Risking $10,000 For The Ultimate Texas Hold Em' Experience!

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welcome everybody we're here at the American place in Waukegan we're gonna play ultimate Texas Hold'em you guys love this game it's gonna have to grow on me I'm gonna have to win something big today so I'm starting I got 10 grand here I think right yeah two four six eight ten thousand dollars all black chips except for some purple so we don't clean them out completely um 25 minimum 100 maximum pretty simple game we're gonna play the trips always we're gonna play the ante play the blind the play we're gonna put one two three or four x depending when the chips or when the uh when we decide to play but here we go Jack is our dealer here get right into it just playing poker pretty much king deuce I don't know I'm gonna check that some people would like anything that's a king or an ace we're gonna check that again some people will go in I mean that's yeah we got absolutely nothing I Got King High I'm gonna fold it and I'd win if you've got like a queen a or queen nine right we got tens that would have lost so that's fine so save myself a little bit of money but we'll play Max here the entire time because I know it's gonna happen if I drop my bet we're gonna end up getting a royal flush just kidding we're not gonna get a royal flush how many of those have you done two two in your life six things two since I've been here a few months crazy to yourself or to somebody else all right so if you see uh you can't see it on the bottom here but now on the play we can go 2x because it's after the flap so I'm gonna play 200 bucks we've got a pair and show me your queen two pair all right he qualifies we win so unless you get a straight or better you're not going to get anything additional here and we didn't get trips so we don't get paid on the top one pretty straightforward game but you dealt two Royals crazy did they flap them that would be crazy but this is the one that paid the bill deuces what does Victor say Deuces never loses are you supposed to really play no I'm not gonna do that we got trips show me the quads we got all right nothing show me your two Spades eight kick all right that's okay it's all right so we got trips here so we're gonna get three to one on top get our money back there we don't gotta we don't have a straight or a full house so we get nothing there nope it's a push yep read it one on top yep Perfect all right so that wasn't terrible if I didn't listen to the The Pit Boss over here [Laughter] no that that's that's usually a check though I mean but I get it and if I was betting 500 and I had to make a decision to put down 2 000 back here that'd be a different story yeah all right eight dudes we're gonna check that yeah that's a 4X see we're playing the board here um I'm not gonna not gonna play that [Applause] oh made a good decision Jeff you're doing a good job nice and fast here fast is good ooh Ace Jack that's supposed to be a play so what's a roll what are you supposed to play Queen eight and higher so King two is a play King two is a choose suited okay I know when you get to like the king though there you go trip fives that's usually how this game works a lot of times I go get three of a kind and then somehow or I'll get a full house and somehow the dealer gets squats I've got that yeah no it happens I mean I I played a lot of Poker in my life I think people overplay some of these hands early here playing heads up randomly oh there you go there's your king eight that you make me play it's a braid yep five six all right you don't even qualify so if you don't qualify I get that one back we don't get paid on the ante but we're gonna get 400 and we're gonna lose the trips yep I'll I'll take the blame for that I'm I'm putting too much pressure on you no there's no pressure [Music] don't blame my knuckleheadedness on your pressure you're doing a great job thank you King four okay here we go so here's our King four Suited Kevin is making us do [Applause] make it black show me a black one all right we gotta we got a flush there we gotta brush so we're gonna get paid yeah it's okay all right so the flush on top is going to be at 700 the blind is gonna pay like a blackjack here we're gonna get three to two we're gonna get one to one here one to one there [Music] it's not the worst that's true times seven perfect all right that wasn't too bad all right can you do back to back you think challenge accepted all right so the 25 chips we're putting out there is going to be for the dealers Jack seven not so good we're gonna check that oh this is what happens when I tip never goes so well but that's actually a straight we got a straight We're Gonna Take It seven and ton jack oh we got when you qualify all right so four to one up here the straight's gonna pay one to one right here but down here so we really back toward that one I mean it looked like we're gonna have nothing and all right nope nope nope uh oh yeah right portable you're right yeah I thought it was getting too much it's perfect thank you don't listen to that all right dealers are gonna take 100 just keep that on the side so we can count it at the end please [Music] all right let's do it again connectors checking it definitely checking that all right we got a full house so we've got to play that so you would get paid on the trips no matter what if even if I lose or if I lose so if I would have got a full house up here and you would have beat me with a better Full House you get paid on trips is the only what's in your hand but the blind you have to win in order to get paid it makes sense okay so that's actually not bad so we get three to one here we're gonna get eight to one up there now good hands but this is usually where you would have had the Jack hiding underneath there yeah right sounds right three to one 800 worse where in there that's that's nice [Music] all right you're making it seem too easy here you asked for back to back good hands we got three of them and the streak continue I like that oh oh they they say you got to play that right I'm not a fan of it it's not a great hand but it's okay now it's all right no King don't have a king you got a king two pair yeah it's all right losers we were dominated pre-flop there by you I know I know it's my fault take full responsibility for that you know what I'm gonna do we're gonna put 100 out on the trips this time oh you only give me ten bucks only 10 out of these two so yeah so once you hit table Max it's ten percent oh I'm sorry okay I did on a previous one we did 25 25 [Applause] we'll do it later okay Tashara comes in I'll be back in 20. thanks man thank you good how are you long time no see it's been what a week yep all right all right Jeff's been very nice to us oh no I don't like this hand but they say you got to put 400 on top of it I don't like it king deuce or higher all right yep it's sold uh yep oh King three so it's a push Ed up all right it's not the worst [Applause] so