Pastor Bill Johnson : Be Transformed By Renewing Of Your Mind

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I want to look at the subject of the renewed mind but I want to start with a verse that shows us the impact of the renewed mind and the purpose for the renewed mind so it's verse 2 it's very well known verse as it should be verse 2 Romans 12 do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God let's read it again do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God we are transformed in our lives as our minds are renewed but transformed mind transforms a life a transformed person transforms a city many people experience miracles they pray they see great things happen in their life but they never adjust their way of thinking to accommodate the miraculous as a lifestyle I don't just mean that they're able to pray for the sick and see miracles happen that happens a lot throughout history but what happens if we fail to think and to see from divine perspective then we're always fighting an uphill battle to get breakthrough repentance actually means to change the way you think now it's not mind over matter it's it's a heartfelt sorrow over sin that takes us into a place where we shift and change our perspective on reality look at it this way Jesus said repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand change the way you think because I brought my world with me unless you change your perspective on reality you'll be this close to what I brought but never see it most Christians repent enough to get forgiven but not enough to see the kingdom repentance from dead works faith towards God it's from and unto so repentance then is this shift in perspective it's seeing through God's eyes from his perspective the renewed mind is continuous repentance so what does the scripture say it says don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind why that we can prove the will of God the renewed mind proves the will of God yes I make sure you're still breathing the renewed mind proves the will of God so we have to ask the question what is the little God the best definition for the will of God in Scripture is in the prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples to pray he didn't just give words to pray he gave an approach he gave a list of priorities he gave a perspective it starts with our Father who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your dominion come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven so what is the will of God on earth as it is in heaven what is the will of God on earth as it is in heaven any area of life that doesn't mirror the reality of heaven is an inferior reality and he wants to change it what does the renewed mind do it proves that it demonstrates the reality of his world that is superior to this one the answer isn't to die and go to heaven I'm thankful that day is coming but he actually provided a gospel that brings immediate transformation to broken situations now the renewed mind draws upon that reality is enable in and is able to demonstrate the will of God now it's the reason you're alive getting you to heaven isn't that hard getting heaven into us is a greater challenge enabling us to demonstrate all around us through our words our actions our touch or our ministry our affection or love for people to demonstrate what his will looks like that is a greater challenge the Lord gave us this assignment I believe it's the greatest of all Commission's on earth as it is in heaven every other Commission is given a scripture from heal the sick raise the dead to go into all the world preach the gospel all those things are expressions of this one primary mandate on earth as it is in heaven and it's the renewed mind that is able to demonstrate to put on display to reveal what the heart of God is I personally think the greatest missing element in the consciousness of humanity is concerning the goodness of God it is the believer that lives with continuous renewed mind who is able to demonstrate the goodness of God when you and I pray this prayer on earth as it is in heaven your will be done on earth as it is in heaven we are not just praying God there's no poverty in heaven so let there be no poverty here that's a good example but it's bigger than that we're not just praying God we want there's no cancer in heaven so there shouldn't be cancer here that's a very legitimate expression of that prayer but it's much bigger than that you see heaven has none of those ailments there because there's no one there that will agree with what the devil has to say the enemy has no authority would you agree jesus said all authority is given to me speaking of himself all authority is given to me which means there's someone out there who has no authority so where does he get his authority from he has to get it from someone who has who did Jesus give authority to you and me so what does he do he talks until we agree when we pray this prayer your kingdom come you will be done on earth as it is in heaven we're actually praying for the reality of that world the values of that world I mean is a popular term the culture of that world to affect the culture of this world see in heaven every person is celebrated for who they are without any without anyone stumbling over who they are not if you discover who God made you to be you will never want to be anyone else you are perfectly designed to represent him uniquely in a way that no one else can equal heaven has a culture a value system and if we could reduce it down to one primary value heaven itself is a presence based culture there's nothing in heaven that is separate from him it's difficult to wrap our heads around this but in in a sense he himself is heaven because there's nothing in heaven separate from him everything in heaven is connected to the manifested presence of God