The Real Story of The War in Chiraq. (DJ Akademiks meets Chicago legend Big Folks and Talks Chiraq)

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small on camera is all good man we having a good time listen man big act in the building man big act big folks big podcast big off the Record Hey listen it's very rare that I bring a non- artist on here I bring somebody who number one I think is very important to contextualize the story everybody knows about me when if you think about my past my history people will consider the war in Shak people consider my coverage of Chicago as a very important thing that kind of changed media in a way but also Changed music in a way and even probably put drill in a position that has changed and affected and really went around the world now I've always told people this when I was doing the war in Shak I was a kid in Jersey I was very inquisitive I did do a lot of research but I was never on the ground it took me years after the fact to even really learn some of the real Nuance of what was really happening and as a lot of people really think that was like this big expert I mean maybe expert on the things that y'all thought I was talking about but to really understand it took me talking to people who really lived there people who really had these experiences and this is an episode that I felt I had to do we have to correct maybe some of the inconsistencies or maybe some of the misnomers that happened when it came to the war in Shak and I have a special guest with me today someone if you are familiar with the Chicago region period someone who's reputable someone who listen his story like we're going to get into it but it's it's one of the most historic stories when it comes to that region uh I'm here with big folks man what's po my brother man love appreciate for having me baby about time uh first time I ever met you yes it is and um you know what I used to think though I always thought I always thought I said if I run into any of these like OG Chicago things they probably hate the [ __ ] out of me Noah not true you're all spot man you like like you got you got good energy though n for sure for sure for sure because because to me you did nothing to us but it was free marketing yeah you didn't cause nobody in Chicago no I mean you know a couple people going to be like well he hiding the war he did this and that but you Outsider how could we let an outsider uh heighten a gangster City to do anything and I think that's the important part Chicago what people don't understand about the war in sh right I was appalled I'm appalled by what I was say I couldn't even imagine I remember watching CNN they're like yo there's three ins surgeons that died in Afghanistan and I'm like [ __ ] there's like 50 people that got shot in the weekend in Chico how are we not covering this for whatever reason the mainstream media CNN Fox News they ignored a lot of the gun violence that was happening in the inner city of Chicago and I couldn't understand why is it because it was black and brown people that were you know being affected is it because there was not a lot of money happening and I remember looking at some of the music that was coming out of it and at first I was like any fan I'm like yo this [ __ ] is lit mhm but then I started seeing I'm like like yo it drill music is great when you're not thinking about when they're saying we're smoking on so and so you're not even thinking about that person as a actual not think about the consequence like of these [ __ ] is talking about something that really [ __ ] happened a real human being I I remember like I remember somebody said they were smoking on somebody and then I seen a picture of that person laying in the casket and and like it just spoiled my day I was just like you can't even do that in good faith anymore so anyway the reason Reas why I got you here is to really help tell the story of Chicago but I want to tell it in an authentic way all right um for what an outsider like me knows when it comes to most of the gang Warfare that kind of like turned into a lot of drill music and other things that played out we have the GDs and the BDS right give me you know give me a little bit of not only your history but like people know La for like Bloods and Crips have been into it why is the GDs and the BS why are they into it like that historically I mean historically we supposed to all been one really in the beginning we all was one we still supposed to be one know under the one love act you know what I'm saying under the six you know we we supposed to be together you know what I'm saying but things transpired in the city back in the days Wars you know we got real real wars over projects and other things that transpire to make a lot of GDs cuz a g Chicago is a GD based ring City back you know what I'm saying as far as gang days you know what I'm saying it was a majority so so the GDs were the majority always because through music and even like with New York now I'm like yo man I feel like the like even with Ruger making a song like yo they they finally the gd's in the door I'm like damn like if if I'm a gang member and not that you probably get a chance to pick cuz you probably it's about who you grew up with who's your peoples whatever but it's like if you're a BD it seemed like the the path is paved it's almost like it's a paved Road but if you a GD everybody act like they like like you have regular fans GDK and and to me that's ridiculous but why does it seem in music that the BDS are just like the pop they got off first Chief Keef blew up Chief Keef was new fresh special something new the world caught on to it he's a BD and there you have it now if duck would have jumped off first it probably would have been vice versa been something else yeah cuz all the fans everybody else that's going to follow whatever was going to lead you know what I'm saying they LED so the drill scene and the music side you know what I'm saying I'm not saying they was winning the war in Shak or they was on the streets and this and that a lot of them was getting punished left and right remember a lot of your reports was mostly on them dying so it's just yeah so it's like you know unfortunately nobody ever really like no one gang really ran Chicago it's like it's gonna be going up but we all the gd's always been the majority of my life I'm 44 today majority of my life we always been a majority but I also was I'm old enough young enough but old enough to know when when I started seeing a lot of GDs flip Bey for various reasons different [ __ ] you know what I'm saying certain people getting killed certain politics whatever you know what I'm saying so so before we you know even get into which a lot of people kind of term as the the drill movement start and really transpiring and continue to the world with Chief Keef and Durk and everybody else let's go back to your era because you're a generation before all these the these I was I was born in the 80s so my all my coming up through the '90s early 90s you know what I'm saying describe what it's like in Chicago then because I remember even covering Chicago and a lot of times I would look at crime stats and I'm like I would then compare it to the '90s I was like damn what the [ __ ] was there was killing crazy back then too but obviously there wasn't the music wasn't fused with the murders as much so we didn't understand what's going on so explain what Chicago is in the 90s worse it than it is now like well well I what I say is our city was more organized it wasn't no just really wild you probably would even had the drill you didn't have the drill scene back there you wouldn't have had it cuz then there too much talking too much information being given going back and forth and most of all our [ __ ] go off silence and secrecy you know what I'm saying so it's like that would have been just like violating that completely just even them rapping about real [ __ ] so in my era is just different you know what I'm saying that's why you had people like friendly rap was like a twister or some [ __ ] like that because it was safe you know what I'm saying like so so in in your era in Chicago how does it work because like I'm thinking of on an LA type of thing it be like yo hey this whole block take that out your mind cuz Chicago and La has two different animals so so so how do you decide that like your GD right like how do you decide you're going to get down with the Gangster Disciples like you born in a certain neighborhood your people your your family is that most of us is like but born like born in it's like if I'm born in this area right here I grw up bam I turn 13 I'm running around this [ __ ] I'm half bad you know [ __ ] got to in our area they made us go to school and all that it wasn't just oh we could we we hanging on the Block we gang gang no it was more about teaching us how to develop to be grown like to be men it was they wasn't teaching us kill this and do this that it was more it was more on the I ain't going to say black panther but we was getting taught like literature bro like was getting taught [ __ ] we the [ __ ] that we know you probably still don't know as a grown man we was getting taught as kids really so you know it's [ __ ] like this simple [ __ ] that I learned that I take it like for me like uh we had something called the duck what's that and the duck you know what I'm saying what what let me ask you this what's the only thing that could hurt a duck like in the wild what what what what what's the reason for them to get killed maybe a hunter I don't know oh no the hunter is the one that kill him the hunter looking for him but what what what what alerts the hunter his beak so if you keep your beat closed they won't be able to get you cuz they won't know nothing but soon you open up your beat now we know everything now we can you know what I'm saying people could take you down what [ __ ] you know what I'm saying yeah yeah so that's a good thing to learn so and and I want a little bit of your story too because you know I I've just heard like I feel like this [ __ ] could be a Netflix special so you're growing up in the um ' 80s and '90s M right obviously I'm guessing you grew up on a block you grew up on the low end so I was in buildings and [ __ ] I'm from a neighborhood called Soft com we had highr project buildings right to us uh Prairie courts DS Stateway all the legendary projects Robert tail it's like I come from the lowend explain to people who've never been to Chicago so like these project buildings are they like just subsidized H houses for low-income people or what it was the projects like yeah like but they gone now you know they to our projects down they I think they still got buildings for greeny greens but I mean that [ __ ] gone that sh been gone since early 2000s okay so so you start moving around then are you you know are you like heavy in the street like yeah I'm [ __ ] around I got friends in La already they sending me Bri you know what I'm saying I'm getting busy already one thing we we like even me covering like Chicago right and when I when I started doing the war in Shak right one thing that was missing was like where's the Commerce where's the money like where is the where's the people can I can I excite on that real quick yeah when I had a little mouse in this drill scene I named my label hella B music group why act I I could have named it some gang [ __ ] I could have named it all this type of [ __ ] in the world but it was focused on hella bands because that very thing like [ __ ] we some Chicago [ __ ] we really get money we really getting money it really was a time where like the mer all that [ __ ] over block over money it turned into what it turned into uh senseless but Chicago where we come from my Foundation as a whole is money even our shorties now they could be wild and loose but I bet you they going to have some money I bet you they going to be the freshest [ __ ] like when you look at like cultur Riz like rap [ __ ] this and that I bet you nobody dress better than our shorties I bet you they be sitting around bagged up crazy whips and all that [ __ ] they own cribs all type of [ __ ] already they buying the best guns in the world all type of [ __ ] it's always been about money in Chicago don't get it [ __ ] up because the people let the gang banging in the kill and blind them but [ __ ] the little boys running around this [ __ ] with hunds hella money so and I'm wondering um and terms of like I've always said like how do people like move through Chicago and not get hurt man your business it's called staying out the way yeah but but if you're now in okay say you're a GD maybe other GD members got problems with BDS now well maybe some GDs got problem with the GDs like [ __ ] is in Chicago that gang I mean oh now know mind you I in 1993 I got plugged I was 13 the next year after that 94 then 99 five all that they indicted all our heads you know what I'm saying they was gone off the streets it was like no they indicted them yeah the structure was gone they took they they obliviated us it was over with so now and I've always heard that's kind of the problem with the newer generation because like those older generation dud are not on the street because if they were still around this and that even for my age generation we got loose because they had left mind you I just get PL GD B they all the leadership and all the all the real [ __ ] that I'm learning and they teaching us about going to school and trying to steer us into uh being better men in society that was gone and I it's like every man for aelf freef fall oh folks in going it's my I'm doing it oh I'm the man now this and that so it's like all like every man for like oh now he running [ __ ] like then it's like how and this you know what I'm saying just power struggles I think I was a shorty and I was just watching from a shorty ass but I always had a grown mentality I was around a bunch of old killers and [ __ ] so I kind of know what was going on like damn it was falling apart you know what I'm saying on the streets you know everybody in jail are you running into like these real situations where like you know where the people is trying to either rob you get at you you know of course do things I've been shot everything like robbed only only I never been robbed in my life because when um with my case with my murder case when I was 17 I I was kidnapped you know what I'm saying so so you had a murder case at 17th I had a Capital double murder I faced the death penalty by time I was 18 okay like and I've heard vaguely about this story like break this down how does that even happen being you're 17 selling drugs yeah B you're 17 sh you're outside you're moving around you might be moving some weight or whatever the case is is that you know what I love all my young [ __ ] all of them that do content all of them that's IND the streets and that because I always had a uh a distrust for the older [ __ ] once the real leadership left it was like we was left with older [ __ ] that to me was kind of foul some they was Walky you know what I'm saying so I always was a show like [ __ ] after that I'm about remind you it's 977 now everybody it's been a couple years now 97 98 sh I'm doing my own [ __ ] I got friends in La they shooting [ __ ] to [ __ ] getting my own packages you know what I'm saying you go to school at this point you're 17 no I stopped I a go to school I a go to uh High School really eth grade what about your parents [ __ ] I got my mom my mom's still alive my mom was Blackstone so you know she was a Blackstone per Ranger one of the most Jeff Ford you know what I'm saying she's a Blackstone PE Ranger yeah that's what she grew up as that's a different gang yeah okay but I when she when I was born we live they moved to a different area it was a GD area so I grew up around GDs and some Stones you know so you just tell your mom I'm not going to high school well I when I grew up my mama um she was working at the post office she was good like going through little grammar school this and that but then you know during that era drugs and all that [ __ ] so my grandma and them raising us you know what I'm saying me and my cousins and [ __ ] so you know Grandma and them kind of getting old you know what I'm saying it's just kind of like then it's like [ __ ] is bad it's like you what the [ __ ] you going to do you know what I'm saying like they did what they could do I had a great upbringing my people had money and this and that we was good you know what I'm saying uh my first cousin in 1993 too what happened yeah um his mama dad got hit by a yellow taxi cab so my family I mean they suit we got what $6 million $4 million something like that yeah so it's like that put our family in a different little situation you know what I'm saying so yeah but you know then you know after so long you know Grandma moveed to the suburbs B cre you know what I'm saying but we still right coming to the lowend you know what I'm saying [ __ ] with our people the only people we know you know what I'm saying and [ __ ] happens you know now [ __ ] I'm in the game I'm selling drugs you know I'm moving and groov you know what I'm saying so you know sometimes people look at me like yo what about the parents like I remember thinking about well I can tell you about my parent my mama was working at the post office she got uh got on drugs or whatever she was doing good and then she turned me up she told me she was living out there with 16 from in Maywood and she was like I work at the post office you know if you want some money to come out here like every other uh they get paid every two weeks [ __ ] like eight [ __ ] for me just think about it I'm like like 14 15 I might get like a half ounce of coke from one of my people out that bag that [ __ ] up wait so so your mom was like yo listen this is an opportunity damn well she if she was going to get it from somewhere it's like [ __ ] she going to do what she do anyway but huh take these people too you know I'm saying you ain't got to be in the streets you don't have to be in Street you just got to come to this house and sit in the basement these people will come through Thursday when they get their checks you know what I'm saying boom boom give these people credits the next week they good they going to pay you and I'll be sitting there every two weeks like God damn it like young like maybe like seven 8 th000 you know what I'm saying yeah shorty box shabby all that [ __ ] riding around going crazy you know what I'm saying doing me living life did did at any point during that time you're like maybe other people around me like like their parents is more pushing them to a different angle and like your I grew up in the ghetto I got the parents is like you know what I'm saying the ones that's all of them love they kids you know I'm saying the what we was around but you know some of them had to work and they not there present some of them can't control what's happening you know what I'm saying it's a era that the the crack