The PAINFUL Decline of The Loud House

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[Music] i love the loud house i think that it's the best cartoon currently airing on nickelodeon at the moment the loud house may just be the best cartoon currently airing on nickelodeon it is starting to seem like nickelodeon has been actually listening to everyone's complaints you truly enjoy the episodes then in my opinion based off of the consistency with execution you would love many of the loud house episodes nickelodeon is back with a vengeance everything is proceeding as i have foreseen [Laughter] you know i'm noticing a complete lack of balls in this room well it appears i'm still alive unfortunately are you still alive you are joking although you draw a completely different conclusion if you saw how youtube's been treating me recently [Laughter] hey have you ever been wrong about something i know i have i know as much as it would please you so so much i'm not talking about my stances on steven universe and the owl house because you guys can eat [ __ ] hey i'll go look at this cartoon shy's two videos were made in bad faith and more concerned with creating outrage towards the owl house fans and stirring up twitter drama then actually critiquing the show remember guys bad faith only applies when the criticism is mostly negative speaking of shows with the words the house i distinctly remember a certain show getting a lot of hype and praise back in 2016. i wonder how it's doing now well before we get into that mess it's time to explain exactly why this thing was so hyped before it first aired ah great it's spreading hey hey it's spreading people [Music] nickelodeon there's no feeling quite like watching a previous force be reckoned with in the animation scene slowly crumbled to pieces over corporate greed they're always so upfront and bubbly those corporations will take care of your creative vision we promise many have tried to speak out about it but freedom of speech just ain't welcome when it's the opposing side people just haven't grasped that yet no cartoon she i don't see abuse of power i see a private company whatever you say pal maybe these private companies should do something about their rampant pedoph oh i'm sorry map problem almost got cancelled there it's almost like hollywood and corporations don't have people's best interests at hearts that is not true well in any case nickelodeon is a corporation that's been on the decline in terms of quality not in money by any chance they know what they're doing as a business and i gotta hand it to them they do know how to swindle people into working for them nick is by no small estimation one of the best the culture here really is fantastic nick has been getting a little frustrating of their treatment of other cartoons though most of the time not giving them a single chance to walk before smothering them in broad daylight the naive will say that nick is incompetent that they're doing this because they're evil and don't know how to run a good business i see it as the exact opposite they already have a sustainable business needing to experiment would just be a waste of money also i don't know about you but making sure the legend of korra can't be seen on live television was secretly a favor what did you say [ __ ] you want me to go further however some misguided with optimistic people who think optimism is about denying reality because they don't like it specifically came together to praise and hype up this brand new show coming to nickelodeon very soon the loud house is a nickelodeon cartoon created by chris misconduct in 2016 for sex pests on deviantart lead us not into temptation but deliver us the fullest avengers of the loud family a group of underage children that share a close and loving familial bond with each other [Applause] now when the show was first revealed it initially had a lot of hype for some reason people were mainly happy that nickelodeon had made a cartoon that looked to rival the iconic shows they made back in the 90s and early 2000s and in all fairness it certainly had that vibe going for it interesting premise decent theme song and created by an industry veteran who couldn't keep it in his pen yeah that sounds like classic nickelodeon all right couple with fluid animation and a nice art style there was certainly a lot to get excited about if you were one of the few people in the cartoon community that cared about animation outside of the seventy percent that only gave a [ __ ] about the next big story focusing for them to obsess over since most of them are still teenagers stuck in a fandom phase so realistically this show should have failed [ __ ] thing sucks so there was the loud house scheduled for may 2016 and then it finally aired and uh i don't think anyone could have predicted how insanely popular the show got within its first few months of airing within a month the loud house had managed to somehow defeat spongebob in ratings you know the show that killed basically all of its competition for over a decade i'm still upset about that by the way and beyond the success of the show on tv it also amassed a pretty large fandom in what appears to be a record amount of time i've never seen a fandom for a nickelodeon show that's as big as the loud house and i've never seen a fandom for a show grow quite as quickly and they didn't even need a gay character yet not to mention all the free press it was getting from the [ __ ] mindless people in the cartoon community who parrot the exact same [ __ ] with no critical thinking to their fan bases you couldn't go anywhere in the cartoon community in summer 2016 without someone saying nickelodeon is back the best cartoon currently airing on nickelodeon at the moment nickelodeon has been actually listening to everyone's complaints the loud house has a bigger penis than me all of this was parroted into people's minds by many influential youtubers in the cartoon community and i am genuinely shocked that not enough people took a step back and said hang on is this one nicktoon really going to change anything short answer is no it clearly didn't if you think one successful cartoon that starts out not being as bad as the others on the network would melt nickelodeon's corporate heart then you're barking up the wrong tree like trying to convince your schizophrenic grandfather to actually take his pill so he can see what life is like without the cartoon sponge that dances around his deathbed sure it was similar to nick's iconic shows from the 90s but think realistically here people now of all this hype and given what i've said so far you've probably come to the conclusion that the show was bad