The Reality of Patong (Phuket) Thailand | Tourist Traps & Tips Exposed! πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­

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hello guys good afternoon I hope you're having an awesome day I'm here in CET Patong Beach to be exact and this used to be my favorite place this is about my sixth time here and honestly like what I've dealt with in the last few days I don't think I'll be coming back so the channel here is called Marco RS but for this video I think we're going to call it Marco Ram because guys if you're thinking about coming here this is your no BS guide I'm going to show you everything I'm going to show you the scams the tourist traps the absolute reality of this place hey man how are you what's going on oh it's a high five that's like we're in high school but um I just wanted to show you guys these Tigers pretty cool there is a lot of cool stuff here but there's a lot of things you need to keep in mind mind and I'll be running you through those things but hey look the other day I got an infection in my my gum between my tooth so you don't have to go to a doctor here you just go to the chemist they'll literally give you whatever you want so I needed some antibiotics and I went to this chemist just over here so the antibiotics they're about $2 Australian dollar yeah a bit pricey for this place and then I thought I'll get some I view profen uh so Central's Pharmacy right in the the tourist area what do you think they wanted to charge me this place here for a 10 pack 25 Australian dollars $250 per tablet an absolute absolute scam absolute ripoff I end up going to one of the local places next street over 20 b for 10 20 bu per 10 hey buddy these these Tok Tok drivers they're cool I do like these guys and this video this is not aimed or targeted at the tie people because everyone knows how friendly and nice the tie people are but in this area you just get some of the worst of the worst so you've got people from all around the world Nepal India uh the countries around here and they've all open their shops here so we're going to head down to some of the the main areas here and I point out some of the issues I've had um so yeah I don't know what this street is called I'll drop it here on the screen but basically Bungalow Road is like the crazy nlife Street which is down here a bit and then you got this this is a little bit more peaceful some massages and stuff oh have a look at this does anyone watch that show southp fck they've like recreated the bus here for the people that want to have a smoke but can you imagine that if you're if you went in and had a smoke and you come out you'd be a little bit confused wouldn't you where you were but hey if that's your thing that is your thing but what annoyed me the other day I was I was really really craving a kebab right schw whatever you want to call them I call them kebabs so I come down here to to this shop here the gu's going to probably be nice in the video but that's not the point you can be as friendly as you want but I'll tell you the truth here so I'm coming down here I'm like oh yeah I'd love a kebab so they're 150 150 B which is ridiculous for this area and so I got one from this joint and um yeah I'll drop in the screen the size of it absolutely pathetic You' probably need about four of them and if you calculate what that is that's probably like he's making four or five times the price it should be so as I said it's not all about the tie people it's about all the the people that come here collectively and just want to rip off the tourists this guy on the motorbike is so yeah obviously this guy is going to be in trouble oh maybe he's let him go okay so he just let him go guys this entire video is not about complaining guys also one thing you got to know is oh this guy's just fallen over guys one thing you should know is uh pedestrian Crossings in a lot of countries including Thailand the these people have stopped which is good but don't expect that most people will just go straight through so the concept of pedestrian crossing here is very different so as I was saying this whole video is not about complaining so right near the the big Patong road sign this shop here I got some Yeezys last night like they're really cool quality I had a budget in my head of 900 B or about $40 Australian and hey how you doing man and uh yeah this this dude helps me out so I looked at the Quality they're really good um but yeah you can definitely get some like good prices there is some good dut here like this guy or whoever the whoever the dude was last night that served me but um yeah it's not all about getting ripped off but you will get ripped off I'll tell you what happened to me this morning so I was actually coming down here and I wanted to go go to the beach so I didn't want to bring the hotel Tow and I pack lights I don't have a beach towel on me so I thought I went to a couple of these shops first guy I said what's your cheapest Beach Tower absolute cheapest you know what he wanted $30 Australian and I'm like no no no I walked