Crazy Market Spree in Bangkok, Thailand πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­ (Khao San Road)

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hello sir how much is the duffel  bag what like what size this last SI I do one I do 180 maximum I give you you  400 oh no my friend I cannot I cannot think   I can do a scorpion do a small one a baby one  small one baby one okay yeah for the video huh   okay what's the best price 100 yeah be honest  do you like the noise or does it bother you is   a noise and people believe in this is lucky  what's up everybody welcome back to another   beautiful day here in Bangkok now it just got  done absolutely pouring here in the kaan road   area and this is my brother's first time here  in Bangkok so of course I had to bring him   over to the legendary csan road because this  is where you know my very first impressions   of Thailand took place back in 2017 way before  the YouTube channel and way before I even knew   what the hell I was going to end up doing while  traveling so when I was backpacking around this   is where I first came to and just absolutely fell  in love with it now just because it just got done   uh pouring I think it's perfect time to start  going on a little shopping spree because right   now in csan Road a lot has changed in the Main  Avenue that used to be completely loaded with   bars although it is uh very much that way late in  the evenings during the day it is compl completely   different it has pretty much turned into a  massive Market once again it took a little   bit of time after the co to recover and make  it to that point but today we're going to go   do some intense souvenir shopping for this guy  are you excited we're going to see what we can   find a lot of Stu yeah he was eyeing all kinds  of things so that's why I decided you know what   let's turn on the camera let me show you guys  around cuz this place is awesome and there are   so many different uh things to buy so we're  going to see what's I don't know 2 Bach can   get us here in kaan road now there's all kinds  of street food active sa are you going to want   some fried chicken Andrew was talking about this  Fried Chicken as soon as we started walking this way one piece it's 25 bought one piece oh and then you  get three for 25 oh no these ones are uh 25 each   okay yeah one I think I'm going to pass on the  fried chicken right now I just got done eating I   actually had myself a little uh pad tie plate  and a bunch of a bunch of sweet snacks this morning is this spicy sauce spicy oh okay Andrew  tries to stay away from the spicy but youve   you've been eating quite a bit of spice this trip  though it just this this spicy I feel like is more   manageable than or not as bad as the Sri Lankan  spicy the Sri Lankan spicy was was too strong   huh yeah thank you so much Cup on cup so one thing  that they do very well amongst everything else in   Thailand is the fried chicken and to my surprise  a lot of the locals actually eat the fried chicken   in the morning for breakfast and I actually took  Andrew out to try his very first piece what was   it two nights ago and dude has been hooked ever  since every time we walk past somebody selling   some fried chicken Andrew is always quick  to jump on it so good hey what's up bro I   watch you a lot on um YouTube thanks a lot man I  appreciate that where you from may actually come   here because now I'm toying all the food that  you did dude amazing that's exactly what we're   doing right now my brother's first time as well  all right yeah how long you been here how where   you from I'm from sampton in England obviously oh  cool okay just aw from running away from the cold   yeah yeah definitely but you don't mind a bit  rain why not especially when it's nice and warm   yeah I usually see you with your misses as well  she's here as well she just lost in another part   of the market oh is she so you just spend all day  eating loads of different things that's exactly   what we're doing bro and the old beer now and the  old beer of course it was nice meeting you thank   you so much sir bro appreciate you take care take  care oh it's always nice meeting you guys on the   streets so yeah it's Andrew's first time as well  so it's nice running around Bangkok and playing   tour guide today especially on a nice rainy day  like this one here it really shows the vibe of   the rainy season here in Thailand especially  because the mornings can start off nice and   warm extremely hot and then come evening time and  it's a completely different world out here so this   here is the street prior to Kon Road and this is  actually where I filmed my saying yes video to All   of the street vendors a few months back and you  can tell that right now it's definitely a lot more   popping than it was back in that video and I'm I'm  not sure why that is I just feel like Bangkok is   ever changing and every few months that you come  out now here you know there's just so much that is different now Andrew as a firsttime bank coocker  what what is your what your favorite um memory   so far of this trip would you say there's  so many there's so many huh I still just   have to say all the all the food you can get  on the street like yeah I'm going to miss it   just walking through and finding everything that  you want or and trying things that are like $150   $2 that don't break the bank like where we're  at where we live at home and a lot of you guys   can relate you can't just walk around and you  know try all kinds of different