and not worth anyone's time but surprisingly no at least not yet loudhouse's first season was actually enjoyable for the most part contrary to what some people in its fandom say the first season of the show was undoubtedly its best it knew what it was it had a simple well-executed premise he didn't fully rely on the lowest common denominator to laugh at toilet humor and a genuinely amusing merits of its own topped off with mostly likable characters i think it's [ __ ] don't get me wrong it was overhyped as [ __ ] but the show was of a quality that i've been missing from nickelodeon for a while now there were a few episodes however that were but that's a given for a nickelodeon show anyway the loud house was certainly a respectable nicktoon for its first season however eventually this would all come tumbling down pretty damn quickly when the second season of the show first aired it was clear there were going to be quite a few problems but while season 2 wasn't the worst thing i've ever seen although at times it got pretty [ __ ] close it wasn't until the show's third and fourth seasons where people began to notice that something was irrefutably wrong can you guess what it was i'll give you some time time's up did you guess correctly no we're not going there you take me for some kind of deviant no as much as the unfortunate positions the shows child characters are put into that's a problem that mainly stems from the show's fan base if you picked answer c then you'd be half right a shocking surprise i know in true 2010's fashion each season managed to undo the good will the show had built up in its short existence and quickly turned always once a promising return to form into nickelodeon's next cash cow revealing the problems with the show on the writing level and also what its mere existence and current treatment means for the future of the network you think i'm exaggerating they gave the show a spin-off and i'm not trying to be funny here it is absolutely [ __ ] abysmal you want to know why exactly the loud house came tumbling down it's a story of greed a story of purely playing it safe all parts of a master plan or you know maybe because this show is [ __ ] a few reasons are actually at play here and we'll get into them in a second but i first want to get some stuff out of the way that some of you may be wondering about cartoon she you said you loved the loud house and that was one of your favorite nicktoons two years ago yes i'm aware i've given the show a tad too much credits as 2019 was the year i began to view media a lot more critically and my thoughts on the loud house had not changed at that point also i think you can tell from that video's quality that i was kind of a [ __ ] i would like to preface this video of the following for those who are unfamiliar with this channel or me personally god i hate my old videos my thoughts on how i consume media have changed since the far-off days of 2019 so spare me some mercy please i am also aware that there are some people who defend this show rather religiously and that some people may be upset by this video so i like to take this chance to say that you are not special and i do not give a single [ __ ] about you or your feelings enjoy what you want but acknowledge the flaws if you want an understanding challenge them if you feel they're inaccurate by all means but if you wish to tell me that in your opinion the show is flawless and that you wish i was dead or that i would stop reviewing things i will simply laugh at you you have been a worthless unspecial child since the day your mother [ __ ] you out in a public restroom let's get on with the show starting off with an explanation because i need to be more aware of the iq of the people watching my videos seasonal rot is a term used to describe an installment in any long-running series is widely held to even notably poorer quality than the other installments often titled a dislike of a specific arc but can also perform episodic shows in other words star verses yes that was a particularly easy target but you get what i'm saying seasonal rot yeah that's right you def cuts in a shocking turn of events a modern cartoon from the 2010s that's in its late season begins a sharp decline in quality or in some cases gets even worse than it originally was now before you type your next paragraph filled without homonyms because i said adventure time has been bad since season five again i mean just imagine the state reddit would be in the next time i upload if they didn't rely on them it should be worth noting at the same nickelodeon show there isn't a single nickelodeon show that hasn't in some way suffer from seasonal rots okay fine there are only two shows from nickelodeon that haven't suffered from seasonal rots so the fact that loud houses encountered this problem isn't exactly surprising i mean getting your autistic vision milkmanik loading anyway is equivalent to a monkey paw the problem is that for the loud house that seemed to happen far too quickly compared to any other show in network's history why is this exactly well wait what's that you thought the creator of a nickelodeon show wasn't a piece of [ __ ] but in all seriousness it wasn't just the show's creator getting fired for being too based that ruins shows quality although that definitely most likely played a part in it it's also the quality of the script from the current writers also even when chris weinstein was on the show it still didn't stop season 2 from being a gigantic croc of [ __ ] let's get a few things about the loud house out of the way it's not a big continuity driven show of continuing plot thread it is a purely episodic show and thus i should absolutely criticize it as such except for when it isn't but we're not going to go there a good place to start would be the episode structure because boy if allowed how's it one of the most predictable shows i've ever seen now something that initially made the loud house actually worth watching was its ability to make predictable plots and mundane episode ideas entertaining with its own spin on things now control your [ __ ] hormones you pubic laos loud house for sure isn't taking a page from the ryan johnson school of subverting expectations although on a related note it does take a page from the ryan johnson school of squirting anal fluid on a decent ip but that's besides the point what loudhouse does do however is add little pieces of its own charm humor and character chemistry and it makes another ways thunder death concept to welcome an enjoyable surprise like eating a kinder egg in the uk and not being labeled a terrorist this is done in part thanks to the show being about the chaotic