off then he's chasing me down the street with his calculator oh oh 500 oh 400 300 it's just dishonest man just why can't you you know work out a price I know people want to barter just go a little bit higher don't don't go like three or four times higher so dishonest I found another guy I got one for 200 so you just got to look around and I told the guy mate we've got a place called Kmart in Australia like I could get that for for $2 he didn't believe me no no no my friend you can't like well you can cuz I live there what's Up's so for all you guys that like shopping they got they got everything here I might even get those but what you've got to know is everything is fake like You' even got like apple apple and everything Hi how are you how you than you good good good guys anything you want don't do it brother don't do it don't do it bro you'll never get out another victim taken away too soon before he knows it he's going to be buying drinks for the women in the bar and uh one thing I'd like to add here guys um and girls if you're watching your husband will be taken um it's up to him wherever he runs away or not but he will be he will be grabbed he will have fingers yelled out to him and to be quite honest I'm just going to turn the camera this way and speak into it because there's music but yeah to be quite honest uh there's no such thing as sexual assault here there is there is towards women but towards men um if you were to complain about you getting grabbed like maybe here or here or um even if you're getting a massage and they they grab you don't plan nothing's going to happen they're just going to they're just going to laugh at you in the police station because it does not exist for men it only exists for women I'm not making anything up here that's just that's just the reality of here so one of the best ways to work out whether you're getting a good price here or not uh my formula what I do anyway is if it's quarter the price of what you would pay in Australia you're on the money so that goes for food um General General things like maybe taxis uh whatnot probably not the fake stuff but if you can sort of work out that formula for drinks food maybe a massage uh General services like that you're probably on the money now one thing that you're not going to get cheap here and you're going to probably be paying three times the price as Australia is sunscreen for some reason cuz it's I don't think that they they're using here so it's all imported got real Brands so you're going to be paying a lot of money so this lovely lady here has Aisha Aisha Aisha has just found me she said that she likes to look after the local tourist not the local tourist but the tourists that come to the local areas here and she does a lot of day trips and all that so um you see the elephants you got some food things you can beat tazan for a day and what would you say the most popular trip is PP Island PP Island James Bond Island James Bond Island drafting okay City to and what can someone expect to pay to go out to PP Island for a day well it depends we have a VIP also the detail of the price should be talking later on later on but yeah people people don't have time to hear the details they want to get down with a with a pricing well the pre will be like uh low season would brought 40% off okay guys so low season when it's raining and and you want to get soaking wet and there's no sun 40% off but when the sun is shining it's rain only 20 minutes a day it rains 20 minutes a day but it is cheaper okay so she doesn't want to say the price but maybe maybe about 2,000 for the day yeah 2 2,000 can they is that something that they can uh bargain with you if they got a got a group of people 3,200 like 2,000 no problem okay see there's a discount there well thank you very much and uh have a good day enjoy enjoy the shade cuz I'm going to get burn thank you so much bye see you later so as you can see her pricing model there 3,200 um but 2,000 so that's just across the road from the Patong Beach sign um just here if you want to go see her guys we've stumbled across SE um two hippie girls from Australia trying to make us buy some um adult uh grass clippings we can't say the word here on YouTube but um how about you let everyone know and don't use any nauy words oh no try to try to use some cover words this is our man Chris oh this is Chris sell some broccoli down on the street some broccoli our broccoli is fresh our broccoli is crisp our broccoli is strong you know get like you get super powers you know your mom always told you eat your greens you to smoke them though yes maybe your mom's mine eat broccoli too guys you can eat our broccoli and we make broccoli so that you like it too ever heard of broccoli brownie that tastes like a brownie all right they're really trying to sell it so would you say nerds know that this um collaboration is going on nerds know dude they get money it it's the it's actual nerds it's leg origal NDS wow you wouldn't want to get those mixed up in wo would you imag imagine the kids going mom can I have some nerds or the kid finds