Avoid This Hilarious Tuk Tuk Scam in Thailand πŸ‡ΉπŸ‡­

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[Music] foreign [Music] we're gonna try and find this uh this monkey Hill Place looks pretty good wild monkeys everywhere first we need to find a way of getting there yeah yeah where you going go Monkey Hill Monkey Joe and up though hey are you the driver yet all right so as you can see these these talk talks are they're very different to the ones in Egypt um you sort of sit in the back with these ones not with the driver they're a lot cleaner most of the time they crank the music check out the speakers [Music] you see where is Monkey Hill but ah we want to go to Monkey Hill monkey Hue yeah Monkey Hill not Monkey Joe no monkey Hill Monkey Hill you know the monkey Hill you told me you this is Monkey Hill viewpoint real boy yeah Monkey Hill oh boy oh we're probably we'll probably and after where you go ah we have a look me and you we go we go hang out we see some monkeys and then um can we go get some lunch yeah me and you we get some lunch and then we go we have a look and we see where we want to go yeah I put what grandma is it the book game not go and back go and back I said the book cam you understand not really ah you know the monkey Joe is you foreign [Music] well let's just go to the monkey let's go to the monkey Hill yeah I know I know I know I know monkey you I remember in the monkey you and land okay I know okay maybe maybe you talk for me and you're not cool and back go and back I set the book them I can tell you everything you talk for me yeah maybe but let's just go to Monkey Hill Monkey Hill say what what you say is happening here is the reason I pretend I don't know what monkey Hill is and have a problem with it is because they can just drive you there and there's monkeys everywhere it's free they want to make a commission out of all of this stuff because if they take us to the monkey shows and the dolphin shows and the Tiger shows they take me there in the talk talk and they get money um that's why they really they're really trying to push all this up in hell [Music] they're trying to push all push off but you got to stay firm we'll go on a monkey Hill brother some truth you're a wonderful dude I'll give you some music okay iPhone sis I did shooting yesterday it's good but maybe again we see we see so he's left the uh music choice up to me he's just said put on Bluetooth I've got no other choice to put on my homie Nathan's band deficit and uh yeah we're gonna see if we can give the driver a bit of a shock let's do it [Music] this is my friend's band say hello Nathan hello Nathan Nate one I like deficit that was it yeah deficit yes there we go all right so looks like we're going to Big Buddha and the monkey Hill so 15 1500 can't complain about that [Music] so I don't know where this guy is taking us um it was originally only gonna be like 42 minutes now it's saying 46 46 minutes and we've been driving for 20 minutes um this is what they do uh yeah very interesting to see where we go but see what happens I don't think I'm going to get kidnapped but uh hey if we do it'll be all right if I can Vlog it all right so we've stopped off somewhere no idea where we are all right they're organizing something not a monkey I hear the eagle yeah no Eagle we're looking for monkeys no monkey I have an eagle this your Eagle yes my ego does he bite not bite where do you team ready team very friendly what are you doing put on your arm take a picture 100 but for one person uh welcome to everybody of the world come to take a picture with the Eagles everyone in the world's got a photo of this Eagle yes I'll give you a hundred okay all right and we get a photo thank you okay good fry of the world yeah it's pretty good price yes why not why not my finger sure okay see you brother all right we're going to see some monkeys look I don't know if he accidentally drive us here more on purpose but you know it was 100 baht got to see an eagle that's actually really cheap um and a nice view just doesn't know where we said hey this is what the adventure's all about new experiences oh what this is a sting operation this is a complete setup I knew this but this is not this is not the monkey Hill here we go this is such a setup we'll have a look at you I'm not buying anything hello what's up oh you got bananas okay fine we'll leave it for the elephant I can take a hint anyway um why are we here this is this is a weird spot they sell elephant rides and they sell cannabis that's the two things elephants and cannabis o he's a big boy I don't like riding these elephants once I did it probably oh 11 years ago when I was here and they like see this sharp stick here and like hit them with that so um yeah I'm not a fan but they're beautiful to look at oh this is the monkey show up here this is not what a wanted to see I just wanted to see them freely out in the wild we go