everything thrives because of the presence of God every heart is anchored in the presence of God there's absolute perfect communion fellowship so when we pray on earth as it is in heaven we are actually saying God so impact how I see life how I do life that I mirror the value system of your world or your presence is the number one factor in my life it is due north on the compass it's that reference point from which everything else is measured the spirit filled life we know is a life of power we know we know the biblical expressions and definitions of the spirit filled life but in many ways it's measured by how we value the presence ago we talked about that last night I won't repeat that but there's two scriptures do not grieve the Holy Spirit do not quench the Holy Spirit those are the safety railings that we have on this journey we are in a relational journey with God the Almighty and in this journey it's a it's a it's a challenging journey it is not for the faint of heart it is a summons from God Himself to pursue the extreme with him and to colabor with him to see Jesus once again manifested in the earth through us through his people and these safety railings one is grieve not the spirit the other is quenched not the spirit grieve not has to do with sin it's sin of attitude of action of plan of ambition don't grieve him don't don't plan or do something that's wrong is that it violates his heart for you he loves us too much to allow us to stumble into things that destroy us he never gives us Commandments that forbid us to do something out of punishment it's always out of its for our absolute best it's where we thrive it's because that's what love does love love keeps us from things that would cause self-destruction caused us to miss our destiny our purpose the other side is quenched points means to stop the flow quench is not doing something wrong it's the failure to do what's right and this life this relational journey that we have with the Lord has these two safety measures if you will these things that that we don't want to violate we we live our heart as born-again people is to serve Him and to honor him with everything we are and it is in our nature to live with faith it is in our nature to not want to cross these bare this is the renewed mind the renewed mind illustrates this world perfectly and and is not only capable but has the responsibility to demonstrate what his world looks like so I want you to do this with me we're gonna look at if we have time we'll look at three stories if not we'll look at perhaps two but to go to the Gospel of Mark with me if you would and we'll start with chapter 4 mark chapter 4 I hear no pages turning son I'm assuming your phones are wrong let me see them yeah they sure are all right I love that sound so he'll just do it to encourage myself we're gonna read several stories so as I mentioned if we have time we'll do two if we have tumbled to three but a minimum tube and what I'm gonna do is we're gonna look at stories to reveal what the renewed mind looks like because what we'll what we'll find is that the disciples were actually taken into a series of experiences not just so that miracles would be done but to show them divine perspective and what we have to learn to do is adjust our thinking our perspective to accommodate God's view if we don't we will always be trying to get God to invade our problem instead of collating with God to represent him in addressing the problem one is here on earth trying to get God to come the other is seated in heavenly places collating with him expressing his heart through his authority to see those things change there's a great difference it's it's not evil or wrong to be in the middle of a problem ask God to come and help but what he wants from us is maturity and maturity enables us to discover how we are seated with him in heavenly places to colabor with him and to address the circumstances of life on his behalf that is his ambition for you it's his ambition for me it's impossible without a renewed mind ready yes bill we're ready oh good overwhelming response I love that first this that's too late I gave you a chance it's a very sick sense of humor so verse 35 verse 35 on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side now when they had left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with him and a great wind storm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling but he was in the stern asleep on a pillow and they awoke him and said to him teacher do you not care that we are perishing which is an amazing question to ask the savior of the world then he arose rebuked the wind said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was great calm but he said to them why are you so fearful how is it that you have no faith this is one of my favorite stories for quite a few reasons let's just walk through it together the disciples are scared again of drowning there they're afraid I think after a while I would just stop getting in a boat with Jesus I think that was a they seem to run into storm after storm wandering about with Jesus sorry back to the story so they're afraid of dying they're very terrified with their boat being tossed about it's filling with water they wait Jesus up who's sleeping I hear people say he wasn't really sleeping you had one eye open waiting for the disciples to come no no the Bible says he was sleeping I believe the whole Bible I even believe them maps the maps and the table of contents I believe all of it I even believe my cover I believe all of it says he was sleeping he was sleeping so they wake him up and and he settles the storm so let's look through this they come to Jesus who's jesus is the son of God what do they do they dialogue with the son of God what do we call that prayer so they petitioned him he answers their prayer and then says how