them in his mom's bedroom and then just gets real what do you what do you have to say to those allegations um be a fun day fun day yeah just choose kindness just choose kindness choose kindness guys so it's only fair if I give you guys some information of food where to eat now if you guys that like your Burger King your McDonald's you want to stick to that American thing you're going to be paying completely normal prices for all that kind of thing like an American corporation they're not going to look after you just cuz you're here in Thailand some of these restaurants and all that on the side yeah they're going to be they're going to be affordable but if you really want to get a bargain good quality food for a cheap price and quick you need to go to the night food markets uh which I'll show you a little bit later on in this video that's where I go every night you got everything there it's super super cheap maybe four to five times cheaper than the tire that I get in Australia so the massage girls are calling out but uh yeah the best thing to do if you don't want to be harassed is just to walk with a camera like this and uh yeah it's it's sort of like an an insect repellent in a way except it's a massage go repellent oh check out this thing I saw this last time I was here but have a look at that this guy's actually ripping it up I might even give this a go this time let's um let's find out how much this costs cuz I would not mind doing that I'll definitely eat 100% but um how do you get a ticket here oh here we go tickets at Surf Shop level two so we got to go upstairs to ask them but I'm here to help you out so I think we do it how are you so it's oh it's 1,000 for an hour yes 1,000 for an hour okay that's not bad thank you thank you guys 1,000 for an hour that's um that's a lot better than I thought I thought it was going to be like 1,500 until you fall off three times but guys we're going to go around the corner I've got a story which happened to me last night complete setup complete sting operation complete stitch up however you want to look at it but I was the victim last night I was the victim this is what I was talking about before this is a perfect example of somewhere where you can get lunch really good really cheap and uh very healthy so you've got all these different skewers with veggies you got your fish all your kinds of meats on skewers um deep fried stuff if you're feeling naughty and then um different kinds of seafood with a big sitting area here so this stuff is much much cheaper than the uh restaurants and all that along here but have a look I've never seen this place I literally just stumbled upon it but it just keeps going so if you like ribs so what's that 100 Buck per 100 G um yeah could could be better but the main thing here is that you're eating really healthy food yeah hello oh hello how are you today yeah it's good that's good do you work here no oh you don't you're just buying some food I work here you work here and which place is better this place or that one your one okay so her place is actually better which is over there but um yeah dumplings as well what are these um doesn't really have the price but I guarantee it's going to be pretty cheap all right so I was just trying to talk with the taxi driver take two cuz that guy decided to have a really loud Harley Davidson for no reason um but here we go um so if you want to get a taxi around here I'll be I'll be completely honest it's not going to be it's not going to be just uh can I go here and they'll take you um they probably will take you to some of these um cool places so you got your buggies your Tigers your Big B but it's probably one of the easiest things if you want to go out for a day trip these guys will make up like a little route yeah you take people on a route and how much how much can someone expect to pay a day for that an hour yeah if they go around and see a few places 1 hour okay yeah so oh my God this this guy needs to change his fan belt it seems today whenever I'm trying to present there's a Harley Davidson that's allowed this guy needs to go to the mechanic but um yeah guys you're looking at about 300 BT um how much for a day day rate like a a day rate what can someone expect I think I paid about 1,500 for a day and we went to a few different places but uh yeah 1,5 or 1,6 for for the whole day about uh 7 hours 7 hours yeah yeah that's not bad thanks guys so it's not bad Val you guys like they'll take you around but it's that's what I'm saying it's not it's not a scam but when you want to just go to one one place which is you know maybe an hour away I'm just telling you you're going to be stopping off at jewelry shops you're going to be stopping off at uh Tiger shows you're going to be stopping off at shooting Rangers there's none of this like oh I'll just take you here because they get commissions from every place whether you want to go in or not just by driving you there and you having a look they get a commission so if you just want a direct route maybe one of these more professional kind of Vans here that's it um no