Memo600 on What Really Happened with OTF, Ant Glizzy, King Yella & More

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no jumper coolest podcast in the world and back for the third time in the last month or two last couple months mimo 600 back on the show show big 60 how you feeling I'm feeling great man great to be here man you know what's going on still alive introduce us to your rightand man here got my boy right here he could do introduce himself yo Paul from West Philly my brand Cairo casting over that's for my boy rocking right now I already know brand new [ __ ] I thought you were going to say that you were like his Hing From The Trenches oh no From The Trenches you're a new friend no he from the but from Philly yeah when you start how how do you guys know each other like um networking and [ __ ] networking [ __ ] how I met you networking you ain't Network your way into me how huh for sure I was bothering you for sure that's networking you met me on the net net and work I was bothering you like yo let's get a freaking interview in for sure okay but we're back in here what what made you want to come back on the podcast you got anything I was too quiet last interview I was too high I don't smoke weed I'm like 3 months clean like you know so you stopped smoking we after that interview yeah that was my last day actually that's serious damn that last interview last time you smoked yeah yeah all cuz then it it was weird cuz you did an interview and then you came on with 600 Breezy his interview the next day but then you were like talking significantly more in the interview with him and people were kind of confused about that but it like having him there sort of helped you loosen up a little bit for sure cuz I know Breezy going to talk his [ __ ] some [ __ ] I ain't going to be quiet on like see with the Ruger situation and all that I'm speaking up like no man we you know yeah you had to go against him AR agree with anything my brothers do but I ain't no yes man either like you know right that's what a lot of give you props for cuz they say they say mimo for one thing he ain't going to never be no yes man yeah for sure where you get that from why you ain't never just ran with the crowd I feel like all my life I've been myself though like if they going to like you they going to like you for being you like you know if they don't like you then they not going to never like you like you know why pretend to be some other [ __ ] sometimes I go to parties and stuff and I'm thinking like I'm here to network I need to be like talking to people I need to be involved with this [ __ ] and then it's like you have that reality in the back of your head of like I'm not that kind of person like I'm a little bit more to myself I'm a little bit more reserved my whole life I never was a talker I was always quiet and in the background like the old Chief key videos I was just in that quiet and know I grew up a lot though like a lot of [ __ ] don't take like I think jail changed that for me though like you was in the uh what video was that was that L SOS 300 300 where you shot that video at his crib he used to live next door to me in oock no 61st in Michigan for sure is that consider Front Street yep Front Street that's why I stayed at so who all from Front Street cuz I be saying King V used to be on Front Street too or something right he used to be around there but he not from front it's a lot of Front Street I [ __ ] with Front Street that's the family that's the first place I hung when I first moved in the trenches how far is Front Street from oot like three blocks two three blocks walking distance like I used to walk there from there f so what give us an before we start asking about like current stuff tell us like what have you been doing for the past three months since that interview I just want a life update I got like I started businesses like airbnbs and T RS and [ __ ] I got three houses two apartments three cars all type of [ __ ] going on my music I'm actually working on a new tape I'm just trying to find a name for it right now all type of [ __ ] labels been hitting me up I got somebody from Rock Nation hit me up like I'm trying to get my business together first before I just jump out and you know you still feeling the label idea you think that could still work for you or no no only how that [ __ ] will work if I'm the top artist like cuz your focus got to be straight on me like it can't be all you got Li baby you got what's the Kisha all that [ __ ] all the attention got to be on me like I feel like the managers and all that [ __ ] got to be focused on me cuz it ain't going to work with all that mixed up you know I feel I tried that's how I tried to [ __ ] with OTF like it was me smirk and Van all three of us hot all us can't have the same management and all that [ __ ] cuz they going to want to push his [ __ ] harder cuz he the top artist then you got to wait and I need my [ __ ] to be pushed when I want to be pushed type [ __ ] like so you think independent probably the way to go for you it is for sure so you felt like uh derking them or OTF just in general was like putting you on the back burner they was I don't feel like it it was it's like it's like known like world wild yeah but did you feel like it was a kind of situation where they wanted you to get more popping on your own like like yeah they told me that yeah old manager told me that who was managing them uh it was like two or three managers but Ola was the main one who was teaching me a lot of the game like real smart dude for sure it feel like they wasn't really pushing van on the back burner though he was like have van s next him want interview was telling me V was telling me to get my own [ __ ] going like like to leave OTF and do [ __ ] yeah not like leave them but like still rep the brand and the family but get your own [ __ ] going cuz you ain't going to go too far up under somebody I always been on my own man though that's crazy for van to tell you that while he's under somebody though yeah no he wasn't actually under him he was just doing that to cuz folks helped us a lot so why would we leave you like type [ __ ] van was actually with track 100K management but he was sign OTF though right no Savon never signf when me and blow sign on papers smirk pass he was like uh he tried to pass him a paper V told his well what you doing on oh I ain't signing that [ __ ] really so I got to look I thought it was like a joke but he told he really was for real so everybody thinks that vau was signed to Dirk but it's not actually true they were just friends and yeah he just he just love him you know that's brother like he helped us a lot so we going to rep that [ __ ] to the fullest right I mean but don't you think in a situation like that like obviously there's what happens with paper work and everything like that but do you I I feel like Dirk deserves his cut of whatever V was making cuz he put him on 100% why I said we W that [ __ ] to the fullest on still I was fresh in franic happy to be hot turn smirk coming smirk was the king of the trenches on the music so I me and blow we thirsty to sign that [ __ ] and you know yeah cuz now that I'm looking uh you a got to tell me his albums was never on going have to tell me so who was uh his label says forever forever I don't know what that is but I just know what I know what I told you damn that's crazy cuz I always thought he was like OT everybody did so you said you jumped the gun and had sign first you and who me and blow just blow word so what about buha bu signed them uh I don't really know I know B was under eeday a contract with eeday it was paperwork problems with that so I don't think he could sign to him he had a label yeah Team 600 oh word why y never signed E I did that was the first contract I signed then how you get out of that came B me on my contract with eay yeah damn so eeday wouldn't just let you out yeah he would but yeah I thought like I ain't going to come just take your artist I'mma you know give you some [ __ ] you know D a genuine person too he was you know who the who was the uh Team 600 distributor like it was a lab by him but it was eeday my homie real that you was talking to and uh F famous oh word yeah did you have to get out of your OTF contract or was it just yeah I had to I it was no problem though we agreed on like cuz that was my brother like you know it ain't like it's no random all right we going to take you to court to get out this cuz you owe us this and allow us that we came to agreement like this what it's going to be you know that's so was no problem that's what I led about him too though like he ain't take me through no problems when it came to that [ __ ] straight to it defin like we had uh big mic on the podcast a couple days ago which big mic big mic from Von's case yeah yeah you knew him no I of them that's Wy brother right yeah yeah but that's like a different generation cuz he was around no I was I'm grown as hell I just ain't hanging with them everybody got their own crowds like I know you saw the [ __ ] that happened on the internet with me and my peop the other day that's what it is like we all got our own crowds and certain crowds don't mix with certain crowds yeah so who is trigger though cuz all right so for people don't know you was online you and Trigger I had some uh IG story posts I think trigger was responding back to you right yeah he only responded cuz I responded first through the DM but what initially started y'all little uh I feel like a lot of see you like they feel like they've been in this [ __ ] so long and they ain't getting the recognition that they need and they see a [ __ ] like you just come straight up and take right off they feel some type of way that's what I feel like it was like Tri on trigger in yeah and who's dammo that's his brother all right and they both for 600 yeah cuz you said uh I think you said that uh trigger had you called him a snitch no it was DMO you call DMO a snitch who you snitched on man they got their little [ __ ] going on you know I ain't trying to be in this [ __ ] like ba I'm decent what what did ba do that you didn't like I don't know I just feel like coming on the podcast that's what he did [ __ ] if you know you hot like that I ain't saying that man did anything I don't know what's going on but yeah if you know him like you was saying he he was on the podcast saying like he he on the run for years and [ __ ] he said he told us that he been on the run for like eight years and [ __ ] you getting yourself investigated wait but he didn't tell or Ned said that he was on the run for years but ba he didn't mention anything about being on the run right one of them said and then a lot of people saying like y'all got them booked and like no man people do [ __ ] and you not like you not like smirk or Drake or a future nobody going to really know you until they see your face like oh that's that dude that [ __ ] could happened 40 years ago and you got on the camera don't jump a big ass platform so people that probably was around when that [ __ ] happen so I'm like that's that dude that you know but you're not worried about getting in trouble for the [ __ ] that you did in 2017 for the most part right like de [ __ ] right you you didn't do anything but if it's been seven years I feel like most people kind of just figure like oh I got Ain no stat whatever the you call it they could come up any second with that [ __ ] like they can come back 40 years later and book you like anything else Burgery robberies after a certain amount of years they got to leave that [ __ ] alone but murder your ass in trouble they told us somebody told on them recently I don't know I don't know if the interview really helped to Hype it up but it is weird when people put it on us cuz it's like innocent though man a lot of people just don't want to see you on top I feel like no jumper is a big platform again like when people get on here they feel like