come you don't have any faith and then he says how come you don't have any faith it's not the petition it's not that the petition of the prayer is wrong it's just when the Lord trains you to to live in authority and to work in his name representing his purposes in the earth to ask him to do what he's told you to do is not good I can't tell you how many times I've heard people through the years pray O God bind the devil last time I read he said you do it how long how long do we how long do we keep our jobs if we keep asking our boss to do what he told us to do so we have to own up to responsibility I may not know how to do it and I may not do it well but I don't have the right to change the assignment right so here Jesus turns to his disciples after he has answered their prayer and he says how come you don't have any faith you see they were trained to speak to the mountain of opposition and command it to be uprooted and cast into the sea but instead what did they do they asked him to deal with the storm there's two things about this particular story there's two lessons at least that I can see at this point in my life two that are important for us number one Jesus spoke peace over a storm he slept in you can't give what you don't have the reality in him peace was greater than the storm outside of him see the renewed mind understands that your internal reality will always redefine your external reality you have authority over any storm you can sleep in that's a real good point bill amen I'll just scoop it up so he rebuked the wind and the waves and it says he spoke peace and everything calmed why because the internal reality of peace that enabled him to sleep in a life-threatening situation was actually his posture for defeating the storm so number one internal reality redefines external reality you know what this is like whether you've thought through it or not you we've all experienced this if you're anxious inside you will always communicate that even if you have a big smile on your face you know that anxiety that fear of the bitterness whatever it might be we always omit that from our countenance from the way we behave Jesus had true peace in the storm and as a result he was positioned to deal with what was threatening all of their lives getting the victory here is a big deal get the victory here get the victory here the scripture says we will be led forth with peace don't go anywhere peace doesn't take you we are not led by anxiety if you have anxiety you have fear you have bitterness whatever might be fine go to God just don't leave his presence the way you went in he accepts us any way we are but it's wonderful he just he welcomes us into the presence but we aren't to leave the way we came in if we leave the way we came in we weren't praying we were complaining [Applause] see Jesus said come to me you who are weary and heavy-laden I will give you rest come to me with your junk and I will give you my rest what is it exchange if there's no exchange it wasn't real prayer so the renewed mind internal reality redefines external realities that makes sense yes yes okay all right you're making me nervous now okay the second part of the renewed mind in this story it's vital to get is that sometimes the renewed mind lives with this awareness that sometimes the Lord would rather do something through me than for me I heard recently the Lord would rather do something through me than for me it's it is the mark of our maturity our development is that he can entrust to us authority to represent him well it's what happened when Jesus sent the disciples out two by two they went in his name functioned under his authority under his power and demonstrated what he would do if he were in those cities it's no different today okay Chapter six Bible just talks about strengthening yourself in the Lord that's what I'm doing right now I'm just letting myself know there are actual Bibles in the room thanks for tolerating my humor verse 30 verse states the long story so let me kind of skip through it and I'll try to explain just because of time verse 30 the Apostles gathered to Jesus told him all things both what they had done what they had taught understand what's happened here he has sent the disciples out two by two as I just mentioned they returned to him they are together now the twelve disciples and Jesus the master and they are telling him the stories of their missionary journey remember he sent them back to their hometowns and so they saw extraordinary things took place they Jesus wasn't even there and they're bringing back to the story they're bringing the spoil back to Jesus and that's what they're doing that's what this gathering is they're recalling him you told us to say this we said it and this is what's happening and so they're like school kids just excited with new toys you know so he says in verse 31 come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile sometimes your greatest need for rest is when you're the most excited for what's just happened this is just a side note but Elijah's greatest temptation came after his greatest victory because whether it's difficulty or triumph it is all emotionally draining and we have need of rest don't ignore the Sabbath that was free I'm not even gonna charge you for that that was just free all right let's move on verse 32 they departed to a deserted place by themselves but the multitude saw them departing many knew him and ran there on foot from all the cities they arrived before them and came together to him Jesus when he came out saw a great multitude he was moved with compassion for them they were like sheep not having a shepherd he began to teach them many things when the day was now far spent the disciples came to him and said this is a deserted place already the hours late send them away that they may go into the surrounding country