not today buddy or maybe a scooter but um these little these little red and yellow Tuk TOS you're going to be going on a bit of a bit of a joy ride and I did a video on that earlier in the year which you can um watch in the link up here I'm pretty funny actually I took one for the team I showed you what it's going to be like so so you can watch that for a uh full demonstration of what will happen to you but I'm going to tell you guys the story that I've been waiting to tell you so I was walking down here somewhere I can't remember exactly which place it was but essentially I was looking for for massage you know nothing sus just a realistic massage and what actually happened was I walked past the salon and this girl's grabbing me she was maybe about 25 she was easy on the eyes and I thought you know are you a good Mass she said okay so she's taking me upstairs know she starts massaging pretty crap to be honest tuman's in she's like I do special she pulls out this little laminated card and I'm not even kidding it didn't even say the words it just showed the actual actions if you know what I mean like just full and x-rated stuff with the price next to it guess how much she wanted for uh boom boom s3x 6,000 not that I wanted that but that's what she thinks that it's worth that's what they're trying to charge people and I'm like no no thank you but I'm not here for that I just want the massage you know what she did she got really moody really angry she left because she couldn't get any extra money from me apart from the 300 B that I just gave the lady downstairs so then she goes downstairs and the door opens back and I'm like okay cool I'm going to get my massage the 25-year-old is gone she's been replaced with a 65 year-old granny so which you know whatever but that's a bit of a stitch up isn't it so here I am thinking I'm going to get a massage from some nice young chick and I got it from a granny how you doing Bravo what's your name what are you selling everyone you're selling what are you selling uh taxi oh taxi taxi he's a taxi driver where are you going Australia o really good and you YouTu Thailand you're from Thailand you B Thailand Oh India yeah Indian I thought I thought he was going to be an Indian and then he so you're half Indian good half Indian really good this one's Australia what about you good n n oh look at this is cool oh that's um the bear having a having a cigar yeah all right buddy I got to keep moving um B guys you go see you man go for a massage around here do not expect it to be an easy service do not expect there to be no surprises because there's all different kinds of surprises here in Thailand especially when it comes to massages so the best way to decipher that I've worked out the mistakes that I've made they need to be dressed fully professional um in the gowns fully covered and then that way it's going to be a professional service um any skimpy outfits at all short skirts clean showing they're calling out they're doing all kinds of things grabbing you um you're going to be in for more than a massage guys it's been about 3 days since you've seen me decided to go down the beach get a bit of a suntan but it went the wrong way I've spent 3 days in bed with the worst sunburn ever and I'm finally out but I said I would show you the night food market so here we are so you start off with these guys how you doing and they they will ask you to come over here to their shop but check out this if you are a seafood lobber you have absolutely everything here like look at the size of that Lobster I've got a big hand and this thing has me covered you got some mud crabs you got these huge prawns four different varieties here um here we go we've even got like a a stingr sing I don't know how that would taste but there's even there's even a place um down here that I saw that has a shark hey shark I don't know if we're going to see it here how are you brother good man where's the shark have you got shark we're going to going to see if he's got the shark but um you've even got a live ones live and ready to go may maybe we try some fish tonight you want to try baby um I want to show it on the video so everyone can come and come and have a look down here okay awesome hey brother how are you good man how are you what's going on oh what's this what do you want what's this a backwards handshake yeah um we want to have a look at some sharks oh here we go here we go we got a sharp right here so this is fresh today yes fresh today yes yeah so how how much does this cost a a kilo uh like the brother that's one around how much would that cost that's 500 how much 500 500 B for the whole thing yeah 500 yeah wow that's that's pretty affordable yeah that's a good price yeah so 500 for that whole thing yeah we could pretty much just buy it at like a lot of people how many people with this sorry yeah so it's a lot of food there I know I know you the other day so this this is the main entrance part so if you can avoid this spot and walk down the footp here cuz these guys they're going to be on your case they're going to be grabbing you