foods because   a plate of Thai food at a Thai restaurant is  running you like $17 so you know here it runs   you like two and of course these beautiful views  of all the temples as you're walking through the streets so yeah let me know if you guys are  planning on coming on out here what is one of   the reasons why or what reason has it been that um  that was given to you on why you love Bangkok so   much for me I just think it's a city that has  absolutely everything and that is the that is   one of the reasons why I love this place so much  and of course the street food is just incredible   now here in cson road you can find all of the  very typical traditional Thai snacks however   my recommendation is to always you know spend a  little bit of time on ksan road but make sure you   you venture off into other areas of Bangkok  because the city is huge and there's so much   more that it has to offer than just the streets  I unfortunately was like um many solo Travelers   that come on out here for the first time and my  first trip in Bangkok I literally thought kaan   area was the entire city so keep that in keep that  in mind there's a lot more to see all right we're   on Kon road now let's start doing some shopping  you ready yes sir what are some um items that   you saw along the way today that were that you  were like oh I got to have for sure I got to get   some of those coconut bowls just pretty much like  the coconut bowls all the tourist stuff okay so I   could take it back home for for the one trip so  that next time I come I don't have to do as much   souvenir shopping exactly I like that plan action  I agree with you no one can stay away from this   place for too much for too long well yeah this  here is the Main Avenue in csan Road and look   they got all kinds of um the traditional Thai  shirts with all the thae phrases the elephant   shirts elephant pants a lot of like trendy uh Pur  and bag stores they also sell a lot of jewelry you   know all the typical tourist items but they're  cool I mean they're all things that you should   definitely purchase before leaving you don't want  to chain Jersey for this trip no all right fair   enough not everybody can rock the uh the chain  Jersey but yeah a lot of street food out here   of course the famous passport covers everybody  that's been to Thailand I'm sure has had one of   these or two I used to bring them home all the  time as souvenirs I think I got you one I don't   know if it's from Bangkok though maybe it's  not from Bangkok I think it's from puket or   somewhere else I don't know they sell them in  Cambodia as well but yeah of course there's a   lot of like Hanah places to do hairs massages on  this streets and at night what actually happens   here is that all of the tents um get put away  and then a bunch of like mini bars start to   open up thank you what's up bro suit what that  oh we're good on the suit right now but yeah the   suit guys are obviously always out here as well  all right let's see where we start diving on in   for some souvenir shopping because right now  we're just smashing through Kon Road all right   let's start diving on into some places H these  are like a t-shirt store we got some more henna [Music] tattoos you know what that  little store looks nice right let's   dive on in there let's see what  we can find over here in this direction CRA wow these bags are awesome this  is definitely like um what my grandma loves   she enjoys these bags very much and every time  me and Andrew travel anywhere we always bring   her back bags like these but now she says  not to she has too many but but we're still   going to bring her something so yeah let's grab  let's grab a few like this one yeah that one's nice I like that one that is beautiful oh you have   more back there as well are those  100 Bots yes so 100 bot as well okay I think I got her one just like this last  year all right there's a lot of um background   music coming from the Barb next door but  yeah they got all kinds of magnets purses bags 100 B that is an awesome deal thank you so much why not let's kick it off with a nice  little bag for Grandma I actually want to   do some souvenir shopping as well so we'll see  what else we can come across um along the way   it's nice to see that there's a lot of people  out on the streets even though it's raining as well it's same Vibe for everybody doesn't matter  if it's here you're here yeah exactly I agree with   Andrew that's what he's been saying the entire  time he's like yeah bro I'm a little tired but   I'm in Bangkok so I'm not going to sleep staying  up till like 2 in the morning every night taking   advantage of my time here since it's such  a small trip exactly it's a short trip but   he'll be back a lot sooner than even than later  I'm even eating double meals for the day cuz   you know got to count up for the days I won't  be here I wish he was lying but he's totally   not that's the way it's been going oh man Andrew  you actually need a bag I do for all my souvenirs   that I've been trying to buy yeah Andrew's been  going crazy let's see what we can purchase from here oh this souvenir store is nice wow I like those mask how much are the  mask which one you might wear um like the   medium size one medium size 650 650 okay H  those are beautiful I like the elephants as well how much for the for the small ones 100 100 I like those as well how much do you have  a deal if we buy several piece how many pie   uh three three three same price uh 100 buy 10  it's okay I say another price