they made it some people feel like they made it they probably saw his ass and you know I mean honestly though we were doing an interview with ttb Nez and then he brought ba with him like that's his homie he wants to have part [ __ ] yeah it was some cool [ __ ] we're we're meeting him we don't know about the fact that like I don't know how crazy this his past in the streets is yeah I don't know Nei he's just hanging out know him I just know him From The Trenches like and then that [ __ ] happens like two weeks later it's like well what the did we know it's not like we even asked him anything that like could have incriminated them you know they say y'all got somebody booked right I mean I wouldn't be surprised if some cop was watching that episode and was like oh we're supposed to pick this guy up let's let's go get him but I mean what the [ __ ] does that have to do with us yeah [ __ ] at all so you and d y y'all figured it out yet yall squash what you at or it ain't [ __ ] going I just be speaking the truth I'm still that's all look you said a lot of [ __ ] you said dammo was a snitch you said clothes be looking goofy cheesy cheesy yeah say that I was talking about trigger what that you wearing you see yourself [ __ ] I Ain never SE I don't even know who he is to be 100 yeah just some cheesy [ __ ] Bro [ __ ] M that you brought up clothes your dad used to sell clothes cuz I remember rug used to always say on the song he like something about D my brother dead my brother de oh right Steve Dad yeah he so close for a living song he used to yeah never wore that [ __ ] G they just troll cuz they clothes though they why you a wear they want them officials some people on L Steve everybody bought that [ __ ] from him gang like that hang with me video the Pico [ __ ] the belt around his head that was the [ __ ] from him all that [ __ ] back then who the was affording Gucci and [ __ ] back then come on gang this me you talk to from the to live [ __ ] be just putting on the image G like now they got the dhgate [ __ ] where ain't got to go to nobody they order that [ __ ] to they front door so your dad had a designer plug though yeah yeah yeah for sure sure what's DH gate that's a fake uh what they sell fake clothes and [ __ ] is it pretty realistic yeah H might check in yeah go get you some full miror man I might be down that [ __ ] too expensive I don't know you a pair of M $30 30 stop it y'all come with some B and [ __ ] some [ __ ] my homie made or some I go in the store and spend some money too though I'm still that's the brightest drawring I ever seen like louder than your chain he go crazy I ain't going to lie ni so y get up here with some a scks or something you know oh yeah those are hard yeah I brought y some [ __ ] too G for real I brought y sh yeah he brought y'all some [ __ ] too I got to get back in the as6 again those things SE i' seen somebody with these I like them fat Ross Ross with them [ __ ] before we before we get off the Trigg in and [ __ ] one more thing you did that said that stood out you said one of them was dating Jazz who had snitched on uh Rondo who dating Jazz no that's some old [ __ ] they they was they was name Jazz who bring jazz in this she ain't got [ __ ] to do with this what I apologize to her for even putting her in that [ __ ] type [ __ ] oh that's somebody you still know though yeah I know yeah so how you how you still cool with her even if she did snitch on that uh Ronda like how you feel about everybody cool I ain't nobody I mind my business like what's your thoughts on like uh females who be hanging around y'all and [ __ ] that be snitching and [ __ ] like they got different rules I mean like that hang around us that's just just in general like block holes or whatever y'all be calling them first of all I feel like you shouldn't even do [ __ ] around no hoes to get no hoes no reason to snitch on nobody but you know but if they do snitch y it's all for a game to take them back on them and all type of [ __ ] like that that's why I don't know I don't get that [ __ ] still I don't get that [ __ ] but yeah cuz I interview the re all right so recently we had Amari blaze up here and when I seen her first video on [ __ ] with the mus [ __ ] she just dm' me the other day said you still love me or I ain't really opening all I saw was you still love me or and like I I got to see I rap gang I rap about this [ __ ] and I live this [ __ ] I feel like you snitch is over with like you know even for a girl yeah for sure even if cuz her main defense was basically saying she not a street I'm not from the streets I never put myself out there as a drill rapper or rap about this [ __ ] yeah but she does have drill songs so it's like you might not want to be a drill rapper but you got at least a few songs like that yeah and it's your most popular songs I mind my business like I told you they beef they beef whatever they got going I was with her she cool but I ain't agree with with that [ __ ] it different now that yeah you get a locked up that's a whole another ball game she got stabbed she got thrown through a window I so I do feel a little bit of sympathy for her but and then I asked her though I said what would you want out of the outcome of her going uh pressing charges on Melo and she said that she want Melo to like to R burn in jail jail that's like that's where she at with it she said you do the crime you do the time that's some police [ __ ] you still love her I ain't never loved I mean she asked you I'm just saying she said you still got love for her so like how you feel hearing [ __ ] like that I'm snitch K gang I'm Ste I ain't going to lie to you yeah it ain't even about no mellow Mello cool Mir Mar cool but I'm snitch K gang I live that [ __ ] I rap about like for real I feel it if you were yella would you be able to be like the manager for an artist who was talking about Talent like that uh your job is your job though it's up to the manager to get her clean like get that [ __ ] at least get it erased that [ __ ] can't get erased but at least try to cover that [ __ ] up or something but I don't know me personally I couldn't I couldn't do it I just finished watching that J man and a Gizzy interview and he's talking about but he says I ain't saying he telling I'm saying he told Fire Bar I was like damn the way he just yeah okay but get on here and say he told he get on this [ __ ] hell yeah I told but then he'll I told on some dead yeah I know what you is that acceptable no cuz he saying he told but he said everybody told on nobody got book he said everybody he told on is people who who are dead already word is told on yeah the people I told on you told so all right to self- preses yourself say you was in a situation with somebody dead and they like yo mimo you going to do 100 years and you could just place it on somebody that's dead is that fair game or you just going to do theone and like no I'm lot of get up here and say they wouldn't do it I wouldn't do it 100% but a lot of say they would do it and do it though but I wouldn't do it though I'm still like for sure even if your homie wouldn't be like he dead he he wouldn't trip like say if he wasn't tripping he can't trip [ __ ] that's what I'm saying though if y'all had that understanding before like once your homie want you to be out on the street like man I'm dead a ain't no point I'm snitch K to the fullest game I'm still I live that [ __ ] you can't pull up [ __ ] that said I told on nobody G they got a video of me being a at by the police I'm on that helping my homie I ain't never Sy them with a gun damn my life knowing my homie had the pipe he got charged for we know the [ __ ] over with the case over with so that ain't snitching but I'mma Rock to with you to the fullest on little boo gang yeah so even like family members and [ __ ] that might snitch you cutting them off yeah for sure I cut off some families that cuz they be saying and then I hate to bring it up but they was saying that one of your brothers took the stand against it's not my brother it's one of my homies oh so it wasn't they I don't know why so the rumor is that one of your blood brothers took the stand my mama had two sons stepen and me the social media is a they said my sister snitched too wasn't my sister against uh Ruger brother yeah no against Rond know but wasn't my sister again like friend family of friends some [ __ ] like that you know but regardless you cutting off yeah for sure yeah I feel it 100% it's been a lot of snitching going on or snitch rumors and [ __ ] cuz they could just fall back into the Ken yella [ __ ] recently cuz like I don't think Ken yella really snitch but like recently a video went viral a [ __ ] in an interrogation video room with that [ __ ] when he was saying Breezy cuz they found out about it like 15 minutes after the Breezy interview got done 1090 Jake dropped his video about it or whatever yeah we was in the interview and you was like whoa what is this remember we all found about as soon as it finished soon as the camera cut off we saw that [ __ ] and then yellow was kind of blaming us I'm like if if we had planted the story talking day cuz Breezy was tweaking with him he tell your homie he can meet me in Vegas right now but do you feel like that snitching know like he act yeah he said too much don't people ask you anything about some gang [ __ ] and you cooperating that's but if it's a known thing like everybody know chief for a be Chief Kea go that [ __ ] and say I ain't BD yeah still I feel it man your [ __ ] business on still I man was my business yeah that is the weird part about that is that I feel like yell knows that he didn't do the right thing in that situation but he just he kind of has to defend himself has to keep it rolling think he knows he [ __ ] up though yeah he [ __ ] up he a cool dude but I ain't with the snitch [Music] [ __ ] I I still talk to him to this day I just talked to him the other day I knew him I grew up around this [ __ ] like oh you knew yell him back in the day yeah hell yeah you skinny on the Block still all yeah it's crazy how like everybody interwin at some say we caught him with his kids and [ __ ] oh yeah so I'm glad you said that [ __ ] cuz like recently he said that uh that he was out with his family and that you kind of gave him a pass you could have killed him he said that you gave him a pass I don't kill people I know but that's those were his words though he said that's why he alive he said that you could have killed to and you gave him a pass so did you see him with his family though and where was yall at we was out really my cousin stayed across the street from this how long AG goes this this years G I don't even remember was like six seven years so you just ran to him y'all was in Chicago or some [ __ ] yeah yeah the trench is 47 K met or some [ __ ] like that and then he said on the opposite end he gave you a pass no he just was telling me duck was pulling up that ain't no pass pass is not letting a [ __ ] do do nothing to you yeah that's the pass so what's the situation if they would have saw me they wern't listening to his ass I saw them though I saw them when they ped up I actually lived across the street from where they was at oh word so he was telling you he they going to pull up out here like across the street from your house that was love though I respected that for sure yeah so they post it up outside your crib though so how that he ended up getting shot that day who dck no uh yellow yellow that's the same day so yell been shot multiple time that's not the same time for the pushing the P that's the pushing the piece [ __ ] or what he was wearing a what was the African [ __ ] yeah under the V yeah that [ __ ] was crazy getting shot filming a a pushing the piece videos he was one of the first [ __ ] to think about that pushy P [ __ ] though I gave him props on that too still cuz I was looking at like [ __ ] you man all these bodies dropping you talking about who the [ __ ] going to listen to you boy so many people dying right now I'm still yeah a lot of people still critical of uh him pushing piece because they saying that uh him and J man well not really J man but they say he not really involved in [ __ ] to be pushing pie so like it really don't it don't hit the same he involved in [ __ ] but it ain't [ __ ] that got to do with it's more like ttb NZ in our interview he was saying that yella ain't really from that area and [ __ ] [ __ ] to do with the district the area yo push your piece on the whole another side of town so so that's why it's still going to be big for you and uh ruga to actually sure but Adam being cheap yeah you guys are definitely over whooping with that one F now everybody in Chicago thinks that their interview price is a little higher than it is what you think I forget how much you guys were asking for but it was definitely more than I could have realistically thought that I would have made off of that interview I feel but that [ __ ] going to go up we ain't never been in the same room together like I'm still it's going to go up but I don't know if it's going to go up enough to hit the dollar amount that y'all were asking for yeah I mean how how good did uh what was the one Billionaire Black on cam Capone with uh and Jay Hood Billionaire Black and J Hood that doesn't count what the [ __ ] man y'all be TW again I'm still that's that's not a comforable no bro like why is that though resp he not involved in nothing like he don't have nothing do he say he from the O he man he not from over there bil from 63rd he not from over there no offense cam comp these views a really looking that cracking either I don't know cuz y'all knocking all everybody out the way no but we never well I guess we've interv both of them but not together it ain't even just them y'all got a bigger platform than a lot of people y'all numbers do I Googled your [ __ ] I looked your [ __ ] up it's a app where you can tell what [ __ ] making I sent it to you when I asked for that price I asked but Billionaire Black in that interview from the clips I watched he looked like he had probably consumed some sort of opiate beforehand what you influence it just wasn't he wasn't all the way there and then meanwhile Jay Hood's in like full-blown preacher mode yeah it's kind of hard to compete with that energy ready for that type of [ __ ] like me I got to get comfortable first I got to I be a little nervous or whatever cuz the cameras and [ __ ] but when I get there you know you feel like it's a Resurgence with the drill uh wave going on right now cuz you just like how you just said you said it's like you said we pushing [ __ ] out the way and [ __ ] you like you got [ __ ] like cam cam Capone dj6 Vlad you feel like the Chicago wave is getting more lit than it's ever been for sure with the interviews yeah there a lot of real [ __ ] coming out like a lot of [ __ ] the fans be wanting to know these question we've been supporting and listening to your snitch ass or your [ __ ] ass for all these years and this what was going on well it's weird because there's so much media but then there's less new characters that the people are really like dying to hear from I feel like there's more people doing interviews than there's like less star rappers for sure for sure that's cuz it be people that was around that's coming to do the interviews and not the people that was active doing the interviews I mean cuz the people that's active they might get book like 757 I don't know if he was active I think he Innocent but I mean he could be innocent but I mean [ __ ] if you just came to an interview you got booked like a week two later he I guess did something they think mean I know a lot of people locked up for not doing [ __ ] D Rose is innocent as [ __ ] he in that [ __ ] for all them years for nothing I still what's the relationship like with D Rose that's cool that's my brother he cool how often like is D Rose calling in asking for like [ __ ] to push him in his books and [ __ ] is that a thing or oh yeah hell yeah he was just calling in MC feral tweaking out yeah yeah he said he had call that M yeah yeah so like [ __ ] [ __ ] make sure they take care of him and [ __ ] what about Rondo cuz like new picture of Rondo just went all viral recently smoo now going to be n he living his life like you know in or out of jail he going to be n type [ __ ] y'all talking [ __ ] yeah that's my little brother he was with my little brother when he died when Ste died he was with him yeah all right cuz r one of the uh he one of the main people from 600 when you think of 600 like back in the day you got Rond you got la that's why I got Steve Dy from Rondo he was the one really pushing the Steve Dy that's why I got the name from like any like if I ever was to get billions of dollars off this [ __ ] that [ __ ] going his way yeah definitely um so who was it from taytown that dropped this song about you recently the [ __ ] DD yeah how'd that hurt I ain't hear I just heard about it somebody that be around had told me but you didn't listen to it you don't listen to this song about you oh they warn me like man he got a song with mellow bucks he did to you on there damn [ __ ] is that a that's a concern at all you think you're probably going to end up clapping back or no no it's just too small I wouldn't even just said nothing about it if you ain't say nothing yeah [ __ ] A you got you got your ass molested on camera man like why would I even respond I'm tired of turning up goofies who that was the OTL DD who de when you say molester he is the one that uh with the yeah explain the molestation what I believe was forced to eat bloody to e yeah all right so one of the uh dudes from OTF a long time ago I think they made him eat somebody [ __ ] while she was uh on her period or some [ __ ] a long time ago made her cut his drill all type of that's some [ __ ] right there there's a video on it too yeah I had posted it that's block for 3 months on Instagram right now I can't go live oh on your live yeah so why he dissing you though where y [ __ ] came from I don't know Clubhouse Clubhouse get [ __ ] in some [ __ ] his shorty wolfing and [ __ ] and I say something back and he yeah they got mad I you want her diss me your big homie got raped and y'all ain't do [ __ ] that's what killed them that's a weird one cuz it's like on one hand you're eating bloody [ __ ] but at least you're eating some [ __ ] for sure like if they killed you after that [ __ ] you went out eat [ __ ] I mean I just a you with a thong on with a Philipino a what a Filipino what's what the [ __ ] is that a Philippine like a Filipino whatever the [ __ ] though like a an Asian woman a man a man sharp SE oh purple thong on oh okay that pure that was April Fool's sharp sharp that was April Fool's joke yeah yeah yeah cuz I say this [ __ ] book me and then post that I wouldn't came but I'm on the contract you going to Su the [ __ ] out me quando Rondo congratulated me on being myself oh when he thought it was real and I had to be like I'm not gay and he was like oh it was a joke yeah he thought it was real everybody been thinking that [ __ ] real buddy a freak too D no but it was like he was going outside his own comfort zone to let me know that like you know at least you're doing your own thing you're being yourself my man but I ain't say [ __ ] to you I'm mind my business you're not going to congratulate me hell no man [ __ ] I look like everybody already hitting me oh you f to go to no jump out you saw Adam up there with the thone on you know I almost had man he going to sue the [ __ ] out me I signed that paper man I almost had a strip club hosting canceled cuz they thought that the gay thing was real oh what I asked Remo before you came in here what you playing they're going to freak the girls out of the strip club I guess that's the idea but we're back on but they almost got rid of it which is crazy yeah being fake gay could get people that turned up yeah say let you fake gei all the time huh fake gei yeah what's that mean gei mean gay oh yeah I'll take it yeah I'm fake I'm fakeing gei I don't know it's almost like should I take those pictures down cuz like the tweets just going to keep getting reposted as the years go by yeah cuz you you still to this day I don't see you under that saying it was April fools Jo n yeah so yeah I made a video I still fake believe but it's kind of like a separate yeah more people seen the video I mean the picture of the video that's why I still believe it like I think you believe it cuz you want to believe it no I believed it cuz you ain't tell me till now that it was April Fool joke do you think I should like make a bigger deal out of it I should wear a shirt this say I'm not g I'm on your platform maybe I'll no offense to the a community I post a picture of me with like a sign that says I'm not gay cous and people I know gay so I ain't offended about that [ __ ] but you ever hit a stud hell no hell no just for recreational purposes hell no I don't give [ __ ] what purpose it is just cuz she's gay hell no I ain't [ __ ] with no stuff what the short hair freak you out might well hit a [ __ ] wait you recently said that uh you block Rico Reckless because you said R You' be thinking you be feeling like he be trying to [ __ ] yeah well you know how you was a kid you tap a girl and run that's how you know you flirting with him and [ __ ] that's what I feel like that's what he does when he dises you me and [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you trying to [ __ ] what type of DMS and [ __ ] he be sending you just trolling and [ __ ] all type of go yeah he used to send a lot of Trolling Videos like y'all had problems back in the day Rico he got problems with everybody but he be trolling though that's all never serious though cool I Ain to with I just yeah you overdo it again like come on I had remember when we asked you last time who your Mount Rushmore was I guess you went back and figured out what the [ __ ] we was talking about yeah cuz I a know what the [ __ ] WR about I went into all the social study [ __ ] back then I used to cheat in class had to have my peoples do my homework for me and all that so so now you got figured out who your mom Ro who who you had put on there what I put smirk Von eay I really had like five or six though yeah smk Vine eeday La SSA duck [ __ ] that's about it sure Ty [ __ ] who all right let's do this all that all that research and you still landed on three people huh yeah we we're going to have to find the one no I just said Oh I thought he just said three hell no he said SSA Dirk Van van la la Doug Doug and that was somebody else damn I don't know what happened to my brain though who you put on the mount rush for 600 uh La eay Rondo Breezy boa and me for sure yeah is it true that bu tried to fight dju the other day I saw people talking about it I a seen the footage see is that you hear about that I heard somebody tried to fight dju but I don't think it was bua I thought it was somebody else with with uh Tay homies you can't fight the DJ but you your interview with DJ you kind of was a little lopsided like you wasn't really feeling them and [ __ ] no why what what you and DJ you relationship was over the duck [ __ ] for the record 16 interviewed bu of the G about fighting dju 3 months ago bu of the G that's dud the G well was real that's T that's how I got confused my bad I heard that was real though I got me and DJ you we ain't got no beef I just was tweaking he was letting the [ __ ] Charleston white say all that [ __ ] about mama duck and [ __ ] all that [ __ ] that [ __ ] lame [ __ ] and that's crazy that you stood up cuz Mama ducking them ain't even like your people and [ __ ] but you still thought it was lame for lame [ __ ] I got a mama gang I went one nobody playing my OG like he yeah she want the [ __ ] and all this extra [ __ ] that's lame [ __ ] we know an interviewer who did an interview with