and villages and buy themselves bread for they have nothing to eat but he answered and said to them you give them something to eat we'll stop the story right there so the disciples come back to Jesus and they're giving a report he knows of their need for rest even though they're as excited as can be he knows that they need to eat and spend some time together so there they embark on that journey and so they're going across the sea and as you can imagine they're about a hundred yards from the shore and they see the people that were on that side of the sea are now on this side of the sea and the disciples I'm sure have that fall like oh no we just lost our vacation with Jesus you know because then we see the same people sure enough Jesus has moved with compassion he starts teaching to people and ministering to them the disciples know to cooperate so they cooperate and then after the day is going on for a while they come to Jesus and they say we've been talking and we have a great burden for these people they've not been able to eat we're real concerned for them send them away send them away and Jesus Jesus I'm sure just terrified him he said you feed them they've got that moment you know that deer-in-the-headlight kind of look like okay like if we had the money there's no store and this is where he has them all sit down he hasn't me get the loaves the fishes from the child and there's this great miracle of multiplication I'm not gonna go into that store but that's the backdrop for the real lesson which is in the following verses alright verse 43 immediately he made his disciples get into the boat go before him to the other side and he sent in the multitude away there's always a time even though you're scheduled arrest isn't when you plan for it there's still is a time to insist on the rest and Jesus made sure they had it when he had sent them away he departed to the mountain to pray when evening came the boat was in the middle of sea he was alone on the land he saw them straining at rowing for the wind was against them now about the fourth watch of the night he came to them walking on the sea and would have passed them by when they saw him walking on the sea they suppose it was a ghost and they cried out they all saw him they were troubled but immediately he talked with them said be of good cheer is I do not be afraid two more verses then he went up into the boat to them and the wind ceased and they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure and marveled here's our key verse for both stories for they had not understood about the Loews because the heart was horrible the loaves was the last story picture this now Jesus sends them on the boat it's night it's dark he sees them straining at rowing so it's a revelation that the Holy Spirit is giving him because they're in a storm he couldn't see them in the natural anyway he's on a mountain is a great distance it's dark but he sees them straying at rowing so the Holy Spirit reveals to him their condition so he starts walking on the water like all saviors dude so why keep working on the water and the disciples seemed there first of all they're afraid of dying and then they see him walking on the water they don't know it's him and now they're afraid of the ghost so they've got two problems going here and they call out and Jesus says don't be afraid which every time he says don't be afraid it's because we have a really good reason to be afraid that's what I've noticed from the unrenewed mind perspective I got a good reason to be afraid so Jesus says don't be afraid and but he planned to walk past them which is interesting he didn't he didn't walk past them to save them we'll look at why in a moment so this whole story goes on and Jesus calms that went everything settles the wind ceases he gets into the boat and it says they were stunned they marveled but it says that they missed their opportunity to be involved in a miracle because their heart was hard regarding the loaves alright are you still alive yes all right let's look through the story in the previous story with the loaves and fishes Jesus the disciples came to him and said these people need to eat send Amoy jesus said you feed them when they told Jesus they had no food they didn't know what to do Jesus didn't pull their commission back he didn't change their asylum he says I'll never mind I'll do it he didn't do that what did what did he do he showed them how to complete their assignment which was to do what multiply food Jesus didn't take the loaves and fish of fishes and throw it up in here and go show Sam and create a big pile of food for a multitude what did he do he took this small amount of food he broke it into twelve baskets and as the disciples went out as they handed out the food the food would increase would multiply it was just a basket that wouldn't become empty and after they had fed this multitude thousands of people there was leftovers and they went back and they picked up significantly more than they started with it's one of those amazing amazing miracles but what happened the disciples didn't realize that the food didn't multiply at Jesus's hands and multiplied it there's why was that necessary because he said you feed them [Music] here's the thing about the kingdom we live because he speaks literally our life is from the voice of God from the Word of God and so when Jesus said you feed them the renewed mind realizes that he enables what he commands the renewed Mayan realizes he enables what he commands when he says you feed them he enabled them to multiply food we all understand we don't have the capacity he'll deliver or multiply food with anything but when he says you feed them suddenly the abilities there it's in our yielded nough stew his purposes how does that how does that affect the story in the storm why did Jesus not plan to save them