oh I got to buy 10 I like them though I like all of the elephant  stuff you know what let's [Music] see 25050 which   one's do you like more you want one of these  or is that an incent holder or an incent holder   yeah wow that's beautiful I like that one  let's get that one why not let me see it oh   yeah that's beautiful okay we'll take this one  yeah yeah thank you you need rabbit uh please   thank you cool they're all beautiful they're  all beautiful look at these elephant pieces this beautiful huh all right oh yeah those look nice all right so  not a bad way to kick off the souvenir tour   so we got a purse and a um small incent holder  but that was actually what you were looking   at prior to to coming on out here so it's  nice that he found it right away also got   to find some incense we'll go somewhere  else for some incense for some incense I   like those backpacks too look how amazing  those look of course they got all the the   tank tops as well Bangkok tanks you GL um I  think we're we're okay right now yeah thank you you have a beautiful star thank something do you have 50 bucks I think I do  have 50 bucks yes I do thank you cup and cup   thank you so much have a great day okay have  a great day oh sorry oh man it does feel great   after it rains for like a brief I don't know  for like a cool down period then after that   it just gets extremely humid all right so  we're actually on the hunt for a suitcase   as well but I'm not sure exactly a suitcase or  a duffel bag okay well why don't we check some   prices at the next spot we see look there's  one right up here on the corner I feel like   the rain has a lot of people's Spirits down  not as talkative as I like oh look he has   some duffel bags hello sir how much is the  duffel bag what like what side this last side 1,700 yeah would you do 1,000 the small size  okay 1,000 for the small size yeah you need a   lot bigger than that one yeah I need okay  what's the best price you do for that one   last High you have different colors first or no  uh black yellow and only this is which color you   I can find not on my my FR oh okay so whatever  color you want he can find it at this fr shop   but he has black and yellow black and yellow  and the blue one and the blue one okay is it   good quality yeah C Co qual okay but it's made  in China or Thailand Vietnam Vietnam okay um   well what's the best price you do for me this one  my Bo come on rainy day price yeah okay my B at   1,700 B 1,700 B 1,500 still thing we could find  know something else yeah you think so it's up to   you because that is a nice bag 1,500 is like  what um 45 bucks how much dollar yeah oh you know 38 bucks 38 38 $38 40 4 okay you know what  let's take one why not we'll do one um can you   get us what do you want the black one yeah black  and yellow yeah black and yellow black and gray all right well let's have a Hello me  yeah that's me I have a picture of you   yeah of course how are you fine where  are you from oh from the Philippines Sal okay I love taking pictures of you guys okay thank  you of course thank you so much enjoy your no it's   okay enjoy your time always so much love from  the Philippines I love it all right oh that one's nice yeah that is nice huh it's like  the backpack one though they all are   are they yeah they all are their backpack uh  luggage like you can use it as a backpack or   a duffel no that yeah a lot of cool items  that you can purchase at these shops oh always see how big it is yeah let's see  how much would actually fit in there   but yeah these souvenir shops you can find  everything it's awesome are you open every   day yeah every day oh nice I like the way you do  business oh that's a pretty decent size I like that wow ins okay how many liters you know  it doesn't not sure no at this maybe 70 near   I like it I think it's an awesome bag  okay we'll take it yeah yeah 15 yeah yep Andrew really wants to bargain  it's his first time in Asia but you   know what um I think that's a pretty  respectable price PR you know you walk   into a place like MBK Center and try and  purchase something like that and they're   charging you about three grand all right um  can you help me with this real quick let me see thank you and how much are  these hats 400 Buck 400 bucks   yeah oh man you give me a special price two for 500 two cup I give you this okay oh man too okay  thank you oh you have 500 you okay this okay 100   more you okay I need money for the taxi bro come  on I need money to uh this one is my last can I   see one let me see one yeah why not I have more  color this is a safari hat oh this is nice for the   beach huh yeah wow I like I like them all right  you do 550 yes let's do all right we call you man   because we bought the okay there you go let's do  that there's another 100 and um what colors do you have oh you got all the nice colors this color  ooh okay which color are you feeling Andrew um   think found the green one or this one the  green one's nice huh that one is very nice   as well oh this one you know what I'll do  this one yep okay we'll take these two can   you give me a bag yeah thank you Cup on cup do  you have 50 B um uh because you yes I do oh no   no I don't I don't have 50 bot you have 50 bot  20 20 and then I think I got 10 yeah and okay oh there you go Andrew got me okay this to  okay yes those two color are nice thank you   there you go 50 Buck okay cup and cup thank  you yeah yeah yeah thank you thank you very much all right have a nice day you too have  a nice day thank you so much all right