Off The Grid in California - Bombay Beach / Salton Sea / Salvation Mountain / Slab City / East Jesus

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today's adventure brings us to the deserts of Southern California taking the 111 south through some desolate regions known as grapefruit Boulevard welcome everyone Adams the Wu here tagging along is my friend Nicky have you ever been to this area before nope I was last time you're out here it's been three or four years a lot probably has changed but a lot it's probably similar and stayed the same we're just gonna see what there is to see on the side of the thoroughfare as well at the end sound good let's do this I noticed behind you there is a bow on the ground huh I'm inviting you to join me today shall you starting off here at the North Shore community center and coffee Club the sign says gifts but it's written over some other wording which is hard to make out and there is a pamphlet in the window that states 2010 most likely when this establishment closed music barbecue and fun look at the date stamp do you see what printer printed this out no I just see I just see a flyer well no it's like Oh what you that's the technical term it's old-school yeah I'll look it up but yeah you remember those are like white men took up the entire desk I try I'm drawing by line dot matrix dot matrix printer yes you see the dots is a part of the matrix it might look beautiful but upon closer inspection this is a very prickly piece of foliage oh my goodness look at those oh we just got me I'm trying to pull away and this right here touch my thumb it's done Wyn oh yeah oh wow it's a dangerous plant no joke that could cause some serious damage to your skin example up there the wood has been peeled back carved away by these little prickly thorns this states let's do the Banasik which kind of makes sense because right over there is the International banana Museum just past the dumpster I don't think it's open today in fact I'm kind of wondering if it's even operational at all anymore I do like that SoCo liquor and Sporting Goods and bait signage retro in the distance there that's a relic these ants have created a home here burrowed into the ground you'd see hundreds of them just doing their thing down in there down in that hole taking food to and fro setting up a homestead a little bit of everything listed on this one I'm guessing probably 70s mid late 70s this was planted here it's just a rough estimate guess if I had to had to give one it's all locked up and chain linked off but these are the facilities to the right that fellas got a sweet stash and the other guys taking care of business reading the paper adjacent to the attraction is skips which looks like a little convenience store at one point it was a gas station you can see here in the foreground the concrete is where the pumps used to be at one point I can safely say I've never seen a dog banana before but now I have in painted form on the side of that wall dog banana this little monkey says closed one thing this location is noted for is not allowing filming it's a dollar to get in but no video or panoramic pictures they are prohibited inside the mascot for skips appears to be a drunk turtle we're here on the wrong day of the week it is not open today but I am admiring the facade itself they don't make they don't make structures like those too much anymore check out the design of that very unique looking to say the least see how it kind of just protrudes outward you see it better from this particular angle you way off in the distance underneath the gas sign written on that awning says open 24 hours that this day and age is not applicable feliks auto repair is what it once was I know you're a fan of textures you think of the texture of this will of this behind us perfectly delicious what is it about textured items that you like so much I can taste them that would be disgusting but I don't have to taste it I can just I can see it like oh you can visually taste it yes it's delicious I'm just kidding don't touch just touch just look just like this is a pretty good saying show the love all because it's abandoned does it mean it's forgotten see how have you this pretty solid like iron solid yeah it's like how heavy weight wise you think it is your quarter pound you even have a pound oh look an aunt has chosen it nice it's a good place to reside it's more or less petrified wood protruding rocks it's very decorative and a remnant of the past where a payphone used to stand movin on there are lots for sale but written over it there was a motel old motel signage underneath us and it look there you have to have a eagle eye to see it but it says Motel making way to Bombay Beach population 295 an elevation of 223 [Music] and by turning off here and driving down this road for about a quarter mile we'll end up at the Salton Sea the ski in the lowest bar in the Western Hemisphere now serving cocktails this cactus has like a purplish hue to it a purplish green hue there's a cluster there and then there's a singular one over here that's also purple Hewish the last resort' stop for Bombay Beach the second part is difficult to read the inscription see it faintly there the letters have been removed but it's up there some sort of art installation here that's moving and shifting you can see that see that sphere kind of circulating around that's different as the backside of the cylinder where that art was located in the distance there's a train going by with a lot of military vehicles some tanks trucks Wow and then down here some bones do you see the foot back in there with some painted toenails there's a foot behind that gate is that like spongy like yes almost looks spongy but it's not you might think it's an ordinary fish but it's an airliner it's an airplane with the tail fin of a fish there's someone perched up there on the roof above the carport in a chair hello up there and here's the dinosaur that's different looks pretty cool with the Sunburst coming through that whatever that top portion is what are you doing in the middle of oh you're not in the middle of road anymore so now I could just say why did the seagull cross the road wait now you're going back into the middle of the road what are you doing in the middle of the road seagull alright I guess that's where you feel comfortable the Bombay bathroom [Music] there's a bathroom right if they're inside that trailer tucked away in these shrubs is a house of residence look in the window there you think someone lives here is another art installation I really can't tell anymore pretty wild he's ridiculous in the desert of all places of the desert there's ducks behind us yeah squawking this is an enchanted forest in a desert by the Dead Sea mr. cow perched atop that roof hello mr. cow some bicycle wheels way over there up top some Devo caps and a metal tree a lot going on here this property making my way closer to the water now there's a dragon coming out of the sand right there Wow look at this pirate ship kind of sort of make it out of the wreckage you're