The Return of Brent

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[Music] hello samples these are not welcome at my very important meeting at Brent HQ B the real office no uh it can get a little bit Lively but uh if they give you stick just say you were Brent uh should be all right it's only Banner but um yeah probably the best pub in the neighborhood I said that the landlord he went yeah cuz of you Brent I went shut up everyone plays their part come oh there they are straight away characters Charlie Charlie I got with everyone you know um whatever their age whatever their class whatever their race more importantly which you will find out soon um yeah all right Charlie don't worry about this lot just a film crew again follow me around as usual it sh bit drink fck ass I've started F usual please uh Shandy any cuz I'm driving cheers so what's happened in the last 10 years what's happened in the last 10 years what hasn't happened in the last 10 years that would be an easier question to answer I'll answer what has happened um what has happened uh it's been amazing you know probably the best 10 years years of my life filled with just so many interesting things mainly repping you know I'm not going to kill that cash cow cuz that helps me finance my other passions you know my music my recording my short stories podcasting you know so yeah it's been mental oh can't say that unless they are actually mental or is it you can't say if they are mental yeah but uh I'm managing acts as well now so uh like a local Simon Cal better really cuz because I'm an artist myself I can literally pass on musical wisdom you know whilst making money from them so uh talk with the devil there he is how you do man cool yes told you dom dom Johnson lisus rapper and uh so now you see what I've been talking about so uh yeah anyway do you want a drink yeah cool what do you want Roman Coke red stripe no just soft drink it's Lil so orange juice fine thank you one OG coming up baby it looks it looks a weird partner sh I can see that but you know I never thought I would like need outside help like me I was I was born into the music industry you know what I mean like my dad worked for our press but I never I never knew him you know what I'm saying so it's been a struggle for a while if I'm if I'm honest like and when he come along when he actually offered to support my studio time financially that's when we properly clicked you know I mean boom and uh yeah I say his heart is in the right place there you go yeah so yeah cheers to Brenton Johnson Dom Johnson yeah so let's see what happens but um the thing the thing with David is you know he was somebody he told me they explained that he was partly worked in the music industry I mean yeah said that um you know you said music was your your job well so yeah more than that in my life but it's you know it's not not your job what's the job yours is tell cleaning products and passing on wisdom if that's a job and uh sue me what's that on I bought that back on 24 that's on hey do you want to put yourself down then and we'll get we'll get at the Starship enter the Starship enter no wow Fe me up capacity warp 12 don't touch those P let's get you in do you need water oh no oh no warning Brent found a guitar Brent found a guitar oh man oh this is this is right at my alley good tone was it Fender no it's an ibz it says thing yeah I don't look at what things say I know what they feel like though I don't us write any minor I've written one song Anymore old one that we used to do um serpent who guards the gates of hell we we got like an hour so I mean that's only a metaphor it's it's a very modern problem it's just it's about trusting women not I'm not saying don't trust all women I'm saying you know be careful every woman is different you know what it's saying is basically if you're in a relationship great in fact if you've been going out with her for over two years and you've actually bought her an engagement ring and you're toally loyal to her just be careful at a New Year's Eve pie that she doesn't get pissed out of her head and you find her in the toilet on all fours with Phil hickley that's all it's saying so okay um man Beware of the lady with a flaming hair she was Ginger she's not what she seems she will crush your dreams don't look in her loving eyes she's a demon in Disguise and soon Only Time Will Tell She's the serpent who guards the gates of hell down then the whole band would kick in foreg gone conclusion and uh like mam would do a mental solo who's mamogram mamogram that was our lead a man that wasn't his real name his real name was Craig monkford but we used to call him mamogram because he' always turned up to your house with a different bird with big knocks nothing to do with cancer it was you know fun with breast not Not Tragedy if anything cool it's a it's a good message but um we should probably oh my God hold on what am I thinking with this going on I've got a political reggy song called equality Street okay we're not that would be amazing think about it me and you you could do a rra oh my God it's fantastic it's [Music] oh definitely all right listen we're focusing on song do a political song it's perfect cuz it's Mega racial but anti-racist this can be like Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder better you can see what you're doing and if this turns out as good as I think it will I'll even pay for a video video my expert opinion is that Dom's track will not be improved by having a middle-aged man in a cheap polyester suit singing on top of it um it's a bit like tiny temper sort of recording a track with uh Piers Morgan they're still they're still bickering I don't know what they're bickering about so can all you lck rap then could Trevor McDonald rap if he had to oh my God okay so uh we might be here a while okay right yeah yeah let's go let's go to work we're going to do equality Street equality Street yeah together don't you get more equality than that can you oh my God this is going to be great right I need some sounds get me up some um reggy sounds right there you go that's just a very basic snare you should got that though have you got that one that goes that all the steel drum yeah now we're talking let's go let's go to work let's just lay yeah it is what it is is it so it's flipping train crash you know but at least like my rap section I think that's tight you know if I had to show it to a record label it just be straight fast forward play my verse cut you know and then in the video if we have to be in the same scene or whatever you know I got I got hoods I got caps pull down shades and hello there it is quality Street by Brent and Johnson next up the video a it yeah need some gear actually see this be right would it let's go and make a video yeah stay tuned horrendous Absol horrendous
Channel: Ricky Gervais
Views: 2,083,430
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Office Revisited, The Office, Ricky Gervais, The, Office, Revisisted, Ricky, Gervais, The Office Special, Equality Street, Doc Brown, Doc, Brown, Rap, David Brent, Brent's Back, Comic Relief, Red Nose Day, Comic, Relief, Red, Nose, Day, RickyGervais, Plumplard, ChannelFlip
Id: _kROd6JZ98I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2013
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