it's   time for us to continue on with our little  shopping spree let's take this video up to   another level now cuz now we have some  storage space actually you know what I   can't really Crank It Up too too high because  guess what happened to me today guys I stuck my   debit card in the machine and it has denied me  money just like it has been the last few days   so I have some problems with my bank right  now I got to fix those out or sort those   out before I keep pulling money out of there  and attempting to because it's been charging   my card and then it doesn't actually spense  my money and same thing actually happened to   Andrew and Sri Lanka right yeah they return it  the next day though yeah they're pretty good   at that but um I don't want to just keep  charging a card because they're going to   be like dude why' you keep doing it if you know  that it's already done it twice so that's where   we stand man you're a scary man bro what is  that a cigarette cigarette holder how much is that oh calculator time 7 50 bro that  is expensive how much you that is how   much that is expensive how much um how  much I give you look I do one I do 180 maximum I give you for you 400 oh no my  friend I cannot I cannot I cannot I cannot no way okay for you for me you for you oh no my  friend I cannot do that no oh man this this man's   trying to charge me a fortune let's see let's  see two okay okay okay okay okay okay what do   you want I don't even know if I I don't even want  anything from there but why not you're a good man   honest man oh man you're honest man you what's  what's the best price you can sell 220 yeah what   what is the best price you sell that far yeah 220  yeah okay happy okay all right 220 is a good job   work but Andrew you don't even smoke cigarettes  so that's a waste of of space you might as well   get a Thailand lighter or something okay what  is your best price for this one yeah yeah 220   yeah 220 yeah that's a that's a less of a fancier  wallets I mean lighter Li lighter oh it shocks you oh dang TR no I'm good I'm not trying that's a  shocking lighter okay you know what yeah yeah   which one do you like you like a Jack Daniels  lighter these are cool same same same same price okay H yeah oh that's cool okay  yeah is that China no no China yes what   quality Vietnamese Vietnamese  or Thai good yeah Thailand One   Thailand the Thailand one all right we  take the Thailand one I take that one k new one new one they come with gas already no gas get full now get full gas full oh  okay thaned States United States you know what I   don't think I have the 20 thank you C cup good  luck take care okay sir good business good luck   enjoy your day okay oh man the Scorpion lady  how much are your scorpions one 150 100 oh   man is Andrew going to do his first scorpion  right now you're going to live it up like a   real person on on csan road for the first time I  don't think I could do a scorpion do a small one   a baby one small one baby one okay yeah for the  video huh okay okay what's the best price 100 60   bucks 100 no you sell them for 60 bucks at night  yesterday okay okay okay 60 bucks um up to you   Andrew are you going to go down with it yeah eat  on everything oh they don't they don't they don't   mix it up with the [ __ ] no man this ain't this  ain't Mexico City bro you're not about to drink   it with a mcal shots and what is this cobra snake  snake ooh that looks crazy that looks nice all I   eat a scorpion you eat a snake no I'm good right  now come on you you've never done the Scorpion   before me cuz he knew he knew I didn't want to do  it I did a I did a grasshopper last night and now   he has the camera on me he knows I can't say no  all right so here let me get my photo ready let   me take a photo ma'am we'll we'll buy we'll  buy there you go awesome okay now let's see   here let you know what let me pay you I pay you  for first there you go thank you you want more no   no no two 100 okay you want more no it's okay I  don't I don't want one no just one please thank you all right we get our change and then what are  these tarantula spider spider is it delicious good   how chinging okay maybe next time maybe next  time okay okay k k all right let's see him   let's watch Andrew eat eat the whole thing  I think you should eat the whole thing let   me know guys how would you do it if you're in  Thailand living your best life for the first   time would you eat the whole thing or just take  a bite out of it would you eat a scorpion or go   get you a PCU or a p time oh you all right all  right you have a point there but now you got   two cameras pointed at you so ah why not oh all  right Andrew's the type to like stuff like that though the grasshopper was better not bad though  you like that he's about to eat the tail too that   man is crazy all right well the legend himself  just crushed the Scorpion on C on road how's that   make you feel though it's awesome because you  see that in so many like videos and um movies   and now now you just knock those little things  off the list you know maybe later thank you all   right Andrew what are we on the HP for next um  we could make like the famous passport cover   everybody loves to watch the passport covers be  made or um we can purchase some sunglasses you   know what I got to see how much money is in the  is in the account I got like 400 bot left so it's   enough to be like not Reckless at all so let's  see what we can squeeze in for with like the   next 20 bucks that I have in my hand cup how are  you