because he commissioned them to go to the other side see they thought if Jesus wasn't in the boat they could die they didn't realize that simply being commissioned by Jesus to go from here to there means he has enabled what he has commanded you all right one more story will fit this one in Chapter eight this particular story is probably the most important story in my life the impact in my life on the issue of the renewed mind I can only take a few minutes for tonight but it's normally a story I'll spend an hour or so on so we're not going to do that we'll be here till tomorrow morning and I don't want to do that to anyone so you're gluttons for punishment area all right now at the first part of chapter 8 the multitudes are fed now we go into the story in verse 13 mark 18 verse 8 verse mark chapter 8 verse 13 I get it right and he left them and getting into the boat again departed to the other side now the disciples had forgotten to take bread they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat then he charged them saying take heed beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod and they reasoned among themselves saying it's because we have no bread Jesus being aware of it said why do you reason because you have no bread do you not yet perceive nor understand is your heart still hardened having eyes do you not see having ears do you not hear do you not remember when I broke the five loaves for the five thousand how many baskets full of fragments did you take up they said twelve also when I broke this seven for the four thousand how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up and they said seven and he said to them how is it you do not understand now mathematics in the kingdom of God is different than mathematics here how many of you have learned whenever Jesus is asking you a question it's not because he's lacking information he's painting you into a corners what he's doing so he asked him a question he says that we've we fed 5,000 people we started with 5 loaves how many baskets did we pick up afterwards and he said 12 it says all right we fed some 7,000 no four thousand was seven loaves how many baskets full of fragments do we have left they said seven so you mean when we start with less food we feed more people and have more leftovers this this is divine perspective this is not mind over matter this is divine perspective you mean we started with five loaves one time seven another time we fed 5000 we fed 4000 we had seven baskets leftover we had twelve baskets leftover when we started with less we fed more and ended with more so how is how important is what you have a better question would be how important is the amount that you have so Jesus asked this question he starts this dialogue by saying be careful of the leaven of Herod in the leaven of the Pharisees this is where I like to take a bit more time than were able to tonight but leaven is influence on the mind leaven is a yeast in dough you put the yeast into the dough you put it by heat it rises once you put eleven into the dough you can't pull it out and the Bible teaches there's three different kinds of eleven there's the leaven of Herod that's a political system humanistic in nature there's the leaven of the Pharisees that's the religious system where God is the center of everything but he's impersonal and powerless and in Matthew 13 there's the leaven of the kingdom of God three levels so Jesus warns them about two of them the humanistic system doesn't mind you believing in God just don't bring him into the affairs of everyday life the religious system is at the center of everything but he's impersonal powerless is there in form not in relationship and Jesus warns about those two systems those influences on the mind and they think he's talking about the fact they didn't bring lunch he's bringing this great revelation of truth and they're going oh no we don't have a lunch and it's almost like Jesus says I wasn't talking about lunch but let's pretend I was and then he asks them the questions about the loaves and fishes so here's here's the verse that gets me I I return to the store often because I need it I need the piercing sword of God into my soul to expose where I think like him and where I don't you have to welcome the soul so cuz here's the verse here's the verse tonight that I I will review often verse 17 jesus being aware of it said why do you reason because you have no bread all right stop why do you reason because you have no why does your reasoning start with what you don't have how many of you have ever experienced a real miracle of provision I mean a real miracle of provision in your life Vicenza all right how many of you after that miracle you had another financial challenge and you were as afraid the second time as you were the first time all right good we're in the same boat so Jesus comes to these guys who have seen him multiply food and he says why does your reasoning start with what you don't have they've just experienced multiplication of food twice are you tired or are you still awake everybody's still awake all right all right all right because you got it you got to catch this we've been building all night for this the Woo's are good all right so here we ask this question why do you reason that you have no bread when you are exposed to the supernatural the activities of God it is for the purpose of changing how we see reality and they saw the food multiplied twice one was like the previous day and now they're afraid and not having enough for lunch do you see a problem here when you have seen supernatural provision you have lost the right to start any thought process with what you don't have the lifestyle of miracles is very expensive I don't mean expensive to get it I mean expensive to live in it the reason is because the miracle is supposed to become the lenses through