The Resolution - Starfield Ship Build Guide

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we have disable the enemy engine well welcome everyone due to some popular demand I've decided to go ahead and put together a little video showing how I built my little ship called the resolution so here you can see a nice little 360 work of it I'll go through and show exactly how I built it layer by layer part by part so follow along so here I have a tiered exploded view that I wanted to kind of show uh we've got the lower the middle and the top um with this design I was able to keep it so I only had two ladders one going in from The Landing Bay and then one up to the cockpit so let's go ahead and start I've got all of the parts that you're going to need kind of blown out to the sides and I'm going to start with the landing Day Day mode um I try to keep as many of the parts as damos as possible and I started here with a 3x1 um just cuz I wanted a nice big living area grab the uh little transition point right here which is also where my docking spot is going to be all right next I'll go ahead and grab my computer core 2x One Armory kind of making a y shape next I will grab my uh Brig which I'm going attach here on the back of the Armory Mo this out of the way grab my other battle station 2 by two looks like a large tuning fork I'm going to grab my workshop so initially I had the Captain's Quarters below this point but I just felt it a bit too heavy all right now for the fun part I've got my tank my grav Drive and my reactor they're all big pieces and I want to get them all right here so to do that I got to do a little bit of a park glitch and I'll show you how to do that so I need a piece that I can easily use to replicate or duplicate um and these little hole pieces are good for it let's go ahead and set it up so you want your pieces on top of you each other so what I'm going to do is Select my hole and um the tank and just hit duplicate and it pushes it down grab the metal duplicate and we're done delete the extra parts and there you go I've merged them all into one twox one area I guess one by one so now I'm going to do the same with my grab drive this grab Drive um doesn't have nodes in the same spot so I got to kind of go at a different angle there we go same thing select select duplicate it pushes down one more time there you go delete all the extras and voila three C-Class pieces all in one spot now selecting them is kind of a pain but once you get all three selected you can move it in place all right easy all right and the last little bit of P placement is the Captain's Quarters which I'm going to set right here and grab have the bridge and like that it hides my little glitch and feels protected now it's a cross all right we'll go ahead and work on getting the outsides built so first I'm going to start at the front of the ship and make my way back um we have to do a little bit of part glitching but I'll walk you through it it's pretty easy grab these P them up this is fine for now grab my hole again it's a good little piece to use for duplicating all right got to move this out of the way real quick all right so I'm going to be putting these guys up front but first I need to put this one down as it is a single connection point and to do the glitch you need two connection points that right here there there you go so now I can do the glitch but the weapons are going to get kind of in the way so I can't flip it right now to do the glitch so I'm going have to take the weapons off and then do it so Flip Flip look go there it is so I'm going duplicate it flip it around put it in the spot I want rotate rotate and good remove this hole and then add my forward break this I can go ahead and delete but I'll get to the weapons later there we go I'll go ahead and place the other two while I'm at it all right so the only real parts that are not damos are the stoud nose caps I just didn't like the way it was looking um so I decided to go with this um these parts don't like to do the flip glitch but if you flip them let them go they drop down if you select them it'll pop in place let go and you're good so it's a little tricky but it's pretty easy so next I'm going to grab the rest of my wings just pop them on the back sides so on the left on the right grab these little wing SE part there we go I just feel like is it a nice aggressive military look almost like Batman so there we go now unfortunately my capture missed the part where I added the engines but all I did was put them in the back stacked them it really isn't anything you missed um but right now I'm going to go ahead and work on getting the landing gear or the lower level put in place before continue with the top it's a little bit easier to go middle bottom top with this build um then you have things to connect to so I think who analog stick switched on I think I need to move it back one cuz I like having these um little spine pieces look like they're supporting the engine so let's look down grab this one landing gear back skeg move it back now it's on the engine see I just kind of stacked him the little spot there where you can see my reactor we're going to cover that up grab the other Sun grab it from this point there we go should have our access there it is all right so what I like to do is kind of hide all my cargo so I've left some open spots but in order to fill them in with these specific