family of the one boy in the middle of it lincoln loud going about mostly mundane activities in a large family and trying to make sure his sisters don't [ __ ] anything up and you know given the fact that this show is created to show chris grabbin's view of living in a big chaotic family it's not unreasonable to see a bit of him in lincoln lincoln is based women aren't funny this led to many episodes feeling very relatable and it was also a possible gold mine for some decent comedy as you can probably tell though this didn't carry over too well to later seasons i'm fine we'll get into the comedy in a second as you can probably guess from that setup the structure for a typical loud house episode is like this mundane activity or a relatable family activity presents itself a loud family called chaos thing to some sort of conflict conflict is then resolved in some way simple free act structure of an easily replicated formula just scour through your memories the day you got your [ __ ] kicked in at school for playing yu-gi-oh on your own because your weak-ass posture is asking for it and then turn it into a family-friendly episode of a nickelodeon show or alternatively make an episode of the kid version of you kissing the little sister of your older sister's boyfriend because that's not [ __ ] up at all maybe there's a reason for the incest obsession after all so this structure and formula worked well enough throughout season one so what went wrong if it suddenly turned so sour well don't worry you're pretty little heads it's only everything for starters the show eventually ran out of mundane family activities that were familiar to most people eventually substituting them for small scale episodes focused on specific characters not to flesh them out although those happen more frequently too but just for the characters to have self-contained adventures and these kind of varied i guess i mean most of them were [ __ ] show went from being about what it's like to grow up in a big family to now being an even more generic slice of life show about lincoln going to school to hang out with his nobody friends and the token black guy that cartoons put into their shows of representation but subsequently do nothing with them because they just don't care i use the racism to destroy the racism is a lot more than a meme now well maybe that's not fair clyde gets some attention every now and then but i want someone to tell me what the [ __ ] his personality is aside from the lovable character trait of being a bump monkey twink who has a bloody nosed orgasm when he sees lori for half a second i honestly can't stand however used the word simp is and its original meaning is pretty offensive shut the [ __ ] up like sure he gained some independence from his parents at one point but aside from that he really is just there so chris grabham can score some easy brownly points without putting effort into his character glad i clarified that last part i don't know why i did to be honest it's not like elaborating matters to people you know the people who jam one finger up their ass and use the over to mindlessly point at black characters and media and clap as if they're [ __ ] zoo animals who just [ __ ] out a clean peanut remind me who the racist one is again especially when it's clear the company really doesn't care at all i think not demanding standards for black representation other than the funny friend is a little worse than me pointing it out but i'm not going to judge out loud just a reminder that john boyega deserves so much better [Music] aside from that the sisters get episodes to themselves too but and this is going to be shocking don't care don't care and neither did the writers out of all the ones i've seen you'd have me stumped trying to find any of a truly exceptional although answers may vary depending on what fan of the show you ask [Music] like i'll give praise to the show in a second for the episodes where they decide to actually flesh the characters out but there are so many episodes where it's just one of the loud siblings doing something with no actual substance it's just uninteresting and not particularly entertaining and on self-defeating two the show is called the loud house it's about growing up in a large family in the chaos that ensues so creating so many of these episodes of the main characters doing things and hanging out with characters we don't know or care about might just be a huge [ __ ] handicap an element that makes typical loud house episodes flow well as the show's fast pace now unlike a story-driven show which needs to give you plenty of understandable details about the story at a certain pace not overwhelm or confuse people you yes you pay attention you'll be examined on this shortly the loud house is a cartoon that solely relies on its speed to work the first season is full of energy and frenetic action with a really fast soundtrack mostly comprised of rock or any other genre but just sped up so that it matches the scene i mean the show's theme song is genuinely fantastic and captures the spirit of what the show is supposed to be rather well loud house just simply works at its best with a fast pace much akin to another popular cartoon that suffered a similar fate the powerpuff girls no not that one i'm talking the original 90s powerpuff girls this was a fast-paced show that was never written or made in any way that allowed for a slow pace if the show had a slow pace hardly any of it would work and it would simply become well slow downright boring to most this is exactly what happened towards the end of the show's run where the episode run time was extended to 20 minutes from the usual 10 for some ass backwards reason for crying out loud cn you gave this show 20 minutes but not steven universe are you [ __ ] with my soul now this shouldn't be a problem normally you can write fast-paced episodes for a 20-minute cartoon it's just that the powerpuff girls was never going to work in such a way which then left us with many notorious scenes like this [Music] what was that no tell me what the [ __ ] was that that was pure a mitigated bum fluff that caused all the impact the joke had to disintegrate it wasn't a particularly clever joke but just look at how easily this could have been fixed that was easy it just became agonizing to watch now what was the point in me talking about the powerpuff girls well it's because it's repeated history the loud house as it progressed lost a lot of its edge with less focus being put on the family escapades the show's pacing had to be adjusted to the smaller scale episodes so the show that was originally the manifestation of properly disguised cocaine turned into