to the monkey Hill Monkey Hill yeah this is not Monkey Hill this this is right now we're bright I will show you monkey Hill you've been you've been driving the wrong direction United Monkey Hill 43 minutes away you drive us the wrong way yeah okay okay but but you're not gonna charge me more money or up to you okay can we just go straight to Monkey Hill straight there and you'll go right now the big Buddha after the monkey you after ah okay but you're not gonna like what's the price to you up to me you said 1500 1500 yeah one five zero zero yeah this is where I got it on video you told me before yeah around the way you can do you think one more where would it be not same yet today not same tour how much for how much day we check price [Music] so if we do we do this one for a thousand just that's the only handgun for a thousand for under a thousand they're really not gonna budge here but we might have to do I don't like the look of that handgun it reminds me of like a western movie oh I want this one it's just it's more gangster all right we'll do this one didn't hit it none not one wow okay well maybe I shouldn't be a cop yeah I tried this gun is very hard to aim yeah all right we are off to see the big Buddha let's go so we are here at the big Buddha and uh yeah just checking my shorts it says no shorts are these okay to get in not too short too short it's it's okay so women know yeah yes okay women know men Okay so we've checked we can get past with our shorts let's go see the big Buddha hello hello you work for Big Brother security guard okay that is huge that is seriously impressive I did not think it was going to be this big statue and take a look at the view best view in Thailand literally still like half under construction by the looks of it but what do we got here there's a uh two two statues looking like they're ready to go up salty cup wow an official Monk a monk you're a monk yeah that's all we had to see not too much up here apart from the big water but let's go find our driver and maybe go get some lunch oh what we've just spotted our first monkey hey hey come back here excuse me what dude this monkey's so smart he just bit a hole in the bottle and he's drinking it what a little champion softery's probably not the best for these guys but hey that's talent there should see if he takes the water I just litters oh he's gone through the rubbish .com always drinking coffee he's on the coffee he's drinking coffee I'm trying to give him the healthy alternative how was that you want this huh no he's pushing out of the way oh I'll open it for him that's why they got the ropes on it he knows what the water is he's not interested in it he wants soft drink he knows he's like no I don't want water I want soft drink he's not taking the water yeah yeah oh my God oh did he take your wallet is that your wallet is that what is that oh he's taking her lunch he has taken her lunch and he's sharing it was that your food oh my God is that your food he's got back up hey get out of it oh he's taking your water oh he's got a full drive here he has just taken her water you've got to be careful with your belongings here cheeky Little Monkeys oh there's a full crew I want to be careful here they're going to come they're gonna steal my sunnies they're gonna take my plugs out if you've seen The Hangover they can even train these monkeys to be drug dealers [Applause] oh watch out I'll steal your stuff they just stole some ladies lunch and they took her drink so just be careful they will attack you you come from South Africa you do have monkeys monkeys okay be careful that was good um we go get some food now ah yeah cool okay sorry car well Thai an Italian I suppose we need to eat Thai being in Thailand what an absolute gentleman wow they're very polite here I find when you get more out into these semi-rural I guess you could call it areas they're very polite very good manners when you're down in the Party Zone in uh like Bungalow Road they're nice but they're pretty they're pretty blunt and they can be a bit rude thank you thank you you're not angry you're not on the land mate I'm just doing uh just on the veggies veggies today veggies and spring rolls and you've got some fried rice that actually looks pretty good he's mine the Thai people they have a good sense of humor have a look at this sign for the toilets I don't know if they're half serious or not but it's pretty funny all right we are going to jump back in the tuk-tuk so old mate talk talk has dropped us here on the way to see the Final Destination the monkey Hill um I believe this is some form of shopping place where you must get some commission let's go check it out hello hello I'm good how are you what is this shopping uh dropping shopping we have many shopping many good stuff yes okay and it is sterling silver and Pearl on that side yeah and Diamond we have lasted diamonds down there yep I'll take my