The REDX Podcast with Ricky Carruth

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[Music] good afternoon everybody welcome back to another episode of the red x podcast it's uh it's going to be a good one today we've got ricky carruth on he's been on with us in the past and ricky we've done bunch of stuff in the past together uh so uh thank you so much for being here with us uh before we jump right into the good stuff and and uh for those of you who have not been on a podcast with ricky before it's good stuff so before we get to that uh just a couple of things as always this is participatory so whether you're on youtube or facebook or whatever channel you're uh you're watching this podcast please participate we've got um we we've got the ability to get your questions over here to ricky we'll get those answered as often as we can uh but uh but we're gonna move quick with some really good stuff today so uh be quick on those questions um and uh it's gonna be exciting one more thing if you're not subscribed to the updates for our podcast go to our website at the uh in the toolbar on the top there's a link for our podcast click there you can register and get the updates on uh on upcoming guests past guests highlight reels all the good stuff so uh make sure you're there ricky thank you for being with us man i appreciate it dude you just i just counted bro there's like you've probably you said the good stuff i think eight or nine times right there that's uh that that is like i looked it up while you were saying all that that's a guinness book of world record holder for an intro saying good stuff i was going for a baker's dozen so i'll get a few more in before we're done here thanks for being with us ricky good to be here good to be here here's here's the question of the year what do agents need to be doing right now in 2021 these are crazy markets different than men most agents have ever experienced what should people be doing right now to be successful go for the gold man go for the gold right go for the top don't shoot low aim high you know what i mean most people's problem is they they they aim low and hit and let's aim high and miss i'll tell you what it is man um people are calling current expireds which aren't very many number one people are mad because 10 million agents have called them in the past three seconds you got for sale by owners not a good time not a good time they could sell it their self they don't need you right now right the market's too hot and there's 15 agents barking at them like a dog listen man geo leads are great and all but i'm going to tell you where the gold is okay you ready for this tell me gold expires oh expires oh expires old old expireds what we want to do is we want to go back two years right so get red x expires go back two years worth of data have that two years with the data in your folder okay now you have that data to chip away at whenever you feel like calling expires right whatever day you want to call expires so now we're in a situation where we have two years worth of expireds and all the new ones are getting added to the bottom of that list every day and so we just have an ongoing list that continues to grow and these conversations now why i call it gold okay the reason why i think this is the way to go right now is because of the because of the type of conversations you're gonna have because here's the script you know hey mrs homeowner this is whoever with whatever real estate how you doing i'm enjoying the days in a gorgeous cool list and i won't take it too much of your time but i saw your house was for sale last year whatever happened with that boom booyah end of story period there it is so here's what this is what happens they tell you a story okay they give you a bedtime story and that's what we want as a real estate agent we want to know the back story what's happening when you call geo leads okay great is there anything you can do to help you okay you have an agent let me get your information you sound really cool you sound really nice you created that relationship we're gonna do business in the future you're gonna pop deals now too there's i mean i got plenty agents who knocked down listings you know first call session of calling glee's geo leads is now business by the way but with expireds it's so much more natural for the seller to give you a story yeah we sold that house and we moved over here we did that we did this and they just start telling you everything or it didn't sell this is why this is what happened this is where we are now and they literally give you the blueprint of what you can do to help them so you know what's you know what's so awesome about how simple that is is in any sales role right it doesn't matter if you're selling red x if you're selling door-to-door pest control or real estate right the the challenge is opening up a dialogue with a prospect right it's because because people immediately put up their barriers and and i totally agree with you right old expireds right now are so sweet um because it's just what you said right as soon as you as soon as you ask that question tell me what tell me what happened there come on all of a sudden yeah all of a sudden they all of a sudden they open up those barriers are gone there's an instant connection right i mean all of a sudden you're talking to somebody and having a dialogue it's the easiest dialogue that you'll have and no because they have it right now the students are calling these at these two-year-old expires he's one and a half year these six months old three-month-old nobody's calling them anymore they mess up property owners miss us you know it's it is wild red x and and so let me give a shameless plug here right for people who are or are not using red x old expired listings is not something we charge an extra fee for right right and so somebody who's which is why you said get redix expireds call the old ones because exactly all you got to do is grab that data from the mls and import that into vortex and then and then as long as you have the expireds we'll even let you know if and when they re-list so it's it is it's a total no-brainer it's those those old expireds which is which is which is awesome i'm so glad that that's the first thing that you came out of the gate with it's the best thing it's the best thing going it's the best thing going bro it's better