Rev. Glenn Massey preaching "The Explosive Nature Of Faith"

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[Music] [Music] [Music] oh goodness good and faithful servant give it a go sir [Music] [Music] why Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh Wow Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you and me you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are always unemployed the victors crown you're my helper by the tender by the grace I live and breathe great in compression Spheeris sides once you win so that you we will stir by your worship [Music] you have [Music] [Music] become a sound you can never be defeated cause you're where the pictures crowd you are Jesus number sign by your grace a new breed to worship [Applause] [Music] you had [Applause] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the cross the work was finished you were buried in the ground but the grave could not contain you pause your way [Music] before [Music] do [Applause] situation [Music] to you [Music] in there you see that kid [Music] Bree morning night the hobo [Music] sure [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] a you call for songs of joy [Music] your children you fret each other [Music] [Music] each [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] face [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] each [Music] Oh gee No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you are that Lord I don't know when that I have ever walked to the last night in 30 years of because of the times with such faith that before the lights are turned out tonight that there is going to me a miraculous move of God in this place [Applause] now I don't want you just to be clapping but if you really believe that you can go ahead and clap I just feel that [Music] [Applause] reason why I believe that is because the word speaks it and then I can stand here tonight and tell you that this congregation gave two hundred and seventy one thousand in cash ninety seven hundred a month two missionaries which is another one hundred and four thousand a year we gave two hundred and fifty six thousand that is to be matched which makes that right at six hundred thousand which brothers and sisters you built one hundred churches today [Applause] 1.1 million dollars was raised today for the door Don Norton mine and Terry's Mickey and Melanie's he and Susan our friends from Houston at a miracle last night for about a year I've had two spots on the back of my shoulder that have gotten progressively worse but as we were getting ready to come to Bo TT Susan said you need to get that check but when Pastor had the people to stand that needed a healing I stood during the night I woke up and those spots were rich and so I rubbed my hand over them a couple of times and went back to sleep so I was getting ready this a.m. I noticed and they are completely gone so I sort of have faith in this place tonight that God just going to do some kind of great work this house huh I believe the Holy Ghost is going to show out tonight McKelvey Bush and his cabinet minister let me tell you who McKay V Busch is he is the prime minister or the premier minister of Cayman Islands I would like to announce to you that he just he and his wife got baptized in Jesus name I think that's a great happy so what do you need tonight so what did you come forward tonight I declare healing in faith and deliverance beginning of this service tonight we're going to remember brother Kilgore somebody said why wouldn't brother kill go on that clip cuz he's not dead he's still alive and speaking but he fell today and broke his ankle in a couple of places and he needs our prayers so we'll remember brother Kilgore tonight you have an unspoken request for you signify that with a raised hand tonight you've got a need and then if all evangelists would you raise your hand all evangelist would you keep them up right now I'm doing prayer what I would like for us to do is I would like for us to join hands with exception of those that's round and evangelist I want you to reach over and touch them we're gonna have mass prayer for this whole congregation but also for our badges when you join hands down let faith flow raise it to the heavens speak healing in the house tonight [Applause] ah hello boo boo chicken ala inna Hinda Mariana bushi kalila masata hiya [Applause] bulimic tehila boho-chic la amenaza hi let hearing me in this house let the blind see let the death here let those Oh God that are handicapped in some way let him come in the name of Jesus let deliverance sweep over this congregation tonight let them be deliverance from physical and emotional and spiritual prisons that had us bound set this congregation free after he come to this pulpit you may be well go ahead and I heard a shout there go ahead and speak the Word of Faith in the name of Jesus speak the word of faith when he comes to take this pulpit you may be seated but wait wait T takes the pulpit I'm sorry but he has my district superintendent and he's had some kind of gear think everybody knows that this is one great man he's the weed the enna district superintendent and I'm his pastor with glad he's here y'all may be seated a man you notice I'm putting notes out tonight on paper I'm really not against those iPads the biggest problem with them as you turn it on it's got that Apple that's got a bite out of it and you get hungry lose it you lose your thought or at least fat folks do that all you think welcome to Louisiana I mean that welcome yesterday morning brother Stan Gleeson did a tremendous job of speaking here he and I have been friends for many many years since we've been little boys but he said a few things that maybe were just a tad derogatory about Louisiana like that he thinks Kansas City is better I just kind of want to help you all out yes our state does have a few statistics that may be less than some might like as favorable we do lead the nation in the number of aggregated assaults