an absolute [ __ ] bore this isn't to say every episode had a slow pace but it was definitely extremely noticeable that without the energy of the louds constantly bouncing off each other there was something missing from the show and this problem is further highlighted largely thanks to the season 3 episode of fridge too far which hearkened way back to the style of the first season being about the louds battling over each other's labeled leftovers in the fridge it's an otherwise mundane episode concept amped up to an absurd level due to the show's frenetic chaos it comes naturally when the louds are actually fulfilling the purpose of the show it was also pretty damn funny and it was clear this is the kind of scenario the show works best with because oh i don't know it's the reason it was made it's just frustrating because the show can evidently still be good but it never does so much the show's advertising is just center of chaos there will be chaos chaos chaos chaos everything about this [ __ ] show screams i'm an agent of chaos [ __ ] off you want to know what you get when you show that you're capable of bringing your show back to its gory days but fail to see just how different the stuff you continue to do is you get voltron legendary defender that's funny arthur that's the kind of humor we do on this show yeah just as funny as lance's character progression you want to hear another jerk about voltron i think we've had enough be a joke okay i'm yeah i'm sorry the pacing and structure both work together here along with the loss of the show's identity to create a show that is basically unrecognizable when compared to the first season what doesn't help is that now about either of these things as well as the show's originally funny writing gone the predictability of the episodes becomes unbearable you can see everything coming from a mile away like george bush on september 11 and it just makes for one of nickelodeon's most bland shows another thing i should probably add is that the show tends to get a bit carried away when it came to its mean spirits oh such a pretty girl disgusting now he's some kind of furry i wish it was that bad because that would be hilarious but instead the show settles for locking children out of houses so obviously someone on the writing team has to stain towards their partner for not buying good enough protection speaking of the loud house and protection here's a thumbnail i found please seek some help okay so to be honest means spirit doesn't really do it justice what i actually mean is that as the show progressed it suddenly lost control of its basic humanity leading to episodes like no such luck written by people who most likely gain pleasure by kicking random puppies in the middle of the street episodes like no such luck are [ __ ] information that one of the only aspects of the show you'll find most loud house fans absolutely despise for good reason too given to whoever wrote it probably tortures pigs in the dark web then again torturing pigs behind closed doors is standard fare in this industry no of course not all women are pig silly not every woman's a celebrity i mean maybe brain damage was caused behind closed scenes as well maybe that could explain the room temperature iq takes to keep seeing from these [ __ ] like you dead ass know these kids are on that pack like come on i ate a woman for the first time in my life and i'm having fun back to no luck [ __ ] it's literally child abuse played for a laugh like chris my man i know times were tough or pleasurable i didn't give a [ __ ] but am i supposed to find this funny an episode where lin loses one game and then begins a downward spiral of ruining lincoln's life because that's a great character like sure lincoln brought it upon himself by using bad luck as an excuse to get out of doing [ __ ] the crafty bugger but if you think i'm still going to laugh at him being locked out of the house and giving breakfast through the [ __ ] cat flap then i'm going to question why you're so happy laughing at it in the writer's room or sitting on your phone made out of your own [ __ ] and piss and while we're on the topic of casual hollywood satanism i mean mean spiritedness it should be worth mentioning that the first season was obviously not immune to some of this out on the limo haslin can become friends with some fat prick and then suddenly turns into a tory for the rest of the episode which as you can probably guess was fun in the same way scrolling through twitter is stimulating for your brain cells or [ __ ] it life expectancy but [ __ ] me did the rest of the seasons go overboard at times while some of it isn't simply being mean-spirited and is simply one of the characters uncharacteristically acting like a total gibbon for 10 minutes these character inconsistencies along with mean spiritedness don't give me a very positive view of the show's writer's room comparing season 1 to the later seasons are probably not helpful in this regard as they both have the same [ __ ] problem it's just that season 1 had considerably less of it and if we're going to dive deep into character inconsistencies despite all the characters getting their fair share of development throughout the show which i'll get into later it's retroactively [ __ ] meaningless as they'll be smiling and treating everyone fairly like a saint and then the next day will be conjuring the souls of hell to ravage the nearest sibling because someone ate all the [ __ ] oreo fins again there's no point in character development if they're going to them 180 back into being a senseless ninny again after the next 24 hours i'll go more in depth about that soon but it is strange how the show is able to make me like and sympathize with a character one episode and they made me pull out a [ __ ] crucifix the next time they're on screen it's like once every season one of the loud siblings gets a chance to be hitler for an episode you just have to endure it until they eventually learn their first lesson towards the end with the stock sad piano track followed by a oh i'm so sorry if only i knew what effect i was having on this current situation i wouldn't have [ __ ] off the logan paul apology [ __ ] that isn't writing it's radioactive sewage things onto a sheet of paper it isn't compelling your show's writing is equivalent to a volvo xc90 it's [ __ ] lame it's barely holding itself together what we can understandably get from this is that the absolute spunk that is the show's handling of heartfelt moments and ending lessons makes for moments where one would dare to face palm but that would be giving the show more effort in emoting how bad it is rather than simply talking about