than anything right now it's amazing oh at least it's not one of those faces right that is embarrassing hold on you froze up on us so you got to start that thought over okay you tell me i don't know where you're walking all right so let me there's there's a bunch of questions coming in already so let me let me ask one of these um and and uh and so this is from uh from one of our facebook viewers jeremy marquez he says ricky now that you're at the level that you are do you still believe in relationships over transactions man you don't you never you only believe in it more and more as time goes on like the bigger that you get the more you have to go in all in like i went all in more and more and more on this concept um because the thing is is when i lost everything back in the crash and came back and realized that was the key i still didn't even understand how that really worked and then my business got to a point where i said okay i want to write books and start coaching right and i started out charging for coaching then i was like no relationships over transactions boom let's make it free and then it kind of blew up a little bit but then it goes to another level you're just like learn more like i got to go even further with all in with relationships over transactions and then it gets to a point where i'll tell you what level i'm at now i'm at the level where now because most people say oh helping people okay that's how you build your business well the thing is is if you're helping people only to build your business right if you're just helping the people who can help build your business then you're kind of losing the entire you know you're kind of you're missing the point here when you s when you take it to the next level and you start helping people who have no way of helping you back or becoming part of your business or contra contributing contributing to your business when you're helping those people who you know like for example like i'll talk to new agents i talk to new agents all the time that aren't joining my team they're not going to do this they're not going to do that they're probably not going to sell any real estate they're probably not even going to get to the sale but i'm still pouring everything i got into agents like that regardless if i think that i'm going to make any money off them regardless of i think they're going to come to an event regardless if i think they're going to buy my books and when you get to that level you know that's the next level now i'm there i'm just helping anybody that needs help i don't care if i get anything out of it or not before it was like okay all i want to create relationships with possible future clients now it's like i want to create a relationship with anybody regardless if they're going to be a future client or not that's when it goes to the next level and so now i'm going to be very interested to know what the next level about this is that i'm going to learn over the next 12 to 18 months so i remember right when we started doing the podcast which was beginning of covet 19 pandemic so just over a year ago we interviewed you and and right about the same time a hurricane had come through right it was it was sometime in that recent past and and on that podcast you said you said look i'm i'm i'm calling my past clients i'm calling my friends i'm calling my neighbors to see what i can do to help prepare for this hurricane right is is you were calling to see hey are you do you need help boarding up your windows right it's it was this it wasn't about real estate right it was about the relationship so i so let me ask this question right i'm going off what you just said you said i'm interested to see what the next level of all of this is what do you anticipate that looks like do you have any idea i don't know because i didn't know that what you never know what that next level is because you go so far and you progress up to these these places that you didn't know existed anyway how are you supposed to know what the level above that is you know and so it's just where life takes you you know i i don't know you know i didn't know that i was going to be in a place where honestly i didn't i didn't realize i was even at a place or that i'd ever be at a place where i could literally post on instagram just a post which by the way let's face it there's not a whole lot of organic reach on instagram okay an instagram post produces six uh 600 agents registering to come see me speak at an event in miami just off one instagram post boom 600 people register now we're over 700 we're 50 days away there'll be over a thousand people in that room i had no idea that that that's where i was going to be you know a couple years ago no way are you i could have said oh i'm just going to post something and people are going to want to see me speak and sign up because they think they're not going to get a ticket unless they register right now today no way i would have known that so where i go from here like i'm already in uncharted chartered waters i'm out here like waiting around like you know i don't know which which way to you know which way to swim from here so well we're we're we're excited to see you get there that'll be that'll be uh that'll be pretty amazing okay let me ask this question um strategies and methods that you're using right now what what are the things that you're doing uh old expireds obviously we talked a little bit about that but what are those strategies and methods that you're using right now that are working because i mean if if you're if you're if anybody's involved in social media conversations about the markets right now there's a lot of people finding finding it really difficult as hot as the markets are right it's hard to be as competitive as you need to be what are you doing well i think they need to take a take a step back from what they think is hard about the market number one you know life has lived in your mind so if you're sitting around saying oh it's hard it's hard it's hard yeah it's hard why is it hard okay what would you say an answer would be oh i might my buyers can't get their offers accepted right right right my question would be why are you worried about getting your buyer's offers accepted right that's my first question oh well it's hard to get listings why are you worried about getting listings okay the objective needs