Ricky Gervais Is Over The Golden Globes | Letterman

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our first guest well here's a funny guy and  it's not a minute too soon by the way a good   friend of ours he has a new HBO comedy series  entitled Life's Too Short premieres February   19th ladies and gentlemen is Ricky gervaiser oh  how are you good well you've been a very busy   fellow you were hosting the Golden Globes  uh Sunday night in California and now here   you are Tuesday back in New York City thank  you very much for coming back in time to be   on the show I appreciate that I might I was  getting out of town quick anyway really yeah   this is your third time hosting that show third  time doing that and that yeah 21st doing this   is that right 20 I know that means nothing to  you no it means a great deal to me it means   more to me than you hosting the Golden Globes  three times I don't know what it means to you   but for me I'm honored yeah wow so are you done  hosting the gold yeah I think so for now I did   it I did it the first time because I was sort  of quite flat and it's a huge Global audience   for a comedian I like writing gags that's what  I do I did it a second time because I thought   I could improve on the first and I wasn't to  do it a third but then lots of people saying   he'd never be invited back so I did it to annoy  them just to show them yeah good for you yeah and uh of the of the three how do you rate them  one two and three put them on the podium how do   you rate them this was my favorite because I  think the audience was more receptive I think   it took them the first two to sort of get me  right I think the last time I just thought why   is he saying such horrible things yes yeah but  I think this time they they sort of understood   they were just gags you know or they checked them  at security and checked they got a sense of humor   to get in I don't know but yeah you know last year  they had a right stick up there maybe they had it   bad it removed I don't know but it was great and  it was fun and I you know lovely but I think three   times is enough for anyone because uh I mean of  the many things you do hosting award shows is   probably not what you'll be remembered it's not  my idea either I mean I do that like some people   play golf it's not part of you know my thing and  Win Lose or Draw you know the next day I'm I'm   writing something that's the fun for me writing  and creating TV shows but it was you know it was   just such good fun you know well I like that the  year before when people were outraged yeah people   they were stunned they could they couldn't believe  that a guy had the courage and the brain power to   stand up in front of famous people and make  jokes about them oh my God I know like it was   oh the it wasn't a room full of  wounded soldiers they were people   who pretend to be someone else for  a living you know it was no exactly also you you can't care what people think  about where they're offended or not because   anything you say someone somewhere will  be offended oh yeah you know yeah and   just because you're offended it doesn't mean  you're right so it all cares we had we had a   woman we still do have a woman depending  on what security did with her but we have   a uh in the audience who had a series  of questions about your behavior on the   Golden Globes okay the references were  a golf you playing golf and your penis is that does that ring a bell  what does what ring a bell yeah   yeah it's a good party trick get me  get me a bell and I'll do my best it is a good party trick there's no yeah   that's just Ricky it's got the  Bell out no hands [Applause] so she she's suggesting that there was something  omitted from her version that she didn't quite   it did not add up I did say um I said uh the the  list of rules I gave me and I said no profanity   that's fine I've got a huge vocabulary um and  then uh I said no nudity oh that's a shame so   I've got a huge vocabulary then I slipped in  but a tiny penis so I did say penis I've said   it three times tonight I mean I don't know  what the rules are but you know I'm the one   who started it yeah but I I thought you said  something about golf did you say anything about   golf I didn't say anything about God okay well I  don't think then we'll get her out of here then um did you get and I got out of town and and  that's that's right did you uh did you get   drunk during the show so you're drinking uh yeah  slowly gradually yeah drinking uh I was drinking   um lager yeah yeah in distilled Spirits  what's your preference uh I I like whiskey   but I when I'm working we see I only drink  beer when I'm working like it's a soft drink [Laughter] [Applause] two of these shows the Life's Too Short all  right uh I thought they were tremendous oh   thank you cheers I I can highlight things that  I would like to talk to you about one was the   scene with Liam Neeson very funny and then uh the  star he hires an assistant the young woman's name   who plays his assistant what's her name uh her  her real name or in the you pick what her real   name is Rosamund Hansen and in the show it's  Cheryl yeah and she's very funny she's very   um she's not very bright and the only hires her  because she's cheap because her parents want her   to get out of the house till six every night  so it's the worst assistant you can have but   um but it what it did it gave me there's several  scenes with you and Stephen Merchant in an office   and I think it's probably really what your life  is like exactly in London it's a it's a beautiful   sort of spare lean a very modern clean space  in which you and Steve Merchant create is that   how it works exactly right and the sort of the  joke in this show is that we're still bothered   by everyone we've ever worked with coming in and  saying because we play ourselves and uh um saying   that you're any more office you do any more extras  so it's like we're we're trying to get on with   