bro I'm good on you bro doing good what is the   what is the best Thailand souvenir the best one  tukk a tukk yes why would you recommend the Tuk   Tuk is a famous yeah in Thailand it's a famous  vehicle in Thailand this Thailand okay where   are you from brother I'm from Myanmar brother  ah Myanmar beautiful country you can use a ARR   to and stand to oh so it can work as a frame and  a now what's your what's your personal favorite   item my favorite item in your shop yeah is like  this one CH oh those elephants are beautiful huh   yeah okay so how much would something like that  cost me this one for 350 350 yes small one for   220 wow man 220 220 beautiful shop but expensive  man but not expensive brother I have a cheap one   here and here for keychains yes and what about for  the astray this one for 280 280 yeah small one for   200 here same one oh that's a smaller one okay  for 200 for 200 you said yeah okay if you like   I got little a discount for you yeah and what is  the price of the Tuk Tuk Tu small one 250 big one   350 okay well what are you what are you what's  calling your name and what about these little   toads that everybody buys on Cowan Road yeah this  is frog why is that so famous on csan road this is   lucky frog yeah be honest do you like the noise or  does it bother you is a noise and people believe   in this is lucky anywhere Asia they believe this  lucky lucky when you get this your money income   100,000 for daily income wow and what's what's the  price of the small one small one for like a it's   cuz we're Balling on a budget right now 150 okay  200 250 yeah 300 this 350 this 450 okay okay well   then let's do yeah you want to do a mini frog how  much this one 150 150 this is 200 you do 200 for   150 I give you 180 okay bro rainy day special man  okay okay 18 hey this come to this man's shop he   does rainy day special how about like this one no  not this one this one okay look I I I spent all my   money on C on road it gets you every time one more  one more something like ch ch I give you 200 more   for you no it's okay thank you brother I respect  your hustle though man I like you you have Good   Vibes thank you hopefully it stops raining so that  you can start making some money out here thank you   so much because right now everybody's in the house  huh yeah if you come to Thailand at rainy season   wait I if you come to Thailand on rainy season  you better still enjoy Thailand and get out the   room cuz there's nothing you can do about it take  your thank you brother c c have a nice day what's   the name of your shop my my shop no have name but  my name is Rocky Rocky oh man if you're on csan   road come and meet Rocky get your souvenir right  a nice T to take off Sim car Sim Car 2 okay it's   a nice place for a SIM card look yeah cheaper  than 7eleven we said cheaper than 7-Eleven oh   man that's the plug right there all right thanks  Rocky see you brother see you man yeah Rocky's the   vibe don't mess with Rocky yeah a couple of the  music what happen we should wait you were going   to change your out your shirt right now oh not my  shirt I don't even have a shirt oh what were you   going to do put it on into the big oh okay well  you can do that or um we can just continue for a   bit it's up to you yeah yeah yeah let's we got to  get organized guys look at what Andrew's lugging   around with right now and it gets heavy quite  fast all right so let's continue on a little bit   more man I wish there was an ATM actually you know  what there is one let me let me just try and take   a little bit of cash outs um I'll get back to you  in a second and we can reorganize bags um I need   to try and hit this ATM though to make sure that  I I need I need some more money to keep this going   this is too much fun look they got Mango Steam  duyan all kinds of uh ratties being made Andrew   just tried his first Roti two days ago and he's  had one every day since and he's addicted I'm adct   he's addicted to everything he tries and he loves  these stores right here that are found everywhere   as well unfortunately no bits of cash came out  of that machine so right now Andrew just got done   putting everything in the backpack we're about  to hit the road and I think what we're actually   about to do is just grab some street food because  I only have about 300 bot left in my pocket and   as you're spending that on souvenirs man it goes  quite fast but let me know what you guys think of   kowan road so far I mean it is a super beautiful  place um great Vibes every time you come on out   here and it is definitely a place that everybody  should visit when in Thailand it is amazing here so yeah a lot of souvenir shops a lot of  guys selling items of course you got the famous   Pat thae out in about the sausages are amazing  all of the stuff that you see on the skewers I   recommend you try of course another coffee taii  tea lady mandatory on every corner and if you've   ever seen people's pictures from Bangkok they  always have one with this famous sign here that   says I love Cowan and Ronald McDonald with  the um C with the thank you hands and look   at that place plant Topia wow I love how all the  Ronald McDonald's around all of like Thailand or   Bangkok that I've seen so far have the Ronald  McDonald out there like that yeah it's awesome   right I've been trying to make a collection like  takeing one with everyone I see yeah he's Tak have   you haven't taken one with this one yet huh no  we have to do that one we'll do that one here   in a bit all right Andrew um