game and all these drugs it's not now so you can't think in this now you got to think back there ain't no internet ain't nothing ain't no way to see what they doing when they go outside you know what I'm saying but that looks that that sounds like a controlled environment right like like your mom say Hey listen these are people they going to get a paycheck no it was exactly a controlled environment okay but so so you're not like carrying a gun or nothing like that right I mean I did by the time I was 15 and all that even in that Environ because it look like y these are people who they just want to yeah but I I still had to leave out that house like we got the house that's the shield like bam you can sit in the house and see get this money now I got to go outside spend I'm young I'm running around little [ __ ] [ __ ] I had a B I had a shorty there you know what I'm saying pregnant about 15 you know what I'm saying so it's like [ __ ] you know like like I hate to say it but like she she she she not no [ __ ] on the streets folks them taught me structure how to be a man they they was teaching me [ __ ] but like to get the money part that was like even even selling drill like fol was getting money in the snap but I had something special because it's like she's bringing me the money yeah she like just sit here I don't got to do I got to move around I ain't got to be outside with the gun I could be in my boxers in her basement and [ __ ] chilling and eating cupcakes and waiting no [ __ ] to come through with their checks now the bag going to look decent cuz remember they've been getting credit all week if she come she going to pay her little 300 she going spend two more and he you know what I'm saying so so when when you get or start getting into at least you know interacting with some of the the other elements that's not that controlled where now you're like yo listen man anything could [ __ ] happen yeah okay so boom she moved to the Southside bam so now over there her apartment and [ __ ] bam I I take control of them builds over there where we at let's get to the bag you know what I'm saying is there a competition or is like I mean it was but I you know I knew I knew the right people so that mean my drugs is always good because that's because you getting drugs don't mean that [ __ ] always good at so somebody you could you could be right here I got bricks [ __ ] I'm doing this I could slide on the Block something glassy now you can't even sell this [ __ ] I just sitting there chilling you know what I'm saying I'm thinking on some wire [ __ ] nigas might be like [ __ ] you can't work on this block [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] like this my hood this this this my project you it it w like that way we was at was in Blue Island there a little project called the blue jets and this and that so it wasn't no I was the only threat around I like I was only like monster around there I want to say like on some real [ __ ] like like they [ __ ] was doing [ __ ] and getting into it and holding guns and this and that but I was already like more a little advanced cuz where I came from the low end I I I came with the teachings I come with the papers I didn't learn I I really know what's going on so they they still like little kids you know what I'm saying I'm I'm already on some organized mind [ __ ] I'm already moving and grooving you know what I'm saying gez so I found some Builders I can it's all it's always been about where I could find shelter at and then just work like opened up a like a St the stores open you know are your homies at this point be like yo bro put a s [ __ ] like y what's up like y you got a little thing going on you working with with your shorty but like now your [ __ ] is probably seeing like yo this thing is kind of I mean you got to understand I've been independent I believe in independency so it ain't no homies around me while I'm getting money [ __ ] look how I start getting money they a't take no homies that's my mom and I go to the crib now I'm used to just having my money moving around this and that I don't do no hustling with nobody you know what I'm saying I'm cool you know what saying I'm just one my [ __ ] on this time we hanging out doing [ __ ] you know what I'm saying or some other [ __ ] but like as far as getting money [ __ ] I don't even want you to know what I really got you know what I'm saying that's my getting to it and [ __ ] my plugs come from out of out of town always was was good good to me I it was years I ain't make $1 doar in Chicago really but I go to West C AB to West Caron I go to Minnesota you know what I'm saying Ohio P Pittsburgh well Washington PA shout out to Washington PA I got I made so much money up there I couldn't believe in myself Washington Washington PA Washington Pennsylvania yes there's a place in Washington Pennsylvania in Pennsylvania is a city called Washington really yes look it up holy [ __ ] okay I so happily bumped into the you know it was this lady look like Barbara Brook she was a billionaire up there they probably still you could do your homework on it or whatever she owned it like the Wendy's the [ __ ] CV she owned it every the town watch the PA she's a billionaire her grandson was my customer he controlled the town so we called him Cyrus the virus Jim Cyrus cuz Conair and all that [ __ ] was out there wait wait so so what do you say you sell Like Cocaine yeah it was coke then really people playing with their nose like back then smoke C they were smoking crack oh so oh so you're this like this this this is uh the PA [ __ ] is like in the 2000s in like 2000s uh around time right before Barack got elected T got elected that was the last day I was in Pennsylvania my grandma died on Day 2008 when the president when Barack got elected I left that day I ain't go back so but I had like a threeyear run up there though so from 05 to 08 you know what I'm saying okay so your 17 and you get kidnapped and it turns nasty because a murder happens actually multiple we know you're outside at this point M I was in the buildings though I was in the building in the building in but also you're hanging out there people know you got some money now which I would imagine if you in any type of you know like oh know the neighbors know everybody know what's going on you know they looking out for me even the ones that don't do drugs they you know I'm chilling I ain't worry about no police isn't nothing so so how do you run into a problem what happened jealousy some old [ __ ] came around there claim they you know they brought something from me you know what I'm saying like an ounce took it came back three days later or I don't even I can't I because you know my paperwork is my it's going to say what what it is how many days it was they came back talking about the [ __ ] was right no problem no problem so so so they say you sold him some f yeah like I Tred to finesse or not weed like whatever whatever I try to finesse him I say oh just bring it be honest did you cut it no no I didn't I mean of course it was it was rocked up and all this and it might have been blasted but check this out all right well just bring it back just bring me what I gave you I'm give y your bread back or I'll try to give you something else so there's a refund policy there man I ain't give a [ __ ] I was getting it like I ain't about to let that stop what I got going on a pro that's a problem for nothing like I was just oh y'all don't like it just bring the [ __ ] back cuz I got people that like it you know what I'm saying so whatever I don't care so so so but it was a trick old [ __ ] trick that's I like old [ __ ] these [ __ ] was 37 to 38 and I just what came from jail and how old are you at this point 17 are you intimidated when you're talking to people who are in their 30s no really cuz I looked at it all I looked at all the old people back then like Hypes I'm just like man yeah like do and crackheads and [ __ ] like I get away from me cuz at that time I'm already knowing what's in me I just ain't that that don't mean I got to be the aggressive or I got to be out doing D like I just know what's I just know don't come don't play with me you know what I'm saying leave me the [ __ ] alone so so they come around there and this and that bam they come back talking about this bad no problem they come produce it back so I ain't giving you no money back so they just show up empty-handed like yeah that [ __ ] was whack on some goon [ __ ] on some oh so now they're trying to strong arm you like just give us our [ __ ] money back I'm like oh they or give us something it's like cuz they either smoke that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] up or [ __ ] somebody money or whatever they did I didn't care I didn't have time I'm B I'm like I'm really selling work my phone really rocking I'm really you know what I'm saying let me ask you a question so when you first did the deal how much like at least back then how much money like this over 800 800 I was $800 then yeah yeah yeah $800 for the so they basically wanted that $800 back you're like they wer even asking for the money back they like wanted some more work and I'm just like well bring that back and I'm you know what I'm saying out or something it's like no like no like no act give me another one you knew these [ __ ] like inms you see around I got introduced to them by by they they had a uh his woman lived over there she used to buy work from me so uh and she worked at the durkenson building Federal Building so my my case is crazy so she involved so she didn't told them boom boom boom he got the best work over go get the work from him yeah they had got some type of settlement [ __ ] had went and brought this car the car that he died in he went brought that car flash his money around acting crazy then it's like man his last $800 he going to come to me try to get an ounce I sold it to him B [ __ ] up he [ __ ] it up he come want more so they think it's a two for one special yeah I get to tell a no here ain't no two for ons over here I don't know to tell them are you and I wasn't being tough or none of that [ __ ] cuz they was old and they was aggressive and and I knew what they was about you know what I'm saying I'm just like man I I'm just doing what I got to do I don't even got it to get like you going have to give it to me so I can replace it you know what I'm saying let me ask a question are you feeling like they're testing you in the sense of if you fold and be like all right man here I'm gone they going it's over I can forget about this now if I did that you know what I'm saying so you got you got to stand on some type of business okay Co and I was no ho so it's just like all right man y'all tripping I'm trying to be a business I'm trying to I rather I want my money I like the customers I'm trying to like come on now y'all tripping man get it together like but they play so they come back so after a few nights they come they come in build and Bam they up two guns on me a 38 and a n I'm in the hallway I'm they got me so this happened on two nights the first night then the second night so the first night they come they're like yo we need yo give us some more work you're like man I don't got you to get no when they came with the guns it it was past that it I was damn near man hang up the phone on they goof ass you know what I'm saying now it's like oh no man you think we playing with you shorty told you give my [ __ ] money like trying to see if they can see the fear of my ass now that I'm grown I knew what they was doing so I'm just like and I'm a short so I'm just like damn they C they caught me like man I so mind you I had little security in the building this and that so they be on the little third floor out the window the rifle and [ __ ] so I they get to walk they walk me out the building which my and they guns pointed at you they walk you out the building one in my side one in my back you know what I'm saying like that where they walking you too out to the uh parking lot of the build and still take car they was trying to take me that night oh so wait so they're not even saying yo bring us to where you got the work St you're coming with us ain't really no talking this some Pablo Kar I'm just like what the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I'm trying to figure out I'm not totally understanding like what are y'all about yeah what y'all about to do because I know you panicking no because I know I had Security in the building what like what do you mean security Now like [ __ ] look [ __ ] looking out for me they know I'm in oh security I'm like [ __ ] in the window with the gun type [ __ ] okay okay okay so I like bam or a [ __ ] to let me know like police about to come you know what I'm saying so bam I'm walking out the door now I'm making noise like damn what the [ __ ] I'm trying to be loud so now I already see the uh I already see the little shade go up on the window are you scared for life be honest hell yeah I'm terrified so no not crying no no no no no bro I'm a real gangster it was no crying this not a crime moment it's a grown man moment what I'm crying for they like I'm you know I'm really trying to talk my way out this [ __ ] to see another day so so you be like Y what the [ __ ] yo yo it's more like that like what the [ __ ] is y'all like what the [ __ ] is y'all on you know what I'm saying what the [ __ ] like what like [ __ ] we could like this little [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] could fix that no [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] that [ __ ] over pass you know what I'm saying [ __ ] that [ __ ] that's being overly aggressive and [ __ ] like trying to make force me to you know what I'm saying do some [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so it's just like so my man shout out to will kill I did just tell on Troy ass [ __ ] you know what I'm saying my [ __ ] will kill he out the window he scream out the thing he say man he scream my name he say Sean that that instantly it's in the middle of the night so [ __ ] like so he they look up he they man you good man you mother [ __ ] out the window they they got the gun to they still got it on me yeah what do you say I'm like I tell my man I'm like yeah I'm good man I'm I'm all good I don't know what [ __ ] on they put they guns down fam got he got the he's over there here he about knock their [ __ ] heads off so he they put their guns up and then he walks away well it's the uh Gregory drones and uh Anthony glass Gregory Jones is a [ __ ] that was had the [ __ ] around there he had a homie that he just got out of jail and Paro with from jail and brought him around here so I always say I don't have no remorse for them really but the to what I tell people is be careful who you be around with cuz your friends will drag you to your death whoa explain that the [ __ ] didn't the [ __ ] didn't know nothing about around there he didn't know nothing about me dude did he brought he's a [ __ ] for me I got a lick or some yeah come over like on some tough [ __ ] and walk that man to his death now he he got the gun on me now he a part of it you see what I'm saying yeah yeah yeah yeah so so so now your man like is up somewhere and he says something he say y you good you're like I don't know [ __ ] is on they see like oh [ __ ] okay he got maybe a little back up they Retreat let's put the guns down they are they still walking you to the car back up they kind of like like you know like well I'm I'm backing I'm back towards the building now like I'm I'm walking back towards my man like so they on some walk off [ __ ] you know they tugging they [ __ ] back like all right and they I swear to God on my on my daughter so that man uh man turned around looked at me and said hey tomorrow one of us going to be dead who says that the guy who you know is [ __ ] or no the [ __ ] the yeah the one who who who yeah the Gregory Jones so basically he's promising that he going to come back oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh [ __ ] so you know I was a little hardhead at the time are you feeling your stomach like just like droing nuts yeah nuts nuts rais in your stomach you a little re did you hell no ain't no time for none of that [ __ ] bro we talking about real [ __ ] this ain't no little kid fight you know what I'm saying he like what the [ __ ] about to happen so I was like bam now now I ain't going to lie I'm young so now I'm feeling like Superman once I see my man hanging you know what I'm saying man they goofy ass s with that dumb ass [ __ ] like so they hop in their car and leave they gone so I'm I why did you go back to that building I would switch building up cuz I'm still getting money like they a ain't no I was I had the mentality ain't nobody going to stop my show okay but but but that's this is the reason why in court it proves like that night I didn't have a weapon on me I went to aggressor the second night since that happened to me guess what I did protected myself and put a gun on me oh okay so so before we even get to the second night that daytime are you telling your friends like yo man y know what happened like your [ __ ] Tred to get up only I'm talking to my yeah yeah I'm telling my man I'm telling my um I had a fiend in the building who cre right used to run in D I don't know if she's still alive or not but Donna big Donna held me down for years I'm like damn I'm telling them like man you know what happened they like man they like man them [ __ ] better breat they stupid like they better not bring they dumb ass back down like what the [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like what [ __ ] is just as shocked as I am so I'm just like now the phone back ranking that damn blue phone out that [ __ ] phone get the ring do you keep thinking about what that [ __ ] said the night before tomorrow somebody di it's been a while I can't oh yeah it resonated with me like holy like this goof like like this [ __ ] crazy I like that I mean and they was like blood shot red oute these is real killers you know what I'm saying I have show you the paperwork and show you how they look you be you you would be scared of them today like man what the [ __ ] was they even doing story I don't even need to see him they they were some real Gremlin so you got a gun what the hell you even get like you you just had a gun I had a banger right so my homie my homie n g rest in peace now he uh I went to Kentucky he had a nice little 3802 you know what I'm saying well you know [ __ ] be sure you like got some real [ __ ] tuck it up under the little in the uh little St around the builds and [ __ ] so I know where it's at you know what I'm saying [ __ ] know where it's at we have needed know [ __ ] get into it whatever so he had went out to Kentucky before this happened like maybe u a week or two however long it was and he got killed in the dice game up there so soon mother heard that [ __ ] now I got it you know what I'm saying I when that happened I knew to go get that you know what I'm