which I see present problems if I don't see my present problem through the lens of the miraculous then I will come from the inferior continuously hoping God will intervene instead of cooperating with him as a co labor to see change come about the renewed mind lives with a realization that our exposure to the markets the testimonies it may have been a prayer you prayed where a miracle happened it may be your friend prayed but we were involved we get to see we heard the testimony the renewed mind realizes that the testimonies of the Lord become the lenses through which we are to see our present challenge and so he tells us don't be conformed to this world be transformed by the renewing of your mind because I want you to prove the will of God see the renewed mind I think is the most effective way to display the reality of his world in this one once you step would you take us into that little course lord I give you my heart and they give you my soul I want us to sing this we're gonna pray for some people we've got just a few minutes left we're gonna pray for some healing to take place here but before we do that I want us to sing this song and kind of seal the deal on what the Lord's ministering to us about tonight this renewed mind I'll never forget at home when I first started seeing the effects of the renewed mind I'll never forget it as long as I live I was doing a wedding for this older middle-aged couple that had met each other and our homeless ministry they already they already had all the stuff they needed they fell in love they were getting married you know the wedding they they told me if I get words and knowledge in the middle of the ceremony to pray for the sick you know so I knew it's gonna be a very different wedding and I'll never forget before the big wedding started I had three people maybe four people come to me before the ceremony started and they said they came to be excited bill there's somebody here that's dying I'll never forget the feeling like you're different they saw as the opportunity for God they saw it as a divine God arranged of course he would blame these that guests at the wedding with the homeless and the poor from our city we sent up buses around the city just to pick up people to come to the wedding they didn't know the bride and groom they were coming for a free meal but that's what the bride and groom wanted they just wanted to honor the homeless support all the gifts wear coats hats gloves sleeping bags to give to the homeless and poor so here's this wedding and people came excited because somebody came that was dying it's a beautiful story we don't have time for it but he was healed he was healed of cancer the tumors disappeared on his neck the muscles that were destroyed by treatments or cancer removed the neck brace and complete mobility and jesus healed him but the point is people were thinking different because the miracle had impacted them so deeply they could never think the same again and so Jesus asks us can you see yeah I can see we have no bread now that's not the kind of seeing I'm talking about can you hear can you at least remember let's sing this chorus together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] one last time [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah that's the crime God have your way in us have your way in us show us how you think shows how you see [Music] I believe the Lord wants to bring this sweeping tsunami wave if you will of the renewed mind through the house of God the renewed mind when we think and we see differently than we did before [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if if we were to go on a missions trip together and let's just say we were in Brazil I love going there with Randy Clark we see more miracles in a week than most healing evangelists see in a lifetime it's just extraordinary and let's just say you came with me and we went on this trip with Randy and you prayed for somebody that had a blind eye and that eye opened and an hour later another person came to you with blindness and he prayed for them their eyes opened the next morning another person was brought to you with blind eyes those eyes opened I mean after about four or five of those you're looking for blind people yes you're look you're looking for them why because you think different your perspective is not I'm impressed with blindness your perspective is I am impressed with the heart of God for those who are blind [Applause] I'm going to ask you to do this put your hands in front of you like you're going to receive a gift and I want you to ask the Lord to help you with the renewed mind be very specific but prayed out loud don't do this quiet in the heart stuff save that for Starbucks right now we pray specifically for what we want God to do lift your voices I want you to lift your voice how much you pray boldly for the grace of God to shift the way we think and see increase increase the grace upon us more to think to see with a renewed mind we're tired of reasoning that we have no bread we're tired of reasoning from what we don't have got a asset you'd expose us to your world how your kingdom works and that forever there would be a change forever a change in how we think how we see help us to never again be impressed with the size of the problem never again impressed with the size of the challenge before us just put your hands on your head let's just pray this together God we just ask right now for the renewing of the mind the renewing of our minds the renewing of our eyes our ears to hear and to see well to remember what you've done to let the memory of past miracles shape how we approach and present challenges I pray for this renewing of the heart and mind in Jesus wonderful name Jesus wonderful name amen amen now we've got just a few minutes left I want us to pray for a few conditions there's