well Andrew's been  pretty much snagging on everything so I can count   on him to join me for pretty much any um are you  down for a pad tie for a p tie a p anything tie   really all right well I don't know where we  should sit down maybe that spot look pretty good um yes is it from this card yes yeah  okay let me look okay let me see okay so   they got some egg rolls saop you know what  um what are you feeling Pat Tha with chicken   yeah shrimp I'll do um they actually got  a little bit of everything they got all   kinds of green curries uh fried rice with  curry and shrimp powder green curries egg rolls yeah just one just one you know what we can  do one order of Spring Row too you know C cup and cup let's watch this preparation of this beauty  take place right now I love how everything they   make is just like right in front of you too  yeah it's awesome isn't it it's like want to   to be honest that's one thing I fell in love  with with um when it comes to street food is   watching the actual preparation take place  it's like on a little Habachi girl everywhere   you go yeah it's awesome but a lot cheaper  than Hab not a lot better to be honest too   it is some of the best food you can find in  Thailand is always going to be on the streets   they never stingy with the portions either you  always get a nice generous plate I always Ser you oh nice they put chicken and shrimp in that  one that's what the number one was wow yeah for   how much 80 bots so around $2.50 gets you the uh  chicken pad tie with shrimp back at home this is   a $16.99 small yeah probably a lot smaller of  a portion for about 17 bucks let me know what   you guys think of this video as well I wasn't  actually planning on making um these videos   but today has been just so such an eventful  day and that I've been visiting so many areas   that I haven't documented on the channel in over  like a year and a half now since uh right when   Co actually ended and a lot of you guys had been  asking me to show you uh Cowan Road Nana Plaza all   of the touristic hotpots however I just really  haven't had time to get to it especially right   now now as as it's my brother's first time in  Thailand so we'll have to run that back in a few weeks but I mean we've covered quite a bits right  in in just a matter of a few days oh yeah seemed   like every little piece Bangkok almost a  lot a lot of little pieces of Bangkok but   there's just so many like every every corner  is the world on its own but here come the egg   rolls with the sweet and sour sauuce CRA to  me like what's been like really eye opening   to me is like when you walk on the on the  Metro you get somewhere like really fast   and then when you're in the car it just seems  so far away like yeah the other day we were   stuck on a 3-hour uber all right let's go sit  down C come can can we sit right here thank you all right well this is where we're going  to enjoy our nice little meal quick little   snack before we meet up with glattus I  love seeing the Tik Tuk just pass on by   GL cuz that's she's going to call us crazy  for eating again cuz I'm going to want to   eat again later yeah cuz glattus is always  just like what are you guys eating why you   eating again we eat so much in Thailand  it's kind of incredible she's actually   asking me my location right now so let me  send her the location thank you so much C come we just had one thank you you want Spider  he just had his first uh Thai scorpion thank   you C maybe later Andre's doing it right  today he's knocking out all the um csan   Road Memories the only thing that you're  missing is the party tonight and you're   missing some buckets you need to drink  some buckets and I got to try the live squid how's that nice everything's always good it's always  good well guys um I think we're going to just   enjoy this meal real quickly and then I'll tune  back in in once Andrew smashes through this Pat   tie because that looks amazing I'm sure it Tes am  um if I had a little bit more cash we'd sit here   and just say yes to all the vendors that come on  up to us but unfortunately we we don't have that   those funds available right now we got to wait  to um figure out what's going on with the bank C mhm so glattus joined the party she just got  done doing a little bit of shopping herself on   Kon Road how are you feeling today how are  you enjoying Bangkok amazing very hot it's   very hot but when you eat your P or your bka you  forget about the H she has a good point she has a   good point now what did you just end up shopping  for uh I bought this bag for 100 bu wow that's a   nice deal I bought a white T-shirt to get into the  temples I bought of course an elephant pants wow   she's she has stretched her money oh I bought  something for you really I forgot to share in   in my video oh my God that is awesome money wow  so definitely guys women know how to spend money   better than we do cuz we got a lot of nothing for  B for luck wow thank you so much and something   that is an amazing gift yes a Tut made of Chan  can a Chan can that is awesome wow that that's a   lot of items you got a lot of items I feel like  we didn't stretch JS nowhere cuz we got a big   bag yeah that's true man we kicked off the tour  very wrong we didn't plan the budget accordingly   that's where poor planning comes to play but I  hope you guys are still enjoying this video so   far man I wish I could have resolved this issue  right now with my card Andrew can obviously go   to ATM for me but I'm trying to think about  if um whether