to be how many people can i get in my database today that i never met before how many new friends can i make in my market not how many listings i'm gonna get or how many if i can get my buyer's offer accepted you got zero control over that situation you make the offer of the buyer's highest and best offer and then you cross your fingers and hope to die whatever's going to happen is going to happen you need to be over here making five new friends with property owners every single day and if you do that over the course of four years you'll have 5 000 people in the database that should be getting a weekly email from you every single week on the same day of the week forever and you'll be the number one agent in your market everybody wonder how you did it and you'd be out very simple i made five new friends with property owners every day using red x and i did a weekly email every single week on the same day of the week forever just like ricky told me to and now i'm magically the number one agent in my market i i love the magic part right it just magically happened but yeah it's so let's let's talk a little bit more about that because geo leads right that's been a huge part of your business for a long time um and in my own part of my business my business dude i was telling an agent today we did i didn't have red x i didn't have expireds i couldn't get two years worth of expireds in a folder with a click of a mouse and start calling them automatically like all like like the magicians of the day right these agents are magicians and they don't even know it this is magic tricks they're doing and i i mean seriously i had to dial by hand and look everything up you know on spokeo and and white pages okay so i didn't have all this stuff if i was still on building my business mode okay i i live off past clients and referrals at this point through the through the personal brand i built through a weekly email making phone calls okay and my business continues to produce 100 deals a year if i was still in building my business mode old expires would be my thing i would be the king of this stuff right but back to your back to your question i mean interrupt you i just need to make you know no no no and that is important right it's because uh because when you mentioned that look i'm doing 100 deals a year that's an important point to make but but the important the important message behind that is how did i get to the point where i'm doing that right and that's what you're saying is you're saying it's it's those five new relationships every single day that's what i focused on and and yeah well and you did it the hard way right with spokeo and white pages and looking for phone numbers and when i started i mean when i started here at red x we we'd get we get people who call and say i do research on expireds four hours every single night so that i can call the next morning and nobody does that anymore but that's you did the geo leads equivalent of that right yes i stayed up all night looking up numbers so they could call all day the next day so it's it's amazing so um old expireds right now where where did you elites fall in the in the mix those are those would you put those right now right below the old expireds same level playing field okay playing field you need to diversify you need to do one day expireds one day geo one day past clients referrals one day follow up you know diversify your calling sessions you know focus on one lead source a day you know but diversify throughout the week okay yeah that's where i see a lot of agents going wrong you know they'll they'll geoli julie julie julie julie julie julie they won't do any other lead source just julie julie julia geo lead and that's great that's fine and they're getting emails they're building their business you know but they'll call me and say it's been three months i don't have a deal yet what's going on i mean i have agents that go i had an agent that that that got he didn't get his first listing until his 14 000th call okay 14 000 calls in he gets his first listing through those 14 000 calls he picked up 300 email addresses okay and he's doing his weekly email so he's building massive brand okay first six months in the business 14 000 calls he gets his first listing the second six month of his first year he closed 20 deals right right he's at like 30 something thousand calls in right now i have another agent who did 3 800 calls and closed 20 deals within those 3 800 calls so the the results vary you know the results vary i can't tell you how long it's going to take to get your first deal and i don't care how long it takes to get to your first deal i don't even care what if you even sell a property this year what i want to see is database growth right and when i what i want you to be thinking is is i'm building my 2023 business in 2023 you're not going to care what you made in 2021 right and and the money you make and transactions you you close in 2023 is going to be predicated on how many calls you make in 2021 yeah so why are we even talking about transactions in 2021 if you're doing what you're supposed to do to blow 2023 up you're going to have a massive 2021 right it's just simple math at this point and like i said five new friends a day how hard is that yeah when you look at the numbers especially when you look at something like geo leads or even the old expireds right and in right now there's not a tremendous amount expired it's right that's that's the conversation that we're hearing right but that will change but that's why those old expireds are so fantastic is that's why i say right now bro that is the goal that is the top that is the gold standard right now nobody's calling them they open up to you way easier you build credibility and rapport with them instantly and you have a story to go by i'm a component of needing to know why people are trying to do what they're trying to do once i know that then i can help them and so if i if i take the old expired approach and use that and leverage that to find out why what happened give me the story what's going on i'm in the driver's seat now right and now i can cr now i can craft that game plan based around their story that they just told me that brings us to present day and what i can do to help them right now so let me let me ask this question how are scripts changing right now i don't know listen the