charlon white the other day and charlon white was saying [ __ ] your dead homies and [ __ ] your kids he know what he doing he trying to keep his name buzz and keep them you know but do you think that the interviewer is a [ __ ] if he just keeps doing the interview and trying to get content yeah I would have smacked his ass it over the phone oh yeah but he still like stayed on the phone and just like kept trying to get the content yeah he know it's going to get a bull that's kind of spineless if he just said [ __ ] your kids right yeah I ain't [ __ ] with that you don't play about that I remember somebody said something about your kid you ain't let that [ __ ] go famous Richard and then he was supposed to do an interview last week and then he bailed at the last minute but then he's booked again I think for tomorrow now yeah so you going to have tight security he might try try to go viral I think that's he's he's worried that the Securities in on it set up he might try to go viral just sit back a little bit I can't like the idea of me setting someone up you know how fast they would sue me I'm not worri but yeah it ain't so fast how the [ __ ] you going to sue if you did yeah that type of set up a no beating up [ __ ] well if I kill him that's going to be an even different problem self-defense [ __ ] well if I invite him there and then the security kills him probably going to be he ain't going to do no extra [ __ ] he might talk his [ __ ] but I don't even think I can tell the security to do that hey I need you to kill this dude he's probably going to be like no you know famous Richard I talk to him but I don't know like [ __ ] [ __ ] uh yeah that's one thing that the 757 ba dude was saying he said that uh T little [ __ ] he was saying that famous Richard really ain't no BD he like a dancer and [ __ ] that he really y I used to dance yeah I was on Final Phase for six years I was in The Bu B for that don't mean [ __ ] what his Final Phase it's a dance group in Chicago all so if you were filming a music video I danced a lot of my son lot of my videos would you let famous Richard be in the video though he's BD enough for you I on gang man I told y'all that since day one BD GD no [ __ ] all this [ __ ] but it's usually like BDS in your videos and [ __ ] right GDs too think you can fit in M I got a lot of people I don't know that ain't my crowd though type of dancing and [ __ ] you was doing everything I did it all bro cuz in Chicago y'all got your own uh what's what type of dancing and [ __ ] that is be called like footwork or some [ __ ] yeah I do that [ __ ] I did that [ __ ] too so there's like videos you like dancing and [ __ ] and is fine no you think you're too grown to to be a dancer now you couldn't be doing Tik toks and [ __ ] I mean you ain't too grown for [ __ ] but I ain't doing that [ __ ] hell no respect like fed Joe Lan back Lan back know but don't you think that's part of the problem like we need to start dancing if we want to continue to be able to connect with the new audience you ain't got to shake your ass to get connected with no audience maybe shaking your asses a little too much but you know some dance moves in general like I feel everybody be too stiff and too tough two games to loosen up do something that's why New York drills taking over Chicago drill they be dancing too much for sure and a do you really believe that that they taking over the drills yeah no but I feel like they getting hot off that [ __ ] though Chicago always be number one for the drill thing cuz that [ __ ] was created time yeah but if New York makes it a little bit more kid friendly yeah all the kids do the little what's that dance put the yeah my kids be doing that [ __ ] I respect it though I respect New York they got a lot of [ __ ] going on you be work on any New York artists and [ __ ] uh block work that's why I got to nobody's property from all right his D and D song oh that's his beat yep all right I ain't going lie you killed that [ __ ] I thought it was your your [ __ ] sure shout out shout out F though why we ain't hearing no new mimo music last [ __ ] you dropped like 6 months ago I got a lot of [ __ ] going on I got a video actually F to drop on the night with my girl Gizzy glow shout that's who we met last time yeah and she rapping too right yeah so you say I got a music video y'all going to drop M damn somebody else was dissing you actually I think cashmir she had something to say you did a feature you would hop on her song or some [ __ ] I don't know I don't remember no [ __ ] like that she posted a story and [ __ ] where she was saying that uh I guess you didn't do the feature for some [ __ ] tell you can't afford a feature from her you can't afford a feature from her bro I ain't never in my life paid for no feature I got Uzi features I got everybody you name g she ain't never asked me to pay for no feature she wouldn't have never asked me to pay so I don't even believe she said that y'all probably getting mixed up it was on the IG story yeah she ain't say I ain't pay up for no feature what why didn't you do the feature for her then she never asked me to do no feat oh she ain't never even asked you I would have did it cuz I was [ __ ] with her back then she hard I always say she hard yeah so if she hit you now she can still get it no but why would change if you still was [ __ ] her mouth so she did say some [ __ ] yeah oh what so I'm must Miss other [ __ ] she said yeah and she was a part of the musk to like way and [ __ ] right yeah H and Melo had the hardest verses on that to me a lot of people saying that Mari had the hardest verse she hard she was hard but I I like they punch lines was more harder like you know yeah she you checking me go check your piss that [ __ ] was hard what's the future for uh Chicago rap right now like who you feel like running this [ __ ] females drill SC D down for the [ __ ] I don't know if it's all them Rico scared the [ __ ] from what they got to rap about now but that [ __ ] down down for all the meals like I've been CH switch my flow up though like making music for the ladies all that aqua and [ __ ] like that yeah know yeah like you can imagine that if there was a crew of dudes coming up out of Chicago that were like directly linked to a lot of violence and stuff now and they were really popping as rappers that a everybody going to be picking them apart every goddamn thing they do on social media making YouTube videos I got troll for so much [ __ ] I'm rapping bro just I don't know I know how to live with this [ __ ] though that [ __ ] don't make me up breaking you mean there's people putting fake narratives on you all the time sure a lot of [ __ ] they say I got robbed they say I ran all type of [ __ ] they did say you got robbed they said that [ __ ] took your uh well they said a Ste Drive te got snatched and they was saying that some thf [ __ ] did it but they wasn't your thf Shane I mean it wasn't your chain it was one of your homies chain that end up what happened cuz [ __ ] at first was trying to say they snatched it off your neck but then word came out that it was one of your homies G [ __ ] happen but the chain did come out missing yeah did you get it back so that's my place that ain't my chain but it was a chain you bought though right no I'm Ste that grown man brought his own chain oh right I seen you with like yeah cuz I I seen you with like six or seven Ste drive chain so [ __ ] made got the [ __ ] made for everybody and everybody everybody for their own or what so you don't feel no type of way though like even if like cuz it's still your brand so in a way it's like his brother name Steve too that got killed from my block so the [ __ ] that got the chain yeah we both got brothers name steeve I [ __ ] with folks so that's why I really too much talk about that [ __ ] like yeah he a grown man he got his own [ __ ] going he know what he doing you know yeah I feel it but ain't nobody did [ __ ] to me we ain't going for no [ __ ] like that still I be talking to zoo all the time F that [ __ ] we be live and that [ __ ] like that yeah Al so you in zoo cool and [ __ ] now been cool a never n for a little bit zo was going on you on internet and [ __ ] he was y was having at least on his I seen stories where he was talking [ __ ] about the chain situation got your chain I think he did he said they got my chain that was trolling yeah and he clear did he clear it up though I don't know but behind the scenes you saying y talk and resoled type [ __ ] which is which is good grown man [ __ ] yeah see like you maturing a lot mimo cuz back in the day you was on some hot [ __ ] You' be ready to get on that with everybody I'm grown man I got kids F yeah you got Zoo here tell what's your uh relationship with OTF right now y'all cord you and [ __ ] if you hit Dirk up he hopping on another song and [ __ ] like the last song You Dropped I think Dirk was on it wasn't it yeah they gang banger I ain't saying that but they cool yeah we just don't [ __ ] with nigas G we stay on our stay in our own lane 600 but 600 y'all be beefing much too though like when this whole 600 going to be able to come back together and like do a compilation album or some [ __ ] it just seem like y'all all don't be out of eye it seemed like it's split up it been like that forever y'all just see what y'all want to see so it's always been split up yeah now how the T600 start if his always been split up eay folks was a big piece to the puzzle so you feel like when him passing the way it kind of made people where he he a the glue not there no more [ __ ] up folks Legacy but who the main people that's with you with s hun then CU it's definitely split up like all I see right now I see you famous I see uh you and Breezy rock out C you and Cat rock out yeah it's a lot of us M you see I was just on the phone with M yeah all right that's triggering them [Music] brother so he how does m Thing feel when he see [ __ ] like you and his brother going back and forth he minding his business folks don't be you know folks to player you know he go off what's right G like all that you know all that picking the side [ __ ] that's kid [ __ ] I watched uh you know T Capone he be going live and [ __ ] on his YouTube channel he was saying that a [ __ ] from 600 name AK don't get his resp and [ __ ] y like a lot of people don't really talk about him who the [ __ ] is ak ak locked up for a rape right now what you respect that I he was just I didn't even know what he locked up for I don't know yeah but rap is cool but you know I ain't saying that it could be like 757 ba where yeah well he ain't do with yeah that's why I say how long you been locked up though uh like down there like 6 months now oh right but that's somebody that used to be around or some [ __ ] cuz T made seem like he one of the ones that was out there standing on [ __ ] and like just a real 600 Mill I never heard of him though whatever taste said I don't know what for sure did uh did you see the clip of uh Chief Keef rapping with sexy red and saying he was still smoking Tuka no I didn't see that that was like kind of surprising to a lot of people cuz she was on there with duck then she on yeah and cuz s said that he was not going to rap about that anymore at a certain point I don't know that's that man I've been switch that [ __ ] up before the push a piece I been stop dissing The Dead bro you one of the [ __ ] like I told you last interview you one of the [ __ ] who can like make a song for real like it ain't got to be no dis involved like you make good music I got music the GDs Listen to Everybody listen to my [ __ ] you definitely got good music and cuz the beat selection always crazy like I I give you that like all the people from Chicago you you like more of the elites when it comes to like the rapping [ __ ] sure why you don't be I guess you said you got [ __ ] on the way but like really slow slowed you down from dropping that OTF [ __ ] for sure I felt like that [ __ ] was a big that [ __ ] was in my way really like you know yeah so just kind of slowed the whole process down you don't got no unreleased King Von songs in the cut no I got some but I ain't finished it though I got one what them I ain't finished I'mma put that on my tape though yeah you got to do that right you might say that for the album that's what I'm going do yeah so you dropping the tape or album I said the album oh right yeah I keep saying tape but it's going to be an album I'm always trolling whack and saying that he tried to sign you to beef with Durk and he says that that's not the case at all is he lying I don't know what like I told you that day I don't know what his intentions was I said that's what I felt like remember yound that I said that's what I felt like and it's it's crazy cuz when uh you you did say that and then we had esot up here and wack was up here like that same day esot and wack ran into each other and then he kind of broke down the S do that that wasn't the casee that he a want you to be for dirk he was like showing text messages and [ __ ] saying that he really was just trying to [ __ ] with you and do business we had a lot of phone calls too it was just Taxas bro so so he left some [ __ ] out I don't know would you be open to work with wack again though if it's about some money yeah how yall getting tun in the first place the clubhouse yeah it's a club house [ __ ] yeah I seen uh you recently did like a 20 verse one how was that that [ __ ] it was decent it wasn't really go up cuz I was with my girl I was comfortable enough to to really yeah I'm going to do another one though and a if you want to go viral with that [ __ ] you got to like violate the girls huh say some crazy [ __ ] to like booy and going to make them eat them in that [ __ ] I just seen one with a young boy artist up there looking High looking like a little dump I don't know I don't know yeah little dump little dump the same here yeah yeah in that [ __ ] high as hell he threw up on here a couple times in that same seat and you got me sitting in it well we cleaned it up but I'm I'm sitting you know he was getting clean I think off of xans or some [ __ ] so that's what hey get this [ __ ] Sheep Man Okay Ralphie he's not a sheep whatever the [ __ ] he's a sheep [ __ ] said she down down what's up with all the drill rappers making them coffee videos you've been seeing that [ __ ] who who who doing that tip started that [ __ ] a female yeah you got one coming on I was the first one of the first I didn't see yours yet my [ __ ] went hella viral I was one the first on who was that tip she from Chicago cool cool person she a female everybody just cool with yeah for sure you drink coffee hell no never I used to when I was in jail keep me up keep me going you drink energy drinks who energy drinks no hell no no kind of stimulants no damn I can't even imagine what that's like I can't imagine what it's like doing it I gotta be able to turn it on it's like you might well pipe you a XP or something that's much more extreme I would way rather just have some Starbucks when I'm high y'all wouldn't even know it though like really you just hide it you just hold the joy in if I was on xill around you guys you would all know and you'd be like give me the [ __ ] away from this dude my last xill I was so high I had to stop quit I had quit that same day I post shot a video I was in that [ __ ] over tweaking like hard racing on my chest nervous everything y everybody out to give me everybody like what's wrong n I'm cool I'm high as hell in this [ __ ] though can't even walk talk move when you say sober like you just off weed or you ain't doing [ __ ] [ __ ] like no liquor nothing yeah I do some Li take me some lemon drops and margaritas and Don robado that's my [ __ ] how long it's sober uh stin going to last like you trying to just be sober what so no more going back to smokeing weed yeah that [ __ ] over with but why like why why give up everybody ask me that hey what you want papers and something sound up hey what you want that's real ass what you want papers or something I just feel like I could quit that [ __ ] like you know I did it before only reason I st back cuz I got locked up and I got out I felt like I needed that [ __ ] how's your uh mind uh space like nowadays and [ __ ] but I get a lot of [ __ ] done I eat more all type Jesus Christ I eat more all type of [ __ ] like my appetite like usually I had to smoke before I eat and wake up GR you for when I first started smoking though I was having like attitude mov swings tweaking with my girl and [ __ ] like that now I'm so used to that [ __ ] yeah it's weird being out here not high it took like a month or two off time coming to Cali not smoking I usually get off the uh get off the plane go across street to the park a lot wait on my truck or something to pull up smoke and smoke through the whole time I'm here now this [ __ ] feel a little different is it weird me smoking in front of you uhuh you're getting tempted no CU it's just like bringing back a little bit of that memory cuz a lot of people I hang around smoke my family smoke yeah I'm about to say you got to be around people who still smoke and [ __ ] right even going to studio session my girl don't smoke so if a [ __ ] that live with you don't smoke then easy to quit easy to quit how you know DJ Ricky Rich you know Ricky Rich who is that I I seen him video he from Mississippi and [ __ ] you show me Instagram or something yeah I'll show you I seen videos with y'all together I'm like how the [ __ ] you know Ricky rich I don't be knowing a lot of people name I met millions of people in this music [ __ ] though I y' I've been in studio more than once so I I assume that you kind of knew him and [ __ ] Ricky Ricky yeah DJ Ricky Rich from uh he live in Atlanta [ __ ] oh he do my uh he used to injur them my songs yeah yeah yeah Ricky yeah where where you tap in with him at OTF first class the studio oh right yeah I think he Dy low uh yep that was my engineer he the only [ __ ] that got my sound yeah that's why I locked in with I used to love Rick you got Rick yeah Rick cool to yeah I know him from Mississippi and [ __ ] oh yeah y That's Rick what do you think about uh dudy L and various other OTF members showing up at the no jumper store to try to pack out poetic Flo they did that controversial blogger on this platform apparently they were upset with some of his takes about Dirk and whatnot I don't know I ain't doing no [ __ ] like that though I'm surprised they didn't have you as part of that miss going to jail I ain't doing no [ __ ] like that I think they just wanted to have a conversation with him probably but yeah they definitely came some [ __ ] can't looking for him probably like an intimidating conversation cuzz he was going around saying Durk is a fake musim and [ __ ] and they wasn't really feeling him saying that [ __ ] yeah you can't be just talking [ __ ] about people and then think a't [ __ ] going to happen to you yeah he wishes death on people a lot too which is probably a bad look God don't like ugly yeah he's ugly as [ __ ] one of his takes or craziest takes he said that uh like recently Flo said that uh if your mom raised gang banging kids and [ __ ] then she deserves death or all the he doesn't deserve to live in peace yeah he trous he ain't going to with that he ain't going to live long like that see I'm a Christian I believe in God so now how do you feel like do you feel like it's the mother's fault like say if you're your mom K's mom for example she just recently did an interview is it K mom's fault that her daughter ended up like that cuz like Flo was saying that someone like K's mom should be held accountable and [ __ ] I feel like if you too hard on your kids they going to be [ __ ] up anyway like you could be on your daughter like don't be a hoe that's going to make her a hoe don't be a gang banger that's going to make you again man it ain't going to make you but sometimes that shit'll [ __ ] you up again it's not the parents fault though yeah cuz you could grow up like Braxton and turn out like who can I say without a criminating [ __ ] a killer [ __ ] Jeffrey DMO yeah no so you going to put any of the uh responsibility on the parents though I mean some how much of it if you if you sitting there doing this [ __ ] with your child like congratulating your child for doing this [ __ ] or smiling in your child let know that [ __ ] cool yeah that's your fault but if you trying to tell your child like that ain't the way to go or you know that ain't your fault um okay did you see uh those pictures of 0501 kiddo with the black eyes in jail what what do you think about that he got his ass beat up so so that's just regular [ __ ] yeah wolf my little brother beat him up in jail oh you know who you know who did it his name 60 he from on it oh I I ain't know who did it and [ __ ] so how Y how yall find out who did it like y'all get a call like damn man we just called that [ __ ] 51 kiddo like [ __ ] yeah he called me yeah told me he beat his ass then I so first I saw the blogs then he called me the next day is it CU all the dissing and [ __ ] he did recently when he got up yeah can't be dissing and and think a [ __ ] going to happen that's what I said like the dude y was talking about with the get your ass [ __ ] up especially in jail ain't no guns in there buddy yeah they took your guns on your way in for get your ass you better know how to fight sh you seen a viral uh clip of wki that just Dro recently where he jumped over the balcony to go punch black a benzo in the face no when was this [ __ ] it just Dro like two three days ago I think sh it happened recently or the video it's a it's a old video but so apparently crazy though I ain't going to lie shorty used to be black gay benzo stole off I think fat shy or some [ __ ] and then uh out of nowhere wki just like jumped the gate or jumped the balcony or whatever and just got over there and just got on that with him yeah used to be a bug though he was a problem yeah that's what his brother was saying and [ __ ] his brother was saying that uh he one of them [ __ ] and [ __ ] that like he ain't going to stop till he get his look back I don't know about all that but I know he was a little b a bad little [ __ ] where you know him from like you seen him out on the street yeah yeah I had crazy encounters with him his little ass crazy like fights and [ __ ] type [ __ ] I got locked up with them before like you and him together got locked up together or you got locked up and plac in the same it was crazy [ __ ] going on in the Hood shooting going on they locked the whole neighborhood up all us was in the cell together then they came in there he was beating on the door like come get me out of here with these [ __ ] F oh he was trying to get out of the uh yeah cuz they put him in there with us they didn't really know I think they did know they just you know did they remove him from the deck so how honorable is that to get asked to taking off the deck that all your option on and [ __ ] I mean to me I feel like he ain't did [ __ ] wrong like what the [ __ ] I'm going sit in here let y'all kill me hell no give me the [ __ ] about of here yeah [ __ ] I look like you only fight for so long you going to get tired G kick some ass or gets some ass kicked [ __ ] you going to keep fighting us we going to beat your ass every time who was on the deck with y'all you super out type [ __ ] hell yeah it was a lot of us they locked up like eight of us what and it was like what three of them what's the longest bid you did three years what what the [ __ ] you do three years for guns that's all of my background it was like three years straight or just in and out straight what that's why I grew up at though in jail I learned a lot of [ __ ] in jail it was like three years in Cook County or they like put you I was in cook count for like three months g i CAU right out that [ __ ] went to the Joint