The Really Loud House is a Live Action DISASTER

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hello everyone Tunechi here cartoon Chi if you're so pleased apologies for taking a lot of breaks recently I spent most of my time away from YouTube planning out more YouTube videos so try to pretend that massive upload Gap isn't there just like how I convinced myself to not feel crushingly depressed when a project I poured my heart into underperforms which brings us to the topic of today's video the loud house is a show that even my closest friends are getting sick of me talking about I'll stop beating this dead horse when it stops spitting out money is what I'd be saying if YouTube didn't revoke my monetization over my passport expiring but unfortunately for Mrs wobble Frack I regardless of cash am driven to watch free full episodes of a live-action kid show purely for the clout game the doctor said I should stop taking Benadryl before I am considered criminally insane but down in the Underworld we block out the haters for real for real onto the topic at hand the loud house is a popular Nickelodeon show that fell off I made a terrible video on its decline one million views later and I'm talking about its constant stream of new content outside the main show itself I haven't watched it since that original video but I have seen the official loud House movie and the live-action Christmas movie that both released last year oh my God safe to say [ __ ] was mid but the live-action Christmas movie in particular was far more interesting as a study piece into a modern tragedy add a green filter and some dramatic music to Lincoln's insane behavior and you'd have a pretty good Oscar Contender but it was also shortly announced after that and not only was the loud house getting a seventh season there had also been all new live-action TV series adaptation running at the same time creatively titled the really loud house and would retain the cast from the Christmas movie immediately I was confused and so was everyone else why are you running the original show at the same time as a live-action Recreation this isn't a fairly odd scenario where the original show was long dead before it was brought into the world with the grace of a ferment nuclear mushroom cloud it was just the same show but in live action running at the same times the original Nickelodeon have always been greedy especially with the loud house with uh varying results after they canceled the Cleveland Show spin-off but this was quite an anomaly and an anomaly and anomaly I promised myself I would not watch until no one watched my amphibia video so my hand has now been forced I sat down and watched the free episodes that are currently out because yes there are going to be more of these a whole season in fact and if they're anything like the episodes that I've seen then then oh boy white man has been here how can you tell child exploitation this was precisely what I feared was gonna happen when the show got real by the way I firmly believe that no live-action showrunner at Nick should be allowed 500 feet away from a school zone extend that to the fan base as well while you're at it keep bumbling I'm not calling anyone anything here but a rule of thumb is that if your live-action show features child actors doing rather humiliating fetishy [ __ ] then you may need to be incarcerated and again for the people who think it's weird to rip into a kid's show no one has any issue when people do it to other kid shows of the same age demographic yet loud house keeps getting slapped with the this is for baby sticker If it's fun to rip into then I'll rip into it without further Ado onto the show itself [Music] I'll be discussing all three episodes so far as one subject instead of going Episode by episode because this show is pretty much a death by a thousand cut scenario it's true that future episodes could be better or even worse but I'm not watching this show again after this let's get some positives out the way actually just like with the Christmas movie I really like the set design and dedication to making everything look as accurate to the actual cartoon as possible costume design is on point props are on point the rooms are Wonder one of their cartoon counterparts visually outside of some awful CGI the show is solid and everyone least looks like they're having fun here once again [ __ ] you if you bully a child actors or their appearances I will be poking fun at some of the performances here though because they're painfully obnoxious which is not anyone's fault here apart from a few outliers or of the cast members from the Christmas movie make their return including Wolfgang Shaffer as Lincoln loud although I'm not sure why he's still here after the Christmas movie caused him to go bold that's not a joke by the way in the behind the scenes for this show they reveal that Sheffer is just wearing a wig in the show because the white guy they gave him in the Christmas movie caused this hair to start thinning out good job guys [Applause] my hair kind of fell out I don't know man personally I'd say Okay praising time is over time for me to start being a [ __ ] look it's Satan thankfully Lincoln is toned down a lot more than he was in the Christmas movie where he regularly engaged in domestic terrorism he's just an incredibly bratty twatty annoying child now which is definitely more in line of his cartoon counterparts it's just a shame that that also sucks you'll notice right away that the show's comedy is well I have a bob pimple it makes me want to stab It's a combination of trying to be hip trying to be self-aware and trying to be cartoony with just a touch of intentional cringe comedy filling out all the requirements for being a CIA torture device I always knew it wasn't a coincidence for this show to be made during a major war it's