saying okay so you go pick the gun up yeah and that's why I building the next night now my like I like man they not don't come back you have it on you or you stashing I I tape it till my earn you tape it to your arm yeah I got this scar right here that's this D when I du get out my arm that [ __ ] cut me across my arm but uh I you like duct tape no it's winter time it's winter time and I just got it in my coat you know what I'm saying like like just like that bam over my sleeve cuz you know we have a little police you come around there and they didn't want to get out the car so we' be in front of the building [ __ ] and they just like lift your coat up so they' be like and then you just be like oh so the police would say lift your coat up so you don't want to have it on your hip so you got oh that that's [ __ ] clever so bam and that Sav my life too because check this out so bam so they back to Second let's they back the second I'm in the building dumb as hell young just thinking I'm just you know my man I don't know ain't no security like everything is just down I'm trying to make a certain quote of this night you know I want to make 2,000 at night I'm trying to make that so there's no security T night nah and it just happened so on my mind it's like I ain't heard from they goof Fest they already know like I'm feeling like oh they know not to come the [ __ ] down here type [ __ ] playing you would think that they if if they came the first night caught you lacking the SEC they not going to catch you back the second night not going to come yeah I'm like they not even coming back around this [ __ ] his goofy ass like I I to me I thought I seen fear in they ass like man they ass get they ass on but all the time they just looking like all right and that man told me like tomorrow one that's going to be dead so cool next night bam it's back late night again my dumb ass I'm about to just go in the house one of them moves like yeah me going to you make some money that night yeah I was I think I made like about 1200 I was trying to get to two and it was about to happen so I'm just like damn all don't go going in the crib [ __ ] I'm just chilling I'm KN on down a door she Ain answer the door like then she went to sleep or something let me go to my walk over to the other building my mom living in the other building so I'm about to walk over there right when I'm about to get ready to call it a day bam dop swing open car door no building door building door hey back I'm like who the [ __ ] cuz people wear mask or like hell no chag don't don't believe it ches this is bareface back in the day they was just you know they you know oh [ __ ] they want no basically like we don't need to wear no mask cuz [ __ ] a witness ain't a witness yeah [ __ ] we about to whatever they was planning on doing well I know we know what they planning on doing now but so bam they come in up building they didn't got me again now it's like now this this when I really get scared same two dudes same two [ __ ] [ __ ] same two gun I say [ __ ] but this time I don't see this time I only see the uh the nine so I'm like like you know the the the the the the the passenger [ __ ] he done like [ __ ] was like oh you thought we was playing I'm like d they about to I'm like this like d they about to shoot me right here now they ripped my pockets off they didn't took that little money out and this I'm like remember I only 800 about like man go on with that little [ __ ] man y'all I'm sick of this [ __ ] ay no short you coming with us [ __ ] you think you been playing with his let's go so now I'm like this mind you was just like the police they keep wan to put you in the trunk they was trying it was more to it you know I had a rich brother too okay so it's like it's like bam so I I throw my arms I was taller than them like if I if you was like to FR me right now I just stole my arms up in there on some on some and now you moving fast cuz you halfway they FR you yeah but the gun is up here yes and a big ass Triple Fat Goose well well luckily that [ __ ] a fall down right no I got in the coat it was in the coat like it's a Triple Fat Goose so it's pad it and all that so it ain't touch me no way so he need a sponsorship after that [ __ ] hey Bam Bam Bam you know what I'm saying trip Goose so B they P [ __ ] down boom bo boom they man come on shorty woo woo so he doing all they talking and this and that bam now I'm thinking like what the [ __ ] they about to throw me turny [ __ ] open a door big ass Lincoln uh Town Car man get in the back seat tough as hell now I I'm not thinking like no killer no gangster then so it just like damn get in the backseat I'm I'm still thinking I'm about to talk them out of it they just took the little money they probably about to holl at me like man bro I you know y'all just [ __ ] me up I got to get you know what I'm saying I'm about to still try to talk my way after [ __ ] I a really you know what I'm saying so hey [ __ ] get in the car so the [ __ ] to drive in at least not in the trunk you're not thinking like your life is flashing in front of you you're still thinking there a Poss not yet I tell you since you got it I gave I'm not think they about to drive off with me I'm not knowing what's going on so they getting the cop B they take me way from the hund hundreds way to the West Side now I'm all on the express this whole time like Bing and ple like what the [ __ ] like what y'all thinking like man matter of fact you want to call your people [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] want more than that [ __ ] sure you got money [ __ ] is you doing who the [ __ ] let you over here do all this by your like on some checking in [ __ ] like and I'm just like man y'all tripping cuz my people really that you know what I'm saying are you thinking about this gun you still got on you I know I got it on me I'm trying to plead with them for they li like like like you also say you only see one gun though yeah and it's on me too now remember this they that the dad clutching so so having a gun on you means nothing when it's time your time so now [ __ ] in the car like this on me he done hop in the he like this so he's not a driver passenger yeah yeah he like this he got it on me and I was fat as hell I was big so it's like throw his fat ass back there and just yeah yeah yeah just keep pointing at him man so it's like the whole time now we done made it way to the West Side I'm like man we get off on this street called carner what do you say to them like why you why you driving on the all type of [ __ ] I'm I'm like I'm just like what y want are you looking at streets like like you know I mean like the little highway signs to be like yo yeah I'm like where we going like like like what's the problem like [ __ ] shut up we about to ride so we get off the block so we get off the expressway any and [ __ ] in Chicago know on the West Side know like off the uh that car to get off there bust that right behind that gas station it's just pitch black dog death you know what I'm saying bodies getting dropped off so it's like damn y'all like what the [ __ ] street is this so I like man he didn't turn this just industrial damn near just like a bad block and then I even turned the lights I like what the [ __ ] I'm like man what the [ __ ] I'm like now now now is panic sweat like what the [ __ ] is like bro like let me out this [ __ ] car what y'all doing you know what I'm saying he uh then the [ __ ] get to talking like yeah shorty like [ __ ] told you gave you War man [ __ ] that [ __ ] your ass out of here type [ __ ] you know what I'm saying that type of talk and he was trying to get to this alley over there they my folks was mer so now they telling you they about to kill you yeah yeah it's it's it's it's that now are youing it or you still yeah and I'm still telling I'm still trying to I'm not trying to kill these I'm not a killer nothing like trying to tell ass hell no let me go type [ __ ] but like yo y'all got it just kick me out of the car right here I'm good man he let me go now now dude got me like this so it's like now it's like it's a decision time he like man in the alley right there so now it's like so they're picking where you're going to be dropped off as a corpse yes so so the driver he mean as hell he yeah shorty told your ass I'm thinking they they probably off the blow or something they just zoned out zombies this [ __ ] like this so he been like his hand on the trigger yes he been like this so long it's like this now like yeah that alley right there that was my second that was my guy gave me oh okay so he got his hand he's normally looking at you but like mind you I couldn't fys to nothing that I couldn't even you know what I'm saying that your hand up or are you kind like I'm like this I'm trying to see I'm seeing how much leeway they really giving me I'm just like my hands is free he he feel comfortable cuz he got it on me like this so but then that fool starts basically keeping the gun pointed back there but he looking over there he took that yeah he took he try to look at that alley you know what I'm saying he took a look at that alley like right there as soon as he said right there that's why I got cut that I RI that [ __ ] out so fast it happened so fast like like two seconds and they got you know five times he got the passenger hit five times with a gun Ste like this wait wait hold on did you know know there was a bullet in the chamber yeah damn good I mean yeah I mean we was stupid you know what I'm saying there with that [ __ ] cocked the load why would you have it on you you ready right Hey listen Hey listen I'm on for the Second Amendment right and I know a lot of some people don't like Carri with the The Joint you know what I mean okay so you you you pull it five times to that dude and take his head off cuz there was uh black Talis is in the um in the in the gun the was Black Talent like explode on impact so that that [ __ ] his whole [ __ ] off you know what I'm saying yeah and it's it seconds it ain't no oh boom boom boom and it was boom boom boom and that [ __ ] died like the driver died like this trying to reach back and um and I call him right down SL them up three times Bam Bam all behind the temples and [ __ ] my [ __ ] in the law library because it's one of the cas of Illinois that uh I got I beat a self-defense even though I shot him behind the temple oh cuz you really can't pleas self-defense if you shoot somebody behind him it's a blind spot yeah okay okay so the guy is driving though does the car crash yeah into a Greystone and and smash it's a Lincoln Town Car like a uh one of them long [ __ ] and uh it crashed on Jackson and whatever that street was off cner and it was a brownstone and that k no match for that Brownstone and that car folded all the way to my knees in the back seat are you checking to see if they're dead or you don't a [ __ ] you it was a gory scene what do you mean gory heads missing decapitations all type of [ __ ] so you're seen inside their skull I'm in the car when like I told Troy I see I roll with a dead man RI Morris kicked in cuz when I shot the driver and [ __ ] he uh you know his uh RI moris if you don't know what that is it kicked in it's like your last breath and when it kicked in his body stood all the way up stiff and his head was like at the top of the car and his foot hit the gas and it was just like and I'm trying I'm D to reaching F the door it was over with damn now mind you what I said if the car smashed from the [ __ ] Hood to the backseat of my knees where are these bodies at they're basically up against you in the seat they shredded really so real quick that's not to go past it but in my trial the states tried to uh gross the uh Jewel out putting big ass teletron pictures of the dead bodies which was like and it was so it was so vicious I had a meane judge and when they did it soon they like tried to like roll it out the just say get that [ __ ] out of here get that out of here we don't need to see nobody needs to see that like people was disgusted like oh my God cuz it was like nothing just matter they they tried to do that in the YW Melly case too by by saying hey let's bring the jurors to go see how Bloody the car were it's a cause lawyer that's on your lawyer you got to fight this type of [ __ ] okay all right so cool so it crashes you I guess you kind of realize they're [ __ ] up they're dead man my Sho was missing my gun was missing so the my arm was cut so I'm bleeding I'm hurt you're discombobulated cuz it's a [ __ ] I'm knock yeah I come too shout out to them [ __ ] out west back then was a [ __ ] in the uh like one of teal green apolla like them 96 apolla and he was driving down sh was like at what 1:00 in the morning it's late as hell so it's like the only car driving down the street and he stopped he thought he witness an accident and I I'm I'm getting out the car and him he in the car with a girl he hopped out the Middle Street say man Dam he looking like damn that's the [ __ ] up accident and I'm getting he say man shorty you good he said what the [ __ ] he looked at how say them people dead what the [ __ ] I said man I'm from the southide I just got kidnapped bro and he said what man get in my car and I thought he was going to take me to the police station though he drove me all the way on wait so you went home that night mhm oh hell no [ __ ] I would have been the pr bloody I was nervous I'm just like bam you didn't go to the hospital at all nothing I ain't tell no I I went right in my mom career went right in there laid down got in the shower I was I was in shock you know like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that why you probably got charged because if you I got charged for a couple things cuz the drugs involved the case okay you know what I'm saying did did they find oh was the not so much leaving the scene of the crime legal weapon you know what I'm saying the weapon got the gun first thing got tossed out doing the motion you know what I'm saying cuz why did they throw it out they it wasn't the St didn't want to fight it they went straight for you know in the murder trial you can go for uh know do like you see they can go for different ways to convict you they went for capital murder death penalty they didn't go for a lesser charge like a first degree murder or second degree do capital murder in Illinois come with um so it comes death yeah or natural wow you could have been on death row yeah okay so all right let's even go to the steps of even you talk even the cops getting involved you go home do you say mama [ __ ] just kidnapp me I had to smoke two [ __ ] tonight I don't say nothing you just hop in the shower hop in the shower and laid down then I I was so nervous you did you even able to sleep no my nerves just jumping and just fidgety to I'm just waiting on the sun to come up just I get up cuz now I'm nervous I'm like what's about to you know what I'm saying let me go I just for something told me to walk to a little corner store which I had to walk past they building where where his girl the live so I walked past that bam I done went in the store I came out I'm limping man I'm limping you can see it like damn something hurt you know [ __ ] you have another gun on you because who knows like you just walking walking to the store I know my threat is eliminated so I'm just you know what I'm saying it been neutralized yeah I'm just I'm walking just trying to really just nervous you know what I'm saying and then that's when my nerves boom I see the blue uh Crown Vic I said damn I'm trying to walk out they turned around they they already knew they called they and my name vers Sean they call me Shan cuz people call me Shan they say Shan I try to they hey now come on check it out come here and then that was the take me to the police station my uncle know saying the lawyer you know my lawyer chief judge in Chicago right now he he he was a political back then you know he was a FBI agent for like 20 years prior to being a defense attorney all typ so he he was vicious Tommy Brew you know shout out to Tommy Brew got my life back but bam so lawyer come bam police station you know tell him what happened he man I got to go in there tell the police what happened like [ __ ] this this what happened they they got a gun they got to shoot they got physical evidence you know what I'm saying that I was there so ain't no I wasn't there or let me be quiet because you know my lawyer advised me you know you going to have to you going to have to write you going have to give a statement exactly what happened and you going later on down there you going have to say that same story to say y to you know what I'm saying to get out this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you got to tell your story it's selfdefense you know what I'm saying but it's going to have to go through the motions either uh uh first I was thinking about a bench trial for a long time CU it was kind of to my lawyers like it's clear clut self-defense but not so much in the court of law because drugs involved there other things involved um when they did how they even knew it was me involved because before fings all that [ __ ] cuz U the girlfriend when they come to pictures of them dead and the car [ __ ] up this and that this helped me in my case too first thing she said was she they said you know who these people are um you know what I'm saying like and the body's all [ __ ] up blow it's [ __ ] up so the bodies the head remember decapitated one of them this and that but the body was so swell what did she say oh that's that boy Sean down there that selling drugs they like and they the police the police tell me that's doing the uh thing they like what is I see they they thought it was kind of awkward they like why would you why you think it's him like why he like yeah he's the big guy you see that they say no this is your boyfriend and they were skinny like they was like his size matter of fact it like he like so the bodies were they swell bigger than you it was his size they swell 10 times bigger than you so so man so they like no this is him and this is him and you know what I'm saying woo woo so who is this who is this sha [ __ ] you talking about now oh well they was talking about something with sea owed them something and they was going to get it tonight and I don't know what happened oh oh so you just ad they they was coming to see me type yeah yeah that helped you of course you know what I'm saying so so bam all right bam they they got me now so now they got my statement of exactly what I just told you exactly about you know what I'm saying yeah so I like bam all right now it's like do you get bail or do you have to sit my bill is a million dollars so bam so my bill a million dollar my people have bread properties and all that now I had I had an expert lawyer though and the first thing he said is you're not going to bond a 17 18 well 18 year old out of jail for 100,000 cash on a double capital murder drug case where did this money come from like who got it