it so here we are in the future i get having sibling rivalry that's a real aspect of the show and one i'm not against in the slightest it's just when you make a character [ __ ] insufferable towards lincoln for no clearly justified reason it doesn't give me much of a reason to care about them once they finally get the development episode because i'm not sure about you but it's not particularly fun watching a character who's already proven himself to being annoying paris to take little kids the only character who i can think of that works with this is lola not just because she's bratty but because she's actually funny most of the time she can be overbearing and sometimes annoying but i was surprised that the one part of the show that remained consistent for the newer seasons was lola unfortunately despite her working excellently as an antagonist they still insist on tainting the other characters so [ __ ] something you'll notice when it comes to the show's messages and morals that are either executed in a way that's heartfelt this is a good thing order randomly dumped at the end of the episode with a final 30 seconds dedicated to a random [ __ ] apology scene or have morals that are so [ __ ] twisted the second they try and pass it off as a genuine thing to be teaching children i end up nearly rolling my eyes hard enough to permanently blind myself for the utter stupidity unfolding before me this was also a season one problem that's sadly gotten even worse of later seasons once again no such luck as the king of animated child abuse it's like the show's equivalent to arnold portrays iggy just without the possible kink baiting for potential pit maps save me once again i thank you well then there's prematurely unprocessed excrement like rule in the family that badly execute his message of leaving your siblings to fix their problems and undercuts it at the end by having everyone kick the [ __ ] out of each other in a scene uncannily similar to an irish happy hour all the while treating lincoln like complete [ __ ] although he didn't do himself many favors admittedly then there's the case where the episode is completely rotten to the [ __ ] core even without its morals like the absolutely god awful kings of the khan an episode that demonstrates exactly why the show's lack of continuity at points is so detrimental of the sisters taking no interest in the comic book lincoln likes at all despite a previous episode pop friction literally ending with them meeting the creator of the comic who's looking to make all the siblings characters in the upcoming issue that episode was good surprisingly it actually had a decent and satisfying ending as opposed to the cheap joke cynical [ __ ] the show pulls out from under the rug nowadays in kings of the khan they have no [ __ ] interest whatsoever besides fame and then after 20 minutes of excruciating agony not too dissimilar to the crippling depression i used to have the girls get all the fame and get to star in a movie well lincoln and clyde are left in the background to shovel [ __ ] in a not so subtle metaphor of what writing for the loud house is actually like i'm not going to rag on the episodes where morals aren't a focus but for the episodes to have morals as corruptly brazilian police force or as rotten as kings of the con if you think these subpar mazes of ejaculated std tom [ __ ] that you've got in the dark lord to summon into an actual script or acceptable for children think it's about high time you go out the writers room for some fresh air touch some [ __ ] grass for all i care about my [ __ ] i feel like i'm watching a family member slowly die of alzheimer's due to the fact that thanks for the previous four seasons the show's foundation now has more holes than john lennon's corpse when making a children's show that aims to have episodes where lessons are taught you better be damned sure you teach them properly or actually teach a good moral because one awful season is enough to breed a generation of sociopaths i've made a severe okay that's a massive overreaction for comedy's sake we just don't need another one just stop with this dark-hearted i'm running out of synonyms for [ __ ] not every kitchen needs to have good morals that is completely [ __ ] i don't remember being taught about the dangers of climate change by wiley coyote when i was five or the uprising of the third right by walt disney when i was seven oh wait never mind but loudhouse is clearly aiming to do this for certain episodes so it's worth mentioning i also just want to call up the lincoln torture porn because despite him being a total jerk ass at times it's never pleasant to watch unless it's rightfully deserved like without a limo but that's not all let's finally talk about the big inflated luanne in the room is the loud house funny the answer is yes and no that is not funny no i'm not gonna act like the loud house season one was the holy messiah of comedy it wasn't but it had more effort placed into its writing than whatever the hell i mean if a loud house's first season wasn't funny whatsoever then we wouldn't have this masterpiece of a line you know i'm noticing a complete lack of balls in this room obviously i'm not the best person to listen to when it comes to comedy but it's a purely subjective thing and i'm about as funny as a helicopter crash there was supposed to be a helicopter visual here i swear i had that downloaded somewhere what is that noise oh my god but something i can criticize is the type of comedy the show does and how it presents it season one of the loud house had a decent balance of slapstick so the little kiddie winks don't ask their parents to switch the channel along with well-written humor so that the parents don't think about why they should have pulled out six years ago this is something plenty of shows do in order to appeal to the whole family however there is a single problem that often season one had its toilet humor and gross out of humor at times but never really defined the show's comedy however it was a problem that would only get worse as the show went on as it went from being assured that anyone of any age can enjoy into being strictly for children which when you look at its base i'd say that's fairly accurate for a [ __ ] sicko and i'm surprised your parents actually even raised you now in case you were wondering no i am not brain damaged and second of all despite this man's looks he is mentally a child as you can probably tell from his imperfect facial structure i don't think he actually finished breastfeeding yet i'd call him an actual child or a man child if i could but i think he's probably a danger to both just had to do like a little