good to see the psychological warfare is back on the menu well more like psychological lobotomy the basic plot synopsis for episode 1 I can provide is that Lincoln and Clyde want to watch Andrew Tate at midnight to obtain a promo code that gets them a macho man badge I'm surprised they're still fans of rip hardcore after he spent the last 20 minutes of the Christmas movie trying to kill them but I'm guessing the stress is caused early onset dementia um hello base Department I mean no foul to the guy who played him in the movie but I think that rip hardcore was definitely bigoted Lincoln loud what color is your Bugatti I'll personally take trans Ally hardcore any day extremely based there's nothing cooler than a badge that's why I want to join the FBI as a badgemaker why is Clyde a Fed [ __ ] this really is a a torture device isn't it it appears client portraying the working class was one of the legendary seven twists it also seems they're still being lazy with audio because I [ __ ] V not lad I recognized a lying being reused from the Christmas movie this is picking that knit rather hard I apologize and I think it speaks volumes as to just how much care actually goes into the series outside of the visuals God it never ends well at least Lincoln isn't as annoying as it used to be everyone goes to bed before midnight not one minute later never mind this is very do we have to suffer you've privileged little [ __ ] how many 11 year olds get to stay up past midnight [ __ ] past nine PM if they're lucky so basically because Lucy has been staying awake for three days straight the parents are only now enforcing a midnight curfew on their family of 10 kids under the age of 18. you're not very good at this this of course flies in the face of Lincoln's plans especially because Lynn senior is celebrating his half birthday on the day of the Andrew Tate Stream So the rest of the episode then consists of Lincoln and Clyde helping out the loud sisters in a series of painfully unfunny skits you pick it up later which is literally so they'll all cover for him at the celebration while he stays at home to watch TV ignoring the fact that Lincoln is a little [ __ ] for this this episode is just incredibly weird but there's no real way I can describe this but there's this distinct feeling of discomfort that I get from watching this show I don't know if it's the show's over Reliance on cringe comedy how uncanny it is to see these cartoon characters in live action their performances or what's but it's a uniquely painful experience I haven't had anything come close to for a long time and if you're driving home please take a car oh my gosh that is so funny I'll be using that clip from now on counting it I think it's more or less a problem with Nickelodeon sitcoms in general we as a society are long past the age of cooling things cringe as a critique and that's the only word I have to describe how uncomfortable it is to watch this I also can't tell if continuity errors are supposed to be a part of the joke but they come off as more of a mistake I will give the show some credit though Lynn senior is pretty funny I actually look forward to any scene he's in because he's the best part of the show [Music] Crossing in and out of uncanny cringe and that is not my fetish [ __ ] let's get the elephant in the room shot and buried I made this tweet a few days ago expressing my overall disgust with some of the fetishy content present in this series which is unfortunately a problem as old as Nickelodeon itself everyone knows about Dan Schneider's Antics and I don't want to go straight up accusatory on the people behind this but it gets to a point where you really have to consider are they thinking about what's being shown on screen or is this intentional this will all make sense once we get to the third episode but keep this in mind for now a general rule of thumb is that when creating a piece of Children's Entertainment that can be enjoyed by the whole family it's customary to not cross the line of weirdo [ __ ] for a slapstick gag especially if it involves real children it's just [ __ ] weird for the time being we're stuck at episode 1 and for Nickelodeon standards there have certainly been worse sitcoms than this but at that point you're making a judgment of character based on how many war crimes someone has committed I think if 90 of your cast causes the average person to develop Suicidal Thoughts upon speaking don't let me give you what I got so far I'm on Blog TV with my [ __ ] hands up let's be real she would be incredibly racist I may be a genius Lola but what do you think's gonna happen when Dad notices you're not at his party I didn't think about that unlucky keep bumbling [ __ ] there's also lots of unintentionally funny stuff here too like this melodramatic breakdown Lincoln has after rolling a negative 21st perception check then like 10 seconds later he rubs two brain cells together and says hey let's disguise the robot because yes that's also a plot Point Lisa creates a robot and they disguise it as Lincoln and this is a scene that really benefits from being a silly cartoon because when written in a real setting you start to realize just how many of these characters have a chromosomal disorder like you get the awkward scene of the fake saying something sus where you get the long pause before the other character responds usually along the lines of wow you're pretty smart actually but I swear the sequence lasts like 40 seconds and it goes from being intentional cringe company to unintentional hilarity as they zoom in on Lin's stupid [ __ ] face while he went through his brain to load Internet Explorer oh I am it's probably also a good time to mention the pacing is absolutely insane the loud House's main trademark is its fast pacing but the high energy of the cartoon just feels off in a live action