Don't Buy The reMarkable 2 - Get an iPad and Apple Pencil instead!

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everyone today we will talk about the  remarkable and the latest upgrades of   the remarkable and why you shouldn't buy it and  bear with me why i will still keep it stay tuned if you follow this channel for a while then you  know that i made a comprehensive video where   compared the ipad versus the remarkable especially  compared to using the free application on ipad   apple nodes versus the capabilities that we have  on remarkable and when it comes to functionality   we have so much more on the ipad and when it comes  to price remarkably made it just worse because   they just launched a subscription service which  costs eight dollars a month i actually had all   the hopes into the subscription service i don't  mind paying eight dollars a month if i really   get a service you know we will talk about this  a bit later in the video but first let's start   with the few but very strong reasons to get  a remarkable in the first place so after i   created the video last time i actually sent back  the remarkable and got a refund they have a very   generous refund policy so this is good there was  no issue but i always had the feeling i'm missing   something and it was really the feeling of writing  on the remarkable you don't get anything like this   on the ipad even if you use the paper like screen  protector on ipad and the apple pencil the feeling   of writing is just a lot better on the remarkable  the other thing is why i thought i want to get   it again is this distraction free in your face  feeling that you get on your remarkable so when   you look here this is all we have you know it's  like a sheet of paper that's all you know i can   touch it nothing happens um i can keep writing so  it really feels like paper then i can open up the   toolbar and they are already the first issues come  if i want to have a distraction free feeling i   would expect that i can access the different tools  in a much better way which is the pen the eraser   and the selection tool because now whenever i  need to change something i need to go up there   open the sidebar go to the eraser delete it if  you bought the more expensive pencil you actually   can just flip it around and you can delete it this  way all right but they are charging extra for this   feature then i have to switch back to my pencil i  can writing and then i go here in order to select   something and then i can move it around all right  so this is working but it's not that distraction   free i can keep up the toolbar but if i want to  use the full piece of paper i might draw on the   side here as well and then when i open this up i  have no accessor to this anymore that's already a   downside and i think they wanted to keep it as  minimalistic as possible but if they just made   three little buttons there where i can with my  thumb change between the tools this would be so   much more convenient to switching tools this way  or of course they could edit here but this is not   battery run so it's a passive pencil that you use  here but buttons directly on the tool it would be   much more helpful well it's minimalistic you have  one button on top where you can switch it off and   on so it's now sleeping and when you switch it on  you're back on the page and there we are this is   the in your face feeling and i think this is great  i showed this in a previous video you can access   your notes very quickly on the ipad as well but  it is still a screen and here it doesn't feel like   a screen it really feels like a physical paper  that i have lying around where i made some notes   and this is already the point if you're  a paperless movement member that i know   that i teach the icore framework icor  stands for input control output refine   actually if you're on the channel and you ever  wondered what the symbols are that we have here   they stand for input control output refine it's  the icor symbols that you see here just if you   want that and in the input part we talk about the  information that we actually collect on a daily   basis once you realize that different types of  information that you're collecting like temporary   notes business specific notes journaling notes  and all this you will realize that you might need   different systems to place them in then we come  to the control part this is actually knowledge   management how can you access the information that  you collected do you actually just create noise by   creating more nodes that you never look up anyway  or is it really an interconnected knowledge base   that you created there and this is already the  limitation of remarkable we can't just write down   it's not there's not even a global search that  i can search my notes in there when you use   an ipad you have good notes notability no chef  and apple notes you can search your handwriting   globally through all your notebooks here this is  not possible so this is a big downside already   that makes taking notes really like using a paper  notebook even worse because you can't place any   post-its and organize it this way and there are  no colors where i can highlight stuff so this   is a real downside so this is organization wise  and when i made the previous video i mentioned   that we cannot access the nodes from all the other  devices this is a again a downside that we had   there in the meantime and this was the reason why  i bought it again in order to check this out as   well they added a cloud access capability so you  see here on the site now that we have google drive   integration they also have dropbox and onedrive  integration now on the page they even state that   they sync with these clouds well it's not