time I'm literally just playing along with it oh yeah yeah diamonds down that way okay like there is zero chance of me buying anything here oh no camera oh sorry it will be red and Sapphire where are the engagement rings engagement with diamond yeah yeah I'll have a look there's a lucky lady in my life oh yes that's a bit on the cheap end how much for the most expensive you've been I need uh quality my budget is one million baht and it's still 200 000 but for one ring one carat side all right I'm pretty sure he's behind me I think I can see him he's stalking me so talk to him yeah all right and we're out but all jokes aside um it probably would be a good place to get an engagement ring if you were going to get married I've got no plans of that at all but um yeah we're gonna have to set Mr sack talk straight because I want to go to Monkey Hill because I'm getting tired I want to see the monkeys and let's do it all right I'm not buying anything today can we please go to Monkey Hill please Monkey Hill we're doing it we're not sitting in the front can I sit here yes yes it didn't quite like anything in there but you know and you're winning the monkey Hill after where you go I go back to for Tong Beach [Music] how much energy do you think I have I know you get there you take the 10 minutes 15 minutes 17 minutes is music and uh flights so we're on our way to the monkey Forest but we have landed in the dog Forest up the road say from a distance I thought that they were monkeys did you think they were monkeys too or you think they dog [Music] locked in or something here we go so no one runs away uh suck is not interested in coming so it's just going to be me walking through Monkey Hill wherever there it is straight ahead and uh yeah see what happens I'm probably gonna get my sunglasses stolen so we'll get some bananas for the monkeys yes but the question is am I allowed to eat one I can eat a banana okay cool we got myself and the monkeys some lunch thank you thank you so I just found out it's a two kilometer walk to get to the top excuse me oh that really two kilometers Russia you're right we found our first two what's he doing grooming it all right this guy's coming at me oh what the hell spotted the bananas give me one sec don't take my water no piss off that's mine you can wait sit no wait holy [Β __Β ] no little shits [Β __Β ] give me one give me one you can't eat all those one's for me Are you rude around here give me one what's happening down there you go back up on the way yes no that's [Β __Β ] give that back you little [Β __Β ] a little smart ass I actually really need that water stop stop stop rude me me shoot up with our new buddy coming on up to the top here and everyone else has to walk now we are left what's that yeah hello uh can we get out here is it huh okay okay what shoot a monkey you want me to shoot a monkey I like the monkeys thanks man thanks for the lift okay monkeys up this way yeah okay bye that was awesome I don't know how he got through he must have like a special permit like living in the area here we go we have another vicious gang on the loose no oh you little [Β __Β ] just rip my cover oh my God you just turn my auto exposure on the wrong settings oh [Β __Β ] oh get the [Β __Β ] off me oh what the [Β __Β ] they're coming from all angles I think we've seen enough monkey Madness for one day so I'm gonna go we'll head back it's been a uh it's been a tiring day hey bro yeah bloody monkey stole my stole my banana my cover my food everything or jump in the back or in the front make the hotel uh yeah you're not like the lady you see the lady we have a look okay we have a look okay he's trying to get me to go to this uh massage parlor which includes Jiggy jig he said it about three times so we'll go anyway we'll see if we can smuggle the camera in maybe what is this come from how much time foreign look I'm not gonna lie the girls there were good looking but I just wanted a massage and they would not do it um you have to ask the lady at the at the front the Mad arm and I said look I just want a half an hour massage and she said no no they would only offer everything so see you later I'll go get a nice relaxing massage on the beach so [Music] I'm enjoying a coconut [Music]
Channel: Marco Roams
Views: 8,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tuk tuk scam thailand, travel vlog, thailand travel, thailand scam, scams in thailand, thailand scams, monkey hill view point thailand, monkey hill, phuket, monkey hill phuket, monkey hill phuket thailand, monkey hill thailand, thailand vlog, phuket thailand, thailand, phuket vlog, the big buddha phuket, the thaiger, global travel mate, tuk tuk ride bangkok, bangkok tuk tuk crazy, thailand tuk tuk ride, buzzin pattaya, phuket xtra, phuket extra, backpacker ben, tim k
Id: 3xuIU4D1HH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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