The Real Reasons You’re Losing Money at the Tables

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if you've ever walked through one of these giant gorgeous elaborate casinos I'm sure you know these things are not built on charity they are actually built on wave after wave of gamblers playing a losing game if you play blackjack in a casino odds are your blackjack game just might suck well I want to share in this video five things to be aware of that might be the reason why you're helping build these beautiful elaborate casinos [Music] I'm coming from blackjack apprenticeship and for over 15 years I've been training people how to legally beat casinos with card counting that is based on math and works statistically but I also try to help share truth about gambling casinos and most specifically blackjack and my friends at the american casino guide asked if i would write an article for them we've been friends for gosh probably a decade now and i said sure no problem and we came up with the idea of 5 reasons someone's blackjack game sucks and I said hey I got to film a video on this because this stuff is fun to talk about and hopefully will help people out there well the bottom line is blackjack players come up with all sorts of excuses or reasons why they're losing it could be the player at third-base it could be the dealer it could be the casino rarely do they say the problem is me but if you're willing to look in the mirror and trust that the math of the game is not based on bad players or lucky dealers but based on your play versus the casino these things just might help you let's get into these five reasons starting with number 5 which is your blackjack game sucks if you come up with your own patterns this might look like I always seem to lose with this sort of player this sort of dealer this sort of blackjack table or it could be someone needs to take a hit because I've been watching the flow of the cards or we've got to change the dealer up we got to do something to change this pattern or I know this pattern I've seen this before any patterns that you are making up based on your observation you have to be skeptical of if you have not run a computer simulation on it you're making up things that likely don't exist blackjack is based on math not patterns that we think we've observed if you've said one of these phrases I would recommend that you run a computer simulation on it if you cannot you can't just trust patterns see the problem with patterns is they all work in hindsight and I hear the same things at blackjack tables over and over about we got to take a car or oh if you wouldn't have taken a card well in hindsight if you wouldn't have taken a card this would have happened or that would have happened but what we're interested in is the math over thousands of hands being played hundreds of thousands of hands millions of hands being played what are the statistical implications of the way that I play if you're still not trusting me about this pattern-recognition stuff I put a link below in the info box with a link to an entire video on the gamblers fallacy where I break down what it is and what it means for you the fourth reason your blackjack game might suck is if you don't double down at the proper times or even worse yet you double down for Less mini hands in blackjack are actually a disadvantage hand if you have a sixteen it doesn't matter what the dealer has you were playing a disadvantage hand however there are other hands in blackjack where we as the player actually have the advantage there aren't a lot of them but they are the hands where basic strategy tells you to double down so this would be a hard 11 or a hard 10 against 2 through 9 there are certain hands where we have the upper hand against the casino and if we don't double down we are costing ourselves money if you run a simulation on a player that doubles down properly and someone that does not the person who does not double down properly is probably doubling their loss rate to the casinos so this guy might lose $10 an hour this guy's gonna lose $20 an hour you have to trust the math have the emotional fortitude to put that double down bet out there when the chart tells you to double down doubling for less is a really bad idea you would never double for less you're not hedging your bets you're just costing yourself money the third reason your blackjack game just might suck is if you're afraid of busting now nobody likes busting when we play blackjack it's never fun however if you've changed your strategy if you're not following the charts because you're afraid of busting you are costing yourself money the most extreme version of this is what's called the no bus blackjack strategy which says I have no chance of winning if I bust so I'm never going to hit a hand that could potentially bust so hard 12 or higher and I have an entire video I've got a link below where you could check it out if you want but in that video I reveal the math behind it which is that if you play the no bus blackjack strategy you were costing yourself almost ten times as much money as if you follow proper basic strategy now that's extreme but anytime that you're choosing to not hit a hand the basic strategy says you should like a hard 16 against a nine ten or ace a hard fifteen against nine ten or ace if you're not hitting those hands you are costing yourself money because yeah those are bad hands to play but if you stand you have even less return on your money than if you hit you've got to follow the chart even if it's just saving yourself some pennies all of that adds up the number two reason why your blackjack game just might suck is if you play the blackjack side bets people play the lottery because they think there is this chance they're gonna make a massive amount of money but did you know that the expected value the expected return on a $2.00 lottery ticket is to lose a dollar and 68 cents so for every two dollar lottery ticket you were throwing away a dollar 68 and expected to save 32 cents people do it because they think I just might be the one and you know what someone will be the one but the odds of it is that you're throwing away a dollar and 68 cents of every $2 you spend well side bets are similar to this in that yeah they might offer a thousand to one if you hit some incredibly rare payout and you could say well Colin I've hit that but if you keep playing blackjack you are throwing away so much money on those side bets if you play perfect basic strategy at a normal three to two blackjack game then on the main bet the casino has about a point five percent advantage over you so half one percent well the average blackjack side bet has a three and a half to seventeen percent advantage over you if you're betting ten dollars on the side bet every hand then you were throwing away thirty five to a hundred and seventy dollars an hour of expected value one of the best things you can do to make your money last longer is not play those stupid side bets of course there are exceptions like card Kang is the exception to gambling at blackjack well there are exceptions where there are ways to beat side bets but you're not going to come up with it with your own pattern you have to know how to have an advantage play over those side bets and the number one reason why your blackjack game just might suck is if you believe in any betting patterns that are not based on math such as card counting if you believe in martingale betting progressive betting pressing your bets hunches or that some sort of random betting pattern that you can figure out is going to give you the edge over the casino unfortunately you're wrong I've got an entire series of videos where I expose the math behind these different betting strategies you can check them out if you want but casinos are thinking in terms of math and expected value they know the expected value of every gambler in the casino on average and these beautiful casinos are built by thinking in terms of math and expected value well we also want to think in terms of math and expected value and you can run simulations of any sort of betting strategy and see what it's going to cost you there is a betting strategy based on math based on expected value that actually gives the player the advantage and that is card counting there's countless simulations you can run your own simulations I can show you simulations and we've used it for years to take millions of dollars out of casinos I've done it myself I've run teams that do it and a blackjack apprenticeship we train people how to think in terms of math and legally gain the advantage over the casino but car cutting is not easy it takes discipline it takes training it takes perfect skills it takes mental fortitude it takes having a bankroll to be able to have enough money to beat the casino if you're interested in learning more that's what this YouTube channel all about if you just want to be a smarter blackjack player that's great don't throw your money away to these big dumb casinos learn how to play smart make your money last longer and if you really want to gain the edge that's what we're all about
Channel: Blackjack Apprenticeship
Views: 610,207
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackjack, blackjack apprenticeship, blackjack apprentice, colin jones, how to count cards, blackjack strategy, beat blackjack, card counting blackjack, blackjack card counting, beating blackjack, blackjack training, gambling strategies that work, black jak, betting strategy, win at blackjack every time, blackjack win, blackjack counting, blackjack basic strategy, why you suck at blackjack, black jack, blakjack, balck jack, balckjack
Id: 4OW9W5JtqZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 25 2019
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