all everybody was coming in that [ __ ] on what was your experience like going to Cook County and [ __ ] that's when I was young man the gang I was in that [ __ ] tweaking a lot of fights so we going to have to me more fight videos leaking soon then I don't know might do I was in that [ __ ] though see my fights was a lot of jumps we was whooping ass 10 101 yeah definitely did you see uh the story that came out with the Tay Savage being at a party when he got shot up yeah I seen that [ __ ] that video does that make you think differently about how you're moving around in the city and what cuz I don't go to parties I think how I've been thinking don't go to pars especially in the trenches man like this ain't that we old as hell yeah [ __ ] y'all still partying yeah right it's too it's too risky right there isn't a part of you that like just likes having that raw experience being out with the people track call you thr on the phone he said he a trying interview was yeah but uh there isn't a part of you that just likes being outside and being around the people and everything like you're just really on some cautious [ __ ] yeah I'm always like that I don't even play that [ __ ] clubs parties I don't do none of that [ __ ] even if you out of town though like say you in La you can still go party everybody know me everywhere gang I was just in a [ __ ] what you was that restaurant all the Mexicans walking out the back yo Mimo we [ __ ] with your music everybody know me so this every where I go I move like that yeah but also like you like even if [ __ ] know you you know like I ain't got no direct problems out here so I could probably still ain't trusting that [ __ ] I don't play that [ __ ] it's a lot of PTSD though you feel like for sure what you think uh how how do you cope with PTSD cuz you said you ain't doing drugs and [ __ ] anymore so like how you stay away from [ __ ] physically like stay away from a lot of [ __ ] and a lot of people that I feel like that's going to put me in Jeopardy yeah for some [ __ ] to happen so so if you're not going to clubs and you're not really going out what is mimo doing in spirit time for like entertainment my kids and my [ __ ] yeah so you you go take your kids out somewhere and [ __ ] right my family for sure yeah I just took my niece out for her birthday yesterday all right took my whole family out bought everybody food and [ __ ] chill so you more of a family man nowadays and [ __ ] just cooling you play the game and [ __ ] you on xboxone Playstation I don't play that Xbox [ __ ] you on PS5 yeah I'm going to get a PC though I'll be doing a stream and [ __ ] I got a twitch and so everything's going good with gzy glow yeah yeah she got her [ __ ] together for sure she be teaching me a lot of [ __ ] yeah she is cool she be teaching me a lot of [ __ ] she's not related to any Gizzy hell no cuz the Gizzy yeah just ass crazy I just recently blocked him why I keep becoming a bigger and bigger fan of him the more of his content I watch D trolling me what was you talking about a lot of goofy [ __ ] oh cuz y'all asked me do I know him I don't know you how the [ __ ] you going to be mad I don't know I never saw Ang lizy video to y'all ask me about him that day and I want so he was mad at you you said that yeah what type of like [ __ ] you know me [ __ ] like that's what he was on yeah I could see Breezy he was like yeah Breezy said he don't know him but he know of him I don't know of you I don't know you none of that [ __ ] to Adam them say something about his um cuz I'm super late I just got done watching that say chees thing with him and J M but his perspective of what he was telling J M you could you could really see J man getting kind of frustrated and upset with this take but he was telling him everybody who was supposed to slide for Doug became YouTubers and podcasters and like J man doesn't really seem like he knows what to say in response to that uh what what are your thoughts my bad can you ask me that again my bad he was basically anzy was saying that everybody was supposed to slide for duck instead they started podcast and became YouTubers I don't know that's police [ __ ] to me yeah I mean he's Outsider so telling a [ __ ] to go do something to somebody like that's some police [ __ ] mind your business I'm still but do you think that that is a good criticism or a valid criticism that [ __ ] fool I don't agree with that [ __ ] it's like everybody's going to hang it up at some point or another but then they try to guilt trip you for hanging it up after some bad [ __ ] me for hanging it up and you ain't doing [ __ ] yourself about [ __ ] you got going on bro we don't really know what after he was trolling me I had 30 people dming me paperwork all type of [ __ ] gang about him onzy on my kids bro I got hella paperwork on of him like snitching and [ __ ] his name and a lot of [ __ ] what I ain't never said nothing I ain't never even brought it up to now I don't give a [ __ ] about dude I don't know him like that ain't my business I have my business for sure H can we have copies of this paperwork I get it to you we can have Mickey truth do a full examination or even 109 109 J going definitely do it I don't know who's the better foot soldier [ __ ] some [ __ ] DM me like man I'm not known I'm not a big person so nobody going to see this or no you know I'm like just send it to me you know I reply like let me see I fake looked at that [ __ ] but I ain't understand a lot of that [ __ ] cuz I don't be into all the paperwork [ __ ] yeah damn that's crazy when the rap Civil War happens are you going to side with future or Drake that ain't my business I don't give a [ __ ] about n one of them no but it's going to be like a civil war you're going to have to choose I don't have to choose no literally if you don't choose the the whole country is just going to be split in half you saying like on some just fake type [ __ ] like if you had to like you have to choose right now who you're going to go to war for a going to war for no [ __ ] if it ain't steeve dry 600 all right better question if you can get Kendrick on your album that's coming out or Drake on your album that's coming out like that the type of question who you who you going to go with I want Drake on my album so you you saw him with Drake on music Kendrick lyric he lyric I don't know how to say this [ __ ] but we haven't really seen Kanye show know why I didn't like Kanye at first I was junk minded but he cool as hell like he be a lot of real [ __ ] G I was young minded too though so what type of [ __ ] you didn't like about him in the past though like you seen that you was like n i don't [ __ ] with him I feel like he could have represented Chicago more came back and reached out and did more like it take for other people out of town to come show love to Chicago like I feel like he he got a taste of what it would be like because he did the Don't Like Remix and then he had like every [ __ ] Chicago drill rapper like talking [ __ ] about him or or getting involved in some I feel like he maybe at that point was like oh all right like maybe I don't need to be [ __ ] with this culture my take is I feel like if Caye West would have never did the I Don't Like Remix then the war in Chicago probably wouldn't be where it's at right now hell no he turned it up when ever since ever since Kanye hopped on the song and did ke King Lou this the Sha right he introduced a lot of people who didn't know what was going on made everybody else start tuning in so was turn up anyway without with or without Kanye it would have been what it it took him to the next level I don't think s would be S if Kanye didn't hop on that song man he had jezy he had some everybody on it was already so big that song definitely took it to a more of a mainstream level but it was already so big it was already Big G like yeah a so y don't feel like that I Don't Like Remix kind of turn took it to that I like hisse but I a't like it like not even just a song I feel like just putting Chek Keef with all these mainstream rappers and [ __ ] and then you just mentioning King Lou and [ __ ] I feel like me personally that kind of like put the OD on Chicago and made people realize like what the [ __ ] is going on in Chicago I just felt like all that [ __ ] was basically happening anyway soos was already supposed to be having 50 in Whiz On That Remix that he didn't show up for the video like all these things were right in front of him and if anything the thing that's crazy about all of it is how he didn't really give a [ __ ] and did like barely engaged like nobody just doesn't show up for the video with 50 Cent In the Middle of the desert you know especially then for sure he he didn't give a [ __ ] he was already going to be big so had like I had the CD before y'all even heard that [ __ ] like that was my neighbor my homie type [ __ ] so I already knew where he was going with that [ __ ] yeah you will [ __ ] with ch nowadays and [ __ ] though like yeah for sure why wouldn't I no for sure some [ __ ] feel way some [ __ ] feel like uh he just I mean I guess it wouldn't be more your situation but like a lot of [ __ ] from oblock they feel like he just left [ __ ] for dead type [ __ ] and like kind of like just forgot about him I'm not [ __ ] with nobody who ain't [ __ ] with me G like why would I have to come back and you know but at one point you was in his videos and [ __ ] it seemed like he ain't really just reaching extending hand to you either yes he did oh recently period I did [ __ ] that Ain like though like it's reasons why that you know I'm still so what you can say that you did like yeah I was bogus soci I talked a lot of [ __ ] about him what for sure and what was the [ __ ] talking coming from is like why were you even talk I was young M feeling like them like he don't ow the [ __ ] [ __ ] like he wasn't doing enough [ __ ] he don't ow the [ __ ] [ __ ] he came up on his own like you know yeah so when he didn't say anything after Von died were you surprised no this just personal [ __ ] yeah no I want surprise at all but now in hindsight now you see like he kind of did the decision of like sure see he's still big yeah he a tow down and you know yeah separate yourself G that's the best way you think see me I'm separ that little situation other day separating myself still yeah I still got my certain ones I [ __ ] with but before it get two out of hand I'm going just separate myself or something you know where you in sharol land at with it nowadays same way we was I don't [ __ ] with him he don't [ __ ] with me all right he still being like 600 like he still on the Block I be seeing all right you going to be mad at Remo if he interviews him no for what just doing his jobot Remo interview more [ __ ] worse than that situation like still my dog who's the worst person we interviewed ain't even no worpress I don't even want to e up no [ __ ] like it's a [ __ ] that I I'll say this CA I talk to a lot of [ __ ] behind the scenes people did have a lot to say about the ttb NZ interview I did and I don't now I see like in Chicago do be a lot of [ __ ] who don't be with certain people that I interview but at the end of the day like [ __ ] I [ __ ] with as you know what I'm saying I a't I ain't choosing no size so like whoever the [ __ ] want to come holl at us we going to H at them but like ttbb and N definitely got a lot I got a lot of backlash after I did that interview I mean he was just being real and making it clear he don't really get along with that many people's i f he was just doing you know what I'm saying what he supposed to do I feel like we can't just be picking and choosing like if we going to interview [ __ ] on one side we we got to interview the other side or that [ __ ] got to have both sides of the storyit but then they feel like yeah you interviewed me but I'm a rapper and I'm important why you interviewing this guy who a lot of times they feel like oh he's not as relevant