and crimes we have the most per capita number of people behind bars in our state and federal prisons we do have several of our former state politicians who are still being fed and housed by our taxpayers we do have a few strange laws in fact in state Louisiana if you bite somebody with your natural teeth it's just simple assault but if you buy them with false teeth it is considered aggravated assault that's Louisiana don't talk about counties while you're here because we have parishes I don't tell you something perspective is everything I happen to think Louisiana's the greatest place in the whole world right and the reason I say its perspective you know maybe the reason we have more people in jail per capita because we've got the best sheriff's and the best deputies the best judges they're finding them all the rest of you living out there where they can't find those criminals I try it's perspective I'll tell you what else we are we are the number one crawfish producer in the USA we've got the tallest Capitol building in the USA Baton Rouge Louisiana that's right I'll go a little bit more we are the best district in the whole United Pentecostal church some might want to take issue that but I'll just simply give you facts and statistics even though our largest metropolitan urban area is the 49th largest in the USA we have the best giving district in the whole world what can I say we welcome you here in fact as I was looking up statistics the dallas-fort Worth area alone the Houston area alone has more total population than our entire state I don't mean combining those I'm talking about alone but we've got an awesome district we've got the most wonderful people part of the reason is because for 20 nearly 27 years TF tinny and sister tinny led this state as our district superintendent and they are still leading us and I love them very much for 30 years Pentecostals Alexandria hosted because the times and I don't know of any other meeting like because of the times I mean that now let me just say this I I had to do a little checking to make sure that my statistics were correct but if you want to go on any given Sunday to the largest United Pentecostal church in the anywhere in the USA you're gonna have to come to the Pentecostals of Alexandria this is number one from all the things I'm continuing hang on if you want to go to a church that gives more two missions annually than any other Church in the United Pentecostal church you're gonna have to show up here and this church is led by pastor Anthony Mangan and sister Mickie Mangan pastor Terry and sister Melanie shocked wonderful wonderful people who have a heart for missions that cares about soul [Applause] [Music] let him stand faster y'all be seated now just for a second no no who would else have the nerve to bring a homeless man at the end of his message and see if he can get him to be baptized without pre setting that up I'm proud of my pastor tonight thank God for somebody to care about Souls and I really mean that I can tell you this though as great as this church is and as wonderful as our district is we still need people that's right in fact our population 4 and 1/2 million we have just over 300 churches that's roughly one church for every 15,000 people you see we've got a long way to go but kind of change something I learned a long time ago if I'm going to go hunting I want to go where the game is if I want to go fishing I want to go where the fish are I'm gonna tell you Louisiana's fertile so there's a lot of prayers been prayed across this state through the years you think I'm kidding when I say that brother Parker stand up where are you somewhere over here right there's brother Parker Dewayne Parker went just this summer to a place called Gramercy Louisiana that's on the river the Mississippi River we stayed stay up a minute brother Parker brother Parker started out with her in the building he's already had to move to a larger one because just since this summer and we're not talking about apostolic stew transferred over but they had 67 last Sunday and service brand new people they baptized 14 people last Sunday in the name of Jesus in Gramercy Louisiana three receive the Holy Ghost and six more we're seeking the whole they go that's what Louisiana's Hall [Music] I saw brother Vincent here last night I was looking are you here brother Vincent if you are stand up right quick please he was here last night brother Vincent started in rain just a summer since they've begun they've had 24 people receive the gift of the holy ghost 11 have been baptized and listen to this they were needing another building they were growing so quick and a church in that area that had run out of membership just came to brother Vincent and said we want to give you our building our land everything it's theirs because that's the plan of God I get calls way more than I enjoy saying brother Cox do you have any churches open I'm going to tell you we have no open churches to my knowledge in Louisiana right now listen by resign last night brother Darrell Weber would you stand that's our home missions our North American mission director for this state stay up a minute brother whoever that tall fella right over there we don't have any open certs churches but we've got plenty of open cities and if you want to come to a place and start a church where a district will get behind you and love you come here thank you brother whoever amen I love Louisiana I'm Tina that's a good side of Louisiana and we're glad you're here the man you're getting ready to hear is pastor Glenn Massey but the Massey is a friend of mine I love him very much his pastors in living way in Lake Charles been there for five years if you will go to their church this Sunday there will be about 800 people gathering at living way now here's what's so interesting somebody asked me today they said is that sister Madonna's husband yes he married Madonna McFaul and though he's a wonderful preacher he's a great pastor and a