recon looking for meat Source if I can find him firewood I place a signal for rescue with base camp set up the next priority is finding an open area to attract help hey Cody what do you got that ain't no Meadow no no way Dave has found a lake and that presents some opportunities what I'm looking at is open space for signal for rescue wonder how thick that ice is but the big flip side of that is as you break through you're probably done it's a new opportunity for us but it's also another way to die maybe go snatch up the backpack you bet the best winter rescue signal bright unnatural color contrasted against the white environment we can strap that red backpack at the top of this pole get it out on the lake that way anything that's around here is going to see that red backpack this time of year in Wyoming you know this Lake out here is going to be frozen there's no doubt about it it's just a matter of how thick Frozen it really is it's a pretty big lake man I think testing the ice dep is a matter of walking out on it but before I would ever walk out on something like this I'd want to fire over here as a safety net okay yeah break into the ice that's a fatal fatal thing unless you have instant access to getting warmed up when water is less than 40° hypothermia strikes in just minutes if you carry that pole and you hold it like this if you break through at least you got that thing holding you up I have a partner that can watch my back if you don't have that Advantage you better think twice before you walk out of frozen lake if something does happen I'm going out there and doing whatever the hell I can to pull him [Music] [Music] out you know the ice feels pretty solid out here I jammed up pulled down through the snow and I ran straight into ice and actually get that pull the lodge into the ice a little bit but uh it felt pretty thick so I'm pretty happy with that it's the brightest colored thing we got we got it pretty high up in the air got a great expanse right here anybody comes through here is going to see it and we're going to be over there snuggle up against cover with a [Music] fire it could be a long cold wait for Rescue Dave and Cody's next objective find food to maintain body heat so listen man might be a potential for fishing out here but you and I both know walking out there on that snow and working very long suicidal to your eyes we're going to have to make at least one set of snow goggles you get out here where the sun's reflecting off of this white snow and you've got a pretty big danger of snow blindness that's a burn to your corny from Eevee radiation very similar to what you'd get if you were welding in severe cases it can cause blindness what do you think about maybe cutting this piece out right here punching a couple ice slits in it and tying some of the leftover quarters we got in there I can do that Jee the frozen solid want to suck my [Laughter] sock the color is black so it's going to absorb light look up towards me it would be similar if you were a football player putting carbet under their eyes to uh inhibit reflection that going of work that's perfect the main thing is you're making that that very very fine slit for the eye perfect whyo snow goggles need to restrict how much light gets into your eyes very much like a camera shutter opening and closing we just need to close that shutter down so not as much light gets into the eyes what do you think you kind of look like Batman okay man I'm going to bust a hole in the ice okay I'm going to just keep nursing this fire oh I think it just went through yeah we got a hole right here time to go to the fire and thaw out hey Cody you hear that Cody yeah look look look hey I don't know if they're going to see us here hope they'll see that rescue flag when there's a time of death hypothermia frost bite dealing with the snow hey here they come here they come before you recreate in the winter time you leave a game planned with two people you trust so when you're not back Sunday night at 6:00 p.m. someone will be looking for you Cody into the trail hey hey man I don't know what kind of idiot gets an air booat stuck you got to work hard to do that so we're screwed even if it runs it's not going any place not now survival experts Cody lundine and Dave cbury are playing the part of two air boers stranded in the sweltering heat of the Florida Everglades you know the bottom line is it's hot and it's only going to get hotter out here and right now with that short a radiation beating down from the Sun on this reflective surface we might as well be like two tater tots on a skillet out here most search and rescue scenarios where you've been smart enough to leave a game plan last between 48 and 72 hours the problem is in the beating Sun like this where you don't have a lot of cover it only takes about four to 5 hours to kill you in a swamp twice the size of Delaware the best plan is to wait for rescue the only question is where it's hotter out here than a tick under a dog's armpit what do you think we should do I mean obviously you want to stay with the vehicle whenever possible well I mean the problem is the weather in Florida can change on a dime so