show that isn't as expressive as a cartoon I do think that out of all the Nickelodeon's cartoons the loud house does have the highest likelihood of working in a live-action setting given how grounded it usually is or how it used to be before the dragons and Magic Stones God that movie really did exist in it but it's a likelihood not a certainty and as we can see here the show is the opposite of certain I'll give them this though Lin senior's whole speech about why he celebrates his half birthday was actually sort of touching not kidding Bryce de Panic is genuinely a good actor and he really delivers with his comedic lines in his heartfelt ones it's just a shame that Lincoln's response is to not tell him the truth of his actions but instead to say that they were all lying to him about Lincoln just staying at home because he was actually just planning his real celebration and I'm sorry at least you admitted you were wrong in the Christmas special here you just lied to your parents twice no repercussions and despite it being a sweet thing to do it kind of undercuts the message they're trying to teach I got no quarrel of a kid show not teaching morals but when they attempt to and fail it's honestly kind of pathetic overall episode 1 isn't the worst thing ever but it's still not very good and highlights are lots of issues with Nick's live-action Productions also this song is [ __ ] shut up episode 2 is an equal disaster on all fronts but despite that this episode actually had several moments that made me laugh all of which came from Brian stepanek as Lynn senior who was trying his hardest to carry the episode with every fiber of his being there's one thing I'm proud of is the fact that I can keep track of all my kids where are all my kids I know where Lily is right she's in another dimension great the jokes themselves aren't even that good but delivery is pretty decent and it makes him the main part of the episode I look forward to seeing when the focus wasn't on the sisters or the main plot involving Lincoln and Clyde Lincoln tries to get out of doing chores by doing a terrible job only for Clyde to accidentally snitch on him and this results in them being put in lawn mowing Duty where they reenact Grand Theft Auto and get arrested wait wait what the [ __ ] what kind of Chainsaw man pacing is this things just sort of happened in this show like there are major escalations of the absolute weirdest [ __ ] possible and it really just melts the mind I have a bob pimple oh my gosh that is so funny it begins with trying to get out of chores only for Lincoln and Clyde to get wrapped up in police work and end up arresting a well-known gang of cannibals he ground up Pablo's entire gang into a milkshake and drank them it's true they were what is happening every person in this episode besides a loud family just because they want to pack up and go home that works for a lot of the episodes actually no one outside the loud family looks like they want to be here and even for the people that do look like they're having fun again besides Brian's the Panic they're giving borderline obnoxious performances that I guess are their best efforts of the monstrosity of a script they've been given there isn't a whole lot to say about episode 2 because it's fairly simple the scenes involving Lynn senior are kind of funny and everything else brings me immeasurable pain if the show was just like this some below average sitcom from Nickelodeon then I could put up with it but then there's episode three I've launched a lot of butt pimples in my day that one fought back with that overnight he'll be good as new in the morning who made this and how do I legally assassinate that if Episode 2 was the episode to Showcase a few of the show's merits Exit 3 is the point where they conform to basically every negative preconceived notion people have about Nickelodeon sitcoms it is genuinely one of the most uncomfortable episodes of Television I have ever witnessed and I think it should be classified as a constitutional outrage you know those stories where a character embarrasses themselves in front of the entire school or just a large group of people and is then put through absolute hell for the next 10 to 20 minutes yeah this is one of those however everything is somehow worse by about 11 trillion the episode features the arrival of a new girl to Lincoln School that he falls for you'd think you could predict where this goes but oh my God it's a [ __ ] doozy Lincoln School has their own news team and every time someone new arrives in school there's a mandatory interview that they show to the entire school first of all massive dick move with the person in question was incredibly anxious or self-conscious second of all Lincoln zones out as she's talking responding there were very insensitive comments that already further embarrasses himself and then out of nowhere after about five seconds of nothing I have a bob pimple Lincoln has a I'm not even gonna dignify that and it's brought up as an offhand joke earlier in the episodes you're like oh so they're gonna bring up as a running gang I get that even if it's not even funny you don't just expect him to randomly blurt it out for no reason like you do you do stupid things under pressure I get that but like talk about forcing a conflict so this episode went from being about Lincoln's new love interest to being about him going into hiding because he's become a laughing stock including to his own siblings which [ __ ] you I believe there was a season one episode where Lincoln embarrasses her sisters on the internet and they were mad at him so in response he embarrassed himself and they understood that he tried to make things right it's morally a bit dubious but you can see where things maybe it had inconsistent here right like this isn't the animated series and Loud house is