somebody who has nerve damage on the right side of your body I believe it's from an accident of some sort who is that put your hand up there's nerve damage on the right side of your body waiver that means that over here okay the Lord is healing that there's also somebody that has a issue maybe hip replacement surgery is needed maybe it's already happened but it's in the joint on the right hip who is that the Lord is healing that but you're in a pie right over here is there someone here named marina in the side of the room there a Maria over over on this side of the room it's so hard to see hands raised so right over here Maria okay I don't know what it is that you need but I want to just encourage you let's believe God for a miracle in wave your hand at me if a miracle is needed do you need are you needing a I believe the Lord gave me her name last night and so I just declare to you lord jesus heals you there are people here who have different kinds of head trauma injuries accidents football sporting injuries where there's memory loss or perhaps concentration is difficult perhaps has been multiple concussions those kinds of things sometimes it includes things like learning disorders I've seen 16 people in one night healed of dyslexia where they could read perfectly after just a few moments of Prayer so I'm believing that the Lord is going to do that tonight if you have any issue with head trauma whether it's a learning disorder action - anything put your hand up if that's you put your into PI if that's you all right but alright don't don't be afraid please all right amen how many of you are actually in pain in your body right now somewhere put a hand up you're in pain right now alright everybody that just raised your hand for anything put your hand up right now alright if your hand is down guess what you've been assigned by God to pray for somebody with their hand over I want you to lay hands on these folks right now and just begin to pray now listen what I want you to do is I want you to pray like Jesus did he spoke to the problem and he commanded it to go he spoke to the problem asking God the heal is not wrong I'm just I just telling you Jesus address the problem and commanded it to go so I want you to do that right now if your hand is up and nobody's praying for you turn and grab somebody say please pray for me all right so we just say Holy Spirit we house that you'd come now it really is healing grace into people's bodies in Jesus mighty name I rebuke affliction a rebuke pain there very root of disease begone now in the name of the Lord Jesus in the name of Lord Jesus head trauma begone begone now in Jesus name [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you lord thank you thank you Lord all right go ahead and end your prayer I realized that we're rushing this but I I'm sorry for that but the good news is some of you will wake up tomorrow and find out you were healed so that's good let me ask this question I want everyone that just received prayer I want you in some way to examine your body if you have you had a difficult time reading grab somebody's Bible try to read if you had pain with your head your neck begin to move around do something to see what God has done that step of faith is as important as was the prayer so do that right now and anyone that finds that you're at least 80% better I want you to waive both hands over your head like this okay now look look around the room I will read your hand like this already at least 80% better wave your hands like that we thank you lord I lift up a shout of thanks and praise to the Lord sugar together [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] father we just thank you thank you thank you Jesus we thank you spread the Living God we thank you for all that you're doing no God renewing our mind transforming our life Oh God that we matrons for nations know we thank you we thank you for the power of God this morning Oh God is loving Oh God and I'll be Salim Akil ierra mccartey [Music] that's taking place [Music] Lavagirl thank you for you they thank you for your so BDS thank you lord thank your God while salvation thank you Oh [Music] have a heart have a my head of lips Oh God have our eyes have a whole beat Oh God Jesus love you let us be ambassadors for you carry is so God of your presence in your revival Jesus we love you that is nation be blessed because o God we are transformed transformed disciples of Jesus Christ Jesus thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you know I'm I'm just so thankful that God sent his servant every night just teaching us the Word of Life the Full Gospel you know some of you know that I recently was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and pain was all on my body and I have to write a letter to selca bleeders to excuse me you know fourth was preaching and for a few months and I was standing there and pasta beer was talking about pain nerve pain and pain in the joint of the hip and I'm like it's me it's me and then he said right side I'm like no best of you you got it wrong it's left mine is the left side you know but then he said whoever that has pain just lived up your hints and I lift up my hands and pass areas and sister said I don't know Wells prayed for me you know and I kept doing this you know and and people standing next to me must be thinking why is she doing this move is this a new move you see because there's no more pain there's no more pain of my left hip [Applause] there's no more pain I don't have to wait til tomorrow it's no pain [Applause] right here let me alrighty so we give you praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mighty Warrior
Views: 39,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ct8ymoY7Jr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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