like that my grand 100 you know what I'm saying but imagine we had that that money that was in '93 yeah yeah yeah uh this this uh late 989 you know what I'm saying going to 9899 that money you know what I'm saying it ain't just all hun still land like you know my f brought houses all type of [ __ ] you know some family money this ain't no hustle money you know what I'm saying so it's like all right my lawyer want a 60 B buy a 100 and he said you know what this was his strategy I hated it though of course I had to go through it but you know I'm in it so this is what I had to man up and he told me I thought he was being like a greedy ass so he's like listen I'm going have your family pay me 60,000 and you're going to sit here for about 18 months to 2 years what it's a long time how you think I feel when he said it I just got here like huh he say because this [ __ ] here like it's he like man he like they they calling it the capital uh drug murder you know what I'm saying so I'm like [ __ ] like what to do so it's like my uncle and them you know I looked up to them so it's like man whatever this man's sake you know what I'm saying just shut your ass up and do whatever he said you know what I'm saying just you know man all right cool I got to sit but my lawyer paid so to some [ __ ] it's like you rather be bonded out still fighting this how that case or have a professional attorney on top of this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying with a chance to be home you know what I'm saying yeah so man now take care of him I'm good I go to the store good life in jail went hard for me I'm chilling you know what I'm saying like I was on the school I was on the Gladiator Wing in division 11 uh back in that day division 11 AB shout out to op man I was on there with some [ __ ] legendary and [ __ ] some of the Shorties on there for killing the police which they didn't do but got 60 years for it all that type of [ __ ] like a lot of little legendary little young [ __ ] was on my deck you know what I'm saying so my jail state was straight you know what I'm saying of course nobody want to be in jail so it's like it was [ __ ] up but at the same time it wasn't did it take two years to go to trial 18 months I was home 18 months yeah so when you get to trial like how nervous are you like I was nervous every I was nervous I was nervous all the way to I made it home and got in the shower and knew I was home yeah my dad Tri act I didn't [ __ ] it on myself in the bull pin my stomach was just it was just it was just I I never experienced it so it was just like super nervous like what the [ __ ] and [ __ ] know boy down down I threw the tunnel in the in the bull pins I had to take a [ __ ] one them n like Dan like you're going to die from infections like so you just I couldn't help but I had to use the bathroom you know what I'm saying it's like [ __ ] up and I'm in TR like this my first day of trial nervous as [ __ ] first day of Trial Act they come at me like this we give him 60 years on the cop out right now that's what the pr you come from yeah then they actually let me go 60 years they actually yeah remember I fight a natural life you know what I'm saying but they was going to put me at 60 at 50 so I did 30 you know what I'm saying so I'm like I told my L I ain't doing I ain't doing [ __ ] and he like that's what I want to hear but remember lawyer can't he cannot tell you you know what I'm saying yeah he just got to ask like you know this what they offer so like let me let uh your cousin my first cousin and [ __ ] like let me let him in so he can talk to you so he nervous they not know his family like man you got you going take the time you know so at least you can come home one day and you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] what I probably just be coming home like three years from now type [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I'm like hell no like like I'm just I've been here this long my faith with God I'm riding it out and I know I ain't do no wrong I protected my life I do it again that's how I feel and if if I did something wrong if I got to go then I'm going go cuz I'm not going to let nobody kill me like hell no you know what I'm saying yeah so that was my f two conference I had with my lawyer you know what I'm saying to the side by came back out lawyer told the judge no we ain't taking no deals so oh let's begin trial no my my lawyer name was I mean my judge name was scary alone his name was Joseph G cmy and they used to call his nickname was no mercy C mercy oh [ __ ] he gave out football numers three-digit numbers just ignorant [ __ ] like 100 years 99 like you like what like that and I'm just like man but mind you my attorney is different he a black man he like a Johnny Cocker back then and he was running for Cook County share he's like super political and he was a federal agent he was on their side basically stat attorney all that way before he got his own defense uh attorney uh for what what starts to happen during the trial that gives you either hope that you were going to come home or that probably swayed the jury what's happening my jewry selection so jewry you know you know like you know I've been covering a lot of these like cases in hip-hop and people even the wind up Melly case they say that case the first case at least end of the Miss trial they said that was all jury selection so you got they say you [ __ ] [ __ ] the trial you got they couldn't decide so check this out so bam I got uh I never forget this I got seven black mother figes I'm only talking how the lwy talked to me I got seven black mother figers on the on my jewelry that alone I'm I'm a shorty look look what happened you know what I'm saying that's like that could happened to your kid ain't no way these ladies ain't about to see you they from the south side of Chicago you know what I'm saying they ain't about they they know what's going on like these old [ __ ] thought they they was going to pressure him to do that like nope like even though he was doing something bad that don't mean take his life you know what I'm saying you can defend your life so I had that to Advantage I only had one white man [ __ ] him I'mma tell you about him in a minute uh like a asan and some little sprinkles of other races but the white people [ __ ] them I mean [ __ ] D white ass you know got a hell of white people do he help like okay bam this on a Monday my trial last for Monday to Wednesday so on a Monday bam I could have beat my case on well I took the stand Tuesday oh so you did take the stand hell yes 18 years old I S up there and had to just what I'm telling you I had to just keep repeating this [ __ ] you let ask your question personal question and you know now that you've been through do you believe it's important in a self-defense case that you you speak for yourself yes what's better than coming out your mouth it's sincere it's it's you can judge what I'm saying not my lawyer this professional and you just like okay the professional knows and but she might feel like she might be looking at me like this [ __ ] did it but then I get to talk and I'm just a kid she like what he can be with my nephew yeah you see what I'm saying like no they they did this oh look at their record then that was another thing they records too they was 37 and 38 I was 18 by the time I was to Tri they records was longer than my life they've been in all violent crimes all type of [ __ ] they I just got out of jail they wer supposed to have gun they died with guns on in their hands and [ __ ] let me ask you a question cuz you know sometimes when they when these situations happen they'll try to throw out their criminal record in a sense oh they tried the state the state tried everything and did I had a mil for attorney think what this man what I'm telling you this man did he was a FBI agent for 20 years of his career he was a States Attorney for maybe four then he got his own law F he ran for Cook County Sheriff that mean the Run owed the whole County he lost that to Michael Shanahan you the white man R and [ __ ] but he St he was political so Joseph G C's Mercy was no had no mercy for us for us [ __ ] but he might go golf with Tommy Tommy tell me hey man go to sleep man I'm going golf with your judge in the morning you know so funny I've heard that too about the legal process where they're like listen the best lawyers are best friends with the prosecutors and a judge they work they work together all day you know what I mean like like like like listen they argue it out and they be like like they'll still be like hey how was that how was that 20 anniversary party you know what I mean like you can see that there's a rapport there's I'm going tell you the coldest [ __ ] in the world my lawyer told me cuz he was a smooth [ __ ] though cuz he was niggerish with me cuz he know I'm Street you a street [ __ ] so he it's like a like the feed man like yeah [ __ ] you going to have to you know what I'm saying then he in the courtroom he was liking the little clerk lady the little black C lady that [ __ ] told me the wrong [ __ ] would I be my case you know I'm saying not to skip it but he was just like yeah now tell your family send me $6 more th000 I'm take this [ __ ] on a vacation really the CL House dad left like damn and the [ __ ] called me like three days of being out ja they got that together yet oh he bought that sh I love Tommy Brew now he bought that [ __ ] got that [ __ ] okay cool you take the stand your [ __ ] you're feeling your heart in your chest it's beating all right well let's say well a couple people took the stand though mind you okay let's not skip over nothing it was a BD that lived in the building over my mom on the third floor I'm on the second floor the FBI came and got him for whatever reason and he tried to I guess throw [ __ ] off on me they took I got this all in my paperwork they took him to Evergreen Plaza this how long this was people in Chicago like d they took him to Evergreen Plaza to the Lark and brought him a py and an outfit so that's about $2,000 for him to come and testify on my uh murder trial you know what I'm saying so he say you know what I'm saying but what we was getting was he came to them type [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so bam now he here he go out of nowhere this seven eight months down the line of me fighting now here a witness I [ __ ] want no witness dead men don't talk you know they just leave whatever they left but like it was no like I'm thinking it man you know I was thinking I was thinking like it must be the dude that picked me up in that car that's that [ __ ] like what can he say though you know what I'm saying like what he was he just going to say I'm telling my L like ain't nobody like you sure was nobody like hell no so B some mysterious [ __ ] Pop I tell myy like man this hating ass ho ass [ __ ] he wanted what I had in them building as long as I was there you ain't eating over here [ __ ] so when I'm gone now he the man over there you know what I'm saying all the way till I got out of jail so I'm like damn so that was crazy that was a curve in my case cuz they they really couldn't find nothing what did he get up on on the state of say he didn't get he didn't make it though so so he was on the witness list but he never miss he on the witness list he was a special witness cuz they had the girl uh she uh girlfriend the girlfriend wind up helping me out basically you know what I'm saying she probably don't even know stupid ass she she [ __ ] up she was crying on stand cuz she know they it was one of them like well the St was like get like no more no more questions for her she wor she worked for the DK first of all she was a drug addict that worked for the [ __ ] Federal Building downtown she lost her job all type of [ __ ] lady get out of here you're embarrassing the state get your ass one out of here get your ass you did well y'all got kids out some drugs you all cocaine and he's been selling the drugs to you and you the one to introduce them and what I'm saying so yeah all bad all bad for her they had a uh impact wit this uh his mom old lady now I knew these [ __ ] they was pure D doine stick up like I didn't think they had a mama all of a sudden some old lady and it's and it's not funny or nothing like that cuz I'm not mocking the de nothing like that I'm not one of them but that old lady got on the stair you got had a Gucci Man approach man put them [ __ ] where they deserve to be I mean you know of course I mean they you know what understood not need to be explained but you know what I'm saying so the old lady get on the stand and say some [ __ ] like uh I Dam near laugh too I was young he going to say yeah I'm just going to miss him because you know he used to come by every morning and fix my coffee and we have a cup of coffee and have a talk I said this dope this [ __ ] I told my lawyer dug so deep into that old lady like my lawyer was I had a Harless lawyer like I a lady L lady what coffee what what brand would you drink every morning yeah yeah yeah uhuh I don't I don't know and was it warm was it like just just really just [ __ ] this lady off to like get her off the stair get her ass off the St I had [ __ ] drink coffee like what coffee like what coffee bread did he used to bring you I don't know it's say a lawyers are slick if they can get you keep being inconsistent with [ __ ] it's like you you're you're incredible now you don't even know what [ __ ] kind of coffee that you missing having every morning yeah yeah yeah you know what I'm saying [ __ ] like that so B you know that was her but then my my witness came on the security from that first night oh okay okay kill come for me and say yeah I witnessed them walk him out the building with guns to them walk the first night it was a revolver and a 9 M why is that important because they die with these certain guns oh describe them oh have you seen the guns that they had will describe them or one of them had the barrel this and that one of them look like yeah yeah no other questions damn that's a man State the state yeah I love him to death you know that he with me for the rest of my life the state like they they tried to fight but they tried to they tried to hit a home run cuz Tommy Brewer was a big name so it's like no we ain't going for nothing small we ain't saddling we knocking this [ __ ] out the par is it a thing where like maybe during the case they're like yo listen this ain't ain't going too good for us we brought this girl she's an idiot we brought the mom we already in trial it's over with for that [ __ ] oh so they can't come back and be like they offer me the 60 remember the day the first day uh uhuh we going to we time to go to trial I'm prepared okay so now you take the stand mhm and I get them word for word what I told him in the police station from what I told him on the stand to what I tell you now do you have to rehearse this with your laer before you get on of course okay cuz you got to make sure you say right yeah he a't about to just put you up there in freestyle which your life [ __ ] I'm just so freestyle with my life it's like it's like he what it was are you in tears when you you're up there saying Hell No but you know what no cuz uh by then no remember I was a fat boy I've been in jail a little minute now now I look aggressive now now it's like I'm a little cutting out my CH now I'm like this damn near so now it's like I don't know about them kid now he like he could have [ __ ] them up like type [ __ ] so he had to paint the picture taking it back now he was this fat little kid they just bullying around they thought they just do anything to him and he was just going to fold he pay to that picture yeah then he had to show the old pictures me fat you know what I'm saying so in court of law not to say this but a fat person would be looked at as softer than a uh a mother like if you was just they'll choose him to be the aggressor over you like yes yeah yeah you know what I'm saying yeah not know his shap big [ __ ] but a fat [ __ ] and this and there like oh no he's a big Doughboy this [ __ ] real you know I'm saying these [ __ ] are real villains you know what I'm saying so so okay good so you you you take the sin and um it's probably get the closing arguments the verdicts about to be read when you when you walk in that day when you hear announcement or they give you shout out to uh this [ __ ] Mark Clark I think he was over the with the BS and all that but he had a federal case he was back on the RIT and Tommy Brewer was his lawyer at the time and he was like a legend of Chicago this snet and he was in that bull pin with me and he uh prayed with me and he told me he like you about to beat this [ __ ] like don't even worry about it my stomach just kept bubbling as like now I'm in I'm in deliberation closing arguments now we in deliberation are you making eye contact with the jurors and [ __ ] like that like yes you're hoping like Y come on give me a chance like like like see I'm not a bad seven black mother figures Tommy Brewer lined up where they was right at the front row yeah the audience this is all you see is these ladies and like when they get to doing I'm feeling better by every like having emotion yeah cuz it's like man they really like you know what I'm saying this little boy really did like you know what I'm saying they showing them the rigor they they they showing them the um the oopsy they showing you know they doctors talking all type of [ __ ] going on you know what I'm saying they just like what the [ __ ] so bam now we in deliberation deliberation is waiting to see what the jewelry say I say let's just say it's 3 300 p.m. now it's 7: to 8:00 p.m. my lawyer came back and forth I'm just D this [ __ ] youa are you eating at this time I ain't eating I can't do nothing my mouth is just just I talk I didn't gave it my all you know what I'm saying I I I focused I you know I was passionate I was I was you know I was just telling the truth so it wasn't hard for me to do that's what my Lord you're saying like it ain't like the truth is never hard to do you know what I'm saying so just like just keep telling what happened so it's like all right this what happened so now the black the black jws and the uh even I think I met like some Latinos and they always this one prick [ __ ] white boy kept trying to think you know some of them jws feel like they're Law and Order like they really take that [ __ ] to the heart type [ __ ] yeah so it's like well uh he was going back and forth 11 against one so when they came back Joseph G he could have been all Mist trial and all that he get the [ __ ] back in there these just Gangsta judges this ain't no oh they talking like this this this behind the scenes get the [ __ ] back in there what the [ __ ] they mean 11 to one what 11 man get so it's like Tommy Brew come tell him he 11 to1 but don't celebrate cuz this [ __ ] white man is so stubborn he talking about by law you killed the dude with the gun in his hand facing you cool