not exactly renowned for continuity but these are the same characters so logically you'd expect them to act the same especially if they insensitively torment Lincoln of his humiliation like Christ the entire episode is just against the poor guy and link is not exactly a likable character terrorists and all that but he didn't do anything morally wrong in this episode I don't think you expect the school to be against him but [ __ ] his own family friends even we then receive about 15 seconds of the girl showing Link in the sparta remix of his humiliation through Tick Tock no that's not a setup for an ironic joke that's actually played completely straight there's like several layers of unfunniness to this really weird subplot involving the parents and not even step in it can save this Whoever has stomach issues get your farts out now oh my gosh that is I'm gonna start keeping the tally for everything remotely fetishy in this show at this point there's far too many coincidences for them to just be one-off gags it's also during this subplot where Liam Rita decided they need a family doctor so they don't want to try their luck at affording Healthcare in today's economy and we then get entire 10 second slow motion sequence with a romantic song playing in the background for the most 5 out of 10 man I've ever seen in my life while Lin and Rita presumably fall in love with him like Hey I'm not gonna judge but like better standards maybe like they spend the rest of the episode awkwardly trying to get him to be their doctor Rita channeled her family's lineage of incest to use the least Charming southern accent I've ever heard yes I said lineage of incest in the loud House movie all of the loud's ancestors died as children during the Medieval Era a time where Royal inbreeding was standard practice so what do you imply from that the loud ancestors just casually hooking up with men possibly over a decade older than them or inbreeding yeah when you look at those interpretations this little oversight is a sad bit yikes the whole episode is the definition of uncomfortable it's almost the same Vibes I got from Arnold portrays icky but with more of a comedic Edge to it in massive quotations of course there is then a scene where Lincoln's pants are stripped down so the doctor can Wrangle his butt pimple you are [ __ ] sick and right after this the camera pans all the way down puts Lincoln's ass front and center I don't know if I could even describe this without being flagged this is up there for one of the most shameful uncomfortable [ __ ] moments I have ever seen from a children's show this wouldn't be as bad if it were animated plenty of cartoon characters are animated in their undies after all but this is a real child a child actor wearing a [ __ ] oh my God I don't want to insinuate anything about the people behind the show they could have just simply thought it was funny but I personally think including fart gags brutal humiliation and this in a kid's show and acting out with real people is indescribably careless especially given the kind of fans this franchise notoriously has if you don't think this is weird at least there is something wrong with you Dan Schneider can get away with his blatant foot fetish on every show he's worked on for Nick for decades I'd rather not let stuff like this slip by personally even if I'm wrong God it gets worse thank you I [ __ ] hate all of you oh and this pic of linking at the door also gets shared around the school like holy God how do you get away with half of this stuff we don't get a scene where Mr Beast invites Lincoln onto his sitcom to talk about his humiliation no this is not a setup for an ironic joke this is played completely straight he gets asked to be here to improve his image only to realize he's just being brought on to get embarrassed more luckily Lincoln uses this opportunity to give the generic speech of not judging people for who they are and like good message and all like it's just severely undercut by how [ __ ] everything else is by the way I thought these little talk shows and interviews were for the school but apparently the Dilemma of this pre-teen boy wearing a [ __ ] diaper is being watched by Times Square and the United Nations this is so bizarre and I'm also laughing at the low production value rather than the idea itself I love that they just grabbed a random crowd cheering green screen from YouTube slapped it onto a video of Times Square with no foot put into the perspective I don't expect good effects from Nickelodeon but you couldn't even be bothered to pay a bunch of extras to just start cheering at the screens oh and after all of that Lincoln gets cocked at the End by Mr Beast and spends the rest of his day in a grave the rest of his family where they shall never be Unearthed ever again thank you [Music] I'm done I am never touching this franchise again unless I find the idea funny hope you enjoyed I don't care that there are going to be more episodes after this I am never touching this again hope you will have a good evening and if you're under the age of 18 interested in an acting career and get spotted by a Nickelodeon executive run [Music] I never go [Music]
Channel: Cartoonshi シ
Views: 482,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Loud House, The Really Loud House, Rant, Entertainment, Video Essay, comedy, TV, Television, Nickelodeon, NickToons, Lincoln Loud, Awful, atrocious, review, Cartoons, Cartoonshi, animation, A Salty Critique, Critique, TLH, The Painful Decline, lol, memes, stop, looking, at, my, tags, Overrated, Overhyped, A Loud House Christmas, reboot, cringe, This, took, way, too, long, to, edit, Twitter, live action, Fandom, TLH Fanbase, bad, Cartoon, Rip Hardcore
Id: A9nCOsbMjy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2022
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