talk on this adorable episode because it has all boys in it plus as i'm into guys you know why not not to mention they can look at it and call it adorable in the listener undies stop the cow a children's story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children's story in the slightest and if you sideline your originally funny and well-written writing for something like this i'm just going to assume you stopped trying now that might be a little harsh but i personally think it would be ruder of me to say that they were trying because if that's the case then that's embarrassing you get nothing focusing more and more on toilet and gross out humor is going to alienate a lot of people to say the least it is perhaps the lowest form of humor wouldn't have a problem if this was how the show started out but well i guess money truly does change people or in this case no one was changed it just took them a while to catch on okay one thing about the show that i'll give some honest to god praise for is at the tail end of season 1 and going into season 2 it began to start fleshing out its characters now truthfully i don't hate a single character in the loud house that's not a character you lose but these episodes did certainly give them a few more layers specifically my favorite character is luna because they've given her the most attention of every character even back in the show's first season so it's a little unfair but whatever even characters who are originally very one note got their fair share of developments for example luanne was probably the most one note character on the show she told shitty jokes and pranked people that's literally all there was to her she had the collective character depth of a limp teaspoon and was extremely flat and not just because she's 14 you sick [ __ ] this lasted for a while until we eventually got a few episodes to show a few more sides to her that made lots of people that were originally quite harsh towards how she was written warm up to her her insecurities when it comes to criticism her jealousy when other people achieve success in a shorter time span than she has these are things a lot of people can genuinely relate to and it's why even though this development doesn't actually carry much of an impact in later episodes luanne remains one of my favorite characters on the show but that's just it you see the development is in retrospect kinda [ __ ] pointless like don't get me wrong i'm happy it's there it's something many episodic shows don't bother with my problem sent from the fact that even though we understand the characters a bit more the development is pretty much completely [ __ ] forgotten about until the next random episode in which their character is explored like i'm not the only one who is kind of pissed that luanne has an episode at the end of season two where she learns to respect her siblings limits when it comes to her shenanigans and then at the start of the next bloody season we get the third april foresay episode where she goes absolutely [ __ ] feral and ruins her entire family's reputation with stunt doubles because who der funny no it's not funny you are a [ __ ] who is the flamboyant pillow who looked at that and went yeah that's fine that's a good job like no no it isn't a good job sammy you done [ __ ] it up back on topic i don't really understand why we're supposed to care about these characters developing when the development has lifted no bearing on anything like sure lin gets some development she got bleed at school had a little cry boohoo it doesn't excuse her acting like a complete [ __ ] and before you ask why i have such a deep rooted hatred for this character well don't take my word for it take the character's own words for it as well as her actions because my lord it doesn't matter if a character is given a really good arc in one episode that progress is completely sidelined as a result of the show being episodic so why buffer this also ties into my previous point on how the show started to focus more and more on character focused episodes now don't piss and [ __ ] and call your moms yet this is not me contradicting myself because a lot of people seem to think that just having an episode of one character that isn't lincoln being the main focus means the episode contains character developments and it's a point used by plenty of people who defend the show to overhype how good it is in season two the number of episodes not focused on lincoln began to increase we started getting adventures from all the loud siblings perspectives now believe it or not i'm not fully against this idea so long as it doesn't overtake the number of episodes about you know the loud house then i'm fighting for them taking a break every once in a while but i'm pretty sure we all know right now they decided to take the show in a new direction well it couldn't be that bad i'm sure there are plenty of people who liked and wanted these to happen who asked for an episode where luanne luna and laurie campaign to get their school clubs back thought so these episodes just aren't interesting or remotely compelling enough to be worth watching they just take up space and given how many of these there are it's a wonder why the [ __ ] they haven't gone back to doing episodes in the loud house because that worked and flowed infinitely better than the 600 episode about a [ __ ] misunderstanding this at one point involves an unfunny morbidly obese curmudgeon whose mere presence in the plot synopsis killed 75 of my total happiness from the day and whose mannerisms combined with his voice to make me want a massacre or heard of gorillas who even voices him exactly oh come on bender that makes me very sad you see bender is actually funny flip is just on a whole nother level of regurgitated stomach acid every time he's on screen i feel another part of my empty soul leave my body and unfortunately he represents the worst traits of any side character on the show oh yeah there are other side characters besides flip can you remember them all of these problems combined turnbuck was once a relatively entertaining show into one of the most painfully unoriginal and blind things i've ever seen come out of nickelodeon it's not on the same level of terrible or something like pig gopher pig goat banana banana what the [ __ ] [ __ ] pig goat banana what why is that [ __ ] fact but it no longer does anything to stick out and good episodes are few and far between what about seasons four and five no one this is where the quality of the show really started to tank kicking off season 4 of a whopping nine episodes dedicated to advertising the dying network money making scheme the creatively