but you could have spared his life you could have took total control cuz you got the gun so you could have spared you could have spared a life and you didn't that's some M Guyer type [ __ ] I'm like man who in the [ __ ] you know how we got you know how they convinced him huh like they just they just broke it down to him the night we had to go back in and everything the night before the first night what was seen it was seen that them [ __ ] had guns on you both of them two guns guns the night they died they they got one gun they had one gun so in uh logical mind what you thinking if I we pull back up on you like that what what are you thinking I think both of them got a gun so he finally so it took like seven hours well yeah well I guess you know it was kind of like you know what I'm saying on some and the black Mas was rubbing they ordered some papy and I mean the lady one of the ladies uh like met my mom outside the county was hugging the praying with and told her like we weren about to let them do that to your baby and this and that and this a shame like how a real talk with her and told us how that white man was doing it like they finally broke through to him like they was back there talking to him and explaining to him how it is on the south side of Chicago and this and that he was like from U like a northern suburb and he was just like by law and he's showing them the law of a uh oh he's a black and white guy yeah he's showing them the law of a uh involuntary manslaughter bro they charg me for a first degree we got to go by the guidelines you know what I'm saying so so he you can't go you they can't cop out the state can't cop out like well no no no no let's just make it a uh manslaughter die no it's a capital double M y'all got yall that wasn't even on the bill it got to match everything that matches the cap with the murder and it don't you know what I'm saying so he finally thank God for him too though cuz I wouldn't be you know what I'm saying so you know he he he folded they say they finally got was a big black uh mama you know what I'm saying and she was kind of the like the head Drew or something she the foreman yeah she said she got him to come around and said know she understood where he was coming from cuz he taught them something about the law and if I would have took took a bench Tri and yeah the uh Joseph G told me like if you took a bench trial he like he like the jur had a point he like I'd have found you not guilty um all charges on the one who di with the gun here and I probably gave you inv voluntary manle a second degree and it would been a 20 to 40 or some [ __ ] like that and I'm just like thank God I thank God no he actually told me like thank God you took a jewelry he say you better thank this man Tommy Brewer I ever see you come back through these counties or something with something like this again I'm going to make sure you never ever see the light of day ever again in your life have a good life when when they read the verdict are you emotional I was uh I was overwhelmed it never was a tell I was no I was just like by then I'm just a super just I'm disbelief a little bit I was like a monster so it's like I I'm just like I don't believe it it's like I've been in these walls so long to meet you know what I'm saying a little year and a half to meet was like forever but I'm like bam I hit the deck back I tell my S man I beat that [ __ ] they everybody celebrating on the deck Shine song had just came out that so that was playing on the TV you know they be having to uh so I'm like damn that's the new [ __ ] out like look at the beans I'm just like d get outside I was excited you know what I'm saying taking them too long to come get me off the deck now they didn't gave it got me everybody happy for me it's like it's like family of jail down I know all they huging me uh officer Camp Hing me like man I know you was going to make home man just do right in life man just go through something man like them [ __ ] was bums man [ __ ] them like don't throw your life away [ __ ] them [ __ ] like that my whole bit was like that like yeah yeah I think you going home is it normally like that in jail where like people know each other's cases like like at least what's kind of going on especially for going to tr the guards knew my cases I was talking to the inmates about my [ __ ] too much they just know I was in there for a double murder so a lot of them felt like boy sure you going Bo you got do H when I first hit the bull pin when I first got locked up and made the county bull pin man they heard my case the through the through the uh know why they listening in the bull pin while I'm in court old man like boy you might as well go on take pack it on unack you going to be for the long ride and all that [ __ ] and I'm just looking at these people cuz my lawyer already prepared me sh like man when you go in there I got a gangster man don't talk to none of they ass don't talk to nobody about your case don't talk about that [ __ ] over the phone none of that [ __ ] don't discuss it with no nobody why not because a [ __ ] in jail that's trying to get out of trouble might use something against you that you just said and go to court I'm like what well dude that got the double murder that just said he woo woo woo you know what I'm saying [ __ ] my case up so I I eliminated that risk geez so you so you you finally come home man happy like thanking God uh I read the Bible about three four times while I was in that front to back I was like I guess it was a time God wanted to catch me before I I I was just too vicious on some thinking I'm a killer and this and that so it's was like man thank God but then I still came home and became big folks you know what I'm saying like cuz that's why I got my name from jail so I like damn now I'm this [ __ ] now it's like and I'm from Chicago like now it's just like oh that's sure put bed them [ __ ] now I'm a killer you see what I'm saying oh so people's perception of you that was like you're a killer you're not coming out to be on some let me live up to some reputation type [ __ ] hell no but I I done went to jail I got other neighborhoods I you know what I'm saying I was already selling drugs it's like N I got more room to do something now I'm plug with my little s for two years my [ __ ] frog man he he had 36 years should be trying to come home in a few years he he tell me look go like all that [ __ ] you got going on go over there with my brother then when you go home man you got plugs and [ __ ] already like man go over there with them and back to selling drugs yeah when did you give that up though you right when I got Mouse probably right around when I got Mouse cuz we have D lines and mousing them was you know what I'm saying to shotting them running them [ __ ] so so how how do you watch over the years after you get out Chicago change because now you know you've been through your trials and tribulations yeah you did your thing you were selling whatever but then you also see Chicago start drastically changing then you see other [ __ ] including people like me start having an interest in what's going on in Chicago like I think one of the the thing that people don't realize that about those and this I always said it's about covering the war in shra what I didn't understand was that what I was looking at and I was covering man these were like a lot of them were kids going through for the first time not even understanding the eyes looking at them like they're just going through like they're just living life being them not the cameras that on that's all exactly and and I don't think sometimes I had Grace for that I was just on some [ __ ] like well I grew up different in my circumstances was like you so [ __ ] why the [ __ ] is you doing all that bad [ __ ] [ __ ] do better you get what I mean and and that's easy to say when you're not there in that environment yeah um what did you kind of see as you're you just got out of a situation where man you beat the impossible but also you're seeing society and things keep going a certain way though it was almost like [ __ ] [ __ ] keep move and [ __ ] Nothing Stops like everything is still D in the same everything still rocking and rolling like what you g to do like now not only did I not go to high school I went to jaill now he's like my lawyer had pluged me with a hotel job when I first got home [ __ ] that [ __ ] want yeah like he put me right out there like about uh uh by the airport by here airport and [ __ ] his uh police friend was the manager at this hotel so they was going to make me the night auditor they give me a real job out of knowwhere but that [ __ ] was like man my friend who told me to go see his brother them [ __ ] making like 10 bucks every day type [ __ ] you know what I'm saying on Co so it's just like uh so now I'm dabbling in that and I'm trying to go to work so that just surpassed that it's like man I don't got time for that [ __ ] no more I ain't going like officer Ricky from out there and [ __ ] he was real cool Mex L [ __ ] he was like the captain of the police out there in B airport and [ __ ] I just so like I ain't coming back here man I don't keep waste your time he like well Mr Brew is going to be awfully upset to know you're not coming back and like yeah I'm just try to get a new job and just you know I'm saying like it's too far I'm all the way out South you know what I'm saying so you then start going even outside of like Chicago right um just hustling yep Minnesota Wisconsin but uh Wisconsin yeah Appleton Wisconsin up there by Green Bay um but nothing in this world I hustling beat uh Washington Pennsylvania I had I had I had a total of uh me and my man introduced me to these three things they was millionaires though one of the ladies uh husband on the pharmaceutical company from Europe and just had over here living and tucked off over there they got like mountains out there like I mean not mountains they got big ass like castles in the mountains and [ __ ] out there uh watching the PA so these people living in castes and [ __ ] uh this lady buying AB balls for a dog I'm charging her like $500 for a 2.8 this short as hell all that and she feed it to the dog she Buy Herself one you know what I'm saying like I had customers like weird [ __ ] and then cus the virus I could do something like this I swear to God I take 63 G of hard take it from the crib drive out there give it to him and he give me $225,000 wow I do that twice once twice a week you know what I'm saying okay so you're doing good yeah um give me your give me your breakdown because you know unfortunately when people when I did the war shra a lot of people understood Chicago too much which I think was a little bit inaccurate incorrect like for example to me it was just all you was doing was just repeating what you was reading yeah but but like like for example I call I call Lil reesei the Grim Reaper oh yeah the names was crazy Act was that wrong the names was the names was wow I was with me and Lil Mouse in shot we was with uh Dirk and Fredo in Atlant of the day that you named him baby Fredo and all that [ __ ] was like by that time by time mouse got his name it was kind of like turn to De now like act name [ __ ] cool so now it's going up but it was up out here yeah I called L Reese the Grim Reaper I call I called um I remember hearing that Lil Jay got shouting surviving I was like what the [ __ ] I'm like I thought usually when you get shot you die like this guy got shot right Wolverine he was dancing like three days later [ __ ] was [ __ ] I got shot six times close range like this you got shot six times yeah through my neck I got shot through my neck in and out this happened in 200 six that's on what happened getting to the money um I was back in Chicago and um we was [ __ ] with the dog food and [ __ ] me and my people and [ __ ] and um what's dog food heroin heroin yeah that's a [ __ ] you inject yeah holy [ __ ] I'm scared so so yeah snorted smoking whatever you want to do with this [ __ ] but you know we uh had a spot his mama crib you know what I'm saying or everything was at you know what I'm saying and [ __ ] had went through there um I I had my work but this where we go mix everything at I got the raw but I take it down there to get it mixed and [ __ ] for the day so when I went down I made the call like I'm on my way down there so little bro like all right bet they waiting on me and [ __ ] by the time I get there about 30 40 minutes later the phone off the hook damn so I'm walking in the building you know it's a three flat so it's like I walk in the gate to get to the front door of the three flat ring the dough Bell looking up I see the window open uh the phone a I'm like damn maybe the phone off the hook and that that wasn't sometimes irregular so I'm like damn like man I'm ringing the do like where the [ __ ] is they at come on so I'm like by by the third time I ring that door I'm just like man the police in there I'm like man let me walk the [ __ ] off just thinking I'm just I'm just like man the police got to be in that mind you I got dope on me and I got this uh Sig toy on me all type of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying big ass fat ass p on leather boy with the F the hood CU that [ __ ] then is like Ser it's like almost like a vest slowed this [ __ ] down so now I'm in the gate so it's like I'm walking from the front door now I'm getting away from now here coming down the stairs now in my man I'm like usually the kids they come down the stairs they be loud like that they come open the door for [ __ ] like man go kids right there so I'm hesitant but those steps was those those it was it was Heavy the [ __ ] like I'm still thinking like it's the police like goddamn like d I'm hit I'm like damn so when the do swung open first thing I saw Yankee ballhead bulletproof vest outside of the hoodie detector oh yeah okay but it wasn't really [ __ ] scream out man some good ass dope up there but by the time he raised that [ __ ] up I turn my head he try to shoot me straight in my face like this and I see the face and all I turn my here I got shot through here bam and I was a little taller than him so it went through this side came out this side I still ain't fall B [ __ ] B hit me right through my chest it went in my chest went out my side now it's like uh the other F went B my fem my hip bomb then I got them all stuck in my femal B I got a rod and [ __ ] in my FEMA bone and [ __ ] holding my [ __ ] together and all that so like damn b b b and that put me down mind you they coming out the door to get out this gate I'm Rob the spot yeah they rob the spot they got the AK that came up from stairs all type of [ __ ] but they Ain hit me with it thank God you know I got shot with a 45 which that's was hard too but so bam the leg shot broke me down thank God cuz I'm still standing up while I'm getting hit and that you know a [ __ ] tearing me up but whole time getting my gun out too so about time the leg my leg breaking I fall bam [ __ ] tried to stand over me I get my move out oh hit this shot shoot [ __ ] I shot 21 times on the from the ground so boom it had vessa boom he hit him he hop back now he gone there four it's three more it's four of them they now they they got to run past me now it's this Cowboy [ __ ] on the ground I'm hit up I'm hurt I'm I want top of you know saying so they oh [ __ ] running one of them got H in the shoulder he was a tall [ __ ] too boom I see him get hit he was holding damn he he running down that way boom so now the [ __ ] with the K they running out the bat he he he they all jumping over me too they ducking the bullet how many people it was four so bam so I'm I'm just really I ain't even to be honest I was trying to knock one of they [ __ ] heads off then my friend he laughed cuz he like God damn he like you killed the van right here though he like but look what they yeah like was all head shots you take the heads off from the ground so I'm missing everything you know what I'm saying it do one time the [ __ ] with the chopper turn around once he got out the gate he got the bag on him like this he turn around that [ __ ] and just now I'm on the ground though act so it's just tearing a big ass brick building up bricks hitting me in the head I'm covered up now I I don't even got n left I shot 21 times he let that [ __ ] off a few times and nothing didn't touch me bam I was just on fire I had long dread so blood my head was soaked and red so I'm like damn I'm hitting my head I KN I wasn't it was in my neck I thought I was hitting my head my head was hurt so bad like damn so boom my people that they had they had tag my people upstairs upstairs they had T them up and put white sheets on them none of them got killed but look my our little bro they beat him almost to death because even though I got shot six times when we both made it to the hospital uh they was telling me that he was worse off than me and all they did they beat him oh [ __ ] they beating him with [ __ ] you know what I'm saying almost they want to like like oh where the [ __ ] that type stuff yeah yeah trying to get it out of them then they wind up all they got was like they got like 500 grams of mix and [ __ ] some mixed ass weak ass you know what I'm saying it wasn't even worth nobody time you know what I'm saying for what was going to happen and all that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying [ __ ] Dam did you ever uh did those guys ever get caught or nothing no nothing I mean you know when when I okay when I went to the hospital or sh when I'm in the hospital the uh the fs coming in [ __ ] cuz you know what I'm saying and tell me like uh they asked me some names and I just uh I act like I blacked out I'm like I don't you know I don't know that my big brother was there you know what I'm saying they like he go like you can't ask him like he he passing out like he almost about to die they wouldn't even let the people they had to stick now this sound [ __ ] up but they had to stick that anybody that been shot up multiple times or something they had to stick I had so many hoes in me they had to stick this little thing in my ass to shoot this uh this jail that's going to leak out of every hole whereever his hoes at just to see where the where my hoes was at really it was like green [ __ ] coming out of H I'm like damn like that [ __ ] was I was just hit up but my brother rest in peace yoyo you know what I'm saying he was right there with me holding my hand the whole time like that's let like man you know what I'm saying so got through that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying how long was that recovery about 6 months seven months I was on a walker for a minute but I was right back outside I used to be I used to be outside and my my my man's had brought me a Range Rover for that you know what I'm saying like man V Range Rover pull out to the hospital for me when I leave new one so I bam I got the I got my K I mean my Walker I he gave me a brand new SK and the rainow you know what