as me so why are you even giving him a platform I felt like that at first but then the the most extreme version of it is like when 16 interviewed the dudes that were beefing with Polo G and it ends you know that that [ __ ] went super bad because it was you know people were saying that they were not telling the truth or whatever so it's like as an interviewer especially when you're interviewing somebody who's like less known it becomes like a big big thing sometimes like why are you giving a platform to this random that's why I said I'm done turning up goofies I don't even want to respond to [ __ ] like but then sometimes you can't help it though some [ __ ] you just especially me yeah but I grew a lot so no you definitely have I'd have been cancelled a long time ago if I was still the same [ __ ] when we going to do the uh is madoo Mom still trying to uh speak her piece and [ __ ] yeah make that she got his paperwork of what happened in jail y that his jail case all that [ __ ] she ready to talk about it she me the other day when right the paperwork from the situation you got all that I'mma let her talk I don't even want to say too much all right cuz recently Jay Hood said that uh I'm I got Jay H recently went viral on cam Capone he said that madoo killed two girls in retaliation to patoon and some other n do [ __ ] man can't do [ __ ] he innocent bro yeah but in the paperwork that she has is it alluding to know I didn't look at it you a look at that for sure but she know what she know she got it for you you ready yeah we need to uh we need to set that one up call her right now for your [ __ ] but how close you and Mado do was M call me every day bro like every day yeah every day when a day go by video phone man um sh what else we got for anything else yeah no we got hold on uh why you a l with fyj man yet he he reach out he ain't send a bag yet that's that's that that's it right there so he's somebody even though he on the other side you would go [ __ ] with him and go do some content and [ __ ] that money I'm about my money man I'm a business man yeah so but he's got to pay the same price that we got to pay or are you charging them extra for being an OP no I'm charging them less cuz I know he ain't got what y'all got you saying he's broke no he got some paper he got a little paper I know I hope he do he going he turning up y little closet of Fame we got Orlando Browns blunt too yeah I'm dead would you hit Orlando Browns blunt hell no nah F probably be doing all type of [ __ ] with his mouth all [ __ ] he be saying he said he [ __ ] bow W all type he said that Jay-Z got good curry chicken [ __ ] see what contaminator F you a fan of uh was you a fan was you a Disney Channel [ __ ] like back in the day watching all that [ __ ] yeah yeah you you seen all the [ __ ] with the Nickelodeon you seen how like uh yeah yeah what's your thoughts on that on the Nickelodeon a lot of [ __ ] going on that we ain't heard about yet or ain't going to hear about like a lot of [ __ ] behind closed doors be happening like I feel like that [ __ ] was [ __ ] up though but yeah you like you seen the Drake Bell [ __ ] where he said that he was getting raped and [ __ ] yeah I I watched that myself person I don't know some people I think be just trying to keep they self relevant like yeah with that I I thought he was trying to keep himself Rel but I don't know you can't underestimate nobody bro yeah 50-50 you was 50/50 like all he just trying to get some Fame some money I mean it's documented though like it's it's like you know what I'm saying on paperwork that it happened and [ __ ] but it's just like why wait to this time to to tell your side maybe yeah I don't know it's crazy cuz Drake B last time people were talking about him on Twitter and [ __ ] was because he caught a case that I think he settled or some [ __ ] where basically like he was accused of I mean according to him he never met up with her he was just dming an underage girl so I remember everybody on the timeline acting like oh Drake Bell's canceled y yada then you don't hear about him for a little bit then he comes back and he says oh I was I was molested and he's like the victim and it's like everybody forgot that they were [ __ ] on him a few months back I a see that but yeah yeah I don't know he probably trying to clear that up cover that up like with that yeah I don't know exactly what the timeline is with all that but it's crazy but did he know she was underage it's a lot of out here look 30 but I don't want to just go on his version of it too that's the version that a lot of out here be looking 30 16 15 see yeah you got a IDE yeah putting hormones in the milk it's fake ideas I need your social [ __ ] it's fake social social there a whole type of [ __ ] so you said that you look you dropping music but you're not really looking forward to like signning to a label and [ __ ] unless it's some crazy offer or some [ __ ] for sure or somebody that can prior get back on the run I ain't going to lie this summer I'm going to [ __ ] him up sometimes I feel like the the label behind you though help take [ __ ] to the next level for sure long as you ain't signing your life away yeah but you just need a label that can like prioritize you where they ain't got too many people on the label so what if Diddy wanted to sign you he ain't got that many people sign a bad boy right now but he got the B got to much [ __ ] going on you think I don't need my name behind none of that [ __ ] you think he guilty I mean how looking on him trying to run and [ __ ] yeah it look like he guilty you never made it to a diddy party hell no I ain't trying to thanks for asking it's crazy cuz I would have probably dropped everything know you you been that [ __ ] with that same purple thone used with that Filipino [ __ ] right way Michael DH is the whitest name and the whitest person ever F uh he said R the Diddy party I was really trying to think of who I knew that was Filipino I'm like did he see a picture of me with kaz's Filipino I'm like Jason's Filipino oh yeah maybe it's j I don't know then I realized he's talking about a white kid call popping in no Diddy parties what about the uh Diddy and me millu [ __ ] been trolling well [ __ ] been on me I don't believe that [ __ ] yeah you still rocking with Meek and [ __ ] for sure Meek thorough he ain't show me no fol [ __ ] I met him a personal couple couple times we had real conversation oh where you meet me at video shoot uh with little baby in dirt that gang way all right for sure I was all in that video picture this you remember it was only a few months ago when academics was in London and Diddy invited him to his party and act said no but the whole joke was just like oh I'm not going because he's going to get my ass beat he's going to have somebody [ __ ] me up the joke wasn't he's going to [ __ ] me in the ass now that's the only joke that we'd be making the whole joke would be like can you imagine if a got invited to a diddy party on stream right now he'd be like oh no he's going to take my manhood he's going to do what Saucy Santana just trying to you know that would be the joke the joke wouldn't be like oh he's going to beat me out I [ __ ] with act he he he be supporting me I'm still I'll be peing certain [ __ ] it's just I feel like he don't reach out to a [ __ ] like he should like I I seen him interview smirk and he asked them about me and [ __ ] like that yeah why you feel like act don't be going back and doubling back on like the Chicago interviews and [ __ ] like it's a lot of [ __ ] I feel I don't know that's one thing I don't know like why don't he I'm still like we got the most controversy on like a lot of [ __ ] why don't he he's been doing a lot of New York artists a lot of like sort of drish came up off the Chicago he definitely came up over the Chicago [ __ ] I don't know he'll be more turned though if he I tried to reach out to him and send a few Chicago [ __ ] out there he ain't never hit me back so I don't know I don't know you think he should do a live show in Chicago yeah for sure you don't think it's too dangerous no long as he keep switching his spots what about us what do we do there you got that one spot every body come to that [ __ ] getting hot that [ __ ] is hot long as don't nobody know your interview that day or you got like a parking garage where I can pull in so you got to walk across the street n said leave all your guns in the car I said who the [ __ ] you think you talking to you trying to set us up we got security though not our own guns for the cops that's listen yeah said boy you got me [ __ ] up boy you think it would be safe for academics to go to Chicago though and like do an event yeah he ain't the tour with us we [ __ ] with everybody gang y'all interview all sides G we [ __ ] with y'all G I feel like academics might have like a 40-year-old crackhead do something to him he' be like War sh it'll be out of town [ __ ] to tweak with him before we do gang we ain't into it with that g he cool I feel like he don't support like he should but he cool yeah no I I definitely feel like he should be doing more to like help support what's going on in Chicago right now though mhm so even act if you watch this [ __ ] it's a lot of people I didn't reached out to send your way I remember he was all geeked up to interview Lil Jay at one point after the after I think before I don't know that's probably cuz he he didn't did everybody he wanted to the front the rack that's probably somebody big he want to it's crazy cuz the other day I was looking at uh cuz like Millies dropped a new album the white dude from Boston and he got a Meek Mill collab and he dropped like an Instagram real like talk and I I just go to the comments right away get a lot of beef though all the comments are just gay [ __ ] about me you been getting into a lot of [ __ ] everybody that's just like prevailing narrative like people just are in love with that idea right now well they G [ __ ] yeah that's why you just went viral off that [ __ ] you smart I was already playing that but you weird I was playing that way before Meek did that no but you you probably you couldn't get away with that joke no hell no that would be [ __ ] very strange i' I've created the kind of persona where I could do that you pop up with a Filipino with the thong on it's over Filipino is crazy but like act never act doesn't do gay jokes yeah Flo does though Flo will tell you you're thick or he'll like he'll tell you that like you have a nice body or some [ __ ] make you feel uncomfortable did you see the documentary where uh Flo was talking about brick baby and never watched n of Flo before oh right I don't even know who that is yeah he uh he work up here he a host basically he all the like white guy with the tattoos or Mexican or something that's me no you're think sharp sheep sharp black and white sheep G Ralph you a dog person every episode really I used to be I just like the [ __ ] turn on you m i got attacked by a dog before when I was short for real damn told me up pit buy I sued I was F to S but they made me sign some papers and they paid me not to take them to court how much you get my neighbor couple thousand damn that's crazy they want they dog kill they GNA put the dog down after that and I a want to go to jail cuz he opened the door like get him he was playing though the dog rushed right past his ass really I tried to hop on the hood of the car I slipped hit my mouth on the hood fell down that [ __ ] grab me I still got the mark to this day that little youu that's the teeth and on my leg that [ __ ] tow me up hypothetically look at the dog looking like yeah yeah yeah y'all did that fol them great I'm going tour with your people forever get back gang turn your ass into a hot dog hypothetically if you had a gun on you and the dog bit you I would have shot it you would shoot it yeah self-defense too I'm getting attacked by but it was just a little nip hell no that's a pit