syncing  all you can do is upload it easily to these   cloud services and download it so whenever i want  to have anything from my cloud on google i have to   press and hold so you see already it says to open  this document please copy it to my files and i   press copy and now it downloads this and then you  have a separate file i mean that's the worst you   can do when it comes to knowledge management that  you duplicated your notebook you would select this   and you upload it to google drive so now i have  it here and in order to edit this again i need to   copy it to my files again go to my files and now  you see it copied the same thing that i already   have next to it so now i have the same file copied  back to my remarkable i tried to delete this   and it's not working why because it's now a pdf  file it converted it into a pdf file and it's no   longer editable so this also means i can no longer  change the background so it will have it will stay   on the dotted things it's a pdf file now it's  no longer the remarkable file this is horrible   so let's keep this select and upload as i said if  i upload again let's see what happened in google   drive it just made another copy so there's no  synchronization at all it doesn't even replace the   original node i think this is the worst solution  that you can provide to your customers where you   say now we have the long-awaited google and cloud  integration that you all have been waiting for   well this is not what anybody was waiting for i  would expect this is really just if you finish   the notebook and you say i will never use this  again i will never edit anything in there again   then you upload it to google drive and that's it  it will stay there this is just there's no point   getting unremarkable and fall into their marketing  that they have there that this is now a nice new   feature and now we really come to the worst here  i mentioned already the subscription service in   the beginning and in order to get this really bad  cloud integration to connect to your google drive   and dropbox you already need to pay the eight  dollars per month the other thing is handwriting   conversion is no longer available if you buy for  very high price the remarkable you need to pay   for the subscription service i made  another video when it came to a notability   what i think about subscription services that  is actually a good thing to support a company   to stay alive but in this case it was a sas  company which just lives from their software   here they already charging for the tablet and then  they charge an additional subscription fee to run   basic functionalities that any tablet will give  you for free when you buy an ipad you will have   access to all your cloud services you will have  handwriting note-taking apps that you can use to   synchronize with any cloud service that you like  you will have no subscription fees in order to use   the apple notes application that comes with the  ipad so what's the point getting a remarkable guys   so tom why did you buy it a second time as i  mentioned i really like the feeling and all   this and they had a special offer where i got the  remarkable for 3.99 instead of for i think it was   5.99 before that i might be wrong here but it was  a lot more expensive but with the launch of this   new subscription service they made it cheaper so  i got this because i thought well i can't cancel   the subscription service anytime but now i realize  that all the features like all your notes in one   place the synchronization with service essentially  cloud storage means their remarkable cloud storage   right the google drive and dropbox integration  handwriting conversion screen sharing which is a   new feature as well that you can share your screen  now and then they say something like more powerful   features what is more powerful feature it doesn't  tell you anything and then we have a connect light   plan which costs just 4.99 per month and just  provides you all your notes in one place unlimited   cloud storage come on these file sizes are very  small we are not talking about gigabytes of file   sizes we are talking about megabytes of file sizes  because this is black and white handwriting sheets   that you have there even if you have thousands  of thousands of pages it will never cost them   a lot to restore this for you on their servers  to run the servers and so on 499 just provide   you the synchronization between the different  devices this is a rip-off guys this is a rip-off   and if you have no plan at all and you just buy  the remarkable itself what you essentially get   is a piece of paper this is it you will stare  store your notes on here they say on their website   you don't need a subscription plan to enjoy  better thinking with remarkable paper tablet   for customers who don't want a monthly  plan right now or cancel their subscription   our no plan option gives you access to basic  note-taking features so you can still keep your   notes organized organize this we didn't even touch  the organizing part write with different tools   and templates annotate pdf sketch and read without  any destruction you can't even read all the ebooks   that you want to read on there you'll also be able  to download our apps import files and use our read   on remarkable feature without a subscription you  can still use the cloud to store and sync your   nodes however files will stop syncing to mobile  and desktop apps if they haven't been opened in   the last 50 days they'll still be automatically  stored on your paper tablet they made this change   and the launch of this subscription plan to  people who bought a physical device where   they depend on these services guys if you start  comparing again notability with the launch