but have look at this uh dumplings so you've got 10 here for 100 bite which I think is pretty good it's pretty good I actually had some there other night that were really good potato um with all different kinds of fillings in them some juice I've been getting a juice for for dessert each night from here only 40 bus for whatever you want so once you've come through that main section it just gets cheaper so down this end like look at the price of this 15 B for fried chicken so I probably won't be getting that tonight but um yeah you got got all these kind of things so what I sometimes do I don't get a whole dinner I just get little samples of things um what are these muscles other kinds of shellfish and oh my God I had one of these have KN super nice what's that worth has he got a price here 50 50 so that's not bad yeah as I'm saying you can just come through get little little bits and pieces as you need and then to finish off the night one of these banana and Nutella Crepes which are my personal favorite this guy made me one the other night yeah yeah very good we'll just show how he does it so once it's on there he fries it all and that's full of um like egg and banana that kind of thing and then um once he gets it off there Chucks it on gets her oil off and then um coats it with some Nutella and condensed milk I believe it depends what this girl is ordering but that's that's the most popular oh oh she didn't get Nutella this time no Nutella just condensed milk yeah beautiful thank you so this one right here is my favorite this is where I like to start my night so you just get a tray they have all the sushi look at the Variety so this side here only 15 bar and then this one here 10 bar and I'm hoping this uh lady will be able to help me out in picking a couple for selection would you be able to help me oh she's put it back you be able to choose some would you be able to choose some for me your recommendations your favorite pick your favorite ones I'm going to eat anything pick pick me five of anything that one yeah and and Y that that looks good whatever you want to put put on okay so I don't actually know what these ones are okay how many uh maybe one more something interesting okay yeah that looks good so there you go that's how that's how I like to start off eat that see how I feel and we're going to get like a really good price for that so what does that come to 65 55 wow um there we go thank you so much is that is that right 65 65 so one thing it does like here is seating there is no seating anywhere um so I have found myself this uh famous staircase which everyone seems to go in and I've got my Sushi here so I'm going to try it out that's what you get uh 65 F put that there on the dirty ground and um get my Chopsticks let's see how we go so I was really curious as to what this one was uh I reckon that's like a like a crab meat [Music] maybe it's good yo what's up my man my man um the mango one you made me yesterday you remember it that was perfect yes he remembers he remembers hey these things are the best this is my little little special dessert at night and it's pretty much all pure fruit so if you watch actually he's put a bit of this coconut or condensed milk I'm not sure um and then what's this oh sugar syrup okay so may maybe it is a little bit naughty but apart from that it's just uh fresh mango and it rce and then he just Blends it right up does does about a good 30 second blend on it pumps the flavors through and then you left with this awesome mango drink and the coolest thing about this guy's shop is look it's just it's the whole shop is on a motorbike he just rides some motorbike here with a shop attached to it and that's how he comes here to the markets which is pretty cool um there we go there is our mango mango lassy I'm not sure if that's what you call it and it's got a little carry case and a straw thank you man thank you so much here we go see little carry bag thank you buddy thank you appreciate it all right let's give it a taste test I'm sure it's going to be good oh God that's amazing so guys thank you for hanging around for this Vlog I know it was a bit rany the other day but you know that's what will happen after 3 days of being ripped off and deceived I wanted to bring you the truth that um this bangalow boxing Stadium very annoying so hopefully you can hear me and I will see you guys in the next video see you later
Channel: Marco Roams
Views: 325,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: marco roams, thailand, patong, phuket, buzzin pattaya, bangkok nightlife, keis one, pattaya, bangkok tuk tuk crazy, travel scams, scam warning, massage patong, massage phuket, food market patong, patong phuket, living in thailand, patong beach phuket, phuket thailand, phuket 2023, patong beach, thailand travel, thai food market, bangla road, phuket bangla road, phuket nightlife, bangla road 2023, bangla road phuket, bangla road phuket walk, bangla road phuket 2023, travel, th
Id: ADqJ0Obd4ww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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