saying I'm back outside [ __ ] it's back you know nothing never stops bro it's just like back outside this when I wasn't even really smoking that much then but now I'm just smoking hella ounces of weed to that cuz I'm not the pain medicine is is is like uh it's working but it's like it's [ __ ] me up so it's like man I just smoke weed so the weed was like d like weed just like cured the pain for me like hold I just s in the living room blow motherfu come through you know what I'm saying and [ __ ] I recovered I got back strong strong you know what I'm saying jeez got back strong [ __ ] got right back to this [ __ ] so um there's a few people in in Chicago I feel like I know uh I've heard about their names and they're not of the the generation of like the rappers or whatever um obviously your name is has came up um but we've also heard of let me see who else JoJo Capone who else there's another dude I always hear about his name it's another guy I can't remember who it is but there's another guy what's the role of like you know like say like you guys like an OG like you know what I mean [ __ ] ain't no roles [ __ ] man your [ __ ] business stay out the way just whatever you got something to do with type [ __ ] like for example it if there's like issues as far as as far as ain't no no ain't no none of that no more so when they come y be like hey we got issues with these guys like could you help us solve it they don't do that a [ __ ] be dead by the time you hear about this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying yeah they don't do that though ain't no big home Big Homie and all this like they got respect and be called Big Homie and un and all that [ __ ] and this and that but you know the big homies where we from we know they know we know our positions and [ __ ] stay out the little shorties way cuz you know they going to do what they do you know what I'm saying it's going to take God for them to change you know what I'm saying all right so back to the nicknames tell me the ones I got right Lil Reese the Grim Reaper what did he green what that mean the green reaper that mean he running around knocking [ __ ] off you know what I'm saying listen man the reason why I name him the Grim Reaper every time he tweet I seen somebody pass away I don't know what was going on we ain't going to put that on Lil Reese though no I'm not saying he did it but I'm saying so why would you call him the green re he must had a mystical power I mean I don't know shout out to L Reese though man he ain't in nobody jail sale he ain't in the party no [ __ ] like that he good I'm actually happy that you know he's still cuz there's been many attempts in his life why do you think he doesn't move you don't live in ch do you I mean I got a house in Chicago my kids still everybody still there like I just move around I got ke you know I'm we all over the place house Arizona Atlanta my you know what I'm saying I just be on the move but yeah I'm going to sou in Chicago in the morning I'll be with Charleson D white in the morning you yeah you know that's like my arst enemy on the internet him and doberry but you know I'm going to ask you some questions about uh um um keville and also charlson okay what about uh I called Chief Keith bathamit bathamit no he ain't the devil it was something I think the music he a good kid he's a talent why why don't he get credited for being so talented and bringing a new genre to hip-hop as a as a icon and all even though he is we know he is but why we don't hear more of that why I gotta be disrespect because he come from a gangster City and he had to come with he came out and said he was a Savage and I was like well he must be terrorizing the whole goddamn City I don't know no because Chicago's full of savages you know stop no he's from lamron oh he's from lamron yeah so wait but but I feel like he put on these particular he put on all they ass he put on all us I should say he put on he was a good kid what do that I mean he was a talent a good kid in Chicago he I don't think he was out killing people nothing like that you know he's just you know just like all the rest of them just trying to make it trying to get to the bag you know what I'm saying like [ __ ] I mean of course he going to defend yourself if he two of [ __ ] got Ops and this and that what are he supposed to do I don't think he's one of the ones that liberally running around looking for [ __ ] and just doing drill after drill I think his talent was more he was more focused on that Talent at a certain at a certain point of his life [ __ ] how did Chicago feel about him kind of just like pretty much going LA and never come back it was the smartest thing he could have did really of course isn't that kind of like abandoning like the place and the the the the but what happens when a place a band is you do you stay there or do you take your millions and you go live a successful life and take care of you yours and your family but I don't think Chicago ever abandoned like um Chief Keef I think I think I mean he he had [ __ ] going on in turn you know that's that's with the BD that's they [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like you don't know cuz if it was so love for him what he wouldn't had to leave he had a mansion out there he had a mansion for the longest out there like North and Northern Chicago and [ __ ] like that so yeah that was a wild Mansion I remember hearing shootouts over there I was like wild as [ __ ] boy I was up there plenty of nights me and mouth used to good plenty of nights the wild as hell up there wait so you were cool with ke yeah of course my shout out to my bro S6 him and Chief Keith uh the original CEO of Glory gang Dro you know that was you know we was close to them so we used to be always be up there and then when I got Mouse know they key [ __ ] with them how he had a song with all of him himself a Chief Keef and Chief Keef told him one thing when mouse was 14 I'm not going to do no song with you cuz I'm not about to help you pass me up and it was simple as that hey how is that relation if you're a GD and he's a BD like is there like politics like it not so so it doesn't like fall along that line no so like you wouldn't have like an allegiance to like little Jay and them beef with him I'm going give a [ __ ] they ain't got nothing to do with you know no I [ __ ] with them so that's on them they got to it with them I don't give a [ __ ] cuz you supposed to be GD I don't even know what you know what I'm saying we rocking with them we know we want some getting some money [ __ ] I don't know what these other [ __ ] doing you know I'm not against them or nothing like that but I just you know we doing what we doing Fredo Santana I called him rest in peace I love it Fredo my boy real call the sh demon which is something perf name it was a perfect name it was something about him like I feel like he never said a lot really Savage Savage Squad and you know what's so interested interesting about him he never looked like he was eager to get into it with nobody but it looked like nobody was eager to get because he know the powers he possessed it's like if you know you possess his power at snpp of finger 100 [ __ ] to be in this [ __ ] doing whatever you want him to do you only you only really deserve that power or know how to maintain that when you know how to control it you ain't Reckless with it and he wasn't a reckless shorty I think he was about that bag he was about no [ __ ] [ __ ] but he was about he on that bag but he's definitely like he definitely put in that work you know got ask J M and all about about shorty you know what I'm saying I think Jim Fredo was to me Fredo was always the one just the way he carried himself and everything I just I had over a lot of respect for shorty Little Dirk that he was like family to us as far as Hans and all that yeah he love the mouse he Lov the Top Shot we loved him D Chino they had SB and we it was like family they had brace Mouse you know what I'm saying they wanted to see Mouse take out they wanted him to be the biggest Dirk was in jail when Mouse first got out first thing Dirk did when he got out that's when he had cut his hair off after this ain't what you want [ __ ] he had just got out for that whatever the [ __ ] he got out for he came straight from that County jail and he came straight to 119 to a GD neighborhood to do that Katrina video with mouse pulled up rag ass hoop these and [ __ ] he a get no Fu he put right up on shorty I had the B the BMW Rangers and all that [ __ ] Kanye boy GC and all them was out there and everything well give them the car they do the video bam Dirk get Dirk I got I got enough songs with mouse and Dirk to do three4 albums you know what I'm saying really hell yeah they did a lot of work together it was just the natural family thing like out of town doing shows with them like we knew the Amigos when they was wearing white t-shirts and [ __ ] like we've been like like Mouse grew up in [ __ ] so we we was in there you know half my people BMF so when when mouse got popping with Lil Wayne [ __ ] I took him straight to Atlanta I I feel like Dirk's the one who who still you know as big as he gets mainstream wise man he's always seemingly on the ground for Chicago man he the man for Chicago bro he number one let me see who else liil Jay man stop it is a shck wolverine not the name for him I I I heard shorty beat a [ __ ] ass but a lot of gay [ __ ] will beat a [ __ ] ass he not really gay though right yeah he like I mean he like Transmissions or trans whatever they calling that [ __ ] somebody told me that he's only like that in jail on the street you got you got to listen to like butter and all the [ __ ] that was around him and [ __ ] they said he been like that you got to go pay attention to some of their little interviews and [ __ ] where they let you know about him I'm like no he been like ain't no secret like what's secrets and shocking to y'all sometimes and I like in other places us but it's like it ain't shocking they already knew that about him they've been saying that so you trying to tell me that Lil Jay was always a mechanic yeah that's what that's I see me personally I never [ __ ] with him I never if they have if they Wen on that money [ __ ] or get to it on some little bum [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] they was gdbd whatever the [ __ ] I was [ __ ] with them I'm we tasting bags Dirk uh G herb and them and all them and that you know what I'm saying we we we in this circle Chief Keef we over here we a part of that circle with that first tour that supposed to the kicked off that they supposed to give him off for a couple minutes to do the shyak tour that went up to [ __ ] King Louis and them you know what I'm saying whatever happened to King Louie man shout out to Lou there was a time I feel like he was heavily in The Narrative of you know Chicago drill I think I think he's one of the Pioneers he one of the forefathers for sure whatever happened I know he had gotten shot I think the beat for him a little Dirk kind of just I think Dirk success and uh probably a little lack of Louie not going as hard as he wants was and then maybe Drake halfway sending them off cuz you know how be [ __ ] pull up like you OVO and this like a oo ow chain and it was like a curse because after that it was no more took it back and gave it a 600 Breezy and I don't know why he did that I don't even know no music 600 Breeze like another disrespect to shorty this and that but I think 600 Breeze be like a good soldier like to who well like I ain't going lie you Bree come off like extra gangster but when you do that that's almost like a act bro I remember when he went down to Savannah to slide foron that [ __ ] was crazy did anybody die nobody came outside like I was like that that's crazy why he didn't go inside I don't think he knew a house but like he was driving around he was on live too so you telling me he drove down there to waste some time he went on a vacation no I'm going be honest 600 Bree is different because you got to think about it he ran into to to to King yella and um you got to talk about the caliber of [ __ ] he ain't run into no monster GD ass [ __ ] that was like overly looking for him they wanted to punish him and I'm going to be honest with you I think also 600 bre look like the only one who look like he lift weights everybody else look out a shape he in shape he like he beat the [ __ ] out of the [ __ ] and Ain nobody said he was no goofy or nothing like that just like we talking about Chicago bro he it take a lot to beat that there bro bro he went to you know what I called him called him the sh max pain [ __ ] had two guns in his hands all times come on what on pictures and videos I'm guessing in real life only time you saw him right yeah when I se and when you seen him on pictures I seen his hand free sound like content to me is he from Chicago though like it sound like Chicago content to me but Chicago [ __ ] don't really indulge in content like that do they we're not talking fyb J M is like hilarious yeah that's new that's that's new you know who I wish I knew about when I was covering the war shot rack I don't know if like 051 Milly man rest in peace I know all this people um 051 drill kiddo shout out to kiddo and them you need to have him up here I heard he they can give you a story about Millie better than anybody everybody keep telling me he was the the Grim Reaper for sure and and I feel bad CU I'm like I'm sorry I didn't even know nothing like I'm over here I'm reading tweets his name was ringing more than all all them like it it then it'll be like that's why like the the regular Chicago people like man act a goofy man but it'll be because you just don't know yeah you telling these [ __ ] this and that they supposed to be this over Chicago and this and that and Chicago looking at like man these little boys ain't even come outside man what are you talking about King Von he was one of those for sure why did some people even believe that King Von was gay like because [ __ ] goofies you maybe maybe [ __ ] ain't been around real creepy killers and just Sinister people to as like taunting [ __ ] they didn't did harm to and it's like on some like Charles White be with his 99 and boo boo that was that that's all that was like I know y'all want me to come on that deck and just beat me and stab me and kill me nope then it's like no I'm gay like I let me play with him I'mma [ __ ] you later and this and that what in your mind coming from that little boy what in the [ __ ] else would you thought he was talking about besides I'm going to kill all y'all later I'll [ __ ] you later act now we into it you think that's gay and you think oh man this [ __ ] gay and then you got a hole in your head now who like huh yeah now he seem like a violent person you ever SE I think he was kind of cool though cuz cuz look how freeheart he was and spirited man that man got that bag and came and took care of his people bro he legendary for that can't nobody take that away from him no shra de none of that [ __ ] Bro none of them did that he did that did you see like the document they called him a serial killer I ain't going to lie I might be yeah I seen you arguing with a [ __ ] from Chicago Chicago DAV y'all got to Star it ain't checking in this and that but star doing a little bit homework to see who people is so you don't waste your time and then to a big old city that probably embrace you and understand how you coming but you giv certain you know what I'm saying [ __ ] is he the guy no he's a clothing guy he used to have a little sprinkle the shirts with the the glitter on them yeah the [ __ ] Fame shirts and this and that like and it's just a glittery shirt Street type of [ __ ] King yell used to wear like with the slim G I told like man y'all run around this [ __ ] with [ __ ] Fame shirts on the white ones talking about y'all getting money so he don't like me really but he don't speak for nobody man he's powerless but he's a street dude though he's power he ain't no [ __ ] Street dude he's a [ __ ] fashion designer he make t-shirts you got stick to that t-shirt brand type [ __ ] explain to me how somebody could possibly and we could take it off V but like how does somebody in Chicago like I always wonder I'm like yo in no other American city can [ __ ] have like a kill streak going on like you got four bodies and you ain't get arrested like how does this work I was once told by somebody if you going to catch a body the best place to do it was in Chicago cuz nine times of 10 even if you get caught you know the chances of beating the murders and [ __ ] is that you know if ain't no Witnesses in this I mean you know you just got a higher chance to beat it than comeing like maybe in New York and then you know you going to get slammed or yeah New York you're definitely get you going to jail cuz you even got a gun they going to charge you for the gun for real and all type of [ __ ] yo I literally said this I said yo that old block six case um or roblock five I don't know what the number is um if 61 killed himself who remember the beginning of the [ __ ] one of the Shorties and [ __ ] killed the C oh you're right yeah if that happened in New York they don't even go to trial they was just hanging right there I feel like they trial went kind of fast for it to be a federal murder trial that [ __ ] went that [ __ ] was what less than a month it was kind of open and shut I think they were request Speedy let me ask you a question I seen mama duck and and I wonder where you fall on like um watching like the parents of some of these people who lost their loved ones like Mama got to know her son was making songs like dead [ __ ] son her son was basically bragging about punishing listen you got kids no I don't of course she know what her son was doing but guess what that's still her baby she can give a [ __ ] less what you me or anybody else talking about see what I'm saying it's like for I got four kids but do you think it's hypocritical though I mean I just look at it as a mama your mom's supposed to be your ride or D right or wrong right true she supposed to go hire for a son if she ain't going crazy hard for him and this and that then who else supposed to I feel really bad for muop I don't know why I feel like because you grew to like a [ __ ] cuz y'all just grow I mean [ __ ] grow like [ __ ] but [ __ ] live these ganga lives I mean it's consequences with this [ __ ] you know what do you you feel sorry for him [ __ ] go with some money on his books get him send him a lawyer other than that what you what are you worried about it for I I think when V died I remember watching him and I could see he was going through so much pain and grief that I felt like he he felt a little bit of burden to try to continue that Legacy but then he got locked up and then he got locked up and I feel like you know he went he's going through his own Trials of tribulation he's pretty much about to get life and pretty much you know basically there's