of   their subscription plan this is no comparison here  people bought this for more than 500 dollars and   now they are stuck into the physical device they  cannot get proper these things to another device   and they have to pay this if they want to use  unlimited cloud storage or if they want to back   up their stuff and so on so i have to get a  subscription service in order to get my notes   to a different cloud this is unbelievable you know  when you go to their twitter account you see a lot   of generic answers there so i reached out to  them on twitter ask what is this that you say   you sync with the cloud services but it doesn't  actually sync what i get is thank you very much   for your feedback and please go to this page to  hand in blah blah blah so there's no public face   behind remarkable and i don't like this if there's  no it doesn't feel like real humans behind this   and this is another big difference to apple when i  have an issue with my apple device i can even if i   don't have any warranty plans or anything i always  can contact apple and they will help me as good   as possible with the devices and i'm not stuck  in the apple ecosystem although a lot of people   complain about this there always way to connect  microsoft windows and all this to your ipads   and if you're interested to how to do this  make sure to subscribe to this channel or   join the paperless movement membership we discuss  a lot about this but remarkable really forces you   into their ecosystem there's no way that you can  leverage this device in a different way especially   when it comes to knowledge management and then  it really worries me when i go to social media   and i see people asking where can i make bulk  orders for my companies you can let me know in   the comments below if you're one of the companies  buying thousands of remarkables for your employees   i would say this will kill your productivity 100  if you follow me and you know that i talk about   single source of truth everybody looks at the same  context and in meetings you open up the single   source of truth the tools the software that you  define so you have as less friction as possible   when it comes to collecting and leveraging  information then using something like remarkable   will just destroy everything this is this is it  if you want to make brainstorm just imagine how   much paper you could buy and pens for people to  do the same stuff that you can do on remarkable   there's no cloud sharing there's no team folder  or anything like this so i don't get a point why   companies would buy this if you're using ipad and  you use the native free application apple nodes   you can be in one note together interacting  in there and we just we talk about the native   application there are so many other applications  out there that i talk about on this channel as   well that you can use in collaboration with your  team that will just level up your productivity   compared to this which is just a step backwards  and of no use at all you know just a global search   you cannot search your notes what's the point  when i tell people that you can switch from a   paper notebook to ipad you can still use your  handwriting and the methods all that you were   used on paper notebooks but with the advantage  that the information will be stored on the cloud   at the same time you have global search  where you can search your handwriting   this is where people convert to going paperless  and see the advantages there remarkable sorry   just because it feels so good like paper i give  it to my children my children are using this now   tom you're crazy you paid a lot for the remarkable  and your children are using it for drawing   yes i will keep the remarkable because  i want to stay up to date i will keep it   to make some simple notes like on piece of  paper but i would never buy it personally   you can guess it they didn't sponsor me to make  this video i'm a non-sponsored channel and this   is thanks to you the paperless movement members  you just support me the way that i can stay   unbiased and make these unbiased videos and i  really just want to tell you that you might not do   any favor if you give this to a birthday or  as a christmas gift or anything like this   especially for the price you really get i mean  just get an ipad mini it's a smaller screen   but you get an apple pencil too with it you put a  paper like on it you already get very close to the   feeling yeah that's that's my opinion i know that  there are many remarkable users out there who love   this device i really would like to know what do  you think about this change in the subscription   model what do you think about the journey that  remarkable is going on okay i will stop ranting   now i will keep you guys updated if there are  any changes coming to the subscription model   or if my mind changes over time for remarkable  if you want to stay up to date make sure that   you subscribe to this channel so you don't miss  it or if you like to inform your friends what   the remarkable is really about share it with  your friends and i'll catch you up next time you
Views: 423,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remarkable 2, remarkable tablet, ipad pro, remarkable 2 tablet, remarkable tablet vs ipad pro, remarkable paper tablet, remarkable 2 review, remarkable 2 note taking, remarkable 2 pdf, remarkable tablet 2, remarkable 2 vs ipad pro, remarkable 2 tablet review, remarkable 2 review 2021, remarkable tablet review, remarkable 2 vs, best tablet, note taking tablet, paper tablet, best tablet for note taking, tom solid, paperless movement, remarkable 2 review vs ipad pro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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