we could be building a shelter all of a sudden it starts raining we're the highest metal point in the sky we're going to get struck by lightning lightning okay well that's a deal killer for me there are some sable palms off in the distance and that's an indicator of drier land so that would be the place you'd want to go leaving a vehicle behind defies Survival Code but once the decision is made to abandon exploit all survival resources it provides I think we ought to take advantage of what we have here as far as combustible Fuel and a battery for ignition to start fire before we leave fire does more things for you in a survival situation than any other tool EX accept your cutting tool because when we get over there we're going to need that fire it's going to Ward away the bugs and it gives us resources to cook food and process water it also gives us a signal we have to have fire we need to worry about hydration how to disinfect this water you know I don't want to Lug that battery that's at least 25 30 lbs we don't have matches we don't have a lighter but what we have is a 30 lb battery right here and we have gasoline so as long as we have some type of fuel or Tender I can carry fire with me transporting fire long distances is a challenge that requires a slow burning Tinder a fuel source rarely found in the water logged swamp so I'll go see what I can find for us to at least get a fire started you want me to cannibalize the boat but don't strip it don't strip it to where it won't run in case it rains a lot and the thing will float again okay Dave kbur is no stranger to the Florida swamps or their dangers I lived in Florida for quite a long time time not very far from the Everglades when I lived here I used to hunt reptiles for a living that's what I did so I know exactly what's out in these swamps you know the Everglades is covered by hundreds of miles of the Saw Grass you can see it's actually got three edges that can cut you like little saw blades and the teeth are all facing one way so if you rub it in One Direction you don't feel the teeth really but if you rub it the other way you can feel those saw teeth catching on your skin so this is some bad to try to walk when Dave and I walk out of here I want some general direction for search and rescue to be able to follow so I'm going to make a simple arrow as best I can in the direction we know we're going which is over to those Sabal Pals primitive living skills expert Cody lundine has been instructing students how to stay alive in remote and deadly situations for decades I'm trying to make this boat look like a really hot babe in a bikini I want people look in this direction but Cody is at a disadvantage in this 2 million acre swamp the Florida Everglades is not my cup of tea this is not my country but Dave's spent time here so basically well I can get by with some generalities I'm going to acquest to him on a lot of critical survival facts because the swamp's his terrain it's not mine this has contrast it'll have a shape that's like another shape out here in nature so that's going to attract someone's eyes as well okay these are what I'm looking for right here these are the old dead seed heads of the cattail plant look like hot dogs when they first ripen up and this busted part right here really isn't what I want because surface area allows in oxygen that makes it burn faster what I want is this stuff that's dead and compressed together like this that I can ignite and will burn for a long time so that we can make it flame when we get where we're going hey man we got some C you found a spot in the shade yeah hotter than hell out here is it I know wow nice signal device brother I didn't want to cannibalize both the life vests we have one for each of us so that's the best I can come off no good job man so tell me what you find off this boat man well obviously this one is a a huge score there's your baby oh yeah absolutely nice machete excellent I found this pack the battery is pretty obvious it seems fresh this is kind of screwed here but to carry fire yeah it's definitely not going to hold water is it yeah and that's pretty much what I found everything looks good man but I'm going to take my knife while you mess with the fire and clear all this back so the boat has as much contrast as possible on this swamp okay sounds good I need to get a fire going that Cody and I can carry with us while we travel I'm going to need a heat source which I'm going to use the battery for that I'm going to use this wire and basically cross the connections and short the battery out exactly what I'm looking for and I just want to dip the tip of this in this gas tank this is very high octane Airplane Fuel much more combustible than the regular gas that you put in your car I'm going to take this Cattail and I'm going to bust it up in here just to use that to catch on fire and then this will be my fuel as I go one time deal sweet fire it's uh going to burn really quick with all these holes in this can all right man ready [Music] yeah leaving the Airboat to seek out shade is vital to avoiding heat stroke but walking unprotected into deep Cypress swamp defies Basic Instinct