stuff but we're you know and uh Warwick comes to  us who was in extras and who's three foot six he's   a dwarf he is a dwarf there's I think there's 300  types of dwarfism is this on television this show thank you if you if you have a nickel on yourself what I like about when when I uh like the extras  when I watch your show the extras and then there   was the second season of The exers and now this  show and of course the office but in this one in   particular uh the the language of the uh script  the written word is so reminiscent to my ear of   the office is what I find very satisfying about  this is that just because you are the office or   is that something you were trying to do well I  suppose you know you return to the same themes   um it's a fake documentary like the office  but I think it's moved on I think if the   office reflected those sort of quaint docu  soaps of normal people being famous like   David Brent this is more up to date where  people live their life like an open wound   you know those documentaries they just let them  do anything so it's I think it's the same but   different I mean that's yeah it's very uh very  funny as I mentioned and the the guy the star   uh we've got this he's broke his wife has divorced  him and he's got no work exactly and he really is   um a film star he was in films  like return the Jedi and uh   um Willow and that but the joke is that no one  recognizes him because his face so he's trying   to get back and um he's he's trying to do so  so it's very funny he's such a physical career   he's got such Humanity he's just funny so we had  to make him like a little Hitler so you have to   really to bring out the you know the pain you made  him like a little Hitler well we he's he's sort of   manipulative and he's nasty and he exploits other  dwarfs he runs an agency and he takes all the best   jobs for himself and he hires them out to be fired  from cannons and stuff um so it's but it's it's   about exploitation you know of little people and  stuff but he's uh he's very very facile uh with   the with the written word very you know it's very  funny he's delivering material he's like he's like   a silent movie star or something it's just so  so funny and he's he's unbreakable we can throw I want to bring out a little Warwick doll he's  great yeah he's great now um I'm so uh curious   about your life in London I know you have a flat  here in the United States yeah but I want to know   more I I like you I'm fascinated by it like like  uh uh I would like to have a suite of rooms at the   Savoy do you have a suite of rooms at this avoid  I don't but I mean I could I could sort you out   with one right would that be a good move for me or  to live there well not just to have so people say   oh where's Dave he's at his rooms at the Savoy  in London yeah it'd be nice yeah or you could   probably you know I could probably pull a few  strings you'd probably get a room at the palace   if they're not used yeah no no that's that's too  much that's really that's tacky now for example   oh you've given up haven't you yeah I give I  have given up would you and your your friend   Stephen uh come to the grill room with the  Savoy and we'd have lunch yeah we could have   a grill yeah what would you have a little  pork chop or whatever the special uh the   uh or the uh what do you call it the uh  you know the tasteless white fish that   everybody gets there the uh what's that  uh you know it's the broil the broils I mean what would you be  tweeting if he weren't here what's he gonna be like in a couple of  years is the last part of it usually is   faster Soul Dover Soul there you go  what granddad [Laughter] [Applause]   and uh sad but true so the three of  us would be there two together it's   like one floor of the Cuckoo's Nest  I just watched it I love that guy I   love what he's great I love him I like  his fight it's like a little testicle I love him who cares who cares this shouldn't  even be on the air it doesn't matter now the other   thing we want to mention another TV show an idiot  broad to the bucket list with your friend Carl   amazing amazing um that starts that starts next  week I worry about him I worry about his family   do they do they mind him being exploited that way  he's not being exploited is he he's just he's no   um what we did we sent him  around the world to see this yep   um well we had to lie to him because he hated the  first one so much but the TV show was good it's   my gift to the world he's one of these people that  just seized life differently so this time we said   he could choose from the bucket there's things  to do before you die that's a great but he didn't   understand that he said he said why would you want  to swim with dolphins if you're dying I went no   it's nothing to do immediately before you die get  him to the door exactly yeah he said and he went   he said it's not to do with dolphins he said they  just want to go to the Bahamas for a free trip   he said you said there's a dolphin in the Thames  they'd go they wouldn't get in and we sent him to   um swim with dolphins but when he got there  we'd swapped him for sharks oh it's hilarious Life's Too Short has already been seen on the  BBC Two is that yeah it's gone out any big hit   in England yeah and um hopefully it'll be a big  hit for all right you can see it there right here   beginning January uh I'm sorry February 19th on  HBO and An Idiot Abroad Premiere is January 21st   on the Science Channel man you are everywhere  Ricky Gervais thank you [Applause] [Music] laughs
Channel: Letterman
Views: 1,044,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: letterman, david letterman, dave letterman, interview, letterman interview, letterman official, letterman late show, letterman late night, late night, stupid pet tricks, stupid human tricks, top ten, late show, top ten list
Id: fghlXADQJP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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