more daring than I does it feel pretty stable oh whoa I heard it I heard a creaking you need help getting out okay you got it you got it Oh careful I'm not really helping you go down the way you come up my friend that's a swing set out in the water about waist-deep pretty sure this door leads and know where the wind's blowing it the winds blowing the door to nowhere so then on this mattress this bed is a burnt mannequin torso charred remains beware of biohazard that's not caution radiation area oh goodness to read that prior Hitchcock would be proud the neck continuing on stopping off at the United Food Center for some beverages it's a little dry and getting dehydrated out here even though this Pepsi sign looks retro it is rather new but check out the Orange Crush in the distance that's been there a few years nine two two five seven that's the zip code there is a small roadside motel here what I find interesting is the size of this former phone booth I think I've ever seen seed one like that before retro fire engines from a simpler time check out that caterpillar as well as tractor-trailer for the ideal melon company dairy products are making that out correctly straight down this direction a few more miles is the mountain of salvation also adjacent to slab city made it looks as if they're giving it a fresh paint job not allowed to meander up the side normally you can walk up to the peak not there taking care of business in fact even this area also is not accessible closed due to rain keep out you can even see where it's washed away there the way it's created is the paint is overlaid on top of hay bales right in the middle of the screen you can see it kind of protruding through what's where it's been washed away here is a miniature version kind of like a scale model of the entire premises so what you're looking at is a tiny teeny percentage of it and that's the real deal huge an enormous amount of empty paint cans over there surrounding the god is love box on the ground the display of the boat has also been kind of stanchion doff with Tubbs and pieces of wood they get a little barricade there in all honesty we're getting a little behind-the-scenes look at how how its kind of all formulated except they're on the ladder and he's just kind of throw in the pack in the mud hit it all tight so we can put the paint over it takes a lot of upkeep the original creator passed away that he has a plaque here that was dedicated back in 2016 Leonard Knight was his name we have him to thank for this people come from all around you can see the light traffic passing by it's very very peaceful very quiet except except for the dogs barking obviously this piece of equipment is loaded with Bible verses has all the different passages acts 2:38 Matthew 3:11 [Applause] notice the trailer hitch here well the hitch that connects to the truck I should say and then on the bumper John 3:16 but the grill repeatedly has the word Bible over and over and over that is one sweet ride look at the antlers out of there both the windshield right in style slap city as designated the last free place this says right there basically you just bring your RV or living accommodations out here and plant a seed there are some military helicopters flying over what am I witnessing right now it looks like lots of shoes and tinsel hanging from the trees and then down the grounds a lot of discarded shoes and pants and undergarments no no it's just a bunch of clothes written all those boards states if you think you're free you'll never escape community bulletin board as all the information and activities that are taking place in the community a lot more going on than you would think including a library a skatepark an oasis Church of enlightenment [Music] East Jesus is not underlined slab city do not climb do not climb on the plane and surprisingly oh hello there UPS makes deliveries all the way out here please honk is that a spider station wagon is that a it's like almost like a monster card so dragon alien spider thing oh it is kind of like a dragon has a dragon kind of scales on all those chairs or seats are set up there on the right so you can watch all those television television sets they are on the left a whole wall of them this tower has been constructed it's about three stories tall I give or take just a guesstimate but inside are a bunch of goose goose noggins hiding amongst the trees hi oh I see what happened - I know where the necks are but down below this robots body there's their bodies some sort of elephant creature on the left there in this car is kind of jacked up just to a little bit with some something permeating out of the top of the roof has a weapon for his right hand his arm kind of converts into a weapon of some sort in my opinion this looks very dangerous to be to be playing on I got some very sharp sharp odd objects on this playground the equipment that's hoof yeah stay off of that inside the kissing booth this guy right here he's waiting he's waiting could that be a Wizard of Oz homage there the leg sticking out of the destroyed structure the path seems to lead this way pass this decorative glass and through this door seems a lot of choices lot of choices it's been in the spoons there's a big old flamingo back there back over in Slab City now welcome to the internet cafe here it is in the California Ponderosa the ultimate off-grid experience there's a lot of people residing out here even a spot designated to lay their their pets in their final resting place a little bit of debris for one reason or another no one has picked these spots there used to be you can see where the roads see where the roads are but no one's camped here anymore trash a lot of clothes well those clothes they're just hanging and even more oh there's like a recliner like a lounge chair right in that branch and like that on our way out gotta love this American flag RV nice just across the way are these stacks of rocks lots of them a couple dozen at least not only in this section but stretching all the way on that area as well that's gonna do it for today if you're new here please subscribe by doing so it helps keep you in the loop and up to date on future uploads here on this channel take it a step further ring that notification bell and if you enjoyed this particular episode give it a big thumbs up lets me know you care I'll see you the next video the vlog Snoopy is over
Channel: TheDailyWoo
Views: 370,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: off the grid, hidden, secret, california, bombay beach, slab city, salvation mountain, salton sea, empty, art, east jesus, tour, walk thru, hwy 111, banana museum, closed, forgotten, roadside, america, desert, socal, road trip, travels, vlog, vlogger, travel vlog, adamthewoo, adam the woo, thedailywoo, adam, the, woo, daily, nikki, relics, artwork, attraction, quiet, grapefruit blvd, niland, ca
Id: BtBar0Xipr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 39sec (1959 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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