saturated highly anticipated spin-off to the loud house the loud house escape to mexico look at my ah seems that was right obama was the avatar of animation then again and we didn't get any muslim representation whilst barry was drone striking defenseless children boss barack was doing his best to stop the rampant terrorism going on in the middle east these nine episodes were then followed by more brainless [ __ ] and because imdb has little to no quality control you'd almost be tricked into thinking each episode this season was some kind of hitchcock level or tier fairy masterpiece here's an episode that allowed our envisions a more idealistic family just for their parents benefits wait a second didn't we already do something similar to this like two seasons ago keep that thung up your ass johnson we're coming in hot for [ __ ] 9.7 rating here's a list of movies and tv shows rated lower than this one episode that are much more worth your time than the soulless piece of retread at condomspath [Music] there is an average of around 30 people actively rating every episode of the loud house of around 60 of ratings always being a perfect 10. this piece of air and you thought you were given too much credit and your upholstery [Music] season five gets even worse kicking off of an episode so bad that despite the relatively high imdb rating i actually saw quite a few people complaining about how the whole thing just scripts the bottom of the barrel in terms of canada jokes and having lincoln get banished from canada for not liking maple syrup someone wrote that joke and was really proud of themselves and by the way this episode ran for an hour yes a full [ __ ] hour of stale canada jokes [ __ ] gross this show is so well [ __ ] written i've managed to make it to about episode 14 in season five as that's the latest episode as of writing this video but honestly i think i've seen enough having sat through four seasons of some of the worst writing i've seen come out of nickelodeon in years the loud house is simply a show in the middle of an identity crisis and because of this identity crisis it's not nearly as good as it originally was again not to suck the first season stick too much but you could understand why people were fans of this show it was simple but that's what was so likable about it it didn't complicate [ __ ] of experimental episode ideas and while it's always good to step out of your comfort zone to see what works when it clearly isn't working as well as what you did previously then i think it might just be because you created your show around a very specific concept and it just doesn't work in any other setting and it is a shame because i like these characters i like 10 of these characters and it's not like we've only gotten terrible stuff there have been genuinely fantastic episodes even if they don't harken back to the show's original antics tricks really loud music headpoints anxiety a fridge too far these three are some of the show's best episodes and they all came from season three there is legitimate writing talent present in the writer's room for this show yet it barely gets a chance to truly shine it makes for a very frustrating viewing experience and one with a very inconsistent quality and if there's one thing i hate about all else it's inconsistency yes i know it's ironic ah yes the show has gay characters i don't care the difference between the loud house and something like the owl house is that in the loud house there's no story-driven plot to completely butcher the pacing off for the sake of having a split queer representation lumity just didn't feel like an organic relationship to me and it certainly didn't progress like one objectively either in the loud house however gay characters are actually treated with a little more actual respect as opposed to putting them on a pedestal and sacrificing the believability of the characters and world just to make headlines in their first season now don't get me wrong loud house made plenty of headlines for its gay rep plus just how the media works but it wasn't actively aiming to make their gay rep a massive thing clyde having two dads is just shown as normal and doesn't seem to be forcing any kind of agenda other than basic human respect this is representation i am [ __ ] down for and even though they reveal that luna has a crush on sam was kinda on the nose it's still treated as a normal healthy relationship and i feel as if i must make this clear for a second because some people seem to get the wrong idea of me because of how much i mean on progressive programming i am not against representation it's just that the majority of it is really really [ __ ] so yeah good job loud house you did something right for once the unspoken rule that most people know of when it comes to nickelodeon is that the second they smell the tiniest hint of success they will milk the show and question into its suck dried and epstein after a visit to his island any other show that doesn't meet the giver [ __ ] requirement set by spongebob ratings will be slowly poisoned or in some cases quickly murdered on the spot as much as i hate the legend of korra for how much it breaks the world of avatar and the fact that it's filled with more holes than exodus tentacion's corpse i will run that joke far into the ground until it stops making me giggle like a [ __ ] for five hours even isle of made the nick did the show a little dirty although after season two outclassed itself and sheer [ __ ] stupidity i don't think i would have liked to see it on tv either they are still doing this to this day only a few years ago unfairly smiting harvey beaks down over to nicktoons to desire slow and painful death along with holding the show's creator at gunpoint until he gave a public apology after he called them out in the show's treatment because that's great pr and more recently completely cutting glitch text from premiering on television and putting it on netflix with barely any hyper promotion at all aside from a few trailers that barely got any attention while also putting its second season on there the same day as the legend of korra which they knew was going to be a massive success after reeling in a bunch of new last airbender fans only a few months prior leading to the show being completely overshadowed and now it's effectively cancelled that's great thank you so much nickelodeon you money grubbing monkey cards and if you're looking to make a show and honestly want to tell me that you're comfortable with making a cartoon for nickelodeon then there's really only one life path open for you pal [Music] but let's go back a bit to the absolutely brain dead hype this show was