The reMarkable 2 is a MUST HAVE for entrepreneurs with ADHD

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are you tired of having stacks of notebooks and stacks of random papers with charging cables coming out of them well today we're talking all about the remarkable 2 and how I used it to replace all of these and become slightly more organized welcome back to ADHD agents my name is Bill and I'm a realtor in Charleston South Carolina with ADHD and I am here to help all of you harness this power and become more successful in your business and today we're talking about my new favorite thing this is the remarkable 2 tablet no distractions no text messages emails phone calls face times Facebook anything all right here and it replaces all of these and then some and don't forget to stick around until the end because I've got a waiver you can save forty dollars off of one of these if you don't have it already all right so let's go through my remarkable and how I have it set up so I do have the case on it it opens up just like this let's folds over and then you have this nice little stylus this is actually the upgraded stylus the bottom part acts as an eraser um I don't think you really need it I I did just like it it's a nice little touch so here's how I have everything set up so you create folders and notebooks so on my folders I started them as 010203 now because of this they will always stay in this order when it's alphabetical so I will always know where they are we're just going to go through a couple of them and how I have it set up so I invite 01 is buyers O2 is listings I have my information that I use for YouTube on here any masterminds that I go to are going to be under here the Charon if you're in real broker you know who Sharon is um any of his masterminds I put right in there because I want to be able to access them pretty quickly you know when it's when it's black it means that there are notebooks within that folder so I do have a couple here like Doodles and random I haven't put anything in there but I wanted a place where I could just dump stuff if I'm distracted I can just go and draw a picture or whatever I need to do one thing that didn't go into a folder is my to-do list and I made the front page just a big to do so that I can see it right when I open this up it is right there and it's really easy to add on to this I don't have anything on my to-do list right now but then we add a page and it's right here so let's say my on my to-do list was to make this video so I would go in and I oh let's change our pen so you go in here you change a little pen makes a little easier that again the eraser is just like that so I would put in remarkable to the video and then there's a little box over here so when it's complete I can just do that so you want to add a page you just swipe and then there's this little thing shows up and you can add another page do that and it goes back do that and it goes back and this little thing up here this gives you all your options and then this closes you out back to this now let's say I am meeting with a new buyer so I would go into buyers I have all of my active buyers in here as you can see so you would go a new notebook for a new buyer you can title it whatever you want so we'll just come down here and we'll call it buyer test I want the notebook cover to be the first page I just started doing this and I really like it better so when you create now on this first page you're going to put their name you can do it as extravagant or whatever as you want so I would use a bigger brush here with a thick line and then we're gonna go buyer test now what this is going to do it's going to be just like that to-do list so when we do go in then it's gonna be down here I can see real big that that's the name even though the name is a little beloved so we come in we're going to go back to our pen here and we're going to add a page and in here is where we would go you know their budget let's say their budget is 500 000. and the home is going to be three bedrooms two bathrooms and we'll just kind of stop there real quick now here is where I really love some things on here so when you go into these options one of my things is I always want to make sure like I have enough room to put stuff so let's say you forgot to put something in you can select this I can actually select all of this and I can move it to wherever I want and it goes right there and it's moved so you can kind of see where it was in the background everyone's while the screen will Flash and that will go away so don't worry see there it goes don't worry about that but here is what saves me a lot of time is I don't like to transcribe this into my CRM so what I will do is I'll come down here and this little export convert notes to text so when you do that that really didn't work so let me try this again I'm going to write this all over again I'm gonna go budget equals 500 000. which is two three bedrooms two bathrooms I don't know why that didn't work but that made me nervous because it's worked every other time so there we go budget 500 000 three bedrooms two bathrooms now what I can do is I can go in and on my computer this is going to sync to my computer and I can just copy this and paste this into the notes in my CRM so any notes that I take I can convert straight to text and then on my computer just copy and paste it and that's one less step that I have to go through to get things into my CRM because that had been my biggest downfall is like I would call a client or a customer I would have a notebook so I would have a sheet of paper with all these notes on it but then when it came to taking those notes and typing them over into the CRM that was just a taxing thing for me and I didn't want to do it because it took too much time and it just wasn't and entertaining for me so now I can just take this I can copy it I can paste it I can do everything that I need to do there so then this brings up your options here and then we'll close it out and then when you do start that new notebook another thing you can do is there's all the templates here these are the last templates that you used I like the one with the dots on it as opposed to lines these are my ones that I use more often than not but then when you go to view all you do have all of these here the creative is if you want to just like draw those Guitar Tabs and sheet music and perspective or just a blank one grids are just going to give you your general grids whether it's squares dots or hexagons life slash organized this is going to give you your weekly planners your day planners one of the things I like to do is I'm doing a day planner is to use the four storyboards here because then you have these big squares at the top and then under it so it separates it into four categories so if I have emails that I'm going to write instead of just writing email like I'll just doodle a little like here's this and then here's my emails you know maybe you know these are the phone calls I need to make um maybe I have to do a video so we do a little video camera and then I just make my my checks under here to me having it visual like this actually helps me see I can see exactly what it is and it separates it into the four different quadrants if you have more then you just add another page and do what you need to on there um you could even separate these into like must do can do and tomorrow so now you've got everything organized as to what needs to be finished today what should be finished today if you get to it you get to it if not then it goes into a must or a can do on the next day for that to-do list so you have a lot of options on here but the best thing there are no distractions on here this will never ring this will never have other apps or games for you to play you just go on here and it is a notebook so there's my review of the remarkable two this has changed my life because as you can see it is super thin it's easy to carry around it's a very light the pen doesn't even take batteries it works off of a magnet so you have the these little inserts here they last apparently quite some time it comes with a bunch of them so you don't even have to worry about charging this like you do on the iPad but then on the iPad you're constantly getting email notifications and distractions on there this feels like you're writing on paper this has changed my life I think this is the best tool for someone with ADHD not just in real estate but in business it is an investment it was not very cheap however the amount of work that it has saved me and the amount of distractions that it has saved me from is invaluable so there you have it folks that is my review and overview of the remarkable two and how I use it for my real estate business and I know everything I'm doing could be a little bit better so let me know down in the comments if you have one what are you doing different than me and how you set it up like let's all learn from each other there's a different system for everyone our brains are all different so let's help everybody figure out their own systems and if you found value in this please don't forget to like And subscribe down below and I will see you on the next video thanks for watching
Channel: ADHD agents
Views: 6,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remarkable 2, remarkable 2 review, adhd realtor, adhd real estate agent, adhd agent, remarkable 2 real estate, adhd realtors, adhd realtor tricks, adhd hacks, adhd real estate hacks, adhd real estate tricks, remarkable 2 for realtors, realtor remarkable 2, should i buy a remarkable 2
Id: _LdduTwwfi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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