what Davis told me is the more we go into the swamp the more the critters are helping there the alligators the snakes or whatever so the hill where we go from this fairly benign area as far as fauna and go to that area it's because of our unfriend hypothermia high body temperature and dehydration you're getting hit with full sun all the time that is the big killer you got water all around you and you can't drink it you could drink it if you want to get sick from it but the better bet is to find a way to boil it we need to find some dry land we need to find a place that we can build shelter build fire disinfect water hiking through dense brush in high heat and humidity can burn through two quarts of water in just one hour the Trek is Complicated by the fact that Cody doesn't wear shoes or long pants not even here in the Hostile Everglades the thing that I worry most about with Cody out here is he's in shorts he's walking through the Saw Grass B it's eating up my arms I'm sure it's eating up his legs this stuff is a to get through if you hit one of these potholes all of a sudden you're up to your crotch whoa yeah there's a few deep holes this as far as going Barefoot it's not that big of a deal just my legs are going to be stinging this Saw Grass slice my arms completely up I'm sure Cody's legs look at the same way the salt from your sweat makes it sting even worse the slog through the swamp is only worth it if they can get to shade and dry land with the fire intact so right now things are tenuous if Dave dunks that can in the water we're so we got to go back to the boat and do it all over again and neither one of us want to tra surrounding this for the hell of it I just hope to hell we can get the fire to wherever we're going there's those [Music] Palms hang on our buds going out bro here take a bunch of this is there enough heat in there oh no you got it I don't know Cody you really got to watch this thing it's about to go out of it things are delicate I don't like disturbing this but that can't needs to be over there come on okay don't move that bucket okay there should be right on that ember now eh we're just going to have to keep adding fuel and keep moving do I want to do this is this fun hell no it's a out here and with that humidity it's even harder to dump heat the sun's a real booger out here isn't it yeah yeah it is man definitely blows through a lot of water doing this I know I can still see the boat so a lot more shade in here huh brother yeah feels good shade Under The Canopy of the Cypress swamp slows dehydration but within this new ecosystem lie new risks I'm going to have to watch out for snakes now brother you know Cody and I have escaped the blistering Sun out there on the Saw Grass Prairie but now we're in the home of the reptile and every move we make and the closer it gets to dark that's when it get scary more than 20 species of snake thrive in the Florida Everglades including Burmese Python and The Venomous water moccasin so it's snake City in here right yeah there's going to be snakes in here this water's going to get deeper before it gets shallower these logs that's where you want to keep your eyes open man cuz snakes will lay up on top of those everything is trying to get out of the water huh exactly the shade here is better but I'm still ankle Deep in water it's harder to see where you're going Dave is telling me all the critters are hanging out in here so do you want a turd sandwich or a turd sandwich with mustard I'd go with the mustard but still it's a turd sandwich at least we have the shade I'm happy sort of so we're going to head toward those Sable Pals and see if there's any dryer ground whatsoever you think we're going the right direction generally between 11: and 2 you know all right cody getting considerably deeper right here man I got to tell you this looks like this might be a gator hole a what a gator hole the fact that there's no plants growing here in full sun means this water's pretty deep a lot of times Gators will wallow us out in the dry season to make it deeper so it holds more water so what I'm worried about here is that we might have Gators laying on the bottom of this pool we've got to get over there one way or another we've got a couple different options we can walk around through the grass back here which is probably infested with snakes we can hop across a couple of these tree areas right here where the roots are that's going to be a little shallower again the Gators can be laying in these weeds or we can act like alligators swim under the water through this hole figure a way to rig that fire so it floats and get to the other side you tell me door number one is snake infested grass door number two is snake and Gator infested trees and door number three three is something called a gator hole I don't want to go across something called a gator hole for Dave to tell me to swim like a gator that's counterintuitive I'd rather go somewhat where I could see my other concern is this I can't risk it so here I am I'm going to play lower of the Rings here's my staff of power and I'm going to use it to bushwack through their compell high water but the longer we