thing is bro is like the 1980 scripts and even the regurgitated ones of today of some of these coaches and trainers just make me want to throw up man it's it's ridiculous uh it's ridiculous out there and um i don't know because i'm not paying attention to the evolution of scripts i'm too busy trying to perfect and craft mine i'm constantly tweaking what i'm doing uh with how we're approaching our prospects and trying to figure out how to bring more value up front and not just go for the kill and work on our tone because a lot of times it's not even what you say it's just how you say it that they just get that good old feeling from you that you're there to really help them not just to try to sell something um so i don't know i i you know i to be honest with you i'm not in that part of the game so i'm not paying attention to how those co how coaches are evolving their coaching programs and stuff i looked at all the coaching programs when i first started coaching to try to figure out what they're doing but since then i haven't really went back and said okay let me compare notes to what they were doing four years ago to today but i i would hope i would have a hope that that my stuff is trying to at least get some kind of mainstream out there um you know to spread the word um of how to really talk to people and have a conversation you know um how to approach everybody like they're like they're your mom dad brother cousin best friend from high school kind of situation you know i i think i just i'm a firm believer that that's what wins um you know and i saw a post somebody somebody shared with me a post i wish i could pull it up um there was a post about a guy that was saying you know people don't want relationships the buyer doesn't want to know how you're doing or hey hello or let's have lunch and all this stuff you know they just want to know that we're going to get the deal done and get the best deal and all this stuff and it's bs it's garbage it's garbage man they do want to know that you care if all they wanted was a cold here's the numbers then what do they need us for what do they need real estate agents for if it's just numbers it's not just numbers there's a lot of emotion that goes into this you know this is going to be where they're going to raise their family you know they want to make sure this is done right they want to make sure that there's no problems with the house they want to make sure that they're they're getting the best deal they need somebody in their corner you know that they feel comfortable with i'm just i'm going to say it till the day i die man i just think people want are going to want to deal with people who they feel comfortable with so is is there is there a point where where you can go overboard with that because because you're right so let me there is okay okay there is there is and i've seen it and that's why i preach 95 low pressure 5 high pressure 5 you've got to go for the clothes eventually right that five percent's got to be there too you know yes you have to be a shark right you have to be a shark waiting in the water you know but you can't just bite every every every second you know you gotta swim around you gotta swim around you know and then okay see here's the problem people are trying to convert before they connect connect first then convert bring the value you know yeah yeah i agree with that i think that and and that's a really good way to say it right they want to convert before they connect here's what i would say tyler people already know when they want to buy or sell okay they already know when they want to buy or sell they know when and what and why they even know how much they want to sell for they don't really need us to tell them when to buy or sell or even really what price to sell for they already know it all they've already got all the research now every day every every prospect has all the research they need to figure out what things are worth they got they don't need that they're already doing it it's not really to me we're not sales people right we're just helping people do what they're already doing right the cell is is do they feel comfortable with me as the one to help them do it right so i don't know i don't know when i go in for a close i mean they're pretty much closing me at that point you know they're begging me let's you're right you want to do this deal ricky or what i'm like [Laughter] well and you and you know we laugh about that but that's that's that's really true right it's well it's true not to sell yeah and and sometimes you've i mean sometimes there's a case where you go yeah you should sell but not with me right like when like i've never said that all right all right fair enough now now now if it's a commercial deal or if it's a not all commercial deals i mean i've done some but like if it's something out of my wheelhouse you know but if it's residential or if it's out of my area an hour away you know maybe yeah but my point is is when you is when you focus on what you're saying right as you focus on five new relationships focus on 2023 business right is is you get to the point where you can you can qualify the people that you work with a little bit as well and you can be selective with the people that you want to work with um and and be because you're because you're building that business you're building those relationships uh and i and i think that anyway as you said that that's that's what that that made me think of but okay so i've got another question here um right now in the markets that we get right there's there's homes are selling like where we're at locally here in utah homes are usually gone under contract within 48 hours right that's that's how it's it's going for us right now so the question is if i sell where do i go right now so are you seeing that conversation from potential sellers if i sell i'm worried i'm not going to be able to find a place uh how how should we be handling that objection right now there that that that condition that people are giving is i'm worried i'm not gonna be able to find a place if i sell the one i'm in talk to you in two years when the market flips [Music] okay move on yes yes listen guys you can't close every single prospect okay yes there's a huge i mean guys there's no inventory would you want to sell and you know what it's doing it's building up seller demand there's