friend I want to introduce him tonight as the father of Easton and Chapel Massey who think that this guy is the greatest in the world and I happen to understand tonight that if I was in brother Jeff Arnold shoes I'd be trembling a little bit right now because some of you are wondering how this man is going to preach would you stand and welcome a friend of mine but I know you're going to enjoy what God has to say through Glen Massey god bless you well pop your hands and lift your voice with a shout and give God praise [Applause] [Music] [Music] you can be seated thank you I want to say a few things quickly give honor to the Mangan's pastor Anthony and sister Mickie you'll be impossible for me to overstate their influence and contribution to the furtherance of my dream to live for God and do good things pastor Anthony with motivation and faith and every other thing he possesses and then sister Mickie with such complete kindness it's marked my life I'm grateful pastor Terry shocked sister Melanie pastor Terry was kind to me back in the day when I visited his house after her because of the time service I didn't know anybody to talk to so I sat down on the couch and discuss toy guns with Brayden his son and brother shocked sister Melanie were very very kind to me in those days I made a few smart decisions in my life and probably the best one I was when I married my wife it's somewhat like being married to Elvis and I want to thank her for helping me get this gig tonight I appreciate it [Applause] and my son Easton sitting there with her he's my favorite buddy sharp kid and I loving my daughter chapel's at home she couldn't miss school because she didn't want to and Easton's not here to hear me preach he's here to miss school [Applause] two more quick things and then I'll hurry on probably the greatest honor of my life has been the privilege to Pastor living away Pentecostal church and I want to give honor to one man who gave me 25 years of ministry dumped it in my lap said here you go and it's been my greatest supporter for the last five years he knows more about faith on a bad day I'll never know on a good day and he was probably the finest Christian gentleman I've ever met Bishop CR Nugent he's not here he's sick but I give him a great honor [Music] [Applause] [Music] the last person I'd like to think would be you can tell I don't preach me any conferences I do a lot of thinking you know getting up my nerve here but I want to thank Kevin and Pam Howard who have been our friends for about two decades and they first introduced us to the POA universe we had never seen anything like this in our life and they introduced us to this place and it's probably shaped us more than anything else and I'm thankful [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna preach for a few moments tonight from Markey 11 verse 23 verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart which shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore I say unto you what things soever ye desire when you pray believe that you receive them and ye shall have them for a few moments I want to talk to you from this theme the explosive nature of faith the explosive nature of faith he weighs in about 5 pounds he's not too tall we call him Sammy Davis jr. he's our white Maltese he's a good friend and an LSU fan Sammy has a bark that's bigger than his bite he's aggressive he thinks he's big he thinks but I came a day that he met the orange tomcat of our neighborhood he wanted out he sounded like he wanted out and so I'll let him out he raised toward the orange tomcat with all the courage and skill at scene of a German Shepherd and when he got there aren't aaahm was ready he slapped him one good time and Sammy changed his mind about the cat forever as a matter of fact if Sammy's in the kitchen and looking out the window and orange Tom walks across the back door Sammy just stares and if you can read Sammy's mind like I can read Sammy's mind Sammy is saying I admire you so much because cats walk with a confidence that no other animal possesses they say when they look at you if I were big enough I would eat you and and so so confidence seems to be a big deal doesn't it in an animal world it's it's that one thing that if somebody walk past you and they seem to possess confidence secretly in your mind you say to yourself man if I had more that I could change the world the young generation talks about swagger and swag and and when they see somebody with swag walk by then then they say that is a mover and shaker and and they say if you are a leader then you're supposed to own confidence you're supposed to have confidence and and when you look at it it does seem like it's beneficial it's that weird thing nobody can figure confidence out it just happens and we all like it and probably if you could raise your hand you would say I'd like more of it but if you're smart you recognize your own weaknesses and your own little hang-ups and your own tics and your own phobias and all the things that seem to limit your life and so you try to win you read motivation you scour the internet you watch pastor Anthony with that swagger from a distance and you try to figure out how to walk like him if you're if you're honest you want more confidence but confidence is scary this confidence is most the time a joke you can put it on but but like a mirage on the dais you're supposed to have confidence it disappears yeah you know how I feel you feel me I didn't walk up on this platform I know swag I can promise [Applause] everything it'll all be over pretty soon earlier in the choir song and I was thinking yeah you're right no matter how talented you are how gifted you are how smart you are how confident you are how sharp you are where you were raised and what's your last name how much money you God everybody comes to a point in their life or they crash headlong into the reality that I don't really have it oh you can talk to yourself if you want to you can whisper all