stand here I know intuitively I want to go right there maybe it's because where I can see the Sun hitting those weeds cuz right now I kind of I just kind of feel like a chick at the bar at closing and everyone's looking at me okay sometimes in a survival situation you get stuck making a decision that you really don't like there is no best option there are only options they all suck Cody's the one that's kind of out of his element here so I want to go with what he's comfortable with we right in the middle of the Gator hole now so be careful man oh great this isn't stressful hey Cody look at these Vines man some good looking stuff right here yeah let's get let's get out of the pool Dave you need this cordage I can get now I'm going to take it now because I don't know if it's going to be where we're going I think we should be looking down seems to be shallowing out now Cody you're a hell of a tour guide I want to get the hell out of this water before it gets dark to make some semblance of a base camp I mean we're heading to the Sable pumps and Dave said that's drier land but Dyer is like jumbo shrimp what the hell is the word jumbo doing with the word shrimp it just doesn't make any sense hey Cody looks like dry ground up here man [Music] it a completely dry but it's a lot drier you know anything we're losing light brother I mean yeah definitely we're losing light I say we just get up in here in the mud get a shelter built somewhere and get off the ground you need to find shelter and then I'll deal with fire cuz the fire is going to go wherever you pick the swamp is more dangerous at night as nocturnal Predators roam to feed the most basic defense is an elevated platform I don't know what's out there right now it looks like it's clear ground to me but I'm not going to camp out in the open exposed to the Els right now what I'm worried about is getting up off the ground and this looks like a pretty good spot to do it I got a whole group of trees right here this is pretty well protected overhead as long as I can get a platform to get us up off the ground and away from the critters shelter is only half the battle constant fire will repel most swamp Predators this sail pal is like the hardware store of the swamp you can tear off big mounts of this stuff to make like a Tinder bundle but you can see this webbing formation it's a little bit loose it's not as tight as I would like it the reason I'd want it tighter is it limits the O2 so that it'll smolder you what I'm trying to do right now is as quick as I can get a shelter put together for me and Cody while he's bringing in wood for the fire I've used the natural tripods Mother Nature provided and just lifted this sped up off the ground 6 or 8 in and now I'm going to come across here with poles once Cody gets the fire built out here hopefully we'll get some of that blowing in here and [ __ ] into a shelter to keep the bugs down impending Darkness isn't the only threat dusk is also when mosquito feeding reaches its peak here's something that with Dave and I can use this is wax myrtle this was used by the seminol Indians topically on their skin as far as bugs mosquitoes in particular so in this area of the swamp with impending Darkness this is worth its weight and gold here the smoldering Embers still need to be built into a fire but an ordinary fire bed would never last on the wet swamp floor I'm creating a base with green wood if I was on the snow I'd be doing something similar with boughs it's green so it's not going to burn through that easily I have my ignition Source in the can but I want to be careful of that because we really can't afford to go back to the Airboat to try to light it again so I'm just going to put in this little bundle of sable that I have and I'm going to blow it into Flame this is a one chance deal [Music] here not out of the woods yet here I need more SP some going to start babying it up with small sticks you take fire for granted you get [Music] screwed the is that man there's something crawling over there what I'm did you hear that yeah I heard something but I don't know what it was man it's right over there I don't see nothing remember that movie where there was these spiders from space or something and before there was all these crickets chirping and there was no Crickets at all no cuz all the spiders never saw that oh never mind summer morning temperatures in the Everglades average in the 70s and climb 20° by noon to survive in this brutal environment safe drinking water is critical well this is tedious but at least there's some way to to disinfect the water here we're trying to hydrate with the Billy Bob bucket here and it ain't happening cuz we've only got about an inch of water in that so this means repeated runs to the swamp obviously we got to disinfect water all freaking day long with this little ply amount we got here sooner or later we're going to have to find something better for a container because the more things that we do drains more water out of us and it burns more calories beyond that what we need to worry about is search and rescue this reg grass makes a killer straw so what do you think man um we need to investigate