so many lives that got lost um that's the that's the sad part so many talents and lives gone what did you think about when when when when the news came of Von dying died in Atlanta outside of a club just is just saddening just hurting cuz he was these [ __ ] pass Durk up he was he was there do Chicago [ __ ] move around like the United States and and and with that air like New York [ __ ] do that be like y [ __ ] I'm from New York like yo we in Alabama y these [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm from New York like that's what people in New York move around Chicago usually when you hear [ __ ] say in from Chicago they're kind of puffing their chest out like yo y'all should know what type of time I'm on I mean [Music] yes I mean cuz going out of town and here like like I I know everybody like as far as industry rid and a lot of real Street [ __ ] and [ __ ] so sometimes I go out of town and then I hear these my like man you know W came down he know here that [ __ ] and you be like stop it bro like who [ __ ] on [ __ ] do all this talking crazy from Chicago Chicago talk you know what I'm saying but don't live there ain't been living there like for when King Yellow was screaming um peace and [ __ ] in Chicago bro just live your life you in Vegas go you know what I'm saying you don't even go that way you know what I'm saying and you shouldn't you you should go on with your life what's up with King Kella I don't know what's up with folks like I don't know that the little the little telling everybody gang [ __ ] was kind of crazy I I wouldn't expected that people be snitching in Chicago like that hell yeah but do people care though man hell yeah if you get snitched on you tell you go [ __ ] what do you mean did King yell a snitch he gave information is that snitching yes the fs and the police go off what information right yeah what did he what did he Supply them with give him some information yo he's a gang member he's a gang member he got this gun right here like I got this gun over here confirmed information from a confirmed gang member right is it snitching if you're just basically confirming things they kind of already know you don't know what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] you know what the police know hey what about like say for example the YSL case they say yo yo the [ __ ] on the stand is playing mind games with him so it's like all that [ __ ] for sure try to psych him out lawyers in the C they just looking at him do you see how they be looking at him like he half crazy yeah cuz though none of that [ __ ] mean nothing ain't no oh he's doing a crazy magic trick man he [ __ ] himself off you know what I'm saying ain't no such thing bro at the end of the day they going to go by the laww you know what I'm saying or they GNA try to you know what I'm saying do you think I asked him this question when I interviewed him do you think maybe he's getting closer to being a little bit less divisive and trying to be on some together stuff he's been you know he's I guess he was always Muslim but he's been embracing the faith a lot more yeah I see that and that Faith definitely comes with forgiveness I think it's saving his life why do you what do you think that I'm just saying it's taking him down a better path you know way you think you know he already suffered the most losses out of everybody the closest losses so so he been through a lot so for what he got he deserved kind D thing Chino Chino rest peace Chino my [ __ ] and D thing [ __ ] [ __ ] straight up they helped us a lot with mouse in the beginning we bounced ideas and [ __ ] off each other a lot it was a big help why do you think his faith is helping him though you think it's keeping him on a level head it's keeping him on a level head it's not it's not keeping um is not keeping his mind in the gutter he probably his faith is probably going to Allah God you know I'm saying he not thinking about what's going on on 63rd or like you know what I'm saying what do you think people then do you think people in Chicago think like oh n he not like that no more like yo that [ __ ] once it's in you see we got to say once it's in you it's in you it's like riding the bike you never forget how to do it so just cuz I changed today you think that that bike still ain't in me if somebody try to harm me makes sense you know what I'm saying so it's like is it what's in him is in him he's going out to be a star he don't have time for the little uh for the for the drill scene for the shyra de all that that [ __ ] behind [ __ ] he he up there he up there when you link to bman Kevo I used to cover bman Kev back in the day and I remember looking at I'm going be honest with you it was the most ridiculous [ __ ] I ever seen and to be honest I thought it was mostly cap like I was just like it's no no way this [ __ ] is making money like this oh you because he was showing a lifestyle that I don't even think the I I think the rappers were envious of him and I'm like everybody drug dealers rappers everybody how did you link with Kevo and what was what was kevo's impact even on like Cho shout outs to my [ __ ] heavy low from on 19th he Kev he was like Kev prot toj like when they was hust and you know Kev was teaching them the ways of the cracking cars and how to you know what I'm saying get the cars and how to you know finesse and get that bag you know so what Kevo meant around them times you know what I'm saying that's around the Adriana Club time Ari and all them you know [ __ ] popping you know I'm saying everybody we going up the drill scene hit all eyes on Chicago but what was special about keville he was the only one that didn't have a crew that he needed financially he was the bad he had his own so for instance you go Adriana's we had get smoked get smoked went double Dam on uh Dedication 4 d you going to play that I walk in there they gonna play that [ __ ] three four times Wayne and this and that but then I'm going to keep hearing random B man Kevo songs all night long he was ahe of the curve he go there holl at the owner B bless owner bag you know what I'm saying [ __ ] play my [ __ ] all night type [ __ ] so now now the ganga and the drug is that [ __ ] now we listening to car cracker and that's music and all they in there buying 20 bottles you might have three bottles they didn't R 20 and know all the crazy but you know what saying these got free money they ain't did [ __ ] all day but get free money and [ __ ] Gucci up you know what I'm saying you could you just like damn so I was a part of that to see like damn like [ __ ] we getting money sh but what the [ __ ] is he doing it was it a little bit more respectable at least because in in the sense of we were seeing a bunch of rappers kind of beef and no money was really getting like you know I mean like exchange while with Kevin was like it was straight up Straight Cash Straight Cash no no incidents nobody never robbed him I'm not going to say nobody ever tried to cuz I I know um his father told me about an incident where he had to grab them guns and [ __ ] cuz his daddy's a gangster from the projects so you know he said he had us to grab them guns and shoot out to them hotels make sure cowo can get out the hotels with the money and make sure he safe and [ __ ] like that you know what I'm saying so it it was it probably was rough for Kevo to on the come up side because of course [ __ ] probably want to get him kidnap him do all type of [ __ ] to them you know what I'm saying they was doing that to the car crackers and [ __ ] a lot of their ass was falling victim to [ __ ] getting robbed at them Curren change when they coming out with 50,000 and all that [ __ ] you know what I'm saying when did you link with keville um ke okay well heavy low you heavy low I knew each other for years or whatever so bam heavy from mous hood you know what I'm saying so now I got Mouse uh keville had did a song with mouse right before he was getting picked up he already had his time and everything he did song called meon the cash with mouse and uh you know heavy had introdu us this that we going back and forth so he uh Mouse he was trying to shoot the video but the feds came and got uh keville like a little couple days or weeks early or whatever so he couldn't get it done so keville a real one you know he he a real business like his mind is you know is different he ain't in no gang so bad he shoot to the feds he tell my man heavy you know get over with big folks cuz he liked what I deal with mouse he like have he like I never had no man I never had no help with my [ __ ] you know what I'm saying you had blast and them mus [ __ ] like he was like he wanted he wanted a team he didn't have a team you know what I'm saying as far as this music [ __ ] and [ __ ] go so he's like he wanted to do that [ __ ] so he called me from the feds you know what I'm saying like man big F I need to lock in with you like what's up what we trying to do you know what I'm saying he said I got a plan he said just listen to this and he used to call I put my baby mom on phone now he Us's the car with the craziest talks from a [ __ ] from jail you could ever hear what you doing today big folks [ __ ] how you doing you good in there yeah I'm good I was just looking at the uh I see some new Lambo trucks coming out like a couple years I think I'm going to get like two or three of those and I'm yeah because look at those vvs's on up and I'mma spend that then I'm going have the best clothes I'm have the best body I'm have this that and I just be listening to keville like I'll be looking at the phone sometime like there go keville calling from the fs my baby mom be like oh my God he he about talking about he about to buy a jet today he get on the phone yeah I'm going get a yach wait how did keville get locked up all ass C and come back out so rich like how how does that work cuz God blessed him he came back home he came back he had brains to do what he did in the first place to go to jail he just used his brain for the better of good good instead of doing wrong he said he had a conversation with some Asian [ __ ] and made billions of dollars on some Ponzi schem he told him like [ __ ] stop being the doer and just you know you can teach people like you know what I'm saying so on initially coming out doing that only fan [ __ ] it probably broke crazy because people thought he was going to get on there and teach them how to hack and finesse and do all that [ __ ] but all he simply did was no I know some real [ __ ] I know how you can clean your real credit I know about financial literacy for real you know what I'm saying even though I was a scam in thisn but I I know money I know how to you you know what I'm saying so voila never knew it was a lame for that then we discovered they don't teach this [ __ ] in school especially us black people and nothing like that now it's then they like keville has a college on only fans out of a sudden first money on he made a million dollars really yes you know all this [ __ ] is dog go check it out you know what I'm saying his first one on that [ __ ] he did like a bad uh what's that little girl Bad Bunny you bad baby what you did one of them moves and [ __ ] never really ran it up off only fans yes you know I kind of regret like I almost feel like I should should have got on only fans man not not on some like [ __ ] right not on no [ __ ] see the people people are so small minded the first thing they going to think some freaky [ __ ] no on making $12 million [ __ ] [ __ ] you saying it depend on what you put on there think about like you know I stream all the time and I feel like I'll be having 15,000 people watch me and I'm like breaking down the music business how radio works how all of this game that is com giving out free mentorships nobody teaches you this yeah you giving out free mentorship you go get and get raped in in your first couple of deals before you even learn it on your own and I'm over here I'm trying to educate it I'm like if I did charge for this I'm wondering how much it would be worth but then when I hear how Kevo you know like you know why you charge because you the charging separates the serious people from the [ __ ] people so you don't have to waste your time cuz if somebody want to seriously learn that craft and they really serious about it and you about to waste your time well not waste but you about to put your time and give them real knowledge and understanding of this business you need to be compensated for it and if people that's willing to compensate you for are the people that want the information for real that's the people you spend the time with giving them the knowledge yeah I'm I'm wondering if that wave just passed like I should I should have started that [ __ ] in the pandemic man I mean r roll [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah like when it when it was going crazy that pmic it was a pandemic too you know what I'm saying everybody in the house so everybody trying to learn something everybody needs some money everybody one thing this B man Kevo I might learn how to crack a card or something here come 30 36 40,000 subscribers at $50 a month you do the math that's one thing I I like about what keville did um keville always has these new innovative ways of making income and and especially now they're all legal but like he's always thinking outside the box and I think that's the genius in him which I started looking at because I used to look at people who were scammers as low down dirty thieves like you know the person who's a scammer just a thief um kind of still do look at him as a thief but I what I've realized especially with somebody like Kevin how you view bank robbers [ __ ] are going at let me lay the bank down how you view that I view them as Dumber thieves like if if if you're going to rob or you're going to scam do whatever if you want to get money if if you want to get money the dumbest way is to pull out a gun and an ass right of course because that's the thing that gets you now what if you just use your brain and what you do don't affect no personal person is hitting these banks these but but don't scam usually affects like whoever the girl that goes in the [ __ ] bank to go get whatever that motherfucker's credit is done that [ __ ] car burnt but that's what bank's got insurance for a stop it well again I guess it connected to to keville I think keville is a the same type of Ingenuity for him to figure that out that he got that rich when marketing cuz he did marketing to even get the cards to what he did on Facebook and all that to even draw people to want to send their cards from cross country to him that's marketing genius and he figured it out how to do do it legally yeah I think that was dope um they keep saying Kev got a BBL what's going on Lio suction act I mean I need to get it you know what I'm saying I had surgery but I mean I had kidney surgery and [ __ ] so I don't really be [ __ ] with my body like that but I mean when he came out you go look at his pictures the day he came out of jail he was 12 he just had that good he want to get rid of that gut he went got rid of that gut why they make fun of Kevin but not Drake somebody just said Drake had the I think I think he the same doctor typ [ __ ] oh the same a couple more [ __ ] sent the number to whack the W do it I don't think he did it [ __ ] now keville offered a pay pay for some [ __ ] for me I was just like I'm I I really think that I go do some surgery like that it's like God is God has told be like listen listen man you you have a lot of good things going for you in life [ __ ] calling you fat you got to live with that it's cool you can't be perfect you can't like like you don't get to walk around life and you kavo believe in trying to be perfect he don't think like that really yeah whatever perfect in his eyes he trying to reach that yeah he offered to do um he offered to pay for some [ __ ] I was just too scared uh what the hell happened he definely he definitely got a bag to the side for me to get it what the hell happened with that with this baby mama man goofy [ __ ] you know um pacifi get took out the mouth oh you want to be honest cuz Kev he always you know what I'm saying when they left Chicago when he first started striking gold the only fans they went to Atlanta first Atlanta is Atlanta is you know what I'm saying and running around little thick ass [ __ ] and that but Miami a different beast and when he moved to Miami like he kept his house uh in Atlanta which W up going to ksr and he wind up losing and [ __ ] on some broke [ __ ] but uh he left and went to Miami and when he went to Miami you know Kevin like them Latin girls you like the BBL he got he got he got a uh preference so you know even though he got the baby mama and she look good and this and that it's still like my Chicago girl still kind of like all right what you about to do know he gave her a hell opportunities I'm pretty sure like you get your girl like what you what business you want to do uhhuh do this here go 100,000 do that you know what I'm saying like let's try to do this and that or try she was like um I had love for Dam too though like a little sister or something like that so I'm not down there or nothing like that but it's like she didn't want to do anything he was telling her like me and my baby mama try to help her like my baby mama no credit like keville so he's like all right you could be the female keville you my girl the women sometime don't like dealing with men Mentor like so you could you could teach them this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying be the lead female for financial ly she couldn't do it that's the problem with certain women like you know like some women like it to be already made they don't want to be the Hustler yeah and and it has to be within that person or not like no matter you can't teach them you can show them a million times but if they don't want to get up and go do that [ __ ] it's a d and then now now you got you see miti we got dentistes that own companies and all that they loving them they loving the way he looking this and that they they they they they Miami is sucking Kevin he is Miami now you you know what I'm saying but you talking about the beginning it's like damn it's like he calling me like hey man middle of the night well she calling me like he ain't been in this house they was living in the Paramount he he haven't been here and he calling me from some you know what I'm saying from all type of cribs and I know which girl he was with by the headboard and [ __ ] like where the [ __ ] is you at [ __ ] like as you go home he be like man call you back you know what I'm saying yeah so he always laugh me to deal with that that's why we so super close he me deal with a lot of this personal [ __ ] you know what I'm saying so like damn to the point where we had them CS like damn just you know what I'm saying just take care of them kids make sure everything straight he providing y'all everything y'all need she well and this and that