you want you can say I'm good and I'm great and I'm wonderful and I'm gonna tame this and I got a tiger by the tail and I'm gonna be a winner and you can write motivational stuff on your mirror with yellow sticky pads and you can pump yourself up yeah you see what I've been doing you can do all that you can do all that but at some point you will wind up in a valley and you will say to yourself is there an into this valley it'll be the valley of the shadow where death lurks over you and where you lose things that are precious where you've been betrayed will you wind up beat up on side the road emotionally scarred where people put a knife in your back and walk out the door and you wonder did they ever really love me at all you walk through the valley who your father passes away and your mother's gone and you look around wondering what am I gonna do with the rest of my days you'll stare at your own weaknesses and realize how weak you are and there do I have strength to get through my own weakness it's not something anybody put on me it's not something I'd heretic but is there strength from our weakness and is there hope do a half what about this sorrow what about this impossibility you know confidence is neat it's a good concept I'd like to have a little more of it right now but it'll run out and run out when your big crisis shows up when your tough moment happens and it's at that moment that you will need to have a relationship with the explosive side of faith it's at that moment when you're shaken to the root and the core of your face faith and indecisiveness seems to be your best friend darling you around every corner it's at that moment that you need explosive faith that will bust up in the middle of your world and make an immediate difference I was a boy it's on a second rope you when I first remember seeing the explosive power thing young lady ran to the altar and screamed the desperate scream and she was immediately approached by believers and when she was approached she felt all on the floor and we're gonna ride around like a snake it scared the life out of me her tongue was licking in and out like a snake and I thought to myself if I can find a door I'm out here I was a boy but I was smart enough to know I couldn't handle that crises but Lola veteran believer walked up and surrounded this lady and when I saw the look in his eyes something in me settle down I thought to myself I don't know much about faith I know next to nothing about the supernatural but there's a look and that man's eye but the devil don't want to deal with him there was a fire burning in that he wasn't intellectual he didn't have a great deal but I remember when he threw that finger and that rule drew lady's face and he said in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out and cease your foolishness immediately her countenance changed immediately deliver and set in she began to speak with tongues and straighten up [Applause] and she danced around that house consumed by the fire of a delivering God you're just one spoken word of faith from your breakthrough you're just one spoken word away from busting through your crises I realized then but the power of Hell was not been nor never would be a match for the dynamic power of explosive thing I don't want to confuse you faith is not some cotton candy fluffy idea carried around on believers who are afraid that it might not last faith is battle-hardened its fire tested its explosive raw material and it's available to everybody who's willing to unwrapped again you don't need to be a prophet you don't need to have a man so all you got to do is unwrap it if you decide I got a fade that'll blow up inhales thanks you just gotta decide I've got enough faith to turn this around it will obliterate the adversary it will lift up the despondent it will heal the hurting it will save the sinner it'll march through fire if it has soon it'll stop through mud if it needs to it'll scale high mountains and it will penetrate the darkness just one word of faith its explosive it's bad to the bone it's unbelievable in its power and the fact is it's all you need to take your city that's it faith wrapped up carefully though protected admired set on the Shelf like a trophy and never exercise will never demonstrate its ability to explode and what my mama would call a fit of holy ghost difference making if you ever heard blue that was my mom's nickname she they said she was mean as an old blue he and she was raised in Mississippi and and they said that she was mean as an old hen it's stuck if you knew her you called her miss blue sister blue aunt blue or just blue you could only do that if you work and if you were a child and you said blue she'd slap you you better say miss her sister but miss blue had a way of st. and a blue ever said to you I'm about to have a fit and she had just been praying I want you to go head-on and put it on the whiteboard and then mark it out because it was done because she believed that faith had to be brought out into the open and snatched out of the dressing room and climb into the arena of battle before it'll ever explore expose its explosiveness it's pretty when you talk about it it's nice when you set it out on the shell but faith will never work until you break it out into the battlefield arena and when you pull it out it's like TNT it'll blow up and make the difference they will push you into something extra faith will make you exercise your spiritual rights faith is combustible it's like walking around with a gas can while your girlfriend plays with matches sooner or later it's gonna go off and all you do is gotta carry it around you don't have to be smart you don't have to be brilliant you don't have to go to some school and learn how to do it you just gotta get faith off the shelf and get it in your hand and say this is Fame don't know what I'm gonna need it don't know when it's gonna explode don't know who's gonna light the match but somebody in this building is gonna