pent up seller demand there's so many people that want to upgrade their home or downgrade there's so many people that want to move locations they want to be on the water they want a bigger house they want a smaller house and that and the number of those people are accumulating every day that can't do it because there's nothing to buy so what's going to happen when the market flattens out if interest rates move up a tad i don't know what's going to happen that's going to make this thing flip a little bit but there's going to be a moment when all the sellers and plus sellers are also thinking i'm leaving money on the table if i sell right now how much higher is this going to go it's going up why should i sell so we're built where it's it's this pent-up seller demand is building and it's accumulating and what's going to happen is there's going to be a moment when we when sellers realize okay it's already turning i need to hurry up as this thing starts to plateau i don't i need to catch it at the top and everybody's going to go with everybody's going to realize it at the same time and boom we're going to get like a like a shot in the arm with inventory all of a sudden and it's going to be pure euphoria for real estate agents because during that little little 30 to 60 day window okay we're gonna have plenty of listings to choose from for just a second because the demand remember the demand is still going to be there too and so these listings come on the demand is going to eat those listings up but here's the thing we have the demand we're working with buyers who missed out on five homes and now all of a sudden there's going to be a bunch of listings on the market all of a sudden a little shot in the arm it's going to be euphoria man because those sellers are going to call the people that they created that created relationships with them during this time they're going to call them the list and you're going to be one that also has two or three buyers that are interested in that house you're going to double in you're going to double in so many deals is i'm telling you when this happens and the market flattens out and we get that shot in the arm and you also still have motivated buyers in your pocket there's going to be a 30-60 day window of euphoria where you're double ending deals you're getting listings things are selling you're going to make so much money in a 90-day period it's going to be unreal then it's going to flatten back out to whatever wherever the market direction goes at that point but we're building up some seller pent-up demand now how do you handle these these sellers who you know currently right in the in this current situation how do we handle sellers who are telling us this we have to explain to them you know say listen okay here's here's house you have here's what it's worth here's where you want to be here's the kind of house you want you want let's just keep our eyes open let's keep our eyes open for that house question mr seller can you buy and then sell or do you have to sell before you can buy because if you have to sell before you can buy that puts us in a situation where the market may be a little too tight for you right now let's watch it let's see as it changes maybe something will shake loose if you're in the position where you can buy and then sail hey we may be in the driver's seat here let's see if something comes out that you like we'll go for it see if we can lock it in if we lock it in if you guys like it you feel good about it we can put your house on the market after we get it under contract or we can even wait till you close before we put your put your current house on the market so there's a lot of questions you know i would have to ask a seller to kind of see it goes back to learning why people want to do stuff what their situation is i'm telling you it always comes back to this well and and as you were saying that right i was thinking of competitive comment that you made earlier that i have to know why and and and yeah there's a lot of conversations to have with sellers but if you know that that reason why if you know the situation know that the conditions around the circumstances that they're in then then it becomes far easier to take the right path between where they're at now and where they want to be right because there's a lot of paths between where they're at now and where they want to be and what you're saying is look if i really know the motivation and the situation and the circumstances then i can take the best path between point a and point b yeah exactly i don't know the full situation so it's hard to answer that question so that's that's step one learn more about the situation but also realize that they may not be a client today you know not everybody is going to be and so we can't try to figure out a way just because they're motivated to do something if they could this isn't if you can market this is a i got to you have to you have to be in a situation where i have to what buyer is going to compete against 15 buyers and pay 50 000 over asking price a very very motivated buyer that's the only buyers that are out here buying right now you don't you're not buying anything if you don't have to buy right now right right and you're not selling if you don't have to sell you know unless it's a it's a it's it's a it's a absentee owner unless it's a second home unless it's an investment property where you have a lot of equity now that the markets went up so much and you want to take some profits now this dives into our second segment or as i like to call let's get listings segment we've got old expireds we've talked about geo leads let's talk about investors second homes absentee owners gold mined these people don't live in these houses went up astronomically why wouldn't they want to take some money off the table right now sure not all of them but there sure are great candidates because they don't have to replace their home they can take their money off the table put it put it somewhere drawing interest until the market comes back down or something i don't know i'm not a financial wizard but i would say that these are far better uh possibilities of someone that might actually sell if you ask me than somebody that owns a primary home yeah i i totally agree in that situation right you've got the absentee owners investors right because they can stay