you're gonna turn that to 40 for you guys and you're gonna give me 30 bucks back or you're just gonna keep it we're just gonna we're gonna just let this one go okay you're good I'm good with that yeah that's awesome and then here I know we're gonna make sure yeah I apologize about that yeah I want you guys to keep it no I don't want to take it away from that I'm good with it yeah all right jack eight here that's my fault I know better than that all right show me your three okay I see how does that happen if you dominated pre-flop because I put a tip out there for you exactly can I get uh yeah please all right so what we've learned is we can tip here we have to tip here oh you can't tip on the trip nope because you're gonna lose you never know what may yep all right let's get back down to business here I'll just I'll take a straight flush I don't want to be greedy I'm being greedy you can be the best place to be greedy they got all the money it wouldn't be in business Jack nine I'm gonna we're gonna check that okay oh I screwed up before when I played I didn't play for them okay yeah no I totally forgot to do that yeah we got nothing there [Music] the loser do it again all right I like the way that um that you guys do things here I mean it's nice and fast a quick pace some some casinos are so slow don't touch the cards until it's done shuffling don't touch the guards don't touch up a Savage all right so we're gonna do four racks here and then we're gonna do 40 bucks for the dealers I don't feel good about this hand just so you know I'm great I still don't feel good about it I feel bad about really bad about this one all right now I feel okay okay nothing nothing nothing seven [Music] that's it do it again just put in 50 60 70. so he dropped 180 I think okay cool yeah you're pretty good huh I just want to keep track so that we can tell people at the end I don't want to work here with us hey Mike you guys have any openings yeah oh 69 what does that mean nice uh nice all right here we go check it again just give me two clubs all right I'm one oh oh who would have thought we got our kick there take it off just sit down I'm gonna sit there and look cute right yeah I know girl that's easy that's the best job and that's a good thing about any games like the casino if you want to go play craps we're going to show you how to play it yeah you like baccarat too yeah Jeff love that game I just I'm not a I'll play it but you probably do well at it too cause you seem like you pay attention it's just uh it's a coin flip game 60 Jack all right what we need a couple good here we go show me that three sixes all right 200 here and then we'll go 20 there all right here we go dude we got Zach here are you qualified anyway I got queens and sixes perfect and you have uh all right I screwed up I should have put the bed on top again for you all right we're gonna get three to one on top everything else is gonna pay one two thank you so much I appreciate it so another 60 so we're at 240 dollars I get 250. easy to keep track of it oh Chris Jackson Man okay all right all right here we go let's do it did you play Blackjack already or no no yeah I'll play later I just got here oh okay all right this is it no it's not show me an eight in the nine let's see what you got I don't want to show you yeah I'll tell you it's a jack Queen all right here we go [Music] just kidding I got 10. see I knew what would happen if I tell you something it was going to be something different now you're going to show me something weird oh small don't you always oh kick me that was the third time you've all kick me oh you want to keep them here excitement I'm serious [Music] they get excited when they hear you here that's awesome yeah only people that don't get excited when I come here are security for somebody so they're the only ones they're not too excited check that all right I think it's a bad move what I'm doing now but I'm gonna do it or I might put a queen or a penis up there all right wiener we have the queen you know things and buys damn all right maybe a little bit extra money on that one [Music] all right so I'm gonna guarantee this is going to be a profitable session for us and I get um bread again please [Applause] all right we haven't tried this where we do all of them let's do that all right we can do this okay sometimes they let me pass post that's or that's for you guys too you know what I don't know what's legal all right all right so that's perfect so we're gonna go 200 here did I hear you sigh and say I don't know this is bad you don't like it oh oh not a king we won but you almost had a flush and you were really close to a straight you're one way from straight too oh yeah so 290 so 300 dollars for the dealers but we can't end on uh we appreciate that cannot end on a win okay okay so I need to lose one here please you need to do what got to lose one here I don't want to end on that right the looks I'm getting here yep yep I want a really bad hand really bad hand oh that's dang it I don't want that I'm trying to lose here four hundred dollars all right I don't even know what I got all right yep otherwise I lose all right I got an ace it's a jack oh I'm the world but I almost had a flash I lost you got a straight I gotta try it yeah look I didn't turn the time time the cards and everything all right so we're gonna call that a session exactly what I asked for I got that's what happens all right so we've got our regular we got our ten thousand dollars here following up no no no we're just adding the session here we got 23 minutes that's good enough um 1200 the dealers took down 300 we are going to call it I mean that's I'm fine with that we're up 1 500 on this game you either win a lot or you lose a lot we lost a lot of hands that were I mean we were right there we got all kicked on a lot of them but get out here to the American place they don't call themselves a temporary anymore it's the American place and remember they have the first time you sign up at their Players Club if you lose 500 or less on your first trip you get it back on your next two trips it's the best promotion around it's honestly this is my favorite casino here in the Midwest I love this place get over here give it a try tell them Mr handpay sent you and Kevin come Kevin say it thanks for watching guys give me a thumbs up by the way [Music] thank you
Channel: Mr. Hand Pay
Views: 206,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: can you win playing ultimate texas hold em, big win, ultimate texas holdem, max bet blackjack, mr handpay, gambling win, las vegas livestream, straight flush, holdem poker, royal flush, ultimate texas holdem strategy, ultimate texas holdem how to play, ultimate texas holdem casino, ultimate texas holdem live, ultimate texas holdem tutorial, ultimate texas holdem poker how to play, ultimate texas holdem explained
Id: S_h9EEzBoYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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