this field for an area maybe build a rescue fire concentrate on maybe getting a little bit of food somewhere along the line yeah at least there's not a hole in the bottom that's true it could be [Music] worse that wasn't there before hey Dave did you drag something through here do what man there's some stuff over my tracks it wasn't here just a bit ago look at this that's not a normal drag that's a snake Cody that's a big snake yeah it is look at that I that's a little bit dry but that's no yeah he came over that and went straight through here that's a damn big snake this has to be a python or anaconda the largest species of snake to inhabit the Florida Wetlands is the Burmese python recorded at over 20 ft and 250 lb there's a lot of pythons in this area this thing if I can track him down he's not going to be far away why go look for him easy food man crayfish are easy food I agree you seen any at all burmes python are nonvenomous but Kill by squeezing the life out of their prey their strength is so Fierce People have suffered broken bones or been crushed to death by a Python's grip so what's the risk factor on this for me as far as I'm concerned I think the risk is very minimal to tell you the truth maybe a bite maybe I'm not I don't expect him to be far so early in a day he's going to be laying somewhere in the sun that's what I'm going to do right over here to wait for this drama to unfold all right man so here we go again right yeah I'll eat the snake you know if he brings the snake back but in a survival situation or even in common sense land you never go after something that that can put the hurt on you but whatever I can't stop the actions of Dave he's going to go hunt that's Dave but I can mitigate the risk that he might run into by using the knowledge I have to deal with the aftermath that's called common sense so we're back to our friend wax myrtle I've been wearing it literally around my sash it's been pretty decent mosquito repellent seol style also seminol style is to take the berry of this so if I snap off a piece of this there's the berry of the wax mytle and I'm going to take these berries here and I'm going to mix them with some disinfected water that's known by the seal Indians to topically dress a wound it's a disinfectant for wounds and I'm just making the Assumption there's going to be some wounds in this situation there's a drag Mark right here and there's mud on top of this log where he's come across here this is called micro tracking sometimes you don't always see their track but transfer of material like this mud to this leaf that doesn't occur in nature that's what you're looking for and I can see that he slided off right here into the mud pythons are cold blooded and slow moving when temperatures drop but once warmed by the sun they head out to hunt so here's the next thing I'm looking at I see moisture on this log right here at the top okay that didn't happen in nature the only reason this can be wet on top is if something put water there all right we got a Burmese python here he's a little feisty but all he really wants to do is get away from me I'm guessing this snake probably weighs about 6 or S lbs and there's probably a good pound and a half to two lbs of meat you want to dispatch a snake like this very quickly so all you're really going to do is get a good chopping block somewhere like this log right here so I'm going to get this back to Cody and we'll start processing it out hey man all right here we go burmes python huh now a very big one well that'll be good meat yeah the fact that Dave brought back that python that we can eat is a huge asset and do I recommend people do that no but Dave had does his thing and he has his own special set of training that even I don't have with reptiles only a fraction of a snake's weight is edible well this Pon skin is tough but a kill should be used for more than just its meat okay hold on a sec I don't have a good grip Perfect all right let me go wash this off dude I'll be back you still got to gut that out I know yeah that's what I'm going to do right now all right I'll be back man I've never skinned python but man there's a lot of meat right here on the neck man is it sticky under there I want to kind of leave this stuff intact I don't want to get in here too aggressively and blow a bunch of poop or guts all over the place if it's not necessary oh oh it whizzed all over itself so yeah this sucks in here I've obviously burst something but I'm just going to pull through the gore there I'm assuming that's the heart see it's still beating pretty intense he didn't kill this thing two minutes ago you know it's meat as far as I'm concerned but to a lot of cultures and to Dave this is like the lifeblood of the animal but the fact that this is still beating I mean you can see the state of the snake and yet the hearts refusing to give up it's a warrior snake food can be the difference between life and death but digesting protein depletes water from the human body water that must be safely replaced or risk dehydration I'm going to try to Fashion a container out of the skin that we can use over the fire to actually pasteurize water so