How Casinos Rig Blackjack Against the Player

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if you've played much Blackjack you know that at times it just feels like the game is rigged but is it I'm going to share with you what casinos do the strategies people use to try to beat the casinos as well as what actually works [Music] I'm calling from Blackjack apprenticeship I've played professionally and I've run teams responsible for being casinos for roughly four million dollars and I'm going to introduce you to Joe The Gambler Joe The Gambler wants to know that while he's had winning nights why is he just so unlucky at the blackjack tables but before I answer it why don't you put Below in the comments the first thing that comes to mind and then we'll see if you're right usually Joe The Gambler has several theories but misses the big one when you have a better hand than the dealer you win when the dealer has a better hand than you you lose when you have the same hand you push nobody wins or loses but what happens when both you and the dealer bust you still lose you see the game is designed in a way to have a built-in disability advantage against the player and that isn't enough for the casinos as some smart players figure out how to use some of the rules to their advantage casinos then limit or remove those rules here's an example back in the day Atlantic City had a role called early surrender which meant that you could give up half of your bet if you didn't like your hand before the casino even checked to see if they had a blackjack a very small percentage of people learned how to play that game so that they had the advantage because of that rule what did the casinos do they removed the rule it was around the beginning of December of 79 they accidentally gave the player the option to surrender before the deal or checked for blackjack everybody just played as many hours they possibly could because every day there was a rumor this will be the last day how long can this go on WE increased our bankrolling 13 days from 40 to 100 000. One Bank Resorts actually had a losing day wow you know in the casino same thing with single Deck with three to two on a blackjack or dealers standing on a soft 17 the casinos are removing the rules that are better for the player so they can keep a larger Edge against the player now there are hands where the player has an advantage against the dealer imagine you have an 11 against a dealer six you can double down and that gives you a 67 advantage on that hand but then again the casinos limit our Double Downs you can only double down on your first two cards you can only double down to the amount that you originally bet all of this stuff the casino knows what they're doing the same thing with splits casinos know that A Pair of Aces is good for the player so some casinos won't even let you split A Pair of Aces other casinos you can split but you only get one card you can't hit to it you can't double down they limit you to their advantage there's another hand that gives the player a huge Advantage can you think of it it's a blackjack if the dealer gets a blackjack we lose our bet but if we get one we get more than our bet on a blackjack usually 1.5 times our original bet but the casino wants more of Joe's money so they've started installing six to five blackjack tables so they can get as much out of you as possible it's incredibly important for Joe to know that the casinos do not want winners so they're going to set up the game in a way to try to limit players from ever beating them but Joe is not a victim he's done research and has come up with a plan one time at a table Joe was playing at the player came up with a strategy to counteract the fact that the player loses when both he and the dealer bust Joe is playing proper basic strategy but this other player whenever he got a hand that could cause him to bust he would stay on it and he was winning this actually comes from a true story of someone that I was training at Blackjack and he came to me and said is this a viable strategy can I just not hit hands where I might bust so that I can beat the casino by letting them bust no it turns out you lose money eight times faster with the no bus strategy compared to basic strategy this is one of the worst strategies anyone tries to employ at a blackjack table in a casino we break down all the math in another video but just because someone was winning in the short term with it does not mean it's sustainable and you are guaranteed to lose your money way faster using this strategy than not using it but Joe's not trying to be greedy at the tables he just wants to win a little bit every time he goes to the casino so his new plan is to quit while he's ahead this is an interesting strategy that I hear a lot plenty of people when you're playing at the casino you're up at some point but then if you keep playing you lose it back and then some and you're thinking I just need to quit while I'm ahead the interesting thing is the odds of being up something like three bets is about 75 you can quit while you're ahead a few bets and simply not come back but the thing is you have to never come back what if you come back to the casino on another day and just try to do this again the second time you come back if you try to be up another three bets then that's actually trying to be up six bets try to do it a third time that's being up nine bets the cards at the table don't care when you start and stop again you can't trick the odds into forgetting about you saying you want to always win just a few bets every time you go to the casino is saying you want to have an infinitely large winning streak it's statistically not possible every hand of blackjack you play is increasing towards this long run of the odds working out and like we already said dead the odds are stacked against you not to be dissuaded Joe has heard other things like Progressive betting making sure you're always playing with quality players at the table finding dealers that are busting and making sure you don't mess up the flow of the cards but none of these stand up against the mathematics of the game now we're back to square one it's all rigged but there is a glitch in The Matrix depending on the rules and conditions there is a strategy based on math and logic that is perfectly legal and it works like I said earlier I've run teams responsible for being casinos for millions of dollars and we did it with card counting it's not easy casinos do not like it but it does work find out how and why in this video
Channel: Blackjack Apprenticeship
Views: 998,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blackjack, blackjack apprenticeship, blackjack apprentice, colin jones, how to count cards, blackjack strategy, beat blackjack, how to count cards in blackjack, blackjack card counting, blackjack strategy explained, blackjack strategy betting, blackjack strategy to win, black jack, counting cards, card counting strategy, how to win blackjack, blackjack basic strategy, counting cards blackjack, las vegas blackjack, blackjack las vegas, blackjack 21, how to play blackjack
Id: _WBrsB1w_xM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 7sec (367 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2022
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