light the match and this place is don't blow up and Holy Ghost yes a miracle are you gonna clap your hands and you've got a shout like you got bang [Applause] Faith's got more power than an atom bomb or a nuclear missile you don't need degrees to speak faith all you need is crises all you need is a moment all you need is somebody to whisper in your ear you got all it takes to break through and you'll start speaking to the wind you'll start cursing devils and you'll start loosing angels and you'll start walking in faith our text said I say unto you that whosoever shall say whosoever you mean it's by I can walk in faith you mean you couldn't be a virtual dynamo of faith and nobody know your name be thou removed because of the sin shall not doubt but shall believe that those things that she saith shall come to pass he shall have oh this is my favorite part he shep whatsoever I got lady in the church who would say anything whatsoever means anything you need there's no limits on it now there's three things that'll make faith work for you three things that'll make faith explosive I don't have much time here so hurry first thing it's pressure pressure when you got to stop praying or getting a dinner with lions it's pressure when you got to choose between bowing down I'll worship that's pressure where you got to choose approval or a furnace of fire yeah that's pressure however under faith under pressure faith bursts through the door accompanied by radical behavior I've seen very few people who walked an explosive faith that didn't have moments of radical behavior you know a radical hate behavior is it don't make sense it won't make you look cool probably not everybody else who want to join you on the journey you might be labeled an oddball but they usually walks through the door with radical friends if you won't pay to come in your life you better learn to get a little bit right at home what do you mean by Mazzy I mean if you got a spin like a top spin like a top if you got a dance like you're foolish you better dance like you're foolish tell you a little my story and then now hurry to close I have a baby of dying nine children I'm saying mom and dad I was raised in a 12 by 60 mobile home I was raised in what you probably call poverty that's probably what she called I got trailer on the campground if you want to know what twelve by sixty is you followed me home tonight it you do the math there's not enough beds he's on the one restroom the kitchen small that kind of thing we didn't have much oh one occasion about a little pressure on one occasion my father had broken his back and he had been out of work for weeks he was a construction worker you don't work in that world you don't get paid with nine kids it's a deal we were out of money and eventually we ran out of food well I'll tell you that we ran out of food I don't mean we were out of Froot Loops [Applause] we're out of food like nothing nothing in the cabinets nothing in the refrigerator and I know what we're gonna do and the day Mohammed comes in that little living room now well mama went to pray you didn't bother mama I was old school she beats you that's a nice way of saying it hurt she'd beat you but will his prey and time and man was praying time and you just stayed quiet and steel and didn't do anything to mama was done but but here's a lot mama said she gathered us all round another room and she said hey hey we don't have anything to eat but here were faiths came in she said I'm gonna go in this back room and pray and when I come out there will be food in his house [Applause] [Music] [Applause] she went back to praying when she went to pray it wasn't like 11 and a half minutes it was a deal she shouted she talked in tongues she prophesied she cursed devils she loosed angels that whole trailer would just shake on those blocks it was a deal she was a praying dynamo when blue got loose and when Bru got loose it was wild she talking tongues and banging against the walls and shout like an Indian it was it was a real expressive deal it was radical behavior it was wild behavior she had screamed [Music] she danced but but but let me tell you she'd been in there praying I don't know if is it now or I don't know if it's hour and a half I don't know and we we heard some noise out front personalized how fun man we was oh I so lated the kids hey we're so who we couldn't do nothing to breathe and you breathe fast or too deep out with something wrong with that I'm gonna get to the world of faith here tonight I'm trying to try to keep him crying here guys she heard a knock the door was all scared to answer it you Oh God Mama's prayed we answered his door we didn't know who so one of us said well I get up answered one of the sisters through the door open and yeah it was a stranger we've been told about them people it's a stranger and when here's what he said we're never seen him wouldn't know him is this the Massie house yes sir yes sir it is it's well I was just in to call the name of a local supermarket I was in the supermarket and I was buying groceries and the Lord told me to drive till I got to the houses and when I got there I would know de tourny any so he started driving and he pulled up in our deal and he backed that truck up and brothers and sisters he started unloading groceries an entire pickup truck load of groceries we covered the table they cover the counter we went down the hall we had canned goods on the vinyl couch there was stuff everywhere we did not know what was going on what he does when he got through alone those groceries he closed the door cause he'd figure was weird anyway he closed the door fast he slammed that truck in gear and he left ruts in our yard getting out of there one of us finally got the courage later up mouth and we knocked on the door he said mama mama she said what's the matter with you young uns is it mama this and here comes my mama down ha ha that's the way she shouted she come dancing down the hall and here's what she said