or not that is a good decision   to do right now because I have to save all the  money for the pataya taxi in the morning as well   so you know it's kind of like bouncing between  two dots I don't know do you think the rain is   going to come back it's hard to say huh yeah  all right so you know what I think we should   just go on a hunt for you know a little bit more  a little bit longer and then let's go get 1 hour   massages my man or maybe 2 hour who knows who  knows all right she does let's get even here   and then we'll we'll get on out of here oh you  already did we paid let's get on out of here   hey I love that Tuk Tuk made out of a Chan can  you know I've always wanted one since my first   visit but I never actually bought one and this  one looks amazing oh really so maybe I bought   the souvenirs backwards this shouldn't been for  you and the wallet for no it's okay I'll have   to get one next time that is amazing I like  it but I really like the wallet thank you so much that is amazing all right thank you so much  what's up bro took to now you play now thank you   I'm okay we're just walking around right now  thank you thank you so much now how did you   say k okay glad is is funny but yeah a lot of  nice street food can be found on these streets   now I don't know exactly what we can get for the  150 Bots but maybe maybe we should grab ourselves   oh did something just catch your eye she just  telling me how all the stands they get you no   something couch my I know that said Tai te yeah  it's because there just smells everywhere and   they just keep getting you but um I wonder if I  should just splurge and buy some elephant pants   because that's what people do on csan road need  them let's see what we can get I want some see   the problem is is when you spend enough time in  Thailand especially with Lattis who loves elephant   pants you know which ones are the good ones and  they're the ones that don't have elastic at the   bottom we don't like those so let's see if we can  find them wow wow her stand smells amazing and I   like the way she presents that huh so you have  elephant pants uh with no elastic no elastic no   elastic yeah how much yeah 100 B 100 BTS you have  one size for me I show you I'm big size too much   pad caparal I have only one size oh it's one size  fit all oh those are nice I like those what about   some other Styles oh I like those ones black and  white is simple it goes with everything nice to   Lou around you have jellow orange you have pink  burgundy you know what I'll do burgundy you have   green I think burgundy is a nice color burgundy  okay this why not things you got to do when you're   in Thailand especially on Kon Road you got to get  some elephant pants how much are the t-shirts 200   100 okay I just take the pants please take two  one no just one one one this okay one back okay   just one this one no no I I put one back okay no  here okay or where do you want them no that's fine cap she almost got us with the two for one  thank you so much you're so you're so kind only one no no no thank you thank you oh she  was just confused all right it happens over   here they're actually doing hna tattoos and  real tattoos they got the coconut ice cream   and of course this is where you can find like the  Tuk Tuk rides to take you around the cities and   they're actually selling buckets over there across  the street oh man Andrew you going for your first   bucket boy boy maybe after the massage maybe after  the massage all right fair enough what's up bro   maybe after the massage okay well you know what  guys I think this is going to be the end of this   video I hope you enjoyed it it was just a nice  little catching up and I wanted to show you guys   C on road what was that think I can drink it while  I'm getting my massage um I'm not sure about that   I know out here you can but definitely not inside  but if we sit on the streets you can have one Andrew hasn't had a bucket so you know we got  to break them in the right way but yeah we   can definitely get to the buckets but you  know what we're going to save the bucket   time for after the video though um actually  let's see how much the bucket costs right here hello sir you sell bucket no no I don't  sell bucket okay okay over there over there   sell Bucket over there okay all right fish on  you want to go check it out you have some cash   on you yeah this big bro is tapped right now  I'm about to figure the situation out though   Andrew is actually about to pull some money out  for me but um it always sucks when your cards get   locked and stuff like that overseas all right wow  they brought the gator out right now I've always   wondered how they carry that thing out here now my  answers have been answered or questions have been answered so you can imagine right now once the  sun sets all the way and it gets dark this turns   into a crazy place how much for the bucket sir  200 400 okay 400 for a bucket you take all what   comes inside of a bucket you got the Sansum yeah  you the Thai Red Bull and a Coca-Cola it's a bumb   the recipe has been the same for years since  my first visit to Thailand Okay um bucket is   Andrew going for a bucket should I get a bucket  are they all the same well you can get them with   different Liquors and different sodas like you  could get it with a Sprite different spots right   yeah you want to check out another spot let's  check out another one all right let's check   out one more we'll be right back sir along the  street here you can actually find a lot