I'm going to take and I'm just going to tie a knot in this thing as tight as I can get it and then I'm going to turn it right back the way it was and hopefully that's going to plug the bottom of this up so it will hold water I want to scrape the meat off of it so it doesn't rot without scraping a hole in the hide and I'm going to perforate it a couple of times thread this fine right through do these holes just like this and we'll see if what I've got in mind is going to work or not because this is all trial and there take this thing basically roll it down just like this tie that off now I got a freaking snake skin sealine bag and I'm good to go there's almost a Le there water in there probably okay here's my idea brother it's definitely holding water it's watertight there's no question about that I've never heard of anyone doing that before my question is what's going to happen when that skin gets heated up how tough is it pretty tough man messing with it it's pretty tough they make cowboy boots out of that stuff so how do you want to deal with a snake I'm going to going to go cut some stuff right now to get the snake cooking if you want to pasteurize the water okay I'm going to take this snake skin and I'm going to bring the water up to a temperature that's not quite boiling called pasteurization that will disinfect the water of all harmful waterborne pathog so it's safe for us to drink heating the water to 150° F for 25 minutes kills life-threatening pathogens and puts the improvised container to the test while I'm optimistic I'm cautiously optimistic because maybe that snake Skin's not going to cut it maybe it's going to dissipate and burst and get too crinkly over the heat hell I don't know neither one of us have done [Music] this see that there's a new little drama happening this thing is starting to leak from some place somewhere on this skin there's a small hole if that hole starts pissing all over the fire then it is game over dual survival's art of self-reliance when food is is scarce in the wild even small insects are fair game for the next meal Lord knows in my career I've eaten a lot of grasshoppers except those that can kill you this is a lber grasshopper this one's a no no this grasshopper contains two toxic compounds in the thorax called phenoix and quinot so like most Critters that have a chemical defense they're brightly colored which means don't eat me bye lber Cody's being very diligent with the fire and the skin to make sure that we keep it intact you know if you rush it it can ruin you there's almost a quart of water in that skin if we blow the bottom of it out it's a lost cause so we just have to be [Music] [Music] patient oh yeah this piece is done right here Cody oh yeah done mhm absolutely have you ever eaten python before yeah I at B Constructor once pretty good meat though I tell you that right now that's some good meat that's good snake sented snake meat is high in protein raising energy levels and stamina look at you over there like a country boy with a piece of corn on the cob ni but hydration Remains the priority all right man so how about that snakes skin container how's it looking have you seen it leaking any no the new and improved python has a self-sealing skin why don't you uh give it a feel and see what you think ouch so excited for this I'm exced man because well number one because I've never done it before number two now we got water huh my snake [Music] tea that's a good sign mhm you know that when you burp it's physiological proof that your pic sphincter valve below the stomach is open to allow the water to flush into your small and large intestine where it's rapidly absorbed by the human body I had no idea thanks for the lesson calories and hydration provides the ability to take on new tasks and in the middle of the dense Florida Everglades that means creating a signal for rescue what I want to do is do a big X using some of the white foam within this and at the Apex of this x like right in the middle boom a signal fire you want me to build that sure yeah what I need is something's going to get this fire up off the ground a platform of green wood will keep the fire bed dry until it's time to light the signal and hopefully it'll flame up give us what we need the trick is finding Tinder that will turn into a fast Blaze when ignited pine trees are full of resin gravity pulls those resins into these Pockets where the branches go into the tree and if you look at this where I broke this off right here you can see this real resiny colored wood right here that's a lot darker and wetter looking than the rest of the wood and if you smell that that smells just like turpentine it's real sticky and when you hit this with fire Burns just like a candle fires May attract attention but the most urgent distress symbol is the letter X I'm just going to remove the white filler material from this because white is the most contrasting color out there I'm just going to take them down and pin them so they don't blow away where'd you put those Palm frons at Cody you were using right there the plan is I've built a big giant Nest basically in the middle of a log cabin type structure and