bull that [ __ ] was full blown full blooded strong as you looking what what if he bit you like a little [ __ ] ass dog like this his teeth bit H that hurt get him he coming his way hold he was just going to walk this way I don't play that [ __ ] though with dogs bro yeah I don't believe me I was just watching the uh BMF episode last night they tried to sck the dog on me she bagged up I would have hit that [ __ ] with the carop police dog though they going to charge your ass with a murder on the cop I got to watch BMF cops always kill the dog they walk up in there the dogs barking see that all the time dog your ass getting forever they going to kill you yeah they treat them [ __ ] like and [ __ ] not the police dog you do something the police yeah like murder of a cop that [ __ ] is a cop that is [ __ ] they can kill your dog no problem you kill their dog you K murder church that's insane what's your thr on all rappers like playb cardi and [ __ ] I know you've been seeing him like all the face tag I mean the face par and and for the record he rocked the thong first I feel like [ __ ] do [ __ ] to stay relevant G like like he's already so relevant how music I mean bigest sh I can't take it from but I don't really listen you don't like listen none of this [ __ ] right you a really t 10 but you be seeing how big he is like here he definitely huge I'll work with him I'm still I'll work with him but what you like man you got dress like me for this video though hell no can't nothing make me do no [ __ ] or no that's crazy that cardi wears a thong and everybody like it's like ooh art and then I wear a thong and it's like gay yeah but also it's like clearly it was a joke with me but still that clearly why can't it be art for me that was clearly no joke with you I think it was kind of clear at least how you ain't say it was a joke I literally had to ask you today right I'm married what the [ __ ] that man you know how many [ __ ] in out here mared sticking they penis and booty and dipping in the coochie that [ __ ] crazy boy so you want to Fu with uh I mean I guess you did say that you Fu with [ __ ] like cardi yeah I'll work with him is he yay n n he got a baby with IG that don't mean [ __ ] she hard as [ __ ] hot sh it's a lot of Gees out with kids my cousin the [ __ ] got hella kids a gay man excuse my language with hell kids damn what about uh like what other uh music that you listening to outside of like Street [ __ ] and [ __ ] like who you [ __ ] with uh I like a lot of R&B I I swear I'm an R&B head yeah like old R stor yeah Mary J Kelly Price Monica I listen to a lot of R&B Jal LT key s uh case a lot of [ __ ] G like my playlist crazy Alanda Adams all type A lot of people been saying like recently they saying like hip-hop's dying and [ __ ] the numbers been down I'm telling you I think it's the Rico's scared [ __ ] from they lyrics a lot of [ __ ] switching up what they rapped about so we know we know you for rapping about that killing [ __ ] now you switch it up on us that [ __ ] don't yeah that [ __ ] D down [ __ ] scared to even drop yeah I mean like a lot of big rappers they bringing up your songs in court and trial and [ __ ] like come on now Lil Baby was like huge rapping about bunch of gangster [ __ ] feels like can't really do that the same way anymore can't you just put the dark intro this [ __ ] is not real and then drop ass going to jail yeah how valid is that uh statement that they make at the beginning of the Dirk songs no you saying you asking me said with him is is he for is no not him in general I'm just talking about like say if you drop a song at beginning you just say this [ __ ] is not real like how no way ain't going nowhere they still going to hear what the [ __ ] you saying after that yeah Ty sh right how you feel about fellow Chicago Legend chanell the rapper getting divorced I don't know love hurt though folks all prayers goes out to him in this situation but the crazy part about it is that a lot of people credit the album that he made about how much he loved his wife with [ __ ] up his career what you mean like he put out an album that was like unbelievably unpopular deal with the confessions that was some real [ __ ] like he cheated on chill had the baby that was like a storyline I was in shorty I love that [ __ ] bro [ __ ] but people are interested when you start talking about some [ __ ] like that really was yeah early that [ __ ] was the [ __ ] you know Jermaine PR wrote that whole [ __ ] that [ __ ] was the [ __ ] G like I still listen to that [ __ ] to this day confession but that's the crazy [ __ ] you could put out an album about your cheating and your chaos and your turmoil and your relationship and everybody's interested in that but you put out an album now granted apparently the album sucked according to people in general but you put out album about how happy you are being married and just line up to clown you for it I don't know it depends that ain't clown Usher though that [ __ ] so plotting them down there didn't it yeah no they got to be plating them by now yeah that [ __ ] hard if Chance the Rapper hit you up and said he wanted you to go to the club with him and help him get some some new new chicks I'm marry G she got that friends what what if chance says Hey Ain friends put them on for sure the right ones you think he could kick it with her friends for sure I yeah hell yeah that's I have to think about when you be out here in La you be tapping in with [ __ ] and [ __ ] you know how [ __ ] be saying you supposed to tap in with you don't have to I don't have to but I do yeah I [ __ ] with [ __ ] I [ __ ] with Mike D little Mike I was [ __ ] with rock when I was out even though he a from out yeah cuz you said you was off camera we was talking about you said every time youed come La used to pull up at P&B Rock crib crib like every time I came I went to F crib how y'all tiing cuz you from Philly too though yeah West Philly how the [ __ ] man and rock lock in he was [ __ ] with Van that's how I locked in yeah cuz he had one of the last van songs y That's when I tapped in with him got a song with him that [ __ ] hard right too yeah to two Rose go that [ __ ] r as hell that's what made me want a cardi I when they got a cardiana AP same day right van was hanging around a lot of [ __ ] early on in the game how did Van get cool with quoo and them back in the day a lot of them they was fans they was fans he had them saying smok a Tuka and all that [ __ ] they could wait to get around and say that [ __ ] you was around like hanging out van andano and [ __ ] at that time too or no no hell no he ain't never met him no he troll me on the on clubhous a lot but I ain't never met dud though what the [ __ ] he be saying Devon [ __ ] all that extra goofy [ __ ] I don't pay that [ __ ] no attention they they ain't did that [ __ ] in so long though that [ __ ] like don't hold no weight yeah it's kind of like but he got his own case yeah he he's he didn't want to talk about anything no he got a I mean they said it's like some RICO case they building out there or some [ __ ] oh yeah all really know I don't even know how they can lock a [ __ ] up some weed that [ __ ] legal a lot of places man let that man sell weed he could be out here murdering [ __ ] he just want to sell some weed stay Rel keep his money in hindsight do you feel like uh even though like of course uh King Von is your friend and [ __ ] but do you feel likew Rondo and L Tim did the were they in the wrong for like self-defense like if a whole bunch of homies were whole bunch of people running up on you at the time to defend yourself G yeah like period my kids you got the right to defend yourself I one of my homies to do the same [ __ ] if he don't your ass is grass yeah right so it wasn't just like the craziest even though M used to tell us cuz she got four kids two boys two girls if if your brother fight you better come home say you fall to or I'm kicking your ass like you know that's the same way yeah protect the Brin um so anything you got going on that we need to know about got some lot of new music on way for this song I'm going to go crazy working on my album right now actually me and G actually trying to put it together the name right now split album with her her and you just me oh okay she just like helps you with music and [ __ ] and he features you me with a lot that you got so far or any not right now cuz it's all new [ __ ] I'm coming up with anybody you plan on throwing on there I want to work with Wayne Uh that'll be hard who else Wayne [ __ ] fat School ot7 quani M who else what a lot of [ __ ] Uzi again yeah uh sexy red glor it's a lot of [ __ ] I work with for sure um and where should they go if they want to check out your clothes and [ __ ] Kyo c a i r o CA s a n o v a let's see the hoodies it's 10 year anniversary hoodie let's he got a bag up glowing the dark that's for you gang it's extra large what size you I'm XL yeah I got large Remo but Remo get one too Remo Remo's the drippy one 10 year anniversary [ __ ] you know what I'm saying I don't know if I should take the large and you should take the XL 10 year Annie this my this year 11 word appreciate it started in the trenches hey you be out here though a lot cuz I ran into you live out here right yeah I live here now again for sure yeah Philly crazy so where they got to go to uh they trying to get your merch Kyo or cairo. NOA is my Instagram too that's my clothing page hard word uh appreciate you guys for coming through you dig thank you very much mimo for sureo sheep sheep dog Filipinos on purple thong purple thong Filipinos purple thong is crazy I got to put purple thong in the title y oh no yeah you got to make a video clear that [ __ ] up man I did I just feel like people didn't really care that much on your page not the story got pin it I need to do like a whole heterosexual W literally everybody that I said I was coming I'm going to go do an interview with Adam after he just posted up with a [ __ ] with a thong on I like man I'mma say something to him but I don't know if he was playing or not man I think they just wanted it to be true you know the world just messy G it's my girl's gone too so I haven't been able to post any like photos of me and her try to be like look how straight I am still going to look gay posted a [ __ ] like you can have a million [ __ ] actually yeah cuz [ __ ] out here with a million [ __ ] gay as hell my most recent photo got a [ __ ] front and center and they still half the comments are like you're still gay exactly that [ __ ] don't mean I'm not a no gay people again I got gay family people I know gay cool as hell but I ain't with the gay [ __ ] G long as they don't try me they cool fol put that on my Tombstone I ain't with the gay [ __ ] I need to just make a merch design says that that's hard you need I make clothes let me design your [ __ ] gang no you going might lose a lot of fans man cuz you got a lot of gay people watching you now that you post that [ __ ] you gained a lot of gay followers off that they like oh yeah we got ad them actually to be honest they didn't really seem that interesting I didn't see anything from the gay community probably ugly to them yeah n got getting shape get my booty short game up oh yeah we out of here we out of here cut cut no jumber coolest podcast World check us out on YouTube Tik Tok patreon Instagram like comment subscribe if you want to support I repeat smash the like button shout out to my dog big 60 hey
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 177,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Memo600 interview, Memo600 no jumper, Memo600 chain, Memo600 reaction, Memo600 lil durk, Memo600, Memo600 – Chain Bidnizz, king yella snitch, king yella interview, king yella no jumper
Id: ZqhvJnu2qV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 49sec (5809 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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