he got all these expensive cars and said I don't want to drive this and that damn I'm going say I'm going to get you a car went have got her a b truck that's fit of F and this and that oh cool everything she have asked for now with the jewelry [ __ ] he got her a roly the decent Ry she he got a a fake Cuban because it's like where is she even going he pay he had when got all that [ __ ] from Ice like I'm not about to spend another 60 on her no Cub she don't even do [ __ ] her charm that D charm was real this and that he gave her a few things to say like he was preparing to like if anything ever happened to me God forbid or whatever whatever happened with us you can always take this jewelry sell it go get you go do what you need to do you know what I'm saying these little pieces right here get you a couple 20,000 something real quick to you know what I'm saying yeah so he did what he could do when you know when you done with a [ __ ] you done with him and nobody came make I it was to the point like make him come home I'm We Grown I can't make him do [ __ ] so it's like it's frustrating we all in Chicago she having breakdowns with the kids my baby mama talking off Ledges like man just go in the bathroom get away from the kids and you dist like getting disturbing like you know what I'm saying like come on now we weigh in Chicago they weigh in Miami it's like what the [ __ ] is going on and she going crazy and [ __ ] and then the Kayla the cold [ __ ] happened and it made it go even crazier and then it was just wow so it's like her whole thing was get back like 16 and all that like another thing if I'mma say it if you can't talk to your homie little boom and and we got to be oh he's a creep and he's weird which he did some creepy weird goofy [ __ ] you can't talk to 16 no more because 16 has a sexual assault in his background no he don't got the uh I'm positive positive 18 years old 13y old girl incident at the school after the school program five times mom and them press dropped the charge she was 18 she was 15 she was 13 oh oh oh yeah little girl so you know that really happened he has a Ab in his background a sexual abuse uh uh sexual assault on Min did he plead guilty to that they dropped it at the police station uh the mom and the they Len the charge just like on some little boom [ __ ] they Len the charge he got some other it's still on on on it's on his background he can't erase it wow it's on his background that's why he hate Kevo he hate Kevo for that but that's after the fact of everything that he tried to do he really the hate came with him cuz Kevo kind of like little boyed him on the live one day you know saying he was a fan of keville and keville was you know how he be he just little boy the one day and so Dam had this plan on getting C she want to she she grew that hate for him now it's like I'm about to [ __ ] all this [ __ ] off like [ __ ] that I'm burn the house down he talking about some we getting separate Apartments now mind she went on uh Tasha C [ __ ] talking about some has B man K rich and his uh wife is homeless she sitting on side of the SLS she standing in the SLS monthly telling by S by the swiming I'm homeless and what do you mean this [ __ ] cost a [ __ ] between 8 to 15,000 a month for you to stay in this [ __ ] and get all type of f service why he prepared to get you another career when she got mad because his career became available first he moved right in his [ __ ] and he like you know so she felt like oh this that so n came to point like all right Dam just he going to buy you a big ass house in mlan Texas somewhere she thought we was trying to get rid of her like no but you go down there if he spend 300,000 it's like you going have a mansion the kids take themo you know what I'm saying you know your life so her whole thing was Kevo it wasn't about that money it wasn't about nothing it was just like nope I want to have this that and when she found out it was totally over with she want to burn the house down Kevo a smart [ __ ] you know right he's also like a little hacker like he know so so everything around him you think you doing this and that behind his back emails and SN he reading it he watching it he telling me like this [ __ ] on some goofy [ __ ] trying to link with this goofy ass [ __ ] trying to do some goofy content cuz if you watch if you have a of course you didn't have time to watch that [ __ ] but she was dropping content I got a secret crush and just goofy [ __ ] all in the B so just trying to agitate Kevo mind you take the car get out out of here take everything now she in his car screaming oh I got a new crush and wait till you see my new crush and this and that did she [ __ ] up her whole situation because man she dropped the ball man and I did not want her to do that me and my family like no like y'all keep that you know what I'm saying like it's all good cuz he was cool like I'm just moving around and I think at one point in time she was really cool with how he wanted to live Miami is a different animal for black girls when they go down there bro what do you mean bro it's like this you a black chick you look good in this snap but you got a balling ass [ __ ] y'all mve them my from some other town it's going to be different he has Lamborghinis he go out by himself SP they coming in what looking like a little mama like little girl like get out of here little girl you know what I'm saying these big like these [ __ ] coming through and guess what they Rich Kevin just start he start rich women start coming at him she couldn't compete with that act I felt sorry for like God damn this just like a broke ass [ __ ] having a balling ass you know what I'm saying [ __ ] and this just like GE how you she meet another balling ass [ __ ] like what are you you better shut up and be happy you still got a bedro in this [ __ ] you know what I'm saying to be honest damn you know what I'm saying but you was still getting off of cribs and all that [ __ ] you rather do this you rather I'm going go to Tasha K I'mma say I'm homeless I'mma show I'mma say you scammed your fans I'mma do this I'mma say that oh oh also to the point where oh you hate this little boy well I'm say I slept with him then who the [ __ ] do a bunch of goofy [ __ ] and be like like yeah we just came from the hotel the holiday in about the O'Hare Airport that [ __ ] $88 what are you talking about you flew up there did some goofy [ __ ] and ruined your life then on 16 that [ __ ] backfired on 16 where he wind up sleeping on the floor he thought the the Kevo content to be he thought that was going to take him through the roof he talking to act he he all like when he talk he feeling like yeah I'm wi like his little ass like goofy as hell we just looking at it like we just be looking from afar like damn that [ __ ] goofy as hell like and they a not even paying attention this [ __ ] is a rap like he got a rape in his background does Kevo even talk to they bomb anymore nope no communication cuz of her mind you he he he just had his daughter but her his son they they had he still you know he still was trying to s for him and do right you know what I'm saying but she cut it off after he had that the little girl it like you can't see him no more cuz that's how [ __ ] do nothing to do with her she she took her kids from being rich to back to section8 and sleeping on Mama floes and [ __ ] and them kids don't deserve that we always said all us always said like man they don't deserve that she really could have just took the big ass crib and did what she want to do go go [ __ ] 16 to do something out there at the man now you wind up on the floor he wind up on the floow you know what I'm saying like y'all ass tripping this boy got real millions of dollars y'all you going against that he don't care what nobody say oh this was their big thing we're going to show that he got his body done those revealing pictur remember it was a whole thing it's like oh my God he didn't give a [ __ ] the goddamn Dr F gave his ass down a million dollars just because of promotion of getting the body done K was pretty good with that like you can't crazy you can't yeah turn the content hey uh Charleston white cckar Charlie I'm the one naming cocken Charlie did Charleston white send y a picture of his penis yes he sent himself a a video of hisself oiled up and baby like this a this sound it's going to sound funny but I swear to God he didn't oil himself up I'm swear to God he was oiled up head to toe in the bathroom in a mirror jacking itself off with a [ __ ] ring on did he do that because he was sending the video to y'all or just a video had no he sent it to keville because he said keville flexed on him and sent him some video with a bunch of money like 3 400,000 and showing his muscles and [ __ ] so he said the only muscle that he had was his dick so he said that it was funny as [ __ ] but I'm just like man little bitty oily man he look like Mr Burns from The Simpsons I thought at the time I thought at the time y was setting up a boxing match you and doberry or something doberry you see what happened do do you think doberry want to sit up and she wrestling around box you see the way that man ran on that stage that shout to dber that's my now mind you that that's this these are back then now [ __ ] is is is cordal now cool and you know I'm I'm meeting them tomorrow in Chicago we linking and [ __ ] we [ __ ] around we went to the boxing match in Arizona together all type of [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I [ __ ] with them because I really understand what's going on I ain't dumb you know I'm not a kid yeah they're good at getting headlines oh yeah so people was overlooking his friend duberry cuz in the beginning char R do all this crazy talking about yeah doberry so I was looking up doberry like this [ __ ] that went to jail thought it was a stone cold killer no bro you sure it's like an accident murder in the club and then he told he wouldn't would and confessed it cuz he couldn't he couldn't deal with the fact of what he did so he would have just turned himself in he had to do that like I tell dber you get mad at me cuz I did I beat my murders and [ __ ] like that the way your murders happened you could have beat it the same way oh he got a murder too yeah he did 18 years though damn so he come home you know he's the the 18y year homie andig blueberry how did y turn the back and forth between Charleston and Kevo into pretty much he say Kevo is op the latest thing he just said uh on that 20 uh he he did 20 vers baming Ki yeah Ki he just told the [ __ ] talk about some yeah cuz if you if you ever tried to go be my back a day B man Ki that's my op I hate him you know saying you don't the [ __ ] is crazy man he really [ __ ] with us though how did that get cool like how was that how was that first call like I mean I mean [ __ ] just talking [ __ ] go say some wild [ __ ] I brought doberry to life though cuz I I did the say sh cheese [ __ ] it went viral I was just like I brought up doberry and everybody like do like then they looked and like charlesa white homie I'm like his ass country slow ass doberry with the little two gold teeth right there and this and that like his ass half [ __ ] a killer you know what I'm saying I thought was but that's nah duberry ain't no killer man duberry good old boy man he turned himself in like a good old boy should when he made a mistake so [ __ ] all right so you you WR with Kevin most of the time how' you meet a Flo oh shout out to 16 shot the whole the whole ordeal of him trying to overly get into it with Flo made me brought attention to me to Flo and then I got to get the credit to ad like hey you need to manage Flo you need to you need to get in flo life I thought for a second people are going to try to bully FL they they do and they try they you know and try like run him out the game like yo listen you can't voice your opinions and that's a very popular tactic when they see somebody has an opinion that seems to resonate with I'm just not going to lie I've been talking to Flocka way before like I I just told him I asked him a question do he think that he'll flourish more on the East Coast than he doing on that West Coast because the lack of respect they have for him at his job you got somebody like allmighty no disrespect to nobody over they take it how they want I don't give a [ __ ] but you got somebody as uh Almighty it's like s Almighty right here telling act like man shut up man you don't really know like [ __ ] y'all don't see what y'all got right here so y'all devaluing him really yeah so I've always thought it was hard for him to be maybe live up to maybe the potentially has because in La you can't really just give an opinion and and granted like it's not like that's [ __ ] and that's just like all right if it's like that [ __ ] will go somewhere else and Shoot To The Sky yeah yeah hm you ain't got to deal with that you ain't nothing to do with none of that [ __ ] you a consecrator it's like what if you worked on their local news channel you think [ __ ] rolling up on a local news channel [ __ ] when they I be thinking they about to jump that [ __ ] sometimes I'm like yo I be feeling like that too but I know a people like ad I know people like whack they out there they they they got that boy he he good but is he really good as far as uh his value or his cealing the where he going to go I asked him do you think you reached your ceilling at no jumper is it time to do different things or explore different options cuz you never supposed to stay in same Lane you suppos he supposed to level up right well I think even this trip though is is a chance for him to level up I for sure I think he's seeing um opportunities and ways that he could excel in one thing I realized about him just even doing him doing content in the last day or two is that the only good version of Flo is you have to let him be him I tell people that all the time can't you can't put him in a box and again you don't necessarily have to be like hey we're going to war about every opinion but we're going to we're going to respect the fact that you have these opinion and your opinion is your opinion and we don't got to agree with it but you be able to voice your opinion yes he need to be somewhere where when he invo his opinion he don't have to get drilled or or he got to check himself before he say something he's not in the game he owes the streets nothing so he should be able to opinionate himself that's how I felt about you back then yeah you could say what what the [ __ ] he want to say is he out here killing [ __ ] or do he really like if you can't tell no like you know what I'm saying yeah you got to let that you got to let that content roll you got to let it be what it's going to be you know what I'm saying no I agree what are you doing in Chicago with Charles White oh he got a comedy show up there he just hit me with you know like I say today my birthday I'mma fly home cuz I just got a new crib in Atlanta but I'mma fly home SP the time my daughter been to a ComEd trophies nope first time first time how often does Kevin go back to uh Chicago I Miami out man yeah he Miami the [ __ ] out now now now Miami ain't enough you know that right you know where he at right I mean know no Dubai over there Sammy yeah oh my God him and Samy you know I homie Sammy yeah yeah Sammy just turn my boy out man Sam try he try to turn me out he want to get over there and be citizens and [ __ ] yo he did have a child recently though right yeah yes he did baby girl how is that like changing him Kevo got kids he been having kids oh yeah I forgot he got madins how many got he about like six I think God damn or some [ __ ] like that I forgot he Chicago [ __ ] I'm over here thinking like he second kid holy [ __ ] is there anything I missed what did I miss what did I miss I I feel like always I got to do my little last check before we get out of here how long we been talking two hours okay that's light that's light that's light you know I I talk for days yeah I know I usually talk till I see the people in the background I see them tired I'm like all right I'm just I'm I'm I'm excited to see what happened after uh this part one part two I just can't even about to Fan him with you and flco but this part one I think you know it's going to put them in a different light I don't know what I don't know what God is going to take him after that I don't know if La ceiling is high enough after that well well I think he's going to come to a fork in aod he's going to have to either clam up tone it down or he's going to ain't no doing that you hear what I mean I wouldn't be around if that was the case I ain't going to lie to you let me see it's going to go way worse before it Go tone down let me see what else you were talking about North Memphis why you talking about North Memphis what's going on in North Memphis I [ __ ] around with no North Memphis they out there killing [ __ ] like a [ __ ] long live off though okay I think I kind of got everything it up I mean you know whatever it is we'll catch it down the road you know we I was trying to um Kev we coming with a podcast and [ __ ] you know I dabbled in it just Kev should have been at a podcast that's what I tell him Kev should have a vlog he should have a lot of things like Kevo is a truly entertaining um Persona and a guy who I respect because he he's true to having his life be the content and a lot of times people they're fake they don't allow their they're never vulnerable enough to have their life be the content whether he's getting a tattoo whether he's talking about you know surgery whether he's dealing with situations that's happened to him like with baby Mas a lot of times people lie and create facades try to like he he want open Solid [ __ ] kavo definitely is definitely is all right man uh listen we're going to call the wraps on this uh I listen big folks I appreciate you hey [ __ ] I appreciate you for everything City and all no listen man hey I'm you know your life is a [ __ ] movie man like I'm just happy to still be here [ __ ] I could tell me sitting here with you it's like this like an unbelievable story but yeah all if people do want to find you how can they find you on social media uh what is it uh what is it uh CEO big folkore I you be on I'm on there what's my hey Li B what's my [ __ ] yes F yeah CEO big folkore yeah yeah okay so yall go check him out man uh listen we'll definitely get a part two of this get a update you know in in the soon time coming but other than that man I thank you for watching another episode of w the record podcast it's been big a big folks the biggest podcast the biggest sh man we finally clarified a few things man I'm out
Channel: DJ Akademiks
Views: 162,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dj akademiks, dj akademics, deejay akademiks, everyday struggle, the negrotiator
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 12sec (8172 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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