pieces I need more node point and in order to do that I'm going to use these guys again so let's flip her over and I'm kind of kind of used my dock point to land this guy in do your flip let go there you are same thing on the other side flip let go now I've got two node points in that little one by one area I can drop this cargo and this one there we go so now it's flush and hidden um to kind of protect my Central Area there I use some more cargo um I really like the shape of these guys and I haven't use them in other builds and I felt they fit well with this one but put them on both Sid side and there you go it kind of hides the monstrosity and gives it a nice more realistic look I think now I have another aft belly down here that I didn't show but you'll see it in a sec there we go now that gives a nice finished swooping look all right let's go ahead and finish out this middle layer so I've got some more cargo again I like to kind of hide this stuff and as long as you can flip it you can glitch it there we go grab my last two now you can do several shielded versions um it just reduces your mobility and I kind of wanted to keep it as close to 100 and have as much cargo as possible and this is the best solution that I could quickly come up with uh these are my Jammers that again since I can't color them I don't like them so I like to hide them so put them on equipment plates and I can set them anywhere I want next we'll work on this top area which I can't just pop in place again we're going have to glitch it pop that one flip it let go you're good and I like this look cuz it feels like the pit is a little bit more nestled into a good spot feels less like a floating head flip let go all right now we're going to start working on these top little accent pieces so I use these um spines and the tail bring it over same thing on the other side all right now we just need the top there we go feel like it gives the profile a nice tiered and still very uh game friendly look now these last little bits um you again have to do a little bit of a glitch um has anything near that putut just kind of doesn't work so I'll put the first two pieces in place grab this one which can flip let go and there we are go ahead and grab the same on the other side um you can't flip pieces if they have weapons on them so you kind of have to separate those if you're rebuilding it but if it's a new build you won't have this problem all right this is the last spine and that lines up there all we got left to do is weapons port hole and one more little glitch missiles on both side the [Music] lasers and my favorites the helon beams I like to use four of them because they literally shred people most of the time I only use these all right this little back port hole I like to put it on the back so the captain has a window as I feel the captain should and then I just threw this one on here cuz I I feel like I needed it and it's kind of a way for the Captain to look down into the lower area I don't know uh the last one to hide is The Shield generator again I don't like seeing these pieces it feels like it's just raw and they're exposed not a fan so I found a nice little spot here where I can just set it and then put my battle station in place switch switch let go and it's done the spot that it's in is actually a good little hidden spot um and you'll see it here in the walk through all right so you enter right into the 3x1 the Shader on this is having a hard time I call it my mood lighting there you go so this is that transition point that goes down to my docking station to the right Armory left computer room go through through the Armory couple little miscellaneous items and that takes me into the brig little control room make sure everyone stays in place yeah with this ship I really wanted to have that UC Vanguard kind of fill and I felt they would have a brick so moving on this way I like this computer room literally for just this sign makes me feel like the whole rest of the ship should only be actual staff get out of the way Sarah so here is the battle station area and if you look there to the left is my shield generator the shape of this Shield generator matches the table that's underneath it and also matches the rest of the tables in the room and I feel like if they've got issues they can access it fix it get the shields up again versus if it's on the outside you can't get to it here is just a crafting area again before I have the Captain's Quarter below this but I decided to add it up here and again a big reason I did this is cuz I feel the captain should be always close to the bridge and I also feel it gives it so that if they are in battle you can run back here look behind them see what's going on get back to the bridge so that's my theory but yeah that's it the side panels kind of go into those room but it doesn't bother me all right well that's it thank you so much for watching and following Along on this build if you've got any questions or suggestions please let me know otherwise I'm going to let you go here and I will see you in the next one
Channel: SOMBUM Gaming
Views: 4,821
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Ship Build, Ship Build Guide, Starfield Game, The Resolution, SOMBUMgaming, SOMBUM Gaming, Tutorial, Game Guide, Starfield Bethesda
Id: BSErm7saFkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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