given when it released to when the show was going to save nickelodeon that aged well when nickelodeon started giving the show more attention after it successfully toppled spongebob and ratings a lot of people were hopeful that they had learned from their previous mistakes and that this showed usher in a new era obviously we know this did not happen because if you ever expect a corporation to change for the better then you're probably either still an infant or of the brain capacity of a plastic fork but given all of that what does loud house's current treatment as nickelodeon's cash cow mean from the network well this still means that their schedule was going to be the absolute worst and it also means that this newfound success given to the show by the level of over hype it received four years ago was uh well let's just put it lightly it has ironically created the very thing the people hyping the show up feared in the first place not just a direct competitor to spongebob but an interchangeable replica if the show was still good and they wouldn't mind this as much but as evidence the level of quality control of nickelodeon is quite embarrassing and given the fact that the show is still popular and also still has people over hyping it online i don't see this ending anytime soon i mean to be honest it was always fated to be this way i mean the logo and the main character are [ __ ] orange i'd say that's enough for the show to become the poster child from the network i mean i knew something was up the second they made a tap and weight mobile game of microtransactions even if their attempt at stealing money if her children didn't go too well for them there's always the next business decision i didn't see anyway this could go terribly wrong i mean it is a new direction to take the show after all we all know how well that goes the adventure follows the loud family to scotland where they discovered their descendants of scottish royalty wait hold on keeping in line with the show's string of quality it appears that this is a new direction i just didn't expect it to be a new direction into a brick wall now as much as i've ragged on this on twitter there's a possibility that this movie could be somewhat good nah sorry the loud house can barely keep a consistent narrative together over 11 minutes much less over an hour [ __ ] that nonsense of course the second show gets a feature-length higher budget movie to explore places the show has never gone before or even touched before they go over the secret lineage slash royalty trope i am so glad the show has officially reached a point where it's now consistent in its inconsistency we frequently refer to this as the sword art online paradox how about another look by all accounts they could grab some insanely talented guy to make it work but my point is that the odds are just a tad too low and really it was the movie announcement that kind of pressured me into finally updating my thoughts on the show my brief thoughts on how nickelodeon treats it this show has received a lot of criticism from stable to not so stable but this criticism tends to get brushed off by loud house fans who seem to act like the tiniest hint of merit is worthy of all the praise in the world you can't just say the show is blind and uninteresting this character had about five seconds of emotion aside from being a [ __ ] so the show is basically a participation trophy for bad writers well i take it all back that's perfect for the 21st century bring them all here back on topic the loud house is definitely going to have a negative influence on nickelodeon well it currently is nothing has changed of its existence nick are still the scum cuts of the animation scene passion for good storytelling isn't their forte when they can simply print money with two shows anything remotely equality gets thrown under the butt of our second fort nickelodeon is corporate evil just like the rest of them but there's something specific about nick's treatment of shows that overall just disgusts me how avatar the last airbender was able to even run for free seasons and be successful was a mystery in all honesty to end off my brief thoughts on the show's treatment i'll ask you guys a question do you think there's a possibility that nickelodeon could change someday i'd love to hear what you have to say if you bother with this closing time open all the doors well this was something i've been waiting to get off my chest for a while despite how easy of a target this was this is low even for you even then i hope some of you can understand why this show was so bad if not then fine i don't care i'm not saying you can't like it of course as opposed to what some people like to say it is a shame though this was a show that originally had a lot of talent behind it and to some extent that talent is still there i just don't think it's being properly utilized because they're trying to do things with the show that it was obviously not designed to work with in the end we were all fools deceived by a man's reputation and career despite the fact that he was a nickelodeon showrunner so something had to be up behind the scenes and the people following the hype of youtubers without thinking for themselves made the problem exponentially worse you could probably tell that this video isn't my most sophisticated or [ __ ] it i guess it's not really filled with much content that kind of explains just how much i have to say about the show because it really can just be summarized to a few key points i guess i do better when there are more things to rip into to explain why something is bad but for the loud house there really isn't much to explain its flaws are in plain sight if there's anything you can take away from this video other than left baiting it's probably that you should always form your own conclusions hollywood is on the decline and don't take corporations for granted and if you're a child and have stumbled across this video pick a decent career path like engineering or something and keep up with your studies because going into acting is a slippery slope to great success at the cost of your innocence [Music] [ __ ] it never get my feet back on the ground [Music]
Channel: Cartoonshi シ
Views: 2,110,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Loud House, TLH, Rant, Entertainment, Comedy, Critique, A Salty Critique, Cartoonshi, Cartoons, Cartoon, Animation, Chris Savino, The Painful Decline, lol, memes, stop, looking, at, my, tags, Lincoln Loud, Overrated, Overhyped, The Owl House, Twitter, This, took, way, too, long, to, edit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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