reMarkable 2 Tutorial | How to Use Layers

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hey and welcome back today i'm going to show you how to use layers on the remarkable 2. i haven't really been able to find very many videos that have shown this in depth but it's been a highly requested video so let me know in the comments what other questions you have and i'll try to make videos on them if you haven't already subscribe to see new content also to address the dramatic hair length change i donated 13 inches to children with hair loss so if you're looking for ways to give back consider donating all right we have some good morning sunshine coming in and let's get started blocked all this off so you can't see and i'm going to make this easy so marker thick gray and i'm going to write it out so you can read what each layer is layer one so this is just the regular layer one so i'm going to rename it gray so let's add another layer layer two i would like this to be black let's now rename to black enter okay so you can see that the gray is lower black is higher now let's do layer three i'm gonna just rename this right now okay so you can see the white is a little bit difficult to see let's go ahead and make layer four and for layer four i'm going to do a line okay so there's the line there are a total of five layers that you can use and it will show you the limit once you hit it so you don't have to remember that and i don't know why you would need more but here this is what you have layer five i would like to do highlight okay so we're on layer five i want the highlighter okay so the template cannot be used differently per layer the template is just your base think of it as your base it stays that way you can however switch between templates if you're trying to use it as a guide per different layer but it will be the same for each layer to remember where layers are the top ones are the closest to you the lower you put it the more buried it is recently remarkable updated the software to allow you to merge layers so i'm going to merge the line with the black so in order to do that i'm going to add this up so you can see it actually popped up above the white you can see the white is pretty buried but i'm going to merge the line and the black together so now you can see there are only four layers once you merge you can't undo it later so if you need to undo what you just did you can push the back button right here look and see what happens when i remove the view for the black layer you're left with the other three so you can see it's gray you can still see the highlight and you can see the white but it's covered by the highlighter so if i move this bury this a little bit further down now you can see the white layer you see the white is above the highlighter so it's very easily visible let's say i want to see the gray as well so now i can see the gray behind it you can mess around with it and just see what you like best there are so many things that you can do with layers so let me give you one example notice that the layers are now gone now that you have a new page for example let's say you want to teach your kiddos how to do their abcs the base template i have here is grid large for layer one i want to do thick gray letters for abcs i highlighted the back to make sure you could see that they stood out i'm renaming this layer abc layer two i want this to be the practice sheet so i would let my kid probably use marker medium black so i can see now they would practice above this once your kid practiced with it you can remove your view to see exactly what they are doing not only that you could say practice one practice two so we've removed the view of practice we would like to do writing on practice two so the more times they try you can see their progress there's their practice two you can see it overlaid with their practice one it could be whatever you want that's all i have on layers so let me know in the comments how you're using them i love to see tips and tricks and i always learn so much from all of you if you haven't subscribed already please do i'll be adding more content soon thanks and see you next time
Channel: Monsty
Views: 50,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reMarkable, reMarkable 2, tablet, layers, how to, tutorial, writing
Id: rofMnJXkWj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 58sec (418 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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