if it does Rain by some chance we have to protect that signal fire because it to be ready to go at a moment's notice all vegetation has made to channel water into its roots and it has grooves in the leaves right here that run straight down into the stem we want to repel the water so by turning this upside down the water will run the opposite direction it'll run off of our fire and down to the [Music] ground Prett visual these two ends obviously we'll just pick them up up and wave them we have the contrast and the movement okay need some water yeah me [Music] too going Barefoot is a survival philosophy on which Dave and Cody don't share common ground how are those dogs but here in the water logged swamp Cody may have an edge well consider and they've been wet all day long you tell me brother that's a pretty Water loged Dog dude and that is a wrinkly ass foot yes it is we use that for a settling for rescue device you want to see a good looking foot let me see a good- looking foot it's right there that's a good looking foot it's perfectly sculpted I have proper length toes they're tanned they're Supple they're toned Supple who back the truck up Supple they might be Supple because of the water but normally things look like cactuses pal I've they're like hoofs okay okay that's better I was with you till you got to the Supple part how's that skin looking over there man it's good obviously 72-hour scenario day three is here but what if rescue is not well you know what the word assume means yeah I sure do so what's our other options that signal is going to be the bomb no doubt about that we got plenty of water I think we're set except for calories native seals thrived in these swamps for Generations by making use of whatever sustainable food sources the environment offered so I'm an opportunist I'm looking for whatever I find there's bound to be some crayfish out here or snails or whatever hey Dave yeah there's a snake here he not very big but I don't know what he is where's he at he sees me he's right here on this dead Palm the right top see him all right where'd he go there he is right there oh yeah that's a baby water moccasin water moccasin are venomous a single bite injects hemotoxic enzymes causing severe tissue damage see how he's got a big black stripe on the side of his face right there yeah that's the easy way to tell obviously they swim yeah they swim like a fish brother I got his tail pinned down right now so he can't go anywhere so he's kind of mad probably but they're very very aggressive these things and even a water MOX in the size of this one could give you a bite that put in a lot of trouble yeah I've seen guys that water Mox and bites lose almost their entire hand before from just a bite on a finger hang on I got do you oh yeah he's real fast yeah if he comes my way I'm going to leave he's mad that's for sure all right so I'm going to go get rid of this guy a few yards away man somewhere um I'll take him back this way away from where you were heading I'll be at Camp when you get back man okay hunting and Gathering is just that it's more usually more Gathering than hunting so that's what I'm doing but I I won't pass up a meal if I find one there's a potential meal it's your classic apple snail largest freshwater snail in North America the apple snail is a protein rich food that's found throughout the Everglades crayfish are also abundant in the area but tough to spot there you are look at the colors on this crayfish between that leaf there's almost zero contrast this is the exact opposite of what we want to be doing in that field for sidling for rescue That's The Power of contrast from helicopter and boat the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission has saved over 5,000 people in the past decade your crayfish sucks thanks your snail was [Music] awesome did you hear that noise that's a helicopter huh it's coming this way Dave I'm on my way bro HS a fire it's coming [Music] man in a search and rescue scenario it's always better to stay with the vehicle if you can the vehicle is going to be found before you are in this case we didn't move too far from the vehicle we left good visual signal we gave him directional signal from the Airboat Cody came up with a great idea giant white X there's no way you can't see us in the air as long as we got a plume of smoke coming up to give him direction from the arrow on the airbo to here we're go
Channel: Discovery Australia
Views: 1,447,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: discovery australia, discovery aus, australian videos, australian youtube videos, discovery australia youtube, dual survival, dual survival full episodes, dual survival full episode, dual survival season 1 full episodes, dual survival season full episode, dual survival cody, dual survival dave, dual survival season 2 episode 1, dual survival season 2 episode 2, dual survival season 2 episode 3, dual survival season 2 episode 4, dual survival season 2 episode 5
Id: JA2Z606sC0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 207min 12sec (12432 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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