in their primary residence and not have to worry about where they're going to end up and still take advantage of of rising home prices fast transactions uh very few contingencies on contracts things like that they can still take advantage of that the for rent by owners right now with red x are for another shameless plug right are are so awesome for that right now because it is these absentee owners these these guys and gals like you and me that have a couple of rental properties and and we know the markets well enough and we know that hey you know what right now is a really good time to take some cash off the table and set that aside for for that time when it does when when we pass that euphoric 90 days that you mentioned and things maybe turn a little bit that's when they can they can put that money back in and and and reinvest and improve your situation maybe i don't want to predict right i don't want to say oh later it's going to be better to buy i'm not trying to say any of that i'm just saying the market is up right now and you can make a really nice profit on your property right this second if you're ever thinking about doing so as the market does ebb and flow and go through it cycles the fact is always going to remain don't focus on transactions focus on five new friends a day five new friends a day five days a week 25 in a week 100 in a month 1200 a year 24 36 48 call it 5 000 property owners you talked to got their information you're sending a weekly email every single week on the same day forever you're number one in your market yep absolutely so um what other what are their final thoughts right we've we've covered a bunch of stuff here which i mentioned at the beginning right how many times did i say the good stuff what'd you say eight times eight yeah eight or nine we've gone over the good stuff again i'm still shooting for that baker's dozen right that's what i'm going for but but uh we covered a lot of material in the past 35 minutes uh and there's there's there's a tremendous amount there that people can take away they can apply into their business we talked about old expireds we talked about geo leads we mentioned for rent by owners absentee owners uh second home markets vacation homes any final thoughts for people right now ricky i i love i i love that anybody could go and view any of our podcasts where we've interviewed you and the message is the same right is is focus on the relationship build your database look ahead right that's that's like that's like the ricky message is in every podcast that we've given any final thoughts for people as we as we wrap up here yeah just i mean the number one thing is stop letting any outside factors you have zero control over have anything to do with you and your success the market has nothing to do with you and your success nothing is stopping you from creating five new relationships with property owners every day nothing it doesn't matter what interest rates are supply demand nothing stops you from doing that activity every single day not there's nothing that can stop you can you think of anything that can stop you from doing this no i would also love for someone to challenge me on is there anything better is there a better strategy for a real estate agent than to call property owners for two cents a piece in your market targeted property owners for two cents a piece just to make friends just to make friends and see if there's something you can do to help them followed by a weekly email on the same day of the week forever if someone knows a strategy better than that please send it to me because i'm dying i've asked hundreds of thousands and maybe millions at this point of people to please give me something better and i've yet to see anything whatsoever so understand i didn't say anything there about social media i didn't say anything there about zillow leads i didn't say anything there about direct mail all of which produce results all of which produce results i'm just saying what's most efficient how do you scale a business how do you keep it simplified the people the successful people in this world everything's super simple they make it seem simple like oh it just makes it look so easy kind of thing because it is easy guys it's easy to make five new friends with property owners a day and do a weekly email all right so why aren't you doing it that's my question for the day why aren't you doing it there you go i love it ricky as always man it's it's fantastic to have you on here uh things are things are are are going well and uh and we like to see that so thank you we we love to uh we love to have you on here uh guys and gals thank you so much for being here with us uh there's a a lot of valuable information a lot of good stuff there i think that's number 13 ricky a lot of good stuff that we went over here today um you can uh as i mentioned please subscribe to the podcast updates make sure that you get that uh if you're uh you can check out our red x elite prospectors group on facebook is another really good place to connect with other people using red x leads using vortex using the wave power dialer and and finding success there it's a great place to find role play partners and and get other information specifically about red x if you're new to the podcast you want to catch up on our old episodes you can find those on apple podcast spotify google soundcloud wherever you like to listen search for the red x podcast and then subscribe to that make sure you get uh get uh notifications of the new releases that we come out with every day again ricky carruth thanks man for being with us we appreciate it we're going to be here next week guys and gals next thursday at 1 30. watch out for the email with uh with announcements of the topic and the guests that we're going to talk about but ricky thanks man we appreciate it very much my pleasure guys my pleasure [Music]
Channel: REDX Real Estate Prospecting Solutions
Views: 3,891
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REDX, REDX Podcast, real estate, real estate training, real estate prospecting, cold calling, real estate expireds, real estate leads, real estate lead generation, SOI, Sphere of influence, Ricky Carruth, Ricky Carruth REDX, old expireds, old expired
Id: CBJQV89lMps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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