of people   with offers so let's see if we can get one more  better deal I always recommend when you're when   you're around csan Road in these areas to you  know bounce around a few spots get some prices   down that way you know kind of what to look for  and which has the best prices um but then again   yeah you never really know uh prices fluctuate  based on the way that the economy is and yeah   this is gl's favorite car you're probably  going to end up getting something huh this   is the bucket I want you want a bucket of taii  tea should we should we get one I want one all   right let's get one smells so good s can we  get one TI te yeah CLE for you how much TI te okay you have BBA huh BBA I  don't think when I say BBA   I don't think the bubble bubble te bbba no okay T sorry look how these ladies get down I mean  they just make the most incredible everything   incredibly fast do you have the money I do  have the money sorry we got to go hit this   ATM like emergency level right now I'm ordering  stuff for myself you I don't ask yeah you know   what I think we got to um we're going to have to  put this camera down here in a second because we   got to hit the ATM because I can't let Andrew by  himself his first bucket we've been going hard   though all day we've been we've been just buying  absolutely everything all day long the cash just   goes through I swear we pulled out no but you  know what we made another video this morning   oh man how's this TR going to get through  we made another video this morning where I   actually um helped out Mee and that was a really  like unexpected I I wasn't expecting to give her   absolutely anything but you know she was going  through some tough times so that's why I provided   her with that money and that actually um I think  that's the reason why I can't pull out is because   I exceeded my daily limits this morning I pulled  out around 300 us and it's gone so um yeah maybe   I just got to wait till tomorrow to pull the money  back out but look at the traffic jam here on Kon yeah kon's always extremely busy especially  in the late evenings the bucket I love it's only missing Boba it's missing the Boba  glad is can't do without the Boba it needs the   Boba all right let's find this bucket because  it is starting to get pretty dark out here now   it's well for the camera standards the camera  doesn't do too good once the Sun starts to the sets you know it's crazy though gladus because  you've been out here at night with me and at   night once it hits 900 p.m. the streets  are completely filled with buckets like   you can buy a bucket from anywhere like  and music music bum bum bum bum bum yeah   they go hard but look at now looks very  nice the stream yeah it turns into like   during the day it's a street food market  right exactly and Market it's a proper party all right you know what let's keep  walking this place looks a little bit too   busy let's walk into this spot right here  okay let's see hello ma' how much for the bucket okay s s and we want me it okay one okay  yeah let's do one yeah do why not when we sit   right here yeah Cup on cup thank you yeah you want  to say um what we'll do ssum yeah we do s and you   want mix it um do Sprite Sprite yes thank you okay  well we're getting our Bucket Man the first time   I'm getting a bucket since 2017 when I first came  here all I did was party and I drink buckets 24/7   um but nowadays kind of growing a little old for  that at least at least for everyday type of thing   but this is your first time so let's enjoy a nice  little bucket and glattus has still never enjoyed   a bucket but yeah she'll drink the tight tea  enjoy something better tii tea yeah she does   it probably is better this is probably going to  taste a little bit but winning room right guys   so you know what I think um as soon as these tight  te um these tight te as soon as these buckets make   it on out of here um we'll we'll finish the Vlog  but for now uh this is a view of the streets it's   just amazing out here a Thailand is just a Vibe  you never want to leave right Andrew I am never   leaving because Thailand Thailand is amazing this  is my favorite Andrew thinking about missing his flights I think that's a great idea  actually you know what why not let's   bring Mom to Thailand for Thanksgiving how  about that that'd be a good idea all right   ready for a crazy Friday night in Cowan  Road yeah my crazy par the massage glad   that'ss we literally she spends our nights  Andrew and I will probably just hang out   for a little a couple drinks because we have to  actually take off pretty early tomorrow we got   responsible things to do we're taking them  to chatu chak weekend markets Andre's never   been and glattus loves that place so that's  where we're going to be spending our Saturday   morning but for now time to enjoy Friday night  you always smart I was the one to take a love
Channel: Travelwithchris
Views: 128,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bangkok, crazy market spree in bangkok thailand, travelwithchris crazy market, khao san road bangkok thailand, bangkok thailand, travelwithchris bangkok, travelwithchris thailand, market spree thailand, bangkok thailand 2023, bangkok vlog, thailand vlog, thailand travel vlog, thailand travel guide, khao san road bangkok, khao san road 2023, travelwithchris chinatown
Id: 1gP3bff0q98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 1sec (3181 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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