I knew he wouldn't let me down I knew he wouldn't let me down I knew you wouldn't let me down there's enough faith in this building right now there's somebody would get a little radical will your behavior there it is right there there it is in Jesus name you wanna lose yourself and some wild behavior for a minute don't have any money they don't leave my little bit do I mean my little show just a little bit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] rubbish a Ferdinand order bah bahah there's somebody gonna get a breakthrough in your world right now you got a look look up arms with some radical behavior [Applause] I lose faith in your world yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that's it now yes [Applause] pastor man wasn't share one thing and then I'm done um I'm gonna say I'm gonna speak the word of faith I'm not a prophet I just got an explosive faith that's all let me tell you one thing and then I'm done no tape about two minutes came time to go back to school that year and huh I lose it honey have nothing mama told one day she said let's let's get in the car we're going shopping for school cold clothes school clothes oh I know we did had a money mom was against credit so we didn't we didn't do that and we couldn't got credit if we don't wanted it but my mom my mom said go go pick some clothes that my memory serves correctly it was a three pair of pants and three shirts I got a green Vidal Sassoon's shirt you know anybody's got a little deal I got one of them hit day and I got a pair of Nike shoes up and at that point I've been wearing them shoes with the upside down swoosh yeah wannabes if you run by you couldn't tell but where's in line and we got checkout line and I'm a sensitive kind of dude I knew my mom's predicting where we were she was my best friend she died about a year ago oh mighty wonderful praying lady simple never held public jobs just raise those kids had prayed us through more hell than I'm Dell was in that line then we had those clothes and here's what I'm saying I'm like this to mama ain't got no money here's my mama no she had a lot of pride in a good way and she trying to carry herself well she would embarrass me for me and bugs but she'd be in that line he was just doing I'm not making light I'm just illustrating yeah she'll move up it wasn't layoffs but I [Applause] said mommy to get some money son we get over the counter it was a man paying in front of us you got he paid his ticket with a car he got his bag he said he took about two steps and then he were her hey he spoke to that cashier he said ma'am whatever they got I want to pay the entire bill [Applause] let me tell you we walked out of there with a with our new clothes and I asked mama years later about it I said my always a deal now how could you stand there in line without a down to your name and know God was gonna make away and here's what she told me I had a word from the Lord all you need is some thing and one word from the Lord and your bad news rich lotion anything is possible [Applause] if you got any kind of need in the house it kind of need in the house I want you to make some room fine said there's somebody I'm gonna get dangerous here you need to make some room and get in the aisle or do something if you I know some of you're worried about your scene [Applause] well but I'm gonna tell you I'm others speak faith and at the count of three I want you to demonstrate a little radical behavior now you may not be able to get out and so the most radical behavior you might be able to demonstrate it something like and for some of you real cool people that would be radical I'm sorry but I'm telling you whatever whatever you can do to be radical on the count of three are you ready one two three [Applause] if you hear it speak you deliver he will be in charge speak it believe me [Applause] [Applause] now turn to somebody and lay hands on him in lose faith in them turn to somebody then let the Holy Ghost minister we can't do a prayer line here tonight but let's have a prayer line right here basically this is a prayer line speak it lose fake [Applause] who's they [Applause] in the name of Jesus of the authority the Word of God reset [Applause] be set free in the name of Jesus speak to that mountain speak to that mountain [Applause] speak to that mountain good mountain of finances mountain of depression and oppression speak to with a gift of faith [Applause] great [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the Santos demo with us how idiom power [Applause] in the name of Jesus [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] to just walk around lay hands on people let the gift of faith operate [Applause] speak to that mount speak to that mountain [Applause] speak to that mountain [Applause] healings are taking place one just got the Holy Ghost and going up to get baptized your situation getting handled your speaking of that mountain your speaking of that situation [Applause] Loum to somebody else the holy ghost I'm not going to touch this right now gift of faith is a Perrine that did move actually moved us somebody go to a friend's finger water faith let the gift of the Spirit operate in you let God lead you to somebody right now [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] to speak to her there's people on cell phones talking to preachers praying for its outside this building right now [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Azusa Street 1906
Views: 1,340
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Keywords: Pentecostal preaching, Lee Stoneking, Jeff Arnold preaching, Pentecostal Church, Pentecostal people, upci preaching, apostolic doctrine, prayer and fasting, anthony mangun, BOTT preaching, Because of the times 2015, UPCI, United Pentecostal Church, Apostolic Preaching, glenn massey, jeff arnold, pentecostal people
Id: 5bVhq4_weVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 52sec (6112 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.